Polity & History (Infographic Charts Mindmaps)

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Useful for UPSC/ SSC/ State PCS/ Banking/ Insurance/ Railways/ BBA/ MBA/ Defence content History 1-36 + Indian: Ancient History, Medieval History, Modem History + World : Ancient History, Medieval History, Modern History, Polity 37-92 + Indian Polity: Constitution ~ Making, Features of Its Framework, Statutory Constitutional bodies, Governments (Types and levels), Institutions, Elections, Political Parties, Pressure Groups, E-Governance, E-Courts, Lokpal, NITI Ayog, Reservation, RTI, Foreign Policy, Neighbours. + World Polity: International Organizations, United Nations, International Relations, Important Summits, Parliaments and Political Parties of countries. TOP HISTORICAL TRENDS/ EVENTS/ DEVELOPMENT BUR 4 ed _. ka — + a mee —Eaa— 4 French Renaissance & == |}-— t == = — seceys Movements INDIAN HISTORY MIND MAP * Indus Valley Chilization * Vedic Period/aryan 4% Jainism & Buddhism Magadh Empire Maurya Dynasty 2% Kushan Dynasty * Gupta Empire * Harshvardhana * Southern Kingdom %* DelhiSultanate Vijayanagar Bhakti & Sufi Movement * Mughal Dynasty Advent of Europeans _Kingdom of Great Marathas Trade Initiation of British East India Company —_* British Rule before 1857 Sepoy Mutiny 1857 * Freedom Struggle Rowlatt Act (1919) + Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (1919) © Chauri Chaura (1922) 4 Non Cooperation Movement (1920-22) 4. Civil Disobedience Movement (1930) A Quitndia Movement (1942) A Partition of India (1947), ete HISTORY Pre Historic Ages Stone Age Pre - historic period is divided into three sections- Stone age, Bronze ageand Ironage. Stone age is divided into three periods ie, Palaeolithic Age, Mesolithic Age and Neolithic Age. Lower Palaeolithic Age covers the greater part of the Ice Age. ‘The people of this age used to eat fruits, birds, raw animal flesh etc. ‘The tools were usually made ofhard rock. In Middle Palaeolithic age, a change occurred in the shape of tools which were made of stones or bones. In Upper Palaeolithic age, human lived as nomadic hunter and gatherers. Mesolithic Age was an intermediate stage in the stone age. It ended with the introduction of agriculture. Neolithic age was an age of polished tool culture. Tool making became an important profession and a variety of polished tools were manufactured. They learnt the art of pottery and their pots were well made and decorated with paintings. ‘They discovered the art of producing fire by the friction of stones and the wheel was also an important discovery of this age. Chalcolithic Age Chalcolithic Age is marked by the use of copper as copper age. The economy was based on subsistence agriculture, stock-raising hunting and fishing. Neither they milked animals for dairy products. It was a transitional stage when both bronze, copper and stone tools were used and humans started living settled life, Bronze Age * It began with the development of Indus valley civilization around 3000 BG and continued up to 1300 BC. * People started using weapons and agricultural tools made of Bronze, an alloy of copper and tin. + It had opened the trade networks of Mesopotamia civilization to reach out in various directions. © The age came to an end primarily because of the fact that the metals used as alloy in manufacturing bronze were not very common and widely found. More over the expenses of making bronze were high at that time. Iron Age + It was the last principal period among the three-age system of prehistoric societies, preceded by the Bronze age. * The development of this era was due to the weapons and tools made by iron. Other changes in the society such as agricultural practices, religious belief and inclinations towards art were started, © Theage began inthe 6th century BCE in northern Europe and 8th century BCE in central Europe and by 12th century BCE inthe East, ic. ancient Iran, ancient India, and ancient Greece. * In India the late Harappan Culture was marked with the Iron Age archaeological cultures of India with emphasis given on the Painted Grey Ware culture (1200 to 600 BCE) and the Northern Black Polished Ware (700 to 200 BCE). Indus Valley Civilization Indus Valley Civilization was the most ancient urban civilization in this world Which flourished on the bank of Indus River during Bronze Age Period. The important cities under this civilizations were [ There isan evidence of vewock breading atthe end of mile one ae period. HISTORY IMPORTANT SITES OF INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION ‘Name of Sites Year of Excavation Excavators Features Harappa Punjab (Pakistan) River Ravi 1921 Daya Ram Sahni, Madho Sarup Vatsa, Wheeler City followed grid planning Row of six granaries Only place having evidences of coffin burial Evidence of fractional burial and coffin burial Cemetery-H ofalien people. Virgin-Goddess (Seal) Stone symbol of Lingam and Yoni Painted Pottery ‘Mohenjodaro ‘Sindh (Pakistan) River Indus 1922 RD. Banerjee, Mackay, Wheeler Great Granary, Great Bath Assembly hall Pashupati Mahadeva Seal Bronze image of nude woman dancer Human Skeltons huddled together Clay figures of Mother Goddess A fragment of woven cotton Brick Kilns and Dice Chanhu-daro Sindh (Pakistan) River Indus 1931 N. Gopal Majumdar Mackay A city without citadel Inkpot, Lipstick Shell ornament makers’ shop and bead makers’ shop Footprint of dog on a brick Terracotta model of a bullock cart, Bronze toy cart ‘Town was flooded more than seventtimes, Kalibangan Rajasthan (India) River Ghaggar 1953 A. Ghosh, BW. Lal, BK Thapar Shows both Pre Harappan and Harappan phase Evidence of furrowed land Evidence of seven fire altars and camel bones Many houses had their own well Kalibangan stand for black bangles Evidence of wooden furrow Lothal Gujarat (india) River ‘Bhogava 1953 SR. Rao A titled floor which bears intersecting design of circles Remains of rice husk Evidence of horse from a terracotta figurine A ship designed on a seal Beads & trade ports ‘An instrument for measuring angles, pointing to modern day compass Dockyard Barley was the frst grown crop by human in the Middte East around 8000 HISTORY BanwaliHisar | 1974 RS. Bisht + Shows both Pre-Harappan and Harppan Haryana phase + Good quantity ofbarley found here ‘Amri Sindh 1935 N.G. Majumdar |+ Evidence of antelope Dholavira Gujarat | 1985-90 | RS. Bisht Seven cultural stages + Largestssite + Three part ofcity + Unique water management Rangpur Gujarat | 1953 + Rice was cultivated River Mahar Lal &S.R. Rao RoparPunjab | 1953 YD. + Evidence of burying a dog below the River Sutlej Sharma human burial + One example of rectangular mudbrick chamber was noticed + Five fold cultures - Harappan, PGW, NBP, Kushana - Gupta and Medieval 1958 Y.D.Sharma | The impression of cloth on a trough is Ghaziabad discovered + Usually considered to be the easter boundary ofthe Indus culture Early Vedic Period/ Aryan (1500- * Samgrama meant that gram clashed 500 BCE) with one another and caused war, © Theearliest specimen of Indo-European language is Rig Veda. Aryans were the people who spoke Indo-European languages basically belonging to Central Asia, migrated to India. © They settled themselves in Sapta Sindhu the Jand of seven rivers in north-western region of India which included Kubha river of Afghanistan along with Indus and its five tributaries. * According to the oldest Vedic literature (Rig Veda) the Aryan king came into conflict with Dasa (branch of early Aryans) and Dasyus (originalinhabitants of the country). They were soft to Dasas but strongly hostile to Dasyus. © Gradually the region came to be known, as Bharatavarsha named after the tribe Bharata, This clan consists of 5 Aryan chiefs and 5 non-Aryan chiefs. Dasrajna Yudha or Battle of ten Kings has been mentioned in hymns of Rig Veda. © The battle was fought on the bank of river Parusni, identical to river Ravi and was won by Bharatas, The Aryans were pastoral people and fought most of the war for it, Rig Veda is “gavisihthi” or search for cows as they were the most important form of wealth. ‘The concept of women slave was most common, Women and cows were gifted to the priests in those days. Voluntary offering to the chief was known as bali ‘Two priests who played important role during this time were Vasishtha and Vishvamitra, The people of Vedic period were theists. Vedic literature shows the existence of god. The religion of the Vedic Aryan worshipped nature with one in many concepts. Indra (rain god) was important as he played role of a warlord. 250 hymns were devoted to him. Agni (fire god) was devoted 200 hymns. Varuna, Soma (plant god), female divinities like Aditi and Usha were also worshipped but were not given importance as the male gods. Fs evidence of human in India was found in wewerm Narmad region in Masliya Pradesh. HISTORY * The administrative machinery worked under tribal chief called as Rajans. Clan based assemblies were found such as sabha, samiti, vidatha, gana. Women attended sabha and vidatha * Social structure of the society was based onthe kinship. Common term fornephew, grandson and cousin was naptri. Later Vedic Period Vedic Literature (1500 BC - 500 BC) + It is believed that the Rig Veda was composed while the Aryans were still in Punjab. * Vedic Literature comprises of four literary productions: 1. The Samhitas or vedas 2. The Brahamans 3. The Aranyakas 4. The Upanishads © There are four vedas- Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. ‘The first three vedas are jointly called Vedatrayi (trio of vedas), Rig Veda (collection of lyrics) is the oldest text in the world, It contains 10,500 verses and 1028 hymns, divided into 10 mandalas The hymns of Rig Veda were recited by Hotri. It is the tenth mandalas which explains the four varnas, Sama Veda (Book of chants) is important for Indian music. The hymns of sama veda were recited by Udgatri. Yajur Veda (book of sacrificial prayers) is a ritual veda, It has both verses and prose in contrast with the fist two vedas. Its hymns ‘were recited by Adhveryus. It is divided into two parts: Krishna Yajur and Shukla yajur; Atharva veda (book of magical formulae) contains charms and spells to word of evils, and diseases. Every veda has several Brahmanas attached toit Rig Veda: Aitareya and Kaushitiki Sama Veda: Panchvisha, Shadvinsh, Chhandogya and Jaiminaya ee Yajur Veda: Shatapatha (The oldest and the largest Brahmana) and Taittariya. Atharva Veda: Gopatha Jainism + There were 24 Thirthankarasaccording to Jain tradition, Rishabha Adinath (symbol-Bull) was the firstand Mahavira (symbol-Lion) was the last Thirthankara, © Thereishistorical proofofonly the last two ‘Thirthankaras, Parshwanath (23rd) and ‘Mahavira (24th) while rest are obscure. Parshvanatha He was a prince of Benaras who led the life ofa hermit and died at Shikharji, Giridih, Jharkhand. His four main teachings were called chaturthi. 