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Wordlist This list contains the key words from the Student's Book

Unit 1 hindrance (n) /hindrsns/ a person or thing that self-defence (n) /,self di'fens/ sth you say or do
attentive (adj) /s'tentiv/ listening or watching makes it more difficult for sb to do sth or for sth to in order to protect yourself when you are being
h a p pen To be honest, she was more o f a hindrance attacked, criticized, etc. The man later told police
carefully and with interest The hotelstaffare
friendly and attentive. than a help. that he was acting in self-defence.
benefit (n) /benifit/ an advantage that sth humble (adj) /hAmbl/ showing you do not self-interest (n) /,self'intr3st/ one's personal
gives you; a helpful and useful effect that sth has think that you are as important as other people interest or advantage, especially when pursued
IVe had the benefit o f a good education. Be humble enough to learn from your mistakes. without regard for others Not all o f them were
humility (n) /hjui'milsti/ the quality of not acting out o f self-interest.
blow (n) /blsu/ a negative setback This was his
second m ajor blow. thinking that you are better than other people self-obsession (n) /selfsfrsejsn/ the state of
Her first defeat was an early lesson in humility. being interested in yourself, your happiness,
commitment (n) /ks'mitm3nt/ a promise to do
incremental (adj) /igkremsnt/ Increase or adding motivations and interests to the exclusion of other
sth or to behave in a particular way The company's th ings Self-obsession and self-doubt can get in the
commitment to providing quality a t a reasonable on, especially in a regular series The government
imposed small, incremental tax hikes. way o f success.
price has been vital to its success.
ingenuity (n) /ind33'njui3ti/ the ability to invent self-preservation (n) /,self p rez3'veijn/ the fact
compassion (n) /k3m'p^Jn/ a strong feeling of protecting yourself in a dangerous or difficult
of sympathy for people who are suffering and things or solve problems in clever new ways
He was a designer o f great ingenuity. situation She was held back by some sense o f self-
a desire to help them She was known as a hard preservation.
woman with no compassion and no emotion. innovative (adj) /in3veitiv/ introducing or using
new ideas, ways of doing sth, etc. There will be a self-sacrifice (n) /lself's$krifais/ the act of not
compassionate (adj) /k3m'p$j3n3t/ feeling or
prize for the m ost innovative design. allowing yourself to have or do sth in order to help
showing sympathy for people who are suffering other people The courage and self-sacrifice o f those
Politicians are not usually regarded as warm or inspiration (n) /insp3'reijn/ the process that
takes place when sb sees or hears sth that causes who fought in the war.
compassionate people.
them to have exciting new ideas or makes them selflessness (adv) /selflssnss/ thinking more
conquer (v) /kogk3(r)/ to become very popular about the needs, happiness, etc. of other people
or successful in a place The boy band is now setting want to create sth Looking for inspiration for a new
dessert? Try this recipe. than about your own My motives for keeping the
out to conquer the world. whole truth from you were not completely selfless.
conundrum (n) /ks'nAndr3m / a confusing inspirational (adj) /insp3'reij3nl/ providing
inspiration He was an inspirational leader. singlemindedness (n) /sigg3l-'mln-d3d/
problem or question that is very difficult to solve only thinking about one particular aim or goal
It was a conundrum with no solution. interim (adj) /intsrim/ intended to last for only a
short time until sb/sth more permanent is found because you are determined to achieve sth
courage (n) /kArid3 / the ability to do sth Single-mindedness and focusing on his passion have
dangerous, or to face pain or opposition, without The vice-president tookpow er in the interim period
before the election. helped him conquer adversity.
showing fear He showed great courage and squint (v) /skwint/ to look at sth with your eyes
determination. obstacle (n) /obstskl/ a situation, an event, etc.
that makes it difficult for you to do or achieve sth partly shut in order to keep out bright light or to
courageous (adj) /k3'reid33s/ showing courage see better The sun is causing everyone to squint.
I hope people will be courageous enough to speak A lack o f qualifications can be a major obstacle to
finding a job. striking (adj) /straikig/ interesting and unusual
out against this injustice.
optimism (n) /optimizsm/ a feeling that good enough to attract attention Her face was striking.
dedicated (adj) /dedikeitid/ working hard at tolerance (n) /totersns/ the willingness to accept
sth because it is very important to you She is things will happen and that sth will be successful
We may now look forward with optimism. or tolerate sb/sth, especially opinions or behaviour
dedicated to her job.
overcome (v) /3uvs'kAm / to succeed in dealing that you may not agree with, or people who are
dedication (n) /dedi'keijn/ the hard work and not like you She had no tolerance for jokes.
effort that sb puts into an activity or purpose with or controlling a problem that has been
preventing you from achieving sth He finally willing (adj) /wilig/ not objecting to doing sth;
because they think it is important Florence
managed to overcome his fear o f flying. having no reason for not doing sth I'm perfectly
showed great dedication to her job by working very willing to discuss the problem.
long hours. patience (n) /'peijns/ the ability to stay calm
and accept a delay or sth annoying without willingness (n) /wilignss/ the quality or state of
determined (adj) /di't3imind/ making a firm being prepared to do sth; readiness Sarah always
complaining I have run out o f patience with her.
decision to do it and you will not let anyone showed a great willingness to learn to skills.
prevent you I'm determined to succeed. peek (v) /piik/ to look at sth quickly and
determination (n) /di,t3im i'neijn/ the quality secretly because you should not be looking at it
that makes you continue trying to do sth even Don't peek at your presents before your birthday. Unit 2
when this is difficult He fought the illness with penalize (v) /piinslaiz/ to put sb at a abandoned (adj) /3'b$nd3nd/ left and no longer
courage and determination. disadvantage by treating them unfairly He felt wanted, used or needed The child was found
penalized because o f his age. abandoned but unharmed.
dignified (adj) /dignifaid/ calm and serious
and deserving respect He maintained a dignified perfectionism (n) /psfekjsn izsm / a person absolutely (adv) /^bssluitli/ used to emphasize
silence during the interview. who likes to do things perfectly and is not satisfied that sth is completely true He made it absolutely
with anything less Her perfectionism is evident at clear.
dignity (n) /dignsti/ a calm and serious manner
that deserves respect She accepted the criticism work and at home. accessible (adj) /sk^essbl/ that can be reached,
with quiet dignity. perseverance (n) /p3isi'vi3r3ns/ the quality entered, used, seen, etc. The remote area is
of continuing to try to achieve a particular accessible only by helicopter.
gape (v) /geip/ to stare at sb/sth with your
aim despite difficulties Theyshowedgreat advisable (adj) /3d'vaiz3bl/ sensible and a
mouth open because you are shocked or
surprised I would gape in astonishment if that perseverance in the face o f difficulty. good idea in order to achieve sth Early booking is
happened. persistence (n) /p3'sist3ns/ the fact of advisable.
continuing to try to do sth despite difficulties, amicable (adj) /^miksbl/ done or achieved in a
gawp (v) /goip/ to stare at sb/sth in a rude or
stupid way Don't gawp at me like that! especially when other people are against you polite or friendly way and without arguing In spite
and think that you are being annoying or o f their disagreement they parted on amicable
gaze (v) /geiz/ to look steadily at sb/sth for a long
unreasonable His persistence was finally rewarded terms.
time, either because you are very interested or
when the insurance company agreed to pay for the asteroid (n) /^stsroid/ any one of the many
surprised, or because you are thinking of sth else
damage. small planets that go around the sun You might
He gazed longingly at the sweets.
persistent (adj) /p3'sist3nt/ determined to do find an asteroid between Mars and Jupiter.
get over it (phr v) /get '3uvs(r) it/ to deal with or
sth despite difficulties, especially when other attractive (adj) /3'traktiv/ pleasant to look at
gain control of sth It was his first major setback in
people are against you and think that you are I like John but I don't find him attractive.
life, but he managed to get over it.
being annoying or unreasonable How do you deal
glance (v) /glains/ to look quickly at sth/sb audible (adj) /oidsbl/ that can be heard clearly
with persistent salesmen who won't take no for an
Let me have a quickglance a t the report. Her voice was barely audible above the noise.
glare (v) /gles(r)/ to look at sb/sth in an angry awesome (adj) /oissm/ very impressive or very
resourceful (adj) /ri'soisfl / good at finding ways
way He glared at me without saying a word. difficult and perhaps rather frightening Iju st
of doing things and solving problems, etc. These
bought this awesome new CD!
glimpse (n) /glimps / a look at sb/sth for a very women were strong, resourceful and courageous.
short time, when you do not see the person or thing bay (n) /bei/ a part of the sea, or of a large lake,
resourcefulness (n) /ri'zoisfulnis/ the ability to
completely He caughta glimpse o f her in the crowd. partly surrounded by a wide curve of the land
be resourceful Florence used her resourcefulness to
The hotel has a magnificent view across the bay.
gradual (adj) /grad 3 usl/ happening slowly write articles for the newspaper.
over a long period; not sudden Recovery from the benefit (of) (n) /benifit/ an advantage that sth
revolutionary (adj) /rev3'luij3n3ri/ involving
disease is very gradual. gives you; a helpful and useful effect that sth has
a great or complete change The effects o f A large number o f people believe in the benefits of
(a) great deal (n) /greit diil/ a large quantity technological development are revolutionary.
My mother had lost a great deal o f weight. self-assurance (n) /,self 3'Ju3r3ns/ belief in your
boarded-up (adj) /boidid Ap/ when a window,
ground-breaking (adj) /graundbreikig/ making own abilities or strengths He stood out for his
door, etc. is covered with wooden boards Most
new discoveries; using new methods It was a intellectual agility and calm self-assurance.
buildings along the street had been boarded-up.
ground-breaking piece o f research. self-control (n) /,self ksn^rsul/ the ability to
bus shelter (n) /'bAs Jelts(r)/ a structure with
haggard (adj) /h^gsd/ looking very tired remain calm and not show your emotions even
a roof where people can stand while they are
because of illness, worry or lack of sleep He looked though you are feeling angry, excited, etc. It took
waiting for a bus We stood under the bus shelter to
pale and haggard. all his self-control not to shout at them.
get out o f the rain.

