Report Control Building Kuttechaur

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Table of Contents
1. Seismic Vulnerability of Nepal .......................................................................................... 4
2. Philosophy of Seismic Design ........................................................................................... 5
3. Building Description .......................................................................................................... 6
5. Preliminary Design ............................................................................................................ 7
6. Weights and loads on building:.......................................................................................... 8
7. SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS ..................................................................................... 9
For Serviceability state: ........................................................................................................... 10
Rayleigh Method ...................................................................................................................... 10
Amplification of Approximate Period ..................................................................................... 11
HORIZONTAL BASE SHEAR COEFFICIENT .................................................................... 11
Ultimate Limit State................................................................................................................. 11
Serviceability Limit State ........................................................................................................ 11
HORIZONTAL SEISMIC BASE SHEAR .............................................................................. 12
SEISMIC WEIGHT ................................................................................................................. 12
EFFECTIVE STIFFNESS OF CRACKED SECTIONS ..................................................... 12
ACCIDENTAL ECCENTRICITY .......................................................................................... 13
8.1. LOADS APPLIED ON BUILDING: ........................................................................ 14
9 LATERAL LOAD ESTIMATION ACCORDING TO NBC 105: 2020 ......................... 17
9.3. LOAD CASES AND COMBINATION ....................................................................... 25
9.4. MODAL RESULT .................................................................................................... 27
9.5. DRIFT OF THE BUILDING .................................................................................... 27
9.6. CHECK FOR TORSION .......................................................................................... 28
10. DESIGN OF STRUCTURL MEMBERS ..................................................................... 29
10.1. Design of slab ........................................................................................................ 29
10.2. Design of Beam ..................................................................................................... 29
10.3. Design of Column .................................................................................................. 29
10.4. Design of foundation ............................................................................................. 30
11. STRUCTURAL DESIGN DETAILS ........................................................................... 30
12. CONCLUDING REMARKS ........................................................................................ 36
13. REFERENCE CODE .................................................................................................... 37

Annex 1: Wall load calculation................................................................................................ 39
Annex 2: Column Detailing ..................................................................................................... 41
Annex 3: Beam Detailing......................................................................................................... 44
Annex 3: Design of Foundation ............................................................................................... 45
Annex 4: Design of Slab .......................................................................................................... 47

The basic aim of the structural design is to build a structure, which is safe, fulfilling the
intended purpose during its estimated life span, economical in terms of initial and
maintenance cost, durable and also maintaining a good aesthetic appearance.

A building is considered to be structurally sound, if the individual elements and the building
as a whole satisfy the criteria for strength, stability and serviceability and in seismic areas
additional criteria for ductility and energy absorption capabilities. The overall building must
be strong enough to transfer all loads through the structure to the ground without collapsing
or losing structural integrity by rupture of the material at the critical sections, by
transformation of the whole or parts into mechanisms or by instability.

Failure of one structural element (e.g., due to explosions or collisions) should not cause
progressive collapse of the entire structure. Such a building will normally have alternate
load paths or mechanisms to transfer loads safely to the foundation.

1. Seismic Vulnerability of Nepal

Nepal is located in the boundary of two colliding tectonic plates, namely, the Indian Plate
(Indo-Australian Plate) and the Tibetan Plate (Eurasian Plate). The Indian Plate is constantly
moving under the Tibetan Plate causing many minor and major earthquakes in this region. As
a result, Nepal has witnessed many major as well as minor earthquakes during the past.
Records of earthquakes are available in Nepal since 1255 A.D. Those records show that
around 18 major earthquakes have shaken Nepal since then. The 1833 A.D. earthquake and
1934 A.D Bihar-Nepal earthquakes were the most destructive ones in the history of Nepal.

Thus structures to be built in Nepal need to be suitably designed and detailed, so as to

counteract the forces due to earthquakes.

2. Philosophy of Seismic Design
The probability of occurrence of severe earthquakes is much less than that of minor
earthquakes at a given site. Many of the structures may never experience severe earthquakes
during its lifetime. Construction of any ordinary structures to resist such severe earthquakes
without undergoing any damage may not be considered economically feasible, as it may be
far cheaper to repair or even rebuild the structure after having severe and strong shaking. On
the other hand, structures located in seismic areas experience minor earthquakes rather
frequently. Thus, in the event of severe and strong shaking, the structure is allowed to have
some damage which may be repairable or even irreparable, but the structure will not be
allowed to collapse completely, thereby ensuring the safety of life and the property in the
structure. In order that one does not have to undertake frequent repair and retrofitting of the
structure, the structure should not have any damage during minor level of shaking. In case of
moderate shaking the structure is allowed to have some non-structural damage without
endangering life and property within the structure. During such event the level of damage
should be such that it can be economically repaired.

The structures are generally designed for much lower seismic forces than what it may
actually experience during its life time. Since the structure is expected to undergo damage in
the event of a severe shaking, reliance is placed on the inelastic response of the structure
beyond yield. Therefore, structures have to be ductile and capable of dissipating energy
through inelastic actions. Ductility can be achieved by avoiding brittle modes of failures.
Brittle modes of failures include, shear and bond failure. Thus, structures should be designed
on Weak beam-Strong column philosophy.

3. Building Description

Type: Control building

Form: RCC building

Plan Shape: Regular shaped

GF Area: 2395.17 sq.ft

Number of Stories 1 Storey

Total Height: 3.985 m from ground surface

Inter Story Height: 3.985 m

Ground Floor Height: 3.985 m

Beam size: 9in * 14in

Column size: 14in * 14in

Floor thickness: 150 mm

Parapet height : 0.9 m

Earthquake zone: V

Importance factor; 1.5

4. Structural System
Material: Reinforced Cement Concrete

Frame System: Special Moment Resisting Frame

Floor System: Two-Way Solid Slab

Foundation System: Isolated footing

Material Strengths:
Member Concrete Grade
Columns M25
Beams M25
Slabs M25
Foundation M25


Rebar Type Grade
Thermo mechanically Treated
Fe 500

Location of the Site

The proposed site of construction of Building is located at Kuttechaur, Nepal.

