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Songs Video


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Big Fun Theme Song 5
Unit 1 6
Target Song “People at School” 6
“Amazing Nature” 6
“Good-bye Song” 7
Unit 3 7
“Spider Web Song” 7
Unit 4 7
“Months of the Year” 7
“Seeds Can Travel” 8
Unit 5 8
Target Song “Eating Out” 8

Unit 6 9
“Amazing Peacock” 9

Unit 8 9
“Caterpillars and Butterflies” 9

Dear Teacher: The Big Fun Song Video can be used in a variety of
Songs are a very important part of BIG FUN. Children love • To introduce vocabulary before starting work on the
to sing and move to music. The Target Songs in the Big vocabulary pages (the second and third pages of every
Fun Songs Video were written specifically to practice and unit) or to present concepts on other pages (such as
reinforce the structures and vocabulary that the children the pages that focus on math, readiness, values, and
are learning in each unit. These songs thus become nature).
another means to help children practice what they are • To provide a fun review of vocabulary and/or concepts
learning in a very enjoyable way! toward the middle or end of the unit, either as a
warm-up or a wrap-up activity.
The video has additional songs to help children practice • To informally assess children’s progress.
concepts that they are learning in each unit, such as • To celebrate a special occasion or to offer a prize to the
prepositions, math, nature, and reading readiness. The class for working well.
lyrics and corresponding gestures for the songs can be
found in this Video Guide and in the Teacher’s Edition for
each level.
Best wishes,
When children use gestures to represent parts of a song,
Mario Herrera
such as lifting their arms up over their head to form a sun,
Barbara Hojel
or mimicking the effect of falling raindrops by wiggling their
fingers, they can grasp the meaning of the song without it
having to be translated. The suggested gestures appear
in parentheses next to each line of the song. Feel free to
develop your own gestures or even encourage the children
to offer their suggestions for gestures.

The Big Fun Songs Video helps both the teacher and
students visualize the songs. Seeing the background
images helps students understand what the songs are

“Big Fun Theme Song”

From the sky to the ground (point to sky and ground) Join your hands with me. (point to self with both hands)
And all the way around— (spin around in place) Let’s see what we can see! (put right hand over eyes,
We can have big fun! (open arms out) looking around)
If there’s rain, (wiggle fingers to mimic falling raindrops) Then take a closer look. (same gesture, but lean forward)
If there’s sun, (form a circle with arms over head) We’ll learn beyond our book.
Let’s play with everyone. (sweep arm to invite “everyone”) Look, oh, look! (gesture toward objects)
We can have big, big fun! (open arms out)
Take a walk outside. (walk exaggeratedly in place with (repeat last line of chorus)
knees high, arms pumping)
Our world is big and wide.
There are flowers and trees (point toward the ground, then
up toward “trees”)
And yellow bumblebees. (mime being a bumblebee with
index fingers up as antennae, moving about buzzing)
Buzz, Buzz, Buzz! (move around buzzing)


UNIT 1 - Target Song “People at School” C: She is the one I’m looking for. Thank you for helping
C: I don’t know your school well. me. (gesture toward “you” and then self)
Can you please help me? T: You are very welcome. Welcome to our school!
Can you please tell me who is he? Who is she? C: Welcome to our school!
(gesture toward a boy and then toward a girl)
UNIT 1 - “Amazing Nature”
T: He is the music teacher. (gesture toward a boy) What is nature?
C: What does he do? (question gesture) Do you know? (question gesture)
T: He helps us learn to sing! (hold hands in front of Nature is grass (gesture toward ground)
body in “singing” position or “conducting”) And things that grow! (bend knees and rise as you gesture
C: Now, who is she? (gesture toward a girl) upwards with hands)

T: She is the janitor. Plants and flowers,

C: What does she do? (question gesture) Bugs and bees,
T: She keeps our school clean. (mime sweeping floor) Rivers, lakes, and
C: Now, who is he? (gesture toward a boy) All our trees!

T: He is the gatekeeper. Mountains, beaches,

C: What does he do? (question gesture) Butterflies,
T: He takes care of the gate. (mime opening and Puffy clouds
closing a gate) Up in our skies! (point up toward sky)
C: Now, who is she? (gesture toward a girl)
Tiny ants
T: She is the principal. (smile and wave) That are so small! (crouch down and show small with
C: What does she do? (question gesture) fingers)
T: She helps everybody here at our school. (put hand And giraffes that
on hips and then smile and wave) Are so tall! (stand on tippy toes and stretch arms up)

Dolphins, monkeys, Spider webs are fragile.
Birds that fly, (put arms out to sides and pretend to fly) They glisten in the sun! (wiggle fingers to gesture
Moon and stars glistening)
In a nighttime sky. They are just amazing things!
They’re different—every one.
Rain and lightning,
Winds that blow. (move arms back and forth to mimic wind) How does a spider spin? (gesture “how” with hands)
This is nature. I don’t know how. (shake head)
Now you know! But, if I find out someday,
Then I’ll tell you how. (gesture toward a classmate)