Definitions adapted from Oxford AdvancedLearner's Dictionary 8th edition © Oxford University Press Wordlist 1
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care (for) (n) /kes(r)/ the process of caring for sb/ handful (of) (n) /h^ndful/ the amount of sth that peninsula (n) /p3'ninsj3l3/ an area of land that
sth and providing what they need for their health can be held in one hand I took a handful o f rice. is almost surrounded by water but is joined to a
or protection She cared for him everyday. harsh (adj) /haiJ/ cruel, severe and unkind larger piece of land The entire Balkan peninsula is
collectible (adj) /ks^ektsbl/ worth collecting The punishment was harsh and unfair. very popular in summer.
because it is beautiful or may become valuable high-rise building (n) /hai raiz 'bildig/ very tall plain (adj) /plein/ easy to see or understand
These dolls are very collectible. and having a lot of floors I live on the top floor o f a The facts were plain to see.
considerable (adj) /ksn^idsrsbl/ great in high-rise building. planet (n) /pl^nit/ a large round object in space
amount, size, importance, etc. Theprojectwasted horrible (adj) /horsbl/ very bad or unpleasant; that moves around a star (such as the Sun) and
a considerable am ount o f time and money. used to describe sth that you do not like receives light from it The Earth is an example o f a
constellation (n) /konst3'leiJn/ a group of stars The coffee tasted horrible. planet.
that forms a shape in the sky and has a name ice floe (n) /'ais flsu/ a large area of ice, floating pointless (adj) /pointlss/ having no purpose
The Little Bear constellation is still used by navigators in the sea In spring, the ice floes break up. We searched until we knew it would be pointless to
at sea. ideal (adj) /ai'dii3l/ perfect; most suitable continue.
crumbling (adj) /'krAmblig/ break or fall apart The trip to Paris will be an ideal opportunity to pond (n) /pond/ a small area of still water,
into small fragments, especially as part of a practise my French. especially one that is artificial We have a pond in
process of deterioration The cliffis gradually inaccessible (adj) /in$k'ses3bl/ difficult or our garden.
crumbling away. impossible to reach or to get They live in a remote pretty (adv) /priti/ to some extent I'm pretty sure
cycle path (n) /'saikl paiO/ a part of a road that area, inaccessible except by car. I'll be going.
only bicycles are allowed to use I use the cycle incomprehensible (adj) /inlkDmpri'hens3bl/ profound (adj) /prsfaund/ felt or experienced
path whenever possible. impossible to understand Some application forms very strongly The news came as a profound shock.
decline (v) /di'klain/ a continuous decrease can be incomprehensible. prosperous (adj) /'prospsrss/ rich and successful
in the number, value, quality, etc. of sth incredible (adj) /in'kredsbl/ impossible or very Farmers are more prosperous in the south o f the
The companies' profits were declining every year. difficult to believe It seemed incredible that she country.
demand (for) (n) /di'maind/ a very firm request had been there a week already. quite (adv) /kwait/ to some degree He plays
for sth There has been a huge demand for higher industrial estate (n) /in|dAstrisl i'steit/ an area quite well.
pay. especially for factories, on the edge of a town recognizable (adj) /reksgnaizsbl/ easy to know
derelict (adj) /derslikt/ not used or cared for and The office is based on an industrial estate. or identify The building was easily recognizable as
in bad condition The canal has been derelict for inevitably (adv) /in'evitsbli/ as is certain to a prison.
m any years. happen Inevitably, the press exaggerated the story. refurbished (adj) /rii'f3ibiJ/ a room, building,
destroy (v) /di'stroi/ to damage sth so badly that inhabited (adj) /in'h^bitid/ with people or etc. that has been decorated in order to make it
it no longer exists, works, etc. They've destroyed all animals living there The island is no longer inhabited. more attractive, more useful, etc. The theatre has
the evidence. been extensively refurbished.
irresistible (adj) /iri'zist3bl/ so strong that it
disappointing (adj) /dis3'pointig/ not as good, cannot be stopped or resisted I felt an irresistible relevance (of) (n) /rel3vsns / closely connected
successful, etc. as you had hoped The outcome urge to laugh. with the subject you are discussing or the
o f the court case was disappointing for the family situation you are thinking about Idon'tsee the
kid-friendly (adj) /kid 'frendli/ suitable for
involved. relevance o f your question.
ch ild ren That film was not particularly kid-friendly!
diverse (adj) /dai'v3is/ very different from each remote (adj) /ri'msut/ far away from places
knowledge (of) (n) /nolid3 / the information,
other and of various kinds M y interests are very where other people live The farmhouse is remote.
understanding and skills that you gain through
diverse. renovate (v) /rensveit/ to repair and paint an
education or experience He has a wide knowledge
edible (adj) /edsbl/ fit or suitable to be eaten o f painting and music. old building, a piece of furniture, etc. so that it is in
The food at the hotel was barely edible. good condition again The buildings have allbeen
knowledgeable (adj) /nDlid33bl/ knowing a lot
efficient (adj) /i'fijnt/ doing sth well and She is very knowledgeable about plants. renovated.
thoroughly with no waste of time, money, or respect (for) (n) /ri'spekt/ a feeling of admiration
last-minute (adj) /laist 'minit/ done, decided or
energy We offera fast, friendly and efficientservice. for sb/sth because of their good qualities or
organized just before sth happens or before it is
eligible (adj) /elid33bl/ a person who is eligible too late We booked a last-minute holiday. achievements I have the greatest respect for your
for sth or to do sth, is able to have or do it because brother.
legible (adj) /led3 sbl/ clear enough to read
they have the right qualifications, are the right responsibility (for) (n) /ri|spDns3'biteti/ a duty
The signature was still legible.
age, etc. Only those over 70 are eligible for the to deal with or take care of sb/sth The sales manager
special payment. (a) little bit (adv) /'litl bit/ somewhat It was a
was given responsibility for the European market.
little bit tedious.
endanger (v) /in'deind33(r)/ to put sb/sth in road sign (n) /rsud sain/ a sign near a road
a situation in which they could be harmed or magnificent (adj) /m ^g'nifisnt/ extremely
giving information or instructions to drivers
damaged Increased use o f plastics could endanger attractive and impressive; deserving praise
The road sign was not very easy to read at night.
sea life. She looked magnificent in her wedding dress.
robust (adj) /rsu'bAst / strong and healthy
enormous (adj) /i'noimss/ extremely large meteorite (n) /miitisrait/ a piece of rock from
She was almost ninety, but still very robust.
The problems facing the President are enormous. outer space that hits the Earth's surface Originally,
scientists thought that the impression was a crater sense (of) (n) /sens/ a feeling about sth
estuary (n) /estJusri/ the wide part of a river important He felt an overwhelming sense o f loss.
caused by a meteorite hitting the Earth.
where it flows into the sea The city sits on the sensible (adj) /senssbl/ able to make good
shores o f a deep estuary. moon (n) /muin/ the round object that moves
around the earth once every 271/2 days and shines judgements based on reason and experience
extraordinary (adj) /ik'stroidnri/ unexpected, rather than emotion She's a sensible sort o f person.
at night by light reflected from the sun There's no
surprising or strange It's extraordinary that he shabby (adj) /'J^bi/ in poor condition because
moon tonight.
managed to sleep through the party. of long use or lack of care The outside o f the house
mountain range (n) /'mauntsn reind 3 / a series
extremely (adv) /ik'striimli/ to a very high was beginning to look shabby.
of mountain ridges alike in form, direction, and
degree She found it extremely difficult to get ajob. solar system (n) /'ssuls sistsm/ the sun and all
o ri g in The mountain range forms a natural border
fairly (adv) /fesli/ to some extent but not very between the two countries. the planets that move around it We don't know
I know him fairly well, but I wouldn't say we were how many solar systems there are in each galaxy.
navigable (adj) /n$vig3bl/ wide and deep
really close friends. speed bump (n) /spiid bAmp/ a raised area
enough for ships and boats to sail on Many o f the
fashionable (adj) /f^Jnsbl/ following a style rivers cease to be navigable. across a road that is put there to make traffic go
that is popular at a particular time It's becoming slower You must slow down when driving over a
neglected (adj) /ni'glektid/ not receiving
fashionable to have long hair again. speed bump.
enough care or attention The child has been
flexible (adj) /flekssbl/ able to change to suit neglected for weeks. spellbinding (adj) /spelbaindig/ holding
new conditions or situations Our plans need to be your attention completely It was a spellbinding
not particularly (adv) /not ps^ikjslsli/
flexible enough to cater for the needs o f everyone. performance.
not very I'm not particularly impressed with their
flourishing (adj) /'flAriJig/ developing rapidly performance. star (n) /stai(r)/ a large ball of burning gas in
and successfully He enjoyed a flourishing career. space that we see as a point of light in the sky at
overwhelming (adj) /3uv3'welmig/ very great
galaxy (n) /g^lsksi/ any of the large systems of or very strong The evidence against him was night That star is part o f a constellation.
stars, etc. in outer space The stars make up part of overwhelming. stifling (adj) /staiflig/ to feel unable to breathe,
our galaxy. or to make sb unable to breathe, because it is too
parking meter (n) /'paikig m iits(r)/ a machine
glacier (n) /'gl^si3(r)/ a large mass of ice, formed beside the road that you put money into when hot and/or there is no fresh air It's stifling in here -
by snow on mountains, that moves very slowly you park your car next to it To get a ticket you must can we open a window?'
down a valley We are going to fly over the glacier in use the parking meter. stream (n) /striim/ a small, narrow river
a helicopter this afternoon. We waded across a shallow stream.
pedestrian crossing (n) /psidestrisn 'krosig/
grasp (of) (n) /graisp/ an understanding of sth a part of a road where vehicles must stop to allow subsistence (lifestyle) (n) /s3b'sist3ns/ the state
The author shows a weak grasp o f military strategy. people to cross To cross the road safely please use of having just enough money or food to stay
grassland (n) /graisl^nd/ a large area of open the pedestrian crossing. alive Families have a subsistence lifestyle, hunting
land covered with wild grass The grassland is walruses, seals and whales in the spring.
currently a t risk.

2 Wordlist © Oxford University Press Definitions adapted from Oxford AdvancedLearner's Dictionary 8th edition
sun (n) /sAn/ the star that shines in the sky bronze (adj) /bronz/ to be a gold brown colour highly respected (adj) /'haili ri'spektid/
during the day and gives the earth heat and light There's a bronze statue outside the museum. admired by many people for their achievements
The sun usually sets earlier in winter. chest of drawers (BrE) dresser (NAmE) (n) or good qualities He is highly respected in the
swamp (n) /swomp/ an area of ground that /,tjest s v 'droiz/ /'dress/ a piece of furniture business world.
is very wet or covered with water and in which with drawers for keeping clothes in Can you put hoard (v) /hoid/ to accumulate for preservation,
plants, trees, etc. are growing There are aligators your clothes away in the chest o f drawers please? future use, etc., in a hidden or carefully guarded
in the swamp. clear out (n) /klis(r) aut/ a process of getting place Don't hoard all your favourite sweets.
tedious (adj) /tiidiss/ lasting or taking too long rid of things that you no longer want I'm going to huge (adj) /hjuid3 / extremely large in size or
and not interesting Thejourneysoon became have a clear out at the weekend. amount He gazed up at her with huge brown eyes.
tedious. clutter (n) /klAts(r)/ having too many things, so Indian (adj) /indisn/ a type of cuisine, often
thriving (adj) /0raivig/ to become, and continue that it is untidy The room seems to be full o f clutter. eaten as a take away The firstIndian curry
to be, successful, strong, healthy, etc. The music coins (n) /koin / a small flat piece of metal used appeared in a British cookbook in the eighteenth
industry is thriving. as money I have lots o f coins in my purse. century.
totally (adv) /tsutsli/ wholly and completely colourful (adj) /kAlsfl/ full of bright colours or jewels (n) /d3 uisl/ pieces of jewellery or
They come from totally differentcultures. having a lot of different colours The male birds are decorative objects that contain precious stones
tundra (n) /tAndrs/ the large flat Arctic regions more colourful than the female birds. The familyjewels are locked away in a safe.
of northern Europe, Asia and N America where no contemporary (adj) /ksn'tempr3ri/ belonging to junk (n) /d3 Agk/ things that are considered
trees grow and where the soil below the surface the same time I'm not a fan o f contemporary art. useless or of little value I've cleared out all that old
of the ground is always frozen Life in the tundra is controversial (adj) /kontro'v3ijl/ causing a lot ju n k that was in the attic.
isolated and cold. of angry public discussion and disagreement lift (BrE) elevator (NAmE) (n) /lift/ /'eliveita/ a
unacceptable (adj) /Ansk'sept3bl/ that you Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon were both moving platform or cage for carrying passengers
cannot accept, allow or approve of Such behaviour controversial figures. or freight from one level to another, as in a
is totally unacceptable in a civilized society. cooker (BrE) stove (NAmE) (n) /'kuks(r)/ /stsuv/ bu ild ing The lift took us to the top floor.
