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LESSON 1: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER- problematic computer mediated communication, and

MEDIATED COMMUNICATION privacy and security.

1. Define what constitutes Computer-Mediated  A working definition of CMC that, pragmatically
Communication compared to other forms of and in light of the rapidly changing nature of
mediated communication. communication technologies, does not specify
2. Understand the defining characteristics of forms, describes it as “the process by which
Computer-Mediated Communication. people create, exchange, and perceive
information using networked
telecommunications systems that facilitate
encoding, transmitting, and decoding
The principal objective of this course is to provide messages” (December, 1996).
students with an understanding of how communication
technologies and relationships have become  This seems to encompass both the delivery
interdependent with one another. Digital culture centers mechanisms, derived from communication
on communication, with interaction and interactivity as theory, and the importance of the interaction of
the lifeblood of mediated conversation. The original “killer people that the technologies and processes
application” of the internet was email. We have since mediate (Naughton, 2000).
evolved many, and much more sophisticated digital
modes of talking, listening, sending, and attending.  It also provides for great flexibility in
Computer mediated communication, thus, is at the approaches to researching CMC, as “studies of
intersection of these new media technologies (e.g. cmc can view this process from a variety of
Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.) and interpersonal interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives by
communication. focusing on some combination of people,
technology, processes, or effects” (December,
Issues central to the course include the impact of 1996).
relationships on communication technology use and vice
versa, romantic and family communication in the digital  The social aspects of the communication, rather
world, friendships and online social support, identity and than the hardware or software, form the basis of
impression management, virtual communities, the more recent definitions. Jonassen et al. (1995)
focus on the facilitation of sophisticated with the speed, and often the dynamism of spoken
interactions, both synchronous and asynchronous, communications, for example via telephone.
by computer networks in their definition of CMC.
One of the most overt examples of the move away The possibilities for interaction and feedback are
from a technological focus in definitions describes almost limitless, and are not constrained as they
it thus: “CMC, of course, is not just a tool; it is are in some of the “electronic page turning”
at once technology, medium, and engine of forms of computer-aided instruction, wherein the
social relations. It not only structures social interaction is limited to a selection among a small
relations, it Is the space within which the number of choices.
relations occur and the tool that individuals
use to enter that space” (Jones, 1995).NG It is only the creativity, imagination, and personal
involvement of participants, that constrains the
 Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) is potential of online discussions. The potential for
defined as “the method of creating, exchanging interaction in a CMC environment is both more
and perceiving the information, which aids encode, flexible and potentially richer than in other forms of
decode and transmit the messages by means of computer-based education.
telecommunication network” (December, 1996)
and also includes “any human interaction, which The textual aspects of CMC, and In particular of
are symbolic text-based, directed or facilitated asynchronous CMC, support the possibility of
over digitally-based technologies”. It involves, greater reflection in the composition of CMC than
Internet; email, instant messaging, cellular phone is seen in many forms of oral discourse, with
text, multiuser interaction etc. implications for levels of learning.

