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Class Test:

a) Land use, Demand for transportation and Transport infrastructure and inseparable. Discuss.
b) What is AADT? Compare and contrasts it with ADT

The data below was collected during a moving car observer survey along a section of an urban trunk
road between Tech Junction and Anloga Junction, Kumasi, which are 2.7 km apart. The data in Table
2.1 represents the average value found over eight runs in each direction. All observations were taken
over the time period 1500 hr-1900hr on Wednesday 12th October 2022.

Table 2.1: Observation Survey Data

Direction of travel of vehicles vehicles overtaking vehicles overtaken Time of

observer met observer by observer Journey (min)
Tech Jxn → Anloga 50 2 4 2.20
Anloga → Tech Jxn 45 0 3 1.9
i) Estimate the flow from Tech junction to Anloga junction, Anloga junction to Tech junction
and the 2-way flow
ii) Using the information in Tables 2.2 and 2.3, determine the AADT of the 2-way flow the Road

Table 2.2: Expansion factor for converting short period counts to 16 hr flows

Length Period of Urban & Non Recreational Rural Long Recreational

of Count Commuter Flow Distance
Count (Mon to Thurs)
2hr 1500-1700 6.41 (9.7%) 6.15 (17.3%) 6.19 (8.8%) 5.62 (13.2%)
1600-1800 5.48 (9.7%) 5.50 (17.3%) 5.70 (8.8%) 5.41 (13.2%)
4hr 1400-1800 3.18 (6.2%) 3.05 (10.2%) 3.08 (6.0%) 2.88 (9.2%)
1500-1900 3.13 (6.2%) 3.10 (10.2%) 3.19 (6.0%) 3.06 (9.2%)
6hr 1300-1900 2.25 (4.5%) 2.18 (7.2%) 2.22 (4.6%) 2.09 (7.7%)
1400-2000 2.28 (4.5%) 2.23 (7.2%) 2.33 (4.6%) 2.20 (7.7%)
8hr 1200-2000 1.79 (4.3%) 1.73 (6.0%) 1.78 (3.9%) 1.66 (6.7%)
1300-2100 1.84 (4.3%) 1.81 (6.0%) 1.90 (3.9%) 1.78 (6.7%)
10h 1000-2000 1.48 (3.9%) 1.44 (5.2%) 1.41 (4.0%) 1.34 (6.0%)
1100-2100 1.51 (3.9%) 1.47 (5.2%) 1.51 (4.0%) 1.4 (6.0%)

Table 2.3: Factors: for converting from 16hr to 24 hr AADT

Month Main Urban Inter Urban Recreational / Inter - Urban

April 1.016 (6.5%) 1.115 (8%) 1.271 (12%)
May 0.989 (6.5%) 1.071 (8%) 1.14 (10%)
September 1.005 (6.5%) 1.016 (8%) 0.962 (11%)
October 1.000 (6.5%) 1.068 (8%) 1.142 (12%)
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Table 3.1: Spot speed data on a minor arterial

53 43 63 61 54
41 57 38 43 58
63 46 37 31 34
52 47 44 46 54
41 45 49 48 47
39 48 58 37 62
55 51 47 42 48
34 44 37 39 54
43 46 47 51 47
57 53 32 32 36
47 52 54 47 50
37 36 63 62 43
58 57 53 59 48
Use the speed data in Table 1 and answer the following:

(i) Plot a histogram for the data

(ii) Plot a cumulative frequency curve for the data
(iii) Compute the mean, mode, median and 85th percentile speed

End of paper A. Ababio-Donkor


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