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On the busy street of New York, two strangers are passing by each other while talking on the phone.
The two of them bump on each other causing to let go of the files that they were holding. Without
wasting time, they pick up their belongings in a flash causing them to switch ID’s. Never knew that it
is the start of their whirlwind story.

Cloud Sebastian Velasquez is an engineer who works on a biggest company in New York. His
parents died when he was 18, and had to live with his aunt who is a doctor. After the incident he
promised that he will make his parents proud and become a successful engineer. Where his dream
had come true. Cloud woke up by the sound of the alarm, got his day ready by going to the bathroom.
After the shower off comes down and great by the yummy smell. Cloud kissed his auntie’s cheek
“good morning auntie”. Morning sweetheart” Camilla replied. “go sit at the table, breakfast will be
done in a minute”. When the food is cooked, Camilla offs auntie served the cooked bacon, egg, and
rice on the table. “so, I heard that you will be training an intern?” Camilla curiously asked. “yes,
auntie, since I am the head engineer the responsibility were given by me” off replied while munching
the food. “oh, better hurry you might be late for work” his auntie said.

When heading to work, the car suddenly broke down “oh no I’m going to be late” worriedly said. “ahh,
there’s no time to fix this… I can just walk; the company is nearly down the road” off hurriedly said to
himself. While off is walking fast his phone suddenly rings. “Hello Cloud, where are you?” the other
lined said. “Hey, I think I might be late, my car just broke down and I can’t get a cab so I am walking
there right now. Can you inform them that I’m going to be late” cloud pantly said. “okay I will inform
them but be sure that you will come fast” his colleague scoldly said. While talking to the phone, Cloud
suddenly bump on stranger causing their files to fall down. “I’m so sorry” cloud said while picking up
the files, “No its okay.” Stranger said helping out to pick the files. Picking out the last file, their hands
suddenly touch each other, making them feel a little spark. Cloud suddenly withdraw his hand and
when he meets the stranger’s eyes. He felt butterflies in his stomach and his world suddenly stops.
He has never seen a man with beautiful eyes, lovely lips and an adorable face. “Sorry” the stranger
said making Cloud snap at his daydream. “Oh, it’s okay I should be the one to apologize” cloud said.
Cloud want to ask his name when the stranger walks away. With a dejected face, his colleague
message him and asking where he is. “oh, shoot I’m going to be late” cloud runs fast. “you came just
in time the interns are not here yet” his friend/colleague said. “Sorry, I got some errands” wiping his
sweat. While they were talking, the interns finally show up. While discussing them the protocols and
their work. “sorry I was late something came up when coming here” a man phantly said. Everyone
turns their attention, to the late comer. When Cloud heard that voice, he hurriedly turns his attention
to the person who spoke. He was mesmerized when he saw that angelic and adorable face. Cloud
can’t help but to squeeze those chubby cheeks. “what are you thinking Cloud he is a man for god
sake” he scolds himself. “hey are you listening?” Xavier tap his shoulder, “huh? What were you
talking again? waking up cloud from his daydream. “I said that Kyle will be your mentee” Xavier said.
“okay” cloud nod. After the short orientation everyone in their department head on with their work.
“good morning sir my name is Kyle Avery Stanford” the intern introduce himself. “well I am Cloud
Sebastian Velasquez and I will be your mentor” cloud introduce himself and shake hands with Kyle.
“it’s a pleasure to meet you sir” Kyle said while smiling.

Cloud never forgets that day. The day he saw an angelic smile, cloud never felt this way before
especially with a man. Kyle Avery Stanford a simple, cute, and happy person. He is half Korean and
half American. He loves to read books and hang out in their restaurant. His parents are Elizabeth
Nightingale Stanford a Korean and Khairro Stanford an American, his little sister name is Astraea Sky
Stanford. “Darling, wake your big brother, he’s going to be late at work” his mother chirpily said.
Astraea follows his mother order and goes upstairs. “Oppa, wake up your going to be late at work”
shaking his brothers’ shoulder. Kyle woke up by the sound of his sister. “hmmm, Good morning baby”
Kyle smiles. “go have breakfast now, I’ll be down upstairs” Kyle said. Astraea nods, and runs
downstairs. After showering, Kyle goes downstairs and eats his breakfast. “Mom I’m going to be late”
Kyle said. “oh, okay do you want me send you dinner at your office?” his mom asks. “No need to
bother mom, my colleagues will be having a team dinner” Kyle said, finishes his food. “I will be going
mom, bye” kisses his mother cheeks. “Bye, be careful driving” his mom said and waves goodbye.

