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, A Sourcebook for Spies WARS




The Galactic Civil War rages on, as starfighters and
tanks fight battles across the galaxy. The Empire’s
military superiority seems overwhelming in these

emtYG this, REBEL SPIES wagea covert war of

espionage and deception, fighting in the shadows
with disguises, cover identities, specialized gear,
and most importantly, their wits. Few will ever
know thetruth of their secret battles....
FANTASY FLIGHT GAMES Quality Assurance Coordinator: Zach Tewalthomas

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Secrets in the Ace or REBELLION... ChapterIII: The Hidden War...
Tradecraft in Star Wars... Integrating Spies...
Spies of the Rebellion.. Covert Ops..
ChapterI: Operating from the (Goaoainklern acs
Spy Backgrounds... Concealing and Disguising Weapons.
Spy Duties............ ‘SICel} F241 St 1CCO)D 1)=)hs eee ere Cea ene eer
New Species............ Spy Campaigns...
NewSpecializations. Spy Rewards.......
New Talents
Spy Motivations.
Spy Signature Abilities.
ChapterII: Tools of Tradecraft ..
New Weapons.
New Gear...
EatEc0l01111to eee
Starships and Vehicles.
twasa quiet portion of the Reeth one ofthe few Poen himself entered a moment later, panting.
- here on the Ring of Kafrene. Plenty of people were. “Hah! We have you now!” Lojan kept silent as a
still walking through it, though, and Gregor Lojan trooper applied a heavy set of binders while the oth-
stepped out from an alcoveto join them. He casually” ers kept their blasters at the ready.
strolled past the drop site, a rundown public.termi-
“Indeed you do!” The ISB officer had appeared out
nal, with his gaze cemented straight ahead. Good. -
COMICAlgom gM TNTLOMMNCMTC] elecmeorel MeV te
No one was watching. Most eyes were on a smudged
ders ese placed and her major’s insignia glow-
viewport, as a formation of TIE Interceptors flew ing. She returned Poen’s nervous salute and stared
past. Visitors, the Balosar thought. Real Ringers stu-
hard at Lojan. He tried to keep his expression Sete
(cla titelaceMng(M ogo
and hopedhe wassucceeding.
So far, so good. A few minutes later Lojan ducked
“Excellent work indeed” she continued. “The ISB
into.a side alley and unwound the bright blue sash
has been looking for this one for some time now.”
from around his waist. A: quick flip and its faded
LeU em eh Lil MeO Oded AMATS TLL Le
brown side was-revealed, which he wound into a
us will be quite... memorable.” She glanced to Poen.
head scarf over his ‘antennapaips. Pulling a pair of
dust goggles over his eyes, he was now just. another “A moment, though,” the major said. She gave
» human, one nobody would remember seeing. Lojan a curt kick, driving him to his knees. “Let’s be
sure the Rebel scum wasn’t carrying anything else.”
Lojan adopteda slight limp on the way backto the
terminal, grasping the keyboard shelf as he sat. The Lojan felt efficient hands searching him, and was
disk was taped underneath, justlike the briefing had aboutto bite down.on a special tooth when a hushed
said. He did some data searchesto finish the ruse, voice in his earsaid “The Falcon Flies Furiously.” He
then palmed the disk as he turned to move away. hadn’t heard that code in awhile, but knew it was for
high level operatives. One of General Cracken’s direct
- “You there!” Lojan didn’t need to turn to recognize
reports at Rebel Intelligence;. possibly a sleeper
the voice—thoseofficious, self-important tones were
‘working out of the’ Ring. He hadn’t known shewould
also part of the briefing. Agent Kav Poen, part of
(be here, but that was the protocolfor deep agents.
Imperial security on the Ring. Lojan kept calm; there
wasalways the chance Poen wasafter someoneelse. A small item was pushed into his palm—a Class
el-icolal tM cocecelire lexoomm Colt COALS CALSIIN
An arm in white armor tried to grab him. Time
and subtle but distinctive odor—as she finished the
to. run. Lojan spun and used the thin keyboard to
rough patdown. “Wait until | leave to escape,” she
chop into the stormtrooper’s vulnerable neck, then
whispered. “And dotry not to get caught again.” With
dashedinto the nearest passageway.
that, she hauled him to his feet and made a show of
Poen shouted commands for pursuit, and the twin - hurling him at-a stormtrooper. Lojan artfully stum-
replies meant there were two other troopers now.on bled, transferring the charge from his palm to inside
his tail..No blaster fire yet—either they wanted him his belt while drawing and palming a setof picks.
alive, or they: didn’t want to eSTg inaneSa That
“Take him away, Agent Poen!” she ordered loudly,
gave him a chance. 5
with perfect Imperial flair. A pair of stormtroopers
He burst into an intersection, where several other grabbed Lojan and began marching him off. The oth-
visitors—dressed too well for the Ring and almost’ ers formed up around their prisoner, aggressively