The computer combines the permanent nature of

CHARACTERISTICS OF CMC written communication with the speed and to some
extent the dynamicism of spoken telephone
 Highly Interactive Communication communication. Unlike the limited interactivity
- CMC provides for complex processes of available in other forms of computer-based
interaction between participants. It combines the learning such as CAI, the possibilities for
permanent nature of written communication (which interaction and feedback are almost limitless,
in itself has implications for research processes) being a function of the creativity and personal
involvement of the participants in the on-line irrelevant information, because there are so many
discussion. participants contributing messages on a variety of
different topics. One approach to creating some
The feedback messages do not have to be pre- order in this chaos is through the development of
prepared and stored, as is the case with CAI. Also, special-purpose educational CMC software
the participants are able to some extent to express environments that may break down a complex
within their messages not only the bare content conference into subthemes and issues held in
but also their personal viewpoints and, to a limited separate “areas”,” as if in separate rooms in a
extent, the emotional overtones that may be convention center (for example, CoSy,
present. Thus, the potential for interaction in a PARTIcipate)
CMC system is both more flexible and potentially
richer than in other forms of computer-based Another approach is through the use of hypertext
education. environments that automatically link the
incoming messages so that the users of the CMC
 Multi-Way Communication system can get a clear idea of the structure of
- Another aspect of the communication process is previous discussion. Such hypertext environments
that it is essentially multiway communication. At have also been applied to breaking down a large
the very least, the communication is two-way, as in group of participants into small groups for
the case of two people exchanging messages in intensive discussion, replicating in the on-line
an electronic-mail environment. More often, environment the classroom-based techniques of
however, the communication is multiway, between seminars or case study (Romiszowski & Chang,
all the participants of a group who may receive 1992; Chang, 1994). The latest windows-based
and respond to messages from all the other conferencing systems allow participants to view a
participants. list of messages in a conference and then to point
and click on those they wish to read. This
One point that should be considered is whether facilitates greater selectivity for users than the old
unlimited multiway communication is in fact always command line systems.
desirable within an educational situation. Many
participants in computer conferencing have
expressed frustration and disappointment With the
difficulty they have had in sorting out relevant from
 Synchronous and Asynchronous LESSON 2: THEORIES AND METHODS OF
- Finally, the communication process may have
Episode 1: Social Presence theory and F2F
both synchronous and asynchronous
Communication vs CMC
characteristics. By synchronous communication,
we understand communication between two or Episode 2: Media Richness and computer mediated
more people in real time, such as classroom- communications
based, face-to-face discussion, or a telephone
conversation. In asynchronous communication, the Episode 3: Impressions Management In CMC
participants are not on-line at one and the same Episode 4: Hyperpersonal Communication
time, as in the case of correspondence by letter or
Theories and Methods of Computer Mediated
The interesting aspect of using the computer as a Communication
communication medium is that it is possible to use
it at will both as a synchronous communication • Computer-mediated communication (CMC) systems, in
medium like a telephone or an asynchronous a variety of forms, have become integral to the initiation,
communication medium like a letter-writing or fax development, and maintenance of interpersonal
system, depending on what is ideally required by relationships. They are involved in the subtle shaping of
the particular situation (Rawson, 1990; Sheffield & communication in almost every relational context.
McQueen, 1990). We will later explore these
characteristics of synchronous and asynchronous • How CMC changes our messages. How they are
communication in a computer-mediated constructed, whether for specific relational purposes or
environment, identifying potential benefits in with lesser or greater effect, remain important questions
different situations for each one of these that continue to drive inquiry in interpersonal CMC
modalities. research.
• How does the Internet affect the likelihood of having
relationships? With whom? And how do we manage
these relationships?
• How do disclosures and affectations influence others
and ourselves, and how do online interpersonal
processes affect the instrumental and group dynamics - human behavior in which people look for
that technology enables? How do we exploit existing information through social channels.
technologies for relational purposes, and how do we - also known as social search/social information
evade the potential dampening effects that technologies retrieval.
otherwise may impose on relational communication? How
• Face-to-Face Communication - Has the highest level
do technology developers incorporate features into
of social presence, CMC has a considerably lower level
communication systems specifically designed to support
of social presence due to lack of nonverbal cues and
and enhance relational functions?
reduced feedback.

