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2015, 1–5, Early Online


Twelve tips for enhancing anatomy teaching

and learning using radiology
University of Aberdeen, UK

Anatomy is a keystone of many healthcare curricula and its understanding fundamental to patient care. The close relationship
between clinical radiology and anatomy is well recognised and expanding. Imaging resources can be effectively integrated
alongside traditional methods for learning anatomy in a resource efficient manner in order to enhance anatomy teaching. The
following 12 tips have been divided into imaging tips, clinical tips and educational tips and offer practical advice and suggestions
for designing and integrating radiological resources across the curriculum.
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Introduction contemporary anatomists (Pathiraja et al. 2014).

Contemporary imaging modalities can now provide not only
An understanding of human anatomy in a clinical context is high quality structural anatomical images but can also provide
fundamental to progression and success in healthcare educa- physiological information. McLachlan and Patten (2006) sug-
tion. Anatomy provides the building blocks that underpin the gest that in order to prepare students for their future practice,
foundations for understanding many pathological processes the teaching of radiological anatomy should rise to half of the
and their management. The constant reform of medical
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total curricular time for anatomy.

curricula has not left anatomy untouched. A reduction in the Incorporating radiology into curricula at an early stage is
number of hours dedicated to anatomy teaching has been not only a valuable resource for teaching anatomy, but also
driven in part by the emergence and expansion of other helps students to understand the role of imaging within the
curricular themes. Anatomists have responded by exploring patient pathway and introduce them to the language they will
and identifying time efficient techniques for ensuring that the encounter when requesting and interpreting clinical reports.
subject remains relevant, rigorous and (particularly for medical Practical suggestions for integrating radiology are outlined
students) mindful of the changing patterns of healthcare within the following Twelve Tips, which have been divided
systems. into three main categories and are summarised in Table 1.
New doctors typically encounter anatomy in their day-
to-day practice either as surface anatomy (during clinical
examination) or as radiological images (McHanwell et al. Imaging tips
2007). McHanwell et al. (2007) proposed a core syllabus for
anatomy, which details the minimum level of anatomical
knowledge expected of a recently qualified UK medical Tip 1
graduate. The syllabus states the topographical knowledge
outcomes for each anatomical region, including surface
Develop and curate a bank of anonymised
anatomy, interpretation of routine clinical images as well as
the value of such knowledge in the understanding of common Although internet search engines will reveal many examples of
pathologies. Such guidance can help curriculum planners images, their provenance may be uncertain and educational
when designing courses and help them to consider where value unclear. Creating an electronic bank of institutional
integration of radiology into the curriculum might be most resources where the images are quality assured can allow both
appropriate to help to equip students for future safe medical faculty and students access to high quality images, which can
practice. be used in different educational settings and encourage
Whilst cadaveric based teaching resources are still widely integration across the curriculum. The images could be
used (Heylings 2002), their value can be enhanced by stored in a shared drive to allow easy access.
integration with modern techniques (Ashraf Aziz et al. 2002; Permission to use clinical images for educational purposes
Gunderman & Wilson 2005; Brenton et al. 2007). The close may not need to be sought from patients provided they are not
relationship between clinical radiology and anatomy is identifiable. For more complicated datasets, anonymisation
well recognised and radiologists can be considered as software may need to be employed to remove all hidden or

Correspondence: Dr Fiona R. Caswell, Division of Medical and Dental Education, University of Aberdeen, Room 2:049, Polwarth Building,
Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1224 437881; Fax: 01224 437971; E-mail:
ISSN 0142-159X print/ISSN 1466-187X online/15/000001–5 ß 2015 Informa UK Ltd. 1
DOI: 10.3109/0142159X.2015.1029896
F. R. Caswell et al.

Table 1. Summary of Twelve Tips.

