Analysis of Plates and Shells Using An Edge-Based Smoothed Finite Element Method

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Comput Mech (2010) 45:141–156

DOI 10.1007/s00466-009-0429-9


Analysis of plates and shells using an edge-based smoothed finite

element method
Xiangyang Cui · Gui-Rong Liu · Guang-yao Li ·
GuiYong Zhang · Gang Zheng

Received: 16 December 2008 / Accepted: 6 October 2009 / Published online: 23 October 2009
© Springer-Verlag 2009

Abstract In this paper, an approach to the analysis of Keywords Smoothed Galerkin weak form ·
arbitrary thin to moderately thick plates and shells by the Finite element · ES-FEM · Plate and shell · DSG
edge-based smoothed finite element method (ES-FEM) is
presented. The formulation is based on the first order shear
deformation theory, and Discrete Shear Gap (DSG) method is 1 Introduction
employed to mitigate the shear locking. Triangular meshes
are used as they can be generated automatically for com- Plates and shells are the most widely used structural compo-
plicated geometries. The discretized system equations are nents in civil, mechanical and aerospace engineering. In the
obtained using the smoothed Galerkin weak form, and the past several decades, the finite element method has been used
numerical integration is applied based on the edge-based as a powerful numerical tool to simulate behaviors of plates
smoothing domains. The smoothing operation can provide a and shells. Due to the complexity of the existing plate and
much needed softening effect to the FEM model to reduce the shell elements, research on simpler, more efficient and inex-
well-known “overly stiff” behavior caused by the fully com- pensive plate and shell elements receives continuously strong
patible implementation of the displacement approach based interest. Compared with quadrilateral element, triangular ele-
on the Galerkin weakform, and hence improve significantly ment is particularly attractive because of its simplicity, easy
the solution accuracy. A number of benchmark problems in automatic meshing and re-meshing in adaptive analysis.
have been studied and the results confirm that the present However, the development of effective triangular elements
method can provide accurate results for both plate and shell for plates and shell is not a trivial matter. The major difficul-
using triangular mesh. ties are to overcome (1) the overly stiff behavior, and (2) the
shear locking phenomenon.
Shear locking is a very well known phenomenon caused
by parasitic internal energy leads to an additional, artifi-
X. Cui · G. Li (B) · G. Zheng cial stiffness. Many efficient works have been done to over-
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing come the shear locking and various triangular elements have
for Vehicle Body, Hunan University, 410082 Changsha, People’s
Republic of China
been proposed. Pugh et al. [1] proposed a triangular plate
e-mail: bending element with reduced integration. Belytschko et al.
[2] used a single Gauss point integration for calculating the
X. Cui · G.-R. Liu shear strain energy. However, the elements with reduced
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Centre for Advanced
Computations in Engineering Science (ACES),
integration or selective integration have low accuracy and
National University of Singapore, 9 Engineering Drive 1, often exhibit zero energy modes. Moreover, they often can
Singapore 117576, Singapore not pass the patch test for thin plates. Discrete Kirchhoff
e-mail: triangular (DKT) elements were developed by Stricklin et al.
G.-R. Liu · G. Zhang
[3] and Dhatt [4,5], where the shear locking was eliminated
Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA), E4-04-10, 4 Engineering Drive 3, by removing the shear deformation from element kinemat-
Singapore 117576, Singapore ics. Efficient results were obtained using these elements only

