Computational Mathematics - April 2022

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End of Semester Examinations for April Intake 2022.

Time Allowed: 3 hours Date: Mon 25th Jul, 2022


Instructions to candidates
This paper consists of eight questions
Answer only five questions
All questions carry equal marks
All rough work should be done in the official answer booklet provided.

Question one

1 −2 0 29 −2 −8
(a) Given that, A= 2 −5 −4 B= 14 −1 −4
3 −6 1 −3 0 1

(i) B – 3A (04marks)
(ii) -5A + B (04marks)
(b) Find the value of x,y, and z in the matrices;

4 6 5 𝑦 2 4 9 8 9
−3 𝑥 14 + −5 4 0 = 𝑧 10 14 (06marks)
9 −4 5 9 −1 4 18 −5 9

(c) Use an inverse matrix method to find the values of x and y from the equation;

1 −1
2 3
(𝑦𝑥 ) = (64) (06marks)

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Question two

(a) For the program or algorithm below;

1. Start N at zero
2. Start S at zero
3. Add one to N
4. Is N a multiple of 3? If not so, Go to step 6
5. Add N to S
6. Is N less than 50? If so go to step 3.
7. Print S
(a) Draw a flow chart (13 marks)
(b) Perform a dry run. (05 marks)
(c) State the purpose of the flow chart. (02 marks)

Question three

(a) Find the remainder when:

(i) x3 + 3x2+3x +1 is divided by X + 2 (05marks)
(ii) 4p3 + 6p2 + 3p + 2 is divided by 2p + 3 (05marks)
(b) Find the value of a when:
(i) x3 – 3x2 + ax +2 has a remainder 17 when divided by x -3 (05 marks)
(ii) X5 – ax3 +2x + 3 has a remainder – 1 when divided by x + 2 (05marks)

Question four
(a) Use a calculator to compute 𝑙𝑜𝑔 7 − 𝑙𝑜𝑔 3 + 𝑙𝑜𝑔 21 (02marks)
(b) Simplify log 27 – log 9 + log 81 (06marks)

(c) Evaluate log x 32 − log x 4 + log x 8 (06marks)

log x 256

(b) Solve the equation log X4 – log X3 = log 3X – log 2X (06marks)

Question five
a) Find the first derivatives of the following functions.
𝑥 2 +1
i) (03 marks)
ii) x5 - 𝑥 2 + 6x (03 marks)
iii) (3𝑥 3 − 2𝑥) 3
(06 marks)
b) Solve the equation 2y𝑑𝑥 + 𝑥 + 1 = 0 , given that x =2, y =1. (04 marks)
c) Evaluate ∫=1 (𝑥 3 = 2⁄𝑥 2 = 4) 𝑑𝑥 (04 marks)

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Question six

(a) Solve the simultaneous equations

3x – 5y = 1
2x + 7y = 4, using:
(i) Matrices method (04marks)
(ii) Elimination method (04marks)
(iii) Substitution method (04marks)
(b) Solve these equations
6x + 2y + 3z = 1
2x + 5y + 6z = 2
3x + 7y + 8z = 3 (08marks)

Question seven

(a) Solve the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 using completing squares (04marks)

(b) Solve the quadratic equation 3x2 – 6x + 3 = 0 (04marks)
(c) Find x in
(i) 5x = 2(3)x (04marks)
(ii) x(log 5 – log 3) = log 2 (01marks)
(iii) 200(1.1)x = 20000 (03marks)
(iv) 3p -3 = 81p (04marks)

Question eight

(a) A basket contains 4 mangoes and 10 apples, if two fruits are picked at random without
replacement, what is the probability that:
(i) All fruits are apples
(ii) All fruits are mangoes
(iii) First fruit is apple and the second is a mango.
(iv) First fruit a mango and the second is an apple. (08marks)
(b) Define a flow chart and state its uses (04marks)
(c) If P(A) = 0.4 and P(B) = 0.6, given that A and B are independent events, find
(i) P(A U B) (04marks)
1 1
(ii) P( A n B ) (04marks)


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