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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

1 (sand is warmer than 2

surroundings and so thermal)
energy (constantly) is lost from
the sand (1)
(at a constant temperature) rate
of (thermal) energy supplied to
the sand is equal to rate of
(thermal) energy lost from sand

2 Any three from: 3

• (thermal) energy in the skin /
body transferred to (molecules
of) sweat
• These molecules (have
enough KE to) escape from the
skin / become water vapour
• Leaving behind molecules with
lower energy
• Which leaves the skin / body
at a lower temperature

3(a) (mass = 1900 × 0.05) = 95 kg 2

(m =) ρV in any form OR 1900
× 0.05 (1)
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3(b) (= 95 × 1500) = 140 000 J / °C 2

or 1.4 × 10 J / °C (2)
(C =) m × c (1)

4(a) (p 2=) p 1 V 1 / V 2 2
ALLOW 1 mark for p 1 V 1 = p 2

4(b) greater 3
molecules move faster / have
greater KE / molecules have
greater momentum
(leads to) more frequent / harder
collisions (with walls) / great rate
of change of momentum

5 2
( Δ T=) (1)

(T = 31 + 20 = ) 51°C (1)
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

6 average distance between 2

molecules greater (in gas) (1)

(attractive) forces between

molecules lower / zero in gas

7 molecules must be separated 2

(intermolecular) bonds must be
broken / overcome (1) NOT increase of KE /
work done (against bonds) OR
energy is required / needed

8 any one application involving : 1

high(er) / low(er) temperatures
rapidly changing temperatures
on vibrating machinery OR
remote sensing OR
data logging OR
small areas / masses

9 molecules overcome forces / 1

gain potential energy as the
liquid boils
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

10 (thermal) energy (needed) to 2

change state (1)
NOT per °C
of unit mass / 1 kg (of material)

11(a) E = ml in any form OR 3

(l =) E ÷ m words, symbols or
numbers (1)
(m =) 1.5 OR
1500 OR
3.8 – 2.3 OR
3800 – 2300 (1)
6 5
(l = 1.26 × 10 ÷ 1.5 =) 8.4 × 10
J / kg (1)

11(b) insulate OR 2
apply lagging / insulation (to
container) (1)
reduction of thermal energy /
heat losses (1)
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12 electrons mentioned (1) 3

electrons travel (a great
distance) through the metal or
(vibrating) atoms hit (free)
electrons (1)
electrons hit (distant) particles
or transfer energy (to distant
atoms) (1)

13 molecules close(r) (1) 3

molecules move only small
distances (between collisions)
molecules do not move freely
molecules move in clusters OR
molecules slide past each other

14 thermocouple 1

15 molecules (in liquid) move faster 2

molecules gain energy (1)
molecules move apart (on
average) (1)
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

16(a) p1V1 = p2V2 in any form OR 3

5 5
0.9 × 10 × 3400 = 2.5 × 10 ×
V2 (1)
(V2 =) p1V1 ÷ p2 OR
(V2 =) 0.9 × 3400 ÷ 2.5 (1)
1200 cm (1)

16(b) pressure increases (1) 3

molecules move / collide faster
have greater momentum (1)
molecules collide more
frequently (with piston) OR
with greater change in
momentum (1)

17 molecules do work against 3

attractive force as they
evaporate (1)
more energetic molecules more
likely to escape (1)
average energy of remaining
molecules decreases (1)

18 expands uniformly (with 1

temperature) OR
expands same distance between
all degree intervals
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

19 E = mc ΔT in any form OR 4
(E =) mc ΔT (1)
efficiency = (energy) output /
(energy) input in any form (1)
15 × 4200 × ΔT = 5000 × 3600
× 0.2 (1)
(ΔT = 5000 × 3600 × 0.2 / 15 ×
4200 =) 57 °C (1)

20 cold junction labelled or shown 3

in ice or something similar OR
diagram with two junctions with
voltmeter labelled (1)
two different metals labelled
galvanometer or voltmeter
joining ends of wires (1)

21(a) E = Pt in any form (1) 2

(E =) 6000 J (1)

21(b) E = mc ΔT in any form (1) 3

c= (1)

(c =) 0.84 J /(g °C) OR

840 J /(kg °C) (1)
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

21(c) EITHER 2
some of energy supplied by the
heater heats the heater / goes
to lagging / goes to surroundings
specific heat capacity is lower
than value in (b) (1)
some energy may be absorbed
from surroundings if they are at
a higher temperature (1)
specific heat capacity is higher
than value in (b) (1)