5. Preliminary Design
For the analysis, dead load is also necessary which depends upon the size of member itself.
So it is necessary to pre-assume logical size of member which will neither overestimate the
load nor under estimate the stiffness of the building. So, the tentative sizes of the structural
elements are determined through the preliminary design so that the pre-assumed dimensions
may not deviate considerably after analysis thus making the final design both safe and
economical. Tentative sizes of various elements have been determined as follows:
Preliminary design of slab is done as per the deflection criteria as directed by code Clause
23.2.1 of [IS 456: 2000]. The cover provided is 15 mm and the grade of concrete used in the
design is M25.
According to which,
Span ≤ 35 to 40
Eff. Depth
Where, the critical span is selected which is the maximum shorter span among the all slab
element. This is done to make uniformity in slab thickness. The amount of reinforcement will
be varied slab to slab but the thickness will be adopted corresponding to the entire slab.
Preliminary design of the beam is done as per the deflection criteria as directed by code
Clause 23.2.1 of [IS 456: 2000] and ductility criteria of IS code. The cover provided is 30
mm and the grade of concrete used in the design is M25.
According to which,
Span ≤ 15 to 20
Eff. Depth

According to Ductility code, Spacing of Stirrups in beam should not exceed d/4 or 8 times
diameter of minimum size of bar adopted and should not be less than 100 mm. So, for
considering construction difficulties in actual field, it is logical to use d/4 as spacing as per
the construction practice in Nepal.
Preliminary design of column is done from the assessment of approximate factored gravity
loads and live loads coming up to the critical section. To compensate the possible eccentric
loading and earthquake loads the size is increased by about 25% in design. For the load
acting in the column, live load is decreased according to IS 875: 1978.Square column is
adopted in this building project so as to provide internal aesthetics required from architecture
point of view but the column size and shape will vary as per the requirement for the analysis,
design and aesthetic value. The cover provided is 40 mm and the grade of concrete used in
the column design is M25.

6. Weights and loads on building:

Load calculation is done using the IS 875:1978 as reference. At first type of material is
selected and value of unit weight of the materials is taken from the above mentioned code.
Thickness of the material is selected as per the design requirement. Knowing area, thickness
and unit weight of materials, loads on each section is found.
The following are assumed for detail load calculation.

• R.C.C Slab, Beam and Column = 25.0 KN/m3

• Wall load = 19 KN/m3
• Floor Finish = 1.0 KN/m2
• Live Load
• Roof = 1.5 KN/m2
• Plaster =20.4 KN/m3
• Parapet =2.0 KN/m

Live Load
Live load for the floor and Roof is taken from IS 875 part 2 as referred by National
building code. For Institutional Building, Following load has be taken (Table 1, IS 875
Part 2)
For Roof Load, Table 2 of IS 875 part 2 has been taken for the estimation.
Flat, sloping or curved roof with slopes up to and including 10 degrees
Access provided - 1.5 KN/m2
Access not provided except for maintenance -0.75 KN/m2


The seismic design parameters have been considered in reference with NBC 105: 2020
and are presented as follows:
For Ultimate limit state:
The Elastic site spectra for horizontal loading shall be as given by equation
C (T) =Ch(T) Z I
Ch(T) = Spectral Shape factor as per 4.1.2
Z= Seismic Zoning factor as per 4.1.4
I= Importance factor as per 4.1.5
T1 = kt H ¾ ………………………………………………………….5.1(2)
Where, kt

=0.075 for Moment resisting concrete frame

=0.085 for Moment resisting structural steel frame
=0.075 for Eccentrically braced structural steel frame
= 0.05 for all other structural systems

H = Height of the building from foundation or from top of a rigid basement.

Seismic Zone Factor
Seismic Zone Z

Important Factor
Occupancy Type I
Office Building 1.5

Site Soil Category

Soil Type Soft Soil (Type B)

For Serviceability state:

The elastic site spectra for Serviceability Limit State shall be given by:
Cs (T) = 0.20 C (T)

Rayleigh Method
The fundamental translation period in the direction under consideration, T1, shall be
calculated as:
∑𝑛 2
𝑖=1(𝑊𝑖 𝑑𝑖 )
𝑇1 = 2𝜋√ ………………………………5.1(1)
𝑔 ∑𝑛
𝑖=1(𝐹𝑖 𝑑𝑖 )
di = elastic horizontal displacement of center of mass at level i,
ignoring the effects of torsion.

10 | P a g e
Fi = lateral force acting at level i
g= acceleration due to gravity
i= level under consideration
n= number of levels in the structure
Wi = seismic weight at level i

Amplification of Approximate Period

The approximate fundamental time period calculated using empirical equation in shall
be increased by a factor of 1.25.


Ultimate Limit State

For the ultimate limit state, the horizontal base shear coefficient (design coefficient),
Cd (T1), shall be given by:
C(𝑇1 )
Cd (𝑇1 ) =
Rµ x Ωu
C (T1) = Elastic Site Spectra as per 4.1.1
Rµ = Ductility Factor as per 5.3
𝛀u = Over strength Factor for ULS as per 5.4

Serviceability Limit State

For the serviceability limit state, the horizontal base shear coefficient (design
coefficient), Cd (T1), shall be given by:
Cs(𝑇1 )
Cd (𝑇1 ) =
Cs(T1) = Elastic Site Spectra determined for Serviceability Limit State as per 4.2
𝛀s = Over strength Factor for SLS as per 5.4

Structural performance Factor

Ductility factor Overstrength factor for Overstrength factor for
Ultimate state Serviceability state
4 1.5 1.25

11 | P a g e
The horizontal seismic base shear, V, acting at the base of the structure, in the direction being
considered, shall be calculated as:
V = Cd (T1) W
Cd (T1) = Horizontal base shear coefficient as per 6.1
W = Seismic Weight of the structure as per 5.2

The seismic weight at each level, Wi, shall be taken as the sum of the dead loads and the
factored seismic live loads between the mid-heights of adjacent stories.
The seismic live load shall be determined as given in Table 5-1.

Table 0-1: Live Load Categories and Factors

Live Load Category Factor (λ)
Storage 0.60
For Other Purpose 0.30
Roof Nil


A rational analysis shall be performed in arriving at the elastic flexural and shear stiffness
properties of cracked concrete and masonry elements. In absence of such analysis, the
effective stiffness of cracked sections shall be taken from Table 3-1.

