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1.1 e of Requirements document

This software requirements specification (SRS) specifies the requirements of the

cyber café management system which will be used in college internet laboratories
or internet cafes. This document will be used for the clients to ensure all
specifications and requirements and conductive as mentioned by the software
engineer to design the system.

1.2 Document conventions

Main section titles

Font: Times new roman face: bold Size: 14

Sub section titles

Font: Times new roman face: bold Size: 12

Other text explanations

Font: Times new roman face: bold Size:12

1.3 Intended audience and reading suggestions

Clients: The user of the system will get a clear idea of a software and hardware
requirements to be engaged.

Lab technicians: They will be in a position to attain the various features that are
enabled in the software there by including new definitions for a security

Developers: project developers have a advantage of quickly understanding the

methodology enabled and personalizing the product.

Students: The project shows an infinite path in the field of security in the internet
labs. There is a always perspective of development.

The authors would suggest clients to go through the requirement section

thoroughly before installing the software. The lab technicians are expected to have
a certain knowledge in the terms used and hence can go for the security issues
Cyber Café Management System2016

directly. Students and developers can utilize the documentation as a

resource in developing the project to a new product.
Objective of Cyber Cafe Management System
The objective and scope of my Project Cyber Cafe Management System is
to record the details variousactivities of user. It will simplifies the task and
reduse the paper work. uring implementation every userwill be given
appropriate training to suit their specific needs. Specific support will also be
provided at keypoints within the academic calendar. Training will be provided
on a timely basis! and you will be trained asthe new is Cyber Cafe Management
System rolled out to your area of responsibility. "t the moment we are in
the very early stages! so it is difficult to put a specific time on the training! but
wewill keep people informed as plans are developed.The system is very
user friendly and it is anticipatedthat functions of the system will be easily
accessed by administrators! academics! students andapplicants.#ence the
management system for the College management has been designed to remove
all thedeficiency from which the present system is suffering and to ensure

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