22(a)(i) mercury 1

22(a)(ii) arrow between 0°C and start of 1

capillary tube

22(a)(iii) 0 (°C) AND 100 (°C) 1

22(b) emitter 4
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23(a) atoms collide with wall (and 3

rebound) OR
atoms rebound from wall
(atoms) undergo change of
force on wall = (total) rate of
change of momentum (of atoms)
= change of momentum (of
atoms) per second OR
= change of momentum (of
atoms) / time

23(b)(i) fewer atoms per unit volume OR 2

density of gas less
rate of collision (with walls of
balloon) decreases OR
fewer collisions per unit area

23(b)(ii) P V = constant OR 2
P 1 V 2 = P 2 V 2 OR
(P 2 =) P1V1 / V2 OR
1.0 × 10 × 9.6 / 12
8.0 × 10 Pa
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24(a)(i) any one pair: 2

pair 1:
- evaporation: at surface OR
no bubbles from
- boiling: throughout liquid OR
bubbles from
pair 2:
- evaporation: at any
temperature OR
no heat needed
- boiling: at specific temperature
heat needed
pair 3:
- evaporation: affected by
draught / surface area
- boiling: not affected by draught
/ surface area

24(a)(ii) (it / rate) increases AND {more 1

molecules have enough energy
to escape OR
break bonds}

24(b)(i) remains constant 1

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24(b)(ii) E = m l in any form OR 3

(E =) m l
P = energy / t in any form OR
(P =) energy / t
(P = 0.095 × 2.3 × 10 / (12 × 60)
=) 300 W

25(a) mass of block m B1

initial temperature θ1 and final B1

temperature θ2

time of heating t B1

voltage / p.d. V AND current I B1

25(b) (c = ) VIt ÷[m (θ2 – θ1 )] B1

OR Pt ÷ [m (θ2–θ1)]
OR E ÷ [m (θ2–θ1)] as appropriate
to symbols defined in (a)
numerator correct
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

denominator correct B1

25(c) (more) thermal energy / heat lost B1

(to surroundings) so temperature
rise is less
OR more thermal energy / heat
input required for same
temperature rise

26(a) dull black / can A (1) 2

(dull black) better radiator / good
radiator better emitter / gives out
more radiant heat / emits more
infra-red / loses more energy by
radiation (1)

26(b) any two of following pairs: 4 maximum four marks

for two correct pairs
lag / wrap in (named) insulator /
cotton wool / polystyrene (1)
reduces heat lost by conduction
cover in foil (1)
reduces heat lost by radiation
add lid (1)
reduces heat loss by convection
/ evaporation (1)
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27(a) 0 AND 100 correctly labelled 2

36 (1)

27(b)(i) melting (1) 2

any one from:
molecules gain energy
molecule (begin to) break
(some) bonds
arrangement becomes irregular
or arrangement changes

27(b)(ii) boiling (1) 2

any one from:
molecules break (all) bonds
molecules move (more) freely

molecules become widely

separated or far apart
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

28(a) (E =) mc∆θ OR 4
65 × 720 × 7 (1)
3.3 × 10 (J) (1)
P = E / t in any form OR
(t=) E / P OR
6 3
3.3 × 10 / 1.5 × 10 (1)
220 s (1)

28(b) any two from: 2

the heater warms walls / floor /
ceiling / windows / furniture /
thermal energy conducted
through walls / floor / ceiling /
windows (to exterior)
thermal energy used to raise
temperature of air entering room
via draughts / openings

29(a)(i) 80 − 56 OR 24(°C) 1

29(a)(ii) 20 − 18 OR 2(°C) 1

29(b) water hotter (at start) (1) 2

(so) greater temperature
difference (between can and
surroundings) (1)
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29(c) (dull) black (1) 2

greater (rate of) loss of thermal
energy (from dark colours) OR
(black) so it is a better
radiator/emitter (of thermal
energy) (1)

30(a) insulator 1

30(b) any five from: 5

conduction / slow or limited
transfer to thermal energy
molecules move slower / lose
kinetic energy
convection stated
as (drink cools) volume
density (of cooler drink)
cooler water falls
evaporation (of hot water)
more energetic molecules
escape / less energetic
molecules remain

[Total: 120]

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