Collaborative Writing - Writing in A Group

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The group's members :

Naomi Valerie M.
Class: VIII C
Chryssa Thaniel H.
Date: 19/04/2023
Albert Navara B.


Complete this recount text by writing one until two correct paragraphs for the following story (1
paragraph consists of 7-12 sentences). Give a title for each story.

I did my hair and put on some makeup. I was feeling confident, and strangely I was looking forward to
the interview. I had a lot of experience and I was proud of my CV. Once I checked that I had everything I
needed, I took a deep breath and walked toward my car. It was a twenty-minute drive to my interview.
The traffic was flowing and when I arrived at the car park, it was easy to find a space. I parked my car
and walked casually towards the main entrance of the building. Near the lifts, I saw a well-dressed woman
standing in front of me carrying a lot of files and her mobile was ringing. As she answered her mobile, she
accidentally dropped all her files and her papers were scattered everywhere. She looked at me and said. ‘Excuse
me, can you help me pick up these important papers?’ I pretended not to have heard her and completely ignored
her request. ‘Bella, this isn’t a time to be polite’, I said to myself, ‘I don’t want to be late and I have to ace this
interview’. After waiting fifteen minutes in the waiting room, I walked into the interview room and to my horror,
my interviewer was the same woman I didn’t help in the reception. It was very embarrassing! I was so regretful
that I didn’t help her.
Paragraft 1 by : Axelle and Albert N.B.
A few months ago, I started going to a gym. My main purpose was to exercise more and become fitter.
My doctor also told me I should probably lose some weight. I enjoyed my time at the gym and I started to lose
weight and have more energy. Then one day after about six weeks I saw a sign that read ‘Free Beginner Yoga
Class- 5:00 every Tuesday’. I decided to go to a class or two to see if I’d like it.
On the first class, I didn't expect, but the teacher was amazing. She was so pleasure, I like her. First she
taught us to breathing on yoga exercise. She taught us to breathing slowly, and how to breaths properly. After
that, she taught us more yoga exercise, I am so exciting. Then she showed us how to do several different
exercises. At first, I couldn't do some of them. My body just wouldn't move the right way, but I never gave up.
After a few days, I was able to do most of them.
At the end of each class, my body was exhausted, but at the same time, my mind felt very calm. I noticed
that I could concentrate on my work better after doing yoga. I also began to sleep better. In the past, I had
difficulty in sleeping, but after two months of yoga, I didn’t have any problems falling asleep at all! I’m not sure
how yoga works, but it does. I have even succeeded in getting a couple of my friends to come to class with me!
Paragraft 2 by : Naomi V.M. and Chryssa T.H.

Category 1 2 3 4
Topic  Topic sentence is  Topic sentence is  Topic sentence  Clear topic
Sentence unclear unclear and unclear OR sentences
(Main Idea)  Incorrectly placed incorrectly placed incorrectly placed  Correctly placed
 Not re-worded in the  Re-worded in the  Re-worded in the  Re-worded in the
closing sentence closing sentence closing sentence closing sentence

Supporting No supporting details that One supporting detail Two supporting Three or more
Sentences relate to the main ideas that relates to the main details that relate to supporting details
(details) idea the main idea. relating to the main idea

Concluding Concluding sentence is Concluding sentence is Concluding sentence Concluding sentence

Sentence incomplete and does not complete, but does not relates to the topic summarizes the topic
summarize the topic summarize the topic completely

Organization Details are not in a logical Some details are not in Details are in logical Details are in logical
expected order logical order. Reader is order. The order order. The order keeps
distracted makes writing less the reader interested

Mechanics Six or more punctuation, Three to five One to two No errors in

and capitalization, and spelling punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
Grammar errors capitalization, and capitalization, and capitalization, and
spelling errors spelling errors spelling

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