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Journal of Energy Storage 8 (2016) 69–77

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Detachable electrical connection of battery cells by press contacts

Martin J. Branda,* , Philipp Berga , Elisabeth I. Kolpa , Tobias Bachb , Philipp Schmidtc,
Andreas Jossena
Institute for Electrical Energy Storage Technology, Technical University of Munich, Arcisstr. 21, 80333 Munich, Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research, Neunerplatz 2, 97082 Wuerzburg, Germany
Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management, Technical University of Munich, Boltzmannstr. 15, 85748 Garching, Germany


Article history:
Received 20 June 2016 In battery applications, every electrical connection of battery cells is important because it influences
Accepted 25 September 2016 functionality, efficiency, and safety. Increased contact resistances generate more heat at the affected
Available online 5 October 2016 terminals and if contact resistances of parallel-connected battery cells differ the current divides
Keywords: Amongst different techniques, detachable connections are easy to handle and have advantages for
Press contact service, repair and recycling. Usually, detachable electrical connections are based on the functional
Battery assembly principle of press contacts. So, press contacts are frequently used for consumer batteries in electronic
Electrical contact resistance
devices, for pouch battery cells in scientific tests, and for large battery cells with screw connections.
Lithium-ion battery cell
This paper focusses on the electrical contact resistance of press contacts for battery cells. A novel
Equivalent electric circuit
measuring method to assess the contact resistance itself is presented. Common terminal and connector
metals for battery cells and the dependence of their contact resistances on the contact pressure, surface
roughness, and contact area are investigated and compared with welding techniques. Only if these
dependencies are considered, contact resistances as low as for welded connections are achieved.
Furthermore, due to its hard passivating Al203 surface film, aluminum contacts need a certain surface
roughness. The obtained results can serve for modeling and development of battery assemblies.
ã 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction There are many options to electrically connect battery cells,

such as welding, soldering, press contacts, and screwed joints.
Large battery assemblies are of particular interest, for example Because soldered connections can only be detached with signifi-
for the progressing electrification of mobility or the storage of cant effort, the most common detachable connection techniques
intermittent renewable energy. But also for portable electronic are press contacts and screwed joints. The functional principal of
devices, for example laptops, the battery is one of the key the resulting electrical contact resistances for both techniques is
components. In all battery applications, every single electrical the same and is based on the metallic contacts that are formed
connection of a battery cell is of importance because it influences when two metal surfaces are pressed together.
the functionality, efficiency, and safety. An increased electrical Detachable connections have significant advantages when it
contact resistance generates more heat at the affected terminal of a comes to service, repair and recycling. Another advantage is that
battery cell [1,2]. Additionally, for battery cells connected in this connection technique does not need expensive machines and
parallel, the total current is divided unequally if contact resistances therefore can be handled by every specialist workshop or in certain
differ significantly. These uneven loads may lead to inhomoge- cases also by the customer.
neous cell degradations, as discussed in [3,4]. What is more, An illustrative selection of battery cells with terminals for press
defective cell connections are prone to fail suddenly if imposed to contacts is shown in Fig. 1. A common usage of press contacts is for
mechanical stress. consumer batteries in electronic devices, for example cell-phones
or cameras. For this electronic applications, an example with brass
springs is shown in Fig. 1 bottom left. To test battery cells of the
pouch format, a press contact fixture can be used as shown in Fig. 1
bottom right. Such fixtures are quite common for scientific series of
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.J. Brand).
measurements. Furthermore, some large battery cells with high
2352-152X/ã 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
70 M.J. Brand et al. / Journal of Energy Storage 8 (2016) 69–77

Fig. 1. Exemplary selection of battery cells with terminals for press contacts.