1. Ahimsa (Non-injury) 2, Satya (Non-lying) 3. Asteya (Non-stealing) 4, Aparigraha (Non-possession) Mahavira He adopted all these four teachings and added Brahmacharya (Chastity) to it. Mahavira was born in 540 BC ina village called Kundagram near Vaishali in Bihar. * He renounced his family at the age of 30 and became an ascetic. + Heattained kaivalya (perfectknowledge) at the age of 42 under a sal tree at Jambhika grama on the bank of river Rijupalika. * He cameto be known as Kevalin (perfect learned), Jina (one who conquered his senses), Nirgrontha (free fromall bonds), Arhant (blessed one) and Mahavira (the brave). © Hedalivered his first sermonat Pava to his 11 disciples who were called Gandharas. * He passed away at Pavapuri near Bihar Sharif, Bihar at the age of 72 in 468 BC. © Sudharma was the only Gandhara who survived after his death, HISTORY JainCouncil | Year | Venne Chairman Result Ist 3008 | Patliputra | Sthulabhadra | Compilation of 12 Angas 2nd 512AD | Vallabhi | Devarahi Final compilation of 12 Angas Kshmasramana | and 12 Upangas Buddhism Sambharnath Horse Gautama Buddha Abhiaandam Monkey He was the founder of Buddhism. He was [5 tinath Geet born in 563 BC on the vaisakha purnima day at Lumbinivana, Nepal in the Sakya |Padmaprabhu Bed Louts, Kshatriya clan, Suparswanath * At the age of 29, he renounced home, | Chandraji Prabhu this was his Mahabhinish Kramana (great going forth) and became a |Stvidhinath wandering ascetic. Shitalnath Srivatsa * After49 days of continuous meditation | Shreganath Rhinoceros under a pipal tree at Uruvella (Bodh Fy, Bulfalo Gaya) on the bank of river Naranjana (modern name Falgu) he attained | Vimalnath Boar Nirvana (enlightment). Anantnath Falcon * Buddha delivered his first sermon at [5a anain = Sarnath (Deer Park) tohis five disciples, this is known as Dharamachakro | Shantinath base Pravartana. Kuntunath He-Goat © He died at the age of 80 in 483 BC [aan ih at Kushinagar. This is known as ‘Mahaparitiryone: Mallinath Waterpot Muniswasth Tortoise Important event of Symbols Buddha's life Neminath Blue Lotus Janma (Birth) Lotus and Bull Arishtanemi Conch Shell Mahabhinish Kraman | Horse Parshwanath Serpent (Renunciation) Teen Lion Nirvana/Sambodhi Bodhi tree Enlightenment) (eemen Mahajanapadas Dharamachakra Wheel Pravartana (First Sermon) During the age of Buddha whole of northern Mahaparinirvana (Death) | Stupa territory especially north of Vindyan was divided into sixteen states called Sodasha 24 Tirthankaras Mahajanapadas either monarchical_ or Name Symbol republican in character. ‘The kingdoms of Rishabha Bull Magadh, Koshala, Vatsa and Avanti were considered powerful. Buddhist literature "Anguttara Nikay: Ajitaath Elephant : = listed them as: [Fhe rigina sri ofthe Rivet isn Bran ] HISTORY Mahajanapadas Capital Present place Gandhara Taxila [A part of Afghanistan Kamboja Rajauri Part of Kashmir and Afghanistan ‘Asmaka Potana Godavari Valley Vatsa Kaushambi Allahabad Avanti Ujain ‘Malwa and a part of M.P Surasena Mathura Mathura in U.P Chedi Shuktimati Bundelichand in M.P Malla Kushinara, Pawa Eastern UP Kurs Hastinapur/indraprashta | Delhi and Meerut Matasya Virat Nagari jaipur and Alwar Vas Vaishali North Bihar Ange’ Champa Bhagalpur and Munger in Bihar Kashi Banaras Banaras, Kosala Shravasti Oudh in U.P Magadha Girivraja/Rajgriha Patna and Gaya in Bihar Panchala ‘Ahichhatra/Kampilya Rohilkhand in U.P Magadha Empire Kasi village made to Bimbisara, This brought Magadha eventually emerged as one of the most powerful Mahajanpadas mainly because of its peculiar geographical location, It was bordered by Ganga River in north, Son River in west, Vindhya ranges in south and Champa in East. The various dynasties which ruled over Magadh are as follows: Haryanaka Dynasty (544 BC-412 BC) King Bimbisara He was the founder of the Haryanka dynasty. He was a contemporary of Lord Buddha. Bimbisara married Kosala Devi, sister of the Kosalan king Prasenajit, and obtained a portion of Kasi as dowry. He also married Chellana, the Lichchavi princess of Vaishali, Vasavi, the Videha princess and the Madra princess, Khema, thus increasing Magadha's powers by marital ties. Ajatshatru Ajatshatru, Bimbisara’s son, killed him to ascend the throne in 493 B.C. As a result, Kosalan king Prasenjit revoked the gift of | agmithest of Jansm which originated rom Diamar st ut flowed etn Sretambar best about a war between Magadha and Kosala The war ended in a truce. Ajatasatru got back Kasi and married Prasenjit’s daughter, Vajira Kumari, After 16 years-long battle with the Lichchavis, he conquered Vaishali Kosala too, fell to him. Gradually, the whole of north Bihar came under his control and. Magadha held its sway over Eastern India Ajatasatru was succeeded by his son, Udayabhadra (459 B.C). He shifted the capital to Pataliputra at the confluence of the Ganges and the Son rivers, Later Pataliputra became the capital of India. A succession ofthree weak kings, Anuruddha, Munda and Nagadasaka ascended the throne after him. In 430 BC, the last Haryanka ruler, Nagadasaka, was killed by his courtier, Shishunaga, who became the king and founded the Shishunaga dynasty. Shishunaga Dynasty (412-344 BC) Shishunaga made Grivraja his residence and deputed his son to Banaras. Shishunaga was succeeded by Kalasoka. During ] Kalasoka, Pataliputra became the capital of Magadha. In Puranas he is mentioned as Kakavarna and in Sti Lankan texts he mentioned as Kalasoka Kalasoka & Second Buddhist Council ‘The second Buddhist Council was sponsored by Kalasoka at Vaishali in 383 BC. This council was invited by a Buddhist monk Yasa, who saw the local monks of Vaishali following the teaching carelessly. The pute was on 10 points such as storing salt in horn, eating after midday, eating once and going to villages for alms, eating sour milk after one's meal etc. It was not settled and Buddhism sects appeared for the first time. President of this council was Sabakami. The last rulers of Shishunaga Dynasty were 10 sons of Kalasoka who ruled simultaneously. Out of them one son Nandivardhana is mentioned in Puranas. Nanda Dynasty (344-321 BC) Mahapadmananda was the firstrulerof the Nanda Dynasty. There are several theories about the birth of Mahapadmananda. The Purana theory say that Mahapadmananda was son of Nandivardhana & a Shudra Woman, Another theory says that there was a good-looking barber, who won the heart of the queen who subsequently killed the king, Mahapadmananda was the son of this barber. Whatever may be correct but this was the line which started the trend of lowborn (as of contemporary conditions) rule started in Magadha, Mahapadmananda had a large army and that is why he is called Ugrasena. His army might have been so large that it could be arranged in a Lotus shape: Padmavyuh. He might have been so wealthy that his wealth was in Padama, a unit of counting equivalent to a million multiplied by a billion Mahapadmananda subdued all the major powers such as Ikasvakus, Kurus, Panchals, Kasis,Surasens, Maithilas, kalingas, Asmakas etc, and that is why Puranas mentioned his name Sarvakhstrantaka (destroyer of all Kshtras) equivalent to Parshurama. ‘The Nandas were the first Non Kshatriya rulers in the history of India, The last ruler was Dhana Nanda who was over thrown HISTORY by Chandragupta Maurya thus founding Mauryan Empire in 321 BC. Alexander, the great invaded India in 326 BC during the rule of Dhanananda, Dhanananda is mentioned as Xandrames or Aggrammes or Ganderites in the Greek historical texts. Mauryan Empire (322-185 BC) ‘The Maurya Empire was founded by Chandragupta Maurya, with the help from Chanakya, a Brahmin teacher at ‘Takshashila who dethroned the last Nanda ruler Dhana Nanda, + Chandragupta Maurya defeated Seleucus Nicator in 305 BC, who surrendered a vast territory and the Hindukush became the boundary of their states. +A Greek ambassador Megasthenes was sent to the Court of Chandragupta by Seleucus Nicator + Inthe last stage of hisllfeChandragupta Maurya accepted Jainism and went to Sravanbelagola in Karnataka with Bhadrabaha, + He was as sandrocottus by strabo and recognised/discovered by William Jones. Bindusara (298-273 BC) + He succeeded Chandragupta Maurya, Bindusara was know as Amitrochates to the Greeks, probably derived from the Sanskrit world Amitraghata. He is believed to have raided the Deccan (upto Mysore) + He patronised Ajivikas. Ashoka (273BC- 232BC) + Ashoka was the son of Bindusara who successed him, by usurping the throne after killing his 99 brothers and spared Tissa, the youngest one. + Ashoka fought the Kalinga war in 261 BC. He abandoned the policy of physical occupation after he was moved by the massacre in this war, + The last Mauryan ruler Brihadratha was assasinated in 185 BC by his Commander-in-chief, _ Pushyamitra Sunga who established his own Sunga dynasty. | Shyadvade also known ws Anckantvadt is the theory and Philosophy of Jainism of cient times ] HISTORY “Ashokan Ediets and | Information Place Inscriptions 1. Rock Edicts 14 Major Rock Edicts | Various Principles of [Manshera (Pakistan) Shahbajgarhi (Mardan, Dhamma Pakistan), Kalsi (Dehradun, Uttarakhand), Junagadh (Girnar, Gujarat), Sopara (Thane, Maharashtra), ‘Yerragual(Kurnul, Andhra Pradesh),Dhauli (Khurda, Odisha), Jaugada (Ganjam, Odisha) 2 Kalinga Rock New system of Daul or Tosali (Khurda, Odisha) Jaugada (Ganjam, Edicts administration after | Odisha) the Kalinga war Minor Rock Bdicts | Personal history of | Sasaram (Bihar), Maski (Andhra Pradesh), Bhabru- Ashoka and summary | Bairat (Rajasthan), Rupanath (MP), Gavimath, ofhis dhamma Palkig-undu, Siddhpur, Jating Rameshwar, Brahmagiri (Kamataka) Bhabru-Bairat Rock | Ashoka’ conversion to | Bhabru-Bairat (Rajasthan) Eaicts Buddhism UL Pillar Ediets 7 Pillar Edicts| “Appendix torock Edicts | Meerut-Delhi (Chhoti Lata), Topra-Delhi (Badi Lata), Allahabad (UP); Lauriya Nandangadh, Lauriya Arera and Rampurva (Bihar) ‘4 Minor Pillar Edicts | Signs of Ashoka’s, Sanchi (MP), Sarnath and Allahabad (UP) fanaticism to Dhamma 2 Tarai Pillar Edicts | Ashoka's respect for | Rummandei/Lumbin and Nigaliva (Taral of Nepal) Buddhism Ill. Cave Edicts 3 Barabar Cave Edicts | Ashoka's toleration | Barabar Hills (Gaya, Bihar) ASHOKAN 14 MAJOR ROCK EDICTS S.No. | Informations 1, _| Prohibition of animal sacrifices and festive gatherings. 2,_| Measures of social welfare. 3._| Respect to Brahamanas. 4._| Courtesy to relatives, elders, consideration for animals. 5.__| Appointment of Dhamma Mahamatras and their duties. 6. _| Need for efficient organisation of administration (orders to Dhamma Mahamatras). Need for tolerance among all religious sects, System of Dhamma-yatras. ‘9,_[ Attack on meaningless ceremonies and rituals. 10._| Conquest through Dhamma instead of war 11. | Explanation of Dhamma-policy. 12. | Appeal for tolerance among all religious sects. 13._| Kalinga war, mention 5 contemporary Hellenic (Greek) kings, 14, | Inspiration to spend religious life. {fein was known ay Avanti inthe ancient times, ‘Shunga (Sunga) Dynasty (485 BC-73 BC) Four rulers of Shunga or Sunga Dynasty were Pushyamitra Sunga (185 BC to 151 BC), Agnimitra (149 BC-141 BC), Bhagabhadra (114 BC-83 BC) and Devabhuti (87-73 BC). Pushyamitra Sunga (185 BC to 151 BC) Pushyamitra Shunga was the founder and hero of the Shunga dynasty. He was viceroy of the Mauryas at Ujjain and was a real war hero, He was not happy with his king Brihadratha, who failed in containing the Yavanas and attacks from the western sides. Pushyamitra is also known to have repelled the Kalinga’s king Kharvela conquest. The Ayodhya Inscription of Dhandeva mentions thathe performed two Ashwamedha Yagyas (Horse Sacrifices). Agnimitra, the second king of Shunga dynasty, succeeded his father Pushyamitra Shungaand reigned for a short period of 8 years. He the hero of Malvikagnimitram of Kalidasa in which he has been referred to as Raja, Bhagabhadra We know about the king Bhagabhadra by a Heliodorus pillar, which has been found in Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh near modern Besnagar, Heliodorus was a Greek ambassador and he dedicated this pillar to God Vasudeva (Vishnu). The Heliodorus pillar has a surmounted figure of a Garuda Devabhuti Devabhuti was the last Shunga Ruler who was killed by his own minister Vasudeva Kanva in around 73 BC and founded the Kanva Dynasty, Satvahana Dynasty (167-196 AD) Simuka was the founder of this dynasty. It was situated between the region of Krishna and Godavari rivers. Most powerful king of the dynasty was Gautamiputra Satakarni (AD. 106-130). He defeated the Sakas, Yavanas (Greeks) and Pahlavas (Parithans). Kushan Dynasty (30-375 AD) Kanishka was the greatest ruler of this dynasty and is known for his military powers. Buagat were the frst worship Vasudev Krishna. HISTORY The Capital of Kushans is Purushpura (Peshawar). Kanishka is considered to have conflicted with the Pataliputra, He was a patron of Buddhism and convened the 4th Buddhist council in the Kundalvana of Kashmir in 78 AD. Scholars in the Court of Kanishka were Parsva, Vasumitra, Asvaghosa, Nagarjuna, Charaka and Mathara, Sushruta who wrote Sushruta Samhita, has also been connected to Kanishka, ‘The Gupta Empire (320-550AD) This period is known as Golden Era. Chandragupta I (319-335 AD)- was the founder and an important ruler of the Gupta dynasty. He was married to Kumaradevi princess of lichchhavi clan, in order to strengthen his position. Samudragupta (335-380 A.D.)