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Stay Motivated While Learning to Code

1. If I lack of time, how to learn to code?

Ans: Start Slowly but Maintain a Habit

2. How to prevent procastination and forgetfulness?

Ans: Always Schedule Your Tasks
Guide in scheduling your tasks:
1. Think of all the tasks you would like to accomplish.
2. Estimate how long it will take to accomplish each task.
3. Identify your peak hours of productivity.
4. Arrange the tasks in order of priority.
5 .Make sure to bundle similar tasks together to improve your productivity.
6. To stay organized, schedule these tasks on your phone or computer and use
reminder and task applications.
7. Schedule complex or difficult tasks during your peak productivity hours.
8. Make time for unexpected events in your schedule and plan for them ahead
of time.

3. Join a Community of Learners

4. Find a Study Partner

5. Use an Efficient Study Technique

example: some study techniques I have tried:
- repetitive reading, otherwise known as re-reading
- highlighting
- summarizing or making notes
- cramming --> tried to memorize a lot of things in a short amount of time
** not effective **


- Active Recall:
a study technique that involves retrieving already stored information from
your brain.
- Using this technique involves reading a topic once and then converting
concepts and ideas in the topic you have read into questions and then testing
yourself on them.
- Spaced Repetition:
involves spacing revisions of what you have learned by way of active
recalling. This is in contrast to cramming, which involves memorizing all the
concepts in a particular topic in a single sitting.
- Spaced repetition helps you minimize the effect of The Forgetting Curve. It
is a mode of learning by which you allow yourself to forget what you have learned.
Then you try to retrieve those concepts from your brain by making active recalls at
specific intervals over a period of time

6. Pomodoro timer

7. Set Short Term Goals and Stay Focused on Achieving One Goal at a Time
My goal is to be able to build a webpage with any of the popular JavaScript
framework as a beginner.
To do that, you'll need to learn various scripting and programming
languages, tools, and skills.

Here's what you should know to build a webpage:

1. Understand the basics of HTML. √

2. Understand the basics of CSS. √
3. Understand the use of semantic elements in HTML. √
4. Understand the use of CSS Flexbox and Grid for layouts. √
5. Try building a simple static website with what you have learned so far. √
6. Start learning the basics of JavaScript.
7. Focus on building projects with your knowledge of HTML, CSS and the basics of
JavaScript you have learned so far.
8. Start learning advanced JavaScript concepts such asFuntional Programming,
Objective Oriented Programming, and Asynchronous Programming.
9. Solidify you knowledge on the advanced concepts by building projects with them.
10. Learn the JavaScript framework: React, Vue, and Angular.
11. Finally you can build your favourite project using the framework you have

Don't try to skip any of these steps. Take time learning the concepts thoroughly.

Make sure I carefully go through each of the steps, one at a time, it will help me
to build the skills necessary to achieve my main goal.
It will also prevent me from losing motivation, which is the likely result of
having unrealistic expectations.

8. Don't be Afraid to Ask for Help

Guides when seeking help from your community:

- Make sure to ask direct questions.
- Make sure your questions are clear enough to understand.
- Provide a copy of your code by putting them in a public remote repository
such as GitHub or Codepen and provide the link to the repository.

9. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle, some of which are:

- Get regular exercise to help your cognitive abilities and general fitness.

- Don't sit for lengthy periods of time. √
- Exercise your fingers regularly while you're studying. √
- Keep your eyes off your screen at regular intervals while you study. √
- Make time for your hobbies as a reward for your efforts. √
- Ensure you always sleep well and get a proper amount of rest. √

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