power capability exhibit screw connections. Especially for lead acid terminals of battery cells, joining of other metals can be required,
battery cells but also for some large lithium-ion battery cells, screw for example a brass cell terminal with a nickel plated steel
or clamp connections are quite common. conductor [7,8]. For press contacts, mostly aluminum, copper,
The most important parameter to evaluate an electrical brass, and nickel-plated steel metals are used [7,8].
connection is the electrical contact resistance. Although press In the following sections, fundamentals of press contacts are
contacts are frequently used to electrically connect battery cells, presented first. Subsequently, the novel measurement and
few scientific publications on contact resistances of press calculation method for the electrical contact resistance as well
connections exist. As one of the few publications, Taheri et al. as the pneumatic test bench to apply defined pressure on the
[5] investigated the electrical contact resistance losses in lithium- tested metal specimens are presented. Based on these fundamen-
ion battery assemblies with screwed joints. Within that publica- tals the results of the series of measurements are explained. For the
tion, the authors focused on 20 Ah lithium-ion pouch battery cells series of measurements, the types of metals, the contact pressure,
connected by copper bars with and without an additional the surface roughness, and the contact area were varied
interfacial electrically conductive material [5]. Taheri et al. showed systematically. The measured electrical contact resistances can
that the pressure plays a key-role to reduce electrical contact losses serve as an important input for modeling and simulating battery
and that additional conductive materials can help to reduce assemblies.
contact losses at lower contact pressures [5]. At the end of this paper, the resulting electrical contact
The present paper’s focus is placed on the electrical contact resistances are compared to the contact resistances obtained for
resistance of press contacts at battery cells in general and lithium- spot, ultrasonic, and laser beam welding. Brass (CuZn37) test
ion battery cells in particular. The electrical contact resistance samples are used for the quantitative comparison of these four
occurs as a result of the joint and not in the bulk material. connection techniques, as this metal can be welded with all three
Therefore, it is a criterion which may be transferred to any size of welding techniques. In the conclusion, the suitability of press
joint partners. Within this paper, a novel measuring and contacts for battery cells and its settings to achieve low electrical
calculation method is applied to assess the electrical contact contact resistances are evaluated.
resistance itself.
For the series of measurements presented in this paper, the 2. Fundamentals on the electrical connection of press contacts
most common terminal and connector metals for battery cells are
investigated. Because of their stability, the materials of primary In this section, the fundamentals of stationary electrical
current collectors within lithium-ion battery cells are aluminum at contacts between two solid metals are presented. Therefore, the
the cathode and copper at the anode [6]. By contrast, at the

Fig. 2. Schematically (a) surface roughness including passivating surface films, (b) deformation when contact pressure pC is applied including current paths, (c) load bearing
areas AC,lb and a-spots AC,a.
M.J. Brand et al. / Journal of Energy Storage 8 (2016) 69–77 71

mechanical parameters of a contact surface that influence the contact pressure, the metals’ electrical conductivities, and the
electrical contact resistance are explained. surface micro-structures. The microscopic surface structure can be
All surfaces of solid metals have a certain roughness on the described by its roughness [14,15]. In order to control the surface
microscopic scale [9]. Consequently, if two metals are pressed roughness within this work, the surfaces of the investigated metal
together, mechanical contact occurs at spots with asperities as specimens were prepared with abrasive paper and abrasive fleece.
illustrated in Fig. 2. For each grain size and metal, the prepared surfaces were analyzed
The load bearing contact area AC,lb with actual mechanical with the 3D laser scanning microscope VK-X200 by the Keyence
contact is only a fraction of the apparent contact interface with the Corp. In general, using a laser microscope is, on the one hand,
area AC,app [9–11]. For metals, deformation occurs and increases the accurate and, on the other hand, does not influence the surface
load bearing areas depending on the contact pressure pC [10,12]. because of contactless measurement [15].
Because of insulating tarnish films on the metal surfaces, the Two exemplary measurement results for two brass specimens
electrically conductive area AC,a is smaller than the load bearing prepared with abrasive paper with grain size 180 and 600 are
area AC,lb [9,10]. It is widely accepted that these electrically shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b). The zero line of the surface depth is the
conductive areas are named a-spots [10,11]. average value of the measured depth. It can be seen, that the
Fig. 2(a)–(c) schematically show the roughness of the surface of measured asperities for the specimens prepared with abrasive
both metal contact partners including the passivating surface paper with grain size 180 are higher than the asperities measured
films, the deformation when a contact pressure pC is applied for grain size 600.
including the possible current paths, and the load bearing areas AC, This is also reflected in the average roughness values Ra defined
lb and a-spots AC,a. by the ISO 4287 standard [16]. The average roughness value Ra can
The contact resistance consists of the following two compo- be calculated by arithmetically averaging the measured surface
nents: the constriction resistance and the film resistance [10,13]. depths dsurf along the scanned line x (see Eq. (1)).
The film resistance is caused by the reduced conductivity of the xZ
passivating films on the load bearing surface areas that are not a-
Ra ¼ 1=xmax  jdsurf ðxÞjdx ð1Þ
spots [10,13]. The cause for the constriction resistance is illustrated
by Fig. 2(b). Because metallic contact occurs at discrete a-spots and
not throughout the whole apparent contact interface, the electrical The calculated average roughness values for the microscopic
current lines bundle together and therefore experience an surface profiles in Fig. 3(a) and (b) are 0.68 mm for the abrasive
additional resistance at the contact area [9–11]. These are the paper with 180 grain size and 0.42 mm for grain size 600.
two most important contributions that cause the electrical contact Furthermore, the probability densities and material ratios show
resistance, whereas discontinuities in the crystal latter can be that for both profiles the measured depths are normally
neglected [10]. distributed. Similar to the average roughness values, the variation
From the explained fundamentals, it is clear that the electrical of the surface depth is higher for abrasive paper with grain size 180.
contact resistance of two metals pressed together depends on the

