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My understanding about Christianity is that Christians are monotheistic they believe there's only one god,

and he created heaven and earth the essence on the resurrection of jesus. They believe jesus was crucified
on a cross to offer the forgiveness of sins and was resurrected three days after his death before ascending
to heaven. The most important Christian holidays are Christmas which celebrates the birth of jesus and
Easter which commemorates the resurrection of jesus. And Christians have a cross symbol of Christianity.
Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in the world, with more than 2 billion followers. The
Christian faith centers on beliefs regarding the birth, life, death and resurrection of jesus crist. Christians
believes that jesus Christ was the son of God fully human and fully devine and that through believing in
him and following his teachings they can inherit eternal life. Jesus live and experiencedthe suffering of
humans. Jesus healed the sick and told stories, God wanted people to do to love God with all thier hearts
and love thier neighbors as themselves. Jesus taught by example by being loving and forgiving especially
towards to those who were considered outcast in society. This is the central message and style of Jesus
teaching. The bible teaches that the good works we do cannot make us acceptable to God. A true Christian
is a person who has put faith and trust in the person and work of jesus christ including his death on the
cross as payment for sins and his resurrection. And they believe that the mark of a true Christian is love for
others and obideince of god's word, a true Christian is indeed a child of go a pary of God's true family and
one who has been given new life in jesus Christ. Like the followers of many religions, christians have a
sacred text the bible, which is a compilation of many smaller text written by many authors, only some of
whose identities are known.

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