Department of Education: Schools Division of Ilocos Sur

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 1

SY 2022-2023

NAME: __________________________________________________ SCORE

Grade/Section: __________________ Parent’s Signature/Date: __________

Instruction: Read carefully. Choose the answer that best fits the given test items.
Write the letter only on the blank provided.

_______1. Look at the cover picture of the storybook. What do you think the story is about?
A. The turtle and the frog
B. The rabbit and the turtle
C. The monkey and the turtle
D. The crocodile and the monkey

_______ 2. How did the turtle feel upon seeing her bananas eaten up all by the monkey?
A. The turtle missed the monkey.
B. The turtle felt angry at the monkey.
C. The turtle felt very happy because her bananas are gone.
D. The turtle felt glad to pick the banana peelings up from
the ground.

________3. The monkey ate all the bananas owned by his friend, the turtle. What can you say
about this?

A. The monkey has been tricky and selfish.

B. The monkey waited for the turtle to climb the tree.
C. The monkey could not go down because he was full.
D. The monkey is a good friend for eating all the bananas.

_________4. Based on the title, what is the story about?

A. About the tenth hen
B. About the big red hen
C. About the little red hen.
D. About the little red bird.

________5. Arrange the underlined words according to intensity or a cline.

huge airplane big bus gigantic ship

A. gigantic B. huge C. big D. gigantic

huge gigantic huge huge
big big gigantic huge

_______6. Which set of words is arranged through cline correctly?

A. joyful, happy, glad
B. happy, joyful, glad
C. glad, happy, joyful
D. glad, joyful, joyful

_______7. Which word should be in the blank to complete the cline?

warm, hot, ____________

A. boiling B. freezing C. chilly C. hot

_______8. My classmate is smart. What is the synonym of smart?

A. good
B. intelligent
C. honest
D. kind

_______9. If you are glad, you are ____. What should be in the blank?
A. funny
B. happy
C. lonely
D. sad

________10. The shirt is not dry. What is the opposite of dry?

A. damage B. dirty
C. well C. wet
_______11. Mark is strong he does not like to be weak. What pair of antonyms is found in the
A. Mark – he B. like – strong
C. strong – weak D. weak – does

________12. Which of these is made-up?

A. a flying horse
B. a barking dog
C. a baby crying
D. boys and girls playing

________13. Which is made up in the sentence?

My mother bought my favorite toy Superman from Save More.

A. favorite B. mother C. Save More D. Superman

________14. Which one is made up?

A. B. C. D.

________15. Which of these is for real?

A. The moon smiles at me.
B. COVID 19 caused Pandemic.
C. The dog says “Hello” to his master.
D. I saw the snakes walk with their four legs.

Read the short text for question 16-19.

How to Fry Eggs

Alyka likes fried eggs because it is her favorite for breakfast.

Here are the steps Alyka does to fry eggs. First, she prepares all the things
needed like a bowl, fork, pan, and the ingredients like salt and oil. Next, break and beat the egg in a
bowl with a little salt. Then, pour a small amount of cooking oil into the pan on a slow fire.
Finally, get the egg from the pan and ready to serve.

________16. What is Alyka’s favorite for breakfast?

A. boiled eggs B. fried eggs
C. fried hotdogs D. fried rice

________17. According to the text, which of the following is NOT

used in frying eggs?
A. eggs B. salt C. sugar D. cooking oil

________18. Which of the following words is used to describe the initial step in frying eggs?
A. first B. finally C. next D. then

________19. What type of expository text is used?

A. comparison and contrast
B. cause and effect
C. description
D. sequence

Read the text for test items 20-23

My Loving and Caring Mother

By: Agba

My mother is so loving and caring. First, she wakes up early in the morning to
prepare breakfast before we go to school. Second, she makes sure the whole house is clean. Then,
she prepares a good meal for our lunch, washes the dishes, and does some laundry. Next, she would
again cook dinner for the family. and washes again the dishes. Finally, when all is set to sleep she
would check on us to give us a kiss. I thank God for having a mother so loving and caring.

________20. In the text, who is so loving and caring in the family?

A. baby B. father
C. mother D. sister

________21. What does my mother do last?

A. Mother would prepare a good meal for lunch.
B. Mother would check on us and give us a kiss.
C. Mother would wash the dishes.
D. Mother would wake up early.

_______ 22. Retell the story by completing the text.

First, the mother wakes up early to prepare _____________.

A. breakfast B. dinner C. lunch D. snacks

_______23. After preparing lunch, what else would mother do?

A. Have an afternoon nap.
B. Would do some laundry.
C. Would prepare snacks.
D. Would sing along.
_______24. Alexi returned the wallet he found to the owner.
What is the key theme of the statement?

A. friendly B. honesty C. lazy D. resourceful

_______25. Alyka always feeds her pets and gives what they need. What is the major key point in
the statement?

A. Alyka loves animals.

B. Alyka drinks water.
C. Alyka loves plants.
D. Alyka eats well .

________26. The Grade two pupils always clean and conduct tree planting to lessen air pollution.
What is the key theme?

A. creativity B. honesty C. kindnesss D. love for nature

________27. We recited the lines altogether with our teacher. What did we do?
Mother, mother, I am sick
Call a doctor, very quickly.
Doctor, doctor, shall I die
No, my darling, do not cry.

A. Singing B. Echo Reading C. Solo Reading D. Choral Reading

_______28. We recited the rhyme after our teacher have recited it. What did we do?
A. Singing
B. Echo Reading
C. Solo Reading
D. Choral Speaking

Read carefully.
“Eat a lot of vegetables, so you will have the best body defense in order to have strong
immune system,” the father said as the family was having their lunch.
“Pa, could you please explain, what body defense is? said, Jose.

________29. What does it mean by body defense in the selection?

A. Body protection
B. Body weakness
C. Body odor
D. Body illness

________30. What polite expression did Jose use to clarify the meaning of the immune system?
A. Goodbye
B. Please
C. Welcome
D. Don’t mention it.

Alyka has a fat c ____ ____.

It sits on a m _____ ______.

It runs fast after a r _____ _____.

Then rests on Alyka’s l ____ _____.

And takes a n _____ _____.

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