Fig. 3. Surface roughness for brass specimens prepared with abrasive paper with (a) grain size 180 and (b) grain size 600.
72 M.J. Brand et al. / Journal of Energy Storage 8 (2016) 69–77

Fig. 4. Schematic view of test sample consisting of two connected metal specimens
overlapping by 15 mm  15 mm.

3. Method to measure electrical contact resistances of press


To obtain transferable results, the electrical contact resistance

itself, which only occurs as a result of the joint and not in the bulk
material of the conductors, has to be determined. In [17], the
authors presented a calculation and measurement method to
determine the electrical contact resistance between a pair of
defined metal specimens, as shown in Fig. 4. For this method, each
test sample consists of two specimens overlapping by a defined
contact area, which is by default 15 mm  15 mm. Three spots for
voltage measurements are marked on every specimen named A1,
A2, A3 and B1, B2, B3.
For every test sample, every resistance RAi,Bj (with i,j = 1 j = 1,2,3)
from one of the points A1, A2, or A3 to one of the points B1, B2, or B3 is
measured. Since the dimensions and the material electrical Fig. 5. Pneumatic measurement set-up to investigate the electrical contact
resistivity are exactly known, the resistances RAi,A0 from any resistance of press contacts.

measuring point A1, A2, or A3 to A0 can be calculated by Eq. (2). The

same applies for the specimen B. precision manometer is installed with a scale value of 0.02 bar, a
maximum value of 4 bar, and an accuracy class of 0.6. Once the
RAi;A0 ¼ rA  lAi;A0 =ðh  bÞ ð2Þ pressure is set to its desired value, the single measurements can be
activated by the on/off switch.
Within this equation, rA is the material electrical resistivity of
The compressed air is directed into the pneumatic cylinder
the specimen A and rB the resistivity of specimen B. The other
ESNU-32-50-P by the Festo AG & Co. KG that has a return spring
parameters refer to the dimensions of the specimen; h is the
integrated. In the measurement set-up shown in Fig. 5, the length
height, b the width, and lAi,AO is the distance from point A0 to Ai.
of stroke of the piston is 19 mm. To calculate the piston force Fcyl
The ideal resistance of the test sample consisting of the two
that is applied to the specimens, the spring force Fspring,19mm for a
specimens is obtained when the electrical contact resistance is
distance of 19 mm has to be subtracted. According to the data
zero. Consequently, the ideal overlap resistance RA0,B0,id between A0
sheet, the spring reduces the force of the pneumatic cylinder
and B0 can be calculated by Eq. (3).
    ESNU-32-50-P by 32.4 N [18]. Additionally, the friction reduces the
RA0;B0;id ¼ rA lA0;B0 =ðh  bÞ jj rB  lA0;B0 =ðh  bÞ ð3Þ total force of the piston by 8.85% and therefore a friction coefficient
cfric = 0.915 is introduced [18]. The complete calculation of the
The difference between the measured resistance RA0,B0,meas
piston force is given by Eq. (5).
and the ideal resistance RA0,B0,id is defined as the electrical contact
resistance RC. F cyl ¼ F ideal  F spring;19mm  cf ric 
RC ¼ RA0;B0;meas  RA0;B0;id ð4Þ ¼ pcyl  p  ð32mm=2Þ2  32:4N  0:915 ð5Þ

