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Software Requirement Specification


Cyber Café Management System


1. Introduction....................................................................................................6
1.1 Purpose…..........................................................................................6
1.2 Document Convention.....................................................................6
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestion...................................6
1.4 Project Scope......................................................................................7
2. Overall Description.......................................................................................8
2.1 Product Perspective….........................................................................8
2.2 Product Features.................................................................................8
2.3 User classes and Characteristics.......................................................9
2.4 Operating Environment......................................................................9
2.5 Design Constraints..............................................................................9
2.6 User Documentation..........................................................................10
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies......................................................10
3. Functional Requirements...........................................................................11
4. External Interface Requirements..............................................................18
4.1 GUI….................................................................................................18
4.2 Hardware Interface….........................................................................18
4.3 Software Interface…..........................................................................18
5. Non Functional Requirements....................................................................19
5.1 Performance Requirements.................................................................19
5.2 Safety Requirements..........................................................................19
5.3 Security................................................................................................19

5.4 Software Quality Attributes............................................................20

6. Preliminary Schedule................................................................................21
7. Operational Scenario..................................................................................21
8. Diagram......................................................................................................26
9. Testing.................................................................................................27
10 Preliminary schedule............................................................................32
11. Preliminary Budget.....................................................................................33
12. Cost Estimation..........................................................................................34
13. References...................................................................................................35

Appendix A: Glossary........................................................................................37
Abstract of Cyber Cafe Management System
The client uses MS $%cel! and maintains their records!
however it is not possible them to share the datafrom
multiple system in multi user environment! there is lot of
duplicate work! and chance of mistake.&hen the records
are changed they need to update each and every e%cel
file. There is no option to findand print previous saved
records. There is no security' any body can access any
report and sensitivedata! also no reports to summary
report. This Cyber Cafe Management System is used
to overcome theentire problem which they are
facing currently! and making complete atomi(ation of
manual system tocomputeri(ed system

1.1 Purpose of Requirements document

This software requirements specification (SRS) specifies the requirements of the

cyber café management system which will be used in college internet laboratories
or internet cafes. This document will be used for the clients to ensure all
specifications and requirements and conductive as mentioned by the software
engineer to design the system.

1.2 Document conventions

Main section titles

Font: Times new roman face: bold Size: 14

Sub section titles

Font: Times new roman face: bold Size: 12

Other text explanations

Font: Times new roman face: bold Size:12

1.3 Intended audience and reading suggestions

Clients: The user of the system will get a clear idea of a software and hardware
requirements to be engaged.

Lab technicians: They will be in a position to attain the various features that are
enabled in the software there by including new definitions for a security

Developers: project developers have a advantage of quickly understanding the

methodology enabled and personalizing the product.

Students: The project shows an infinite path in the field of security in the internet
labs. There is a always perspective of development.

The authors would suggest clients to go through the requirement section

thoroughly before installing the software. The lab technicians are expected to have
a certain knowledge in the terms used and hence can go for the security issues
Cyber Café Management System2016

directly. Students and developers can utilize the documentation as a resource in

developing the project to a new product.
Objective of Cyber Cafe Management System
The objective and scope of my Project Cyber Cafe Management System is to record the
details variousactivities of user. It will simplifies the task and reduse the paper work.
uring implementation every userwill be given appropriate training to suit their specific
needs. Specific support will also be provided at keypoints within the academic calendar.
Training will be provided on a timely basis! and you will be trained asthe new is Cyber
Cafe Management System rolled out to your area of responsibility. "t the moment we are
in the very early stages! so it is difficult to put a specific time on the training! but wewill
keep people informed as plans are developed.The system is very user friendly and it is
anticipatedthat functions of the system will be easily accessed by administrators!
academics! students andapplicants.#ence the management system for the College
management has been designed to remove all thedeficiency from which the present
system is suffering and to ensure
1.4 Scope of development project

The modern colleges have a internet facilities that are not secure and based
on costly software for maintaining users. Security system is not that efficient also.
Many firewalls and tracking software are used for security purposes that reduce the
total efficiency of the internet system.CYBER CAFE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
software will deliver an open source operating system with inbuilt features for
accessing secure internet. The software also has a accounting and monitering
module to trace and keep track of various internet activities. The targeted users are
internet labs in colleges and internet cafes.

