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France’s Response Letter to Diplomacy Agreement Request from Switzerland

Dear Emissary,

It is an opportunity to give a judgment regarding your request to have diplomatic and

economic relations with France on 2 September 1712. After comprehensive with members of

the royal court of France, I now inform you that we have approved your request. We made

this decision since we also aim to foster global peace and industrial growth. The relationship

will also have significant benefits for both our countries.

We shall evaluate industrial expansion, job creation (or minimal joblessness), and

economic stability when looking at the general condition of the regional markets of France

and Switzerland (BİNGÖL, 2021, p. 4). The rate of industrial development in our countries

primarily determines the current quality of life in France and Switzerland (Beckman, 2006, p.

279). We will focus on achieving the following four primary economic objectives: price

security, industrial prosperity faster than the community's growth, low material wastage, and

fair asset and revenue allocation (BİNGÖL, 2021, p. 4).

In a similar vein, the goals of our diplomatic engagements will be to contribute to the

maintenance of international stability and safety. In addition, it will help keep France and

Switzerland in a state of power equilibrium (Beckman, 2006, p. 279). In addition to that, we

are going to collaborate to find solutions to worldwide issues that affect our countries. In

conclusion, the promotion of democratic principles and civil rights will result from our

diplomatic connection. I therefore gladly confirm that we are officially in an economic and

diplomatic relationship with Switzerland. We look forward to having a long-standing

relationship with Switzerland.

Yours sincerely,

Louis XV

Works Cited

Beckman, Gary. "Hittite treaties and the development of the cuneiform treaty tradition." Die

Deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerke: Redaktions Und Religionsgeschichtliche

Perspektiven Zur “Deuteronomismus”—Diskussion in Tora Und Vorderen

Propheten. Berlin, de Gruyter (2006): 279-301.

BİNGÖL, Sedat, and Hayrettin PINAR. "Diplomatic Immunity and Encrypted Diplomatic

Correspondence In The Ottoman Empire." Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 36.1 (2021): 1-


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