showing off thick bagsof credit chips—stood chatting. displaying their weaponry at anyone watching.
Hungry eyes watched them from darkenedalcoves,-
“Your assistance is most-appreciated, Major,” Poen
waiting for the right time to pounce. Perfect.
replied, awe in his voice. He essayed another salute,
He carefully awkward collision and lifted Siloam Mali mm naam el gal -ce Keo) MA SM UIcIR
one of the bags, scattering the chips into the air. The
“Notat all,” Lojan heard over his shoulder as he
lowlives burst out of the shadows and into a messy
waspulled along. “Alwaysglad to help a fellow agent!”
fight for the fallen credits. He sensed an approaching
stormtrooperand doveinto the scrum. With a darting He wished they would hurry things up a bit. Lojan
grab Lojan pulled a vibroknife from the boot of one needed to retrieve the disk from where he’d planted
‘of scavengers and thumbedit active. Thesideways, it back under the keyboard shelf, and then had an
spinning throw he made wasn’t amonghis best, but appointment back at Home Basefor his next mission.
the balance on the heavy bladereally wasterrible.
He leapt over the still-twitching stormtrooper and
sprinted down two more intersections, fast enough
to avoid the startled security forces. Then there were
suddenly two troopers blocking his way, and before
he could dodge away four more were behind him.
he Galactic Empire is an entrenched, well-equipped, ways to do so. This begins with weapons and armor,
and sprawling institution. It has every imagin- most of it designed around ease of concealment. A
able advantage in the Galactic Civil War. In order for Spy who remains armed while foes fail to recognize
the Rebellion to succeed, it must carefully chooseits the danger stays prepared for the worst-case sce-
battles. The Rebels have to identify their foe’s weak nario. Additional tools, droids, vehicles, and modifica-
points and exploit them mercilessly. Only when they tions continue the theme of subtlety.
know both when and where to most effectively con-
Chapter III: The Hidden War concludes the book
centrate their forces can they risk launching an attack.
with resources for the Game Master, and offers sug-
Spies provide the information that gives the Rebellion
gestions for running an espionage-focused campaign.
a chance. Without their daring deceptions, the Empire
Generally, such adventures mean fewer direct con-
might never fall, and countlesscitizens of the galaxy
frontations and more subterfuge, deceit, and stealth.
will continue to suffer under its tyranny.
Heroes may experience their greatest triumphs during
This book is devoted to the Spy career for AcE oF adventures in which they never even draw a weapon.
REBELLION. It discusses the heroic role that Spies play Advice is also included for integrating a Spy into a
in the Galactic Civil War as well as howbest to inte- more traditional campaign. This section adds further
grate them into a campaign. While a Spy can be a lone depth with specific ideas for espionage-themed cam-
operative, most work as part of a larger team. Even paigns, narrative dice result suggestions in skill checks
isolated operatives depend upon a support network Spies might make, gear alteration methods for better
to provide them with the information, equipment, and concealment, expanded rules
reinforcements they need to succeed. At the same for slicing, and adventure
time, characters in other careers may depend upon a rewards tailored to Alli-
Spy to provide them with the information necessary ance Spies.
to complete their own missions.
This section presents an overview of the book and
discusses the importance of Spies in the Star Wars
setting. It provides examples of Spy characters and
espionage operations, which builds context for the
career and gives additional insights into the role. It
may also give players a senseof the types ofchal-
lenges Spies might encounter and ways in which
these heroes can contribute to the Rebellion.
This information will help players identify which
aspects of their characters are most important
for development, in terms of both personality
and game mechanics.
Chapter |: Operating from the ©
offers players a range of tools for mec
optimizing a Spy character. These inclu
playable species particularly suited to
career as well as new specializations
offer alternative approaches to the car
Additional backgrounds, a Motivation, sig>
nature abilities, and specific Duties pro-
vide further ways to enrich characters
pursuing this career. While some of these
are most appropriate for a new character,
many can be acquired with the experience points
an established character has earned.
Chapter II: Tools of Tradecraft provides spe-
cialized equipment that is particularly suited for
Spy characters. These heroes are most effective
when they appear quite unremarkable, and the
equipment included here provides a range of