1.5 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

1. SRS: Software Requirement Specification

3. Client /user: Internet user at the internet access point
4. Server: A system that runs in linux always monitoring the actions.
5. RAM : Random access memory.
6. SQL: Structured query language
7. HTTP: Hyper text transfer protocol
8. UserID: Unique username issued to each user to login
9. Password: Unique word given to each user as a secret code
Cyber Café Management System2016

2. Overall Descriptions
2.1 Product perspective

The client will be given internet access only by the knowledge of the
server. When a client is accessing internet the server will be tracking the user name
and account details of the user logged in.

There is option also for the user to view the account details of the user.

2.2 Product function

The CYBER CAFE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM client should running on

the client system so as to track the account details of the user.the server will only
respond to those systems where the client is running.
Cyber Café Management System2016

2.3 User classes and characteristics

General users: they will be position to permit access to the users in the internet
and acknowledge their account status.

Administrators: they are the core users able to add the new users to the system
and permit them to access the internet resources. they can also view in real time
what a user performing right now. they can also get the overall report of the user

Employees: They login at the client level and this is to get access to the internet at
the client level. They can also view their account status in the client sysyem.

2.4 Operating system

Particulars Client system Server system

Operating system Windows 2000 Linux
Processor Pentium 4,1.2GHz Pentium 4,2GHz
Hard disk 40GB 100GB
RAM 256MB 512MB

2.5 Design and implementation constraints

Each user must keep their password as confidential. More over the user must
have individual ID for creating a login in the CYBER CAFE MANAGEMENT

Only Administrator can control user addition and deletion in the CYBER
CAFE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM system. Also this group could only create

2.6 User documentation

The product is under development stage and requires a complete

implemented prototype to explain the user documentation.once the prototype is
designed and implemented online manuals can be provided.
Cyber Café Management System2016

2.7 Assumptions and dependencies

Initially only two locations are connected to the CYBER CAFE


Each location is always connected whether an operator is logged

On at the remote location or not

Each user must have a user ID and password

There is only one administrator

Server must always run under Linux system

Internet connection is must.

Proper browsers must be installed.

Text readers should be installed to view the help files.

2.8 Overview of data requirements

Inputs: user must give his ID and password to access the internet.

Request from the user to view his account details

Outputs: user account details from the server

Details of various logins

2.9 General constraints, assumptions, dependencies, guidelines


2.10 User view of the product

The user screens that the user would finally be seeing could only be
displayed at end of the whole projects. Once the project is implemented the
samples of the used and the dramatic sceneries can be depicted.
Cyber Café Management System2016

3. System Features
3.1 Authentication

3.1.1 Descriptions and priority

The system offers access to internet at client level and access to server
resources at server level only by validating the user with the unique username and

3.1.2 Stimulus/response sequences

The stimulus/response for the different classes of users are:

1. Users: login
2. Administrator: Adding new accounts, giving account status,
getting & sending reports.

3.1.3 Functional requirements

All system should have the client for program running. The server

Should identify individual systems by their names.

R1 Registration

Description: This function registers the newly arrived customer. The user provides
all the personal details like contact, email, id, address etc. to the system. It stores
details in database & generates error message if error is already registered.

R 1.1: Select new registration option

Input: Select “Personal Details” option.

Output: User prompted to enter personal details.

R 1.2: Select Id proof option

Input: Select “ID Proof” option.

Output: User prompted to upload ID proof.

Cyber Café Management System2016

Processing: User Id for the customer is generated.

R 1.3: Set password option (on terminal).