These equations are applicable for specimens with dimensions The cylinder force Fcyl is homogeneously applied to the test
as shown in Fig. 4 and especially for specimens of similar metal sample by a plunger. The plunger covers exactly the overlapping
types. contact area of the specimens and can be exchanged when the
The resistances were measured by the four-point probes contact area is varied between 10  15 mm2, 15  15 mm2,
method with the BT3562 by the Hioko E.E. Corp., which provides 20  15 mm2, 25  15 mm2, and 30  15 mm2.
a 1 kHz AC current Imeas = 100 mA to the longitudinal ends of the With that measurement set-up, the contact area and the
test samples and measures the voltage drop. To narrow the pressure can be varied, but once the desired values are set the
confidence interval, every combination RAi,Bj was measured five measurements are highly reproducible.
times and averaged. The graphs presented in the following
chapters are based on series of measurements in which, for every 4. Measurement matrix to investigate dependencies of press
measuring point, at least five test samples were tested and contacts
averaged subsequently.
The measurement set-up for press contacts is based on a In the previous sections, the measurement setup and the
pneumatic cylinder, the regulation of the compressed air, and a physical fundamentals of electrical contact resistances of press
fixture to hold the two specimens (see Fig. 5). Before each series of contacts were presented. On this basis, a measurement matrix can
tests, the pressure is adjusted to the desired value by the regulating be set up which delivers fundamental statements on the
valve. Since the pressure adjustment is done manually, a high dependencies of contact resistances.
M.J. Brand et al. / Journal of Energy Storage 8 (2016) 69–77 73

The following aspects influence the electrical contact resistance Eq. (5)). The variation was done in the following seven steps:
of press contacts the most: contact pressure, conductivity of the 0.31 N mm2, 0.38 N mm2, 0.48 N mm2, 0.63 N mm2, 0.98 N
metal, contact area, surface condition of the metal, and tempera- mm2, 1.41 N mm2, and 2.04 N mm2.
ture. The first four aspects are listed in the measurement matrix The dependencies of the contact resistance on the surface
and investigated in the following sections. All experiments were roughness and surface films is investigated by preparing the
carried out at an ambient temperature of approximately 22  C. surfaces with abrasive papers with grain sizes varying between 60,
For each series of measurements only one parameter was varied 100, 180, 320, 600, and abrasive fleece with grain size 1000. For the
while the other parameters were kept constant. Thereby, the tests with varying surface roughness, only brass and aluminum
influence of each single parameter on the contact resistance can be were investigated. Copper has similar surface films as brass.
quantified. Nickel-plated metals are not suitable for this investigation,
For the series of measurements, the following metals which are because preparation with abrasive paper would destroy the nickel
used most frequently for press connections of battery cells or layer. For aluminum and brass and the used abrasive papers,
battery assemblies are chosen: average roughness values between 0.35 mm and 1.70 mm are
obtained. For all other measurements, test samples were prepared
- Copper: For battery applications mostly electrolytic tough pitch with abrasive fleece by default. Nickel-plated steel was only
copper (CuETP) is used because of its low specific resistance of cleaned with a woolen sheet to keep the nickel layer undestroyed.
rCu = 17.24 mV mm [19]. For the presented series of measure- The contact area was varied from 150 mm2 to 450 mm2 in six
ments CuETP with material condition R360 according to the steps by varying the overlap of the test specimens and by changing
EN1652 standard was used. the corresponding plunger. The pressure was kept constant, for
- Aluminum: Within this work AW-1050A aluminum, which example by applying twice the cylinder force Fcyl in case of
consist of 99.5% of pure aluminum at least, was used. Because of doubling the contact area.
its low specific resistance of rAl = 27.78 mV mm, this pure A detailed overview on the three series of measurements and
aluminum is most suitable for electrical applications, especially the varied parameters is given by Tab. 1.
to distribute energy [19]. The condition of the aluminum chosen For the following series of measurements, all investigated test
for the experiments is H24 according to the EN485-2 standard. samples consist of two specimen of the same metal.
- Brass: For some battery cells, the terminals are made of brass.
This is also illustrated by the cell phone battery and the large 5. Influence of contact pressure on electrical contact resistance
lead acid battery cell shown in Fig. 1. Brass is an alloy of copper
and zinc, wherein zinc causes a reduction of electrical In this section the influence of the contact pressure on the
conductivity but an increase of the metal’s rigidity and tensile electrical contact resistance is investigated for copper, aluminum,
strength [20]. In the following series of measurements, the most brass, and nickel-plated steel test samples. Fig. 6(a) depicts the
common CuZn37 alloy with 37% zinc and a specific resistance of measured contact resistances over the variation of the contact
rCuZn37 = 66.67 mV mm is used. For this metal the material pressure for all four investigated metals.
condition is R360 according to the EN1652 standard. In the graph of Fig. 6(a), the averaged values and the 90%
- Nickel-plated steel: Nickel-plated steel is often used for confidence intervals are shown. This confidence interval defines
terminals and connectors of lithium-ion battery cells due to the range in which the average value is located with a stochastic
its corrosion resistance, high mechanical stability, and good confidence of 90% [22]. To narrow the confidence interval, the
weldability [7,8]. The metal used within this work consists of contact resistance of every test sample was measured five times.
steel covered by a 2 mm thick nickel layer with rHil = 126.48 Each of these five measurements, is based on nine single resistance
mV mm [21]. measurements (see Section 3). Furthermore, at least five different
samples were tested and averaged for every measuring point. So, at
As already discussed in Section 3, all specimens had the same least 225 single resistance measurements were done to obtain one
dimensions as shown in Fig. 4. To investigate the influence of the single measuring point marked by a cross in Fig. 6.
contact pressure on the electrical contact resistance, the contact Because of the increased scattering of measured contact
pressure was varied by adapting the cylinder pressure pcyl (see resistances at low contact pressures, the number of test samples

