Lecture 6

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Reading Passage 5

Who was Steve Jobs?

Do you have an iPad, iPod, iPhone, a smart watch or a
computer? If you don’t, you probably know someone who has one
(or wants one). Steve Jobs made the company – Apple – that
created these things that are now such an important part of the
lives of millions of people.
He was born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco,
California. When he was a boy, he had a special hobby: he liked
to take apart televisions and put them back together again. He
was a very good student in school and even skipped a grade. After
he finished grade four, he went into grade six, and in 1972, when
he was seventeen, he graduated from high school. He then began
his studies in Reed College, in Portland, Oregon, but dropped out
after six months. Deciding to quit was not at all easy. It was
difficult, but as Jobs later said, “I had no idea what I wanted to do
with my life”. Two years later in 1974, he travelled to India, and
while there he learned about Buddhism.
After Steve Jobs returned to the United States, he found a
job as a video game designer at a company called Atari, and two
years after that, in 1976, when he was only twenty-one years old,
he created his own company – Apple Computer – with his friend,
Steve Wozniak. Steve Jobs later got married in 1991 and had four
children. Unfortunately, doctors discovered that he had cancer in
2003 and in 2011 he died at the age of only 56.

A-Read the article below and answer the questions.
1- When was Steve Jobs born?
a) 1974
b) 1955
c) 1964
2- He made his own televisions as a boy because his family
was poor.
a) True
b) False
c) It does not say
3- Why didn’t Steve Jobs study in grade five in school?
a) He studied very hard
b) He thought it was too difficult
c) He didn’t know what to do with his wife
4- Steve Jobs never graduated from high school.
a) True
b) False
c) It does not say
5- When did Steve Jobs make Apple Computer Company?
a) 1976
b) 1974
c) 1975
6- What was the name of Steve Jobs’ wife?
a) Atari
b) Steve
c) It does not say
7- When did Steve Jobs die?
a) 2003
b) 1991
c) 2011
8- The article is about the Apple Computer company.
a) True
b) False
c) It does not say
B-Complete the following sentences with words from the box.
Attachment blog delete document download
e-book e-mail address file in-box keyboard
laptop link online password sign in

1- I can send you a message if you let me know your

2- If you click on that …………….., it will take you to a new
3- I sent you a message this morning. Did you check
4- How many hours a day are you ………………….?
5- I bring my ………………… computer to work.
6- How do you upload and ………………files?
7- Be careful when you decide to open a ……………. It may
have a virus.
8- I write about my travel experiences on my own personal
9- You can …………………..any computer document or e-
mail message that you don’t want to keep.
10- Oh no! just spilled my coffee on my
computer……………….! My boss will be really angry.
11- I almost never buy books at a book store anymore. I
usually read …………………..s.
12- You can …………….to your e-mail account with your
username and password.
13- Our teacher sent us an e-mail with an attachment called
homework.doc – “doc” means……………..
14- My …………….is a secret. Only I know it.
15- I took a photo of our school yesterday, and sent it to you
as an ………………………………..
Exercise II

1. If the weather…….. bad tomorrow, we can go to a museum.

A. will be B. was C. is D. would be
2. About a billion cans of Coca-Cola ……… drunk around the
world every day.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
3. My mum’s not very well.
Oh, ………….
A. it doesn’t matter B. I do apologise C. sorry to hear that
D. not bad, thanks.
4. Hans isn’t here. He ……….to see his grandmother. He’ll be
back tomorrow.
A. has gone B. had been C. has been D. had gone
5. Would you mind changing my appointment?.......... time on
Friday is fine.
A. Next B. All the C. Every D. Any
6. When I was a child, I……… climb the wall and jump into
our neighbours’ garden.
A. would B. did C. have D. used
7. Have you finished…………. the wall yet?
A. paint B. to paint C. painting D. painted
8. Can you help me? I’ve tried…………… hotel in the city and
can’t find a room.
A. many B. any C. every D. all
9. Lena used to find work boring…… she became a nurse.
A. unless B. until C. if D. since
10. If I ………… closer to my office, I could walk to work.
A. lived B. would live C. had lived D. live
11. ………. outside the cinema when suddenly a police car
A. stood B. was standing C. have stood
D. am standing
12. Shall we go to The Riceboat for dinner?
It …… be fully booked. They’re sometimes busy on a
A. will B. may C. can D. must
13. We’ve ……….. come back from a trip to India. It was
A. already B. yet C. just D. only
14. I’ve got to be at work in five minutes.
Don’t worry, I ………you a lift if you want.
A. give B. am giving C. ’ll give D. ’m going to give
15. My doctor advised me ………. more exercise.
A. take B. taking C. having taken D. to take
16. I couldn’t …….. up with the noise in the city, so we moved
to the countryside.
A. put B. live C. set D. take
17. There’s no name on this dictionary.
It …… be mine then. Mine’s got my name on the front.
A. might not B. mustn’t C. won’t D. can’t
18. Julia …… married since she was 20.
A. is B. was C. has been D. is being
19. Don’t worry if I ……… late tonight. I’m going to the gym
after work.
A. am B. will be C. would be D. was

20. I’ve got a terrible headache, and it won’t go away.

Have you tried ……….. some aspirin?
A. to take B. take C. took D. taking
21. Boxing is a sport …….. requires a lot of speed and fitness.
A. it B. that C. what D. where
22. Jon ……….working on this project for a couple of months
so he hasn’t made much progress yet.
A. is only B. has only been C. was only D. had
only been
23. I was wondering…… I could ask you some questions.
Sure, go ahead.
A. what B. if C. that D. how
24. What clothes should I pack for a trip to Boston?
Well, it depends …… the time of year that you go.
A. on B. with C. up D. to

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