Input: Set password option.

Output: User prompted to enter password & successfully registered.

R2 Login

Description: Username & password is provided to the system. If valid, this

function allows user to access the internet otherwise error message is displayed.
Forget password facility is also provided for the user.

R 2.1: Enter username and password

Input: Enter username and password option.

Output: User prompted to enter username and password.

Processing: The user logins successfully if username and password are valid
otherwise error message is displayed.

R 2.1: Select forget password option

Input: Select forget password option

Output: User prompted to answer security questions.

Processing: If security answers are correct than user is allowed reset

password otherwise error message is displayed.
Cyber Café Management System2016

R3 Employee Management & Access Control

Description: It provides unique logins to every Employee working in a cafe. It

avoids unauthorized access of the application by providing Unique Employee
logins. Admin can add/delete employee records as well as grant various
R 3.1: Add employee details

Input: Select add employee option

Output: User prompted enter employee details.

R 3.2: Modify employee details

Input: Select edit/delete employee option

Output: User prompted modify employee


R 3.3: Grant/Revoke authorities

Input: Select Grant/Revoke authorities option

Output: User prompted to provide authorities.

R 3.3.1: Type of report

Input: Select “Type of report generation” option

Output: Different types of report selected to authorize employee.

R 3.3.2:Customer record modification.

Input: Select “Customer record modify/delete” option

Output: Option selected.

Processing: On selecting the option, the employee can modify/delete

customer’s record otherwise he cannot.
Cyber Café Management System2016

R4 Product Sales Management

Description: Products and Services sold in your cafe can be defined in the
system. Every purchase is accounted in the system against an invoice. Cafe
Employee cannot change the Sale Price for their profits.

R 4.1: Add Product details

Input: Select “add product details” option

Output: User prompted enter product details.

R 4.2: Stock add/modify

Input: Select “edit/delete product details” option

Output: Modify the quantity, name or other details of the product.

Processing: The changes are updated in the database.

R5 Website Blocking

Description: Website blocking feature enables you to prevent Users from

surfing unwanted websites in your Cafe. These websites typically have adult or
objectionable content or are banned under government rules. Using this feature
you can block a complete website and avoid potential legal problems. It also
helps maintain a clean environment in your Cafe, in which all types of Users
are comfortable surfing.

R 5.1: Website blocking

Input: Select which website to block.

Output: Website blocked.

Cyber Café Management System2016

R6 Website Tracking

Description: It keeps a track of websites browsed by the Cafe Users if the

Website Tracking feature is enabled. It is used to keep a check on the websites
accessed by Cafe Users. The tracked websites are categorized by Date,
Terminal, and User and stored as plain text file on the server. You can check
these sites and block unwanted sites using the Website blocking feature.

R 6.1: Website tracking

Input: Select which website to track.

Output: Website tacking enabled.

R 6.2: Browse to save folder

Input: Select “Browse to save folder” option.

Output: Path specified.

R 6.3: Browse to save folder

Input: Select “Browse to save folder” option.

Output: Path specified.

R7 Membership package

Description: Membership Packages provide an easy solution to charge regular

Cafe Users, who like to pay in advance or buy bulk surfing time. These
packages can be created in advance and be sold to regular Users. It enables you
to reward your regular Users with a discounted price.
Cyber Café Management System2016

R 7.1: Membership package

Input: Select membership package & customer.

Output: User prompted to select the customer and specified package.

R8 Bandwidth Monitor

Description: It gives you the option to set download limits for each User
Session. You can set an alert to inform Cafe Users, whenever the download
limit is exceeded. You can Monitor Bandwidth consumed in your cafe. You
can block websites that download more data, ensuring fair share of bandwidth

R 8.1: Enable Bandwidth monitor

Input: Select “Enable Bandwidth monitor” option.

Output: Bandwidth enabled.

Processing: It monitors the amount of data being downloaded by each Cafe

User. It displays the total data downloaded on the Café-Server.

