Upper Limb

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Upper limb

1]*Brachial plexus (erb’s paralysis and klumpke’s paralysis)

2]*Mammary gland (Applied aspects)

3]*Median nerve

4]Radial nerve

5]Ulnar nerve

6]*Shoulder Joint

7]Axillary artery, its relations and branches

1]*Musculocutaneous nerve

2]Lymphatic drainage of breast.

3]Axillary Nerve

4]Rotator cuff

5]*Elbow Joint

6]Axillary lymph nodes

7]Muscle-biceps, *deltoid, coracobrachialis, supinator, triceps, brachioradialis,

pronator teres

A]origin B]insertion C]Nerve supply & action D]Applied aspects

8]*Flexor Retinaculum

9]Anastomosis around elbow joint

10]scapular anastomosis


12]**Spaces of hand

A]pulp spaces (whitlow) B]thenar and hypothenar spaces C]Forearm space of


13]**Supination and pronation

14]Proximal and distal radioulnar joint

15]**Clavipectoral fascia

16]Intermuscular spaces & contents passing through it

17]*1st carpometacarpal joint (thumb)

18]**Cubital fossa

19]**Brachial artery and its applied aspects

20]Palmar aponeurosis

21]**Anatomical snuff box

22]**Carpal tunnel syndrome

23]*Median cubital vein, cephalic vein and basilic vein

24]*Superficial and Deep palmar arches

25]Triangle of auscultation

26]Scaphoid fracture

27]*Peculiarities of clavicle

28]*Attachments related to coracoid process

29]**Winging of scapula (serratus anterior)

30]*Nerves related to humerus

31]**Anatomical basis of claw hand

Lower limb
• *Sciatic nerve- common peroneal nerve and posterior tibial
• **Venous drainage of Lower limb ( varicose veins)
• **Arches of foot
• Popliteal fossa and*popliteal artery
• Hip joint
• *Knee joint
• Femoral triangle

Saq and vsaq:

• Hamstring muscles
• Iliotibial tract
• Saphenous opening
• O,I,N,A of
- Sartorius
- Tensor fascia Lata
- Adductor magnus
- Gluteus Maximus
- Peroneus longus
- *Popliteus
- Triceps surae
• *Femoral sheath
• **Adductor canal – content, boundaries, applied aspects
• Femoral artery
• Femoral nerve
• Obturator nerve
• Profunda femoris artery
• Trendelenberg sign
• Cruciate and trochanteric and longitudinal anastomosis and
genicular anastomosis
• **Dorsalis pedis artery
• Anatomical basis of soleus as peripheral heart
• Plantar aponeurosis
• Add a note on
-collateral ligament
-cruciate ligament
-*meniscus ( lateral and medial)
• Inversion and eversion of foot
• Inguinal lymph nodes
• Gluteus Maximus and structures under it
• **Guy’s ropes
• *Locking and unlocking of knee joint
• Inguinal ligament
• Spring ligament
• Structures passing through greater sciatic foramen
• **Tendocalcaneus
• Blood supply of head of femur
• Muscles of foot ( 1st layer important)
• Ankle joint
• Broncho pulmonary segments
• Right atrium- external features, openings, **interior of RT
atrium and it’s development
• Thoraco- abdominal diaphragm
• Heart blood supply (both venous and arterial supply) and
external features of heart
• Typical intercostal space

Saq & vsaq:

• Internal thoracic artery
• Azygos and hemiazygos system of veins
• Thoracic duct
• Pleura and it’s divisions
• Pleural recesses
• Hilum of lung
• Relations of mediastinal surface of lungs
• Pericardial sinuses
• Cardiac plexus of nerves
• Ligamentum arteriosum & ductus entericus
• Arch of aorta
• Mediastinum ( superior mediastinum is important
• Coronary sinus
• Pulmonary ligament
• Superior vena cava
• **Sternal angle
• Peculiarities of coronary arteries
• Sibsons fascia
• Thoracic inlet Syndrome
• **Mediastinal syndrome
• Atypical features of 1st rib
• Features of a typical rib
• Anatomical basis of internal thoracic artery grafts
• Anatomical basis of pleural effusion and thoracocentesis
• Arrangement of structures in root of RT and Lt lungs
• Coarctation of aorta
• Extent and constrictions of oesophagus
• Anatomical basis of achlasia cardia
• Anatomical basis of ischemic heart disease
Head& neck