142 Comput Mech (2010) 45:141–156

for thin structures since transverse shear flexibility cannot and Zhang [21] found that NS-PIM is variationally consis-
be neglected in the analysis of thick shells. Batoz et al. [6] tent when the solution is sought from a proper H space, and
summarized the developments of flat triangular plate bend- can provide much better stress results. More importantly it
ing elements with displacement degrees of freedom at the can provide upper bound solution in energy norm. Using
three corner nodes, and concluded that only a few elements the FEM shape function and the element-based smoothing
are reliable in this class. Based on mixed interpolation of ten- operations, a smoothed finite element method (SFEM) was
sorial components (MITC), Bathe and co-workers developed proposed [22]. The SFEM further divides the elements into
a series of triangular elements [7,8]. MITC3 is a three-node some smoothing domains, computes the integrals along the
triangular element which has a simple formulation, but some edge of the smoothing domains, and has been proven to have
locking is present in the solution of the clamped plate prob- excellent properties. The SFEM of general n-sided polygonal
lems and the hyperboloid shell problems [9]. Ayad et al. [10] elements has also been formulated, and works well for very
proposed a MiSP (Mixed Shear Projected) approach based heavily distorted mesh [23]. Liu et al. [24] gave detailed the-
on the Hellinger-Reissner variational principle. The shear oretical aspects including stability, bound property and con-
strains in this method were defined in terms of the edge tan- vergence about SFEM. Cui et al. [25] extended the SFEM for
gential strains that were projected on the element degrees of linear and nonlinear analysis of plates and shells. Nguyen-
freedom. Using assumed natural strains (ANS) model, Sze Xuan et al. [26] extend the SFEM for plate problem coupled
and Zhu [11] proposed a quadratic curved triangular shell with MITC4 element [27]. All these models have a common
element, and Kim et al. [12,13] proposed a 3-node macro foundation of the so-called G space theory [28], and fall into
triangular element for analysis of plates and shells. Chen and the category of weakened weak (W2 ) formulation [18].
Cheung [14] proposed two refined triangular thin/thick plate An edge-based smoothed finite element method
elements (DKTM and RDTKM) based on the Timoshenko’s (ES-FEM) [29,30] has been proposed for 2D solid mechan-
beam theory. Based on this work, Chen [15] proposed a ics problems using also the smoothed Galerkin weak form
15-DOF triangular discrete degenerated shell element. with edge-based smoothing domains. It has been found that
Bletzinger et al. [16] presented a 3-node non-isotropic tri- the simple change of smoothing domains gives the ES-FEM
angular element DSG3 using the Discrete Shear Gap method excellent properties including good accuracy and free of spu-
(DSG). This element may be classified as an ANS element, rious modes. In this work, the ES-FEM has been further
but it needs not to choose an interpolation for the shear strains extended to solve plates and shells. The present formula-
or to specify any sampling points. It is based on the explicit tion is based on the first order shear deformation theory,
satisfaction of the kinematic equation for the shear strains at and the shear locking is suppressed using DSG [16]. The
discrete points and effectively eliminates the parasitic shear domain is first discretized into a set of triangular elements
strains. This element is very simple and does not need to and linear shape functions are used as same as in the standard
choose an interpolation for the shear strains or to use addi- FEM. The smoothing domains associated with the edges of
tional sampling points. the triangles are then further formed and the system stiff-
The overly stiff behavior is observed in all fully compat- ness matrix is obtained by integrating numerically over each
ible displacement-based FEM models. The primary cause smoothing domains. Compared with FEM, the smoothing
of the overly stiff behavior is the fully compatible imple- operation reduces the stiffness of the discretized system, and
mentation of the assumed displacement field based on the compensates nicely the “overly stiff” behavior of the FEM
standard Galerkin weakform. The overly stiff behavior is model. Hence, the ES-FEM can produce better solutions than
particularly severe when displacement-based triangular ele- corresponding FEM model. For shell problems, an edge local
ments is used, which often leads to very poor accuracy in coordinate system is introduced for performing strain
the solution. In order to reduce the stiffness of the model smoothing operations. To validate the accuracy and stability
and widen the solution space, Liu [17] proposed a general- of the present method, a number of numerical examples have
ized smoothed Galerkin weak form (GS-Galerkin), revealed been examined and comparisons are made with results avail-
and proved a number of important properties including var- able in literatures. The excellent results have been obtained
iational consistence, convergence, upper bound and soften for both plate and shell problems.
effects [18]. The smoothing operation [19] has been gen-
eralized to include discontinuous functions [17], and is used 2 Formulations
for the gradient of field variables, and the smoothing
operations are performed in various ways for creating mod- 2.1 Basic equations for plate and shell
els of desired properties. Using the node-based smoothing
operation and the point interpolation method for shape func- The first order shear deformation theory [31] is used in this
tion construction, a node-based smoothed point interpola- work, and thus the displacements in Cartesian coordinate
tion method (NS-PIM or LC-PIM [20]) was formulated. Liu system can be expressed as follows

Comput Mech (2010) 45:141–156 143

u = u 0 + zθ y in which G is shear modulus, χ = 5/6 is the shear correc-

v = v0 − zθx (1) tion factor, and the matrix D0 is the constitutive coefficients
given by
w = w0 ⎡ ⎤
1 ν 0
where u 0 , v0 and w0 are the displacements of the mid-plane E ⎣ ⎦
D0 = ν 1 0 (8)
of the plate or shell in the x, y and z directions, θx and θ y 1 − ν2
0 0 1 − ν/2
denote the rotations respect to x and y directions, respec-
tively. where E is Young’s modulus, and ν is Poisson ratio.
The relevant strain vector ε can be written in terms of the The stresses can be given as follows,
mid-plane deformations of Eq. (1), which gives  T
σ m = N x , N y , N x y = Dm εm (9)
⎧ ⎫

⎪ εx x ⎪
⎪ is the membrane force,

⎪ ⎪   
⎨ ε yy ⎪⎬ εm ε  T
0 σ b = Mx , M y , Mx y = Db εb
ε = γx y = + b + (2) (10)

⎪ ⎪ 0 0 εs

⎪ γx z ⎪

⎩ ⎭ is the bending moment, and
γ yz  T
σ s = Q x , Q y = Ds εs (11)
where εm the membrane strain, εb the bending strain (curva-
ture), and εs the shear strain are given by is the transverse shear force.
⎧ ⎫ ⎧ ⎫ At any point in a triangular element, the generalized dis-
⎪ ∂u 0 ⎪ ⎪ ∂θ y ⎪

⎪ ∂x ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ∂x ⎪
⎪ placement field u in the element is interpolated using the

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎨ ∂v ⎬ ⎨ ∂θ ⎬ nodal displacements at the nodes of the element by the linear
0 x
εm = , εb = − , shape functions. The same shape functions are used for both

⎪ ∂y ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ∂y ⎪

⎪ ∂u 0 ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ∂θ y ⎪
⎪ displacements and rotations

⎩ + ∂v 0 ⎪
⎭ ⎪
⎩ − ∂θ x ⎪

∂x ∂x ⎧ ⎫
∂y ∂y ⎨ d1 ⎬
⎧ ∂w ⎫ (3)  T
⎪ 0 ⎪ u = u, v, w, θx , θ y = [N1 N2 N3 ] d2 (12)
⎨ + θy ⎬ ⎩ ⎭
εs = ∂w ∂x d3

⎩ 0
− θy ⎪⎭
∂y where di = {u 0i , v0i , w0i , θxi , θ yi }T is the generalized
nodal displacement at node i, Ni (x) is a diagonal matrix of
Applying the principle of virtual work, the weak form is shape functions given by
stated as follows

