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Students Evaluation


Dear Student,
we kindly ask you to complete this evaluation form that will help improve the quality of SPCE offered
courses and provided services. The evaluation form is ANONYMOUS but your opinion is valuable to us.
Please take your 5 – 7 minutes to complete this evaluation form that consists of 2 parts: (i) Evaluation of
Instructor; and (ii) Evaluation of the course and provided services.

SPCE/LC: From SAP Instructor’s name: From SAP

Course/Module: From SAP Intake #: From SAP
Mode of teaching: ☐ Offline ☐ Online ☐ Blended (online & offline)

Date of Evaluation: Entry date (DB):

In the table below please evaluate the INSTRUCTOR (please mark with tick ):

5-Excellent, 4-Good, 3-Satisfactory, 2-Bad, 1- Very bad.

Indicator 5 4 3 2 1 Comments (if you put high
mark or low mark please
explain why)

Punctuality of Instructor (classes started

and ended as scheduled)
Instructor’s ability to explain material
(explains well and in interesting way, you
clearly understand)
Teaching method of instructor
(5 - excellent -, 4 - good, 3- almost good, 2-
bad, 1- poor)
Ability to communicate with audience
(asked productive questions, responded to
the questions professionally and provided
constructive feedback)
Readiness of the instructor for classes
(handouts, visual aids and etc)
Fairness and respect of instructor toward
all students
(respectfulness, friendliness, fairness)

Please make any other comments about your INSTRUCTOR (if you have any)

Would you recommend this instructor to the other people? __________________(yes/no)

In the table below please evaluate the course (please mark with tick ):

5-Excellent, 4-Good, 3-Satisfactory, 2-Bad, 1- Very bad.

Indicator 5 4 3 2 1 Comments (if you put high
mark or low mark please
explain why)
Student registration
(friendly staff, timely information,
convenient schedule)
Library (if available)
(Literature availability, service promptness)
Fee collection service
(service promptness, staff is always
available, convenience of payment)
Quality of classrooms, equipment
(clean rooms, class equipment, good
lighting, etc..)
Usefulness/Applicability of skills and course
(interesting; useful in future or now, clear)
(5-large range of themes, 4-enough, 3-
almost all, 2-little, 1- not enough)
Time allocation for the course
(5- more than enough, 4- enough, 3-almost
enough, 2-little, ready to pay for additional
hours, 1-increase course cost and length)
Quality of leaning materials
(useful, covers all topics, actual, will use in

What difficulties/problems did you have during the course or training?

What would you recommend for course and programs improvement?
Would you like to continue studying with SPCE, UCA?_____(yes/no), if yes, what course?

What new courses/trainings would you like SPCE to offer you in the future?

Will you recommend SPCE programs and courses to other people? ______________(Yes/no)

Thank you for filling in the form. Good luck!

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