Social Presence Theory and Face-to-face

Communication VS. Computer Mediated
• Media richness theory was first proposed by Richard
• Social presence theory is one of the earliest theories
L. Daft and Robert H. Lengel.
in CMC, which can explain the kind of interactions during
a socio-collaborative work. Presence is considered an • Richness is defined as “the potential information
integral part of mediated environments. carrying capacity of data or feedback in terms of the
number of channels they support” (e.g., audio,
• Social presence is defined as the degree to which a
person is aware of another person in a mediated
communication context. This theory suggests that • When information systems have the ability to stimulate
different communication media enable different levels of debate, clarify confusion and resolve potential conflicts
social presence experience. rather than just providing large amount of data, they can
reduce equivocality (Daft & Lengel, 1986).
• While face-to-face (F2F) communication has the
highest level of social presence, CMC has a • When information systems have the capacity to carry
considerably lower level of social presence due to lack large amounts of information, they can reduce uncertainty
of nonverbal cues and reduced feedback. (Daft & Lengel, 1986).
• According to Daft and Lengel’s theory, media richness
is a determined by:
• SIS ( Social information seeking)
- The medium’s capacity for immediate feedback personal homepages and even face-to-face meetings.
- The number of cues and channels available Besides, much of the time, people use online
- Language variety communication to maintain preexisting offline
- The degree to which intent is focused on the relationships
- Uncertainty and Equivocality
• The hyperpersonal model of CMC (Walther, 1996)
proposes a set of concurrent theoretically based
REINSTATING SOCIO-EMOTIONAL CONTENT IN processes to explain how CMC may facilitate
CMC impressions and relationships online that exceed the
desirability and intimacy that occur in parallel off-line
• New identity markers - People pay attention not only
to the time-stamps in emails, but also to clues revealed
about someone from their email address (e.g. if it ends in • The model follows four common components of the
<gov>, <com>, or <edu>) and their chatroom nicknames communication process to address how CMC may affect
because, as research shows, people often use a ‘nick’ cognitive and communication processes relating to
which conveys information about them (e.g. <hotguy>, message construction and reception:
<proudpinoy> , or <engrjay>).
1. Effects due to receiver processes
• Bending language rules - Even with nothing but text, • When receiving messages from others in CMC,
we can still tell a great deal about people from the an individual may tend to exaggerate perceptions
language they use – their vocabulary, their grammar, of the message sender. In the absence of the
their style. If we can’t see social cues like age, sex and physical and other cues that face-to-face
looks, we can always just ask. In CMC, this is known as encounters provide, rather than fail to form an
‘MORFing’ (i.e. ‘are you Male OR Female?’) and often impression, receivers fill in the blanks with regard
appears in the form of A/S/L? (‘age, sex, location’). to missing information. This often takes the form of
idealization if the initial clues about another person
• Going multimodal - It is also common that people
are favorable.
supplement traditional, text-based CMC with other
channels of communication, so that online chatters often
2. Effects among message senders
‘fill in the gaps’ with email, snail-mail, telephone calls,
• Text-based CMC facilitates selective self without interfering with conversational flow, very
presentation. Online, one may transmit only cues much unlike the effects of face-to-face response
that an individual desires others to have. It need latencies.
not be apparent to others what one’s physical
characteristics are (unless one discloses them • The hyperpersonal model further suggests that
verbally), nor do individuals generally transmit CMC users capitalize on the ability to edit, delete,
unconscious undesirable interaction behaviors and rewrite messages to make them reflect
such as interruptions, mismanaged eye contact, or intended effects before sending them.
nonverbal disfluencies of the kind that detract from
desired impressions face-to-face. 4. Feedback effects - When a receiver gets a
selectively self-presented message and idealizes
• Instead, CMC senders may construct messages its source, that individual may respond in a way
that portray themselves in preferential ways, that reciprocates and reinforces the partially
emphasizing desirable characteristics and modified personae, reproducing, enhancing, and
communicating in a manner that invites potentially exaggerating them. The way the
preferential reactions. dynamics of these reciprocated expectations may
modify participants’ character was suggested to
3. Attributes of the channel reflect the process of behavioral confirmation.
• The third dimension of the hyperpersonal model
involves characteristics of the channel and how
CMC as a medium contributes to the deliberate BEHAVIORAL DISINHIBITION
construction of favorable online messages.
• Disinhibition on the Internet could be defined as