At the office, cloud was organizing some files, when Kyle entered and holding a coffee in his hand
and some files at the other. “Good Morning sir, I got you some coffee and the files that you ask” Kyle
said while handing out the coffee, when Cloud grab the coffee their hand brushed lightly. And that
again Cloud felt that unusual feeling when they first meet. Kyle on the other hand was blushing hard,
his cheeks and ears are red. “Uhmmm, you can let go of my hand now sir” Kyle shyly said. “oh, sorry”
let go’s of Kyle hands. “you can go now and continue your work” cloud said, Kyle nods and goes out
of the office. Hours past, Kyle was informed that the team dinner will be postponed due to some
emergency with the other employees. Finishing his work, he looks at the clock “oh it’s already 7, I’ll
just have some fast-food for my dinner” said to himself. Kyle gets up and put his things in the bag,
ready to walk out when cloud stumbled upon him. “Oh, hey going home? Cloud asks. “Yes, and get
some dinner along the way” Kyle politely said. “why don’t come with me, I was getting my dinner too.
and I’ll drive you home” cloud smiley said. “it’s okay sir, no need to bother” Kyle politely declined. “No,
I insist” cloud pleading said. “if it’s okay with you sir” Kyle shyly said. Both got dinner and had a
wonderful night. They got know each other more and had connection, not minding their status at
work. After the dinner cloud drives Kyle home, “thank you sir for the dinner and driving me home”
Kyle sincerely said. “your welcome, I hope we can do this often” cloud said. When Kyle heard what
cloud said he feel his heart racing, “if its okay with you sir” Kyle shyly said while his cheeks are
getting hot. “I’ll be going now, goodnight” cloud waves goodbye. With red cheeks and ears, Kyle
enters their house. While going to bed he can’t sleep and keep remembering their dinner awhile ago.
He can’t help but getting butterflies when remembering his boss face and smile. “ughh, what the hell
is wrong with you Kyle. Why are you thinking about your boss in the middle of the night” frustratedly
said to himself. “I mean he’s handsome and cute. But why am I feeling this way, he’s a man for god
sake… I know we are already in the 21st century and there a lot of same sex couple. But I-ii don’t
know what to do” Kyle sadly said to himself. “hmm, I’ll just sleep, maybe I’m just tired and
overthinking” convince himself.