• SCALP a) extent b)layers c) bloodsupply d) nerve supply e)
• Parotid gland a) location b) capsule c) externals features
d)realtions e) structures passing through it f) blood and nerve
supply g) Applied.
• Muscles of mastication a) origin b) insertion c) nervesupply d)
• Thyroid gland a) extend and location b)features and capsule c)
parts and realtions d)blood supply and nervesupply e) Applied.
• Dural venous folds and venous sinuses of duramater
• Extraocular muscles a) origin b) insertion c) nerve supply d)
• PALATINE tonsil a) features and location b) tonsilar bed c)
blood supply and nerve supply d) Applied.
• TONGUE a) parts b) muscles c) blood supply and nervesupply
d) development e) Applied
• PARANASAL AIR SINUSES a) maxillary b) frontal c) ethmoidal
d) sphenoidal e) Applied aspects.
• LATERAL WALL OF NASAL CAVITY a) bones forming b) blood
supply c) meatus opening d) nerve supply.
• POSTERIOR TRAINGLE OF NECK under following headings a)
Boundaries b) Roof and floor c) contents d) divisions e)
clinical conditions

• ***Middle ear
• Anatomical basis of freys syndrome
• Sensory innervations of face
• ***Tympanic membrane
• Intrinsic muscles of larynx
• **Cartilages of larynx
• ***Lateral wall of nose
• *Pterygopalatine fossa
• Muscles of pharynx
• ***Muscles of soft palate
• ***Ciliary ganglion
• ***Cavernous sinus a)location, extent& realtions b)
tributaries and openings
• **Suboccipital triangle
• ***Styloid apparatus
• Submandibular salivary gland
• *Submandibular ganglion
• **Mandibular nerve
• ***Maxillary artery
• ***Tempromandibular joint and dislocation of jaw
• Realtions of lateral pterygoid muscle.
• ***Parotid duct
• ***Branches of external carotid artery
• Sternothyroid muscle
• **Submental triangle and digastric triangle
• **Carotid triangle and Muscular triangle
• ***Ansa cervicalis
• ***Sternocleidomastoid muscle and it’s applied(wry neck)
• **Platysma
• Circothyroid muscle
• ***Carotid sheath
• Deep cervical fascia of neck
• ***Lacrimal apparatus
• ***Nasolacrimal duct
• ***Dangerous area of face
• Facial artery
• **Facial vein and it’s surgical importance
• **Anatomical basis of Bells palsy
• Buccinator
• Foramina of skull a) foramen caecum b) **foramen magnum
c) **foramen ovale d) **foramen rotundum e) foramen
spinosum f) foramen lacerum g)** jugular foramen h) superior
orbital fissure
• 7th cervical vertebra
• *Vertebral artery
• Mandible Bone
• Orbicularis oculi
• Orbicularis oris
• Subclavian traingle
• Burns space
• Hyoglossus
• **Digastric muscle
• ***Pterion and it’s significance
• **Nasopharynx
• **Piriform fossa
• **Rima glottidis
• Waldeyer’s ring
• Killian’s dehiscence
• ***Littles area and Kiesselbach’s plexus
• **Horner’s syndrome
• Cervical rib

• ***A) Describe the external features, parts and morphological
divisions , functional divisions of cerebellum.
B) Nuceli of grey matter.
C) Blood supply
D) microantomy of cerebellum.
• ***Describe the boundaries, floor & roof of IV ventricle.
Mention the openings in the roof.
• ***Write in detail about the superolateral surface of
• *Functional areas of cerebral cortex.
• **Explain the functional components , nuceli , course and
relations of Facial nerve (VII cranial nerve). Mention its
branches and distribution. Add a note on bells palsy.
• ***Spinal cord- external features , meninges and
modifications, blood supply and internal features.

