Reference: Summary - More Than Half of All Diseases in The World Today Are Noncommunicable

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This research study was aimed at measuring the frequency of depression, anxiety, and stress
and its association with other variables i.e., age, gender, and off work hours among low back
pain (LBP) patients attentind orthopedic outpaitent department (OPD) at aprivate hospital in
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (SA). Data was collected between the periods of 2017-2018. All patients
who attended orthopaedic OPD with LBP were included in this study and were requested to fill
the Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21) questionnaire. The gathered data were
then analyzed through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 (SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, IL). The One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the mean
difference in depression, anxiety, and stress scores between genders, age, and number of
leaves from their work. Results showed that 360 patients came to the OPD with primary
compalint of LBP, 88.3% were male while 11.7% were female. the study showed that among
these patients 24 were suffereing from depression while 136 from anxiety and 167 from stress.

Benziger, C. P., Roth, G. A., & Moran, A. E. (2016). The Global Burden of Disease Study
and the Preventable Burden of NCD. Global heart, 11(4), 393–

Summary - More than half of all diseases in the world today are noncommunicable
diseases (NCD). Almost half of NCD deaths are caused by cardiovascular illnesses, and
the bulk of these deaths take place in low- and middle-income countries. The GBD
(Global Burden of Disease) study counts and compares the number of deaths and
disabilities caused by more than 300 diseases in more than 100 nations. According to
GBD analysis, the rise in NCD is partly attributable to longer life spans brought on by a
decline in infant, child, and maternal mortality. However, avoidable risk factors also play
a role and serve as targets for NCD control initiatives. Nontraditional risk factors
including air pollution and excessive alcohol consumption contribute to NCDs in
addition to traditional risk factors like smoking, high blood pressure, and an unhealthy
diet. The GBD research is expanding by collecting more information from country
partners than ever before, as well as by assessing health at the national and subnational
levels and during shorter time periods.

Milsom, P., Smith, R., Baker, P., & Walls, H. (2021). International investment liberalization,
transnational corporations and NCD prevention policy non-decisions: a realist review on
the political economy of tobacco, alcohol and ultra-processed food. Globalization and
health, 17(1), 134.

 conclusion, the findings of this study revealed that LBP and mental distress are related to
each other. This finding urges physicians to check and treat the mental distress in patients
with LBP for a better outcome.
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