The next day, same routine happened Kyle gives coffee to cloud and have dinner
together, drives Kyle home. Months have past they continue doing their routine, and everyday the two
of them are getting close to each other. And every day that Kyle had spent time with cloud he had
realize that he is falling for him. while in the room, Kyle can’t help but thinks “I should stay away from
him right now, so my feelings won’t go deeper. I mean he is straight as a ruler; he won’t like me back.
Only 3 months left and my internship will be done. It will be not that hard to stay away from him…
yeah it will be easy” Kyle sadly said to himself and drifted to sleep. Morning came and Kyle headed to
the office. He didn’t get cloud’s favorite coffee and greet him. Cloud was feeling uncomfortable in his
seat, as Kyle didn’t deliver the coffee himself. The whole day Kyle stays away from cloud, whenever
cloud was going to be near him, he finds a way to excuse himself. Cloud notices these actions, he
didn’t know what he did wrong, last night they were fine. When the office hours ended, Kyle rushes to
go out and hail a cab. When he got out a black Mercedes CLS stops in front of him, he knew who the
owner of the car is. When he was going to run away a big muscled arm stop him, and pulls him to the
car. “Get in the car, right now” cloud calmly said. “I don’t want to, I still have some things to do” Kyle
irritately said, and pull his arm from cloud’s grip. And tries to run away again, but this time Cloud
catches him and lift him like a sack of rice. Kyle suddenly smells his scent, that sandalwood and
musky scent. Kyle try to squirm out of cloud’s grip “don’t be try to move around or you might fall”
cloud patiently said “then let me go, I need to go home my parents will be looking for me” Kyle angrily
said “no, we will talk first then I will send you home” cloud said and place Kyle in the driver seat. The
ride was silent, as none of them was talking. When cloud couldn’t take it, he stops the car and
confronted Kyle “did I do something wrong?” cloud ask but Kyle keep silent. “can you please tell me
what is wrong? We were just fine yesterday hanging out. Did I say something insensitive to you? Did
you not like the restaurant that we had gone to? Hey, tell me it’s making me crazy when your avoiding
me like that” cloud can’t help but to raise his voice. “there is nothing wrong okay! I was the one who
has a problem and I want you stay away from me!” Kyle shouts, as tears were brimming in his eyes.
“Why can’t you tell me, I thought we were friends!” cloud hurtly said, when Kyle heard the word
friends, he can’t help but to be hurt. “I like you! More than just a friend!” burst out while tears slowly
falls in Kyle’s eyes. He can’t handle it anymore, all the emotions that he was feeling. When cloud
heard what Kyle said he became confuse, didn’t know what he was going to stay. The car was filled
with heavy atmosphere, you can only hear the sobbing of Kyle. Before cloud could reply, Kyle
realized what he has done, he rushes out the car and hails a cab. When he gets in the taxi, he
couldn’t help but cry as he recalls the moment, he confesses to him, he knows it was the dumbest
thing he have done in his entire life. The whole ride home Kyle just cry his heart out. Meanwhile with
cloud, he just sat there looking confuse, didn’t know what to do. A lot of things are circulating in his
mind, and try to sink in the scene of what happened. when he calms himself, he finally drove home
and continue to think what he will say tomorrow. Morning came, Kyle was just laying at his bed and
didn’t get the energy to go to work. When he came home last night he was still crying, good thing his
parents are already sleeping. When he woke up his eyes are puffy from all the crying, and his throat
sore from all the shouting last night. He decided to not go to work, as he was still feeling sad, and
embarrassed from last night. Kyle gets his phone and inform the office that he was calling for a sick
day, after that he continue to sleep. When cloud arrives at the office, he sees that Kyle table was
empty, so he asks one of the interns of Kyle’s whereabouts “Lien, where’s Kyle?” cloud ask. “He calls
for a sick day, sir” Lien politely reply. “he’s sick?” cloud worriedly asked. “Yes sir, please excuse me
sir I have to go” Lien said. The whole day Cloud couldn’t focus on his work as he was about Kyle’s
condition. When lunch came, he informed his secretary to cancel all his meetings this afternoon.
“Athena can you please come here” calls his secretary in the intercom “Yes sir?” Athena asks.
“cancel all my appointments and meetings for today” ordered cloud. “But sir, you have an important
meeting with Mr. Montero” Athena retorts. “just re-schedule our meeting. I have an important thing to
do” cloud said. “But sir—” cuts Athena “Just do what I say” cloud coldly said. Athena sighs, and nod
her head. Cloud picks his car key and drove to Kyle’s house.