• ***Corpus callosum
• ***Lateral ventricle.
• **III ventricle
• **Blood supply of brain
• ****Circle of willis
• *Blood brain barrier
• *Papez circuit
• *Functions of limbic system
• ***White matter of cerebrum
• **Medial and lateral geniculate body.
• **Broca’s area
• **Wernicke’s area
• **Recess of IV ventricle
• *Webers syndrome
• ***Labelled diagram of TS of mid brain at the level of inferior
• ***TS of mid brain at superior colliculus.
• ***TS of medulla at the level of pyramidal decussation.
• *TS of medulla at the level of sensory decussation.
• **TS of medulla at olivary nucleus.
• ***Occulomotor nerve
• *Trigeminal nerve
• **Brown sequared syndrome.
• **Tracts of spinal cord.
• *Blood supply of spinal cord.
• ***Ligamenta denticulata.
• **Linea splendens.
• **Filum terminale.
• *Enlargements of spinal cord.
• ***Cauda equina and cauda equina syndrome.
• *TS of thoracic segement of spinal cord.
• **CSF formation, circulation and functions.
• *Meninges of brain.
• **Lumbar puncture.
• **Hydrocephalus
• **Spina bifida and types.
• *Hemiplegia

Note:-• stars indicates they are more important and frequently repeating.
•From recent years they are asking SAQs for LAQ with case study, so you
need to focus on every question as it is 100M paper they can ask you from any
• We have included mostly all important questions from minor topics also so
please take this xerox and keep it with you.
• Integrate neuroanatomy with CNS physiology and then read
Abdomen and pelvis
• Rectus sheath
• Inguinal canal
• **Stomach (troisier’s sign)
• **Liver
• Portal vein ( portocaval anastomosis)
• Pancreas
• Extrahepatic biliary apparatus
• Duodenum (relations of 2nd part of duodenum is
• **Vermiform appendix
• *Rectum
• *Anal canal
• Kidney and suprarenal glands
• ***Uterus

Saq and vsaq:-

• Write Short note on
B)**Transpyloric plane
C)OINA of Rectus Abdominis
D)Conjoint tendon
E)**Mc Burneys Point
F)Clinical Significance of Scarpas Fascia
G)Cremasteric Reflex
H)Fascia Transversalis
I)**Hesselbach’s triangle
J)**Spermatic cord
K)**Difference between direct and indirect inguinal
• Layers of scrotum
• Pampiniform plexus
• Coverings of testis
• ***Epiploic foramen
• ***Greater omentum
• Lesser omentum
• Morrison’s pouch
• **Rectouterine pouch
• ***Stomach bed ( relations)
• Spleen- external features relations and applied
• Carots triangle
• Common bile duct
• Parts relation and structure of gall bladder
• Referred pain of gall bladder
• Murphys sign,Courvoisiers law
• Ligament of trietz
• **Meckel’s diverticulum
• Mesentery
• Superior mesenteric artery
• Inferior mesenteric artery
• Coeliac trunk
• ***Abdominal aorta and IVC ( branches)
• Write short note on constrictions of uterus
• O,I,N,A of psoas major
• Pelvic diaphragm
• Urogenital triangle
• ***Perineal membrane
• ***Perineal body
• ***Ischiorectal fossa
• Interior ( trigone) of urinary bladder
• Lobes of prostate
• Parts of fallopian tube
• **Blood supply of suprarenal glands
• Inguinal ligament and it’s modifications
• Lesser sac/ omental bursa
• Bare area of liver
• Descent of testis and cryptorchidism
• Marginal artery of Drummond
• **Posterior relations of kidney
• ***Exomphalos, omphalocele
• Surgical importance of bare area of liver
General anatomy
1]Parts of young long bone

2]Bone classification

3]Types of joints (*synovial joints)

4]Blood supply of long bone (osteomyelitis)

5]Types of ossification (Sesamoid bone)