- Expanded the kingdom as he was very much delighted by violence. The poet in his court “Harisena” in his works Prayag and Prashasti have described glowing account of the military exploits of the patron. Thus, he was known as “Indian Napoleon”. Chandragupta Il He succeeded Samundra- gupta. Extended his empire by marri alliances and conquers. He married hi daughter Prabhavati with a Vakataka prince who belonged to the Brahmana casteand ruled in central India. He patronized the famous Navaratnas, Kalidasa and Amarasimha were among them. He conquered western Malwa and Gujarat, ruled by the Saka Kshatrapas for about past four centuries and adopted the title of Vikramadityaafter conquering Ujjain, Chinese pilgrim Fa-hien came to Indiaduring reign. His son Kumaragupta succeeded him, Kumaragupta’s dominion suffered severely from theinvasion of Huna Hordes, allover North India. Skandagupta, sonof Kumaragupta defeated Pushyamitra who became powerful during Kumaragupta time, He also defeated the White Hunas. * Nalanda University was built by Kumargupta. © The great Mathematician Aryabhata lived during this period, He discovered the number “0” and value of Pi. He wrote “Aryabhatiya” and “Suryasiddhanta HISTORY * Poets Kalidasa, Dandi, Visakhadatta, Shudraka, and Bharavi, all belonged to the Gupta Age. © Tamralipti, a port in Bengal , was an importanttrade centre during Gupta period, © The empire was divided into divisions: bhuktis (under the charge of an uparika) and vishayas (Districts) under the charge of vishyapati. Harshavardhana (606-647 A.D.) + Fall of Gupta's and Huna invasion left northern India in a disorderand chaotic situation. It gave rise to small kingdoms like Thaneswar, near Kurukshetra under the leadership of Prabhakarvardhana and his son Harsha, * He made Kanauj his capital and his Kingdom spread over northern India except Kashmir. * Banabhatta was a poet in his court who wrote Harshacharita describing early history of his reign, * Chinese pilgrim Hsuan Tsang who visited India during his reign has thrown great deal of light on the administrative, political and social life of that time. He spent his six years of life in India (606- 612 AD). © Harsha himself Naganandam and plays in Sanskrit. The Pala Empire (750-1174 B.C.) Golden era of Bengal * It was Buddhist dynasty from Bengal founded by Gopala I. The empire reached its peak under Dharmapala and Devapala. Dharmapala conquered Kanauj and extended his sway up to the farthest limits of India in the northwest. + Palas were followers ofthe Mahayanaand ‘Tantric schools of Buddhism, they also patronised Shaivism and Vaishnavism. * Dharmapala founded the Vikramashila and revived Nalanda, They maintained close cultural and commer countries of Southeast Asia and Tibet. Seatrade added greatly to the prosperity ofthe Pala kingdom. The Arab merchant Suleiman notes the enormity of the Pala army in his memoirs. wrote Ratnavali, Priyadarshika | Bint, Karma and Bhakti hold the same significance to achieve Moksha according to Bhagrad Gite Southern Kingdoms © The Pallavas of Kanchi, the Chalukyas of Badami and the Pandyas of Madurai ‘emerged as powerful states in southern India in the beginning of seven century. Pallavas Pallavas constructed temples of Shiva and Vishnu in Tamil Nadu. + Epigraphs found in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka between second and third century B.C. were mostly written in Prakrit but around 400 A.D, Sanskrit became official language. * Pallavas ruled over southern Andhra Pradesh and northern Tamil Nadu, Made Kanchi their capital identical to present Kanchipuram and made it a city of temple and vedic learning. Chalukyas * The Chalukyas setup their sovereign state at Vatapi (modern Bijapur district), * Pulakesin | (543-567 A.D.) established this dynasty and Pulakesin 1 (608- 647AD) was greatest of all rulers. © Well known Kasivisvesvara Temple at Lakluandi, the Mallikarjuna Temple at Kuruvatti, the Kallesvara Temple at Bagali and the Mahadeva Temple at Itagi were built during Chalukyas reign. * The Pallavas and Chalukyas were in conflict during Pulakesin IL Narasimhavarman captured his capital during their second clash between the two. Narasimhavarman then assumed the title of vatapikonda (conquer of Vatapi). Chola Dynasty Vijayalaya was the founder of Chola Dynasty. Most powerful kings of Chola Dynasty was Rajaraja (985-1014) and his son, Rajendra I. Rajendra | founded a new capital of Gangai Kondacholapuram. He defeated the kings of Sumatra in a naval campaign and annexed a part of Sumarata kingdom to his kingdom. Rajendra Chola III was the last king of the dynasty. Under the Cholas, the South India reached new heights of excellence in art, religion and literature. Delhi Sultanate HISTORY Delhi sultanate begins with Turkish invasion in India by Muhammad Ghori in 1173 to 1202. He nominated his faithful slave Qutub ud-Din Aibak as the governor of the newly possessed region called India. During this period Delhi became the centre of Turkish and Afghan Power. Dynasty Sultan / Agent Event Highlights Muhammad + Qutub-ud-din Aibak (1206-1210) |» Construction of world famous| Ghorislave + Aram Shah (1210-1211) ‘monument Qutub Minar by Queub-| ‘dynasty J+ Shams ud din titutmish (1211-1236), ud-din Aibak and finished by his| (2193-1290) |+ Rukn ud din Firuz (1236) successors, They attacked temples| ]+ Raziyyat-ud-din Sultana (1236-1240)| of Ajmer, Samana, Kuhram, Delhi, Je Muiz.ud din Bahram (1240-1242) | Kol, Benaras je Alauddin Masud (1242-1246), le Construction of Quwat ul-Islam at| Je Nasiruddin Mahmud (1246-1266), | pethi, Adhai din ka Jhopra at Ajmer, J+ Ghiyas uddin Balban (1266-1286), J+ Muiz.uddin Qaigabad (1286-1290), IKhilji + Jalal ud din Firuz Khilji (1290-1296) | Known for their cruelty as they| (290-1320) |+ Alauddin Khilji (1296-1316) levied taxes on the defeated| |+ Umar Khan Khilji (1316) community. During the period of| + Qutb ud din Mubarak Shah (1316-| Alauddin Khilji the famous Koh-i- 1320) noor Diamond of Warangal was| J+ Khusto Khan (1320) looted somewhere around 1310 ‘Tughluq, + Ghiyath al-Din Tughlug (1320-1325) |* Geographically the largest dynasty, ((1320-1395) [+ Muhammad bin Tughlug (1325-1351)| Muhammad bin Tughluq was] J+ Mahmudibn Muhammad (March 1351)| one of the powerful sultans who| J+ Firuz Shah Tughlug (1351-1388) changed the capital from Delhi J+ Ghiyas-ud-Din Tughlaq Il (1388-| to Daulatabad (present Deogir in| 1389) Maharashtra) to rule the empire| J+ Abu Bakr Shah (1389-1390) more proficiently thus ordered| J+ Nasir ud din Muhammad Shah Ii} for forceful migration of common| (1390-1393) masses, Though a good idea but he| J+ Sikander Shah | (March-April 1393) | failed to execute. J+ Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud Shah Tughluql* Secondly his ideas to introduce| (1393-1413) bronze coin instead of silver coin| J+ Nasir-ud-din Nusrat Shah Tughluq| also failed as the bronze coins were| (1394-1414), easy to forge ‘Sayyid J+ Khizr Khan (1414-1421) '» The vast Tughlag dynasty shrunk| ((2400-1442) + Mubarak Shah (1421-1434) within 10 miles of Delhi during this| J+ Muhammad Shah (1434-1445) period. Je Alam Shah (1445-1451) ‘Lodi [> Bablul Lodi (1451-1489) '* The dynasty had fought one of the| (1457-1518) |+ Sikandar Lodi (1489-1517) greatest battles in India- Battle Je Ibrahim Lodi (1517-1526), of Panipat in 1526 with Babur who was invited by Daulat Khan| Lodi to enter India and at the end| {brahim Lodi lost the battle. | SA Dange started the publication of an English Weekly Socialis in 1923, HISTORY LITERATURE OF DELHI SULTANATE. Book ‘Author Historical Importance ‘Tabgiq-iHind Alberuni ‘Alberuni was an Arabian scholar who wrote about the Slave dynasty “Tabagat--Nasiri Minhaj-us-Sira Gives an account of litutmish’s region Laila-Majnu ‘Amir Khusrau Court poet of Alauddin Khilj Khazain-ul-Futuh ‘Amir Khusrau Describes conquests of Alauddin Khilji Tughlag-Nama ‘Amir Khusraa Gives account of Ghiyasuddin's reign Nub-Siphir ‘Amir Khusrau Poetic description of Alauddin Khilji Fatawa- Ziauddin Barani___| Gives an account of the Tughlag dynasty Tarikha- Ziauddin Barani__| Gives an account of Firoz Shah's reign Fatwah- Firoz Shah Gives an account of his reign Kitab-fi-Tahgig Alberuni ‘About Indian Sciences Qanun-e-Masudi ‘Alberni ‘About astronomy Jawahar-filjawahir | Alberuni ‘About mineralogy Qamas Firozabadi ‘Arabic words dictionary “Taj-ulMaathir Hasan Nizami History of libaris, the slave dynasty Chach Namah ‘Abu Bakr History of Sindh region Tubab-ul-Alab Bhukhart Persian anthology Khamsah ‘Amir Khusrau Literature and Poems Shah Namah Firdausi ‘About Mahmud Ghaznt’s reign Kitab-ul-Rehla Ton Battutah ‘A travelogue with stories Miftah-ul-Futuh Amir Khusrau Jalaluddin’s conquestand life Multa-ul-Anwar ‘Amir Khusrau Literary masterpieces Ayina-tSikandari ‘Amir Khusrau Literary masterpieces Hasht Bihisht Amir Khusrau Literary masterpieces Shirin Khusrau Amir Khusrau Literary masterpieces Tarik-i-Firoz Shahi Shams-i-Shiraj Afif_| History of Tughlags Futub-usSalatin Isami ‘About Bahmani Kingdom VIJAYANAGARA EMPIRE Dynasty Emperors Important Highlights ‘Sangama | Harihara Raya I(1336-1356) © The rise of Vijayanagar dynasty was [Dynasty |e Bukka Raya | (1356-1377) the result of political and cultural] '* Harihara Raya Ul (1377-1404) ‘movement against the Tughlags. ‘+ Virupaksha Raya (1404-1405) ‘+ Presumably Harihar I and Bukka | were! '* Buleka Raya Il (1405-1406) the founders of this dynasty. ‘= Deva Raya I (1406-1422) '* This dynasty had to face the invasion] /* Ramachandra Raya(1422) from Bhamani Sultan Ahmed Lin. + Vira Vijaya Bukka Raya (1422-1424) |» Thekings ofthis dynasty were generous |» Deva Raya Il (1424-1446) and worked for the social welfare of the| [* Mallikarjuna Raya (1446-1465) people. |» Virupaksha Raya ll (1465-1485) |» Some ofthe kings were great patronage| [+ Praudha Raya(1485) of literature. (Grea phiasopher and potical thinker Chanahya waskno%a withother namex suchas Kautlya and Vishmugupt HISTORY [Sainvaly)|» Saluva Narasimha Deva Raya (1405-[» The Saluva started ruling soon after Dynasty 1491) Saluva Narasimha had a fight with| '+ Thimma Bhupala (1491) the Sambetas of Peranipadu and the| J« Narasimha Raya Il (1491-1505) Paligers of Ummattur but they couldn't sustain power for a very long period J> Tuluva Narasa Nayaka (1491-1503) |» Founded by Tuluva Narasa Nayak, the| J* Vira Narasimha Raya (1503-1509) | third Hindu dynasty of Vijayanagar ‘= Krishna Deva Raya (1509-1529) Empire seemed to be the most powerful J+ Achyuta Deva Raya (1529-1542) dynasties. Htuluva |» Venkata 11542 + Krishan Deva Raya the mast powerfull [Dynasty + Sadasiva Raya (1542-1570) king of this dynasty. © Believed to be the golden period of Telugu literature + Worshipped Nagaraja Vasuki hence| called as Nagavanshis > Aliya Rama Raya 1542-1565 |» The last dynasty of Vijayanagar empire| ]~ Tirumala Deva Raya 1565-1572 founded by Tirumal Deva Raya > Sriranga 1 1572-1586 |» ‘The battle of Raksa ~Tangadi happened| Aravidu |» Venkata 1586-1614 hence the Aravidu dynasty as well as Dynasty |» Sriranga tt 1614 Vijayanagar empire came to an end by| + Rama Deva Raya 1617-1632 the combined forces of Bijapur mustims| j= Venkata II 1632-1642 J+ Sriranga II 1642-1646 Religious Movements * Kabir was an ardent disciple of Ramananda, He wanted unity between the Hindus and the Muslims. * He preached that both the Hindus and the Muslims are the children ofa single God © The devotees of Kabir were known as Kabir Panthis. Namdeva was a waterman by birth. He During fifteenth and sixteenth century religious movements have emerged in India soas tolliberate people from dogmatic b ritualism, caste and communal hatred, etc. Two major movements that carried out juxtaposing by both Hindu and Muslim communities were Bhakti and Sufi Movement, * Bhakti Movement Bhakti means personal devotion to God. It stresses the union of the individual with God. Bhakti movement originated in South India between the 15th and the 17th centuries AD. ‘The Nayanars, who worshipped Shiva, and the Alwars, who worshipped Vishnu, preached the idea of Bhakti. Saints like Sankara, Ramanuja and Madhiwa gave their concepts of God and the individual soul. Teachings of Ramanuja were based on the Upanishads and Bhagwad Gita. Ramananda was disciple of Ramunaja. He was the first reformer to preach in Hindi. composed beautiful hymns in Marathi Nanak was the founder of the Sikh religion. Nanak’s teachings were in the form of verses. They were collected in a book called the Adi Granth, Later Adi Granth was written ina script called Gurmukhi. Chaitanya, a great devotee of Lord Krishna, was a saint from Bengal. Meerabai was a Rajput princess. She martied the Rana of Mewar. She was a pious devotee of Lord Krishna. Chatrapati Shivaji, the great Maratha ruler, was a follower of Ramdas. Tukaram was a saint who lived in Maharashtra. He composed a large number of verses called Abhangas, | Pinay Pitoka literate contain the rales and regulations ofthe Sangha in Buddy ] HISTORY * Tulsidas composed the famous Rameharitamanas in Hindi, expounding, the various aspects of Hindu dharma, © Surdas was a devotee of Lord Krishna and Radha, His works include Sursagar, Sahitya Ratna and Sur Sarawali. © Dadu Dayal was a disciple of Kabir. His followers were known as Dadu Panthis, © Eknath was a devotee of Vithoba, He wrote commentary on verses of the Bhagavad Gita, Sufi Movement Sufism or tasawwuf, as it is called in Arabic, is generally understood by scholars and Sufis to be the inner, mystical, or psycho-spiritual dimension of Islam. Today, however, many Muslims and non-Muslims believe that Sufism is outside the sphere of Islam, In Sufism, a perfect being is also called a Wali (saint), a word that literally means ‘sincere friend. The superstructure of Sufism is built upon the concept of teacher, pir or murshid. The cardinal doctrines of the Sufism include 1. Absorbed variety of ideas and practices from Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism and Zorastrianism. 