Table 1
Measurement matrix including varied parameters to investigate dependencies of press contacts.

Dependency on Investigated metal Contact pressure Av. roughness Contact area

Contact pressure and material Copper 0.31 N mm2 0.42 mm 15.0  15.0 mm2
Aluminum 0.38 N mm2 (except nickel-plated steel)
0.48 N mm2
Brass 0.63 N mm2
0.98 N mm2
Nickel-plated steel 1.41 N mm2
2.04 N mm2
Surface roughness and material Aluminum 0.63 N mm2 0.42 mm 15.0  15.0 mm2
0.52 mm
Brass 0.83 mm
0.95 mm
1.23 mm
1.67 mm
Contact area Brass 0.63 N mm2 0.42 mm 10.0  15.0 mm2
15.0  15.0 mm2
20.0  15.0 mm2
25.0  15.0 mm2
30.0  15.0 mm2
74 M.J. Brand et al. / Journal of Energy Storage 8 (2016) 69–77

insulating Al2O3 surface film. In oxygen-rich ambiance, the surface

film forms almost instantly on pure aluminum surfaces [19,13].
Furthermore, Al2O3 is a very hard ceramic with a Vickers hardness
of HAl2O3 = 2720 kg mm2 [23]. Aluminum in general is a much
softer metal [23,13]. According to the product sheet, the chosen
H24 aluminum AW1050A has a Vickers hardness of HAl = 33 kg
mm2. Consequently, it is difficult to form significant a-spot areas
and therefore the electrical contact resistance is much higher for
aluminum than for the other investigated metals, where the oxide
layer can be pierced easily by asperities. Also the confidence
intervals are larger for aluminum as for the other metals, indicating
lower reproducibility and more variation in the measurement
For the series of measurements in this section, the surfaces
were treated with abrasive fleece with grain size 1000. For
aluminum this means that many load bearing areas exist where the
Al2O3 film is in between the surfaces and prevents the formation of
a-spots. Consequently, it can be supposed that for rougher surfaces
the more distinct asperities could pierce the Al2O3 film and
therefore reduce the electrical contact resistance. This supposition
is checked in the following section.