Ni = diag {Ni (x) , Ni (x) , Ni (x) , Ni (x) , Ni (x)} (13)
δεTm Dm εm d + δεTb Db εb d + δεTs Ds εs d
in which Ni (x) is the shape function for node i. Since 3-node

triangular element is used, the shape function is linear and
− δuT f̃d − δuT t̃d = 0 (4) can be given as follows [32]
  Ni (x) = ai + bi x + ci y
where the membrane stiffness constitutive coefficients (Dm ), 1   1  
ai = x j yk − xk y j , bi = y j − yk , (14)
the bending stiffness constitutive coefficients (Db ) and the 2 Ae 2 Ae
transverse shear stiffness constitutive coefficients (Ds ) are 1  
ci = xk − x j
defined as 2 Ae
t where Ae is the area of the triangular element, the subscript

i varies from 1 to 3, j and k are determined by the cyclic
Dm = D0 dz = tD0 (5)
permutation in the order of i, j, k.
− 2t Substituting Eq. (12) into Eq. (3), the membrane strain εm

t and the bending strain εb can be written as
t3 ⎡ ⎤
Db = z 2 D0 dz = D0 (6) d1
− 2t
εm = Bm d = [Bm1 , Bm2 , Bm3 ] ⎣ d2 ⎦ (15)

⎡ ⎤
1 0 1 0 d1
Ds = χG dz = χ t G (7) εb = Bb d = [Bb1 , Bb2 , Bb3 ] ⎣ d2 ⎦ (16)
0 1 0 1
− 2t d3

144 Comput Mech (2010) 45:141–156

in which Edge m Γm
⎡ ⎤
Ni,x 0 0 0 0 n6 Ωm n5
Bmi = ⎣0 Ni,y 0 0 0⎦ (17)
Ni,y Ni,x 0 0 0
⎡ ⎤ n4
0 0 0 0 Ni,x
Bbi = ⎣0 0 0 −Ni,y 0 ⎦ (18) Edge k
0 0 0 −Ni,x Ni,y
where “( ),” indicates differentiation, the subscript i = 1, 2, 3.
In order to eliminate the shear-locking, the “Discrete Shear
Gap” (DSG) method [16] is used here. In each triangular
element, the shear strain here can be given as: n1 n2

γx z = Ni,x (x)
wxi + Ni,x (x)
w yi
i=1 i=1

γ yz = Ni,y (x)
wxi + Ni,y (x)
w yi Nodes of the element Centroid of the element
i=1 i=1
Fig. 1 A problem domain is divided into Neiem triangular elements
wxi and
w yi are the discrete shear gaps at the node with a total of Nedge edges. Interior element edge k is sandwiched in
the smoothing domain k bounded by k . Smoothing domain m for
i given by the boundary edge m is a triangle. There are Nk nodes that influence
the kth smoothing domain k . For domains associated with boundary

wx1 =
wx3 =
w y1 =
w y2 = 0 edges Nk = 3; for example, nodes n 3 , n 5 and n 6 influence m . For
domains associated with interior edges Nk = 4; for example, nodes
1 n 1 , n 2 , n 3 and n 4 influence k

wx2 = (w2 − w1 ) − b (θx 1+θx 2)

1   2.2 Edge-based strain smoothing technique for plate
+ a θy 1 + θy 2 (20)
In this section, the edge-based strain smoothing technique
1 1   will be introduced. In present ES-FEM, the problem domain

w y3 = (w3 − w1 ) − d (θx 1 + θx 3) + c θ y 1 + θ y 3
2 2  is divided into Nelem triangular elements with a total of
where Nedge edges. In order to perform the smoothing operation, a
smoothing domain for each edge is formed by sequentially
a = x2 − x1 , b = y2 − y1 connecting two end points of the edge and centroids of its sur-
c = x3 − x1 , d = y3 − y1 rounding triangles, such that  = 1 ∪2 ∪. . . ∪ Nedge and
i ∩  j = ∅, (i = j, i = 1, . . . , Nedge , j = 1, . . . , Nedge ),
From Eqs. (19), (20) and (21), the shear strain εs in each as shown in Fig. 1. In the ES-FEM, the displacement inter-
element can be written as polation is element based, but the integration is based on the
⎧ ⎫
 ⎨ d1 ⎬ smoothing domains. As shown in Fig. 2, for interior edges,
γx z the integration domain k of edge k is formed by assem-
εs = = Bs d = [Bs1 , Bs2 , Bs3 ] d2 (22)
γ yz ⎩ ⎭ bling two sub-domains k1 and k2 of two neighboring ele-
ments. The sub-domain k1 and the sub-domain k2 are
in which from element e1 and element e2, respectively.
Introducing the strain smoothing operation [17], the
1 0 0 b−d 0 Ae 0
Bs1 = (23a) smoothed strain in the smoothing domain k are given by
2 Ae 0 0 c − a −Ae 0 0

1 0 0 d − bd ad
0 ε̄(k)
m = ε(k)
m d
Bs2 = 2 2 (23b) Ak
2 Ae 0 0 −c 2
− ac
2 0
⎛ ⎞

0 0 −b bd − bc 1 ⎜ ⎟
Bs3 =
1 2 2 0 (23c) = ⎝ ε(k1)
m (x) d + ε(k2)
m (x) d⎠ (24a)
2 Ae 0 0 a −2 2
ad ac
0 Ak
k1 k2

Comput Mech (2010) 45:141–156 145

Fig. 2 The integration is i Edge k

i m m
performed over each of the
edge-based smoothing domains.
Domain k of edge k is formed e1
m e1
by assembling two sub-domains
k1 and k2 of two neighboring Ωk1 Ωk
elements. The sub-domain k1 e2
Edge k
is from element e1 and the
sub-domain k2 is from element
Ωk2 element Nodes index
e2 e2
j e1 i, j, m n
e2 j, n, m Γk