• One part of the channel factor focuses on the behavior that is less inhibited than comparative behavior
mechanics of the CMC interface, suggesting that in real life and that is characterized by an apparent
users exploit the ability to take time to contemplate reduction in concern about socially favorable self-
and construct messages mindfully. presentation and the positive judgement of others
(Joinson, 1998).
• In many CMC applications (especially
asynchronous systems), users may take some
time to create optimally desirable messages
PROBLEMATIC BEHAVIORS RELATED TO INTERNET biography, a Curriculum Vitae, or job related data
USE AND CMC on their personal homepages (Dominick, 1999).
• FLAMING - One of the adverse phenomena in CMC is
related to using verbal expressions that can cause hurt or
insult to others. It can cause Internet users to feel free to
express anger or hatred in the form of "Flaming" (Reid,
- Hostile actions over the Internet may be triggered by the
frustration that is commonly experienced when using this TRANSMISSION MEDIA
medium. Failure of computer hardware or software is a - total path through which data goes from sender to
common cause of frustration for users, as well as receiver
disruption or the low speed of the communication link
with the Internet. - acts as a medium to transfer information from one part
to the other (communication channel)
- Also, the time lag in confirmation of a receipt of a
message, or when waiting for a full reply to a message,
can sometimes lead to disappointment or anger WIRED COMMUNICATION MEDIA
expressed toward the interaction partner(s).
- also known as Guided media
- more stable than wireless media
- used for professional purposes
- One of the consequences of uninhibited behavior
and poor impression management in CMC is - a bit expensive than wireless in terms of maintenance
inappropriate self-disclosure. EX: telephone networks, cable television or internet
- Self-descriptions via the Internet are mostly related access, and fiber-optic communication
to e-mail, discussion forums, and personal home
pages. Most Internet users present only a brief
TYPES OF WIRED MEDIA - signal can be carried over long distances with little
interference or loss
1. Twisted Pair Cable
Applications. Some applications of coaxial cables:
- made up of insulated copper arranged in a spiral pattern
(one wire is used for data transmission and one for 1. Cable TV
2. Phone lines
- 2 types of twisted pair cable; unshielded twisted pair
3. Cable internet
(UTP), and shield twisted pair (STP)
4. HAM Radio
- UTP cables are cheaper than STP and most common
twisted pair used in computer networks and in 5. RF systems (radio frequency)
Applications. Some applications of twisted pair cables:
3. Fiber-optic Cables
1. Telephone systems: to provide voice and data
channels. - highly efficient and advanced data transmission cables
that allow the
2. LANs use twisted-pair cables.
- transfer of data in a very large volume
3. The DSL lines used by the telephone companies also
use the unshielded twisted pair cables to provide - thin pipes made up of glass or plastic known as optic
extremely high data rate connections. fibers and data or information flows via light in these
- it has 2 types; single-mode fibers and multimode fibers
2. Co-axial Cable
Applications. Some applications of Fiber-optic cables:
- most common type of transmission media that is used in
various applications like TV wires 1. One of the most popular and important uses of Fiber-
optic cables is the INTERNET.
- made up of copper wires for carrying the higher
frequency signals this wire is covered with an insulated 2. Television broadcasting. These cables are very much
foil cover suitable for transmitting signals for high-definition
televisions because of their greater bandwidth and DISADVANTAGES OF WIRED NETWORK
• LACK OF MOBILITY – A wired network creates an
3. Surgical operations in medical. These cables are used environment where you cannot pick up your laptop and
in various fields of medicine and research purposes as move to a different location in your space
their cost is low as compared to other cables.
• INSTALLATION – Network installation can be a much
4. It is used in industries and in defense services also longer process and is ideally done at the very beginning
these cables are of great use. of construction
• MAINTENANCE – Maintenance to the physical server
of the network requires consistent attention to maintain
WIRED NETWORK – A wired network employs wires to
connectivity, capacity, storage, and workload.
link devices to the internet or another network, such as
laptops or desktop PCS. • WIRES – Visible wires is not aesthetically pleasing
Where you physically plug your computer or docking
station into an ethernet cord or wall jack
transmission of information over a distance without the
help of wires, cables or any other forms of electrical
• VISIBILITY – A wired network is not visible to other
wired networks
• SPEED – Wired networks are generally much faster
than wireless networks 1. Satellite Communication - Satellite
communication is a crucial form of wireless
• SECURITY – With the protection of firewalls and other
communication. By means of satellites, people all
security devices, a wired network is broadly protected
over the earth can communicate with each other.