Table 0-1 Effective stiffness of different components

S No. Component Flexural Stiffness Shear Stiffness
1 Beam 0.35 Ec Ig 0.40 Ec Aw
2 Columns 0.70 Ec Ig 0.40 Ec Aw
3 Wall—cracked 0.50 Ec Ig 0.40 Ec Aw
4 Wall—uncracked 0.80 Ec Ig 0.40 Ec Aw

12 | P a g e
For the analysis for torsional effects, the applied torsion at each level shall use either the
forces calculated by the Equivalent Static Method or the combined story inertial forces found
in a Modal Response Spectrum Method. The accidental eccentricity can be taken as ±0.1b.


The FE model of building is developed in SAP 2000, a general purpose FE analysis and
design software. The size of beams and columns as obtained from preliminary analysis are
adjusted according to architectural need. Beam and columns are modeled as frame element.
Slabs are also modeled as shell element.
Beam and column are assumed to be line element having six degree of freedom at each node
and slab is assumed to be shell element having six degree of freedom at each node. Floor
diaphragm is used in the structure to reduce degree of freedom to three for each floor level.
Imposed loads have been modeled as uniform distributed loads. Similarly, wall loads are
modeled as uniformly distributed line loads. The columns and walls were “fixed” at their
The 3D model is assumed to be fixed at tie beam level. Suitable assumptions are made and
FE model as shown in Fig 2 is developed.

Figure 1.1: Finite Elemental Modeling

13 | P a g e
Figure 1.2: Extrude view

Loading due to wall, floor finish and live load is as shown in figure below and analysis is
done by linear-static method (Static Coefficient method). Following forces is observed during


a) Floor Finish
This load is applied all over the slab. Load application is shown in figure below.

Fig 2: floor finish load distribution on slab

14 | P a g e
b) Wall load distribution

Fig 3.1 Half wall Load W1distribution on beam

Fig 3.2 Parapet wall Load W1distribution on beam

15 | P a g e
c) Live load distribution

Fig 5. Roof live load distribution on slab

16 | P a g e
Lateral loads on the building frames are caused primarily by wind pressure. In addition; earthquake shocks produce horizontal sway, which
results in inertia forces acting horizontally on the structure.
9.1 The seismic co-efficient method
Along X direction
For loading
Eqx+-(U) Eqx+-(S)
Eqx+-(U) Eqx+-(S)
Seismic weight at
diff level W Seismic weight at diff Kt(for moment resisting
Storey (KNs^2/m) level W (KN) H (m) Di(m) Di(m) concrete frame)= 0.075
1 97.31 954.6111 3.985 0.0099 0.0084 Total height of structure= 3.985 m
Spectral shape factor Ch(T)= 2.25 m
Zone(Z)= 0.35
Importance factor(I)= 1.5
Ductility factor (R)= 4
Sum of seismic weight= 954.6111 KN Overstrength factor for ULS= 1.5
Overstrength factor for SLS= 1.25
Time period from empirical formula= 0.212 sec

For ulimate limit State

elastic site spectra for ULS C(T)= 1.18125
horizontal base shear coefficient for ULS Cd(T1)= 0.196875
Horizontal seismic base shear for ULS= 187.939

Note: while calcultaing the lateral seismic force


17 | P a g e
k= an exponent related to the structural period as follows: K= 1
· for structure having time period T≤0.5sec, k=1
· for structure having time period T≥2.5sec, k=2
· for structure having period between 0.5 sec and 2.5 sec, k shall be determined by linear interpolation
between 1 and 2.
S W (KN) H (m) W*H^k F(KN) Di(m) Wd2 Fd
1 954.6111 3.985 3804.125 187.9391 0.0099 0.094 1.861
2 0 0 0 - - 0.000 0.000
3 0 0 0 - - 0.000 0.000
4 0 0 0 - - 0.000 0.000

Sum= 954.6111 3804.125 0.094 1.861

T= 0.450 From Rayleigh

Tapx mod = 0.264 From empirical
Tmin = 0.264

18 | P a g e
Figure 4-1Spectral Shape Factor, Ch(T) for Equivalent Static Method

Spectral shape factor for new time periodCh(T)= 2.2500

elastic site spectra for ULS C(T)= 1.1813
horizontal base shear coefficient for ULS Cd(T1)= 0.1969

For Serviceablility limit State

elastic site spectra for SLS C(T)= 0.23625
horizontal base shear coefficient for SLS Cd(T1)= 0.189
Horizontal seismic base shear for SLS= 180.4215

Note: while calcultaing the lateral seismic force


k= an exponent related to the structural period as follows:

· for structure having time period T≤0.5sec, k=1 K= 1
· for structure having time period T≥2.5sec, k=2
· for structure having period between 0.5 sec and 2.5 sec, k shall be determined by linear interpolation between
1 and 2.

S W (KN) H (m) W*H^k F(KN) Di(m) Wd2 Fd

1 954.6111 3.985 3804.125 180.4215 0.0084 0.067 1.516

19 | P a g e
2 0 0 0 - - 0.000 0.000
3 0 0 0 - - 0.000 0.000
4 0 0 0 - - 0.000 0.000

Sum= 954.6111 3804.125 0.067 1.516

T= 0.423 From Rayleigh

Tapx mod = 0.2644 From empirical
Tmin = 0.264

Figure 4-1Spectral Shape Factor, Ch(T) for Equivalent Static Method

Spectral shape factor for new time periodCh(T)= 2.2500

20 | P a g e
elastic site spectra for ULS C(T)= 0.2363

horizontal base shear coefficient for ULS Cd(T1)= 0.1890

for Y direction
For loading
Eqy+-(U) Eqy+-(S)
Eqy+-(U) Eqy+-(S)
Seismic weight at
diff level W Seismic weight at Kt(for moment resisting
Storey (KNs^2/m) diff level W (KN) H (m) Di(m) Di(m) concrete frame)= 0.075
1 97.31 954.6111 3.985 0.0123 0.0058 Total height of structure= 3.985 m
Spectral shape factor Ch(T)= 2.25 m
Zone(Z)= 0.35
Importance factor(I)= 1.5
Ductility factor (R)= 4
Sum of seismic weight= 954.6111 KN Overstrength factor for ULS= 1.5
Overstrength factor for SLS= 1.25
Time period from empirical formula= 0.212 sec