ε̄(k) ε(k)
Boundary line
b = b d
⎛ ⎞

1 ⎜ ⎟
= ⎝ ε(k1)
b (x) d + ε(k2)
b (x) d⎠ (24b)
k1 k2

s = ε(k)
s d
Ak Edge k
k Ωk
⎛ ⎞

1 ⎜ ⎟
= ⎝ ε(k1)
s (x) d + ε(k2)
s (x) d⎠ (24c) i
k1 k2
where Ak is the area of the smoothing domain k ,
ε(k1) (k1) (k1)
m (x), εb (x) and εs (x) are the compatible strains cal-
culated in element e1, ε(k2) (k2) (k2)
m (x), εb (x) and εs (x) are the
compatible strain calculated in element e2. Fig. 3 The integration domain k of edge k is only a single sub-domain
Since linear shape functions are used in the present
method, the compatible strain is a constant in each smoothing
sub-domain. Therefore, Eq. (24) can be rewritten as where d(k1) and d(k2) are the nodal displacements vector
of the element e1 and the element e2, respectively, d(k) are
1   the displacements vector of the nodes associated with edge
m = Ak1 ε(k1)
m + A k2 ε(k2)
m (25a) (k1) (k1) (k1)
k, Bm , Bb and Bs are the compatible strain matrices of
  (k2) (k2) (k2)
1 the smoothing sub-domain k1 and Bm , Bb and Bs are
b = Ak1 ε(k1)
b + Ak2 ε(k2)
b (25b) the compatible strain matrices of the smoothing sub-domain
1   k2 , respectively. Note that the sign ‘+’ denotes assembly
s = Ak1 ε(k1)
s + A ε
k2 s
(25c) but not sum here.
For boundary edges as shown in Fig. 3, the smoothing
where Ak1 and Ak2 are areas of the smoothing sub-domains domain k of edge k is a single sub-domain, and strains in
k1 and k2 , respectively. Eq. (26) are obtained by the single subdomain. In this case,
Substituting Eqs. (15), (16) and (22) into Eq. (25), the the strain and strain matrix have the same form as those in
smoothed strains can be given by FEM.

Ak1 (k1) (k1) Ak2 (k2) (k2) 2.3 Edge-based strain smoothing technique for shell
m = B d + B d = B̄(k)
m d
Ak m Ak m
Ak1 (k1) (k1) Ak2 (k2) (k2) For shell problems, local coordinate system is defined in each
b = B d + B d
= B̄b d(k) (26b)
Ak b Ak b element, and the compatible strains are computed in this local
Ak1 (k1) (k1) Ak2 (k2) (k2) coordinate system. In order to perform the strain smoothing
s = B d + B d = B̄(k)
s d
(26c) over the same local coordinate system for two sub-domains
Ak s Ak s

146 Comput Mech (2010) 45:141–156

from two different elements sharing an inner edge, coordi- transformation matrix T̂ can be written as
nate system (x̄, ȳ, z̄) associated with an edge is defined in
T3×3 03×3
this study. Let x̄ be coinciding with the edge k, z̄ be the aver- T̂ = (34)
age normal direction of the two elements sharing edge k, and 02×3 T2×3
ȳ direction is then defined as the cross product of the unit in which
vectors in the z̄ and x̄ directions. From simple transforma-
tion rules for each triangular element, the strain in the edge Ti j = cîj (35)
coordinate system can be written as
As shown in Fig. 4, the smoothing domain k correspond-
ε̄m = Rm1 Rm2 ε̂m
ing to an inner edge k consists of two sub-domains. The strain
ε̄b = Rb1 Rb2 ε̂b (27) in the edge coordinate system of each sub-domain kI can be
I ) (k I )
ε̄s = Rs1 Rs2 ε̂s noted as ε̄(k
m , ε̄b and ε̄(k
for the I th triangular element.
As the strain is constant field in the linear triangular element,
in which ε̂m , ε̂b and ε̂s are strains in element local coordinate the strain in smoothing domain can be easily obtained by
system, and

⎡ ⎤
c2x̄ x c2x̄ y c2x̄ z cx̄ x cx̄ y cx̄ y cx̄ z cx̄ x cx̄ z
Rm1 = Rb1 = ⎣ c2ȳx c2ȳ y c2ȳz c ȳx c ȳ y c ȳ y c ȳz c ȳx c ȳz ⎦ (28)
2cx̄ x c ȳx 2cx̄ y c ȳ y 2cx̄ z c ȳz cx̄ x c ȳ y + c ȳx cx̄ y cx̄ z c ȳ y + c ȳz cx̄ y cx̄ x c ȳz + c ȳx cx̄ z

2cx̄ x cz̄x 2cx̄ y cz̄ y 2cx̄ z cz̄z cx̄ x cz̄ y + cz̄x cx̄ y cx̄ z cz̄ y + cz̄z cx̄ y cx̄ x cz̄z + cz̄x cx̄ z
Rs1 = (29)
2c ȳx cz̄x 2c ȳ y cz̄ y 2c ȳz cz̄z c ȳx cz̄ y + cz̄x c ȳ y c ȳz cz̄ y + cz̄z c ȳ y c ȳx cz̄z + cz̄x c ȳz

⎡ ⎤ 1 
c2x̂ x c2ŷx cx̂ x c ŷx ε̄(k) Ak I ε̄(k I)
⎢ c2 ⎥ m = m (36a)
⎢ x̂ y c2ŷ y cx̂ y c ŷ y ⎥ Ak
⎢ 2 ⎥
⎢c c2ŷz cx̂ z c ŷz ⎥ 1 
Rm2 = Rb2 = ⎢ x̂ z
⎢ 2cx̂ x cx̂ y
⎥ ε̄(k) =
(k I )
Ak I ε̄b (36b)
⎢ 2c ŷx c ŷ y cx̂ x c ŷ y + cx̂ y c ŷx ⎥