2. Infrared Communication - Is present in most

homes in the form of a television remote control.
3. Broadcast radio - The most famous form of Cellular phones, wireless sensors, TV remotes, satellite
wireless transmission on our list, broadcast radio, disc receivers, and laptops with WLAN card are all
was probably the first kind of wireless examples of wireless devices.
communication. Radio transmitters send out data
in the form of radio waves to receiving antennae.
1. Cost-Effectiveness - Wired communication entails the
4. Wi-Fi - Wi-Fi internet is a low powered wireless use of connection wires. In wireless networks,
electronic network. These are available in almost communication does not require elaborate physical
every shopping mall and cafe in the world. infrastructure or maintenance practices. Hence the cost is
Essentially a physical wired network is connected reduced.
to a router. This creates a highly localized and low
power wireless network. 2. Flexibility and Accessibility - Wireless
communication enables people to communicate
5. Mobile Communications Systems - The regardless of their location. It helps easy accessibility as
burgeoning mobile phone industry uses similar the remote areas where ground lines can’t be properly
technology to Wi-Fi but on a much grander and laid, are being easily connected to the network.
safer scale. Mobile phone companies provide 3. Convenience - Wireless communication devices like
coverage to customers nationwide or even mobile phones are quite simple and therefore allow
international scale. anyone to use them, wherever they may be. There is no
need to physically connect anything in order to receive or
6. Bluetooth Technology - Bluetooth is a relatively pass messages.
new technology but is becoming more and more
prevalent. It is essentially a simple method to send • COST – The cost of wireless is largely based on the
information across a short distance. amount of space where connectivity is needed.
• INSTALLATION – While initial structured cabling
installation is extensive, adding or upgrading wireless
WIRELESS NETWORK – made up of electromagnetic systems is much easier.
waves (EM Waves) or infrared waves. Antennas or
sensors will be present on all wireless devices. • MOBILITY – Seamless. Freedom
• VISIBILITY – One network is visible to the other which • A global network which connects millions of computers
ca affect the performance of your connection.
• The internet is decentralized
• SECURITY – Wireless networks are less secure than
• Every computer over the internet is independent
• There are various ways to access the internet
• SPEED – While wireless internet keeps getting faster
and faster a hardwired connection will always be the
fastest option.
are prone to interference by other networks, wireless ADVANTAGES:
enabled devices, and objects such as walls that can ● Access to information
obstruct the connection.
● Low cost of marketing
● Malware and data breach
INTERNET – is a global system that uses TCP/IP
protocol suite to link various types of electric devices ● Privacy
worldwide. The internet is a collection of interconnected ● Unreliable filters or Information
devices that are spread across the globe. The internet is
a network of networks which consist of public, private,
sales, finance, academic, business, and government INTRANET – is a private network which gives employees
networks. The internet is a type of network and called a in a company the ability to organise information, manage
network of networks. documents, shares calendars and to-do list. It normally
- is a global network of computers interconnected to one runs in a client/server environment in a local area
another to communicate and share information publicly. network

EX: People use internet to browse on Facebook, watch In intranet, every compute is connected via the LAN and
YouTube videos, read articles online and shop online. has something known as MAC address. It is a number
that allows you to identify the place where the computer ● Provides platform independence
is located.
● Data management is faster to access and reliable
- is a private and internal network that enables people to
store, organize, and share information within an
organization. ● You will not be able to communicate with external users
EX: A company wants to schedule a meeting with its ● Costly implementation
employees and vendors to introduce a new product. It
uses intranet features to invite its sales, customer ● Viruses and malware can be easily spread if not
service, and field service staff to a meeting to introduce handled properly
the new product.


• Intranet is fast and accurate • Connect different network of computers simultaneously
• Most website with large graphical images, videos, and • Multiple users
sound, process fast on Intranet
• More number of visitors
• Your firewall protects it from external threats
• Public network
• It is easy to monitor with your organization
• Accessible
• Easy communication across the company from all levels
• Unlimited information
• Helps to share ideas and discussions.
• Using social media on your phone or researching
resources via Google
● Faster collaboration & communication • Owned by private firms
• Limited users - It is required that the transmitter or the sender and
the receiver of the message must be present at
• Less number of visitors
the same meeting.
• Private network
EX: Instant messages, Computer, Video conferencing,
• Not anyone can have an access and Audio

