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A. GRAMMAR ● The verb is not a state

1. Future Sentences verb
➢ Future Continuous ● Duration
a. S+will/won’t+be+V-ing ● Continuous action
b. We use future continuous
when :
● The verb is not a state
verb : verbs that doesn’t
describe an action (be,
have, like, love, hate, want,
need, own, belong, see,
hear, smell, seem, know, 2. Quantity
believe, remember) ➢ Some : plural, offer,
● Action in progress request, positive,
● Planned events uncountable
● Polite enquiries ➢ Any : negative, questions,
positive but have negative
➢ Future Perfect meaning, plural,
a. S+will/won’t+have+V3 uncountable, “it doesnt
b. We use future perfect matter which”
when : ➢ No : not any, empathic,
● The verb is a state verb positive verb + no, plural,
● Completed action uncountable
● Duration ➢ A lot of : mostly used in
positive sentences, used in
➢ Future Perfect Continuous spoken english (less
a. S+will/won’t+have/been+ formal)
V-ing ➢ Much : uncountable,
b. We use future perfect formal, mostly used in
continuous when : negative or question, talk
abt large quantity
➢ Many : countable, formal, B. VOCABULARY
mostly used in negative or 1. Global Issues
question, talk abt large ➢ Armed conflicts : konflik
number bersenjata
➢ A few : positive meaning, ➢ Climate change :
plural, countable perubahan iklim
➢ Few : negative meaning, ➢ Epidemics : wabah yang
plural, countable terjadi di area tertentu
➢ A little : positive meaning, ➢ Famine : kelaparan
singular, uncountable ➢ Global capitalism :
➢ Little : negative meaning, kapitalis (kekuasaan untuk
singular, uncountable org yg punya uang)
➢ All : countable, plural, used ➢ Life expectancy : harapan
for something general lamanya hidup
➢ The whole : countable, ➢ Population growth :
singular pertumbuhan penduduk
➢ Half : uncountable, plural ➢ Poverty : kemiskinan
➢ a/one half of : ➢ Refugees : pengungsi
uncountable, plural, must ➢ Terrorism : terorisme
be followed by of
➢ Both : talk about 2 things, 2. Binomial Pairs
plural, means “the one and ➢ Rant and rave : komplen,
the other” marah-marah ttg
➢ Either : talk about 2 things, sesuatu/seseorang
singular, countable, means ➢ Sick and tired : ud cape
“one or the other”, must be ➢ Thick and thin : ttp bareng
followed by negative verb di waktu suka dan duka
➢ Neither : talk about 2 ➢ Short and sweet : singkat,
things, singular, countable, padat, jelas
means “not one or the ➢ Dos and don’ts : yang
other”, followed by harus dan tdk boleh
positive verb dilakukan
➢ Live and learn : belajar ➢ Cut and dried : sesuai
dari pengalaman rencana yg ditetapin
➢ Here and there : ➢ Part and parcel : bagian
disana-sini dasar/penting dari
➢ Dead and buried : mati sesuatu
dan dikubur, ga idup lagi ➢ Wear and tear : kerusakan
➢ High and dry : kering, yang tidak bisa dihindari
terbengkalai, ga berdaya ➢ Ins and outs : detailnya
➢ Pick and choose :
➢ Touch and go : ga pasti
➢ Rough and ready : ga siap
bgt tpi udah oke buat
➢ Odds and ends : barang
➢ Through and through :
bener bener, terus
➢ Ups and downs : kadang
sial, kadang beruntung
➢ Pros and cons : kelebihan
dan kekurangan
➢ Safe and sound : aman
➢ Born and bred : lahir dan
➢ More or less : kira kira
➢ Sooner or later : cepat
atau lambat
➢ By and large : secara

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