Nn othing is more valuable than secrets, and the out-
comes of wars often hinge upon the security and
revelation of them. Had Palpatine’s Sith allegiance
become public knowledge, he might never have
During the lead-up to the Galactic Civil War, it took
become Emperor. Had Darth Vader learned of Luke’s
time for individuals and organizations to appreciate
existence earlier, the young moisture farmer might
the full scope of the Emperor's duplicity. Many tried
never have joined the Rebellion. If the plans for the
to work within the system at first to resolve their dif-
first Death Star had remained secure,it might not have
ferences with the Empire’s policies. Within a few short
been destroyed. Thousands may die during a battle
years, however, people were imprisoned for even dar-
simply because the Empire used counterespionage to
ing to voice their opinions publicly. This forced oppo-
feed false information to Alliance infiltrators.
sition groups to work in secrecy. Unsurprisingly, espi-
A Spy’s entire career is devoted to dealing in onage became the order of the day for the nascent
secrets. Most often, this means uncovering the oppo- Rebellion, while agencies such as the Imperial Secu-
sition’s secure information so that allies can analyze it rity Bureau emerged to counter them.
and incorporateit into their plans. At times, however,
Spies may be the individuals most capable of ensur-
ing secrecy. Because they knowhow to obtain secure
information from their foes, they typically know the
best ways to prevent their own side's secrets from fall-
ing into enemy hands.
Of course, implicit in the requirementsfor this career
is the ability to recognize valuable secrets and sort
them from the dross. An enemy general’s dietary hab-
its might be confidential, but that information does
not necessarily have military value—unless it provides
an opportunity for blackmail or assassination. Con-
versely, unit movements, asset transfers, and long-
term plans are usually quite valuable—unless they
are for low-priority targets. Spies typically engage
in missions with clear-cut objectives, but sometimes
secondary objectives or unexpected opportunities
may arise. In those circumstances, a skilled operative
knows when it is worthwhile to assume further risks to
acquire a juicy bit of intelligence.
As, the Rebellion arose unevenly and in secrecy effective approach. Computer security is stronger on
throughout the galaxy, sympathizers could be found the Core Worlds than elsewhere, however, and even
anywhere. Early members included respectable accomplished slicers put themselves at risk. Assassi-
Imperial Senators, such as Senator Bail Organa, and nation attempts are also more common on the Core
recruits from Imperial Academies, like Sabine Wren Worlds due to the number ofhigh-profile targets. These
and WedgeAntilles. Dedicated espionage agents such involve far greater risk than similar attempts in other
as Cassian Andor ledintelligence gathering missions, parts of the galaxy due to the higher level of security.
and special operations such as assassinations. At the
same time, self-serving criminals like Hondo Ohnaka ESPIONAGE IN THE MID RIM
assisted the Rebellion as it grew. Spies played criti-
cal role in identifying sympathizers from all walks The Imperial military maintains a strong presence
of life and providing them with ways to aid the Alli- within the Expansion Region and the Mid Rim, but its
ance as it developed. Secure and discreet methods power is lower there than on Core Worlds. Citizens of
of transferring military intelligence were vital. Without these systems are morelikely to have encountered
them, the isolated groups that eventually developed the Empire’s inequities, which has increased the num-
into the Alliance to Restore the Republic might never ber of Rebellion sympathizers. While these places
have come to trust one another. tend to be less affluent than the Core Worlds, they do
include well-supplied manufacturing hubs and agri-
The uniforms of Imperial troopers and pilots provide
cultural worlds. Some populous systems have strong
an important piece of leverage to Rebel operatives
militaries, which can provide recruits for the Alliance.
during their assignments. Concealing helmets and lim-
This is particularly true for systems that are home to
ited personal identifiers have made it relatively easy
non-human species, such as Kashyyyk and Bothawui.
for operatives to impersonate a stormtrooper or a TIE
fighter pilot. While security codes, ID chips, and local Agents engaged in espionage in the Mid Rim are
procedures complicateinfiltration, a stolen uniform or morelikely to operate with some level of local support.
suit of armor grants an anonymity that makes covert Sympathizers can usually be found to offer an agent a
missions much easier. safe house or access to weaponry. On some worlds, an
entire team can operate in relative anonymity under
CORE WORLDS UNDER COVER false identities constructed using local as opposed to
Imperial resources. This makes longer-lasting opera-
Operations within the Core Worlds typically face the tions and missions of greater scope more feasible.
mostrigorous Imperial security. These well-developed Alliance facilities are often relatively substantial in the
worlds support the Empire largely due to the safety Mid Rim, and protecting them requires spies in coun-
they believe it provides them. Routine security screen- terintelligence roles. Imperial organizations, including
ings and demonstrations of military prowess have the ISB, constantly work to identify and eliminate any
quite likely become part of daily life for those who facilities or groups that could betied to insurgency.
dwell there. Certainly a portion of this security is more
Much of the galaxy’s commerce flows through the
about appearances than efficacy, but even that makes
Mid Rim. Specialty manufactured goods travel out-
work more challenging for espionage agents. The
ward from the Core, while agricultural and esoteric
Empire takes pride in the number of combat-ready
goods flow inward. This constant trade provides rich
assets posted within the Core Worlds and the speed
targets for the Rebellion. Information about Imperial
with which they respond to suspected threats.
cargoes and shipping schedules—particularly for ship-
The Core Worlds are not always good targets for ments slated to pass through less-secure systems—is
espionage missions. Their citizens areless likely than highly valuable to the Alliance.