For ulimate limit State

elastic site spectra for ULS C(T)= 1.18125
horizontal base shear coefficient for ULS Cd(T1)= 0.196875
Horizontal seismic base shear for ULS= 187.939

Note: while calcultaing the lateral seismic force


21 | P a g e
k= an exponent related to the structural period as follows: K= 1
· for structure having time period T≤0.5sec, k=1
· for structure having time period T≥2.5sec, k=2
· for structure having period between 0.5 sec and 2.5 sec, k shall be determined by linear interpolation
between 1 and 2.
S W (KN) H (m) W*H^k F(KN) Di(m) Wd2 Fd
1 954.6111 3.985 3804.125 187.9391 0.0123 0.144 2.312
Sum= 954.6111 3804.125 0.144 2.312

T= 0.501 From Rayleigh

Tapx mod = 0.264 From empirical
Tmin = 0.264

22 | P a g e
Figure 4-1Spectral Shape Factor, Ch(T) for Equivalent Static Method

Spectral shape factor for new time periodCh(T)= 2.2500

elastic site spectra for ULS C(T)= 1.1813
horizontal base shear coefficient for ULS Cd(T1)= 0.1969

For Serviceablility limit State

elastic site spectra for SLS C(T)= 0.23625
horizontal base shear coefficient for SLS Cd(T1)= 0.189
Horizontal seismic base shear for SLS= 180.4215

Note: while calcultaing the lateral seismic force


k= an exponent related to the structural period as follows:

· for structure having time period T≤0.5sec, k=1 K= 1
· for structure having time period T≥2.5sec, k=2
· for structure having period between 0.5 sec and 2.5 sec, k shall be determined by linear interpolation between
1 and 2.

S W (KN) H (m) W*H^k F(KN) Di(m) Wd2 Fd

1 954.6111 3.985 3804.125 180.4215 0.0058 0.032 1.046
Sum= 954.6111 3804.125 0.032 1.046

T= 0.351 From Rayleigh

Tapx mod = 0.2644 From empirical
Tmin = 0.264

23 | P a g e
Figure 4-1Spectral Shape Factor, Ch(T) for Equivalent Static Method

Spectral shape factor for new time periodCh(T)= 2.2500

elastic site spectra for ULS C(T)= 0.2363

horizontal base shear coefficient for ULS Cd(T1)= 0.1890

24 | P a g e
9.2 Linear Dynamic analysis (Response Spectrum Analysis)
Response spectrum analysis is done for the building with irregular configuration and much
accurate method. Response spectrum function of NBC 105:2020 is used for the response

Figure 7 Spectral Shape Factor, Ch(T) for Modal Response Spectrum Method, Nonlinear
Time History Analysis , Vertical Loading and Parts and Components


9.3.1. Load Cases
Load cases are the independent loadings for which the structure is explicitly analyzed.
Earthquake forces occur in random fashion in all directions. For buildings whose lateral load
resisting elements are oriented in two principal directions, it is usually sufficient to analyze in
these two principal directions (X – and Y – direction) separately one at a time with 30 % of
other due to one face doesn’t lies on orthogonal . Thus, the load cases adopted are as follows:

i. Dead Load (DL)

ii. Live Load (LL)
iii. EQX
iv. EQY
v. RSX
vi. RSY

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9.3.2 Load Combinations

Load Combinations for Parallel Systems

Load combinations are the loadings formed by the linear combination of the independent
loading conditions. Where seismic load effect is combined with other load effects, the
following load combination shall be adopted.

1.2DL + 1.5LL

DL + λLL + E

Where, λ = 0.6 for storage facilities

= 0.3 for other usage

DL= Dead Load

LL= Live load

E= Earthquake Load

For the dynamic analysis Earth quake load is replaced by Response spectrum Load RSX and

Load Combinations for Non- Parallel Systems

When lateral load resisting elements are not oriented along mutually orthogonal horizontal
directions, structure shall be designed for the simultaneous effects due to full design
earthquake load in one direction plus 30 percent of design earthquake load along the other
horizontal direction. In this case, the following load combination shall be adopted.

1.2DL + 1.5LL

DL + λLL + (Ex + 0.3Ey)

DL + λLL + (0.3Ex + Ey)

Where, λ = 0.6 for storage facilities

= 0.3 for other usage

26 | P a g e
Free vibration analysis was performed to determine the natural periods and mode shapes of
the buildings. The number of modes, corresponding natural periods and mass participation
ration of the building is tabulated in Table 1. Total 12 number of modes were considered to
excite 90 percent of the modal mass.

TABLE: Modal Participating Mass Ratios

Step Step
Type Num Period UX UY UZ SumUX SumUY SumUZ
Text Unitless Sec Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless
Mode 1 0.37977 0.98048 0.00133 2.488E-07 0.98048 0.00133 2.488E-07
Mode 2 0.37546 0.00169 0.9964 2.559E-06 0.98217 0.99773 0.000002808
Mode 3 0.35127 0.01688 0.0014 5.181E-09 0.99905 0.99913 0.000002813
Mode 4 0.09272 0.00016 9.926E-07 0.06632 0.9992 0.99913 0.06633
Mode 5 0.08898 4.46E-06 5.333E-06 0.0006 0.99921 0.99914 0.06693
Mode 6 0.08666 0.0002 6.95E-06 0.14883 0.9994 0.99915 0.21576
Mode 7 0.08185 0.000016 3.467E-05 0.00495 0.99942 0.99918 0.22071
Mode 8 0.07813 1.29E-06 8.257E-05 0.14254 0.99942 0.99926 0.36325
Mode 9 0.07394 3.35E-07 0.00011 0.00604 0.99942 0.99937 0.36929
Mode 10 0.07242 2.86E-06 5.116E-06 0.11303 0.99942 0.99938 0.48232
Mode 11 0.06832 1.2E-06 5.578E-07 0.00662 0.99943 0.99938 0.48895
Mode 12 0.06787 1.18E-05 3.478E-05 0.00121 0.99944 0.99941 0.49016

Table 2: Mode numbers, natural periods and mass participation


The deformation of the buildings is also determined and found that the drift limit is
compliance with the provision NBC 105:2020. The ratio of the inter-story deflection
to the corresponding story height shall not exceed:
0.025 at ultimate limit state
0.006 at serviceability limit state

The story drift of the building along x and y-direction is tabulated below.

