PR1 Humanities and Social Sciences Ways To Prepare For Your Dream Strand and Factors That Will Affect Your Major Subject Grades

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Quezon National High School

Lucena City

Humanities and Social Sciences: Ways to Prepare for your Dream Strand and
factors that will affect Major Subject Grades.
San Buenaventura,Christian John V.
Amor,Jelian D
Cuaro,John Anthony
Abelong,Hans Alvin
(This section should be understood as Introduction)

Until recently, the Philippines required only ten years of basic education, two
years less than most countries around the world. This changed in 2013 with the
passage of the Enhanced Basic Education Act (Republic Act 10533), which
restructured the Filipino education system and added two years, which are known as
Senior High School (SHS, grades 11 and 12).

A part in the Senior High School is the Academic Track inside it is

(ABM,HUMSS,STEM and GAS) .For the Research which we are going to study

specifically is the Humanities and Social Science Strand . The Humanities and Social
Sciences are the study of human behaviour and interaction in social, cultural,
environmental, economic and political contexts. The Humanities and Social Sciences
have a historical and contemporary focus, from personal to global contexts, and
consider challenges for the future.

This Strand seems difficult for others ,because it includes Performances Tasks
focusing on Communications,Reading,Writing and Speaking.That will amount to a
mountain load of paperworks,this strand is almost like hell for introverts that wants to
venture the strand.The HUMSS Strand may be Time-Consuming,
mentally,emotionally and spiritually draining but it is also a fun,adventurous,and
thrilling journey.Knowing how to be prepared in this Journey ,like having a Road map
will make it much more easier for Incoming Grade 10 Students that choose HUMSS
Strand.Our study will prepare Aspiring HUMSS Students and Currently Grade 11/12
by having the right mindset,skillset and following the rules that will lead to their best
learning experience.

Quezon National High School
Lucena City

Research Questions
Make a general statement of the problem or simply state the main purpose of
your study. Cite the specific research questions in logical and sequential order. In
numbered format, state the specific research questions:
1. What is Humanities and Social Sciences Strand?
2. What are some ways Graduating Grade 10 HUMSS Aspirant can do to be
prepared in their Humanities and Social Sciences Journey?.
3. What are the Rules,Mindset and Skillset should a HUMSS Aspirant have?
4. How can this be applied in a Practical Manner to Improve the Academic
Performance of the HUMSS Aspirant
In interrogtive form, ask the concluding question that will make use of the
data gathered through the previous questions. This must answer the main
purpose of the study.

Assumption/Hypothesis (if qualitative study)

Here are two possible hypotheses for the topics :

1. Ways to Prepare for your Dream Strand: Students who actively engage in research,
read widely, attend conferences and workshops, and seek out research opportunities
are more likely to successfully prepare for their desired Humanities and Social
Science strand.

2. Factors that will affect your Major Subject Grades: Students who have effective
study habits, manage their time well, are able to handle different course workloads,
are in good physical and mental health, and understand their instructor's expectations
while maintaining the ability to be curious about the subjects are more likely to
achieve better grades in their major subjects in the Humanities and Social Science

Quezon National High School
Lucena City

Scope and Delimitations

Define the scope of your study, the parameters, or boundaries of the
investigation, where and when the study was conducted, the variables included, and
respondents to be involved.
Cite the weaknesses or limitations of the study you anticipate, how you are
going to handle them so that they do not become bottlenecks of the investigation. A
limitation is a phase or aspect of the investigation, which may affect the result
adversely but over which the researcher has no control. Very honestly, you should
state this limitation as it brings credence to the study.
You may simply discuss the summary of your research objective and research

Theoretical Framework
A theoretical framework presents a broad, general explanation of the
relationships between concepts of interest in a research study. It discusses the
theories that serve as the foundation of your study and your assumptions.

Conceptual Framework
A conceptual framework helps to explain the relationship between concepts.
Rather than being based on one theory, the conceptual framework links concepts
selected from several theories, from previous research results, or from the
researcher’s own experiences.
Your conceptual framework should be hinged on your theoretical framework.
The theories cited should be clearly explained and operationalized in this portion.
Describe how your variables will relate to each other. The hypotheses to be
tested should be clearly explained in this portion.

Research Paradigm
Figure 1. Name of figure using capital letters for initials of Proper Nouns.