2, Itaimed at services of mankind 3. Building cultural synthesis 4, It opposed orthodoxy and preached devotion to God 5. Discouraged materialistic life but did not support complete renunciation ‘These cardinal principles altogether make the Doctrine of Fana which means annihilation of human attributes through Union with God. Sufism had succeeded in inculcating the sentiments of fraternity, equality and equity, coupled with sense of service to humanity, in the followers, irrespective of race, community, caste, creed and colour. Sufi Saine © Khwaja Ali Hujjwiri (11th century): He was also known as Data Ganj Baksh. He wrote a manual of Sufism called ‘Kashf-ul-Mahjub’. | Borobudur in Central Java, Indonesia isthe world’s largest Buddhist temp, Shaikh Bahauddin —Zakariya (1182-1262): He was the founder of Suhrawardi order who founded first leading Khangah in India at Multan. Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti (1141- 1236): He was the founder of the chisti order which is the first and most popular liberal sufi order in India. He settled down at Ajmer. Other chisti Sufi Saints who followed Khwaja Muinuddin Nagauri (1192-1274); Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki in whose memory Qutub Minar was built; Baba Fariduddin Ganj-iShakar (1175-1265) popularly known as Baba Farid. He built his Khangah at Ajodan (Punjab). He was also the first Punjabi poet of Sufism; Shaikh Nizamuddin —Auliya He was known i, built his Khangah in Delhi and became the most famous Sufi Saint of the Chisti order. Shaikh Nasiruddin Mahmud (death 1365) was a chisti saint came to known as Chirag-i-Delhi; Syed Muhammad Gesu Daraz (death 1421) settled down at Gulbarga (Karnataka). He was popularly known as Bandanawaz, Shaikh Badruddin Samarkandi (13" century): He founded Firdausi order which thrived only in Bihar. Shah Nayamatullah Qadri and Shah Abdullah Shuttari (15th Centry): Shah Nayamattullah Qadri founded the Qadiriya order. It spread in Uttar Pradesh and Deccan. Miya Mir (1550- 1635) was its popular Saint. Shah Abdullah Shuttari (dealth 1458) founded the Shuttari order. It spread mainly in Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat Khwaja Baqi Billah (1536-1603) He founded Naqsbandiah order. 4 as (5) (6) HISTORY MUGHAL DYNASTY Sultans Important accomplishments '* Babur won Delhi sultanate by defeating the last king of Lodhi dynasty, i.e. brahim Lodhi. '+ Two major battles won by Babur were Battle of Panipat I (April 1526) ( and Khanwa Battle (March 1527). ARPALA, {+ Cominued to conquer places in the coming years and his territory extended almost up to the northern part of India. Babur (1526-1530) '= Came to power soon after the death ofhis father Babur in 1530. '* Forcefully driven to Afghanistan by the Muslim rebel Sher Shah in| 1540 and returned to India after 15 years in 1555. '+ Encouraged Persian artists for their fine arts; brought two of them from the school of Bibzad to teach Akbar, the lessons of drawing. '+ Died accidentally by falling down from stone staircase. '* Ruled from 1556 til his death. l* His power influenced entire country because of the dominance of| Mughal military, polities, culture and economy. '* Was quite different from other mughal emperors in terms of his liberal behaviour with the society, religious practices and administrative policies| '+ Abolished pilgrimage tax which the common people had to pay while| visiting to pilgrim spots (1556-1605) __|* Rajputs were made equal partners in government. '+ Driven by the thought of religious equality, formulated his own| religion Din-i-llahi which focused on universal harmony. '+ His great passion about knowledge made him appoint intellectual] people in his courtand name them as Navratna, ‘= The only heir that survived and ruled the mughal dynasty after Akbar '+ First military expedition was against Rana Amar Singh, son of Rana| Pratap of Mewar. '* Art, literature, and architecture prospered under Jahangir’s rule, and| the Mughal gardens in Srinagar remain an enduring testimony to his| artistic taste. Jahangir (1605-1627)| ‘= The fifth ruler of Mughal dynasty and famous for his great| administration ‘+ Asagreat lover of artand culture took interest in the construction and| architecture and the master piece is Taj Mahal built in the memory of| his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal Shah Jahan (1628-1658) > Started ruling the dynasty as its sith emperor. |+ Was a ruler with religious orthodoxy and used to support Islam Je Was not much passionate about art and culture, so during his tenure} only few monuments have been developed - the exquisite Moti (Pearl) Mosque at Delhi. '« Reintroduced Jaziva, ie. taxation on non-muslims. ‘Aurangzeb (0658-1707) | Bodhisarva Avlokiteshyara of Mahayana Busldhism is also known as Padmapan HISTORY LITERATURE OF MUGHAL PERIOD Book Author: Contents Tuaukei-Baburi Babur Describes military tactics and administrative organisation during, Babur’s reign Qanun-i-Humayu Khwand Amair Describes Humayun’s administration, festivities and buildings of that period Humayun Nama Gulbadan Begum | Biography of Humayun ‘Akbar Nama Abul Fazl Gives a history of Akbar's reign ‘Tobagat-i-Akbari Khwajah Nizamuddin | -do- Ahmad Baksh Twauk--Jahangiri Jahangir Memoirs of his own reign Igbalnama-i-jahangiri [Muhammad Khan _| History of Jahangir's reign Chahar Chaman Chandra Bhan History of Shah Jahan's rule Brahman ‘Alamgir-nama ‘Munshi Mirza Gives an account of Aurangzeb’s first 10 MuhammaKazin | years of rule Massir--Alamgiri Sagi Mustaid Khan | Official history of Aurangzeb’s reign written after his death Ain-i-Akbari Abul Fazl History of Akbar’s reign Muntakhab-ul-Tawarikh | Badauni History of Akbar’s rule ‘Tawarikh-i-Alfi Mulla Daud -do- Nuriyya-Sultaniyya | Abdul Haq. ‘Theory of Kinship during Mughal Period Wagt-i-Hyderabad Nimat Khan Ali Aurangzeb’s Golconda conquest Futuhat-i-Alamgiri Ishwar Das Aurangzeb's history Nuskha-i-Dilkusha Bhimsen Saxena __| Analysis of Aurangzeb's rule and character Khulasat-ul-Tawarikh —_|Sujan Raj Khatri__| History of Aurangzeb's rule Padshah Namah Abdul Hamid Lahori _| History of Shah Jahan's reign Padshah Namah Muhammad Waris _|-do- Shahjahan Namah Muhammad Salih —_|-do- Shabjahan Namah Inyat Khan -do- Hamlai-Haidri Muhammad Rafi Khan | History of Aurangreb's rule Namah-e-Alamgiri Aguil Khan Zafar | -do- Sirr-i-Akbar Dara Shikoh Urdu translation of Upanishad Safinat-ul-Auliya -do- Biographies of Sufi Saints Majma-ul-Bahrain -do- Philosophical ideas discussed Raggat-e-Alamgiri ‘Aurangzeb compendium of his letters Hasmat-ul-Arifin Dara Shikoh Religious ideas discussed The Bhumisparsha mura sain of Buddha of Sarnath is dated to Gupa period HISTORY ‘Advent of European’ Commercein | in the year 1565. The expedition aimed at India opening spice rootsto India. However in between 1595 to 1601 several such expeditions were The Portuguase made to monopolize the entire spice trade to istration and Vasco de Gama discovered new sea route Europe with their skill admi to India via coast of South Africa and — vigour commercialization. reached Calicut coast on 20th May 1498 The French and established factories at Cochin. Successively Francis co de Almeida reached India in September 1505 and became the Portuguese governor in India, He built a fort and settled there and named ag Auladiay. minors under the guidance of Richelieu, The Dutch ‘They were permitted to sail to Madagascar ‘The first Dutch expedition reached EastIndies and the neighbouring islands and establish under the leadership Cornelius Houtman colonies and trade there. THE KINGDOM OF THE GREAT MARATHA, Eminent Persons Notable accomplishments [+ Known as the father of Maratha nation. + Before killing Adilshahi general Afzal Khan in 1647, he gradually started capturing forts in the region like Purandar, Rajgad, Torna, |+ The guerrilla tactics and brilliant military strategies were his key to] success in every wat. ]+ Fought with Jai Singh, general of Aurangzeb in which he lost and was} Shivaji Bhonsle | 2tTested in 1666, but soon he escaped and regained his lost territory (1630-80 A.) {* Assumed the title of “Chhatrapati” at his elaborate coronation in 1674. J+ Died in 1680 and at that time had control over most of western Maharashtra and had made ‘Raigad’ capital, J+ Was the first son of Chhatrapati Shivaji and succeeded his father after his| death in the first week of April 1680, |+ Gave shelter to Sultan Muhammad Akbar, the fourth son of Aurangzeb, who| sought Sambhaji’s aid in winning the Mughal throne from his emperor father. J+ During this period Mughals sieged the Maratha fort of Ramsej in 1682, but after five months of failed attempts, including planting explosive mines| and building wooden towers to gain the walls, the Mughal siege failed, J+_Was imprisoned and executed by Aurangzeb, in 1689, [+ After the execution of Sambhaji, Rajaram, the second son of Shivaji had taken the charge of Marathas in 1689 but soon died in 1700, J+ Tarabai the widow of Rajaram, put her young son Sambhaji Il on the| throne after his father’s death, at the tender age of ten, and continued the| fight against Mughals until the death of Aurangzeb in 1707, ‘The very first attemptof the French community to enter Indian coast wasin the early daysof 16" century but they failed to do so due to the monopoly of Dutch Territory. Later on they discovered land routes through Asia > Sahuji the son of Sambhaji was released from Mughals captivity in 1707. J+ He attacked Tarabai and Sambhaji Il from the throne of Maratha with the] help of Peshwa Balaji Biswanathan and won the battle. Soon had his own| territory. Didn't posses a strong affinity towards politics he settled down in Satara, Sahuji ( Gumar Buca was rated the poston of God during the reign of Raniviha HISTORY ‘Advent of European’ Commercein | in the year 1565. The expedition aimed at India opening spice rootsto India. However in between 1595 to 1601 several such expeditions were The Portuguase made to monopolize the entire spice trade to istration and Vasco de Gama discovered new sea route Europe with their skill admi to India via coast of South Africa and — vigour commercialization. reached Calicut coast on 20th May 1498 The French and established factories at Cochin. Successively Francis co de Almeida reached India in September 1505 and became the Portuguese governor in India, He built a fort and settled there and named ag Auladiay. minors under the guidance of Richelieu, The Dutch ‘They were permitted to sail to Madagascar ‘The first Dutch expedition reached EastIndies and the neighbouring islands and establish under the leadership Cornelius Houtman colonies and trade there. THE KINGDOM OF THE GREAT MARATHA, Eminent Persons Notable accomplishments [+ Known as the father of Maratha nation. + Before killing Adilshahi general Afzal Khan in 1647, he gradually started capturing forts in the region like Purandar, Rajgad, Torna, |+ The guerrilla tactics and brilliant military strategies were his key to] success in every wat. ]+ Fought with Jai Singh, general of Aurangzeb in which he lost and was} Shivaji Bhonsle | 2tTested in 1666, but soon he escaped and regained his lost territory (1630-80 A.) {* Assumed the title of “Chhatrapati” at his elaborate coronation in 1674. J+ Died in 1680 and at that time had control over most of western Maharashtra and had made ‘Raigad’ capital, J+ Was the first son of Chhatrapati Shivaji and succeeded his father after his| death in the first week of April 1680, |+ Gave shelter to Sultan Muhammad Akbar, the fourth son of Aurangzeb, who| sought Sambhaji’s aid in winning the Mughal throne from his emperor father. J+ During this period Mughals sieged the Maratha fort of Ramsej in 1682, but after five months of failed attempts, including planting explosive mines| and building wooden towers to gain the walls, the Mughal siege failed, J+_Was imprisoned and executed by Aurangzeb, in 1689, [+ After the execution of Sambhaji, Rajaram, the second son of Shivaji had taken the