Floor Displacement and Interstorey Drift(For Crack Section) FOR


Story Load UX UY Inter Storey Drift(%) check

STORY1 EQX- 6.2 -1 0.16 Okay
STORY1 EQX+ 7.1 0.8 0.18 Okay
STORY1 EQY- 0.9 8.4 0.21 Okay
STORY1 EQY+ -1 4.7 0.12 Okay

27 | P a g e
The maximum top displacement under extreme load condition (EQy and EQx) is about mm
7.1 mm in X and 8.4 mm in Y direction and the maximum story drift is 0.21% which is in the
permissible value (0.6%) prescribed by the code.

Ducility Factor
(Ru)= 4

Floor Displacement and Interstorey Drift(For Crack Section) FOR LIMIT


Inter Storey
Story Load UX UY UX UY Drift(%) check
STORY1 EQX- 6.4 -1.1 25.6 -4.4 0.64 Okay
STORY1 EQX+ 7.4 0.75 29.6 3 0.74 Okay
STORY1 EQY- 0.92 8.76 3.68 35.04 0.88 Okay
STORY1 EQY+ 0.96 4.93 3.84 19.72 0.49 Okay

The maximum top displacement under extreme load condition (EQy and EQx) is about 29.6
mm in X and 35.04 mm in Y direction and the maximum story drift is 0.88% which is in the
permissible value (2.5%) prescribed by the code.


Check for Torsion

Displacement Displacement
of A of B Average Maximum 1.5*Average
Storey Case Remarks
Displacemant Displacement Displacemant
EQX- 7.50 1.17
1 6.4 -1.1 6.95 7.50 10.43 Regular
EQX+ 6.60 0.79
1 7.4 0.75 7.00 7.40 10.50 Regular
EQY- 0.94 4.90
1 0.92 8.76 6.83 8.76 10.25 Regular
EQY+ 0.99 8.95
1 0.96 4.93 6.94 8.95 10.41 Regular

28 | P a g e
10.1. Design of slab
The slabs are kept in such a way that ly/lx is kept less than 2 such that it can be designed as
two way slab. The slab is designed manually on excel sheet based on IS 456:2000 and is
presented below. Where, type of panel 4 indicates that the 2 adjacent edges are discontinuous
and 2 indicate that the one shorter edge is discontinuous. Similarly other slab were also
analyzed and designed as per IS 456:2000.

10.2. Design of Beam

The beams are designed with the help of SAP 2000. The calculation of reinforcement on
typical section of beam is obtained as shown below in Fig.6.

Figure 6: Beam Reinforcement

10.3. Design of Column

The square columns are designed with the help of SAP 2000. The calculation of longitudinal
reinforcement of typical elements is shown below in Fig. 7. The method carried out during
the structural analysis is verified with other possible methods. There is not significant change
in the design values. The interaction curve provided in literature is then used to design these

29 | P a g e
Figure7: Column Reinforcement

10.4. Design of foundation

The foundations used in the building is strap and isolated as per the requirements. The depth
of the footing is governed by one way and two way shear (punching shear). Bearing capacity
for the footing is taken as 120 KN/m2. The design of footing has been carried out manually.



As Per Submitted
Building Elements Remarks
RC Frame
Building Structure Type
Number of story applied for permit (in
Number of story considered in structure
design (in No’s)
If Computer Aided Design (CAD) is used,
please State the name of the software SAP 2000
Number of story considered in structure
design provision for further extension
Total height (h) 0f structure with extension
(in m) 3.985 m

Materials to be used in structure (tick the

30 | P a g e
listed materials that will be used in
structure element



Specified the design unit weight of
materials: Steel (In kg/m^3)
Specified the design unit weight of
materials: RCC (In kg/m^3)
Specified the design unit weight of
materials: Brick Masonry (In kg/m^3)
NBC 103-1994 OCCUPANCY LOAD (Imposed Load)

For Office Buildings

Occupancy Load (Uniformly Distributed
load in KN/m^2) for Roof

NBC 104-1994 Wind load

Wind Zone N/A

Basic wind speed (in m/s)

NBC 105-1994 Seismic Design of Buildings in Ne pal

Method adopted for earthquake resistant design seismic
Adopted Code for Seismic Design IS 1893 1893

Type II
Subsoil category (Medium)

Seismic Weight (W) (in kN) 2534

Fundamental Time Period of the building

along X (Tx)(in Seconds)

31 | P a g e
Fundamental Time Period of the building
along Y(Ty)(in Seconds)

Response reduction factor (R) 5

Seismic zoning factor (Z) 0.36

Importance Factor (I) 1.5

Spectral acceleration coefficient (Sa/g) along X 2.5

Spectral acceleration coefficient (Sa/g) along Y 2.5

Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient

Along X (Ah)

Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient

Along Y (Ah)

Base Shear(VB) for Seismic Coefficient Along X 516.13

Base Shear(VB) for Seismic Coefficient Along Y 516.13

Base Shear Generated through dynamic N/
Due to seismic
Analysis Along X (if response spectrum A
method used)
Base Shear Generated through dynamic N/A
Analysis Along Y (if response spectrum
method used)

Adopted Base Shear multiplication Factor N/A

Along X(if response spectrum method used)

Adopted Base Shear multiplication Factor Along

Y(if response spectrum method used)

Base Shear after Scale Factor Along X

Base Shear after Scale Factor Along Y

Maximum Inter-story Drift

Corresponding Story height for Maximum Inter 3.985 m

Story Drift (h)
NBC 106-1994 Snow Load

Snowfall type or condition

No snowfall
Elevation of construction site (in m)

32 | P a g e
Design Depth of snow (in cm)