⎣ 2cx̂ y cx̂ z cx̂ y c ŷz + cx̂ z c ŷ y ⎦
2c ŷ y c y  z 1 
2cx̂ x cx̂ z 2c ŷx c y  z cx̂ x c ŷz + cx̂ z c ŷx ε̄(k)
b =
(k I )
Ak I ε̄b (36c)
(30) I
⎡ ⎤
cx̂ x cẑx c ŷx cẑx
where Ak is the area of the smoothing domain k , Ak I is the
⎢ cx̂ y cẑ y c ŷ y cẑ y ⎥
⎢ ⎥ area of the sub-domain k I .
⎢ cx̂ z cẑz c ŷz cẑz ⎥
Rs2 =⎢
⎢ cx̂ x cẑ y + cx̂ y cẑx
⎥ (31) Using Eqs. (32), (33) and (36), the relationship between
⎢ c ŷx cẑ y + c ŷ y cẑx ⎥

⎣ cx̂ z cẑ y + cx̂ y cẑz strains and global nodal displacement vectors can be
c ŷz cẑ y + c ŷ y cẑz ⎦
given as
cx̂ x cẑz + cx̂ z cẑx c ŷx cẑz + c ŷz cẑx

where as usual cx̄ x is the cosine of the angle between the x̄

and x axes, etc.
Using Eqs. (15), (16) and (22), the strains in the edge sys- j
tem can be obtained using those in element local coordinate
ẑ2 z
system ŷ2 y x
m ẑ1
ε̄m = Rm1 Rm2 B̂m d̂ x̂2
ε̄b = Rb1 Rb2 B̂b d̂ (32) x̂1
ε̄s = Rs1 Rs2 B̂s d̂ z

where B̂m , B̂b and B̂s are strain matrices in element local y
edge k
coordinate system, and
ˆ i
d̂i = Td (33) n

where d̂i and di are the nodal displacement vectors at node i Fig. 4 Shell element for edge-based smoothing, integration domain
expressed in local and global coordinates, respectively, and and coordinate systems

Comput Mech (2010) 45:141–156 147

ε̄(k) (k) (k)

m = B̄m d (37a) The summation in Eq. (42) means an assembly process
ε̄(k) =
B̄b d(k) (37b) same as the practice in the FEM, Nedge is the number of
b (k)
the edges of the whole problem domain , and K̄i j is the
s = B̄(k)
s d
stiffness matrix associated with edge k given as follows
in which (k) (k) (k) (k)
K̄i j = K̄mi j + K̄bi j + K̄si j (43)
1  (k) (k I )
m = Ak I Rm1 Rm2 B̂(k I ) (I )
m T̂ (38a) where
(k) 1  (k) (k I ) (k I ) (k)
= B̄(k) Dm B̄(k)
B̄b = Ak I Rb1 Rb2 B̂b T̂(I ) (38b) K̄mi j m
m d
Ak k
1   T  
(k) (k I )
s = Ak I Rs1 Rs2 B̂(k I ) (I )
s T̂ (38c) = B̄(k)
m Dm B̄(k)
m Ak
Ak i j
(k) (k) T (k)
where the summation in Eq. (38) means an assembly pro- K̄bi j = B̄b Db B̄b d
i j
(k) (k) (k)
cess, Rm1 , Rb1 and Rs1 are the transformation matrices for k
(k I ) (k I ) (k I )    
the kth edge given by Eqs. (28) and (29), Rm2 , Rb2 , Rs2 (k) T
= B̄b
Db B̄b Ak
and T(k I ) are the transformation matrices for the I th element

i j
sharing the edge k and they are given by Eqs. (30), (31) and (k)
K̄si j = B̄(k)
s Ds B̄(k)
s d
(34). It must be pointed out that the global nodal displace- i j
ments vector d(k) contains all of nodes of the two elements
sharing the edge k. = B̄(k)
s Ds B̄(k)
s Ak (44)
i j

2.4 Smoothed Galerkin formulation

We now seek for a weak form solution of generalized dis- 3 Numerical examples
placement field u that satisfies the following smoothed
Galerkin weak form 3.1 Patch test

δ ε̄Tm Dm ε̄m d + δ ε̄Tb Db ε̄b d + δ ε̄Ts Ds ε̄s d

The first numerical example is the standard patch test; the
   mesh of a square patch of the plate with thickness t = 0.001

− δuT f̃d − δuT t̃d = 0 (39) is depicted in Fig. 5. The plate is subjected to the prescribed
4 (0,10) 3 (10,10)
where f̃ is the external load applied over the problem domain
, and t̃ is the traction applied on the natural boundary .
Substituting Eq. (12) and Eq. (26) (for plate) or Eq. (37)
6 (8,9)
(for shell) into Eq. (39), a set of discretized algebraic system
equations can be obtained in the following matrix form
¯ −f =0
Kd (40)

where d is the vector of global nodal displacement at all of

the nodes, and f is the force vector defined as y

f = N (x) f̃d + N (x) t̃d (41) 5 (3,4)


In Eq. (40), K̄ is the (global) smoothed stiffness matrix 1 (0,0) 2 (10,0)

assembled in the form of
K̄i j = K̄i(k)
j (42)
Fig. 5 Mesh for the standard patch test

148 Comput Mech (2010) 45:141–156

displacement and rotations on boundary of the patch (at nodes order of the machine accuracy. This shows a successful pass
1 to 4) are computed using of the patch test for present method.