charge of Marathas in 1689 but soon died in 1700, J+ Tarabai the widow of Rajaram, put her young son Sambhaji Il on the| throne after his father’s death, at the tender age of ten, and continued the| fight against Mughals until the death of Aurangzeb in 1707, ‘The very first attemptof the French community to enter Indian coast wasin the early daysof 16" century but they failed to do so due to the monopoly of Dutch Territory. Later on they discovered land routes through Asia > Sahuji the son of Sambhaji was released from Mughals captivity in 1707. J+ He attacked Tarabai and Sambhaji Il from the throne of Maratha with the] help of Peshwa Balaji Biswanathan and won the battle. Soon had his own| territory. Didn't posses a strong affinity towards politics he settled down in Satara, Sahuji ( Gumar Buca was rated the poston of God during the reign of Raniviha He was appointed as Prime Minister of Sahuji and assisted him on| political issues. ‘This was the beginning of another great dynasty in 1718 known as| Peshwa dynasty. He died in 1721 s Bajirao Peshwa | As the eldest son to his father Balaji Vishwanath, Bafirao Peshwa | took| the charge of Peshwa dynasty after his death in 1721. During his tenure, Pune regained the status of capital Maratha Kingdom| from Raigad. In 1734, captured the Malwa territory in the north, and in 1739, drove out| the Portuguese from nearly all their possessions in the Western Ghats. He died in 1740. Balaji Baji (Nanasaheb) Succeeded as Peshwa after his father Bajirao Peshwa's Death. Fought the third war of Panipat with Ahmad Shah Abdalli in 1761 but| lost the war, Was shattered by the loss of his elder son and brother in the war and died| soon after the war ended [+ Assumed the title of Peshwa in 1761 J+ His leading achievements included the defeat of Nizam of Hyderabad, Hyder Ali of Mysore and Bhosle of Nagpur. Defeated Jats and took the hold of Agra and Mathura in 1769 with the| help of Mahadaji Shinde and Nana Phadnis. In 1772, died at an early age of 27 years. Mahadaji Shinde Was a trusted lieutenant of the Peshwa and one of the three pillars of] Maratha Resurrection, Wiped out the power of Jats of Mathura and during 1772-73 ana| destroyed the power of Pashtun Rohillas in Rohilkhand and captured| Najibabad. ied of typhoid fever, at his camp at Wanaveii near Pune on 12 February| 1794 while he was at the zenith of power. Was a prominent minister and statesman of the Maratha Empire during| the Peshwa administration in Pune. |+ Handled the Peshwai well and with great unity among Maratha chiefs. J+ The then rising powers have been halted by his great efforts and] continued to serve the Peshwas until his death in 1800 AD. (Ghamunitari, minister under Ganga ruler Rachmalla cousructed Jain sate of Balubali (Gomat)in 9854.0. British India (1612-1947) In 1617, the British East India Company Was given permission by Mughal Emperor Jahangir to trade in India, As a result of three Carnatic Wars, the British East India Company gained exclusive control over the entire Carnatic region of India, The Anglo-Mysore Wars (1766-1799) and later the Anglo-Maratha Wars (1772- 1818) led to control of the vast regions of India. Ahom Kingdom of North-east India first fell to Burmese invasion and then to British after Treaty of Yandabo in 1826. Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, and Kashmir were annexed after the Second Anglo-Sikh War in 1849; however, Kashmir was immediately sold under the Treaty of Amritsar to the Dogra Dynasty of Jammu and thereby became a princely state. HISTORY ‘The border dispute between Nepal and British India, which sharpened after 1801, had caused the Anglo-Nepalese War of 1814-16 and brought the defeated Gurkhas under British influence. In 1854, Berar was annexed, and the state of Oudh ‘was added two years later. Their policy was sometimes summed up as Divide and Rule, taking advantage of the enmity festering between various princely states and social and religious groups. In 1757, Clive was appointed by the company as its first ‘Governor of Bengal’ In same year Treaty of Allahabad was concluded by which the Mughal Emperor granted the Diwani rights to the English East India Company. Thus, the British power in India was thoroughly established, GOVERNORS (1757-1854) Robert Clive 1757-1760 Robert Clive 1765-1766 John Cartier 1769-1772 Charles Cornwallis 1786-1793 Charles Cornwallis 1805-1805 Henry Vansittart 1760-1764 Harry Verelst 1767-1769 Warren Hastings 1772-1774 Richard Wellesley 1798-1805 James Broun-Ramsay 1848-1854 EAST INDIA COMPANY BEFORE 1857 lfought at Negapatam ‘Event Involved Consequences First Carnatic War French La Bourdonnais and|British victory (1746-1748) [British Admiral Edward Peyton] ‘Second Carnatic |War (1749-1754) |England aided Muzaffar Jung Nasir Jung aided by France while Ended with the Treaty of Pondicherry| in 1754 and Muzafar Jung became the| Nizam. Duplex was replaced by Godeheu as| the French governor, 'Third Carnatic War (1758-1763) |Lally French commander \defeated by British General Eyre Coote ‘At Wandiwash (1760) Count de! Defeat of French Treaty of Paris (1763) was signed, which returned Chandernagore and| Pondichérry to France. was Sir} Battle of Plassey (23 June 1757) Robert Clive. [French supported Siraj-ud-Daulal land East India Company led by! Paved way for British mastery of| Bengal and eventually whole of India Rich revenue of Bengal helped British] to maintain strong army. Battle of Buxar, 22nd October, 1764 Iwith the Nawab of Bengal ‘East India Company led by Hector! ‘Munroand Mughal Emperor along| ‘Treaty of Allahabad secured Diwani| Rights for the Company to collect and| manage the revenues of real estate, | Te Hathigumpa inscription ells ws thar Karla dfemed three Somtern Kingdom-Chols, Chores end Penis) HISTORY [1781 War Forces of the Kingdom of Mysore|* Eyre Coote defeated Haider Ali at Port] land Great Britain, Novo. 1784, Pitt's Act '* British government got supreme| control over the company’s affair and| its administration, War 1789-1792 [Tipu Sultan and East Indiale Treaty of Seringapatam was signed. ‘Company ‘Tipu had to cede half of his territories| to English and paid * 330 lakhs as| indemnity. ‘Awadh annexation [Lord Dalhousie ‘» Introduced the famous Doctrine of] 1856 Lapse. (The rebellion East India Company and united force of Indian leaders like (Bahadur| lof 1857 Sepoy _|Shah, Bakt Khan, Begum Hazart Mahal of Avadh, Tanti Tope, Nana Saheb, Mutiny [Azimullab, Rani Lakshmibai, Kunwar Singh etc), The revolt marked the end| lof the East India Company's rule, and India came under the direct rule of| ithe British Crown, Date Person Event 1815 Raja Ram Mohan Roy Established Atmiya Sabha. He was the first Indian to start an agitation for social, religious and political reforms, 1828 Raja Ram Mohan Rey Established Brahmo Samaj to preach monotheism and purify Hinduism, 1839 Debendranath Tagore Founded Tatvabodhini Sabha to propagate Ram Mohan Roy's ideas. 1850 Vidyasagar Protest against child-marriage and promoted |women education. 1850 Vishnu Shankar Pundit [Founded widow remarriage association. 1851 Naoroji Furdonji, Dadabhai [Rehnumai Mazdayasan Sabha or Religious Reform 'Naoroji and S.SBengalee Association, 1852 [Kassondas Muli In Gujarat advocated widow remarriage. 1866 [Dadabhai Naoroji Established East India Association in London 1872 Baba Ram Singh Namdhari Movement originated in north-west comer of Sikh kingdom. It was also known as Kuka movement, | 23 September, Mahatma jyotirao Formed Satyashodhak Samaj (Society of Seekers of| 1873 (Govindrao Phule {Truth). 1875 ‘Swami Dayanand Founded Arya Samaj in Bombay. Called Vedas to Saraswathi be source of "true knowledge” and gave the motto "back to Vedas". Was against idol worship, child marriage and caste system. 1897 \Vivekananda Founded the Ramakrishna Mission to carry out] humanitarian relief and social work. 1902 ‘Swami Shradhananda Started Gurukul near Haridwar to propagate more} traditional idea of education, Yahilsaviika Sty seancas on Reasoning) was wrinen by Buddhis philosopher Nagarjuna. HISTORY ‘THE FREEDOM STRUGGLE TIME LINE 1885 Pherozeshah Mehta, K-T. Telang, Badruddin Tyabji formed Bombay Presidency| Association, 28 Dec, 1885 __|Indian National Congress was formed by Allan Octavian Hume. 28-31 Dec. 1885 Firstsession of Indian National Congress was attended by 72 delegates under the presidency af W.C. Bonnerjee. 1896-97 Bal Gangadhar Tilak initiated a no-tax campaign in Maharashtra. (20July, 1905 [Partition of Bengal order was passed by Lord Curzon. Dec, 1905 Gokhale then the president of Congress condemned the partition of Bengal and supported Swadeshi and Boycott movement. 1906 Dadabhai Naoroji became the president of National Congress and clearly declared their goal to be self-government or Swaraj like the other colonies 30 Dec. 1906 [All India Muslim League was formed by Aga Khan Ill and the founding| meeting was hosted by Nawab Sir Khwaja Salimullah, 1909 The Indian Councils Act or Morley-Minto Reform was announced, i914 Government announced the withdrawal of Partition of Bengal. 1913 Ghadar Party founded by Punjabi Indians in the United States and Canada aiming at securing India's independence. ‘April, 1915 [First session of Hindu Mahasabha was held under the presidentship of] Maharaja of Kasim Bazar. 26Dec.1916 Lucknow Pact was signed dealing with the structure of the government of| India and with relation to the Hindu and Muslim communities. 1917 Indigo Satyagraha started by M.K Gandhi in Champaran, Bihar. 918 Edwin Montagu, then the Secretary of State and Lord Chelmsford, the Viceroy produced a scheme of constitutional reform which was called as the Montague-Chelmsford reforms. 1919 Enact ment of the Government of India Act March, 1919 [Rowlatt Act was passed which enabled government to imprison people| without trial, 13 April, 1919 [Unarmed crowd gathered at Jallianwala Bagh to protest against the arrest o Dr: Saifuddin Kitchlew and Dr. Satyapal was attacked by the British army as| commanded by General Dyer. 31 August, 1920 Khilafat Committee launched a non-cooperation Movement. 4 February, 1922 /M.K. Gandhi announced mass Civil Disobedience movement. '5 Feb. 1922 [Protesters participating in the Non-cooperation Movement turned violent, leading to police opening fire in Chauri Chaura. Congress as a result halted| the non-cooperation Movement. 1925 (Communist Party came into existence. Nov. 1927 Simon headed commission was set up to submit report on working of Indian constitution established by Government of India Act, 1919. 117 Nov. 1928 Lala Lajpat Rai died due to the injuries by the beating of local police during a protest demonstration at Lahore. (Dec. 1928 (Gandhi joined back the active politics at Calcutta session. 26 Jan. 1930 Was fixed as the First Independence Day and since then was celebrated every year up to 1947. (atts a voluntary offering tothe King but became compulsory and opresive ax during Gupta perio. HISTORY Feb, 1930 [Chandra Shekchar Azad was shot dead in a park ealled Azad Park at Allahabad in an encounter with British police. 12 March, 1930 Dandi March lead by M.K. Gandhi took place. Together with 78 companions| he walked 375 km from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi (6 April, 1930 (Gandhi reached Dandi and broke the Salt law. 112 Now. 1930) First round table conference was held in London, was chaired by British| Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald. \5 March, 1931 Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed between Gandhi and then viceroy of India Lord Irwin, According to which British agreed to withdraw all ordinancesand| lend prosecutions and release all political prisoners. 