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condition of servitude, and forbade the state to engage in internal

of the Latins in Constantinople, which he made no attempt to

filaments each give rise to a carpospore, and the aggregate

before the Oscans and Umbrians borrowed their alphabets. On

L. 3,000,000. Customs and indirect taxes yield more than

d'Athenes et de Rome, Paris, 1895 ff. (W. W. R.*)

warehouse, or by storing them in a public warehouse, subject

dark-brown hair, sometimes covering the back and chest; a

Periptychus and Pantolambda, each of these typifying a

the Gr. prosodia. The early Greek grammarians used this

suggested are arborigines, ``tree-born,'' and aberrigines,

for mountaineering 1apidly developed for several very different

obscure, but Cabot is thought to have reached Newfoundland

of the introduction of Western reforms under the sultans Abdul

quotations. However, the fact that his very wording is

and Welte, Kirchenlexikon, 2nd ed., 1481. The most elaborate

Physical Astronomy, p. 168; Edinburgh Review, No. 381, p. 72.

Santarem, but a considerable distance inland, bordering the

cleavages. Later it was found at Montebras, dep. Creuse,

they are tall and strong. They marry young and have large

of sulphuric acid in potash alum was known to the alchemists.

March, and was able to confine the small British force under

removed hither from its old site and rebuilt in a better

first raised, in token of the Spanish conquest of Granada,

certain parts of the coast, as at Walfish Bay, and suggested

cross-bow aimed at a deer happened to strike one of the

and a member of the Franconian branch of the Hohenzollern

which has not been preserved, was translated into Latin by

upon which the Adelphi now stands, for L. 1200 on a ninety-nine

D.C.L. Doctor of Civil Law.

noble young soldier, Ahmad Khan, of the Saddozai family of

Illyricum. Here, ruling the Danubian provinces, he was on

in his various forms begins in the XIIth dynasty and becomes

measures. The opening should be in as dependent a position as

of the Danube, where he ruled with Iphigeneia as his

agreeing to pay a specified price, called ``freight,'' for

glass.'' For the construction of an achromatic collective lens

tints. In the finer analysis of the sensuous material of

respect and good-will of the provincials, especially the Hebrew

unsuccessful. The soil of Alderney is light, fertile and

unincorporated body thus formed petitioned for a charter,

m. N.E. of Pensacola. Pop. (1890) 4008; (1900) 4606 (2903

meditating a fresh attack on Carthage at the time of his

Asiatic wives. This policy did not allay the discontent of

chloride (sal-ammoniac) and ammonium sulphate are found in

with all England then prized. In 1598 he was chosen provost

used to distribute the load on the running machinery over a

16 years 1884-1899 . . . . . . . . 30

chief buildings are the church of St Pierre (15th and 16th

as it may be called, gives rise to a filamentous structure,

apogee, and assigned to annual precession the improved value of

institution. In this way the hereditary right of presentation

high grade and popular schools. Its hardware industries are

quay a considerable area of foreshore was reclaimed and an

by the ministers of the navy, justice and foreign affairs.

dying out owing to the general discontinuance of the use of

population exists, bears witness to the extensive Servian

by which is not necessarily meant older Quaternary, for their

early times very intimate, and occasionally the two countries

Harwood, The New Earth (New York, 1906); T. B. Collins,

the 22nd of April 1884. There were, however, difficulties

of the colony. The governor-general is assisted by:--

to which the Alhambra belongs, see GRANADA (city) .) The

ministry of Algeria and the colonies was abolished and the

the main current passes through a metallic strip acting

exportation. Sea-fishing is almost wholly neglected.

de' Medici, which numbered among its members Marsilio

(1892); A. Daux, Les Emporia pheniciens dans le Zeugis

Meanwhile, in 1868, tombs at Ialysus in Rhodes had yielded

north-west, into the marshes and lagoons on either hand

type, and some of the tribes are cannibals. Slave-trading

was usually rendered ``Metaphysics.'' This is now seen to be

to a current of electricity; in 1809, with a more powerful

their ceils round that of their spiritual father. Thus arose

Nabataean inscriptions belong to a different epoch and a different

Chief Passes of the Bernina Alps.

one at the percentage Au2Al, and another at the percentage

1896 33.63 34.16 37.97 25.69 25.34 4.93

appear, under the name Aequiculi or Aequicoh, organized as a

sides. Symmetrical at their first appearance in the embryo,

general flourished under the protection of Harvard College,

by an iron bolt which passed through the centre of the plates.

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