unappealing (adj) /An3'piilig/ not attractive or a large piece of equipment for cooking food, loads of (n) /lsudz sv/ a large number or amount
pleasant The room was painted in an unappealing containing an oven and gas or electric rings on of sb/sth; plenty I have loads o f work to do after
shade o f brown. top Don't forget to turn o ff the cooker after using it. school.
universe (n) /juiniv3is/ the whole of space and copper (adj) /kops(r)/ reddish-brown in colour mask (n) /maisk/ a covering for part or all of the
everything in it, including the earth, the planets The copper sun sank into the sea. face, worn to hide or protect it The robbers wore a
and the stars The idea o f a parallel universe is hard crushed (adj) /krAjt/ pulverized, rendered into mask to disguise their faces.
to grasp. small, disconnected fragments I'm lookingfor mind-blowing (adj) /'maind blsuig/ very
utterly (adv) /'Atsrli/ used to emphasize how crushed aluminium cans. exciting, impressive or surprising Watching your
complete sth is We're so utterly different from each curtains (BrE) drapes (NAmE) (n) /'k3itn/ /dreip/ baby being born is a mind-blowing experience.
other. a piece of cloth that is hung to cover a window mountains of (n) /'mauntsnz sv/ a very large
valuable (adj) /v^ljusb/ very useful or important It was ten in the morning but the curtains were still amount or number of sth We made mountains o f
The book provides valuable information on recent drawn. sandwiches.
trends. dated (adj) /deitid / old-fashioned; belonging to much-anticipated (adj) /mAtJ $ n 'tisip eitid / to
very (adv) /veri/ used before adjectives, adverbs a time in the past The furniture is very dated. feel or realise beforehand The business deal was
and determiners to mean 'in a high degree' or decaying (adj) /di'keiig/ Implies the much-anticipated.
'extremely' I'm not very impressed. deterioration from sound condition Go behind mummy (n) /'mAmi/ a body of a human or an
vibrant (adj) /vaibrsnt/ full of life and energy those decaying wooden buildings. animal that has been mummified The museum
Thailand is at its m ost vibrant during the New Year delicate (adj) /delikst/ easily damaged or broken has an Egyptian mummy.
celebrations. The eye is one o f the most delicate organs o f the body. never-ending (adj) /,nevsr 'endig/ seeming to
visible (adj) /vizsbl/ that can be seen The house drop out of (phr v) /drop aut sv/ to no longer last for ever Housework is a never-ending task.
is clearly visible from the beach. take part in or be part of sth I am going to drop out object (n) /obd3 ikt/ a thing that can be seen and
wasteful (adj) /weistfl/ using more of sth than is o f science as it is too hard. touched, but is not alive Glass andplasticobjects
necessary; not saving or keeping sth that could be dustbin (BrE) trash can (NAmE) (n) /'dAstbin/ lined the shelves.
used The whole process is wasteful and inefficient. a large container with a lid, used for putting opt out (phr v) /'opt aut/ the act of choosing not
well-known (adj) /'wel'noun/ known about by a rubbish/garbage in, usually kept outside the to be involved in an agreement Everyone else went
lot of people He is a well-known actor. house A dustbin is a large container outside your on the school trip but I opted out.
worthwhile (adj) /w3i0'wail/ worth spending house where you throw things away. paper (adj) /peips(r)/ made of paper or paperlike
time, money or effort on The smile on her face experimental (adj) /ik,speri'mentl/ based on materia l She made a paper aeroplane.
made it all worthwhile. new ideas, forms or methods that are used to find pick out (phr v) /pik aut/ to choose sb/sth
out what effect they have The equipment is still at carefully from a group of people or things Ineed
Unit 3 the experimental stage. to pick out some clothes for my interview tomorrow.
abstract (adj) /abstrakt/ based on general ideas fast-paced (adj) /faist peist/ including a lot of piles of (n) /pailz sv/ a quantity of things heaped
and not on any particular real person, thing or things happening quickly The science fair was fast- together There were piles o f clothes everywhere.
situation The research shows that young children paced and impressive. plastic (adj) /plastik/ made of plastic Can you
are capable o f thinking in abstract terms. flat (BrE) apartment (NAmE) (n) /flat/ /a'paitmant/ pass me those plastic cups?
accumulate (v) /3'kjuim jsleit/ to gradually get a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a possession (n) /ps'zejn/ sth that you have
more and more of sth over a period of time Dust b uild ing Our flat is on the top floor. or own The ring is one o f her m ost treasured
and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned garden (BrE) yard (NAmE) (n) /'gaidn/ /jaid/ possessions.
regularly. a piece of land next to or around your house pottery (n) /'potsri/ pots, dishes, etc. made with
aluminium (adj) /$lj3'mim3m/ of, pertaining to, where you can grow flowers, fruit, vegetables, etc. clay that is baked in an oven He has an extensive
or containing aluminium Thewindowfram esare The children enjoy playing in the garden. collection o f nineteenth-centurypottery.
made from aluminium. German (adj) /d33imsn/ of or pertaining to products (n) /prodAkt/ a thing that is grown
amass (v) /s'm^s/ to collect sth, especially in Germany, its inhabitants, or their language or produced, usually for sale We are selling more
large quantities They are going to amass a wealth M y friend is a German artist. products online than ever before.
o f information together. get rid of (v) /get rid sv/ to make yourself free reach out (to) (phr v) /riitj aut/ to be seen or
antique (adj) /^n'tiik/ old and often valuable of sb/sth that is annoying you or that you do heard by sb She uses her blog to reach out to teens.
That desk is an antique. not want; to throw sth away I can't get rid o f this rectangular (adj) /rek't^ggj3l3(r)/ a flat shape
beaten (adj) /biitn/ defeated They expect to be headache. with four straight sides, two of which are longer
beaten at the next election. handmade (adj) /han(d)'meid/ made by hand, than the other two, and four angles of 90° There is
belongings (n) /bi'logigz/ the things that you not by machine, and typically therefore of superior a large rectangular table in the room.
own which can be moved, for example not land or quality He has expensive handmade leather shoes. ripped (adj) /ript/ torn, either partly or into
buildings She packed her few belongings in a bag heap of (n) /hiip sv/ a lot of sth I've g o ta heap of separate pieces Oh no! My dress is ripped.
and left. things to do. rubbish (n) /rAbij/ things that you throw away
bin (v) /bin/ to throw away Please bin your old heart-breaking (adj) /'haitbreikig/ a strong because you no longer want or need them
socks! feeling of sadness It's heart-breaking tosee him The streets were littered with rubbish.
breathtaking (adj) /'breOteikig/ very exciting or wasting his life like this. run out (of) (phr v) /rAn aut/ to use up or finish a
impressive (usually in a pleasant way) Thescene helmet (n) /'helmit / a type of hard hat that supply of sth We've run out o f milk!
was one o f breathtaking beauty. protects the head, worn, for example, by a police rusty (adj) /rAsti/ covered with rust The car is
broad (adj) /broid/ wide They boy had broad officer, a soldier or a person playing some sports very rusty.
shoulders. Always wear a helmet when cycling on the road.
sculpture (n) /'skAlptJs(r)/ a work of art that is a
broad-minded (adj) /,broid 'maindid/ willing help out (phr v) /help aut/ to help sb, especially solid figure or object made by carving or shaping
to listen to other people's opinions and accept in a difficult situation He's always willing to help wood, stone, clay, metal, etc. There is a sculpture at
behaviour that is different from your own She was out. the entrance o f the building.
very broad-minded!

Definitions adapted from OxfordAdvancedLearner's Dictionary 8th edition © Oxford University Press Wordlist 3
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self-defeating (adj) /|self d i'fiitig / causing wear out (phr v) /wes(r) aut/ to become, or engineer (n) /|end3 i'nis(r)/ a person whose
more problems and difficulties instead of solving make sth become, thin or unusuable, usually job involves designing and building engines,
them; not achieving what you wanted to achieve because it has been used too much I wore out my machines, roads, bridges, etc. They'resending an
but having an opposite effect Paying children shoes trekking in the Alps. engineer to fix the phone.
too much attention when they misbehave can be well documented (adj) /wiil 'dokjumentid/ flowing (adj) /'flsuig/ (especially of long hair or
self-defeating. having a lot of written evidence to prove, support clothing) hanging or draping loosely and gracefully
silk (adj) /silk/ to be made from a type of fine or explain it The problem is well documented. Her flowing black hair framed her pretty face.
smooth cloth made from silk thread Her skin was well earned (adj) /|wel '3ind/ much deserved give sb a piece of your mind (idiom)
as smooth as silk. Her break was well earned! /giv 'sAmbsdi s piis o v jo i(r ) maind/ to tell sb
smooth (adj) /smuió/ completely flat and well known (adj) /|wel 'nsun/ known about by a that you disapprove of their behaviour or are angry
even, without any lumps, holes or rough areas lot of people His books are not well known. with them I'd like to give her a piece o f my mind!
The painting had a smooth surface. wide ranging (adj) /|waid 'reind 3 ig/ including go out of your mind (idiom)
sort out (phr v) /soit aut/ an act of arranging or dealing with a large number of different /gsu aut o v jo i(r ) maind/ to be unable to think
or organizing the contents of sth in a tidy or subjects or areas The commission has been given or behave in a normal way You're lending them
neat way and removing things you do not want wide ranging powers. money? You must be out o f your mind!
I haven't got time to sort out that stuff. winding (adj) /'waindig/ having a curving and hard to swallow (idiom) /haid ts 'swolsu/
spill out (phr v) /spil aut/ to fill a container and twisting shape It is a long and winding road. difficult to accept or not easy to believe The terms
go over the edge M y tea spilledoutonto the floor. witty (adj) /'witi/ able to say or write clever, o f the agreement were hard to swallow.
spread out (phr v) /spred aut/ to stretch your amusing things She often used witty remarks. heart (n) /hait/ the organ in the chest that sends
body or arrange your things over a large area wooden (adj) /'wudn/ made of wood Ourdining blood around the body, usually on the left in
There's more room to spread out in first class. table is wooden. humans The patient's heart stopped beating for a
stacks of (n) /st^ks ov/ a large number or amount few seconds.
of sth; a lot of sth I've got stacks o f work to do. Unit 4 imperfection (n) /|imps'fekjn/ a fault or
weakness in sb/sth The only slight imperfection in
statue (n) /'st^tjui/ a figure of a person or an
addiction (n) /s'dikjn/ the condition of being the painting is a scratch in the corner.
animal in stone, metal, etc, usually the same size
addicted to sth He is now fighting his addiction to
as in real life or larger The statue o f Queen Victoria keep in mind (idiom) /kiip in maind/
was made o f bronze. to remember sb/sth I'll keep that in mind for future
aggression (n) /s'grejn/ feelings of anger and reference.
striking (adj) /straikig/ interesting and unusual
hatred that may result in threatening or violent
enough to attract attention She bears a striking lifeless (adj) /'laiflss/ dead or appearing to be
behaviour The research shows thatcom puter
resemblance to her older sister. dead He knelt beside her lifeless body.
games may cause aggression.
stuff (n) /stAf/ used to refer to a substance, liver (n) /'livs(r)/ a large organ in the body that
artery (n) /'aitsri/ any of the tubes that carry
material, group of objects, etc. when you do not cleans the blood and produces bile His liver was
blood from the heart to other parts of the body
know the name What's all this stu ff on my desk? very healthy.