R 8.2: Total Download Limit

Input: Set “Total download limit” option.

Output: Mb set.

R9 Accounting System

Description: This function provides an easy way to manage your daily cash
transactions. It maintains an invoice for each cash transaction. This data is
reflected in extensive Financial Reports.
Cyber Café Management System2016

R 9.1: Payment details

Input: Select “Payment details” option

Output: Payment done & generates payment receipt.

Processing: Calculates the payment charges as if total net usage, downloads,

no. pages printed, pages scanned etc. and generates receipt accordingly.

R 9.2: Amount Credit/Debit

Input: User prompted to enter amount for credit/debit.

Output: Amount Credited/Debited.

Processing: The credited/debited amount is displayed to the user during next


R10 Reports

Description: It provides a useful set of reports which will help a cafe to analyze
and optimize their cafe business. Reports provide information on Financial
Accounts, User Activity, Products & Services, Printers & Terminal usage.

R 10.1: Select type of report

Input: Select “Type of report option”.

Output: Generates the selected report.

Cyber Café Management System2016

4. External interface requirements

4.1 User interface

 Login Screen: This is for the administrator to get into the software. It
requires a user name and password.
 Account Details: this shows the account status of various users with their
login times.
 New registrations: this utility is to create new users or clients in the CYBER
 Reports: this is used to generate reports of the login and account details of
 User login (client side): the user has to give a username and password by
which he or she can access internet.
 User Account: this enables the user to view the account
status Of their account.

4.2 Hardware interfaces

The server is directly connected to the client systems.also the client has to
access to the database for accessing the account details and storing the login time.

The client access to the database in the server is only read only.

4.3 Software interfaces

CYBER CAFE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is a multi-user, multi-tasking

environment. It environment.

It enables the user to interact with the server and attain access to the internet and
also leaves a record in the inbuilt database. It uses java servlets as the front end
programming tool and SQL as the backend application tool.

4.4 Communication interfaces

The CYBER CAFE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM uses java Servlets and

hence require HTTP for transmission of data. More over this allows easy
interaction between the various clients and the server.
Cyber Café Management System2016

5. Other non-Functional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

The important aspects of CYBER CAFE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM

software is time constrain. CYBER CAFE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM software
system is real time and hence should be performed in minimum requirements.

The accountability is a vital feature and this could only be assured if the
system is working in full capability. So uninterrupted power supply is needed.

5.2 Safety Requirements

The data handled in the cyber cafe system is very vital. The server should
always be confirmed to run properly and data are saved to the database at
consecutive intervals.

Power is a significant feature and the power supply should be always taken
care of. An uninterrupted power supply is always recommended.

5.3 Security Requirements

The security system features from having a login for all the users

To access the software. The login details will be used in the system also.

So the chances of the software getting intruded are very less.

5.4 Software Requirements

The source code of the product is going to be open as this is going to be

open source software. It will be free for further modifications and improvements.

5.5 Business Rules

Illegal duplication of the reports should be strictly dealt with.the

administrator should have full details of the user while a user is getting registered
to the system.

5.6 Special Requirements

5.6.1 Backup and Recovery

Cyber Café Management System2016

 Keeps backups of all data files in a separate directory/drive.

 Frequently auto-save information, in the case of a lost network
connection, the browser or the system crashing, etc.

5.6.2 Data migration

The concept of Data migration is important to ensure that the data that
is being entered and stored today could be accessed

After even several years.

5.6.3 Data retention

Maintaining a log file for each user logging ina nad also maintaining
the account details of the users who have finished the account could be
obtained from cyber café reports.

5.6.4 User training

Clients must be trained to operate the cyber café software in creating

new accounts and performing report operations.

5.6.5 Installation

A Conductive environment for the efficient running of the cyber café

recommended. The server should be handled with great care and all
unauthorized access should be restricted.
Cyber Café Management System2016

The system has to be implemented within 6 months.