6. Influence of surface roughness on electrical contact


The measurements of the previous section showed for

aluminum an electrical contact resistance that is far higher than
for all other tested metals. Because abrasive fleece with grain size
Fig. 6. Dependency of (a) electrical contact resistance including the 90% confidence
intervals and (b) relative electrical contact resistance on contact pressure for 1000 was used for the previous experiment, it is supposed that the
different metals. high contact resistance is caused by the lack of distinct asperities
that pierce through the hard Al2O3 surface film. In this section, the
surface roughness of the aluminum test samples is varied from an
was increased from five to ten for the contact pressures of average roughness value Ra of 0.42 mm to maximum 1.67 mm. For
0.31 N mm2, 0.38 N mm2, and 0.48 N mm2. By that, the confi- this experiment, the contact pressure is kept at pC = 0.63 N mm2
dence interval is narrowed at low contact pressures and the and the apparent contact interface is always AC,app = 15  15 mm2
information in the graph is more reliable. The ambient tempera- (compare Tab. 1). To cross-check whether a dependency on the
ture, surface roughness and contact area were kept constant surface roughness also exists for other metals with softer
(compare Tab. 1). passivating surface films, the series of measurements was also
For the sake of better comparison Fig. 6(b) shows the mean done with brass test samples.
values of Fig. 6(a) normalized to the electrical contact resistance at Fig. 7 depicts the measured electrical contact resistances over
a contact pressure of 0.31 N mm2. For all tested metals, the the surface roughness. As supposed, the contact resistance of the
electrical contact resistances decrease with increasing contact aluminum samples shows a strong dependency on the surface
pressure. With a higher contact pressure, the materials are tighter roughness. For an average roughness value of Ra = 1.67 mm the
pressed together causing the a-spot areas to grow and therefore electrical contact resistance is 0.072 mV and therefore lower than
providing broader current paths with lower constriction resistance the contact resistance of brass. Finally, this value perfectly fits in
[5]. For the overall constriction resistance, the single constriction the order of the tested metals when sorted according to their
resistances at each a-spot can be regarded as being connected in electrical conductivity. For aluminum, also the reproducibility
parallel [14,13]. Similar to the findings of Taheri et al. [5], the drop increases and the variation of the measured values decreases with
of the electrical contact resistance is steep at lower contact a higher surface roughness. For the two lowest average roughness
pressures and decreases only little for contact pressures above values, 0.42 mm and 0.52 mm, ten instead of five test samples were
1 N mm2. This is because, a linear increase of the number of a- tested in order to narrow the confidence interval.
spots results in a nonlinear drop of the constriction resistance,
which is proportional to the contact pressure by pCk with k being a
constant of proportionality [14,13].
As shown in Fig. 6(b), the contact pressure can reduce the
electrical contact resistance by about 50%. Furthermore, only at
high contact pressures a good reproducibility of the contact
resistances can be achieved. At a contact pressure of 2.04 N mm2
scattering is low and contact resistances do not vary much with the
contact pressure anymore. Here, except for aluminum, the contact
resistances are sorted in the order of the materials conductivity:
Copper with a contact resistance of 0.018 mV, brass with
0.110 mV, and nickel-plated steel with 0.186 mV. By contrast,
aluminum has a higher conductivity as brass but the measure-
ments show a far higher electrical contact resistance of 1.777 mV Fig. 7. Dependency of electrical contact resistance on surface roughness for
for a contact pressure of 2.04 N mm2. This is because of the aluminum and brass including the 90% confidence intervals.
M.J. Brand et al. / Journal of Energy Storage 8 (2016) 69–77 75