Imaging tips Clinical tips Educational tips

Develop and curate a bank of Integrate radiologists and other diagnostic specialists Promote three-dimensional visualisation and thinking
anonymised images in teaching anatomy Fully integrate radiology into teaching resources,
Invest in suitable resources Add clinical context curricular outcomes and assessments
Carefully select and optimise Familiarise students with the most appropriate Engage students by involving them in creating imaging
images investigations for different anatomical structures resources
Highlight differences in anatomical and clinical Embrace modern technology and innovative teaching
terminology methods
Understand that radiology resources will not always be

encrypted patient information. Where a patient’s identity could increases the potential for distance learning. It may be
be directly revealed or deduced (e.g. surface shaded rendering tempting to downsize images when designing online resources
of a CT head scan or exceptionally rare diagnoses), manipu- in order to reduce downloading time; however, caution is
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lation of the dataset to blur identifiable features or explicit advised as this may compromise quality which can lead to
permission from the patient would normally be required. In frustration for both teacher and learner.
the UK, discussion and agreement with a Caldicott Guardian is
recommended to ensure information governance standards are
satisfied, where patient data has been used. Tip 3
Carefully select and optimise images
Tip 2 Radiological images can be used to complement rather than
replace more traditional anatomy resources. Some structures
Invest in suitable resources
such as blood vessels lend themselves more to the radiological
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Advances in radiological technology mean that in clinical illustration than others and these should be targeted for use in
practice, images are typically displayed electronically. anatomy sessions. Co-operation between anatomists and
Teaching resources should be similarly displayed by electronic radiologists in selecting the most appropriate structures will
means and investment in display infrastructure, such as Picture maximise learning potential. It is powerful to show students a
Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) can help CT slice of solid organs at the same level as a prosection slice
students become familiar with systems they will use following as this will allow them to compare and contrast the different
graduation. resources. Later on, in their training when looking at CT
Consideration should be given to the likely demands of images this will help them to relate their anatomical know-
your teaching department prior to investment. Displaying a ledge directly to the clinically relevant images.
stack of large sized high quality images will require a computer Multiplanar reconstruction of images is a powerful way of
with a large enough hard drive to store images (or rapid access demonstrating complex anatomy. For example, whilst demon-
to a network drive), a graphics card that can cope with high strating the pathway of branches of the abdominal aorta, the
resolution images and a monitor of high enough resolution to coronal and sagittal planes demonstrate the superior mesen-
display images in suitable quality. A compromise may need to teric artery in a more accessible manner than the axial plane
be sought between image quality and resource limitations. showing the length of the vessel and its anatomical relations.
Whilst images do not need to be of diagnostic quality, it is Windowing and slice thickness should be manipulated to
advised that the highest possible quality is achieved so that optimise visualisation. The most appropriate imaging modality
images maintain their resolution when projected in large size should be selected; MRI is best for showing soft tissue detail,
without becoming pixilated. If images are being saved from whereas CT is better for fine bony detail. Different phases of
PACS, this is normally achieved by saving images in their contrast can also be used to highlight different structures, such
original resolution, rather than at the resolution displayed on as highlighting arteries, veins or ureters.
the screen. Prior downloading of large data sets onto the hard
drive in advance of teaching sessions may ensure smoother
running of sessions. Clinical tips
Close collaboration with academic and hospital IT depart-
ments should ensure that systems will be appropriate and
anticipatory and that optimal image quality is achieved. Tip 4
One of the key advantages of radiological resources is that
Integrate radiologists and other diagnostic
they can be made available to students outside of sessions to
specialists in teaching anatomy
promote consolidation of learning and revision by either
uploading images onto virtual learning environments or Radiologists are a valuable resource for teaching anatomy
creating accompanying e-learning modules. The latter also because of their relevant anatomical knowledge and clinical
Enhancing anatomy teaching and learning