There is a severed artery in his wrist.
stunning (adj) /stAnig/ extremely attractive or lungs (n) /lAg/ either of the two organs in the
baldness (n) /boildnss/ having little or no hair on
impressive You look absolutely stunning! chest that you use for breathing Smoking can
the head He wore a hat to hide his baldness.
tablet (n) /'t^blst/ a flat piece of stone that has damage your lungs.
be in two minds (idiom) /bi in tui maindz/ to be
writing on it This tablet is from Ancient Egypt. make up your mind (idiom)
unable to decide what you think about sb/sth, or
take out (phr v) /'teik aut/ to move sth from one /meik Ap jo i(r ) maind/ to decide sth They're both
whether to do sth or not She's in two minds about
place to another I am going to take all o f these beautiful - 1can't make up my mind.
accepting his invitation.
clothes out o f my wardrobe. mind (n) /maind/ the part of a person that makes
bone (n) /bsun/ any of the hard parts that form
tangled (adj) /t^ggld/ twisted together in an them able to be aware of things, to think and
the skeleton of the body of a human or an animal
untidy way You need to brush your hair, it's all to feel There were all kinds o f thoughts running
He survived the accident and didn't even break a bone.
tangled in knots! through my mind.
brain (n) /brein/ the organ inside the head that
tap (BrE) faucet (NAmE) (n) /tap/ /'foisit/ (there is) more to sb than meets the eye (idiom)
controls movement, thought, memory and feeling
a device that controls the flow of water from a /óes(r) a iz m oi(r) ts 'sAmbsdi ó ^ n m iits ós ai/
There is a lot o f damage to the brain.
pipe Turn the tap on/off to control the water flow. a person or thing is more complicated or
break sb's heart (idiom) to make sb feel very interesting than you might think at first Idon't
thing (n) /Gig/ an object whose name you do u n h appy It breaks my heart to see you like this.
not use because you do not need to or want to, know, there is more to her than meets the eye.
burden (n) /'b3idn/ a duty, responsibility, obesity (n) /su'biissti/ very fat, in a way that is
or because you do not know it She's very fond of
etc. that causes worry, difficulty or hard work not healthy Obesity can increase the risk o f heart
sweet things.
The main burden o f caring for old people falls on disease.
thought provoking (adj) /'Goit prsvsukig/ the state.
making people think seriously about a particular pearly (adj) /'p3ili/ of or like a pearl She had
cause (n) /koiz/ the person or thing that makes pearly white teeth.
subject or issue A brilliantand thought-provoking
sth happen Unemployment is a major cause of
play. ribs (n) /rib/ any of the curved bones that are
throw out (phr v) /Grsu aut/ to get rid of sth that connected to the spine and surround the chest
change your mind (idiom) /tjeind 3 jo i(r ) maind/ He broke his ribs playing football.
you no longer want I am going to throw out all my
to change a decision or an opinion Nothing will
old clothes! screen (n) /skriin/ the flat surface at the front
make me change my mind.
tiny (adj) /taini/ very small in size or amount of a television, computer, or other electronic
come to your senses (idiom) /kAm ts jo i(r) sensiz/ device, on which you see pictures or information
Only a tiny minority hold such extreme views.
cause someone to (or start to) think and behave They were staring at the television screen.
tool (n) /tuil/ an instrument such as a hammer, reasonably after a period of folly or irrationality
screwdriver, saw, etc. that you hold in your hand shift (v) /Jift/ to move, or move sth, from one
I wish you should come to your senses and look for
and use for making things, repairing things, etc. position or place to another Could you help me
a betterjob.
Always select the right tools for thejob. shift some furniture?
cross your mind (idiom) /kros jo i(r ) maind/
torch (BrE) flashlight (NAmE) (n) /toitj/ /'flaJlAit/ short-sightedness (adj) /Joit 'saitidnss/ able
to come into your mind It never crossed my mind
a small electric lamp that uses batteries and that to see things clearly only if they are very close to
that she might lose.
you can hold in your hand She used a torch to find you Her short-sightedness meant she missed most
deafness (n) /defnss/ unable to hear anything o f the play.
her way in the dark.
or unable to hear very well His deafness has never
transparent (adj) /trans'p^rsnt/ allowing you shrivelled (adj) /'Jrivld/ to become or make sth
affected him in life.
to see through it The insect's wings are almost dry and wrinkled as a result of heat, cold or being
depression (n) /di'prejn/ a medical condition old He was a shrivelled old man.
in which a person feels very sad and anxious
triangular (adj) /tra i'^ggjsls(r)/ shaped like a skin (n) /skin/ the layer of tissue that covers the
and often has physical symptoms such as being
triangle She has very broad triangular shoulders. body The snake sheds its skin once a year.
unable to sleep, etc. She sufferedfrom severe
troubling (adj) /'trAblig/ causing stress or depression after losing her job. skull (n) /skAl/ the bone structure that forms
a nx iety This is a troubling development for the the head and surrounds and protects the brain
dig your heels in (idiom) /dig jo i(r ) h iilz in/
prime minister. Her skull was damaged in the accident.
to refuse to do sth or to change your mind about
vase (n) /vaiz/ a container made of glass, etc, sth They dug in their heels and would not lower the slip your mind (idiom) /slip jo i(r ) maind/ to
used for holding cut flowers or as a decorative price. forget sth or forget to sth I'm sorry I didn't tell you.
object Can you put the flowers in the vase? It completely slipped my mind.
disability (n) /diss'bilsti/ a physical or mental
wardrobe (BrE) closet (NAmE) (n) condition that means you cannot use a part of (have) sth on your mind (idiom)
/'woidrsub/ /'klozit/ a large cupboard for your body completely or easily, or that you cannot /sv 'sAmGig on jo i(r ) maind/ if sb/sth is on your
hanging clothes in which is either a piece of learn easily His disability means he is entitled to mind, you are thinking and worrying about them/
furniture or built into the wall The house has a extra support. it a lot Don't botheryour father tonight - he's got a
fitted wardrobe in every bedroom. lot on his mind.
dismally (adv) /'dizmsli/ causing or showing
weapons (n) /'wepsn/ an object such as a sadness The completion rates thisyear are dismally spine (n) /spain/ the row of small bones that are
knife, gun, bomb, etc. that is used for fighting low. connected together down the middle of the back
or attacking sb The police still haven't found the I hurt my spine when I fell over during football.
murder weapons.

4 Wordlist © Oxford University Press Definitions adapted from Oxford AdvancedLearner's Dictionary 8th edition
stomach (n) /'stAmsk/ the organ inside the body encourage (v) /in'kArid 3 / to give sb support, pinnacle (n) /'pinskl/ the most important or
where food goes when you swallow it It's not a courage or hope Banks actively encourage people successful part of sth She had reached the pinnacle
good idea to swim on an emptystomach. to borrow money. o f her career.
take your mind off sth (idiom) /teik jo i(r ) enlarge (v) /in'laid 3 / to make sth bigger There point out (phr v) /point aut/ to mention sth in
maind o f 'sAmOig/ to make you forget about sth are plans to enlarge the recreation area. order to give sb information about it or make
unpleasant for a short time Painting helped take ensure (v) /in'jus(r)/ to make sure that sth them notice it She tried in vain to point out the
her mind o ff her troubles. happens or is definite Please ensure all lights are seriousness o f the situation.
vein (n) /vein/ any of the tubes that carry blood switched off. preface (n) /'prefss/ an introduction It is important
from all parts of the body towards the heart entitle (v) /in'taitl/ to give sb the right to have or to preface the debate with a general comment.
The nurse was having trouble finding a vein in his arm. to do sth This ticket entitles you to travel first class. protagonist (n) /prs'tagsnist/ the main
warts and all (idiom) /woits a n d oil/ including entrust (v) /in'trAst/ to make sb responsible for character in a play, film or book He is a leading
all the bad or unpleasant features of sb/sth The doing sth or taking care of sb Mum has entrusted protagonist o f the conservation movement.
documentary shows the life o f a fashion model, me to cook Christmas dinner! quirky (adj) /'kw3iki/ an aspect of sb's
warts and all. expressive (adj) /ik'spresiv/ showing or able personality or behaviour that is a little strange
watery (adj) /'woitsri / of or like water Hereyes to show your thoughts and feelings She has She has a quirky sense o f humour.
were red and watery. wonderfully expressive eyes. riveting (adj) /'rivitig/ so interesting or exciting
(a) weight off your shoulders (idiom) for what it's worth (idiom) /foi(r) w ot its w3iO/ that it holds your attention completely As usual,
/weit o f jo i(r ) 'jsuldsz/ to relieve yourself of used to emphasize that what you are saying is only she gave a riveting performance.
a burden, normally sth that has been troubling/ your own opinion or suggestion and may not be ruthless (adj) /'ruiOlss/ determined to get what
worrying you It will be a weight o ff your shoulders very helpful Iprefer this colour, for what it's worth. you want and not caring if you hurt other people
when you finish your dissertation. for your information (idiom) The way she behaved towards him was utterly
/foi(r) jo i(r ) ,m fs'm eijn/ used to tell sb that they ruthless.
Unit 5 are wrong about sth For your information, I don't slip on (phr v) /'slip on/ to put clothes on or to
abuse (n) /s'bjuis/ rude and offensive remarks even have a car. take them off quickly and easily Heslipped a coat
I couldn't stand the abuse, so I left. from my point of view (idiom) over his sweatshirt.
add on (phr v) /'ad on/ make an addition to /from mai point o v v ju i i/ your personal spine (n) /spain/ the narrow part of the cover
She added an extra week on to her holiday. judgm ent or opinion about sth From my point o f of a book that the pages are joined to The spine
as far as I know (idiom) /eiz fa i(r ) e iz ai nsu/ view, the party was a complete success. looks very worn.
used to say that you think you know, remember, front cover (n) /frAnt 'kAvs(r)/ a book cover is switch on (phr v) / sw itj on/ to turn a light,
understand, etc. sth but you cannot be completely any protective covering used to bind together the machine, etc. off/on by pressing a button or
sure, especially because you do not know all the pages of a book The front cover looks amazing. switch Can you switch on the lights please?
facts As far as I know, there is no cause for concern. glossary (n) /'glossri/ a list of technical or take your point (idiom) /teik jo i(r ) point /
as soon as possible (idiom) /eiz suin e iz 'possbl/ special words, especially those in a particular text, accept the validity of someone's idea or argument
as quickly, much, soon, etc. as you can We will get explaining their meanings There is a glossary o f Okay, I take your point.
your order to you as soon as possible. financial terms at the back. thanks in advance (phr) /Oagks in sd 'vain s /
at some point (idiom) /at ssm point/ a non- go on (phr v) /guin/ to continue Life m ustgo on. used to show that you are grateful to sb for sth
specific time in the future At some point, I will gripping (adj) /'gripig/ exciting or interesting they have done Thanks in advance for agreeing to
become a teacher. in a way that keeps your attention His books are lend me the money.
back cover (n) /bak 'kAvs/ the back part of the always so gripping. the point is (idiom) /ós point aiz/ stating in
cover of a book or magazine I only read the back hardback (n) /'haidbak/ a book that has a stiff your opinion the meaning about what is actually
cover. cover What's the price o f the hardback? happening The point is, you shouldn't have to wait
bibliography (n) /,bibli'ogrsfi/ a list of books, index (n) /'indeks/ a list of names or topics that so long to see a doctor.