Quezon National High School
Lucena City

Explain the figure you used for conceptual paradigm. You may start by
mentioning the figure number and figure title. Then, you may proceed discussing the
process incorporated in the conceptual paradigm.
The paradigm, which is a schematic illustration of the conceptual framework,
should be discussed comprehensively to encompass the parameters of the
investigation. You may use various shapes and arrows to illustrate the flow of your
study or relationship between research variables.
The paradigm should illustrate or concretize the conceptual framework. The
variables should be appropriately placed in their corresponding boxes. The use of
one-headed or two-headed arrows will clarify which variables are to be correlated.
Write the figure number under the whole paradigm and label it.

Definition of Terms (maybe integrated in the Literature Review)

Give introductory statement of the content. Identify the variables in the study
and list them in alphabetical manner. Using hanging indent, define the variables
conceptually then operationally.
Variable 1 is defined conceptually using universal or academic meaning attributed to a
word or group of words. These can be found in books, encyclopedias,
magazines, journals. After the conceptual definition, define the key terms and
phrases operationally or how these are taken to mean in your study.
Operational definition is also known as functional definition.
Variable 2 is defined conceptually using universal or academic meaning attributed to a
word or group of words. These can be found in books, encyclopedias,
magazines, journals. After the conceptual definition, define the key terms and

Quezon National High School
Lucena City

phrases operationally or how these are taken to mean in your study.

Operational definition is also known as functional definition.

Literature Review
Variable 1
Generally, the purpose of a review is to analyze critically a segment of a
published body of knowledge through summary, classification, and comparison of
prior research studies, reviews of literature, and theoretical articles using thematic
approach or by-variable analysis.

Discuss related literatures in this section and make sure you do author-date
citation in your discussion having 10 year backward date of publication unless
canonical works.
Using five-year back-dated related study, make sure you discuss the purpose,
methodology, findings and conclusions and/or recommendations and explain how
they are related or how relevant they are to your study.
Synthesize your discussion or try to relate your discussion to your own study.
Variable 2
Generally, the purpose of a review is to analyze critically a segment of a
published body of knowledge through summary, classification, and comparison of
prior research studies, reviews of literature, and theoretical articles using thematic
approach or by-variable analysis.
Discuss related literatures in this section and make sure you do author-date
citation in your discussion having 10 year backward date of publication unless
canonical works.
Using five-year back-dated related study, make sure you discuss the purpose,
methodology, findings and conclusions and/or recommendations and explain how
they are related or how relevant they are to your study.
Synthesize your discussion or try to relate your discussion to your own study.
Have an overall summary of the related literature and studies mentioned in the
review. Ensure that you have emphasized how the variables will be interrelated and
how the variables will be used of importance in the study.

Quezon National High School
Lucena City

Research Design
Identify the research design you will use in your study. Justify why the
research design is the best one suited for the purpose of the study. Explain how you
will implement the research design.

Research Locale
Identify where you are going to conduct your study and why you have chosen
it as the time and venue. Take time to explain possible influences of research setting
on the conduct of the study.

Research Participants
Identify who will be your respondents and how many. Explain your rationale for
choosing them
Discuss the sampling procedure you will use in choosing your respondents
with accompanying justification. Also, explain how you did the sampling of the

Research Instrument
Discuss about the instrument you will use in gathering your data for each of
your research questions. Explain how you come up with the research instrument or
data gathering tool by citing the source of your research tool and explaining its
development process.
Discuss the content of each part of the instrument. You may also describe the
validation process of the instrument.

Data Gathering Procedures

Discuss in detail each step that you are going to do in gathering data
beginning from the preparation of proposal to instrumentation. Explain the essential
steps how you will gather your data. You may simply state the things you have done
before, during, and after the conduct of the study.

Ethical Considerations

Quezon National High School
Lucena City

Discuss here the steps you did to ensure that you follow ethical conduct of
research. This includes the consent form, plagiarism, and ways to address possible

Analytical Framework (if a qualitative study)

Explain how you are going to analyze your data, what theories you will use in
analyzing your data

Statistical Treatment (if quantitative study)

Identify and explain the statistical treatment used for each research questions
based on the logical arrangement or application. Include formula, scales, and other
legends to be applied in analyzing the data gathered.