• Limited information - computer mediated communication in a synchronous

form occurs when all parties involved are online at the
• A company used to communicate internally with its same time.
employees and share information.
AKA: Direct Communication
EX: telephone conversations, video conference
The key difference between the Intranet and Internet is
that internet has a wide network of computers available
for all and has unlimited users while intranet is a network
of computers designed for a certain group of users. • Human friendly
• Useful in crisis situations
• Makes brainstorming easier
- it is an exchange of interaction between two or COMMUNICATION
more people
● Can develop sense of closeness
- Its nature is that it necessitates immediate ● Can obtain sensitive information or helpful criticism
● Brainstorming sessions
• Respects recipients time
• Difficult to arrange
• Provides a context
• Unsuccessful multitasking
• No need to scheduling
• Dragging the focus
• Unnecessary meetings
• Time zone differences COMMUNICATION
• Difficult to schedule meeting ● Flexibility to reply all you can
● Respects recipients time
ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION – contrast of ● Provide a context
synchronous. A person may give information but there is
● No need to scheduling
a time lag before the respondents or the people who are
involved within the conversation to give its response.
EX: Text messages, Discussion Forums, Email, and DISADVANTAGES OF ASYNCHRONOUS
- computer mediated communication in asynchronous • Misunderstanding
form occurs with time constraints--meaning all involved
parties don't need to be present or available at the same • Disconnected communication
exact time. • No sense of emergency
EX: e-mails, discussion boards, text messaging via cell


COMPARISON of SYNCHRONOUS and synchronous and asynchronous communication is
ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION in ONLINE synchronous communications are scheduled, real-time
CLASSROOM SETTING interactions by phone, video, or in-person. Asynchronous
communication happens on your own time and doesn’t
need scheduling.
• We are learning the same lesson at the same time with
the presence of your instructor and classmates.
• Same as the traditional classroom setting that we all
learn something, but we don’t interact personally.
• It involves video conferencing, live chats, and breakout
characterized by the use of technology, as technology is
used as a medium in between the interpersonal
• Responses are quickly given. communication.
EX: telephone calls, emails, video calls, and letters

• Our communication does not happen at the same time CHARACTERISTICS OF MEDIATED

• We learn at our own pace. 1. Independent individuals - each person has their own
motivations, expectations, and interpretations of
• It involves pre-recorded lessons, blogs or other communication
messages that we can open in our most convenient time.
2. Inherently rational - meant to be understood
• Responses are not given immediately.
3. Inescapable - always communicating
4. Involves personal choice - you can use how you
ASYNCHRONOUS - The key difference between
1. Verbal communication - uses language, words,
sentences, and voice as the medium of communication ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION - refers to the
sending and receiving of messages among
2. Nonverbal communication - uses body language,
interconnected individuals within a specific environment
facial expressions, tone, and pauses in speech as the
or setting in order to achieve individual and shared goals
medium of communication


This is a simple type or category of organizational
According to Kim, raises is how much " Verbal
communication. It all comes down to the language
Expressions Or Social Cues"
and tone that an organization uses when
ADVANTAGE - The immediate communication is the communicating.
source that helps the person to communicate with
• FORMAL COMMUNICATION - is often used when
multiple people at one time. This helps people to build
communicating with customers and clients, especially
their networks with lots of people.
during an official press release. Formal communication
DISADVANTAGE - The mediate communication has follows the specific organizational structure, such as
decreased the interpersonal relationships among the mass communication through email campaign or at a
people. People are just chatting on social sites and meeting.
communicating with each other through it. This also
causes the misunderstanding among the people as the
“grapevine” communication, is really essential, as it is the
person cannot see the facial expressions while
most common way when organizational communication

Organizational communication is simply a
directional. This means that the way we
communicate changes depending on the position TOOLS OF DIGITAL ORGANIZATIONAL
of the person we’re talking to. There are three COMMUNICATION
types of directional communication: downward,
• ELECTRONIC MAIL/EMAIL - commonly shortened to
upward, and horizontal/lateral.
“email,” is a communication method that uses electronic
• DOWNWARD COMMUNICATION - refers to an devices to deliver messages across computer networks.
employee communicating with another employee in a "Email" refers to both the delivery system and individual
lower-ranking position. Downward communication is most messages that are sent and received.
commonly used in an instructional sense
• UPWARD COMMUNICATION - is the reversal of
Advantage: Cheap, reliable, and supports most regular
downward communication. Upward communication is
attachments with ease. You can send a quick note to a
effective because it can help build a more equal
colleague or a mass email announcing upcoming updates
• Improved communication, information sharing, and
communication of employees on the same hierarchical
level. • Streamlined tracking of requests
3. INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION • Testing environment for new ideas
• INTERNAL COMMUNICATION - focus on the way • Improved corporate culture and
employees interact with one another. Internal
communication focuses on employee engagement and • Return of investment from low implementation and
employee communication. operating costs

• EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION - applies to the way an Disadvantage:

organization communicates with the outside world. Long response time
• A lack of proper ownership or ownership being
distributed among groups complicates network
responsibilities and management.
• A lack of mobile device and remote support creates used to increase engagement with your app, and improve
problems, including limiting the ability of remote workers customer conversion and retention.
to access information on the intranet.
CHAT BOTS - A chatbot is a computer program that
simulates and processes human conversation (either
written or spoken), allowing humans to interact with
SURVEYS - To investigate the opinions or experience by
digital devices as if they were communicating with a real
asking questions
CALL CENTER - are places where agents work to
answer customers' questions and solve their problems
over the phone or via other means of communication 3. CMC AT THE MASS COMMUNICATION LEVEL
LIVE CHAT - is a technology that provides companies COMPUTER AS MASS COMMUNICATION TOOL
with a way to interact with users when they visit an
• To communicate with friends and family using email,
organization's media properties.
Twitter, Facebook, Skype, and so on.
TEXT MESSAGE - is the act of sending short,
• To gather information via the news, a Google search,
alphanumeric communications between cellphones,
and so on.
pagers or other hand-held devices, as implemented by a
wireless carrier. • To learn something on educational websites or via a
university video.
SOCIAL NETWORK - The term social networking refers
to the use of internet-based social media sites to stay • To work (perhaps remotely while sitting in your jammies
connected with friends, family, colleagues, or customers at home) when you've called in sick or on a business trip
SOCIAL MEDIA - Social media refers to the means of
interactions among people in which they create, share, • To be entertained, whether it's on YouTube, Netflix, or
and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual somewhere else.
communities and networks
- Via the internet, computers spread content created on
MOBILE APP PUSH NOTIFICATION - A mobile app the computer (words or graphics) to the world at large. In
push notification is a message sent by an application to a other words, computers are a tool for mass
customer's mobile device. Mobile push messages can be communication. The internet is critical here. Think about
the days before the internet. Computers existed, but they CHARACTERISTICS OF MASS COMMUNICATION
weren't really a tool for mass communication.
● Covers large area
● Heterogeneous audience (ages, interest, needs,
MASS COMMUNICATION - the transfer of messages feelings, caste creeds, etc.)
through larger media platforms i.e Television, Radio, Print
● Use of tools of mass communication
Media, and also via technology-driven channels like
News Portals, Youtube Channels, Facebook and ● Doesn’t have a direct feedback method
Instagram Pages, etc. to a large audience.
● No discrimination is there
EX: journalism, entertainment, social media, books,
advertising ● Fast source of communication
● Circulates common message


1. Professional communicators create various types of FUNCTIONS OF MASS COMMUNICATION
"messages" for presentation to individuals. TO INFORM THE AUDIENCE - Dissemination of
2. The messages are disseminated in a "quick and information is the primary function of the news media.
continuous" manner through some form of mechanical TO EDUCATE THE AUDIENCE - Internet is playing a
media. vital role in the process of education.
3. The messages are received by a vast and diverse TO ENTERTAIN THE AUDIENCE - Mass media is a
audience. great source of entertainment-based programs.
4. The audience interprets these messages and gives TO PERSUADE THE AUDIENCE - Mass media is used
them meaning. to mold public opinion in certain way
5. The audience is influenced or changed in some TO TRANSMIT DIFFERENT CULTURES - Through
manner. individuals, communication becomes part of the collective
experience of groups, audiences of all kinds and finally
the masses. Mass communication plays an important role
in the transmission of culture from one generation to
- Hirst, K. (2018). Understanding Mass Media and Mass
Communication. Understanding Mass Media and Mass
Communication (
- Cheprasov, A. (2022). The Computer as a Mass
Communication Tool. The Computer as a Mass
Communication Tool - Video & Lesson Transcript |
- Yadav, A. (2022). What is Mass Communication?
Meaning, Define, Function, Types & Example.What is
Mass Communication? Meaning, Define, Function, Type,
Example (

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