Lecture 5

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This section is designed to measure your comprehension of

standard written English. In the following questions each

sentence has an underlined word or phrase. Below each

sentence are for other words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C),

(D). You are able to choose the one word or phrase that best

keeps the meaning of the original sentence. (Number one is

done for you).

- Both boats and trains are used for transporting the materials.

a) Plans

b) Ships

c) Canoes

d) Railroads

1- Heterogeneous catalysts are widely used in petroleum


a) Strongly
b) Extensively

c) Weightily

d) Narrowly

2- A messenger was sent to the council with important


a) An activist

b) A career

c) An envoy

d) A scout

3- In some countries, nuclear power produces up to two-third

of the necessary electricity

a) Makes

b) Receives

c) Dissipates

d) Manages
4- A two-third majority in Congress is required if a bill is to

become a law.

a) Necessary

b) Desirable

c) Ordered

d) Optional

5- The first published article appeared in 1614.

a) Edited

b) Noticed

c) Apparent

d) Printed

6- Caffeine was originally produced from plants.

a) First

b) Appropriately

c) Often

d) Only
7- The speed of light is used to measure the vast spaces between

stars and planets.

a) Empty

b) Huge

c) Interstellar

d) Infinite

8- Although Florida is commonly believed to be the

southernmost state in the United States, Hawaii really is.

a) Sporadically

b) Basically

c) Generally

d) Unwaveringly

9- Insects are the most diverse class of animals in number,

form, and natural range.

a) Poetic

b) Intricate
c) Varied

d) Hard working

10- The Sahara, the world’s largest desert, extends over 9

million square kilometers.

a) Spreads

b) Sites

c) Presents

d) Condenses

11- Mental patients are given the drug to reduce tension.

a) Stress

b) Disease

c) Pain

d) Awareness

12- The most secure type of bolt is a deadbolt.

a) Heaviest

b) Most costly
c) Most common

d) Safest

13- The United States government issues three types of

passports: diplomatic, official, and regular.

a) Orders

b) Circulates

c) Retains

d) Relies on

14- Death Valley received its name because of its desolate

desert environment.

a) Sandy

b) Hot

c) Barren

d) Deadly

15- When in Washington, the U.S. Presidents resides at the

White House.
a) Returns to

b) Resists

c) Lives in

d) Sides with

16- The fer-de-lance, a kind of viber, is one of the most

poisonous snakes.

a) Deadly

b) Vicious

c) Bad tasting

d) Unhealthy

17- Carbon monoxide prevents hemoglobin from supplying

oxygen to the body.

a) Discourage

b) Distracts

c) Impedes

d) Excuses
18- There are hundreds of species of eels, some living in

fresh water but most living in oceanic waters.

a) Specialties

b) Relatives

c) Kinds

d) Offspring

19- The mission at San Juan Capistrano was partially

destroyed by an earthquake in 1812.

a) Partly

b) Briefly

c) Intentionally

d) Purposefully

20- Quality control is an essential aspect of the

manufacturing process.

a) An alternative

b) An introspective
c) An encompassing

d) A necessary

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