Kyle woke up at noon, when his mother told him that he has a visitor. Kyle lazily gets up
and goes to the bathroom. When he faces in the mirror, he can see how horrible he looks, his eye’s
puffy and red, his hair’s a mess, and his nose reddening. Kyle can only sigh and goes to the shower.
When he went downstairs, he heard a familiar voice, and quickly runs downstairs. “Kaiden! What are
you doing here? I thought your still in the England? You said that your flight will be next week?” Kyle
excitedly ask one by one. “hey, easy there. Ask question one by one, hahaha” Kaiden laugh. “sorry, I
was just excited to see you. We hadn’t meet for months, I just miss you” Kyle said. “I know, I was just
teasing you. My work there finishes early and I wanted to surprise” Kaiden said happily. “Let’s talk at
the balcony outside. Mom we will be at the porch” said Kyle. Kaiden Nite Vasquez his best friend
since childhood. Kaiden has a crush on Kyle a long time ago but he never told Kyle how he felt
because he doesn’t want to ruin their friendship. “so, how are you? How was England?” Kyle asks. “It
was okay, I had a lot of fun there. How about you are you okay? And don’t even lie to me, I know you
since birth” Kaiden said. Kyle can only sigh, he knew his best friend will know when has a problem.
“hmmm, I-ii just confess to someone I like” looks down, fidgeting his fingers. “Then what’s the
problem? Come on who wouldn’t like you, your handsome, cute and smart. Every girl will be head
over heels with you” Kaiden cheeringly said. “I-ii confessed to a man, my boss” Kyle said with
hesitation. Kaiden was shock, and couldn’t said a word. Both of them became silent. Kyle was
nervous he doesn’t know what his friend reaction will be. Kaiden on the other hand can’t help but to
hurt, he was so disappointed at himself. “Maybe if I had the courage to confess to you, maybe I will
be your boyfriend now” Kaiden sadly thinks. Nevertheless, he put a smiling face to cheer up Kyle.
“hey, you know it’s okay to like someone the same gender. Everyone deserves to love and be loved,
even if it is the same gender. Love does not define of who you are, I mean I had a crush on a boy
before” Kaiden said. Kyle was surprised by his friend statement, he thought he will be mad at him or
worst break off their friendship. Tears slowly dropping out from Kyle’s eyes, he hugs Kaiden and cry
on his shoulder. “thank you, for not judging and accepting me” Kyle said, let goes of Kaiden embrace
and asks “By the way, who was the boy you had a crush? Do I know him?”. “hey, it was a long time
ago. And enough about me, we are talking about your confession, right? Stop drifting our topic”
Kaiden said. Kyle kept silent he is too embarrassed to open up with his friend. “hey, why so quite? It’s
okay if you don’t want to talk about it” kaiden said assuring kyle. “No, it’s just….. I am too embarrass
to talk about it” kyle sadly said. “I confessed to him last night, he rejected me. I mean I know that he
doesn’t like boys. I literally just bursted out my feelings to him last night. And I tried to stay away from
him so, my feelings won’t go any further even I know it’s too late. But he kept getting close to me and
my heart just races so fast whenever he is near” kyle said. Kaiden just listen to kyle’s rants even
though he is hurting. “what do you mean he rejected you? Did he said that he couldn’t return your
feelings? He asks. “uhhm, no?” kyle replied being unsure. “really?” kyle ask again. “Ughhh, fine, he
didn’t say anything and before he could say any word I ran” lowers his head. “then you still got a
chance” Kaiden said. “I don’t know” he said unsure. “okay enough of that, how about we go to the
mall and I’ll treat you, your favorite ice cream. But in exchange you will not be sad, okay?” kaiden said
while comforting kyle. “Fine, since its your treat” poutingly said. “now come on smile, I miss your
sincere and angelic smile” while squishing kyle’s face. Kyle can’t help but laugh at kaidens childish
antics. While the two are having fun, they didn’t know that they where being watch. “I thought you like
me? I am the only one who can touch your cheeks. Who is that man??” Cloud angrily said. While
seeing the scene infront of him he can’t help but gripping the steering wheel tightly. He wanted to
murdered that man from touching Kyle. Cloud drives fast to his auntie house and get a bottle of beer,
drank it in one go. When his auntie came home from work, she saw how drunk Cloud is. “my god
Cloud what happened? why are you getting drunk?” his auntie worriedly asks. “I—ii I’m confuse
auntie. i don’t like when he is getting near to other men, I only want his attention focus on me not
some other man.” He said. “Sweetheart, are you reffering to a boy?” Camilla ask softly. Cloud had
passed out, when he woke up he was greet with a hangover. “good thing your awake, breakfast is
ready” Camilla said. When they where at the dining table Camilla open up on what happened that
night. “Care to tell me why did you get drunk? Calmly ask cloud. “sighs…. I’m confuse of my feelings,
I never been attracted to a boy auntie. i mean I am not attracted to any man auntie, just him…” cloud
said. “Cloud honey, one thing that I am sure, is follow your heart. I know it will not be easy, as society
will judge you but I am always here for yo” Camilla smiles. “You’re happiness and choices is not hard
for me to understand. Now fix yourself, and tell that boy how you truly feel” Camilla said. Without
wasting time cloud went to

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