w = 10−3 (1 + x + y + x 2 + x y + y 2 )
3.2 Square plates
θx = − = −10−3 (1 + y + 2x) (45)
∂w A square plate of length L = 10 subjected to different
θy = − = −10−3 (1 + x + 2y) boundary conditions is considered in this subsection. The
material properties are taken as Young’s modulus E = 3.0 ×
107 , and Poisson ratio ν = 0.3. Owing to the symmetry
The material properties of patch are E = 1.0 × 106 and
conditions, only a quarter of the plate is modeled. Figure 6
ν = 0.25. To satisfy the patch test, the deflection and rota-
shows the meshes of different density used for the square
tions at any interior nodes computed by numerical method
plate. The results of center deflections are normalized with
should be exactly the analytic ones given in Eq. (45). To
the formulation given by Zienkiewicz and Taylor [33]. For
examine the numerical error precisely, an error norm is
the plate subjected to uniform load, the deflection is normal-
defined as
ized as ŵ = wc D/q L 4 , where q is the uniform load. For
! 6 # T  $ the plate subjected to concentrated central load, the deflec-
! unumi − u i u i − u i
eu = " exact
 i T  i 
num exact
(46) tion is normalized as ŵ = wc D/P L 2 , in which P is the
i=1 uexact uexact concentrated central load. Both thin plate (L/t = 100) and
thick plate (L/t = 5) with different boundary conditions are
where unum is the displacement vector computed by the pres- investigated in this subsection.
ent ES-FEM, and uexact is the displacement vector computed For the purpose of testing the element performance, the
from Eq. (45). Our numerical computation has found the error numerical results obtained from the present ES-FEM are
norm being eu = 4.474065656539186 × 10−15 that is of the compared with several existing triangular plate elements,

Fig. 6 Square plate mesh y


2 elements per side

4 elements per side 6 elements per side 8 elements per side

Comput Mech (2010) 45:141–156 149

Table 1 Numerical results of Mesh DKT RDKTM DSG Present

normalized central deflection for
a simply supported square plate 2×2 0.004056 0.004058 0.003705 0.004078
subjected uniform load
4×4 0.004065 0.004069 0.003975 0.004068
(L/t = 100)
6×6 0.004064 0.004066 0.004024 0.004066
8×8 0.004064 0.004065 0.004042 0.004065
Analytic solution 0.004064

Table 2 Numerical results of

normalized central deflection for Mesh DKT RDKTM DSG Present
a simply supported square plate
2×2 0.004056 0.004902 0.004499 0.00496
subjected uniform load
(L/t = 5) 4×4 0.004065 0.004904 0.004804 0.00492
6×6 0.004064 0.004906 0.00486 0.004912
8×8 0.004064 0.004906 0.004879 0.004909
Analytic solution 0.004907

Table 3 Numerical results of

normalized central deflection for Mesh DKT RDKTM DSG Present
a clamped square plate subjected
2×2 0.001547 0.00155 0.00107 0.00135
uniform load (L/t = 100)
4×4 0.001347 0.00135 0.001213 0.001299
6×6 0.001303 0.001305 0.001243 0.001285
8×8 0.001287 0.001289 0.001254 0.001279
Analytic solution 0.001265

Table 4 Numerical results of

normalized central deflection for Mesh DKT RDKTM DSG Present
a clamped square plate subjected
2×2 0.001547 0.002423 0.002226 0.001862
uniform load. (L/t = 5)
4×4 0.001347 0.002243 0.002205 0.002093
6×6 0.001303 0.002205 0.00219 0.002136
8×8 0.001287 0.002191 0.002183 0.002152
Analytic solution 0.00217

Table 5 Numerical results of

normalized central deflection for Mesh Simply supported Clamped
a square plate subjected DSG Present DSG Present
concentrated central load with
different constraints 2×2 0.010624 0.011986 0.004252 0.005393
(L/t = 100)
4×4 0.011285 0.011750 0.005205 0.005658
6×6 0.011445 0.011685 0.005416 0.005657
8×8 0.011507 0.011656 0.005496 0.005647
Analytic solution 0.011601 0.005612

150 Comput Mech (2010) 45:141–156

(a) 4 (a) 25 BCIZ

2 20 HSM

Error in Central Deflection,%

Error in Central Deflection,%

0 15 RDKTM
-2 10 HCT
5 Present
-8 HSM
DKT -10
-10 RDKTM -15
-12 HCT -20
-14 -25
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Mesh Density Mesh Density
(b) 15 DKT
(b) 20

Error in Central Deflection,%

Error in Central Deflection,%

10 DSG
Present Present

-25 -50
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Mesh Density Mesh Density

Fig. 7 Relative error of the deflection at centre for a simply supported Fig. 8 Deflection at centre for a clamped square plate with uniform
square plate with uniform load for different element types. a Thin plate load for different element types. a Thin plate (L/t = 100). b Thick
(L/t = 100). b Thick plate (L/t = 5) plate (L/t = 5)

which include HCT [34], HSM [35], BCIZ [36], DKT [37], those used in the previous subsection. The deflection is nor-
RDKTM [14] and DSG [16], and the analytic solutions got malized as ŵ = wc D/q L 4 and a 6 × 6 mesh is used here,
from Ref. [31]. and the computed results are plotted in Fig. 10. The results
Numerical results of normalized central deflection for all show clearly that the proposed method can avoid shear lock-
cases are given in Tables 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The relative errors ing successfully and it provides excellent results regardless
of the results are plotted in Figs. 7, 8, and 9, in which the label of the thickness of the plate.
“mesh density” of the horizontal axes refers to the number
of elements per side. From the results, it can be seen that 3.4 Circular plate
the present method has a high accuracy and possesses fast
convergence for both the thick and thin plates with differ- A simply supported or clamped circular plate subjected to
ent boundary conditions. For all studied cases, the proposed uniform loading is analyzed to demonstrate more features of
ES-FEM is not the best for each of the cases, but it is always the present method. The radius of the plate is R = 5 and two
among the bests for all these cases, which show clearly the cases of the thickness, t = 0.1 and t = 1, are investigated
stable and well-balanced feature of the ES-FEM. Note that here. Poisson ratio ν of the material is taken to be 0.3; Young’s
the present method is very simple in formulation and no modulus E of the material is 3 × 105 . The configuration and
extra sampling points are introduced, compared with other mesh information of the plate are shown in Fig. 11, where
elements. a quarter of the plate is modeled because of the symmetry
conditions. A set of three meshes, 6, 24 and 96 elements, are
3.3 Shear locking test employed here. The boundary conditions are given by:

