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TEKNoLoGI KoMPUTER - cRouP c I D Nilai:

Lukas Chrisdntyo A.A., S.Kom., M.Eng.

HarirTanggalUjian : Kamis, r8 Oktober2ol2
Waktu : Pukul o8.oo - 09.30 (90 menit)
Sifat Uiian tOpenBookhanyabuku'tOMPUTtNC E55ENT|ALSzo12" ddnRlngkosan2lembdt
Seldin ltu closed Eoolt closed Ldptop, Closed AII Mobile

1. The word "software" k interchangeable with theword:

C, program
B. appli€ation

2. Which ofthe following is a collection of programs rather than a singie program?

A. Procedures C. Hardware
8- System software D. Application software

3. Disk Defragme nter elim inates unnecessary file fragments and rearranges files and unused disk space to
optimi?e com puter operations- This as an example ofwhich type of program?
A. System software c. Application software
A. Operating system O. Utilities

4, This €omputer component holds data that ir currently being processed.

A. RAM C. Bus
B. ROM D. Ports

5. Which ofthe following willnot retain data after the computer k turned off?
B. RAM D. Hard drive

6. Flash memory cards are a type of what kind ofsecondary storage?

A. Optical disks C. Hish-definition disks
B. Hard drives D. Solid-state storage

7. Which techno ogy allows users to shift their desktop computing activities to €omputers on the lnternet?
A. distributeddatabases C. handheld computers
B. cloud computing D. solid"state storage

8. Tiny circuit-boards etched onto squiires of sandlike materialcalled silicon are called
A buses c sockets
B slots D chips
9. This coding system allows non-EnSlish characters and special characters to
B. Unicode D, ANSIC

10. Which ofthe following is a fun.tion of the controlunit?

A. lt provides pathways thatsupport communication among the various electronic components.
B. lt dir€cts the control signak between the CPU and input and output devices
C. lt performs fundam€ntal math operations like addition, subtraction, eic. uses the logi€to compare two pieces ofdala.

11. Pathways that support communication amongthe various electronic components on the system board

c. logic paths
a. nPtwork lin€s D, gate ways
12. A 32-blt word computer can access
A. 2 bytes at a time c.4 bytes at a time
B. 16 bytes at a time D, 8 bytes at a tjme

13. These types ofports typically provide connectlons to specialjzed devices su€h as camcorders and audio
re€ording devices.
A. rirewire C. Parallel
B. Serial D. AGP

14. Which ofthe foilowing ports is used for connecting musicalinstruments to a sound cad?

15. Hard dhks store and organize fil€s using allthe following, except
A. tracks C. cylinders
B. sectors D. paths

16. Storage that retains its data afterthe power k turned off is referred to as
A, volatile storage C. direct storage
B. seq storage
uential D. nonvolatile storage
- 17. One wayto improve the storage capacily ofa hard disk is to
A, format often C. increase memory
B, use file compression D, use Linux

18. This process improves system performance bY acting as a temporary high-speed holding area between a
secondarystorage device and the cPU.
A. Data compression C. Diskca€hing
B. Data ac€ess D. RAID

19. Which ofthe following statements on RAID5 is incorrect?

A. provide expanded storage €apability c are highly rellable
B. are composed on one high-capacity hard disk drive D hav€ a fast access speed

20. oplicaldiscs
A. can hold up to 10 gigab!4es of data.
B. use magnetic cha rges to represent 1s and 0s.
C. typically use a singl€ track that spirals toward the.enter ofthe disk
0. have had littl€ impact on storage

21. Which ofthe lollowing is not a type of scanning device?

- a. opticals€anner C. Light Pen

B, Barcode reader D Character and mark recognition device

22. Barcode readers use-embedded in them to read barcodes'

A. coprocessors C RFID microchip
B. magnetic cells D photoelectric cells

23. This indicatesthe distance b€tween each pixel

A. Dot pitch c. Resolution
B. Refresh rate D Word size

24. Which ofth€ followinE statements is incorrect?

A. P nter resolution is measLrred in dpi ldots per inch)'
B. is often called hard copy
C. Memory within a printer is used to store printing instructions and documents waiting to be
D. Printer speed is measured in the number ofwords printed per minute'
25. Which ofthe following allows the transmission oftelephone calls over computer networks?
A.Faxing c- PDAS
L C€ll phones . Voice over lP

26. Printerthat uses drum as an important printing pa is categorized as:

A. Drum Printer C. Dotmatrix Printer
L Laser Prinier D. lnkj€t Print€r

27. Which of the following h not a function of the operating system?

A. Managing resources c. Providing a user int€rface
B. Providing lnternet access D. Running appllcations

28. fhis feature ofthe Mac OSX allows Macintosh computers to run Windows.
A. Utilities c. Dashboard
B. Spotlight D. Boot Camp

29. Thistype ofprogram alJows communlcation b€tlveen a peripheraldevice, such as a nouse or printer/ and
the rest ofthe compLrter system.
A. Client C. Device driver
B. machine
Virtual D. server

30. What is tuLA stand for?

A. Extra Undistriblted LawAgency C. Expert User License Agreement
B. Expert User Law Agency D. End lJser Li€ense Agreemeni

31. In a bitmap imag€ the pixels represent images and have allthefollowing, except:
A. specific location c. specific image
B. specific color D. specific shade

32. another lame for a knowledge-based system

A, a perception system C, an expert system
B. a conventional system D. a database management system

33. ln an database management system, data are collected in the form of:
A. rows and spreadsheets C. access fil€s
B. fields and tables D. Primary keys

34. One ofthe most dramatic changes in connectivity and comm!nications in the past five years has been:
A. mobile telephoneswith wireless lnternet connectivity C. satellite uplinks
g, chat rooms D. running programs on remote computers

35. Which physlcal connection is thefastest?

A. Twisted C. Fiberoptics
8. Coaxialcable D, Microwaves

36. What networks switchlng method when data is sent as individual group, which are sssembled at the
recipient's destination?
A. Circuit-switched networks C synchronous_switched networks
B. Eroadcast networks D Packet-switched n€tworks
37. Which among the followint h considered a line ofsight communication medlum?
A. Brcadcast radio C. Bluetooth
I satellite communication D lnfrared
38 What is STP n€twork cables stands for?
A- standard Twisted-Pair c. secured Twisted-Pair
B. shielded Twisted-Pair D. small Twisted_Pa ir
39. lf we wantto create a direct network connection between two desktop computers, we should use:
A. crossover cable C. crosstalkcable
B. straight cable D. UTP cable

40. ln the URL "", what is the domain name?

A. httpr//
B, D.

41. MeanwhiJe, what isthe TLD name?

A. c. ukdw

42. Self"published, inexpensive lnternet radio broadcaststhat can be downloaded via the lnternet is called:
A, radio streaming c. podcast
D. RSs

43. Small text flles that are stored on your hard drive by a Web serverto identify return visitors and their
preferences is calledl
A. RsS . C. spyware
D, LOOkreS

44. When we wantto buy something frcm an e-commerce w€bsite, we haveto make sure thatthe protocolis

A. hitp c. ftp
L https D. FtPs

45. A Web page typically contains which contains the formatting instruclions to allow the page to
display lnternet resources,
A. Hypertext Markup Language {HTML} C. uniform resource jocators (URLs)
B, top-lev€l domain {TLD) D. Hypedinks

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