This system consist of student database, staff database, servers, various complain
databases etc.

The major actors in this system are:-

General users: They will be position to permit access to the users in the internet
and acknowledge their account status.

Administrators: They are the core users able to add the new users to the system
and permit them to access the internet resources. They can also view in real time
what a user performing right now. They can also get the overall report of the user

Employees: They login at the client level and this is to get access to the internet at
the client level. They can also view their account status in the client system.


 Initial Situation:

A registered customer logins using User-ID and password and surfs.

 Normal flow of events:

In Cyber Cafe Management System, initially the customer visits the café. If he
is not registeres, then he must provide login credentials along with proof and
registered himself. He will then create a password on specified terminal using
ID provided by employee.
Cyber Café Management System2016

On other hand if user is registered, then he will login into his account and
access the net or takes an printout of necessary document.

 What can go wrong:

If the registered user forgets the password & on pressing “Forget Password”
option he is provided with security questions, but still if user is enable to
answer these questions.

If the newly arrived customer forgets to bring th Id proof, he will not be

allowed to access the net.

Printing issue while print command senr by user due to some technical problem

The customer faces difficulty in accessing the internet & the available
employess will help him.

 Other activities:

Café owner sales different computer accessories useful for customer.

 System state on completion:

The customer [ays the bill for surfing, priting or purchasing any product.
Cyber Café Management System2016

Use-Case diagram


Provide details ID


Employee Customer


Assign Terminal &

gives userid

Surfing and printing

User play games surfs web

Web Blocking

Net usage


Printing and Scanning

Cyber Café Management System2016


Net Usage

Website Accessed

Employee Customer

Calcullate bill and gives time slot warn


Payment history

Collection report

Admin Employee
Terminal usage

Web Tracking

Printing report
Cyber Café Management System2016

Cyber café management system



provideed details & Id proofs


Assign terminal and gives userid


surfing and printing

website blocking


Cyber Café Management System2016

8. Diagrams
8.1 Class Diagram:
Cyber Café Management System2016

8.2 Sequence Diagram:

Cyber Café Management System2016

9. Testing

9.1 About Testing:

Testing is a process that requires more efforts than any other software
engineering activity. Testing is a set of activities that can be planned in advance
and conducted systematically.

This may lead to have many undetected errors in the system being developed.
Hence performing testing by adopting systematic strategies in very much essential
in during development of software.

Various testing strategies for conventional software are :-

1. Unit Testing :-
In this type of testing techniques are applied to detect the errors from each
software component individually .

2. Integration testing :-
It focuses on issues associated with the verification and program construction
as components begin interacting with one another.

3. Validation testing :-
It provides assurance that the software validation criteria (established during
requirement analysis) meets all functional , behavioral and performance
requirements .

4. System testing :-
In system testing all system elements forming the system is tested as a whole.
Cyber Café Management System2016

9.2 White Box Testing

In this testing the internals of software are tested to make sure that they operate
according to specifications and designs.

The test case for Online Academic System is as following:-

Test Test case Test case case Test Defect
case Name Description Test steps status case severity
Id (pass/ priority
1 Login In this case In this step, Pass 1
user will try the user will
to login in the enter user
system in name and
order to use password and
the use the then click on
system the login
functionality. button.
2 Website In this test In this step , Pass 2
Blocking case ,Admin the user can
and tracking Can block or not block
track the websites.

3 Bandwidth It gives you User cannot pass 3

Monitor the option to use internet
set download exceeding
limits for usage limit.
4 Accounting Maintains an Valid Pass 4
invoice for payment.
each cash
Cyber Café Management System2016

9.3 Black Box Testing

It’s also called as “behavioral testing”. It focuses on functional requirement of the

system. As per the name suggests in black box testing it is tested whether the input
is accepted properly and output is correctly produced.

