Well Trajectory Design Example

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Well Trajectory Design

Well Trajectory Design

Equations for J-type well path


1. KOP, D1
2. build rate, q in deg/100ft
3. horizontal departure at TD (total depth), X3
4. TVD at TD, D3

1. MD at the end of the build section, MDEOB = D1 + LDC


• Length of build section, LDC = (π x r1 x θ) / 180 = θ /q

• Radius of curvature, r1

• Maximum angle of inclination, θ = Ω – τ

• τ = arctan [ (r1-X3)/(D3-D1)]
• Ω = arcsin [r1/√ [(r1-x3)2 + (D3-D1)2]]

2. Horizontal Departure at end of build section, X2 = r1 - r1cos θ

3. TVD at end of build section, D2 = D1 + r1sin θ
4. Total measured depth MDtotal = D1 + LDC + LCB
• Length of tangent section, LCB = r1 /tan Ω

Plan a J-type well path with a horizontal departure of 2000 feet at a TVD of 8000 feet. The
build rate, q, is 2 ½ degrees/100ft and the kickoff point is at 1500 feet. Determine:

1. Radius of curvature, r1
2. Maximum inclination angle, θ
3. MD at the end of the build section, MDEOB
4. Horizontal Departure at the end of the build section, X2
5. Total MD, MDTD

1. Radius of curvature, r1

1 180
r1 =
q 

1 180
r1 =
2.5 / 100 

Radius of curvature, r1 = 2292 feet

2. Maximum inclination angle, θ

r1 r1 − x3
Sin = tan  =
(r1 − x3 ) + (D3 − D1 )
2 2
D3 − D1
2292 − 2000
Sin =
2292 tan  =
8000 − 1500
(2292 − 2000 )2 + (8000 − 1500 )2
sin Ω = 0.3522 tan τ = 0.0449

Ω = 20.62 degrees τ = 2.6 degrees

Therefore, θ = Ω – τ = 20.62 – 2.6 = 18.02 degrees

3. Measured Depth at end of build, MDEOB
𝑀𝐷𝐸𝑂𝐵 = 𝐷1 + 𝑞
MDEOB = 1500 +
2.5 / 100 = 2222 feet

4. Horizontal Departure at the end of the build section, x2

𝑥2 = 𝑟1 (1 − 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃)

x 2 = 2292(1 − cos(18.02 )) = 113 feet

5. Total MD, MDTD

18.02 2292
MD = 1500 + + = 8312 feet
2.5 / 100 tan 20.62

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