those of other worlds to be sympathetic to the Rebel-
lion; after all, Imperial policies provide them the great- DOUBLE-DEALING ON THE PERIPHERY
est benefit. The heightened military presence also
means that targets of opportunity are rare within the The Imperial presence throughout the Outer Rim
Core Worlds. Seldom does the Imperial Navy leave a and Periphery varies substantially. Some systems,
Core World sufficiently unguarded for a Rebel fleet to including Lothal, have a strong Imperial presence in
find a fair fight within its territory. everything from manufacturing to the military to gov-
ernment. Others, such as Tatooine, have such a small
As a result, espionage missions to the Core Worlds
Imperial footprint that the arrival of a Star Destroyer
tend to target high-value and isolated objectives.
would be a remarkable event. In other systems,
These include engineers and their data, particularly
Imperial interference has fluctuated throughout the
as it applies to military equipment and manufactur-
Empire's history, depending in part on the decisions of
ing. Alliance agents often employslicing tactics in such
local governors, field commanders, and opportunists.
missions, as these methods often offer a lower-risk but

Worlds with a low Imperial presence are not nec- Imperial operatives stationed far from the Core
essarily sympathetic to the Rebellion. Nal Hutta has Worlds aretypically less loyal and lessskilled. In rare
seen limited Imperial oversight, for example, but its cases, this means they might be recruited to assist the
crime lords have little interest in overthrowing the Rebellion. Even when this proves impossible, some
Empire. As a result, Rebel espionage agents operating Imperials will ignore Rebel actions in exchange for
on these worlds may need toinfiltrate criminal organi- an appropriate bribe. This is certainly not always the
zations, such as when Princess Leia impersonated the case—particularly when showsof force are required—
bounty hunter Boushh. Some of these groups have but it does provide a marginally less dangerous
unique assets that could be tremendously valuable in training ground on which inexperienced agents can
the effort to overthrow the Empire. develop their craft.


S ecuring intelligence from the Empire requires a
variety of approaches.Differences in targets, secu-
rity, and environments mean that not every agent is Gaining physical access to a secure facility requires
well suited to every mission. Further, a technique that the skills of an Infiltrator. Once inside, the agent may
works once might loseits effectiveness once an Impe- need to retrieve information, extract a prisoner, or
rial report on the incident enterscirculation. However, even commit an act of sabotage. In some instances,
the Rebellion has a limited number of agents available an Infiltrator might need to bring an expert in an unre-
to completeits operations, and field operatives must lated field to assist in the task. MostInfiltrators are
employthe tools they have in order to accomplish their adept actors capable of lying convincingly.
assignments. This might require diversifying a skill set
Clone commander Captain Rex used stolen Imperial
or risking a particularly dangerous approach.
assets to infiltrate an Imperial Interdictor with Kanan
AcE oF REBELLION features six Spy specializations Jarrus. The pair's stormtrooper uniforms and knowl-
that cover the more common types of expertise edge of Imperial codes proved crucial to successfully
needed to wage an effective war against the Empire. completing the mission. Ultimately, they were able
Players might also adapt these specific specializations to escape with the freed prisoners and destroy the
to fashion other kinds of Spies they envision as their enemy cruiser.
characters, perhaps by using multiple careers or spe-
cializations to create their own unique Alliance Spies.
COURIER An Interrogator focuses on extracting informa-
tion from a subject. When the target has been cap-
Discreet delivery is the hallmark of the Courier spe- tured, this may involve physical and psychological
cialization. These characters focus on smuggling vital techniques that can become extreme. However, the
information from the people who have recoveredit to Rebellion has few opportunities to take prisoners. As
the individuals who can act upon it. Often, they are a result, some operatives are particularly adept at
not even aware of the type of data they transport, social engineering, tricking their enemies into reveal-
recognizing that each person who knows a secret ing their secrets. Other operatives specialize in teach-
decreases its value and increases its chance of expo- ing allies techniques for resisting interrogation.
sure. Their techniques may employ stealth, speed,
When Grand Admiral Thrawn took Captain Hera
bravado, or a combination of all three.
Syndulla prisoner on Ryloth, he tricked her into
During the early days of the resistance, Princess revealing her true loyalties. Despite her bestefforts,
Leia Organa functioned as Courier on several occa- she was unable to resist his manipulative techniques.
sions. On one mission, she delivered starships and He recognized the value she placed on a family arti-
information to the Lothal rebel cell; to avoid exposing fact, as well as on her teammates, which granted him
Alderaan’s assistance, the cell staged a public theft of leverage over her.
the ships from her. Several years later, she wastrans-
porting the plans for the Death Star when Darth Vader
confirmed Leia’s true loyalties and took her prisoner.