Simply supported: w = 0 on the boundary

A simply supported or clamped square plate subjected to a
uniform loading is used to test the shear locking phenom- Clamped: u = v = w = θx = θ y = 0 on the boundary
enon. The geometry and material properties are as same as (47)

Comput Mech (2010) 45:141–156 151

(a) 5
(a) 6
x 10

Normalized Central Deflection

Error in Central Deflection,%

Thin Plate Solution (0.004062)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Mesh Density Length/Thickness

(b) 10 x 10
(b) 3.5
5 Analytic
Error in Central Deflection,%

Normalized Central Deflection

Thin Plate Solution (0.001265)
0 3


-15 2
DSG 1.5
-25 HCT
-30 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 4 6
10 10 10
Mesh Density Length/thickness
Fig. 9 Deflection at centre for a thin square plate (L/t = 100) with Fig. 10 Shear locking test. a simply supported square plate. b Clamped
concentrated central load for different element types subjected different square plate
boundary. a Simply supported square plate. b Clamped square plate

Fig. 11 Circular plate with z

uniform load. Geometry and y
Mesh arrangements
R=5 Boundary conditions
Simply supported:
x u=v=w= x= y=0

6 elements 24 elements 96 elements

152 Comput Mech (2010) 45:141–156

(a) 1.02 (a)


0.98 5.2

0.96 5
0.94 0.997


0.92 0.996 5.18
Present 4.6 Reference (5.15625)
0.9 MiSP3 0.995 Present 5.16
0.88 4.4 DSG
DSG 0.994 5.14
0.86 DST-BK 0.993 4.2 DST-BK
DST-BL DST-BL 95 95.5 96
0.84 95 95.5 96
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Element number Element number
(b) 1.06 (b)
1.04 2.4

0.98 2


0.96 1.005
1.8 2.08
0.94 Present Reference (2.03125)
MiSP3 1 Present 2.06
0.92 DKT DKT
1.6 2.04
0.9 0.995 RDKTM
RDKTM 2.02
0.88 DST-BK 1.4 DST-BK
DST-BL DST-BL 95 95.5 96
0.86 95 95.5 96
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Element number Element number

Fig. 12 Deflection at centre for a thin circular plate (t/R = 0.02) with Fig. 13 Moment at centre for a thin circular plate (t/R = 0.02) with
uniform load for different element types. a Simply supported plate. uniform load for different element types. a Simply supported plate.
b Clamped plate b Clamped plate

For a simply supported or clamped thin circular plate too few elements are used (6 elements for this case), results
subjected to uniform load q0 ; the analytic solutions for cen- of the present method are found only better than the plain
tral deflections w and moment Mr are given by [37] elements also using DSG to eliminate shear locking. This
  t 2  is because the ES-FEM relies on the sufficient number of
w = q64D
1+v + 3k(1−v) R
5+v 8
edges for the smoothing operation to take effects. When the
Simply supported: M = q0 R 2 (3 + v) (48) model has too few edges, it has no much difference compared
r 16
to the plain elements. For the case of 6 elements, there are
  t 2  totally 12 edges and only half of them (6 interior edges) are
q0 R 4
w= 64D 1+ 8
3k(1−v) R being effectively smoothed. Therefore, we are not expecting
Clamped: 2 (49)
Mr = q016R (1 + v) an outstanding performance of the ES-FEM for this case. This
founding agrees with those methods using smoothed Galer-
where D = Et 3 /(12(1 − ν 2 )) is the bending stiffness. kin formulations [17]. With the increase of the number of
Numerical results of the present method are compared elements (e.g., 24 and 96 elements), the ES-FEM clearly out
with those of existing triangular elements, which include performs other elements. Note that in any practical problems,
DKT [37], RDKTM [14], BST-BK [38], BST-BL [39], we use a lot more than tens of elements, and hence ES-FEM
MiSP3 [10], and DSG [16]. Numerical results of normalized is expected to perform well in solving actual problems.
central deflection wc /wref , in which wref is analytic results in A clamped thin (t/R = 0.02) and thick (t/R = 0.2)
Eqs. (48) and (49) for the thin plate (t/R = 0.02) are plotted circular plates subjected to a uniform load are analyzed to
against the elements number in Fig. 12. The results of central obtain the distributed bending moments (Mr , Mθ ) and shear
moment are plotted in Fig. 13. These two pictures show that force (Tr ). The mesh of 96 elements is employed, and the
the present method can produce very accurate results when numerical results of present method are shown in Figs. 14, 15
the problem domain is descritized using a reasonably num- and 16, together with the results obtained using BST-BK
ber of elements (24 and 96 elements for this case). When [38], BST-BL [39] and MiSP3 [10] with the same mesh.