Results and Discussion

Table 1

Table title in italics using Uppercase for initial of Noun, Verb, and Adjective

4 3 2 1
Colum Header WM VI
Statement a 26 13 6 5 3.20 I
Statement b 32 13 5 0 3.54 HI
Statement c 24 17 9 0 3.30 HI
Statement d 16 18 10 6 2.88 I
Statement e 20 21 9 0 3.22 I
Statement f 21 16 7 6 3.04 I
Statement g 15 19 10 6 2.86 I
Statement h 25 16 9 0 3.32 HI
Grand Mean 2.76 I
Note. General Note of the table includes definition of abbreviations like HI = Highly Influential.
a,b, or c
Specific Notes referring to particular column, row, or cell.
* p<0.05 for Probability Note.

Describe the table using locative index or restate what the table is all about by

citing the table number and its title. Discuss only the trends of data highlights or the

significant findings. Do not discuss every item in the table. The table must appear only

Quezon National High School
Lucena City

in a single page together with its discussion. The arrangement of presentation of

results must be equivalent to the arrangement of the research questions. Also, the

numbering must be congruent to the number of research questions.

Conclude the result presented on the table by directly answering the research

questions. Explain the possible implication of the findings. Support the findings with

relevant literatures and studies.

Table 2
Comparison of Respondents’ Reading Comprehension before Using Picture Cues

Variables Mean df Critical Computed Decision Impression

Compared t-value t-value @ 0.05

Male 3.02 38 2.024 0.833 failed to *not

Reject significant
Female 2.80
*p= 0.41

State the Table Number to start the discussion. Discuss only the highlight of
the findings by focusing on the null hypothesis. Then, state the computed and tabular
value under the level of significance at degrees of freedom, give the decision rule.
Explain the implication of the decision rule. Support the findings with literature
and studies.

Table 3
Relationship between Length of Gadget Use and Awareness on Traditional Filipino

Variables Mean df Computed Critical Decision Impression Computed Level of

Related t-value t-value @ 0.05 r-value Correlation

Length of 2.52 28 10.63 2.048 Reject H0 *not 0.79 Highly

Gadget Use significant Correlated

Quezon National High School
Lucena City

Awareness on 2.93
*p= 0.41

State the Table Number and Table Title to start the discussion. Discuss only
the highlight of the findings by focusing on the null hypothesis. First state the extent of
relationship by focusing on the computed r-value. Then, state the computed and
tabular value under the level of significance at degrees of freedom, give the decision
Explain the implication of the decision rule. Support the findings with literature
and studies.

Table 4
Sample Table for Qualitative Data Presentation
Characteristic Key terms Thematic
Level 3 responses category
Write the transcripted and coded response. You may include Write the Write the
specific questions. abstracted key theme of
words response.
Write the transcripted and coded response. Write the Write the
abstracted key theme of
words response.
Write the transcripted and coded response. Write the Write the
abstracted key theme of
words response.
Describe the table using locative index or restate what the table is all about by citing

the table number and its title. Discuss only the highlights or the significant findings. Do not

discuss every item in the table. The table must appear only in a single page together with its

discussion. The arrangement of presentation of results must be equivalent to the arrangement

of the research questions. Also, the numbering must be congruent to the number of research


Conclude the result presented on the table by directly answering the research

questions. Explain the possible implication of the findings. Support the findings with relevant

literatures and studies.

Quezon National High School
Lucena City

Data presentation like graphs, charts, maps, drawings, and photographs are
considered Figures. This could also be used for presenting data in the Results and
Discussion Section.

Conclusions and Recommendations

Conclusions and recommendations shall be based on the derived findings or
results of the study. Therefore, the number of conclusion and recommendations shall
be equal to the number of research questions, unless there are subsets of questions.
Conclusions should directly answer the research questions while recommendations
should state the suggested specific step and to specific group of people.

To write the conclusions and recommendations section, briefly discuss the

main objective of the study and the methods applied. Afterwards, a paragraph in
numbered form shall be allotted for giving the conclusion, together with
recommendation, corresponding to a research question. Thus, if there are three
research questions, there will be three paragraphs containing conclusion and
recommendation, aside from the paragraph that reviews the main objective and
method of the study.

Write an introductory clause:

1. This must be based on findings number 1. With this, the researchers recommend
that the students may …
2. This must be based on findings number 2. With this, the researchers recommend
that the students may …
3. This must be based on findings number 3. With this, the researchers recommend
that the students may …

Arrange in alphabetical order all the references you have used in your paper using an
appropriate format, e.g. APA style 7th ed.

Appendix A. Research Instrument (questionnaire or interview protocol/guide)
Appendix B. Curriculum Vitae
Appendix C. Sample Consent Form

Quezon National High School
Lucena City


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