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- Verbal reasoning is the most difficult of all verbal tests as it requires you to use logical reasoning to
answer questions. Simply understanding the vocabulary and phrasing used is not enough when it
comes to verbal reasoning, although it is still necessary.

- h

- The verbal scale measures are related to knowledge of the language, the formation of verbal concepts
and information flow. The non-verbal scale assesses the capacity of reasoning and problem-solving
based on visual analogies and matrices that rely on pattern completion.


Non-Verbal Aptitude, also called non-verbal reasoning, involves the ability to understand and analyze
information presented visually and solve problems logically.

Non-verbal aptitude tests are used extensively in selection and assessment processes. The tests include no
text and can therefore be considered as less biased than text-based questions, as language and cultural
differences are no factor.

What questions can I expect?

There are several types of non-verbal aptitude test questions, the most common questions are divided into
three categories. Click a category to learn more.

 Abstract Reasoning
 Inductive Reasoning
 Diagrammatic Reasoning
 Non-verbal Analogy
 Spatial Ability

Where are Non-verbal Aptitude tests used?

Non-verbal reasoning tests are often used when assessing for graduate and management roles. Spatial ability
is commonly used for more hands-on occupations such as mechanics, assembly line workers, and pilots.


STANDARDIZED- (department of education) DEPED The National Achievement Test (NAT) is a standardized set
of examinations taken in the Philippines by students in Grades 3, 6, 10, and 12. The test is designed to
determine their academic levels, strength and weaknesses, as well as their knowledge learnt in major subjects
throughout the year.

INFORMAL- It is a method of evaluation where the instructor tests participants’ knowledge using no standard

criteria or rubric. This means that there is no spelled-out evaluation guide. Rather, the instructor simply asks
open-ended questions and observes students’ performances to determine how much they know. 

If informal assessments are not concerned with grading students, then what are they about? It’s simple
feedback. Data from these evaluations help the instructor make ongoing adjustments to create better learning
experiences for participants. 


OBJECTIVE- it is a test that has a right or wrong answers and so can be marked objectively.

- That can be made test creation software, as they contain items which allow the test taker to select a
correct answers from the given choices.

Example: multiple choice, true or false, matching type.

SUBJECTIVE- require the test taker to form an original answer, based on their own understanding of the topic.

Example: essay


SELECTIVE TEST- The Selective High School Placement Test has been designed to allow students to
demonstrate their abilities across a range of areas, including reading, mathematical reasoning, thinking
skills and writing. 

SUPPLY TEST- require the students to produce the answer, maybe single word or several page response length
of response ranges along a continuum, but usually divided into: short answer, restricted- response essay,
extended -response essay

ESSAY TEST- test that requires the students to compose responses, usually paragraphs. “Freedom of

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