“Good-bye Song”
Good-bye, Teacher! (wave right hand) UNIT 4 - “Months of the Year”
Good-bye, friends. (wave left hand) There are twelve months in a year.
Good-bye, good-bye, good-bye. (sway side They are in this song.
to side) We can learn the names
I’ll see you tomorrow. (wave) By singing along.
Good-bye, good-bye, good-bye. (sway side
to side) January, February, March, April, May,
June, July,
August, September,
UNIT 3 - “Spider Web Song” October, November,
In my garden, sometimes December. (point to each month on board or calendar
I see spider webs! (use fingers to show spider moving) when it is named)
Tiny ones. Bigger ones. (gesture tiny and then bigger) (repeat)
Some up above my head! (walk figures up above head)

There are 12 months in a year. UNIT 5 - Target song “Eating Out”
They are in this song. C1: We’re going out to eat now, (walk in place)
We just learned the names But I don’t know where!
By singing along. Let’s go to a restaurant! (waves to viewer as if to join
UNIT 4 - “Seeds Can Travel” I’m hungry as a bear! (rub tummy with hunger)
I never knew that seeds could travel (shake head)
When the wind gives them a push! (push arms out) T: (spoken) Is this your pizza? (mime balancing a pizza
See them go, see them fly—(flap arms like wings) on a one hand by shoulder)
When the wind goes Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! (wave C: (spoken) No, it isn’t.
arms back and forth) May I have a pizza, (put finger on chin and look up
as if thinking)
Did you know that there are trees—(hold both arms straight Spaghetti, and cake?
up to mime being a tree) Is ice cream on the menu?
With seeds that twirl around? (twirl hands toward ground I like ice cream!
to mimic leaves falling) T: (spoken) Oh, for goodness sake! (hit head with
They spin and twirl like helicopters (hold arms out to sides hand as if exasperated)
and twirl)
Down, down, down to the ground! (bend down slowly) C: May I have watermelon, (finger on chin looking up as
Nature is fun for everyone! (circle arms over head to end if thinking)
with hands on hips) Milk, soup, and fish?
A salad with carrots!
Will this fit on my dish?

T: (spoken) No, I’m sorry. You’re going to get sick!

(shake head “No”)

C: I’m just kidding! Thank you, thank you, thank you, nature—
Can’t you see? (mime laughing) For the wonders that we see! (point to eyes)
I want a big pizza. (form a big circle with arms in I love nature very much! (put hands on heart or form
front of body) fingers in a heart shape)
And I want it for me! (point to self) I’m as happy as can be! (point to self)

C: (spoken) Waiter, may I have a pizza, a napkin, and a

straw, please? UNIT 8 - “Caterpillars and Butterflies”
T: (spoken) Yes, of course you may! (nod head “Yes”) C1: Caterpillars creep and crawl. (mime creeping and
C: Thank you very much! crawling)
They eat green leaves, (mime eating leaves)
UNIT 6 - “Amazing Peacock” Big and small. (gesture big and small)
AMAZING CATERPILLAR! (sway to music)
Peacock! Peacock! Amazing peacock! (strut like a peacock)
AMAZING CATERPILLAR! (sway to music)
What fabulous feathers I see!
So colorful, they shine and glisten. (wiggle fingers to
Caterpillars work and play,
indicate glistening)
And love the Earth, (fan out arms in a big circle)
How can it be? (gesture “how” with hands)
Night and day.
AMAZING CATERPILLAR! (sway to music)
Peacock! Peacock! Amazing peacock! (strut like a peacock)
AMAZING CATERPILLAR! (sway to music)
I like your shiny head. (put hands on head)
You have a wonderful tail. (shake “tail”)
Caterpillars make cocoons. (wrap arms around body
I love to watch it spread. (spread hands out in a fan
as though building a cocoon)
They change so much. (continue gesture and turn

You’ll find out soon. (continue gesture) Butterflies find their way, (stretch up and mime
AMAZING CATERPILLAR! (with arms still wrapped Just like us (point to self)
around body, crouch down and stay still) Every day.
WE ARE AMAZING, TOO! (stand up and proudly
MN: (spoken) Oh, my goodness! Look at that. (point to point to self)
the imaginary cocoon children are building) AMAZING ME AND YOU. (point to self and then to a
The cocoon is moving. Shhhh! (gesture “Shhh!”) classmate)
Something in there is moving... Look at that!
(Children wiggle with increasing movement)
I think it wants to get out. (Children slowly stand tall,
arms still wrapped around bodies)

ALL: Butterflies stretch and fly— (stretch up and mime

Over the grass, (point toward ground)
Into the sky. (point toward sky)
AMAZING BUTTERFLY. (mime flying)
AMAZING BUTTERFLY. (mime flying)

Butterflies live and grow (hold out arms wide to

indicate growing bigger)
In our world (fan out arms in a big circle)
That we love so. (put hands on heart)
AMAZING BUTTERFLY. (mime flying)
AMAZING BUTTERFLY. (mime flying)


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