experience. Clinicians from other specialties can also contrib- good clinical reasoning and ultimately encourage judicious use
ute to anatomy undergraduate teaching by highlighting the of radiological resources.
clinical application of anatomy
Postgraduate curricula and assessments in various sub-
specialties including radiology include anatomy knowledge Tip 7
and teaching skills (Royal College of Radiologists 2013). Since Highlight differences in anatomical and clinical
learning can be enhanced by the act of teaching others with an terminology
improvement in both immediate and delayed comprehension
performance (Fiorella & Mayer 2013), involving trainees in When interpreting results of investigations as future clinicians,
teaching undergraduate anatomy may help to facilitate success students must be familiar with the clinical terminology and
for trainees. Such interdisciplinary interactions can also nurture language that is used. Introducing radiology to students at an
mutually beneficial relationships between academic and health early stage can help to facilitate this. Anatomical language is
service training structures (Chowdury et al. 2008). defined within the Terminologia Anatomica (TA) (Whitmore
Trainees with an interest in medical education can under- 1999). Although the terminology used within the clinical
take posts, such as Clinical teaching fellowships (Wilson et al. setting is generally similar to that from the TA, sometimes slight
2008) where they can become involved in projects to develop variation can occur, which can lead to confusion for learners.
radiological resources and be actively involved in teaching. An example is the femoral artery, which is the anatomical or
TA nomenclature, often referred to by clinicians as the
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superficial femoral artery (Benninger 2014). These differences

Tip 5 are especially pertinent in vertically integrated curricula, where
students are often exposed to clinical practice almost simul-
Add clinical context taneously as their study of anatomy. In such situations, it is
As radiological images come from real patients, there is rich important to make students aware of these differences in order
potential for introducing clinical context to demonstrate the to prevent confusion.
application of anatomical concepts to clinical scenarios.
Kulasegaram et al. (2013) performed a literature review
examining how medical educators have integrated basic and
Educational tips
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clinical science within the curriculum. They found evidence

suggesting that successful integration can be achieved if
interventions attempt to link basic and clinical science in a Tip 8
causal relationship. Designing authentic clinical vignettes
Promote three-dimensional visualisation and
which link anatomy and physiology with clinical presentations,
explaining cause-and-effect relationships may therefore
increase understanding among learners and improve diagnos- Spatial ability describes a student’s aptitude for understanding
tic ability. By developing clinical vignettes using authentic three-dimensional structure and positions of objects when they
images but fictitious clinical information, confidentiality can are manipulated and is an important predictor of success in
still be maintained. Plastinated models also have similar learning anatomy (Garg et al. 2001). These skills are vital for
potential for enhanced clinical context and can be used many clinical practical skills, such as inserting central venous
alongside radiological resources and prosections. catheters and intercostal chest drains where internal structures
are not directly visible and medical professionals must rely on
knowledge of surface anatomy and their mental spatial
Tip 6 representations of anatomical structures (Hegarty et al. 2007).
Learners in the early years, in particular, can struggle to
Familiarise students with the most
achieve this, especially if trying to learn structures from two-
appropriate investigations for different
dimensional diagrams. Whilst prosections can help, the
anatomical structures
addition of radiological resources can also help to strengthen
Clinicians’ lack of knowledge about accurate use of radiology learners’ spatial ability since spatial cognition is central to
has been identified as a contributing factor in the increasing interpreting and fully understanding radiological images
unnecessary use of radiological investigations (Lysdahl & (Hegarty et al. 2007).
Hofmann 2009). Radiological resources may be used to Cross-sectional imaging, such as CT and MRI is usually
implicitly introduce students to the most appropriate investi- displayed as slices through structures and can be manipulated
gations for different clinical conditions at an early stage. in any plane. Inviting learners to consider in which plane
Although not a core learning outcome within the early cross-sectional images have been taken to display the struc-
undergraduate curricula, the careful planning of the display tures that are visible can encourage development of an appre-
of radiological imaging in an anatomy class can help to nurture ciation of the human body in three dimensions. Ultrasound in
future good clinical practice. Providing positive role models to particular requires excellent spatial ability. Whilst not a core
introduce students to appropriate investigations, particularly undergraduate skill in the UK, ultrasound is increasingly used
when anatomy is discussed in a clinical context, with case- by a variety of postgraduate specialties to support procedures,
based discussion can help to lay the foundations for future such as ultrasound guided joint aspirations and insertion of
F. R. Caswell et al.

central venous catheters. Developing spatial ability at an early include ultrasound (Swamy & Searle 2012) and surgical
stage in the context of learning surface and structural anatomy simulators (Solyar et al. 2008).
will provide a grounding to develop these skills at a later date.

