Beam Selection

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Selection of Rectangular Solid Bar

S/N Parameter Formula Symblol

Beam Data
Modulus of elasticity of selected timber E
Density p
Timer Beam Length L
Timer Beam Width B
Timer Beam Height H

Cross section area A = BH A

Mass M = Alp M
Second moment of area Ixx = BH3/12 Ixx
Second moment of area Iyy = HB3/12 Iyy
Section modulus Sxx = Ixx / ycog Sxx
Section modulus Syy = Iyy / xcog Syy
Radius of gyration rx = ( Ixx / A ) 0.5 rx
Radius of gyration ry = ( Iyy / A ) 0.5 ry
CoG distance in x direction xcog = B/2 xcog
CoG distance in y direction ycog = H/2 ycog
Polar moment of inertia J = Ixx + Iyy J

Estimated Max Deflection

Allowable Max Deflection

max. deflection
max. shear force
max. bending moment
mid-span deflection /slope
end reaction forces
Selection of " I " Beam
Value Unit S/N Parameter

Beam Data
8 Gpa Modulus of elasticity of selected timber
600 kg/m3 Density
3,000 mm Beam Length
100 mm Beam Width
200 mm Flange to Flange inner face height
Fnage Thickness
Web Thickness

20,000 mm2 Cross Section Area

36 kg Mass
66,666,667 mm4 Area moment of inertia
16,666,667 mm4 Area moment of inertia
666,667 mm3 Section modulus
333,333 mm3 Section modulus
58 mm Radius of Gyration
29 mm Radius of Gyration
50 mm Center of Gravity
100 mm Center of Gravity
83,333,333 mm4 Polar moment of inertia

mm Estimated Max Deflection

12.5 mm Allowable Max Deflection
PASS Result
Selection of Hol
Formula Symblol Value Unit S/N

E 200 Gpa
p 7,860 kg/m3
L 6,500 mm
B 250 mm
H 222 mm
h 14 mm
b 9 mm

A = 2Bh + Hb A 8,998 mm2

M = ALp M 460 kg
Ixx = H3b/12+2[h3B/12+hB(H+h)2 / 4 ] Ixx 105,788,119 mm4
Iyy = b3H/12 + 2(B3h/12) Iyy 36,471,820 mm4
Sxx = 2lxx/(H+2h) Sxx 846,305 mm3
Syy = 2lyy/B Syy 291,775 mm3
rx = ( Ixx / A ) 0.5 rx 108 mm
ry = ( Iyy / A ) 0.5 ry 64 mm
xcog = B/2 xcog 125 mm
ycog = H/2 + h ycog 125 mm
J = Ixx + Iyy J 142,259,939 mm4

0 mm
27.1 mm
Selection of Hollow Section Beam
Parameter Formula Symblol Value

Beam Data
Modulus of elasticity of selected timber E 200
Density p 7,860
Beam Length L 5,000
Width B 100
Height H 200
Internal height h 180
Internal width b 80

Cross Section Area A = BH-bh A 5,600

Mass M = Alp M 220
Area moment of inertia Ixx = BH3/12 - bh3/12 Ixx 27,786,667
Area moment of inertia Iyy = HB3/12 -hb3/12 Iyy 8,986,667
Section modulus Sxx = Ixx / ycog Sxx 277,867
Section modulus Syy = Iyy / xcog Syy 179,733
Radius of Gyration rx = ( Ixx / A ) 0.5 rx 70
Radius of Gyration ry = ( Iyy / A ) 0.5 ry 40
Center of Gravity xcog = B/2 xcog 50
Center of Gravity ycog = H/2 ycog 100
Polar moment of inertia J = Ixx + Iyy J 36,773,333

Estimated Max Deflection

Allowable Max Deflection 20.8
Result PASS



Vel: (water) Max Vel:
( m/s ) 2.5
2.00 PASS
1.00 FAIL
3.00 FAIL

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