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Concentration of Power

Bharat Ane Nenu is an Indian Movie that talks about a political drama. It talks about how a
political dynasty is being imposed. From Bharat’s “Politics is not my cup of tea” to “Leading the country
is my responsibility.”
Bharat Ane Nenu combines the twin passions of India – cinema and politics. It is an amazing
movie that projects how politics is greatly affecting the country. To summarize the movie, an educated
man who was brought up in London, politics was not what he had in mind as a career option. However,
now that he is here, he intends to do a good job, change the way his state works and make his word count.
The premise of an honest, development-oriented man deciding to enter the world of politics harks back to
Tamil Nadu.
The film has added depth as it also deals with nepotism in politics, politicking based on caste and
the red-tape which plagues government procedures. We, as the governed, get to live vicariously as we see
a CM who goes to work as soon, he takes office and makes that day count for something.
The movie is great, the people behind it really worked hard to produce such an amazing movie.
Aside from this, the movie made us of literary devices that made the movie look better. Some of these
literary devices are flashbacking, foreshadowing, dramatic irony and metaphor.
Firstly, flashback is a device that moves an audience from the present moment in a chronological
narrative to a scene in the past. Often, flashbacks are abrupt interjections that further explain a story or
character with background information and memories (Literary Terms). The movie made use of
flashbacking to tell the story behind the scene to make the audience understand more the event. It was
used to keep the audience’s interest in watching the movie and not questioning on what or why is that
certain event is happening; flashbacking was used to explain further the scene and to answer a query. In
the movie, flashbacking was used thrice, Bharat’s childhood and the death of his father. While on the way
going home to his country, Bharat remembered his life when he was then a young boy under his parents’
care. Another, Bharat was curious about his father’s death. The movie made use of flashback to answer a
query, this was Bharath’s curiosity about his father’s death. Bharat tried to investigate how his father died
and he found out that his father’s death was a foul play, as narrated by his then personal assistant. Upon
knowing this event, Bharat became furious and went to his father’s friend, Varadarajulu who was behind
Bharat’s effective term in succeeding his father’s legacy. In this scene, flashbacking was used to narrate
the story behind that was not mentioned in the story. Varadarajulu narrated how his friend, Raghava or
Bharat’s father, died; his involvement in his death and the reason why he was eager to kill his own friend.
Secondly, foreshadowing is literary device that warns or indicates a future event. The movie used
foreshadowing to indicate and suppose a future event. In the movie, Varadarajulu, Raghava’s friend,
viewed Bharat as the deserving leader of Tamil Nadu, after Raghava’s death. His view and expectation of
him foreshadows Bharat as the country’s leader. However, it did not end the way Varadarajulu wanted.
Bharat did not follow his command, instead, he decided on his own and responded to what the country
needs, not what the party he belongs want or desire from him. Varadarajulu’s instinct and prospect
foreshadows that Bharat can lead the country.
Thirdly, dramatic Irony it’s when the audience knows something the characters don’t — so
the characters might get an unexpected outcome, but for the audience it’s not unexpected at all (Literary
Terms). The movie used dramatic irony to emphasize how betrayal comes across insecurity and jealousy.
In the movie, Bharat has no idea that Varadarajulu has been fooling him and his father. He thought that
his uncle will be on his side, as to what he promised him. He doesn’t know that the reason why his uncle
had appointed him as the Chief Minister is to control him. He betrayed Bharat and his father as well. The
audience know this because the movie showed the private transactions his uncle has been into that is
behind Bharat and his father’s back.
Lastly, metaphor is poetically calling things something else (Underwood, 2021). The movie made
use of metaphor in the dialogues. The cast of the movie spoke figuratively, specifically made use of
metaphor. Some of these are, “Promise is faith, we live in that faith only”-Aamani; “Animals are more
organized in this country”-Bharat. The movie showed its crafts in making dialogues more creative. It was
effective indeed because it also caught the audience’s attention in deeply understanding what the lines
really talks about.
Overall, the movie is good in a way that the plot is clearly understood. The cinematography suits
the setting and the genre of the film. Everything was maximized that the movie came out astonishing.

Concentration of Power
The movie is a political drama. The plot talks about politics. In the movie, the form of
government is parliamentary government, a democratic form of government in which the party (or
a coalition of parties) with the greatest representation in the parliament (legislature) forms the
government, its leader becoming chief minister or chancellor.
There are very few similarities between parliamentary governance and dictatorship. Both can be
identified as forms of governance. Parliamentary and dictatorial regimes both vest their authority in one
person or a few individuals. Both types of government can be effective or infective depending on several
factors that may involve the particular individual holding the executive authority. A dictatorship is
generally a poor form or governance.
In parliamentary government, as seen in the movie, the chief minister and other cabinet members
are selected by the political party that holds a majority of seats in the legislative body. Bharat was
selected by the party leader. During assemblies that Bharat attended, there are things observed that is
being practiced in the parliamentary system. First, each branch of government in a parliamentary system
is governed by a system of checks and balances. That reduces the chances of one branch being able to
overpower others when pursuing legislation. Bharat gave each branch a budget that was equally divided
and is enough to suffice the needs of the place. Then, it supports a diverse range of opinions. A true
majority within a parliamentary system is rare. That is because anyone can form their own political party
to run for office. That means smaller parties tend to work together to form a coalition, which supports
more opinions than a standard party platform would. Next, it reduces the voice of minority parties.
Although anyone can form a political party, the large, established political parties have the most influence
in a parliamentary system. Unless a coalition is necessary, those with large parties tend to ignore the
needs of the smaller parties. The opposing party, though with many comments and suggestions, they were
not addressed to balance the situation; Only Bharat’s opinion were considered. Lastly, it does not change
royal influences. A parliamentary system is often overseen by a monarch or royal figure. They may have
zero control or ultimate control over the legislation passed by the government. This position is not
influenced by the elections which are held. Just because Bharat’s father died, he was expected to be the
successor of the position when in fact he has no idea about politics.
On the other hand, dictatorship (our report) is a government ruled by a dictator. A dictator
exercises absolute power and often formulates laws that are meant to suppress competition.  It provides
efficient and prompt administration.  The reason is that dictatorship does not believe in consultation
discussion or debates. Since the leaded or ruling party has absolute powers, they can take quick and
prompt actions. They adopt such policy, which to them appears to be most beneficial. Besides, such
people are appointed to do the jobs as are efficient and competent.
Furthermore, both have been identified as systems of governance which have very few
similarities unless the principles of democracy are compromised to bring in some elements of
dictatorship. However, the two are different in several ways that mainly relate to the rights and freedoms
of citizens and the concentration of power.
Over all, Bharat Ane Nenu points out that every government has its own flaws and success. It is
hard leading people because everybody has their own opinion and it differs from one other. However, this
can be solved if a leader is considerate enough to check his constituents and jurisdiction. A leader is
supposed to be the father of his land. “A true leader is one that forms a society who doesn’t need a

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