Design Density of snow (in g/cm3)

NBC 107-1994 Provisional Recommendation on
Fire safety
Have you considered fire safety requirement? no
NBC 108-1994 Site Consideration for Seismic
Whether Distance of construction site from Yes
toe/beginning of downward slope is within 50m? No

Whether Distance of construction site from river Yes

bank is within 50m? No
Availability of soil test report no
NBC 114-1994 Construction Safety

Are you sure that all safety measures will be Yes

fulfilled in the construction site as per this code? No
Safety hard
Safety wares used Safety boots yes
Safety belts
First aid

Structural Data for Framed RCC Structure

NBC 110-1994 Plain and Reinforced Concrete

Concrete grade in structure M25 for All

Reinforcement Steel Grade Fe-500 Fe 500 for all

Slab design

33 | P a g e
􀀀 4 side
􀀀 1 short side
􀀀 2 long side
􀀀 2 short side
􀀀 1 long side
􀀀 1 short side
continuous 2 adjacent edge
􀀀 4 side discontinuous
Boundary condition of slab discontinuous
􀀀 2 adjacent

Effective Thickness of slab (d) (in mm) 130 Is code

Short span of Critical slab panel (L) (in mm)

Calculated short span to effective depth ratio
(L/d) for the corresponding slab

Basic (L/d) ratio 26

Required Tension reinforcement (Ast)
Percentage (%) for short span bottom 0.158
Provided Tension reinforcement (Ast)
Percentage (%) for short span bottom 0.402
Check for Critical beam

Effective depth of beam (d) (in mm) 315

Critical span (L) (in mm) 4800

34 | P a g e
􀀀 Simply
􀀀 One
􀀀 Both
Support condition continuous One side continuous

Basic (L/d) ratio 23

Calculated critical span to effective depth ratio

(L/d) for corresponding slab

Check for Critical Column

Critical column height 3.985 m

Minimum size of column (mm x mm)
Short column effect considered or not Yes
Minimum area longitudinal reinforcement
of 1
Provided (%)
Design Philosophy Limit state method Limit state method

Load Combinations

1: DL 1.5

1: LL 1.5

2: DL 1

2: EQX+U 1

2: LL 0.3

3: LL 0.3

3: EQX+U -1

3: DL 1

35 | P a g e
Whether sample design calculations of
foundations, columns, beams and slabs are yes
Isolated footing
Strap footing
connected by Strap
Beam as per
Type of Foundations design requirement

Depth of foundation from ground level to the
provided 1.5 m 1.5
bottom of footing (in m)
from ground.

Reinforced concrete construction is common all over the world. It is used extensively for
construction of variety of structures such as buildings, bridges, dams, water tanks, stadium,
towers, chimneys, tunnels and so on.

Experiences from past earthquakes and extensive laboratory works have shown that a well-
designed and detailed reinforced concrete structure is suitable for earthquake resistant
structure. Ductility and strength required to resist major earthquake can be achieved by
following the recommendations made in the standard codes of practice for earthquake
resistant design.

Detailing of steel reinforcement is an important aspect of structural design. Poor

reinforcement detailing can lead to structural failures. Detailing plays an important role in
seismic resistant design. In seismic resistant design, actual forces experienced by the structure
are reduced and reliance is placed on the ductility of the structure. And, ductility can be
achieved by proper detailing only. Thus, in addition to design, attention should be paid on
amount, location and arrangement of reinforcement to achieve ductility as well as strength.

Design and construction of the structure are inter – related jobs. A building behaves in a
manner how it has been built rather than what the intensions is during designing. A large

36 | P a g e
percentage of structural failures are attributed due to poor quality of construction. Therefore,
quality assurance is needed in both design and construction.

In earthquake resistant construction quality of materials and workmanship plays a very

important role. It has been observed that damages during earthquakes are largely dependent
on the quality and workmanship. Hence, quality assurance is the most important factor in the
good seismic behavior of the structure.

NBC 110: 1994 Plain and Reinforced Concrete
NBC 102: 1994 Unit Weights of Materials
NBC 103: 1994 Occupancy Load (Imposed Load)
NBC 104: 1994 Wind Load
NBC105: 2020 Seismic Design of Buildings in Nepal
NS: 501-2058 Code of Practice for Ductile Detailing of
Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to
Seismic Forces
SP: 16-1980 Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS: 456-
SP: 34-1987 Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement Detailing

IS: 456-2000 Plain and reinforced concrete code

IS: 1893-2016 Earthquake resistant design of structure

IS: 13920 Ductility code

37 | P a g e

38 | P a g e
Annex 1: Wall load calculation
Wall Load Calculation
Floor Direction Wall Grid Density ® UDL Remarks
Wall Parameter Area(A) Total Load(T)
Length Width Height
(L) (W) (H) (L*H*-A)W*r
(m) (m) (m) KN/m3 m2 KN KN/m
First floor
A1-B1 4.40 0.230 3.64 19.00 2.25 60.06 13.7 6.83 take half
B1-C1 2.70 0.230 3.64 19.00 0.50 40.70 15.1 7.54 take half
C1-D1 3.80 0.230 3.64 19.00 3.00 47.17 12.4 6.22 take half
D1-E1 4.12 0.230 3.64 19.00 3.00 52.34 12.7 6.35 take half
E1-F1 4.69 0.230 3.64 19.00 3.00 61.39 13.1 6.54 take half
A2-B2 4.40 0.230 3.64 19.00 2.30 59.84 13.6 6.80 take half
C2-D2 3.80 0.230 3.64 19.00 2.30 50.23 13.2 6.62 take half
D2-E2 4.12 0.230 3.64 19.00 3.00 52.34 12.7 6.35 take half
X A3-B3 4.40 0.230 3.64 19.00 2.30 59.84 13.6 6.80 take half
B3-C3 2.70 0.230 3.64 19.00 0.00 42.89 15.9 7.94 take half
C3-D3 3.80 0.230 3.64 19.00 0.00 60.36 15.9 7.94 take half
D3-E3 2.44 0.230 3.64 19.00 2.76 26.70 10.9 5.47 take half
A4-B4 4.40 0.230 3.64 19.00 3.00 56.78 12.9 6.45 take half
B4-C4 2.70 0.230 3.64 19.00 3.00 29.78 11.0 5.51 take half
C4-D4 3.80 0.230 3.64 19.00 11.40 10.47 2.8 1.38 take half
D4-E4 4.12 0.230 3.64 19.00 3.75 49.06 11.9 5.95 take half
E4-F4 4.69 0.230 3.64 19.00 3.00 61.39 13.1 6.54 take half
A1-A2 3.90 0.230 3.64 19.00 3.00 48.84 12.5 6.26 take half
Y A2-A3 1.50 0.230 3.64 19.00 3.75 7.44 5.0 2.48 take half
A3-A4 3.70 0.230 3.64 19.00 3.00 45.66 12.3 6.17 take half

