Reading Comprehension: The Magic Tree

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Class Notes

Class-II CB L-7
Subject-English The Magic Tree

Reading Comprehension (Do this exercise in the English Notebook )

A. Answer these questions.
1. What did Jatin see in the park?
Ans- Jatin saw a tree with a sign on it that said, it was a
magic tree.
2.What did he do after reading the sign on the tree?
Ans-After reading the sign on the tree he tried saying some
magic words.
3.Did Jatin’s magic words work on the tree?
Ans-No, they did not work.
4. What happened when Jatin said,’ please’?
Ans-A door in the tree trunk opened.
5.What did Jatin see inside the tree after he said ‘thank you’?
Ans-When Jatin said ‘thank you’, the inside of the tree lit up
and he saw a big pile of toys and chocolates inside.

Vocabulary(Do this exercise in the English Ferry Book at page no.93 )

A. For each word, remove one letter to make a new word.

1. late ate park ark
3. tape tap** cube cub
5. fall all mate mat
7. show how wear ear

** correct the misprint in the question in the book to <tape>

B. For each word, add one letter to make a new word.
(Do this exercise in the English Ferry Book at page no.93 )
1. ink- pink 2. tap- tape
3. ill- bill 4. pin- pine
5. at- bat 6.all- ball
7.fee- feel 8.fin- find

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