Equivalence Partitioning:-

 In this technique, if an input condition requires a specific a range, one valid

and two invalid equivalence classes are defined.
 If an input condition requires a specific value, one valid and two invalid
equivalence classes are defined.

 If an input condition specifies member of a set, one valid and two invalid
equivalence classes are defined.
 If an input condition is a Boolean, one valid and two invalid equivalence
classes are defined.

Equivalence Partitioning for Cyber Cafe Management System is :-

Log in Module:

Input conditions:- Valid username, valid password

Test values:- 1.(Bhoomika, bhumu123)


Website Blocking/Tracking Module:

Input conditions :- (Website name, No of days )

Test values :- 1.(,15)


Cyber Café Management System2016

Accounting Module:

Input conditions :- (Invoice No,Customer_Id,Cust_Name,

Items, Quantity)

Test values :- 1.(001,C01,Unnati,Pen-drive,2)


Bandwidth Monitor Module:

Input conditions :- (limit)

Test values :- 1.(1GB)


Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) :-

 Boundary value analysis is done to check boundary conditions.

 Using boundary value analysis , instead of focusing on input
conditions only, the test cases from the output domains are also
 It is a complement to the equivalence partitioning.

Cyber Café Management System2016

10 . Preliminary Schedule

The Application should be completed within a specific time period depending on

each module.

The deadline of the particular modules is given as per the below given table :-

Modules Deadline
Requirement gathering 12-20 days
Designing & planning 3week
Developing 2 months
Testing 3 week
Maintenance -

Cyber Café Management System2016

11. Preliminary Budget

The total funding of the software is around 5-6 lakhs.

Task Expenses(Rs.)
Employee’s salary 85,000
Hardware 2,00,000
Software 90,000
Licensing 50,000
Maintenance 1,00,000

Cyber Café Management System2016

12. Cost Estimation

Function Point calculation

Function points (FP) measure size in terms of the amount of functionality in a

system. Function points are computed by first calculating an unadjusted function
point count (UFC). Counts are made for the following categories

 Number of user inputs

 Number of user outputs
 Number of user inquiries
 Number of files
 Number of external interfaces
Once this data has been collected, a complexity rating is associated with each
count according to Table

TABLE 1: Function point complexity weights.

Measurement parameter Count Weighting factor

Simple Averag Compl
e ex
Number of user inputs 10 3 4 6 40
Number of user outputs 8 4 5 7 32
Number of user inquiries 5 3 4 6 30
Number of files 20 7 10 15 200
Number of external 15 5 7 10 150

Cyber Café Management System2016

Table 2. Components of the technical complexity factor.

Component Rate
F1 Reliable back-up and 5
F2 Data communication 3
F3 Distributed functions 3
F4 Performance 3
F5 Heavily used 2
F6 Online data entry 5
F7 Operational ease 4
F8 Online update 3
F9 Complex interface 1
F10 Complex processing 3
F11 Reusability 1
F12 Installation ease 3
F13 Multiple sites 3
F14 Facilitate change 1
Total 40

Function Point = UFP * [ 0.65 + 0.01 * ∑ ( Fi ) ]

= 452* [ 0.65 + 0.01 * 40 ]

= 452* [ 0.65 + 0.40 ]

= 452 * 1.05


A review of historical data indicates –

1. Average Productivity is 10 FP/Person Month.

2. Average labour cost id 20000 ₹

Cyber Café Management System2016


1. Cost per function point = (20000 / 10) = ₹ 2000

2. Total Estimated project cost = (474 * 909) = ₹ 430866

3. Total Estimated Effort = ( 474 / 10) = 47.4 Person/Month

Cyber Café Management System2016



Appendix A: Glossary

Terms Definitions
User Someone who interacts with the System.

Admin/administrator System administrator who is given specific permission

for managing and controlling the system.
HMS Cyber Cafe Management System

Rector People appointed by the Hostel Manager for

monitoring and checking of the work done by the user.

Stakeholder Any person who has interaction with the system who
is not a developer.


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