24 August, 1932 Poona Pact was signed between Gandhi and Dr. BR. Ambedkar at Yerwada| Central Jail. 1935 Government of India Act was passed according to which All India Federation| was established including British India and Princely States (representative were appointed by the rulers) forming a bicameral federal legislature. (October, 1940 (Gandhi gave an order for limited satyagraha (for few individuals only). [a August, 1942 (Quit India Movement was launched by M.K.Gandhi, 1945 Congress working committee adopted a resolution to abolish andlordism, Posts and Air (2Sept. 1946 interim government of India formed the newly elected Constituent] Assembly of India, This idea was rejected by Muslim league. [Dec 1946 _ |The Constituent Assembly met for the first time, INTERIM GOVERNMENT External Affairs and Commonwealth Relations Jawahar Lal Nehru Defence Baldev Singh Home [including Information and Broadcasting) Vallabhbhai Patel Finance Liaquat Ali Khan Food and Agriculture Rajendra Parsad Labour Jagjivan Ram (Transport and Railways M, Asaf Ali Industries and Supplies John Mathai Education and Arts . Rajagopalachari |Works, Mines and Power CH. Bhabha (commerce Li. Chundrigar ‘Law Jogindar Nath Mandal Health Ghazanfar Ali Khan ‘Abdur Rab Nishtar (at yana, a smriti writer of Gupta perind was the first» use the expression Asprashya to denote de untouchables. Mountbatten Plan The Indian Independence Act 1947 also called 3 June Plan or Mountbatten Plan, declared that power would be handed over by 15 August 1947. It gave India and Pakistan a dominion status, The Act received the royal assent on 18 July 1947. The boundaries between the two dominion states were determined by a Boundary Commission which was headed by Sir Cyril Radcliff ] HISTORY ‘SESSIONS OF INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS The Founding Years (1885-1900) Session Place Date President st Session Bombay | Dec. 28-30,1885 | Womesh Chandra Bonnerjee 2nd session | Caleutta__| Dec. 27-30, 1886 | Dadabhai Naoroji 3rd Session Madras | Dec. 27-30, 1887 _| Badruddin Tyabji 4th Session Allahabad | Dec. 26-29, 1888 | George Yule Sth Session Bombay | Dec 26-28, 1889 | William Wedderburn 6th Session Calcutta | Dec. 26-30, 1890 _| Pherozeshah Mehta Bth Session Allahabad | Dec. 28-30, 1892 | Womesh Chandra Bonnerjee 1othSession [Madras | Dec, 26-29, 1894 _| Alfred Webb 1ithSession | Poona Dec. 27-30, 1805 | Surendranath Banerjee izthSession | Calcutta | Dec. 28-31, 1896 _| Rahimatullah M.Sayani 13thSession [Amraoti__| Dec. 27-29, 1897 _| C Sankaran Nair 14th Session [Madras | Dec, 29-31, 1898 | AnandaMohan Bose 1sthSession | Lucknow | Dec. 27-30,1899 | Romesh Chunder Dutt 16th Session | Lahore Dec. 27-29, 1900 | N.G. Chandavarkar 7th Session Nagpur | Dec. 28-30,1991 | P. Ananda Charu 9th Session Lahore Dec. 27-30, 1893 | Dadabhai Naoroji The Pre Independence Era (1900-1947) Session Place Date President 17th Session Calcutta [Dec. 26-28, 1901 Dinshaw Edulji Wacha 18th Session ‘Ahmedabad |Dec. 28-30, 1902 [Surendranath Banerjee 19th Session Madras |Dec. 28-30, 1903 Lal Mohan Ghosh 20th Session Bombay _|Dec. 26-28, 1904 Henry Cotton 21st Session Benares _[Dec. 27-30, 1905 Gopal Krishna Gokhale 22nd Session Calcutta |[Dec. 26-29, 1906 Dadabhat Naoroji 23rd Session Surat Dec, 26-27, 1907 approx [Rash Behari Ghosh 23rd Session (contd) [Madras |Dec. 28-30, 1908 Rash Behari Ghosh 24th Session Lahore _|Dec. 27-29, 1909 /Madan Mohan Malaviya 25th Session Allahabad _[Dec. 26-29, 1910 ‘William Wedderburn 26th Session Calcutta Dec. 26-28, 1911 Bishan Narayan Dar 28th Session Karachi [Dec. 26-28, 1913 Nawab Syed Mohammed Bahaclur 30th Session Bombay |Dec. 27-29, 1915 Satyendta Prasanna Sinha 3st Session Lucknow |Dec. 26-30, 1916 /Ambica Charan Mazumdar 32nd Session Calcutta |[Dec. 26-29, 1917 Annie Besant (Special Session) [Bombay [Aug 29-Sept.1,1918 [Syed Hasan Imam 33rd Session Delhi Dec. 26-31, 1918 Madan Mohan Malaviya | Chandrapupte 1 kramadtpa’ was th first Gupta rte to ue sive ois and doped he tle Sakari HISTORY 34th Session [Amritsar [Dec. 26-30, 1919 (Motilal Nehru 35th Session Nagpur |Dec. 26-31, 1920 [C. Vijayaraghavachariar 36th Session ‘Ahmedabad |Dec, 27-28, 1921 [Hakim Ajmal Khan (Acting Presi dent for CR. Das) 37th Session Gaya’ Dec. 26-31, 1922 CR. Das (Special Session) [Delhi [Abul Kalam Azad 39th Session Belgaum |Dec. 26-27, 1924 /M.K. Gandhi 40th Session Kanpur |Dec. 26-28, 1925 [Shri BK Hariprasad 4st Session, Gauhati__[Dec. 26-28, 1926 S. Srinivasa Iyengar 42nd Session Madras |Dec. 26-28, 1927 M.A, Ansari 43rd Session Cateutta [Dec 29, 1928-Jan.1,1929 [Motilal Nehru 45th Session Karachi [Mar, 29-31, 1931 Vallabbhai J Patel ‘46th Session Delhi Apr 24, 1982 (Banned) [Ranchod Lal Amrit Lal 47th Session Calcutta [March 1933 (anne) Nellie Sen Gupta 48th Session Bombay Oct. 24-28, 1934 Rajendra Prasad Sist Session Haripura _|Feb, 19-21, 1938 Subhash Chandra Bose ‘52nd Session ‘Tripuri____[Mar: 10-12, 1939 Subhash Chandra Bose 53rd Session Ramgarh Mar. 19-20, 1940 [Abul Kalam Azad 54th Session Meerut [Nov. 23-24, 1946 1.8, Kripalani The Post Independence Era (1947-1990) Session Place Date President 55th Session Jaipur Dec. 18, 1948 B, Pattabhi Sitaramayya 56th Session Nasik Sept. 21-22, 1950 _| Purushottam Das Tandon 60th Session Avadi (Madras) | jan.21-23,195Sapprax. | Shri Bharat Kumar 6st Session Amritsar Feb 11-12,1956anpmox._| Shri Bharat Kumar 62nd Session Indore Jan.5-6,1957 approx. | Shri Bharat Kumar 63rd Session Gauhati Jan.18-19, 1958 | Shri Bharat Kumar 64th Session Nagpur Jan. 9-11, 1959 Shri Bharat Kumar 65th Session Bangalore Jan.16-17, 1960 __| N.Sanjiva Reddy 66th Session Bhavnagar _| Jan. 6-7, 1961 N. Sanjiva Reddy 7ist Session’ Hyderabad | jan. 10-11,1968 __| S. Nijalingappa 72nd Session Faridabad Apr 27-28, 1969 _| S. Nijalingappa 73rd Session Bombay Dec.28-29,1969 | Jagyivan Ram 74th Session Caleutta Dec.28-29,1972 | Shankar Dayal Sharma 75th Session Chandigarh | Dec31,19754}1,1976 | D.K. Barooah 76th Session New Delhi Jan, 1-2, 1978 Indira Gandhi 7th Session Caleutta Dec.29-30,1983 | Indira Gandhi 78th (Centenary) Session | Bombay December 28, 1985 | Rajiv Gandhi “Harshavardhana was an eecomplished autor who wrote thre sanshrt plays Ngenanda, Ratraali and Privadarshiba. HISTORY THE POST LIBERALIZATION ERA (1990-2010) Session Place Date President 79th Session Tirupati (AP) April 14-16, 1992 PY. Narasimha Rao Special Session Surajkund (Haryana) | March 27-28,1993 PY. Narasimha Rao Special Session Talkatora Stadium, | June 10- 11, 1994 PY. Narasimha Rao New Delhi 80th Session Calcutta August 8-10, 1997 Sitaram Kesti Special Session New Delhi April 6, 1998 Sonia Gandhi Chintan Shivir Panchmarhi (MP) __ | Sept. 4-6, 1998 Sonia Gandhi Special session TTalkatora Stadium, | December 18, 1998 Sonia Gandhi New Dethi Special Session TTalkatora Stadium, | May 25, 1999 Sonia Gandhi New Delhi Bist Session Bangalore February 14, 16,2001 Sonia Gandhi Chintan Shivir Shimla (H.P) July 9, 10, 11,2003 Sonia Gandhi Special session ‘Talkatora Stadium, | August 21, 2004 Sonia Gandhi New Delhi 82nd Session Hyderabad January 2006 Sonia Gandhi 83rd Plenary Session | New Delhi 2010 Sonia Gandhi Chintan Shivir Jaipur January 18-19, 2013-08-24 | Sonia Gandhi NEWSPAPERS AND JOURNALS Newspaper /Journal Name Founder Bengal Gazette (1780) (India’s First Newspaper) James Augustus Hickey. Kesari B.G.Tilak ‘Amrita Bazar Patrika Sisir Kumar Ghosh and Motilal Ghosh Vande Mataram Aurobindo Ghosh, Madam Bhikaji Cama Kavivachan Sudha Bhartendu Harishchandra Rast Goftar(lirst newspaper in Gujarati) Dadabhai Naoroji Statesman Robert Knight Hindu Vir Raghavacharya and GS. Alyar Yugantar Bhupendranath Data and Barinder Kumar Ghosh Bombay Chronicle Firoze Shah Mehta Hindustan MM. Malaviya Mooknayak BAR Ambedkar Comrade Mohammad All Tahzib-ul-Akdlag Sir Syed Ahmed Khan | Pats rterNarshimhovrman “Mammal” invaded chalakya and captred vai and adopted the tie wapihonda. HISTORY AL-Hilal ‘Abul Kalam Azad ‘Al-Balagh ‘Abul Kalam Azad Independent Motilal Nehru Punjabi Lala Lajpat Rai New India(Daily) ‘Annie Besant Pratap Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Samad Kaumudi (Bengali) Ram Mohan Roy. Mirat-ul-Akbhar Ram Mohan Roy (first Persian Newspaper) Young India M.K Gandhi Harijan M.K Gandhi Hindustan Times K.M, Pannikar GREAT TRAVELERS IN INDIAN HISTORY. Identity: Greck ethnographer & ambassador. ‘Time of Visit to India: During the rule of Chandragupta Maurya. Duration of Stay: 302-298 BC Contribution: Wrote the book Indica Megasthenes Identity: A Buddhist Monk who came from China. Time of Visit to India: Reign of Harshvardhana, Duration of Stay: 405-411 AD. . Contribution: Wrote ‘Record of Buddhist kingdoms. Fa Hsien Identity: Chinese Buddhist monk. Time of Visit to India: Reign of Harshavardhan, Duration of Stay: 630-645 AD. Contribution: Wrote Si-yu-ki or the ‘Records of Western World, Hiuen Tsang-tsang/ Xuanzang Identity: Muslim scholar and polymath from Persia ‘Time of Visit to India: Came along with Mahmud of Ghazni. | Duration of Stay: 1024-1030 AD Contribution: Wrote Taharikh-al-Hind, about social religious, f] political nature of India during that time. ALBiruni/Abu Rayhan Muhammad lian merchant and traveller Came during the Period of Rudramani Devi of Kakatiya Dynasty. Duration of Stay: 1292-1294 AD Contribution: Wrote “The book of Sir Marcopolo’, describing about Indian Economy at that time. Marco Polo |Vaisesiba Schoo! of Piosophy was founded by Unka Kanada HISTORY Identity: Traveller of Morocco Time of Visit to India: Came in India at the reign of Muhammad bin Tughlug Duration of Stay: 1333-1347 AD Contribution: write Kitab-ul-rahla, relating geographical, social and economical behaviour of this time. ian merchant Traveller it to India: Came to India during the reign of Bahmani Sultanate, Duration of Stay: 1469-1472 Contribution: ‘The Journey beyond Three Seas. Nicolo Conti Identity: Ambassador of James Il, king of England, Time of Visit to India: Came in India at the reign of Jahangir, the great mogul along with William Finch, Duration of Stay: First Visit: 1421, Revisited: 1430 Identity: Italian Traveller Time of Visit to India: Came during the rule of Devaraya | of Sangam dynasty of Vijaynagar empire. Duration of Stay: First Visit: 1421 Revisited: 1430 Contribution: Author of “Voyage aux Indes. Afanasy Nikitin Identity: Persian traveller Abdur Razzaq _| Time of Visit to India: Came to India during Balhmani Sultanate. Duration of Stay: 1443-1444 AD Identity: Arab navigator Sulaiman Al Mahri_ | Time of Visit: Middle of Ninth Century during the age of Palas and. Pratiharas Contribution: Wrote an account on Pala Empire Identity: Arab historian & geographer Al-Masudi Time: Visited Gujarat in 915-16 during Pratiharas Kinghom. Contribution: Testified the great power and prestige of the Pratihara rulers, Pallavas were insromentl spreading Toon clare te South-East Asia. The Pallas ees of Shi hara can Be found | intempien of eve, Combo in nd Anna. we | HISTORY WORLD HISTORY MIND MAP WORLD HISTORY Ancient Medieval Modern Mesopotamian Civilization > Medieval Europe 2 Renaissance (8000-90089 Civilization * Reforms 1 Egyptian Civilization > African Civilization * Major Revolutions of (500-30 8c) > Mongol Empire Civiliza- World Israel Kingdom tion * Glorious Revolution (1300-63 8C) > Arab civilization & Islam + Industrial Revolution Greek Civilization(776- > Medieval China + American Revolution 388 BC) * French Revolution «Roman Civilization (753 + Russian Revolution BC-476A0) > An insight into World Wars| He Christianity > Major wars of World > Zoroastrianism (Parsi) + Trojan War + Persian War * Peloponnesian War + Punic Wars ‘+ Hundred Years War * RussoJapan War + Vietnam War + Iraq War ‘Time Period Events, '5000-3500 BC _ |The first city built by Sumerian people in southern Mesopotamia, [3500 BC |Writing started with pictogram based script and took about a thousand year| {to be evolved in full cuneiform script. [2300 BC [The first akkadian ruler Sargon started to conquer Sumerian cities 2112-2005 BC |The central city of Ur was built by Ur-Nammu and called as the third dynasty lof Mesopotamian, 1792-498C [Development of Babylonian civilization by king Hammurabi along Euphrates River, 1530 BC ‘Kassite came into being in Hammurabi’s rule in 1750 BC and categorized| into minorities of Mesopotamia, 1500 BC Northern Mesopotamia is conquered by an Indo-European ruler called ‘Mittani. He has also conquered Syria and Asia Minor. 1200-900.BC [Assyria started to lose its importance due to political instability engulfing] ‘Anatolia, Syria, and the Levant coast. Fahlen, the Chinese pilgrim visied Indla during Chandragupta 1 and Hiven-Tsang daring Harshavardtana. HISTORY EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION, ‘Time Period Events 5000 BC Farming started along the bank of Nile river. 3500-3000 BC Starting of Pre dynastic period which was characterized by permanent settlement, 2650 BC Old kingdom began to flourish which was known to be the era of dynamic development of Egyptian art, 2575-2465 BC Pharaoh Khufu built Great pyramid of Giza having a height of 481 feet 2381-2345 BC ‘The Old Kingdom ended during the realm of Unas. 2055 BC-1650 BC _| The era of middle kingdom started with reunion of Egypt. 1539 BC With the expulsion of the Hyksos and reunification of Egypt, it became the leading power in the Middle East. 1344-1328 BC The first ever instance of monotheism had been illustrated by the religious reforms of pharaoh Akhenaton, 1336-1327 BC ‘The realm of Tutankhamen, 1279-1213 BC ‘The existence of Ramses Realm when Egypt experienced the height of| its power. 