etc. that have been used by sb writing an article, are referred to in a book, etc, usually arranged at throw on (phr v) /Orsu on/ to put on a piece
etc. There is a useful bibliography at the end o f each the end of a book in alphabetical order or listed in of clothing quickly and carelessly I threwon my
chapter. a separate file or book Look it up in the index. clothes before breakfast.
by the way (idiom) /bai ó s wei/ used to insightful (adj) /'insaitful/ showing a clear title page (n) /'taitl p eid 3 / a page at the front of
introduce a comment or question that is not understanding of a person or situation Thank you a book that has the title and the author's name on
directly related to what you have been talking for the insightful comments. it The title page is found at the front o f the book.
about By the way, I found that book you were intricate (adj) /'intrikst/ having a lot of different too much information /tui mAtJ ,infs'm eijn/
looking for. parts and small details that fit together Theyhave an expression indicating that someone has
bye for now (idiom) /bai fo i(r ) nau/ used to an intricate network o f consumers. revealed information that is too personal and
express good wishes when parting or at the end keep on (phr v) /kiip on/ to speak to sb often made the listener or reader uncomfortable Okay,
of a conversation Okay then, bye for now! and in an annoying way about sb/sth I'll do it - ju st that's too much information!
carry on (phr v) /'kari on/ to continue without don't keep on at me about it! touching (adj) /'tAtJig/ causing feelings of pity
stoppi ng They will carry on misbehaving. laugh out loud (jargon) /'laif aut laud/ or sympathy; making you feel emotional It was a
cheer on (phr v) / tjis(r) on/ to give shouts of extremely funny The bestscenes in the movie made touching story that moved many o f us to tears.
encouragement to sb in a race, competition, me laugh out loud. transcend (v) /tran'send/ to be or go beyond the
etc. I've come to the football game to cheer on my live on (phr v) /liv on/ to have enough money usual limits of sth They transcend time andspace.
brother! for the basic things you need to live M ysalaryisn't turn on (phr v) /'t3in on/ to start sth by pressing
chilling (adj) /'tjilig/ frightening, usually enough for us to live on. a switch or a button I turn on my computer and
because it is connected with sth violent or cruel meaningful (adj) /'miinigfl/ intended to check Facebook before going to school.
The film evokes chilling reminders o f the war. communicate or express sth to sb, without any up to a point (idiom) /Ap ts s point/ to some
cling on (phr v) /klig on/ to be unwilling to get words being spoken She gave me a meaningful degree but not completely I agree with you up to
rid of sth, or stop doing sth He had one lasthope look. a point.
to cling on to. move on (phr v) /muiv on/ to start doing or urge on (phr v) /3id3 on/ to encourage sb to do
come on (phr v) /'kAm on/ used in orders to tell discussing sth new Can we move on to the next sth or support them so that they do it better She
sb to hurry or to try harder Come on! We don't item on the agenda? could hear him urging her on as she ran.
have much time. moving (adj) /'muivig/ causing you to have villain (n) /'vilsn/ the main bad character in a
complex (adj) /'kompleks/ made of many deep feelings of sadness or sympathy It is a deeply story, play, etc. He often plays the part o f the villain.
different things or parts that are connected moving experience. you only live once (interjection)
The human brain is very complex. on the point of (phr v) /on ó s point ov/ at /ju 'sunli liv wAns/ motto to convey that one
contents page (n) /ksn'tents p e id 3 / a list of the the moment immediately before a specified should take risks and live life to the fullest because
different sections that are contained in a book condition, action, etc, is expected to begin Iam you probably won't get another chance to do it
The contents page will help you find what you are on the point o f resigning. Do the bungee jum p - you only live once!
looking for. in my humble opinion (idiom)
dust jacket (n) /'dAst d3akit/ a paper cover on /in mai 'hAmbl s'pinjsn/ a phrase introducing Unit 6
a book that protects it but that can be removed the speaker's opinion In my humble opinion, its a accountability (n) /s,kaunts'bilsti/ responsible
Take the dust jacket o ff the book before reading. very sound investment. for your decisions or actions and expected
empower (v) /im'paus(r)/ to give sb the power paperback (n) /'peipsbak/ a book that has to explain them when you are asked La ckof
or authority to do sth There are lots o f ways to a thick paper cover When is it coming out in accountability has corroded public respect for
empower the poor. paperback? business and political leaders.
enable (v) /i'neibl/ to make it possible for sb perceptive (adj) /ps'septiv/ having or showing (set the) agenda (n) /s'd3 ends/ a list of items to
to do sth The evidence will enable us to come to a the ability to see or understand things quickly, be discussed at a meeting Can you set the agenda
conclusion. especially things that are not obvious It was very for tomorrow's meeting?
enclose (v) /in'klsuz/ to build a wall, fence, etc. perceptive o f you to notice that.
around sth I will enclose the yard with iron railings.

Definitions adapted from Oxford AdvancedLearner's Dictionary 8th edition © Oxford University Press Wordlist 5
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archival footage (n) /'aikaivl 'fu tid 3 / film or lighting (n) /'laitig/ the arrangement or type Unit 7
video footage from the past that can be used in of light in a place The building needs improved adolescent (n) /|^ds'lesnt/ a young person
other films The program takes a look at the class security and lighting.
who is developing from a child into an adult
with archival footage from the 1960's. location (n) /lsu'keijn/ a place where sth Adolescents between the ages o f 13 and 18 may face
(to be) armed (with) (adj) /aimd/ furnished with happens or exists Our honeymoon will be in a problems at school.
weapons Be careful, they are going to be armed secret location. ahead of time (adj) /s'hed o v taim/ earlier than
and dangerous. out of character (idiom) /aut o v 'k^rskts(r)/ was expected We finished fifteen minutes ahead
audio engineer (n) /'oidisu |end3 i'nis(r)/ not typical of a person's character Her behaviour o f time.
a person whose job it is to alter and balance the last night was completely out o f character. all the time (adv) /oil ó s taim/ very often
levels of different sounds as they are recorded out of favour (idiom) /aut o v 'feivs(r)/ She leaves the lights on all the time.
He has got a jo b as an audio engineer for the BBC. disapproval or support for sb/sth He is out o f (feel) at ease (idiom) /^t iiz/ to make sb
axe (v) /^ks/ to get rid of a service, system or sb's favour with the boss! feel relaxed and confident, not nervous or
job Patients are delighted their local hospital has out on a limb (idiom) /aut on s lim / not embarrassed Try to make the candidate feel at ease
been saved from the axe. supported by other people Are you prepared to go by being friendly and informal.
back (v) /b^k/ to give help or support out on a limb? at one time (idiom) /^t wAn taim/ in or during
M y parents backed my decision to move abroad. out of one's depth (idiom) /aut o v jo i(r ) depO/ a known but unspecified past period She was a
ban (v) /b^n/ to decide or say officially that sth is to be in a situation that you cannot control I felt nurse at one time.
not allowed There was a campaign to ban smoking totally out o f my depth in my new job. at the best of times (idiom)
in public places. plea (n) /plii/ an urgent emotional request She /^t ó s best o v taimz/ even when the
bid (v) /bid/ to offer to provide a service for made an impassioned plea for help. circumstances are very good He's neververy happy
a particular price, in competition with other prop (n) /prop/ a small object used by actors at the best o f times - he'll be much worse now!
co m pan ies They lost the bid to host the Olympics. during a performance He is responsible for all the at the same time (idiom) /^t ó s seim taim/
boom (n) /buim/ a sudden increase in trade and stage props and lighting. at one time, together She was laughing and crying
economic activity We have had a boom in car sales. quit (v) /kwit/ to stop doing sth or to leave your at the same time.
(expose) corruption (n) /ks'rApJn / dishonest job, school, etc. If I don't get more money I'll quit. be yourself (idiom) /bi joi'self/ to act naturally
or illegal behaviour, especially of people in riddle (n) /'ridl/ a question that is difficult to People will prefer it if you ju st be yourself.
authority It is important that we expose corruption understand, and that has a surprising answer, that before my time (idiom) /bi'foi(r) mai taim/
in government. you ask sb as a game I am going to solve the riddle! happening before you were born or can
costume designer (n) /'kostjuim di'zains/ rigged (v) /rigd/ to arrange or influence sth in a remember or before you lived, worked, etc.
a person who designs costumes for plays and dishonest way in order to get the result that you somewhere The first landing on the moon was
films She was a costume designer for the theatre w ant He said the election had been rigged. before my time.
company. (spread a) rumour (n) /'ruims(r)/ a piece of behind the times (idiom) /bi'haind ó s taimz/
cover-up (n) /'kAvsr Ap/ action that is taken to information, or a story, that people talk about, but old-fashioned in your ideas, methods, etc.
hide a mistake or illegal activity from the public that may not be true Please don't spread rumours You're so behind the times!
Government sources denied there had been a about people. breathe life into (idiom) /briió la if 'ints/ to
deliberate cover-up. (fall for a) scam (n) /sk^m/ a clever and improve sth by introducing new ideas and making
(lack) credibility (n) /|kreds'bilsti/ the quality dishonest plan for making money Be careful not to people more interested in it The results o f their
that sb/sth has that makes people believe or trust fall for the phone scam. research have breathed new life into the debate.
them They lack credibility. (musical) score (n) /skoi(r)/ the music written for brush off (phr v) /'brAj of/ a rejection or dismissal
crowd funding (n) /'kraudf Andig/ the practice a film/movie or play They won an award for best of sth by treating it as unimportant She brushed
of funding a project or venture by raising many original score. o ff her poor results and continued studying.
small amounts of money from a large number scramble (up) (v) /'skrambl/ to move quickly, call off (phr v) /koil of/ to cancel sth Theyhave
of people, typically via the internet Musicians, especially with difficulty, using your hands to help called o ff their engagement.
filmmakers, and artists have successfully raised funds you She managed to scramble up the wall. childish (adj) /'tJaildiJ/ behaving in a stupid or
and fostered awareness through crowd funding.
screenplay (n) /'skriinplei/ the words that are silly way Don't be so childish!
curb (v) /k3ib/ to control or limit sth, especially written for a film/movie (= the script), together
sth bad He needs to learn to curb his temper. cross off (phr v) /kros of/ to draw a line through
with instructions for how it is to be acted and a person's name or an item on a list because they/
delve (into) (v) /delv/ to search for sth inside a fi l med She won an Oscar for the film's screenplay. it is no longer required or involved We can cross
bag, container, etc. Let me delve into your bag. scriptwriter (n) /'skriptraits(r)/ a person who his name off; he's not coming.
devastated (adj) /'devssteitid/ extremely upset writes the words for films/movies, television and cut off (phr v) /'kAt of/ to isolate or be separate
and shocked His family is absolutely devastated. radio plays The scriptwriter will write the play. She felt very cut o ff from society.
docu-ganda (n) film that uses documentary scrutinize (v) /'skruitsnaiz/ to look at or dependent (adj) /di'pendsnt/ needing sb/sth
style to spread propaganda When I watched it, examine sb/sth carefully She leaned forward to in order to survive or be successful You can'tbe
I was shocked by how manipulative it was. It was not scrutinize their faces. dependent on your parents all your life.
a documentary, it was docu-ganda. shot on location (idiom) /Jot on lsu'keiJn/ dynamic (adj) /dai'n^mik/ having a lot of energy
explore (v) /ik'sploi(r)/ to travel to or around an practice of filming in an actual setting rather than and a strong personality She is a dynamic leader.
