Exercise 10: Chapter 6, Page 318

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12/8/22, 10:49 AM Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes - 9780470616291 - Exercise 10 | Quizlet

Science Chemistry Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes (4th Edition)

Exercise 10
Chapter 6, Page 318

Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes

ISBN: 9780470616291

Table of contents

Solution Verified

Step 1 1 of 13


1. Gas mixture composition: 10.0 mol% H2 O (v) and 90.0 mol% N2

​ ​

2. Gas temperature = 50℃

3. Gas absolute pressure = 500 mm Hg
4. Gas behaves ideally

Step 2 2 of 13


Calculate the partial pressure of water.

pH2 O = xH2 O × ptotal

​ ​

= 0.1(500 mm Hg) ​

= 50 mm Hg

Step 3 3 of 13

Find the temperature of water at vapor pressure of 50 mm Hg from Table B.3 in the Appendix.

Therefore, the first drop of liquid will form at T = 38.1°C.

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12/8/22, 10:49 AM Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes - 9780470616291 - Exercise 10 | Quizlet

Step 4 4 of 13



1. Volume mixture = 30.0L

2. 70% of water is condensed

Step 5 5 of 13

Calculate the total moles of the gas mixture using the ideal-gas equation:

P V = nRT
ntotal,1 = ​ ​

1 atm
(500 mm Hg × 760 mm Hg

)(30.0 L) ​


(0.08206  L⋅atm )(50°C + 273.15 K)


= 0.74428967 mol gas mixture

Step 6 6 of 13

Calculate the moles of H2 O in the gas mixture using the following equation:

nH2 O  = 0.1(ntotal,1 )

​ ​

= 0.1 × 0.74428967 mol 
​ ​

= 0.074428967 mol H2 O ​

Step 7 7 of 13

Calculate the moles of condensed water using the following equation:

nH2 O, condensed = 0.7(nH2 O )

= 0.7 × 0.074428967 mol  ​ ​

= 0.05210028 mol H2 O ​

Step 8 8 of 13

Calculate the volume of the condensed water using the following equation:

VH2 O, condensed = nH2 O, condensed × M WH2 O × ρH2 O

g cm3
= 0.05210028 mol H2 O × 18.02 ×1
mol g
​ ​ ​
​ ​

= 0.94 cm

Therefore, the volume occupied by liquid water is 0.94 cm3 .

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12/8/22, 10:49 AM Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes - 9780470616291 - Exercise 10 | Quizlet

Step 9 9 of 13

Determine the temperature of the system by finding the corresponding temperature for the partial pressure of the
remaining water.

To do that, first, solve the amount of total number of moles that did not condense.

ntotal. 2 = ntotal. 1 − nH2 O, condensed

​ ​

= 0.74428967 − 0.05210028
​ ​

= 0.6921894 mol

Step 10 10 of 13

Next, calculate the amount of water vapor in moles.

nH2 O, vapor = ntotal, 1 (0.10)(0.3)

​ ​

= 0.74428967(0.10)(0.3) ​ ​

= 0.02232869 mol

Step 11 11 of 13

Then, calculate the partial pressure of the remaining water.

p∗H2 O = ptotal × xH2 O

​ ​

= ptotal × H2 O. vapor

​ ​

ntotal. 2 ​

0.02232869 mol ​

= 500 mm Hg ×
0.6921894 mol

= 16.129 mm Hg

Step 12 12 of 13

Solve for the system temperature at 16.129 mm Hg using the Antoine equation. : log p∗ =A− B
T +C

From the Appendix:

1. A = 8.10765
2. B = 1750.286
3. C = 235

Now, substitute constants A, B , C , and log p∗H2 O to solve for T . ​

log p∗H2 O = A −
T +C
​ ​

log (16.129) = 8.10765 −
T + 235

​ ​

T = − 235
8.10765 − log (16.129)

= 18.66°C

Therefore, the temperature of the system is 18.66°C.

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Step 13 13 of 13


The gauge pressure will change since the output of the gauge pressure sensor is directly affected by changes of
atmospheric pressure due to weather conditions.

Exercise 9 Exercise 11

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