728 BC Nubian kings took over the power of Fypt. 639BC ‘The period of revival started with the expulsion of Assyrians by Egyptians. 525 BC Persians started ruling the Egypt. 332BC Alexander the great conquered Egypt. 305 BC A greek-speaking dynasty was established by one of the generals of| Alexander the Great. 30.BC ‘The last queen of independent Egypt died and Roman empire occupied Egypt, ‘THE KINGDOM OF ISRAEL ‘Time Period Events 1300-1200 BC _ |The land of Canaan occupied by the Israelites. 1050-970 BC __| The kingdom was ruled by Sou! followed by David. 970 BC David's son Solomon became the new king. 981 BC The kingdom divided into north (Istael) and south(Judah) parts. 722BC The Assyrians destroyed the northern kingdom. 6208C ‘A religious revival took place in southern kingdom of Judah. 597-582 The destruction of both Judah and Jerusalem occurred. 538 BC ‘The Persian king Cyrus repatriated the kings of Judah and Jerusalem and encouraged them to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, | tal Chana was the last Rajput King who was killed by Mohammad Ghortin the Bante of Chandar. HISTORY 164.BC ‘The revolution broke out against the Seleucid kings under the leadership of the Maccabees brothers by Jews. 63. BC Judaea was conquered by Romans and the family of Herod the Great started ruling ‘Time Period 776BC ‘The first official date of Olympic Games. 750.BC Greek started planting colonies on the Mediterranean coast. 490-479 ‘Athens and Sparta took lead for defending their land against invasion from the huge Persian Empire, 447 BC ‘Athenian Empire was at the height of its power. 431-404 ‘Athens was defeated by Sparta in the Second Peloponnesian War. 399 Socrates, the famous philosopher of Athens was sentenced to death as he ‘was questioning conventional ideas. 338 ‘The Greek city-states were defeated by King Phillip Il of Macedon, [ ROMAN CIVILIZATION | ‘Time Period Events 753 BC Rome was founded. 509 BC Roman republic was built, 390.BC Rome was sacked by the Gauls. 264-241 8¢__| First Punic War between Carthage and Rome took place. 218-202BC _| Second Punic War consisting of several small battles took place where Rome was the ultimate winner. 83-31 BC Decline of Roman Republic due to the continuous phase of civil wars. 27 BC Augustus established himself as the first of the Roman emperors. 117 AD Roman Empire became the largest empire of its time. 312.AD Constantine the great got converted to Christianity, 410 AD Goths sacked Roman Empire. 476AD The last Roman emperor was thrown out by German Tribes. Christianity It was founded by Jesus Christ (i.e. Merriah). He was born on 25th December to Mother Mary (Marium) in Bethlehem (Nr. Jerusalam) Bible is the holy book of Christians. His crucifixion (hanging) on cross happened in about AD 33. So, sign of ‘cross’ is considered holy for Christians. | Kanbana, Kutana and Pugalendi are considered ws ‘three gems of Tamil poetry’ HISTORY MEDIEVAL EUROPEAN CIVILIZATION Time Period Events 500-600AD |» A monastery was builtin Italy. /* Christianity was introduced in England. Je The foundation stone of Roman Catholic Church was laid by Gregory the Great. 650-700AD __|History of the English Church and People was written by Bede. g00aD [Charlemagne, the King of the Franks, was crowned as Holy Roman Emperor 850-900AD __| First Russian states founded at Kiev and Novgorod. 900-950AD __| Viking raids across Western Europe. 1000-1050 __| Medical school set up in Salerno, Italy (1030), 1050-1100 AD. |» William of Normandy invaded England and becomes king, J+ First Crusade was proclaimed. 1150-1200 AD_| Construction of the cathedral of Notre Dame, 1200-1250 AD |» St Francis of Assisi sets up a monastic order, emphasizing austerity and compassion, J+ Rebellion against the king by the Lords of England as he signed the Magna Carta, accepting to rule according to law, 1250-1300 AD_ [Establishment of the Hapsburg dynasty that continued to rule Austria till 1918, Feudalism was a socio-political hierarchy which started in 8th century AD in Europe and ended in 14th century AD. Crusades were the series of military campaign organized under the banner of the cross so as to recover the holy places of Palestine from Muslim occupation. AFRICAN CIVILIZATION ‘Time Period Events 830AD Ghana Empire was created. 1050-1100AD _| Expansion of Almoravid kingdom from Ghana to southern Spain, 1100-11508D | Emergence of Zimbabwe as a centre for producing gold and copper artifacts and long distance trade. 1200-1250 AD | Christian churches established in Ethiopia, ‘Kingdom of Mali was established in West Africa, with Timbuktu as a centre oflearning, 1375 AD Gao rebelled against and Songhai started to expand its realm, 1465 AD Songhai conquered Mema and after three years seized Timbaktu. 1588-91 AD | Songhai was attacked by Morocean forces with firearms and they kept on conquering Tondibi, Timbuktu and Gao one after the other. | arbi Aba ptronied Hesan-an-eam author of Ta-Mesir "an Fakhudinethar of Tarkh-tMubarck Sho HISTORY ‘MONGOL EMPIRE ‘Time Period Events 1206 AD ‘Temiijin from the Orkhon Valley received the title Genghis Khan, and started ruling the unified nomads of Mongolia homeland. 1227 aD Death of Genghis Khan, 1250-1350 AD _| Pax Mongolica or stabilization of Mongol empire. 1260-1294 AD | Fragmentation of Mongol Empire into Ukhanate Yuan dynasty, Chagatai Khanate, Golden Horde. 1368 AD Fall of Yuan dynasty. 1687 AD Collapse of Chagatai Khanate. ARAB CIVILIZATION ‘Time Period Events S71AD ‘+ The great Prophet of Islam, was born in Mecca With the rise of new religion Islam, the Arab civilization started expanding its realm 632AD ‘After the death of Mohammad his successors continued to spread his teachings and were known as Caliphs or Khalifas 13th Century AD_ | The Islamic Empire came to end with the defeat of Abbasids by Seljuq Turks Islam in Arab Civilization * Hazrat Prophet Muhammad Saheb founded Islam as a religion, © He was born on Monday, April 22", 571 A.D. (12! Rabi Al Awwal) in Mecca, © His father was Abdulsah & mother was Aminah, father died in Madina before Muhammad was born. * His grandfather was Abdul Mullahib. * He was suckled by Haleema (Dai). * His mother died when he was 6 year and grandfather died 2 years later * Hisuncle ~ Abu Talib took cave of him, + Khadijah (a rich widow lady) of age 40 years married Muhammad (25 yrs). * Hijri Era started on 24" September 622 when he migrated to Medina. * He attained enlightment, ie. the first revelation came to him on Monday, August 10th, 610 AD (21% of Ramadan) at 40 years of age at Gaare-Hira (Hira cave). * First persons who embraced Islam were-Khadija (wife), Zaid (slave), Ali (cousin), & ‘Abu Bakr (friend). + Prophet Muhammad died on Monday, 8" June, 623 AD and was buried at Met + Islam divided into shia and sunni cults after his death. + His successors were called Khalifa. milad-un-Nabi is celebrated as the birthday of the prophet. a a aa a ay RI TR | HISTORY ERN WORLD) HI: Renaissance The European era between 14% to 17" centuries AD was designated as the Age of Renaissance generally known for “Revival of Learning”. The Florence city of Italian region Tuscany was well known as the birth place of Renaissance, Reformation Reformation was initiated by Martin Luther during 16th century in Europe against Roman Catholic Church, He started criticizing the selling of self indulgence of higher authorities in the church by highlighting the fact that the Pope had no authority over the purgatory and there was no evidence of catholic doctrine of the merits of the saints in the gospel. Major Revolutions Glorious Revolution a social movement It was otherwise known as the Bloodless Revolution primarily focused on securing freedom of worship from Catholics unifying Whigs and Tories of Anglican church against the Roman Catholic ruler James and Industrial Revolution It was the process of change in earning livelihood by adopting industrial processes rather than agriculture. It started during invention of several technological aids such as spinning jenny by James Hargreaves in 1764, water-powered spinning frame by Richard Arkwright in 1769, spinning mule by Samuel Crompton in 1779, power loom by Edmund Cartwright in 1785, steam engine by James Watt in 1769 et. American Revolution Itwas the mutiny of people living in thirteen, colonies of England in North America in late 18th century. Various factors such as French and Indian War, stamp act, Townshend Acts, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party/ Intolerable Acts, can be considered as the triggering fact of this revolution in 1775-83, French Revolution It was one of the greatest revolutions of eighteenth century which put an end to French monarchy. It lasted from 1789 until 1799, and partially carried forwarded by Napoleon during the later expansion of the French Empire, Russian Revolution Based on the ideology of Marxism, Russian revolution took place in 1917 and eventually ended up in creating the Russian Soviet Union. The prime causes of these revolutions were the autocratic rule Czars, inefficient and vigorous use of power, low living standard of people in the society, to mid 18% century in Britain with the support church forcefully. WORLD WARS: I & II Event World War World War il Countries | Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey Britain, France, USSR, US, Other Involved _| v3. France, Russia, Britain, US, Italy, nations vs. Germany, Italy, Japan War Duration of july 28, 1914 — November 11, 1918 September 1, 1939 ~ September 2, 1945 | Awen-Tsang spent about eight years (638-643 AD) in India and wrote atest calle Si Yu hi HISTORY Causes [Immediate immediate Murder of Austrian King Archduke | Germany's ultimatum and Ferdinand at Serajevo by a Serbian which | Poland's rejection for surrender resulted in strong hostility between Austria- | of Port Dazing, Hungary and Serbia Refusal of Poland to establish rail Associated link between Germany and West ‘© Militarism Prussia through Polish corridor: ‘+ Nationalism or Competitive Patriotism | Associated ‘* Economic Imperialism « Thetreaty of Versailles(1919) ‘* Anglo-German Rivalry and the charter of]. Nationalist movement of William It Germany & Italy. ‘+ Lack of International Organization + Ideological conflict between Dictatorship and Democracy ‘+ Inefficiency of League of Nation # Colonial and commercial rivalry + Aggressiveness of Berlin-Rome ~Tokyo axis Conse- |» End of the German, Russian, Ottoman and | Collapse of Nazi Germany. quences Austro-Hungarian empires + Fall of Japanese and Italian ‘© Formation of new countries in Europe and} Empires the Middle Bast. ‘+ Creation of the United Nations ‘« ‘Transfer of German colonies and regions} Emergence of the United of the former Ottoman Empire to other] States and the Soviet Union as powers superpowers ‘+ Establishment of the League of Nations }« Beginning of the Cold War Major Wars in History Peloponnesian War Trojan War Participants: Athens vs, Sparta Participants: City of Troy vs City of Sparta Duration of War: 10 years Causes of War: The war resulted due to the kidnapping of Queen Helen from her husband, the king of Sparta by the Trojan Prince, Outcome of war: The war ended with victory of Greck and destruction of Troy. Persian War Participants: Greek vs. Persia Duration of War: 499 BC - 449 BC Causes of War: The king of Persia, Darius attacked Athens when the series of Greek uprisings were suppressed, Outcome of war: The Greck made its victory against Persia, (Sher Sha Suri was known as Maserati and he defeated Humayun ia the baile of Chansa in 1539, Duration of War: 431 BC - 404 BC Causes of War: The war occurred due to the political fragmentation and mutual two city states of Greece, Athens and Sparta, Outcome of War: Eventually Sparta registered its victory by defeating Athens in Decelean war (known to be the third phase of Peloponnesian War), with the help of Persian Empire, Punic Wars ipants: Rome vs. Carthage Duration of War: 264 BC -241 BC Causes of War: The war broke out as the Carthaginians established a base of island that seemed to be a potential threat to Rome. Outcome of War: The Romans won the war, Second Participants: Greek vs. Trojan Duration of War: 218 BC- 201 BC Causes of War: The war occurred when Carthage started expanding its power in Spain and striving for the coastal city of Saguntum (the present day Sagunto) which was allied with Rome. Outcome of War: Finally Rome won over Carthage in the battle of