area or a country in order to learn about it I want on a sound stage The film will be shot on location. ease off (phr v) /iiz of/ to become or make sth
to explore many different countries. (trace) sources (n) /sois/ a person, book or become less strong, unpleasant, etc. We will wait
fly-on-the-wall (style) (adj) /flai on ó s woil/ document that provides information, especially until the rain eases off.
doing sth or watching/filming sb without them for study, a piece of written work or news elderly (adj) /'eldsli/ used as a polite word
noticing Fly-on-the-wall documentaries are really The journalist refused to reveal his sources.
interesting. for 'old' They are an elderly couple.
staged (scenes) (adj) /steid 3 d/ deliberately every walk of life (idiom) /'evri w o ik o v laif/
gem (n) /d3 em/ a precious stone that has been arranged for effect The programme had staged every status and occupation We invited people
cut and polished and is used in jewellery A crown scenes.
is often studded with gems. from every walk o f life, but only those who could
storyboard artist (n) /'stoiriboid aitist/ afford the long drive could possibly come.
go viral (phr v) /gsu 'vairsl/ an image, video, a profession specialized in creating storyboards experienced (adj) /ik'spisrisnst/ having
or link that spreads rapidly through a population for advertising agencies and film productions
by being frequently shared with a number of knowledge or skill in a particular job or activity
He was a storyboard artist. He's very experienced in looking after animals.
individuals online We will go viral with this YouTube storyline (n) /'stoirilain/ the basic story in a
video. fend off (phr v) /fend of/ to protect yourself from
novel, play, film/movie, etc. Thestoryline was
(make) headlines (n) /'hedlain/ the most sth, especially by avoiding them She managed to
based on a true story. fend o ff questions about new tax increases.
important items of news, at the beginning of a stuntman (n) /'stAntm^n/ a person who does
news programme or at the start of a newspaper fight off (phr v) /fait of/ to resist sb/sth by
dangerous things in place of an actor The actor fighting against them/it The jeweller was stabbed
article That announcement is going to make the had a stuntman for some o f the dangerous scenes.
headlines. as he tried to fight the robbers off.
sweep (v) /swiip/ to remove quickly with force foolish (adj) /'fuiliJ/ not showing good sense or
in one's element (idiom) /'elimsnt/ doing what The boat was sw ept out to sea.
you are good at and enjoy When skating, I am in judgem ent I was foolish enough to believe what
terrified (adj) /'terifaid/ very frightened Je ff told me.
my element.
I'm terrified o f spiders! for the time being (idiom) /foi(r) ós taim 'biiig/
in step with (idiom) /in step wió/ having ideas
voice-over (n) /'vois suvs(r)/ information or for a short period of time but not permanently
that are the same as other people's Yourplans are
comments in a film/movie, television programme, You can leave your suitcase here for the time being.
in step with the company's.
etc. that are given by a person who is not seen on
in the limelight (idiom) /in ó s 'laimlait/ the from time to time (idiom) /from taim ts taim/
the screen She does the voice-over for that TVshow.
centre of public attention She is always in the occasionally but not regularly She has to work at
vow (n) /vau/ a formal and serious promise to do weekends from time to time.
sth Nuns take a vow o f chastity.
in the offing (idiom) /in ó s 'ofig/ likely to appear get away with (phr v) /get s 'w e i wió/ to do
vulnerable (adj) /'vAlnsrsbl/ weak and easily sth wrong and not be punished for it Don'tbe
or happen soon I hear there are more sta ff changes
hurt physically or emotionally Old people are tempted to cheat - you'll never get away with it.
in the offing.
particularly vulnerable to the flu.

6 Wordlist © Oxford University Press Definitions adapted from Oxford AdvancedLearner's Dictionary 8th edition
get up to (phr v) /get Ap ts/ to be busy with sth, shrug off (phr v) /JrAg of/ to treat sth as if it is distressing (n) /di'stresig/ making you feel
especially sth surprising or unpleasant She's been not im portant She decided to shrug o ff her injury extremely upset, especially because of sb's
getting up to her old tricks again! and continue playing. suffering What could be more distressing than the
get your own way (idiom) /get jo i(r ) sun wei/ stand on your own two feet (idiom) /st^nd on death o f their only child?
to get or do what you want, especially when sb jo i(r ) sun tui fiit/ to be independent and able to (maintain an) ecosystem (n) /'iiksusistsm/
has tried to stop you She always gets her own way take care of yourself When his parents died he had all the plants and living creatures in a particular
in the end. to learn to stand on his own two feet. area considered in relation to their physical
give in to (phr v) /giv in ts/ to agree to do sth supportive (adj) /ss'poitiv/ giving help, environment Scientists are working hard to
you don't want Mum finallygave in and boughtm e encouragement or sympathy to sb She was very maintain the ecosystem.
a Smartphone. supportive during my father's illness. emergency (n) /i'm3id3snsi/ a sudden serious
go on about (phr v) /gsu on s'baut/ to talk vulnerable (adj) /'vAlnsrsbl/ weak and easily and dangerous event or situation which needs
about sb/sth for a long time, especially in a boring hurt physically or emotionally We should protect immediate action to deal with it This doorshould
or complaining way He liked to go on about how the m ost vulnerable members o f our society. only be used in an emergency.
wealthy he once was. warn off (phr v) /woin of/ to tell sb to leave or empathy (for) (n) /'empsGi/ the ability to
in next to no time (idiom) /in nekst ts nsu taim/ stay away from a place or person, especially in a understand another person's feelings, experience,
so soon or so quickly that it is surprising Thekids threatening way The farmer warned us o ff his land etc. It's hard to feel empathy for some criminals.
will be leaving home in next to no time. when we tried to camp there. face the music (idiom) /feis ó s 'm juizik/ to
in the course of time (idiom) /in ó s kois o v taim/ wear off (phr v) /wes(r) of/ to gradually accept and deal with criticism or punishment for
when enough time has passed It is possible that in disappear or stop The effects o f the drug will soon sth you have done The others all ran off, leaving
the course o f time a cure for cancer will be found. wear off. me to face the music.
in the nick of time (idiom) /in ó s nik o v taim/ wise (adj) /waiz/ able to make sensible decisions face up to (the facts) (idiom) /feis Ap ts/ to
at the very last moment They escaped from the and give good advice because of the experience accept and deal with sth that is difficult or
smoke-filled house in the nick o f time. and knowledge that you have I'm older and wiser unpleasant She had to face up to the fact that she
independent (adj) /|indi'pendsnt/ confident after ten years in the business. would never walk again.
and free to do things without needing help from youthful (adj) /'juiGfl/ typical of young people (standard) fare (n) /fes(r)/ food that is offered as
other people Going away to college has made me She brings youthful enthusiasm to the job. a meal The new Cafe serves traditional fare.
much more independent. (prevent) fires (n) /'faisz/ flames that are out of
inexperienced (adj) /|inik'spisrisnst/ having Unit 8 control and destroy buildings, trees, etc. We have
little knowledge or experience of sth She is far too to take action to prevent forest fires.
agonizing (adj) /'^gsnaizig/ causing great pain,
inexperienced for her role. anxiety or difficulty It was the m ost agonizing fraction (of) (n) /'frakJn/ a small part or amount
infantile (adj) /'infsntail/ typical of a small child, decision o f her life. of sth Only a small fraction o f a bank's total
ch ildish He's always telling infantilejokes. deposits will be withdrawn at any one time.
(protect) animal (n) /'^niml/ a creature that is
juvenile (adj) /'d3 uivsnail/ silly and more typical not a bird, a fish, a reptile, an insect or a human fry (v) /frai/ to cook sth in hot fat or oil Are you
of a child than an adult Don't be so juvenile! We need to protect some animals from extinction. going to fry the bacon?
laugh off (phr v) /laif of/ to try to make people attack (on) (n) /s't^k/ strong criticism of sb/sth grill (v) /gril/ to cook food under or over a very
think that sth is not serious or important, in speech or in writing It is a scathing attack on the strong heat Grill the sausages for ten minutes.
especially by making a joke about it Helaughed government's policies. (destroy a) habitat (n) /'h^bit^t/ the place
o ff suggestions that he was going to resign. awe-inspiring (adj) /'oi inspaisrig/ making you where a particular type of animal or plant is
live a charmed life (idiom) /tJaimd laif/ to feel respect and admiration The building was awe- normally found The new buildings will destroy
always be lucky and safe from danger That inspiring in size and design. their habitat.
footballer lives a charmed life! bake (v) /beik/ to cook food in an oven without (cause an) imbalance (n) /im'b^lsns/ a situation
long in the tooth (idiom) /log in ó s tuiG/ old or extra fat or liquid I'm baking a birthday cake for in which two or more things are not the same size
ageing I may be long in the tooth but I am going to Alex. or are not treated the same, in a way that is unfair
try anyway. or causes problems Postnatal depression is usually
banquet (n) /'b^gkwit/ a formal meal for a large
make off (phr v) /meik of/ to steal sth and hurry caused by a hormonal imbalance.
number of people, usually for a special occasion
away with it Watch he doesn't make o ff with that A state banquet is being held in honour o f the (have an) impact (n) /'imp^kt/ the powerful
money. visiting President. effect that sth has on sb/sth Her speech made a
(a) matter of life and death (idiom) / 'm ^ts(r) o v profound impact on everyone.
barbecue (n) /'baibikjui/ an outdoor meal or
la if s n d deG/ used to describe a situation that is party when food is cooked in this way Tonight we in the face of (idiom) /in ó s fe is ov/ despite
very important or serious Don't disturb me unless shall have a barbecue with our friends. problems, difficulties, etc. The campaign continued
it's a matter o f life and death. in the face o f great opposition.
based (on) (n) /beist/ if one thing is based on
mature (adj) /ms'tJus(r)/ behaving in a sensible another, it uses it or is developed from it The report individual (adj) /|indi'vid 3 usl/ connected with
way, like an adult Jane is very mature for her age. is based on figures from six different European cities. one person/thing She wrapped up the individual
(the) milestones in life (idiom) /'m ailstsunz in flowers.
better off (without) (idiom) /'bets(r) of/ used to
la if / a very important stage or event Having a say that sb is/would be happier or more satisfied ingredient (in) (n) /in'griidisnt/ one of the
baby is one o f life's milestones. if they were in a particular position or did a things from which sth is made, especially one
(a) new lease of life (idiom) /njui liis o v laif/ particular thing She's better o ff without him. of the foods that are used together to make a
the chance to live or last longer, or with a better particular dish Ginger is one o f the ingredients in
boil (v) /boil/ to cook or wash sth in boiling water
quality of life Since her operation, she's had a new Thai curry
She put some potatoes on to boil.
lease o f life. let's face it (phr v) /lets fe is it/ used to convey
carbon emissions (n) /'kaibsn i'miJnz/
(be) out of touch with (idiom) /aut o v tAtJ wió/ that one must be realistic about an unwelcome
carbon gas that is sent out into the atmosphere
to not know or understand what is happening fact or situation Let's face it, the team are going to
The government has pledged to reduce carbon
in a particular subject or area Unfortunately, the lose the match.
people making the decisions are out o f touch with light (adj) /lait/ small in quantity, easy to digest
Chinese (adj) /tJai'niiz/ from or connected with
the real world. I'm playing football later so I'lljust have sth light for
China I love Chinese food.
(be) over the hill (idiom) /'suvs(r) ós hil/ lunch.
classic (adj) /'kl^sik/ with all the features you
old and therefore no longer useful or attractive monstrous (adj) /'monstrss/ considered to be
would expect to find, typical She displayed the
Youngsters seem to thinkyou're over the hill at 40! shocking and unacceptable because it is morally
classic symptoms o f depression.