These findings can be explained by two reasons. Firstly, with slower. Therefore, the average roughness values do not signifi-
stronger abrasion the aluminum oxide film is probably better cantly influence the electrical contact resistance.
removed. Secondly and more importantly, an increased surface
roughness obtains more pronounced micro peaks that can pierce 7. Electrical contact resistance of press contacts compared to
through the hard passivating surface film. This experiment welded connections
strengthens the arguments from Section 5 that the high electrical
contact resistance for aluminum is caused by its surface film. In this section, the electrical contact resistances of brass
Brass as well as copper also show a passivating surface film but samples connected by press connection are compared to the
this film is softer and can be bridged with enough contact pressure contact resistances obtained for spot, ultrasonic, and laser beam
(see Fig. 6). Therefore, the electrical contact resistance of the brass welding. For the comparison of the four connection techniques,
samples hardly depends on the surface roughness. Additionally, brass is chosen because this metal can also be welded with the
the variations of the measurements are relatively low and not three named welding techniques. The results of the three different
significantly influenced by the surface roughness. welding techniques have been discussed in detail in [17]. For each
In another experiment, the brass and copper surfaces were not measurement point and each welding technique the optimal
cleaned with abrasive paper directly before the measurements but welding parameters were used while the overlap of the brass
left resting for 5 days after surface preparation. Therefore, specimens was kept at 15  15 mm2. By contrast, for press contacts
passivating surface films formed and electrical contact resistances the overlap is varied in five steps from 10  15 mm2 to 30  15 mm2.
of about 0.3 mV for brass and 0.15 mV for copper were measured. Fig. 8 illustrates the comparison of the four connection
Additionally, the variations and confidence intervals increased techniques. Separate abscissas are necessary because the contact
dramatically. areas and weld geometries are not quantitatively comparable. The
To conclude, on aluminum surfaces an insulating Al2O3 surface areas that have a direct metal to metal contact depend on the
film forms almost instantly in oxygen rich ambiance. This film connection technique and the chosen connection parameters, as
exhibits a much higher hardness compared to aluminum itself. for example the weld seam. On each abscissa in Fig. 8, the overlap
Therefore, aluminum surfaces have to be rather rough to exhibit of the brass specimens as well as the contact areas or weld
distinct asperities that can pierce through the Al2O3 film. So, if geometries are illustrated. For these illustrations, the samples
aluminum materials should be connected with low electrical longitudinal side as well as the current flow points from the
contact resistance and high reproducibility, attention has to be bottom to the top.
paid to the surface treatment. According to Schmidt et al. [24], the ideal geometry of the
Also for copper and brass surfaces, passivating films are a connection would be a seam on both edges of the overlap with no
problem for press contacts. This can be mitigated by cleaning the electrical contact resistance. This ideal seam can be nearly realized
surfaces before connecting them. The passivating surface films are with laser beam welding because this technique allows almost
not as hard as passivating films on aluminum and build up far arbitrary weld seams. For the measurements presented in Fig. 8,

Fig. 8. Comparison of brass samples connected by press contacts with spot, ultrasonic, and laser beam welding with regard to contact area according to [17]; Because of
different characteristics of each connection technique separate abscissas are necessary.
76 M.J. Brand et al. / Journal of Energy Storage 8 (2016) 69–77

