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Nombre: Jesús Eduardo Tristán Ramírez Matrícula: 2905167

Nombre del curso: Nombre del profesor:

English 3 Peter Ernest Reid
Módulo: Actividad:
1 Practice 7
Fecha 02/03/23

Now place the verbs in parenthesis in the correct form in the sentences below:

1. To be honest, sometimes I miss _______working_______ (work) with my old team.

2. Employees are expected _________wearing_______ (wear) the uniform at all times.

3. I hope he won't avoid _________taking on__________ (take on) the extra responsibilities.

4. The health and safety review failed _________noticing________ (notice) the danger.

5. Will you remember _____to advise______ (advise) Henry about his presentation on

6. I remember _____advising_________ (advise) you about this last week.

7. The workers dislike ___to repeat_________ (repeat) training they've already done.

8. Although we officially leave the project in May we have to carry on

______supervising_________ (supervise) until the end of July.

9. She will try ________to get _________ (get) the results to you by Thursday next week.

10. The client aims ________to enters_____ (enter) a whole new market with this product.

11. Have management stopped ________worrying_______ (worry) about the glitches yet?

12. Have management stopped ________to have_______ (have) a meeting about the
glitches yet?

Now place the correct verb from the list in the correct form in the sentences

1. The best way to make new friends is to ____RELAX______ and forget you're doing it at

2. Ensure that you _____MENTION________ details with a new contact before you leave.

3. Robert didn't make a good impression because he _____COMPLAIN________

throughout dinner.

4. MINGLE - going from person to person at a party - is a great way to find new

5. I had a colleague who was so nervous that he always ____MOAN__________ he hadn't

seen people instead of talking to them!

6. Don't wait for someone else to do it, ________HOVER_______ yourself to someone you
want to talk to.

7. Some people can't wait to _____MENTION________ from a social situation. If you're one
of those, try to fight the urge.

8. Careful if you're shy of speaking. You can ___EXCHANGE______ close to a group you
want to talk to but it might make them uncomfortable after a while!

9. ____PRETEND_________ is the worst thing you can do. Look for the positive when
making new contacts.

10. Don't be scared to ______INDTRODUCE______ if you have friends in common. This can
provide a great topic of conversation.

11. Sometimes it's difficult to talk to new people at first. The key is to
________PERSERVERE_______. Never give up!

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