(in the) prime of life (idiom) /praim o v la if / wrong or unfair It's monstrous to think he could be
cold-blooded (adj) /|ksuld 'blAdid/ showing out o f ja il soon.
the time of maturity when power and vigor are no feelings or pity for other people He is a cold-
greatest A t 25, I am in the prime o f life. (conserve) nature (n) /'neitJs(r)/ all the plants,
blooded murderer.
put off (phr v) /put of/ to change sth to a later animals and things that exist in the universe that
concerned (about) (adj) /ksn's3ind/ worried and are not made by people The government wants to
time or date We've had to p u to ffo u r wedding until feeling concern about sth The Presidentis deeply
September. conserve nature.
concerned about this issue.
self-reliant (adj) /|self ri'laisnt/ able to do or on the face of it (idiom) /on ó s fe is o v it/ used
countless (adj) /'kauntlss/ too many to be to say that sth seems to be good, true, etc. but
decide things by yourself, rather than depending counted or mentioned The new treatment could
on other people for help Don't worry, he's very that this opinion may need to be changed when
save Emma's life and the lives o f countless others. you know more about it What m ay on the face
critical (adj) /'kritikl/ extremely important o f it, seem obvious often turns out to be far more
(be) set in your ways (idiom) /set in jo i(r ) -weiz/ because a future situation will be affected by it complicated.
to have habits or opinions that you have had for Your decision is critical to our future.
a long time and that you do not want to change (popular) order (n) /'oids(r/ a request for food
depend (on) (v) /di'pend/ to rely on sb/sth and or drinks in a restaurant, bar, etc. May I take your
Don't take offence; she's ju st set in her ways.
be able to trust them He was the sort o f person you order?
set off (phr v) /set of/ to begin a journey We will could depend on.
set o ff for London ju st after breakfast. outlaw (v) /'autloi/ to make sth illegal There are
(traditional) dish (n) /diJ/ food prepared in a plans to outlaw the carrying o f knives.
shelf life (n) /'Jelf laif/ the length of time that particular way as part of a meal This makes an
food, etc. can be kept before it is too old to be sold poach (v) /psutJ/ to cook food gently in a small
excellent hot main dish. amount of liquid I am going to poach an egg for
The product has a guaranteed shelf life o f 60 days.

Definitions adapted from Oxford AdvancedLearner's Dictionary 8th edition © Oxford University Press Wordlist 7
V - "
m m - -^ a ^ M

(double) portion (n) /'poijn/ an amount of food backup (n) /'bakAp/ a copy of a file, etc. that can hard-wearing (adj) /,haid 'w esrig/ that lasts a
that is large enough for one person I'm hungry. be used if the original is lost or damaged Always long time and remains in good condition I want
Can I have a double portion? make a backup o f your work. shoes that are practical and hard-wearing.
(ban harmful) practices (n) /'praktisiz/ a way bug (n) /bAg/ a fault in a machine, especially in (to) have legs (idiom) /hsv legz/ to continue to
of doing sth that is the usual or expected way in a computer system or program The latest version be of interest This latestscandal has legs;you'll
a particular organization or situation We have this computer program has a bug. probably still be reading about it in a year's time.
banned harmful practices. bulky (adj) /'bAlki/ large and difficult to move or headset(s) (n) /'hedset/ a pair of headphones,
put on a brave face (idiom) /put on s b re iv feis/ carry Bulky items are not allowed in the cabin. especially one with a microphone attached to it
to pretend that you feel confident and happy close (adv) /klsus/ near in space or time Speak clearly into the headset.
when you do not I had to put on a brave face and The second twin was born close after the first. high (adv) /hai/ at or to a position or level that
try to show him that I wasn't worried. closely (adv) /'klsusli/ in a close relation or is a long way up from the ground or from the
(wartime) ration (n) /'rajn/ a fixed amount of position in time or space He walked into the room, bottom A dish piled high with food.
food, fuel, etc. that you are officially allowed to closely followed by the rest o f the family. highly (adv) /'haili/ with admiration or praise
have when there is not enough for everyone to convenient (adj) /ksn'viinisnt/ useful, easy She speaks highly o f you.
have as much as they want I'm grateful for my or quick to do You'll find these meals quick and innovative (adj) /'insveitiv/ introducing or
weekly butter ration. convenient to prepare. using new ideas, ways of doing sth, etc. There will
(overexploit) resources (n) /ri'sois/ a supply of cookie (n) /'kuki/ a computer file with be a prize for the m ost innovative design.
sth that a country, an organization or a person has information in it that is sent to the central server just (adv) /d3 Ast/ only Idecided to learn Japanese
and can use They are exploiting minerals and other each time a particular person uses a network or ju st for fun.
natural resources. the internet This websiteuses cookies. justly (adv) /'d3Astli/ according to what is
result (in) (phr v) /ri'zAlt/ to make sth happen cord (n) /koid/ a piece of wire that is covered morally right or fair I want to be treatedjustly.
The cyclone has resulted in many thousands of with plastic, used for carrying electricity to a piece keypad (n) /'kiipad/ a small set of buttons
deaths. of equipment It's not wireless; the telephone has with numbers on used to operate a telephone,
rise (in) (n) /raiz/ an increase in an amount, a a cord. television, etc. Enteryour name using the keypad.
number or a level There has been a sharp rise in the cumbersome (adj) /'kAmbsssm/ large and late (adv) /leit/ arriving, happening or done after
number o f people out o f work. heavy; difficult to carry You might have to use the expected, arranged or usual time M y flight
roast (v) /rsust/ to cook food, especially meat, some cumbersome machinery. was an hour late.
without liquid in an oven or over a fire Are you cutting-edge (n) /,kAtig 'ed 3 / the newest, most lately (adv) /'leitli/ recently It'sonlylatelythat
going to roast the chicken? advanced stage in the development of sth I am she's been well enough to go out.
scramble (v) /'skrambl/ to cook an egg by working at the cutting-edge o f computer technology. lightweight (adj) /'laitweit/ made of thinner
mixing the white and yellow parts together and data (n) /'deits/ information that is stored by a material and less heavy than usual The car
heating them, sometimes with milk and butter computer It is important to back up your data. features a lightweight aluminium engine.
I love scrambled eggs.
dedicated (adj) /'dedikeitid/ working hard at murmur (reassurances) (v) /'m3ims(r)/ to say
side (n) /said/ a dish that is served with, but is sth because it is very important to you She is sth in a soft quiet voice that is difficult to hear or
subordinate to, a main course Yourdish comes dedicated to her job. understand She murmured an excuse and hurried
with a side.
demonstrate (v) /'demsnstreit/ to show sth away.
six-course (adj) /siks kois/ a formal meal that clearly by giving proof or evidence These results obsolete (adj) /'obssliit/ no longer used because
has six courses We're having a six-course meal on demonstrate convincingly that our campaign is sth new has been invented With technological
New Year's Eve. working. changes many traditional skills have become obsolete.
slaughter (n) /'sloits(r)/ the killing of animals for earbud(s) (n) /'isbAd/ a very small headphone plain (adj) /plein/ simple or basic in character
their meat Cows are slaughtered for beef. that is worn inside the ear Ineed to attach my The curtains were made from a plain fabric.
(lunchtime) snack (n) /snak/ a small meal or earbuds to the CD player. pricey (adj) /'praisi/ overpriced, too expensive
amount of food, usually eaten in a hurry Ionly early adopter (n) /'3ili s'dopts(r)/ a person who She wears pricey designer clothes.
have time for a snack at lunchtime. starts using a product or technology as soon as it prove (v) /pruiv/ to use facts, evidence, etc. to
(threaten a) species (n) /'spiijiiz/ a group into becomes available They're early adopters o f new show that sth is true He felt he needed to prove his
which animals, plants, etc. that are able to breed technology, and new ideas. point.
with each other and produce healthy young are elegant (adj) /'eligsnt/ attractive and showing a
divided This is a conservation area for endangered reasonable (adj) /'riiznsbl/ fair, practical and
good sense of style She was tall and elegant. sensible Any reasonable person would have done
emerging technologies (n) exactly as you did.
steam (v) /stiim/ to place food over boiling water /i'm3id3ig tek 'n olsd 3 iz/ new technologies that
so that it cooks in the steam We prefer to steam sink (v) /sigk/ to go down below the surface or
are currently developing or will be developed towards the bottom of a liquid or soft substance
our broccoli. over the next five to ten years, and which will The ship sank to the bottom o f the sea.
stew (v) /stjui/ to cook sth slowly, or allow sth substantially alter the business and social
to cook slowly, in liquid in a closed dish The meat sleek (adj) /sliik/ having an elegant smooth
environment Emerging technologies could make
needs to stew for two hours. shape The sleek lines o f the new car.
hydroelectricity safer.
stir-fry (v) /'st3i frai/ to cook thin strips of spam (n) /spam/ advertising material sent by
examine (v) /ig'zam in/ to consider or study an
vegetables or meat quickly by stirring them in email to people who have not asked for it Check
idea, a subject, etc. very carefully It is necessary to
very hot oil It's quicker to stir-fry the vegetables. your spam folder.
examine how theproposals can be carried out.
(fast-food) takeaway (n) /'teikswei/ a meal that spyware (n) /spaiw es(r) software that enables a
exorbitant (adj) /ig'zoibitsnt/ much too high
you buy at a restaurant that you eat somewhere user to obtain covert information about another's
The prices are exorbitant.
else Shall we have a takeaway tonight? computer activities by transmitting data covertly
(launch with) fanfare (n) /'fan fes(r)/ a large from their hard drive It's important to scan for
thanks to (idiom) /Oagks ts/ used to say that sth amount of activity and discussion on television, in spyware.
has happened because of sb/sth It was all a great newspapers, etc. to celebrate sb/sth The product
success - thanks to a lot o f hard work. (tech) start-ups (n) /'stait Aps/ connected with
was launched amid much fanfare worldwide.
starting a new business or project Kickstarter is a
threatened with (v) /'Oretnd wió/ to say that firewall (n) /'faiswoil/ a part of a computer great platform for tech start-ups.
you will cause trouble, hurt sb, etc. if you do not system that prevents people from getting at
get what you want The attacker threatened them suggest (v) /ss'd3 est/ to put forward an idea or a
information without permission, but still allows
with a gun. plan for other people to think about May Isuggest
them to receive information that is sent to them
a white wine with this dish, Sir?
toast (v) /tsust/ to make sth, especially bread, My computer is protected with a firewall.
turn brown by heating it in a toaster or close to heat Trojan (n) /'trsud3 sn/ a Trojan horse, or Trojan,
fragile (adj) /'frad 3 ail/ easily broken or
Place under a hot grill until the nuts have toasted. is a hacking program that is a non-self-replicating
damaged Be careful not to drop it; it's very fragile.
type of malware That Trojan has wiped my hard
toxic waste (n) /'toksik weist/ poisonous waste groan-inducing (adj) /grsun in'djuisig/ an act drive!
materials You can also contact us for information that causes someone to groan Read this groan-
on toxic waste. under age (idiom) /'Andsreid3/ not legally old
inducing love letter.
enough to do a particular thing It is illegal to sell
(talk) until we're blue in the face (idiom) to try to hallmark(s) (n) /'hoilmaik/ a feature or quality cigarettes to children who are under age.
do sth as hard and as long as you possibly can but that is typical of sb/sth Police said the explosion
without success You can argue tillyou're blue in the under attack (adj) /'Ands(r) s'ta k/ subjected
bore all the hallmarks o f a terrorist attack.
face, but you won't change my mind. to enemy attack or censure Our freedom is under
handset (n) /'handset/ the part of a telephone attack.
wiped out (phr v) /waipt aut/ to destroy or that you hold close to your mouth and ear to
remove sb/sth completely Whole villages were under control (idiom) /'Ands(r) ksn'trsul/ to
speak into and listen I can't hear you, are you
wiped out by the earthquake. be being dealt with successfully Don't w orry-
covering the handset?
everything's under control!
handy (adj) /'handi/ easy to use or to do That's a
Unit 9 handy little tool.
under pressure (idiom) /'Ands(r) 'prejs(r)/
being forced to do sth The director is under
assess (v) /s'ses/ to make a judgem ent about the hard (adv) /haid/ with great effort You must try increasing pressure to resign.
nature or quality of sb/sth It's difficult to assess the hard to get a good result.
effects o f these changes. under scrutiny (idiom) /'Ands(r) 'skruitsni/
hardly (adv) /'haidli/ almost none There's hardly being watched or examined closely Foreign policy
any tea left. has come under close scrutiny recently.