39 | P a g e
B1-B2 3.90 0.230 3.64 19.00 0.00 61.95 15.9 7.94 take half
B3-B4 3.70 0.230 3.64 19.00 0.00 58.77 15.9 7.94 take half
C1-C2 3.90 0.230 3.64 19.00 0.00 61.95 15.9 7.94 take half
D1-D2 3.90 0.230 3.64 19.00 0.00 61.95 15.9 7.94 take half
E1-E2 3.90 0.230 3.64 19.00 0.00 61.95 15.9 7.94 take half
E2-E3 1.50 0.230 3.64 19.00 3.45 8.75 5.8 2.92 take half
E3-E4 3.70 0.230 3.64 19.00 0.00 58.77 15.9 7.94 take half
F1-F2 3.90 0.230 3.64 19.00 3.00 48.84 12.5 6.26 take half
F2-F3 1.50 0.230 3.64 19.00 1.50 17.27 11.5 5.76 take half
F3-F4 3.70 0.230 3.64 19.00 3.00 45.66 12.3 6.17 take half
Top floor (Wall load 1)
Parapet All 1.00 0.115 0.900 19.000 0.000 1.967 2.0

40 | P a g e
Annex 2: Column Detailing

Concrete = M25 Rebar = HYSD 500

Column Size Ground Story

A1 350x350 8-16Φ
B1 350x350 8-16Φ
C1 350x350 8-16Φ
D1 350x350 8-16Φ
E1 350x350 8-16Φ
F1 350x350 8-16Φ
A2 350x350 8-16Φ
B2 350x350 8-16Φ
C2 350x350 8-16Φ
D2 350x350 8-16Φ
E2 350x350 8-16Φ
F2 350x350 8-16Φ
A3 350x350 8-16Φ
B3 350x350 8-16Φ
C3 350x350 8-16Φ
D3 350x350 8-16Φ
E3 350x350 8-16Φ
F3 350x350 8-16Φ
A4 350x350 8-16Φ
B4 350x350 8-16Φ

41 | P a g e
C4 350x350 8-16Φ
D4 350x350 8-16Φ
E4 350x350 8-16Φ
F4 350x350 8-16Φ

Shear reinforcements
Column All Floor
Top Mid Bottom
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
A1 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
B1 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
C1 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
D1 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
E1 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
F1 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
A2 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
B2 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
C2 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
D2 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C

42 | P a g e
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
E2 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
F2 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
A3 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
B3 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
C3 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
D3 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
E3 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
F3 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
A4 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
B4 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
C4 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
D4 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
E4 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C
4 Legged 8 mm dia 4 Legged 8 mm 4 Legged 8 mm dia
F4 350x350
100mm C/C dia 100mm C/C 100mm C/C

43 | P a g e
Annex 3: Beam Detailing

Concrete = M25 Rebar = HYSD 500

Ground Floor Beam(300x350)

X- Beam (Grid Line) Left Mid Right
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom
1 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH
2 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH
3 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH
4 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH
Y- Beam (Grid Line) Left Mid Right
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom
A 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH
B 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH
C 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH
D 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH
E 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH
F 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH 3-12ΦTH 2-12ΦTH+1–16ΦEX 3-12ΦTH

44 | P a g e
Annex 3: Design of Foundation
The design of footing has been carried out using design sheet.

Fck Fy Df palw yt d' d0

25 500 1.5 120 16 50 200

FOT Pu Mux Muy Bc Dc Req. A L B  BM/M dM D Bar dia Spacing Check for
(kN) (kN-M) (kN-M) (mm) (mm) (M2) (Ft) (Ft) (kN/M2) (kN-M) (mm) (mm) (mm) cm c/c  Shear
A1 131.96 -10.79 13.167 350 350 0.88 5.00 5.00 79.1 14 51 450 12 15.0 OK OK
B1 188 -11.96 -6.2472 350 350 1.25 5.00 5.00 70.3 12 48 450 12 15.0 OK OK
C1 159.33 -11.44 3.1592 350 350 1.06 5.00 5.00 73.9 13 49 450 12 15.0 OK OK
D1 186.3 -12.04 -0.2758 350 350 1.24 5.00 5.00 79.7 14 51 450 12 15.0 OK OK
E1 208.51 -12.46 3.354 350 350 1.39 5.00 5.00 95.4 16 56 450 12 15.0 OK OK
F1 132.9 -10.52 -13.578 350 350 0.89 5.00 5.00 39.4 7 36 450 12 15.0 OK OK
A2 151.71 7.529 13.36 350 350 1.01 5.00 5.00 87.9 15 54 450 12 15.0 OK OK
B2 199.77 7.826 -7.2714 350 350 1.33 5.00 5.00 99.2 17 57 450 12 15.0 OK OK
C2 165.25 7.541 4.0038 350 350 1.10 5.00 5.00 83.9 14 52 450 12 15.0 OK OK
D2 209.12 8.088 -0.2417 350 350 1.39 5.00 5.00 103.7 18 58 450 12 15.0 OK OK
E2 208.91 8.605 1.2367 350 350 1.39 5.00 5.00 104.5 18 59 450 12 15.0 OK OK
F2 138.2 7.493 -10.954 350 350 0.92 5.00 5.00 72.2 12 49 450 12 15.0 OK OK
A3 142.5 -6.086 13.331 350 350 0.95 5.00 5.00 83.9 14 52 450 12 15.0 OK OK
B3 201.3 -6.253 -6.7714 350 350 1.34 5.00 5.00 76.0 13 50 450 12 15.0 OK OK
C3 143.45 -4.734 3.2123 350 350 0.96 5.00 5.00 67.2 12 47 450 12 15.0 OK OK
D3 169.53 -4.906 -0.244 350 350 1.13 5.00 5.00 72.5 13 49 450 12 15.0 OK OK
E3 194.75 -6.737 1.4759 350 350 1.30 5.00 5.00 86.3 15 53 450 12 15.0 OK OK
F3 129.12 -5.976 -10.945 350 350 0.86 5.00 5.00 45.4 8 39 450 12 15.0 OK OK
A4 128.24 10.5 12.829 350 350 0.85 5.00 5.00 76.9 13 50 450 12 15.0 OK OK
B4 179.71 11.25 -6.6133 350 350 1.20 5.00 5.00 96.4 17 56 450 12 15.0 OK OK
C4 121.42 8.565 1.8025 350 350 0.81 5.00 5.00 66.8 12 47 450 12 15.0 OK OK