Tip 12
Tip 9
Understand that radiology resources will not
Fully integrate radiology into teaching always be appropriate
resources, curricular outcomes and
assessments Whilst radiological resources can be valuable while teaching
anatomy in many situations, it is vital that its limitations are
As use of radiological investigation increasingly becomes respected so that the resources are not used inappropriately.
mainstream in clinical practice, it behoves medical educators Close collaborative working between radiologists and anat-
to introduce its study in the undergraduate medical curriculum. omists can help ensure that the optimum instructional method
Arriving at a consensus of core radiology curriculum is used for a given structure. Many structures are optimally
(Misradraee et al. 2012) could pave the way for these core demonstrated using non-imaging methods. For example, the
radiology learning outcomes to easily be integrated into the anatomy of the inguinal canal is extremely important for
anatomy curriculum. This would ensure that radiological clinical practice but is difficult to demonstrate using imaging.
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anatomy resources become a core component of a session Similarly, the skull base is often best appreciated by
rather than being viewed as an optional ancillary. handling a dried or synthetic skull rather than a radiological
Material in anatomy classes should include radiology model. It may be useful in this instance for students to review
stations. Resources such as practical anatomy workbooks skull base imaging, but only after they have developed the
should include questions about radiological stations. Similarly, required knowledge and understanding from looking at skulls.
by assimilating radiology into anatomy assessment blueprints, Recognising that fundamentally anatomy is the scaffold for
this will ensure that there is appropriate coverage within learning radiology is key and so consideration is therefore
formative and summative assessments. needed when planning the timing of radiological resources.
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Tip 10 Conclusion
Engage students by involving them in Radiological resources can be integrated effectively to com-
creating imaging resources plement and enhance traditional resources in order to enhance
The contribution that students can make within a variety of anatomy learning. A collaborative approach between diagnos-
domains including resource development has been previously tic specialists and anatomists is key in addition to careful image
demonstrated (Furmedge et al. 2014). As such, there is great preparation, anticipatory resource investment and consider-
potential for involving students in developing radiological ation of future clinical applications.
resources including e-learning packages. This might include
students completing summer projects, student selected com-
Notes on contributors
ponents or as part of an intercalated BSc. Such work may lead
to publications for participating students and may stimulate an FIONA R. CASWELL, BMSc, MBChB, FRCR, is a radiology registrar currently
interest in future involvement in medical education, as well as undertaking a clinical teaching fellowship with the University of Aberdeen.
She has worked on developing radiological resources including 3D
providing resources that can be embedded into the curricula. stereoscopic resources.
ASHA VENKATESH, MBBS, DO, PGCert (Medical Education), is a teaching
fellow in anatomy and leads anatomy teaching for year 2 MBChB. She
Tip 11 teaches anatomy to all levels of medical students and facilitates the
integration of radiology resources within the anatomy curriculum.
Embrace modern technology and innovative
teaching methods ALAN R. DENISON, FRCR, FRCP, MRad, FAcadMEd, is Deputy Head,
Division of Medical and Dental Education, University of Aberdeen, and
With rapidly enhancing technology there is increasing scope Honorary Consultant Radiologist, NHS Grampian.
for introducing ever more sophisticated technology to teach
anatomy. Although physical resources are costly, staffing costs
are invariably much higher and new technologies bring the Declaration of interest: The authors report no conflicts of
potential to support an enhanced learning experience at interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and
modest cost. writing of the article.
3D stereoscopic anatomy resources are popular and
some have reported positive feedback from students with a
perceived improved understanding of anatomy and pathology References
(Brown et al. 2012). CT and MRI scans can be used to create Ashraf Aziz M, McKenzie JC, Wilson JS, Cowie RJ, Ayeni SA, Dunn BK.
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