8 Wordlist © Oxford University Press Definitions adapted from Oxford AdvancedLearner's Dictionary 8th edition
under the radar (idiom) /'Ands(r) ó s 'reidai(r)/ distribution (of wealth) (n) /|distri'bjuiJn/ mankind (n) /m$n'kaind/ all humans, thought
used to say that people are not aware of sth the way that sth is shared or exists over a particular about as one large group The future o f mankind
Experts say a lot o f corporate crime stays under the area or among a particular group of people is at stake.
radar. It's easy to see the unfair distribution o f wealth. minority rights (adj) /m ai'norsti raits/ normal
under the weather (idiom) /'Ands(r) ó s 'weós(r)/ diversify leadership (v) /dai'v3isifai 'liidsJip/ individual rights applied to members of racial,
slightly ill/sick and not as well as usual I feel a bit to make leadership become more varied There are ethnic, class, religious, linguistic or sexual
under the weather today. calls to diversify leadership. m inorities I am involved in a protest against the loss
under your belt (idiom) /'Ands(r) jo i(r ) belt/ economical with the truth (idiom) o f the minority rights.
to have already achieved or obtained sth /|eks'nomikl w ió ó s truiG / euphemism moderate (adj) /'modsrst/ having or showing
She already has a couple o f good wins under her belt. for deceitful, whether by volunteering false opinions, especially about politics, that are not
update (n) /|Ap'deit/ the most recent information Don't trust him; he is often economical extreme She is a moderate socialist.
improvements to a computer program that are with the truth. (lose) momentum (n) /ms'mentsm/ the ability
sent to users of the program Have you installed egalitarian (adj) /i|g^li'tesrisn/ based on, or to keep increasing or developing They began to
the latest update? holding, the belief that everyone is equal and lose momentum in the second half o f the game.
(bring) up to speed (idiom) /Ap ts spiid/ having should have the same rights and opportunities nation (n) /'neiJn/ a country considered as a
the most recent and accurate information or We live in an egalitarian society. group of people with the same language, culture
knowledge Sarah, could you bring Paul up to speed electorate (n) /i'lektsrst/ the people in a and history, who live in a particular area under one
with the latest developments? country or an area who have the right to vote, government They are an independent nation.
useless (adj) /juislss/ not useful; not doing or thought of as a group Only 60% o f the electorate pledge (n) /pled3 / a serious promise Will the
achieving what is needed or wanted This pen is voted in the last election. government honour its election pledge not to raise
useless there's no ink in it. enemy (n) /'ensmi/ a person who hates sb taxes?
virus (n) /'vairss/ instructions that are hidden or who acts or speaks against sb/sth After ju st pluck out of the air (idiom) /plAk aut o v ó s es(r)/
within a computer program and are designed one day, she had already made an enemy o f her to say a name, number, etc. without thinking
to cause faults or destroy data The virus in the manager. about it, especially in answer to a question
software was programmed to corrupt the hard disk. equal opportunities (n) /|iikwsl |ops'tjuinstiz/ She plucked the statistic out o f the air.
the right to be treated without discrimination, politically correct (adj) /ps|litikli ks'rekt/
Unit 10 especially on the grounds of one's sex, race, or age used to describe language or behaviour that
You'll find details o f our equal opportunities policies deliberately tries to avoid offending particular
abolish (v) /s'boliJ/ to officially end a law, a
in the company handbook. groups of people The reference to the group was
system or an institution Theyshouldabolish this tax.
eradicate (v) /i'radikeit/ to destroy or get rid politically correct.
adversary (n) /'^dvsssri/ a person that sb is
of sth completely, especially sth bad We are polling station (n) /'psulig steiJn/ a building
opposed to and competing with in an argument
determined to eradicate racism from our sport. where people go to vote in an election The polling
or a battle He beat his old adversary in the finals.
ethnic diversity (adj) /'eGnik dai'v3issti/ station is open until 10pm.
alternative (n) /oil't3instiv/ a thing that you
having a wide variety of races in a given situation (human) population (n) /|popju'leiJn/ all the
can choose to do or have out of two or more
Ethnic diversity is more commonly known as people who live in a particular area, city or country
possibi lities There is a vegetarian alternative on the
multiculturalism. The human population is increasing every year.
menu every day.
extreme (adj) /ik'striim/ very great in degree private (adj) /'praivst/ belonging to or for the
arms (n) /aimz/ weapons, especially as used by
We are working under extreme pressure at the use of a particular person or group The hotel has
the army, navy, etc Do police officers in your country
moment. 110 bedrooms, all with private bathrooms.
carry arms.
foe (n) /fsu/ an enemy or opponent His work was promise (v) /'promis/ to tell sb that you will
ballot paper (n) /'b^lst peips(r)/ a slip of paper
praised by friends and foes alike. definitely do or not do sth, or that sth will
used to register a vote Put a cross against who you
want to vote for on the ballot paper. freedom (n) /'friidsm/ the right to do or say definitely happen I promise not to tell anyone!
what you want without anyone stopping you quick off the mark (idiom) /kwik o f ós maik/
boil down to (idiom) /boil daun ts/ to have sth
We will fight for freedom o f speech. fast in reacting to a situation If you're quick o ff the
as a main or basic part In the end, what it all boils
down to is money, or the lack o f it. freeloaders (n) /'friilsudsz/ a person who is mark in answering these questions, you could win
always accepting free food, accommodation or a prize.
candidate (n) /'k^ndidst/ a person or group that
help from other people without giving them radical (adj) /'radikl/ concerning the most basic
is considered suitable for sth or that is likely to get
anything in exchange Some members suspected and important parts of sth There is a need for
sth or to be sth Our team is a prime candidate for
that others in the group were freeloaders. radical changes in education.
relegation this year.
general election (n) /d3 enrsl i'lekJn/ an election reactionary (n) /ri'^kJsnri/ a person who
capitalize on (idiom) /'k^pitslaiz/ to gain a
in which all the people of a country vote to choose is opposed to political or social change It is a
further advantage for yourself from a situation
a government The general election will be held reactionary government.
The team failed to capitalize on their early lead.
next year. right-wing politics (n) /rait w ig 'polstiks/
civic engagement (n) /'sivik in 'g e id 3 msnt/
get rid of (phr v) /get rid ov/ to remove sth that political outlook that are least in favour of social
individual and collective actions designed to
is causing a problem from a place, group, etc. change Cyclists are the new enemy o f right wing
identify and address issues of public concern
Further measures will be taken to get rid o f crime on politics.
Voting in elections is an important form o f civic
our streets. secular (adj) /'sekjsls(r)/ not connected with
humanity (n) /hjui'm^nsti/ people in general spiritual or religious matters Ours is a secular
class-based (adj) /klais beist/ a status hierarchy
He is being tried for crimes against humanity society.
in which individuals and groups are classified on
the basis of economic success and accumulation law enforcement (n) /loi in'foismsnt/ the set the record straight (idiom) /set ó s 'rekoid
of wealth They live in a class-based society. activity of making certain that the laws of an area streit/ to give people the correct information
are obeyed John works as a law enforcement officer. about sth in order to make it clear that what they
collateral (n) /ks'l^tsrsl/ property or sth
valuable that you promise to give to sb if you left-wing politics (n) /left w ig 'polstiks/ previously believed was in fact wrong To put the
cannot pay back money that you borrow We had a political outlook that favours social change record straight, I do not support that idea and never
put our house up as collateral for our bank loan. The Liberal Democrats are involved with left-wing have done.
politics. social responsibility (n) /'ssuJl ri|sponss'bilsti/
come under fire (idiom) /kAm 'Ands(r) 'fais(r)/
to be criticized severely for sth you have done liberty (n) /'libsti/ freedom to live as you choose an ethical theory that an entity, be it an
The health minister has come under fire from all sides. without too many restrictions from government organization or individual, has an obligation to act
or authority The concept o f individual liberty is at to benefit society at large The whole area o f social
common good (n) /'komsn gud/ the benefit or
the basis o f the constitution. responsibility is becoming much more important to
interests of all It is time our elected officials stood
local election (n) /'lsuksl i'lekJsn/ an election the consumer.
up for the common good.
to select members for a local council He spoke out spiritual (adj) /'spiritJusl/ connected with the
communal (adj) /'komjsnl/ involving different
a t the launch o f his party's local election campaign human spirit, rather than the body or physical
groups of people in a community There has been
in Dublin. things We're concerned about your spiritual welfare.
communal violence between religious groups
mainstream (n) /'meinstriim/ the ideas and swear (v) /swes(r)/ to use rude or offensive
constituency (n) /ksn'stitjusnsi/ a district
opinions that are thought to be normal because language, usually because you are angry Whydid
that elects its own representative to parliament
they are shared by most people His radicalviews you let him swear a t you like that?
Unemployment is high in her constituency.
place him outside mainstream American politics. talk up (idiom) /toik Ap/ to talk about (sth or
country (n) /'kAntri/ an area of land that has
majority rule (n) /ms'd 3 orsti ruil/ a system in someone) to make it seem as good as possible or
or used to have its own government and laws
which power is held by the group that has the to draw positive attention to it You have to talk up
She didn't know what life in a foreign country would
largest number of members Black majority rule in the number to impress the boss.
be like.
South Africa took manyyears to achieve. toe the line (idiom) /tsu ó s lain/ to say or do
(at everyone's) disposal (idiom) /di'spsuzl/ sth is
manifesto (n) /|m^ni'festsu/ a written what sb in authority tells you to say or do, even if
available to be used by everyone The committee
statement in which a group of people, especially you do not share the same opinions, etc. One or
has limited resources at its disposal.
a political party, explain their beliefs and say what two o f them refused to toe the line.
they will do if they win an election Their party turnout (n) /'t3inaut/ the number of people who
manifesto is very good. vote in a particular election There was only a 50%o

Definitions adapted from Oxford AdvancedLearner's Dictionary 8th edition © Oxford University Press Wordlist 9
A A -"
vote (n) /vsut/ a formal choice that you make in
an election or at a meeting in order to choose sb or
decide sth The chairperson has the deciding vote.
wear the trousers (idiom) /wes(r) ós 'trauzsz/
to be the person in a marriage or other
relationship who makes most of the decisions
It's obvious who wears the trousers in that family!

10 Wordlist © Oxford University Press Definitions adapted from Oxford AdvancedLearner's Dictionary 8th edition

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