CE4099D Major Project Format

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CE4099D Major Project (Times New Roman, Font size 14)

*********************(Title of the Project, Times New
roman, font size 18)

Final Project Report

Sl. No. Roll No. Name of the Student

1 B190283CE ASHWIN P



Under the Supervision of


Department of Civil Engineering

National Institute of Technology Calicut
Kozhikode, Kerala – 673 601
May 2023

We hereby declare that this submission is our own work and that to the best of our knowledge
and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor
material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the
university or other institutes of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been
made in the text.

Ashwin P
Muhammed Rabeeh N P
Nimshaj N
(Times New Roman, Font size 16)

This is to certify that this major report entitled

“***********************************************************************” is
a bona fide record of the work carried out by
during year 2021-2022 in partial fulfillment of the credit requirements of Course Code CE
4099D-Major project (Times New Roman, Font Size 12)

Project of Guide: Project Coordinator:

Professor & Head

Department of Civil Engineering


Acknowledgement to the people assisted in project work should be given. A sample is

shown below. You may change as per your wish.

It is not possible to prepare any report without the assistance & guidance of other people.
This one is certainly no exception on the very outset of this major project report, I would like
to thank to all those persons who have helped me in this report. Without their guidance &
cooperation, I would not have made headway in this report. First of all I want to thank our
faculty in charge Dr. ************** whose guidance and instructions were of immense
help while making this report. I also acknowledge my gratitude towards my parents and
member of my family, who has always supported me morally as well as economically. At last
but not least gratitude goes to all of my friends who directly or indirectly helped me to
complete this major project report. Any omission in this brief acknowledgement does not
mean lack of gratitude.

Name 1 signature

Name 2 signature

Name 3 signature

Body of text - Times New Roman 12 with 1.5 line spacing.


1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
1.2 Accoustical Requirements ----------------------------------------------------------- 2
2. Literature Review---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
2.1 xxxxxxxxxx-----------------------------
2.2 xxxxxxxxx------------------------------
3. Methodology------------------------
3.1 xxxxxxx

4. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx------------------------
4.1 xxxxxxxx-------------------------
5. Results and Discussions------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
6. Summary and Conclusions----------------------------------------------------------------- 38
7. References------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39

Table: 1.1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx----------------------------------- 2

Table: 2.1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx------------------------------ 7

Fig. 1.1 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------- 3

Fig. 2.1 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx--------------------------------------- 6
Fig. 2.2 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx---------------------- 7
Chapter 1 Introduction
1. Introduction
1.1 General
An auditorium is a room built to enable an audience to hear and watch performances
such as theatres. auditorium, the part of a public building where an audience sits, as
distinct from the stage, the area on which the performance or other object of the
audience’s attention is presented. A sloping floor allows the seats to be arranged to
give a clear view of the stage. The walls and ceiling usually contain concealed light
and sound equipment and air extracts or inlets and may be highly decorated.
Auditorium spaces are designed to accommodate large audiences. As such, they tend
to have wide spans and are multiple-stories high in order to accommodate seating,
sightlines, and acoustical requirements. Raised stage/dais floors and special lighting
equipment are often required as well. Functions and operations
Fixed Seats: Typically, fixed seats with tilting upholstered seat and back, integral arm
and tablet arm are provided with articulated back for maximum occupant passage
space between rows. The seats may be fully upholstered, or wood contoured outer
back and seat shells with wood armrests with tablet arm option and aisle light option
at row ends.
Special Lighting: Dramatic lighting systems include front lighting, foot lighting,
spotlights, follow spotlights, beam lights, and flood lights, and a projection
room/booth with manual and programmable lighting controls, and space for the spot
light operator. Lighting systems should be flexible to accommodate various
performance venues (e.g., lectures, plays, musical performances, etc.) in the
Special Acoustical Design: Quality acoustical characteristics are important in
Auditorium spaces so that performances and presentations can be clearly heard and
Materials and Finishes: Use materials and finishes that meet sustainability
requirements for Low or No-VOC as well as durability and low maintenance.
 To increase the capacity of auditorium to accommodate an audience of 1300
 To arrange seats that give better visibility to the audience.
 To redesign the roof and rear wall so that to produce beneficial reflections of
sound and maximum sound efficiency
 To use eco-friendly material to reduce temperature inside the auditorium


• Halls Used for Speech -The clarity of speech is most important in this case.
Optimum clarity depends on:
1. correct reverberation time,
2. absence of echo,
3. correct loudness level at all parts of hall.
• Halls for music - Adequate reverberation is important to lend proper blending and
fullness of music. The reverberation time is required to be higher than for halls meant
for speech only.
General Purpose Halls Used for Both speech and music- The reverberation time
should be in-between that provided for in halls for music and speech.


1.3.1 Seats
Seats should be staggered sideways in relation to those in front so that a listener in any
row is not looking directly over the head of- the person in front of him. This is
particularly important for halls where the audience provides a major part of the required
sound absorption

1.3.2 Seating arrangement

Seating arrangements in an auditorium seating layout (or assembly space) will either be
identified as “multiple-aisle” or “continental.

1.3.3 Seating Dimensions

The average seat width has grown from 450 mm to 650 mm, a grow of 12.7% that is
related to a growing human size as “Theatre Projects Consultants”.


• Existing auditorium have been visited and the measurements using tape
• Drawn an AutoCAD plan of the existing auditorium
• Using the AutoCAD plan a 3D model of the existing auditorium is build using
• Redesigned the auditorium plan according to the acoustic properties.
• 3D model of the renewed plan is drawn using Sketch Up software
• Details of measurement and calculation of quantity are done for the ground
Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 ...........
Body of text - Times New Roman 12 with 1.5 line space
Tables and Figures if any shall be named with table name on top of the table as “Table 1”
(say) and Figure name at bottom of the figure as “Figure 1” (say).

2.2 ......
Body of text - Times New Roman 12 with 1.5 line space
Drawings sheet to be attached ( if any) may be kept in A4 or A3

Main sections 2 and 3 need not start on a fresh page.

We have visited our auditorium and taken the measurement of all dimensions
of auditorium using tap. And drawn the plan of existing auditorium using AutoCAD.

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