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Cement Industry Safety Topics

Cement is a fine powder used to make binding materials -- concrete and mortar -- for
the construction industry. To produce cement, limestone, clay, sand, iron ore and
sometimes industrial waste such as oil shale and coal fly ash are ground in a rotary
kiln, heated to 2,462 degrees Fahrenheit and cooled. The final product, clinker, is
mixed with gypsum and silica powder to produce cement powder.

Skin Contact
​ Contact dermatitis is a frequent hazard to construction site employees who

work with wet cement. Wet cement has a pH of 12.5; a pH of 7 is neutral, so

wet cement is highly alkaline and comparable in pH to domestic caustic soda

cleaning agents. The alkaline strength of cement derives from the calcium,

potassium, sodium and chromium ions in the compounds that make up the

cement mixture. The dermatitis risk is reduced with the use of alkali-resistant

gloves and protective clothing. But constant exposure to wet cement will

always be harmful to construction workers.

​ Dust emitted during the grinding and heating stages of cement manufacturing

irritates the eyes, throats, skin and respiratory systems of those who are

exposed to it. It will also cause burns on exposed skin. The silica additive

produces a particular danger because extended exposure to this compound

may cause silicosis and lung cancer. Construction workers should wear

protective respirators and avoid eating in any areas exposed to the dust.

Accidental dust emissions from a cement plant pose a danger to residents in

surrounding neighborhoods.

​ Mercury is a trace element that occurs as a sulfate or silicate compound in the

raw materials used in cement manufacture. Exposure to mercury can damage

the kidneys and nervous system, sometimes leading to brain damage. It is a

highly volatile material that can escape in flue gasses during the kiln heating

process and collect in dust around the kiln area. Artificial gypsum, aggregates

and oil shale have a very high concentration of mercury, according to an April

2010 U.N. Environmental Program study. But the mercury content of the

natural raw materials varies according to their original quarrying location.

Operating Conditions
​ Cement plants operate at high temperatures -- up to 2,462 degrees F -- with

high loads of raw material. They frequently use coke and pulverized coal as a

fuel to power kilns. Clouds of dust from this fuel can ignite and explode. Coal

can sometimes combust spontaneously and continue burning on its own. Dust

permeates all parts of the operating plant and can cause machinery

breakdown. Plant employees who try to clear away the dust risk exposure to

high temperature contact with machinery and collapsing loads of raw


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