Zama forcing the Carthaginians to give up Spanish territories and its navy. Third Participants: Greek vs. Persian Duration of War: 149 BC- 146 BC Causes of Wari The fear of Carthaginian resurgence led to the war in the city streets of Carthage Outcome of War: Ultimately Romans destroyed the city of Carthage Hundred Years War Participants: France vs, England 337 BC -1453 BC Causes of War: The war broke out after King Edward IT of England invaded the country of France and continued to seize its Duration of Wai land and became its rule! Outcome of War: At the end France managed to defy the England's reign with the help of Scotland. HISTORY Russo-Japan War Participants: Russia vs. Japan Duration of War: 1904 - 05 AD Causes of War: The war fought for having imperial authority over Manchuria and Korea, Outcome of War: Japanese won the war. Vietnam War Participants: Democratic Republic of Vietnam allied with Soviet Union vs, China, Duration of War: 1955-75 AD Causes of War: The war was fought for checking communism spread all over South-Asia Outcome of War: The war ended with the victory of North Vietnam by empowering the Communist government in South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia with annexure of South Vietnam, The American-led forces had to back out from Indochina, Iraq-lran War pants: Islamic Republic of fran and the Republic of traq Duration of War: 1980 - 88 AD Causes of War: The war started with the invasion of republic of Iran resulting froma border dispute of two Republics, Outcome of War: Iraq failed to take over the east bank of the Shatt al-Arab and Part strengthen Arab separatism in the region of Khuzestan, The Iranian invasion failed and the idea of deposing Saddam Hussein was shattered. [ina Deve Ra took be tes of Yavanaraje Sihgpancharyn and also known ex Andhra Bhoj and Andhra Ptamabe, | ———— m=m>| Monarchy mmm | Dictatorship XR y ==> | Federalism ( Tolerance of ===) Governance |¢mm| diverse opinion Regional ==> | Cooperation ; (eo. State, 85 Cor, Leoding fo © complex, Rising Proliferation Women dynamic 8 uncertain world) “= ee) — Empowerment Discussion & Debate Expansion of| asp Democracy Terrorism | ==> INDIAN POLITY- MIND MAP ry is i) (5) = = 3 5 Indian Government Important Acs Constituent Assembly Enactment & Enforcement Irvoduction| Senay Basic Fealures of Constitution Important Quotes Sources Structure of Us of Aries tent Ustof Schedules ecSue List of Amendments (Ti date) Preamble Unien & Tetras Clizenship Rs, FDS, t DP UUnin& State Executes Unicn& Siate Composton Supreme Cou! & High Cout indian Penal Code Panchayal Raj System & Municipalities Cenie State Relations List + Iestale Counc + Zonal Counc ‘cle 370 - damm & Kash © Unio Chi Code © ElecionConm, © CAG fe PScisPsc@ AG Financ Advocate Gen Bern ‘© Loipalt Lokayukta. @ NDC Bodies © NITIAyog © NHRC ‘© Democratic © Patiamentary © Federal Legistature © Executive © iiany Tne cuts © Union © State © Loe (¢ Elecioral System © Elecloral Reloms Political Partie A — Pressure Groups _iaalaal © Principles & © Look-East Objectnes Gujral Dectrine © Nusear Pol ETS er irs Making of Constitution IMPORTANT ACTS Constitutional Landmark Important Provisions Pitts India Act, 1784 Indian affairs under direct control of British government. '¢ Board of cantrol was established. (Government of India, 1858 Company rule replaced by British crown. Secretary of state for India appointed to exercise the power of the crown. He was a member of British cabinet, responsible to it & was assisted by Council of India with 15 members. Governor General became the agent of the crown and now known| as Viceroy of India. Indian Councils Act, 1861 ‘© Indians bet Parliamentary system started in India. ime non-official members of the legislature. Started decentralization of power Indian Councils Act, 1909 (Morley-Minto Reforms. Lord Morley was the then \Secretary of State for India and Lord Minto was Ithen Viceroy of India). Central Legislative Council becames Imperial Legislative Council with officials forming the majority. Provincial Legislative Councils had a majority of non-official members. ‘+ Introduced communal representation for Muslims with a separate electorate system. Legalized communalism, Lord Minto created a communal electorate. (Government of India 'Act, 1919/ Montague Chelmsford Reforms. Montague was the ‘Secretary of State {for India and Lord \Chelmeford was the Viceroy of india Separated central subjects from provincial subjects. Provincial subjects were transferred and reserved. Transferred subjects were administered by Governor with help of] ministers who were responsible to the legislature. Reserved subjects were administered by Governor and Executive Council who were not responsible to the legislature. Diarchy/ Dual system of government was introduced. ‘+ Bicameral legislature with upper and lower houses were formed with direct elections, + Majority of members in both houses were directly elected. ‘+ 3 of the 6 members of Governor-General’s council had to be Indians, (Government of India Act, 1935 Established All India federation of provinces & princely states as constituent units. '* Federal, provincial & concurrent lists were introduced, ‘+ Abolished diarchy in provinces which now had provincial autonomy. + Introduced diarchy at the Centre & bicameralism in the provinces, « Introduced responsible governments in provinces. ‘The August Offer, 1940 Expansion of the Governor-General’s Executive Council to include| more Indians, Establishment of an advisory war council, (Cripps Proposals, 1942 Provision made up for participation of Indian states in the| constitution making body. The leaders of the principal sections of the Indian people were| invited to take active and effective participation in the councils of| their country. The Andra Pradesh Reorganisaiton Set was passed in the year 2018. POLITY There should be a Union of India, embracing both British India and the states which should deal with foreign affairs. ‘+ A Constituent Assembly should be set up to draw up the future constitution of the country. Declared India as independent & sovereign stat (Cabinet Mission Plan, | 1916 Indian Independence Act, |» 1947 «Established responsible government at the Center & provinces. ‘+ Designated Governor General of India & Provincial Governors as Constitutional heads or nominal heads. [Objective Resolution |» On Jan 22, 1947 the Constituent Assembly adopted Objective| resolution as advocated by Jawahar Lal Nehru. It contained| fundamental propositions of the constitution & set forth the| political ideas that should guide its deliberations. Constituent Assembly * The Constituent Assembly was constituted in Nov. 1946 under the scheme formulated by the Cabinet Mission Plan 1946, Total members ~ 389 * Members elected indirectly from British India - 296 * Members nominated by princely states. - 93 * The Constituent Assembly had both Nominated & Elected members. The elected members were indirectly elected by members of the Provincial Assemblies, + 1% meeting of Constituent Assembly —Dec.9, 1946. * Muslim League boycotted the Constituent Assembly. * Temporary president of the Assembly ~ Dr: Sachidanand. Permanent President of the Assembly - Dr. Rajendra Prasad. Vice President of the Assembly = H.C. Mukherjee. Constitutional Advisor to the Assembly ~ Sir B.N.Rau IMPORTANT COMMITTEES COMMITTEE [CHAIRMAN Dratting Committee Dr. BR. Ambedkar Flag Committee J.B. Kriplani [Union Constitution Committee Jawahar lal Nehru Provincial Constitution Committee [Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Union Powers Committee Jawahar lal Nehru [Committee on Fundamental Rights and Minorities \Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel [Special Committee to Examine the Draft Constitution (Chairman: Alladi Krishnaswamy lyer) [Expert Committee on Financial Provisions [Ad-hoc Committee on Supreme Court [Ad-hoc Committee on National Flag [Committee on Chief Commissioners’ Provinces Drafting Committee Itconsisted of 7 members ~ 1 Dr.BR Ambedkar (Chairman) 2 N.Gopalaswamy Ayyangar 4 5 6 3° Alladi Krishnaswamy Ayyar 7 Dr. KM. Munshi ‘Syed Mohammad Saadullah, N. Madhava Rau ‘TT Krishnamachari | re Constituent Assembly has 11 sessions and incurred 26 lakh on making the constitution, POLITY The Drafting Committee took less than 6 months to prepare its draft. In all it sat only for 1141 days. Indian Constitution was framed by the Constituent Assembly in a long time of 2 years, 11 months & 18 days. Enactment & Enforcement of the Constitution The Constitution was adopted on Nov. 26,1949, contained a Preamble, 395 Articles & 8 Schedules. Now, it increased to 447 Articles & 12 Schedules. It came into force on January 26,1950. This day is celebrated as the Republic Day. Salient features of the Constitution The term Constitution is derived from Latin word “Constituere” which means “to establish”. A Constitution is something established as the basis of government (whether by a constitutional convention or by process of evolution). The Constitution of our country is a collection of legal rules which provides the framework of the governmental machinery & also itis an effective instrument of orderly social change. Tengthiest Written Constitution Combination of Rigidity & Flexibility Emergency Provisions Supremacy of Constitution Republican form of govt lars Bedoral System Foderal charactor a with Unitary Bias Sovereignty of the Country opedend Parliamentary Democracy Iuicary Parllamentary System Fundamental Rights, DPS. of Government Synthesis of Parliamentary Sovereignty & Judicial Supremacy Sources of Indian Constitution Indian Constitution has borrowed its provisions from following sources. Country Provisions Borrowed (Government of — |Federal scheme India Act, 1935 [Declaration of emergency powers Ordinance defining the power of the President and Governors Office of the Governor Power of federal judiciary ‘Administration at the centre and state level United Parliamentary system Kingdom Bicameral parliament Prime Minister Council of Ministers: Single citizenship Office of CAG \Writ jurisdiction of courts, Rule of law USA Written constitution Fundamental rights Supreme Court President as executive head of the state Impeachment of the president, removal of SC and HC judges Vice President as chairman of Rajya Sabha Judicial review, independence of judiciary The concept of wrinen constitution as first borm in the USA. POLITY [Australia| (Concurrent list Cooperative federalism Centre State relationship Joint sitting of two houses of Parliament USSR Fundamental duties (Weimer Suspension of fundamental rights during emergency (Constitution of [Ballot system (Germany (Canada Federal system Residuary powers |Appointinent of Governor |Advisory jurisdiction of S.C. [South Africa __|Procedure of Constitutional amendment. Electing member to Rajya Sabha ireland (Concept of Directive Principles of State Policy. Nomination of members to Rajya Sabha by the President, Presidential election. SCHEDULES OF THE CONSTITUTION Numbers Subject Matter Articles Covered First [Names ofthe States and their territorial jurisdiction. ‘rand 4 ‘Schedule [Name ofthe Union Territories and their extent. ‘Second [Provisions relating to the emoluments, allowances,|59, 65, 75,97, 125, 148,| ‘Schedule [privileges and so on of: 158, 164, 186 & 221 [The President of India [The Governors of States [The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha [The Chairman and the Deputy Chairman ofthe Rajya Sabha [The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Legislative |Assembly in the states [The Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the legislative| |Councit in the states [The judges ofthe Supreme Court [The judges of the High Courts [The Comptroller and Auditor - General of India ‘Third |Forms of Oaths or Affirmations for: 75, 84, 99, 124, 146 \Schedule 173, 188 and 219 [The Union Ministers [The candidates for election to the Parliament [The members of Parliament [The judges of the Supreme Court [The Comptroller of Auditor - General of India [The State Ministers |The candidates for election to the state legislature [The members of the state legislature [The judges of the High Courts Fourth [Allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha to the states and the|+ and 80, ‘Schedule _|Union Territories. Fifth [Provisions relating to the administration and control of|244 \Schedule_|scheduled areas and scheduled tribes. | The fist woman wo Become the Prime Minister ofa country was Sirinave Bhandharnaike of Sei Lanka,

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