the keyhole welded seams are four small lines with each 2 mm press contacts can guarantee the reliability and low electrical
length and two 13 mm lines with and without beam oscillation. contact resistance of press connections.
The weld seams were placed as close as possible to the edges of the To evaluate the press contacts, this paper focuses on the
specimens’ overlap. electrical contact resistance. Therefore, a novel measuring and
For spot welding, the optimal seam can be approximated by calculation method was applied to assess the electrical contact
placing single weld spots on these ideal lines. The numbers of weld resistance itself. Furthermore, a highly accurate pneumatic test
spots are varied from four to eight to twelve. bench with an exchangeable plunger was developed and used for
For ultrasonic welding, four different sonotrodes and their the series of measurements.
corresponding anvils were used. They vary in its areas between The following most common metals for press connections at
5  5 mm2, 6.5  10.5 mm2, 6.5  12.5 mm2, and 13  13 mm2. battery cells were investigated: copper, aluminum, brass, and
For the press connections, the overlap of the brass specimens is nickel-plated steel. For all metals, the contact resistances depend
varied between 10  15 mm2, 15  15 mm2, 20  15 mm2, on the contact pressure. If the contact pressure is far below
25  15 mm2, and 30  15 mm2, while the contact pressure is kept 1 N mm2, the contact resistance is increased and also the
at 0.63 N mm2 and the surface roughness is kept at 0.42 mm. To variations of the measurements are higher due to current
keep the contact pressure constant, the force of the pneumatic constriction. For higher contact pressures, the contact resistance
cylinder is adapted to the contact area of the plunger. does not vary much and depends mostly on the electrical
The electrical contact resistances are comparable at the conductivity of the connected metals itself. Within battery
measurement points in Fig. 8 where the contact area of the press applications, some effort has to be put into the design of the
contact is 15  15 mm2. Only at this points, the optimal connection contacts to guarantee a sufficient contact pressure. So, probably
parameters for the 15  15 mm2 overlap of the specimens are additional components, for example screws, are necessary that
applied for each connection technique. increase the total weight, volume and complexity of the battery
With 0.130 mV, the contact resistance of laser beam welding is system.
the lowest. This is because, on the one hand, the metals of both For all tested metals, passivating surface films have a significant
specimens are melted and mixed together in the weld seam and, on influence on the contact resistances. Before each measurement,
the other hand, nearly the optimal weld geometry can be realized. the copper, aluminum, and brass specimens were cleaned with
The contact resistance for press connections is relatively low at abrasive fleece with grain size 1000. Nickel-plated steel was only
0.154 mV because the contact pressure is applied to the complete cleaned with a woolen sheet to keep the nickel layer undestroyed.
overlap area. By contrast to the other tested metals, an insulating Al2O3 film
Although both specimens’ metals are melted and intermixed forms almost instantly on aluminum surfaces in oxygen rich
when spot welded, only twelve weld spots can be realized. ambience. Because the Al2O3 film is much harder than aluminum
Furthermore, micrographs of some spot welded brass test samples itself, it is more difficult for the micro-peaks to pierce through the
showed voids within the weld nuggets that are filled with zinc surface film and form a-spots. That is why the contact resistance of
vapor [17]. The melting interval of CuZn37 is between 902  C and aluminum samples depends on the surface roughness. The series
920  C, whereas the boiling point of zinc is at 907  C. The highest of measurements shows, that an increased surface roughness with
welding temperatures occur in the center of the weld nugget, more distinct asperities reduces the contact resistance drastically.
where the boiling temperature of zinc was potentially reached. By contrast, for the investigated brass samples, no clear
Therefore, the contact resistance is 0.167 mV and thereby higher as dependency on the surface roughness can be seen. Especially for
with laser beam welding. battery applications with aluminum press contacts, the influence
If the optimal sonotrode area for the 15  15 mm2 overlap is of passivating surface films and the surface roughness have to be
chosen, ultrasonic welding reaches a contact resistance of considered.
0.169 mV, which is relatively high. This welding technique does Finally, the electrical contact resistances of press contacts were
not melt the specimens’ metals but press them together while compared to the contact resistances obtained with spot, ultrasonic,
applying longitudinal vibrations with a frequency of 20 kHz and an and laser beam welding. With press connections the complete
amplitude of about 29 mm. To avoid cracks due to resonance in the available contact area can be used for electrical connection.
brass test samples, the maximum welding time has to be limited. Another advantage is that principally every metal can be connected
Micrographs of the ultrasonic welded samples reveal only small with every other metal regardless of their melting points.
spots of actual connection at the surface [17]. Furthermore, by contrast to press contacts, welding techniques
The contact area for press contacts is increased stepwise from cause a certain heat-input into the battery cells during the
10  15 mm2 to 30  15 mm2 to show the approximately linear connection process.
decrease of the contact resistance. The contact area can only be The measured electrical contact resistances can serve as
varied by the overlap of the two specimens. important input when modeling and simulating battery cells
and assemblies. Furthermore, the explained characteristics and
8. Conclusion: characteristics of press contacts and suitability dependencies of press contacts should be considered by everybody
for batteries applying this technique to electrically connect battery cells.

Press connections are frequently used to electrically connect

battery cells. A common usage of press contacts can be found Acknowledgements
within electronic devices with exchangeable batteries. Also large
battery cells, especially lead acid batteries, exhibit screw or clamp Funding from the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and
connections. For tests and scientific investigations with pouch Media, Energy and Technology of the project PowerLab (
battery cells, it is quite common to use a press contact fixture. LABAY75E) is gratefully acknowledged.
With regard to service, repair and recycling, detachable press The authors thank Korbinian Schmidt from the Institute for
connections have significant advantages. Furthermore, this con- Electrical Energy Storage Technology at the Technical University of
nection technique does not need expensive machines and is easy to Munich for supporting the investigations with practical work-
handle. But as the investigations of this paper clearly show, only manship.
those who know about the characteristics and dependencies of The responsibility for this publication rests with the authors.
M.J. Brand et al. / Journal of Energy Storage 8 (2016) 69–77 77

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