6]Types of Epiphysis

7]End arteries

8]Cartilage classification

9]Hilton’s law

10]Define aneurysm, thrombosis and infract

11]Types of bone fractures

12]Cleavage Lines

• Karyotyping
• Downs syndrome
• Edward syndrome
• Patau syndrome
• Turner’s syndrome
• Klinefeltor syndrome
• Sex chromatin ( barr body) and Lyons hypothesis
• Cri du chat synd and prader Willi synd ( not so important)

NOTE:- Use vishram Singh general anatomy book for easy


This topic fetch you easy 5 marks in finals

General histology
• All epitheliums ( generally not asked during final
• Loose areolar tissue
• Dense regular connective tissue
• Dense irregular connective tissue
• Adipose tissue
• Connective tissue- read theory you can expect them
in MCQ’s
• Hyaline cartilage
• Elastic cartilage
• Fibrocartilage
• T.s and L.S of bone
• Skeletal muscle
• Cardiac muscle
• Smooth muscle
• Lymph node
• Spleen
• Thymus
• Palatine tonsil
• Sensory ganglia and autonomic ganglia ( generally
not asked during theory exam usually asked in
practical exams)
• Mammary gland
Systemic histology

• Retina
• Cornea
• Parotid gland
• Submandibular gland
• Thyroid
• Pituitary gland
• Tongue
• Cerebellum
• Cerebrum
• Spinal cord
• Thymus

Paper-2 :-

• Lung
• Stomach (fundus)
• Small intestine (duodenum)
• Large intestine
• Appendix
• Pancreas
• Spleen
• Gall bladder
• Liver
• Urinary bladder ( transitional epithelium)
• Testis
• Ovary
• Vas deferens
• Kidney
• Suprarenal gland
General embryology

• Spermatogenesis
• Oogenesis
• Results of fertilization and site of fertilisation
• Capacitation
• Blastocyst formation
• Formation of germ layers( amnion and chorion**)
• Prochordal plate formation
• Formation of primitive streak
• Formation of notochord
• Formation of neural tube
• Intraembryonic mesoderm
• Lateral plate mesoderm
• Folding of embryo
• Events resulting from folding of embryo
• Implantation,site, types and Abnormal site of implantation
• Decidua and it’s divisions
• Placenta previa and ectopic pregnancy
• Trophoblast and types
• Formation and types of chorionic villi
• Placenta it’s functions and types based on different
• Placental membrane barrier
• Umbilical cord
• Twinning
• Pharyngeal arches development
• Derivatives of I,II,III,IV,VI pharyngeal arches
• Derivatives of pharyngeal pouches
• Somites
• Stages of endochondrial and membranous ossification.

Note: Embryology is good scoring subject don’t neglect please

read throughly
Systemic embryology

Head and neck:-

• Define pharyngeal arches and components of it
• Derivatives of 1st pharyngeal arch
• Derivatives of 2nd pharyngeal arch
• Derivatives of 3rd pharyngeal arch
• Derivatives of 4th pharyngeal arch
• Pharyngeal pouches and their derivatives
• Write development of tongue – in correlation with nerve
supply and developmental anomalies
• Development of face and associated common congenital
• Development of thyroid gland and discuss about its
• Development of palate – add a note on cleft palate and cleft

• Development of right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium
and left ventricle
• Development of interatrial septum and it’s defect in
• Development of interventricular septum and it’s defect in
• Enumerate embryonic dilatations of primitive heart tube
and structures derived from it
• Tetralogy of fallot
• Tracheo esophageal fistula
• Development of arch of aorta and it’s congenital
• Development of IVC
• Development of diaphragm

Abdomen and pelvis:-

• Development of portal vein
• Development of pancreas and it’s developmental defects
• Development of uterus
• Rotation of midgut
• Meckels diverticulum
• Development of testis, it’s descent and it’s congenital
• Development of urinary bladder
• Development of kidney and it’s congenital anomalies

NOTE:- embryology is good scoring topic don’t leave even a single

question and it will fetch you easily more than 10 marks in each

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