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BES02 Quiz#1

13. What is the essence of behavioral management theory?

Behavioral management theory, which is sometimes referred to as the human relations movement due to
its focus on the human aspect of work, is concerned with how to manage productivity by understanding
worker motivation, including expectations, needs, and interests, as well as group dynamics. Theorists who
contributed to behavioral management include Mary Parker Follett, Elton Mayo, and John Maynard

22. What are the five major dimensions of organizational goals?

The five specific dimensions that must be considered: are formalization, specialization, the hierarchy of
authority, complexity, and centralization. Formalization aims to increase the amount of visibly written
documentation that is used within an organization to describe its behavior and activities. In addition,
Specialization refers to how the organization divides the jobs between one another; the extent of the
separation will reveal the narrowness of the duties performed by employees. And the hierarchy of
authority was intended to reflect the reporting process, by which the vertical lines of the organization can
be seen. Lastly, complexity and centralization refer to the number of departments and the range of
authority distributed to the employees.

23. What are the five basic policy issues connected with the establishment of
organizational goals?
The employee and management performance, productivity, profitability, innovation, market share
and social responsibility goal.

 Employee Performance Management is about aligning the organizational objectives with the
employees' agreed measures, skills, competency requirements, development plans, and the
delivery of results.
 Productivity is a measure of economic performance that compares the number of goods and
services produced (output) with the number of inputs used to produce those goods and services.
 Profitability is a measure of an organization's profit relative to its expenses. Organizations that are
more efficient will realize more profit as a percentage of its expenses than a less-efficient
organization, which must spend more to generate the same profit.
 Social responsibility in marketing involves focusing efforts on attracting consumers who want to
make a positive difference with their purchases. Many companies have adopted socially
responsible elements in their marketing strategies to help a community via beneficial services
and products.
 Innovation objectives are goals to improve things by an order of magnitude. Innovation typically
requires experimentation, risk taking and creativity. As such, innovation objectives may involve
greater levels of uncertainty than a typical business objective that aims for predictable and
quickly obtainable improvements.

 Utami, A. F. (n.d.-k). Structural Dimension of Organization. Management.
 Behavioral Management Theories | Human Resources Management. (n.d.).
 Dank, M. (2021, March 18). What is Performance Management? Ascender HCM Pty Ltd.
 What is Productivity? : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2020b, June 24).
 Definition of Profitability - Gartner Finance Glossary. (n.d.-b). Gartner.
 Team, I. (2022g, May 1). Why Is Social Responsibility Important in Marketing? Investopedia.
 Spacey, J. (n.d.). 14 Types of Innovation Objectives. Simplicable.

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