45 | P a g e
D4 149.33 9.136 1.2047 350 350 1.00 5.00 5.00 79.7 14 51 450 12 15.0 OK OK
E4 203.95 11.67 3.1255 350 350 1.36 5.00 5.00 107.5 19 59 450 12 15.0 OK OK
F4 130.32 10.27 -13.352 350 350 0.87 5.00 5.00 73.5 13 49 450 12 15.0 OK OK

46 | P a g e
Annex 4: Design of Slab

Design of Critical Slab

Shorter Span (Lx) Longer Span (Ly)

Slab ID Ly/Lx
m m

Slab Size 4.25000 4.80000 1.129

Slab Design Type :- Two edjacent edge is discontinous

Type of Panel moment αx for

αy for Ly/Lx
Consideration Ly/Lx IS 456 : 2000
Table 26
Negative moment 0.053 0.047
Positive moment 0.04 0.035

Calculation of Effective Depth of Slab (d)

Percentage of steel 0.15% Assume
Lx/d Mft x basic value
Basic Value 26 For continuous
Mft 1.6 0.15% tension steel IS 456:2000
Effective Depth (d) 102.163 mm Clause 23.2.1
Take (d) 130 mm
Effective cover (d') 20 mm
Over all Depth (D) 150 mm

Calculation of Effective Span

Support Type Continuous
Support Size (width) 230 mm
Center to Center Span 4250 mm
Clear Span 4020 mm
Lx/12 354.1667 mm
IS 456:2000
Clear Span Plus the Clause 22.2a and 22.2b
1 4150 mm
effective depth

Center to Center
2 4250 mm

Effective Span (Lex) 4150 mm Lx/12 > Support Size (width)

47 | P a g e
Calculation of Load
Unit weight of RCC 25 KN/m3
Depth of Slab (D) 0.15 m
Self weight of Slab 3.75 KN/m2
Live Load 5 KN/m2 Mux = αx*Wu*Lex2
Partition wall load 0 Muy = αy*Wu*Lex2
Floor Finish 1.5 KN/m2
Total Service Load (W) 10.25 KN/m2
Design Load (Wu) 15.375 KN/m2

Negative (KN- IS
Positive (KN-m/m)
m/m) 456:2000
Moment Along Short Span (Mux) 10.592 14.034 Annex-
Moment Along Long Span (Muy) 9.268 12.445 D1.1

Effective Depth (d) Check By Moment Capacity Mulim.

Concrete Grade M25 fck 25 N/mm2
Steel Grade F500 fy 500 N/mm2
Xumax/d 0.46 IS 456:2000 Clause 38.1 (Note)
R = 0.36 *(Xumax/d)*(1-0.42Xumax/d) 0.134
14.034 KN-m drequired (mm) dprovided (mm) Check
d = (Mulim/R*Fck*b)^0.5 64.820 130 OK

Calculation of Tension Steel Required

A = 0.87*fy^2/(b*Fck) 8.7 B = -0.87*fy*d -56550 C= -Mu
Ast,mi =0.12%
Middle Bottom Steel (mm2) Edge Top Steel (mm2)
of bd
156 Ast,req. Ast,prov. Ast,req. Ast,prov.
Along Shoter
193.033 523.598 258.449 523.598
Along Longer
168.243 523.598 228.081 523.598

Dia. Of Steel (Ф) Area (AФ) mm2 Bottom Spacing Top Spacing Take C/C
10 mm 78.540 406.872 303.8883697 150

Provide 8mm dia. bar @ 150mm C/C at Edge Top and Middle bottom along shorter span and
8 mm dia. Bar @150mm c/c at edge top and bottom along longer span

Detailing provided According to IS 456:2000 Annex-D

Check for Shear at Short edges

48 | P a g e
Maximum Shear Force Vu =
31.903 KN Check
Nominal Shear Stress Ƭv =
0.245 N/mm2 OK
Maximum Shear Stress Ƭcmax for
3.1 N/mm2
Percent Tension Steel = 100*Ast,prov./bd 0.403 %
Shear Strength of M25 concrete for 0.402% Steel Ƭc 0.47 N/mm2
Shear Strength in Slabs = Ƭc' = k *Ƭc 0.611 N/mm2
Ƭv < Ƭc' Hence Safe in Shear Stress (OK)

Check for Deflection (IS 456:2000 Clause 23.2.1)

Lex/d < α β γ δ λ for safe in deflection
α = 26 For Continous Span
β= 1 Since L < 10m
Pt = 0.403 λ= 1
fs = 0.58 fy Ast,req./Ast,prov. 143.145 N/mm2
γ= 1.8 δ= 1 Since Compression Reinforcement Zero
αβγδλ= 46.8 Lex/d = 31.92308 OK

Check for Development Length at Short edge

Moment of resistance offered by 10mm bar @ 150mm C/C
27224335.38 N-mm
M1 =
Shear Force V = 31903.125 N
Anchorage length Lo= 10 Ф + 100 180 For 90 deg. Bent
Development Length Ld
485.4911 Tbd = 2.24 For M25
1.3M1/V +Lo = 1289.347 OK

49 | P a g e

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