Comput Mech (2010) 45:141–156 153

(a) 3
(a) 2.5 Reference
Present 2 Present
1 MiSP3 MiSP3

-2 -0.5

-3 -1

-4 -1.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
r r

(b) 3 (b) 2.5 Reference

Present 2
1.5 MiSP3



-4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 r
Fig. 15 Moment Mθ along the radius for a clamped circular plate with
Fig. 14 Moment Mr along the radius for a clamped circular plate with uniform load. a Thin plate (t/R = 0.02). b Thick plate (t/R = 0.2)
uniform load. a Thin plate (t/R = 0.02). b Thick plate (t/R = 0.2)

The analytic solutions are given by [40] as follows 3.5 Pinched cylinder with end diaphragms

q0 % & A pinched cylinder supported at each end by rigid diaphragm

Mr (r ) = (1 + v) R 2 − (3 + ν) r 2 shown in Fig. 17 is considered in this section. It is a widely
16 % &
q0 used benchmark problem for determining the ability of the
Mθ (r ) = (1 + v) R 2 − (1 + 3ν) r 2 (50)
16 elements to represent inextensional bending and complex
q0 r membrane states. The length of the pinched cylinder is L =
Tr (r ) = −
2 600 in., the radius is R = 300 in., and the thickness is
t = 3 in. The material properties are: Poisson’s ratio υ = 0.3,
where r is the distance gauged from the plate center, and and Young’s modulus E = 3.0 × 106 N/in.2 . The loading is
D = Et 3 /(12(1 − ν 2 )) is the bending stiffness. a pair of pinching loads P = 100 N. Owing to the sym-
Nodal values of Mr , Mθ and Tr for present method are metry, only 1/8 of the problem is modeled. Five meshes,
obtained by averaging the values of the associated smooth- 4 × 4, 6 × 6, 8 × 8, 12 × 12 and 16 × 16, are examined here
ing domains. The forces of the MiSP3 element are computed and only the 4 × 4 mesh is shown in Fig. 17. In this case, the
at the nodes, and the forces of BST-BL and BST-BK elements analytical solution of the radial displacement under the point
are computed at the centroids of the elements. It is found that load is 0.0018248 in., and the solutions given in this case are
the present method performs among the best for all the cases normalized with this value. Numerical results of the present
of both thin and thick plates. For bending moments, numer- method are compared with those of existing triangular shell
ical results of all the methods studied here are all in good elements ANS6S [11], C0 [41], DSG3 [16] and S3R element
agreement with the reference solutions. For shear forces, the in ABAQUS© . From the results given in Table 6, it can be
present method and MiSP3 element provide more accurate seen that the proposed element provides accurate results and
results compared with other numerical methods. has a good convergence performance.

154 Comput Mech (2010) 45:141–156

(a) 4
Table 6 Pinched cylinder with end diaphragms; normalized displace-
3.5 Present ment at load point (the value used for normalization is 0.0018248 in)
DST-BL Mesh 4×4 6×6 8×8 12 × 12 16 × 16

2.5 ANS6S 0.502 0.741 0.857 0.955 0.985

S3R 0.550 – 0.801 0.897 0.937

C0 0.300 0.530 0.670 – –
DSG 0.313 0.548 0.690 0.832 0.897
1 Present 0.421 0.674 0.806 0.924 0.972

0 z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
r 18°
(b) 3
2.5 DST-BK


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 F = 1.0
F = 1.0
Fig. 16 Shear force Tr along the radius for a clamped circular plate
with uniform load. a Thin plate (t/R = 0.02). b Thick plate (t/R = 0.2) Fig. 18 Pinched cylindrical with end diaphragms, five nodes per side

z, w P = 100
diaphragm Table 7 Hemispherical shell; normalized displacement at load point
y, v (the value used for normalization is 0.093 m)
Mesh 4×4 6×6 8×8 12 × 12 16 × 16
x, u

ANS6S 0.949 – 0.982 0.995 1.001

t S3R 0.357 – 0.913 0.968 0.981
C0 0.870 0.930 0.960 – –
R DSG 0.965 0.977 0.981 0.986 0.989
Present 1.021 1.010 1.004 1.002 1.002

L diaphragm
properties are: Poisson’s ratio υ = 0.3, and Young’s mod-
P = 100
ulus E = 6.825 × 107 Pa. The point loading is F = 1 N.
Fig. 17 Pinched cylinder with end diaphragms, 4 × 4 mesh illustrated The solutions are obtained by using five meshes including
4 × 4, 6 × 6, 8 × 8, 12 × 12 and 16 × 16. A typical 4 × 4
mesh is shown in Fig. 18. The analytical radial deflection
3.6 Hemispherical shell coincident at point load is 0.093 m, and the solutions given
in Table 7 are normalized with this value. It can be observed
The hemispherical shell with an 18◦ hole is loaded anti- that the present results agree well with analytic solutions.
symmetrically by point loads as shown in Fig. 18. It exhibits
almost no membrane strains but it is a challenging test on 3.7 Hood of an automobile
the ability of an element to handle rigid body rotations about
normals to the shells surface. The geometric parameters are Finally, an actual structure component of a car hood shown in
radius R = 10 m and thickness t = 0.04 m. The material Fig. 19 is studied using the present element. The dent resis-

Comput Mech (2010) 45:141–156 155

effect. Numerical results of plate and shell problems have

confirmed the following features of the present method.

1. The conventional 3-node triangular element is used in the

ES-FEM. There is no extra sampling point introduced
to evaluate the stiffness matrix in present formulation.
Hence the present method is very simple and can be eas-
ily implemented with little changes to the FEM code.
2. Compared with fully compatible displacement-based and
hence overly stiff finite element, the present method can
provide a much needed softening effect to the model
Fig. 19 Model of the hood of an automobile
owing to the edge-based gradient smoothing operation.
Therefore, the performance of the present method is
1 greatly enhanced.
3. The present method can pass exactly the pure bending
Displacement at load point

patch test which ensures numerically the convergence of

the proposed method.
4. Numerical comparisons show that the present element
can obtain very stable and accurate results.

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1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 for Changjiang Scholar and Innovative Research Team in University
Node number and the China-funded Postgraduates’ Studying Abroad Program for
Building Top University are gratefully acknowledged. The authors also
Fig. 20 Displacements in x-direction at the loading point give sincerely thanks to the partition financial support by the A*Star
Singapore and the Centre for ACES, Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA),
and National University of Singapore.
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