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Imagine being able to breathe underwater without the need for bulky scuba gear or

oxygen tanks. Well, that dream may soon become a reality thanks to a new
technology developed by a team of scientists.

The technology, which involves a small implant that can be inserted into the body,
allows humans to extract oxygen from water through a process called electrolysis.
The implant uses a small electric current to break down water molecules into their
component elements of hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen is then stored in a small
tank within the implant, which can be accessed by the user through a small tube
inserted into the mouth.

The implant is small enough to be easily concealed and is powered by a small battery
that can be recharged wirelessly. The technology has been tested successfully in
laboratory conditions and is currently being developed for use in a variety of
underwater applications, including scuba diving, marine exploration, and military

This groundbreaking technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we

explore and interact with the underwater world. No longer will we be limited by our
need for bulky and cumbersome equipment – instead, we will be able to swim and
explore freely, breathing as easily underwater as we do on land.

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