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Exam Coverage:
• Parts 3a, 3b and 3c of the lecture presentations (including the make up class)
• Video References and Video Case Studies as presented in Class (links available
in our Viber Group Chat)
• Discussion Highlights and Insights from the Panel Session (please upload the
documented proceedings in our Viber group for everyone’s reference)

Exam Types:
Part 1: Objective Type covering fundamental concepts, case studies and references – 1 hour –
Closed Notes, Closed Books, etc. Honesty System po tayo. After the 1st hour, I will flash the answer
key for you to correct Part 1 and input your scores in the tally sheet for record purposes.
Part 2: Essay (Choose to answer only 3 questions) – Max. 4 hours - Open Notes, Open Books, Open
References – Submit via email to on or before 12 midnight (based on time
stamp of e-mail) of Wed, Oct 5*. You can submit a handwritten (converted to .pdf or .jpg) or word
processed (converted to .pdf). Either option must bear your name, student number and your
signature (wet or virtual)
(Note: previously earned bonus points and carried over points from Mid-Terms will be included in the final exam
score, but not to exceed a total score of 100 points)
*If classes are suspended on Wed, Oct 5. We will re-schedule at the soonest possible time.
1) For Part 1: you will NOT be allowed to open any reference materials, videos or any other learning aids
during the exam.
2) For Part 1: you may print a copy of the exam and write your answer directly on the space(s) provided. If you
do not have access to a printer, use a clean sheet of paper to write your answers for each part.
3) For Part 1: You can use any writing instrument of your choice (pen, ballpoint pen, pencil, etc.) so long as the
answers are legible. For Part 2: word-processed answers will be accepted but they should bear your name,
student no. & signature. Or you may opt to submit a handwritten answer but this should likewise be signed.
4) For Part 2: Use the back of the sheet of the exam paper or any additional blank writing sheets (bond paper,
pad paper, etc.) as you may so require, or you don’t have to print the essay portion and just submit a virtual
.pdf copy bearing your name, student number & signature.
5) For Part 1: If you wish to change your answer simply cross out the previous answer and write your new
answer on the space provided (or on your own answer sheet).
6) For Part 1: your instructor will provide the Answer Key immediately after the exam so you can check your
own papers. We will abide by an Honor System when reporting the scores you obtained.
7) For Part 2: please avoid extracting or copy-pasting answers from any reference material “verbatim”. You
don’t have to repeat to me what I taught you. Paraphrasing or precis writing will be allowed. I prefer to gauge
how you express your thoughts based on your own understanding of the materials provided to you.
8) For Part 2: I will not be accepting any submissions beyond 12 midnight of October 5, unless there’s Force
Majeure. The burden of proof for any force majeure incident (or acts of nature) lies on the impacted party.
9) I will also request that you fill out a Course Evaluation Form and submit to me together with your essay
10) Use the Viber GC if you have any further questions or clarifications regarding this final requirement.

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