eS Ae eTclaaTtks

n his dual role as Darth Sidious and Senator Operatives for both sides of the war had a
Palpatine, the future Emperor orchestrated broad range of targets for infiltration. Most
the Clone Wars through a convoluted series local governmental agencies were distinct from
of secrets and lies. No one engaged on either the larger Republic and Separatist leadership.
side of the war fully recognized the scope ofthe This led to information sequestration, so that
duplicity until the execution of Order 66 and an operative might need to infiltrate a second
the war’s conclusion. Even then, manyofits bat- target to resolve a lead that was uncovered dur-
tles and missions remained secret—and many HTaYeat- Ta Lahore) Meal SsSy(0) 0
combatants took these secretsto their graves.
Some non-governmental agencies and groups—
The Republic and Separatist militaries depended including corporations and criminal organiza-
heavily upon espionage to know where and how tions—also were vital targets. Such groups
to deploy their armed forces. In a few cases, served as suppliers or proxies on both sides of
spies identified worlds with questionable alle- the conflict. Information about their plans and
giances—including Scipio and Bardotta—and active operations wasevery bit as critical as
helped to turn the tide before things could fall governmental information, though their secu-
apart. In other instances, they were able to rity was more varied. Criminal syndicates might
identify critical resources in the course of their be less deliberate about compartmentalization,
missions—such as the droid factory on Geono- but they could be much more willing to use
sis—sothat the military could take action. deadly force to eliminate a potential threat.

be compromised or destroyed. Sleeper Agents usu-

ally need to transform their identity before undertak-
Expert Scouts identify and confirm targets for Rebel ing another mission, as their previous one might have
operations.In most instances, this requires the opera- been discovered or another one is better suited to
tive to follow up on a lead another agent has obtained their new assignment.
With the additional information Scouts can provide, As a member of the Imperial Senate, Bail Organa
High Command can determine the most appropriate was a vital Sleeper Agent. He used Imperial resources
plan of action. Scouts typically depend on speed and to aid both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano in avoid-
stealth in order to avoid undue attention. ing Imperial detection. He also used his Senate con-
Ezra Bridger once led a scouting mission to Reklam nections to provide the resistance with vital supplies.
Station to identify the availability of Y-wing fighters
the Imperial scrapyard had slated for destruction. His
plans changed abruptly when he realized howfew of
the fighters remained and how quickly they were being Many of the Empire’s most vital secrets are recorded
destroyed. Instead of completing the scouting mis- in its computing systems. These include weapon spec-
sion, Ezra and his team undertook a recovery mission, ifications, transit schedules, and personnel records.
securing the surviving starfighters for the resistance. Slicers who manipulate those systems identify new
targets for the Rebellion to exploit, and they can even
corrupt existing Imperial facilities. ln some missions,
they use their expertise to cause facilities and ves-
The Rebellion needs operatives who can work under- sels to become non-functional. In others, they alter
cover deep behind enemy lines for an extended period delivery schedules so that vital supplies are delivered
of time. Often, these agents quietly embed themselves to the Rebellion.
within Imperial governments, corporations, and even R2-D2 repeatedly demonstrates his expertise in
military organizations, but sometimes they begin as slicing Imperial computer systems to aid the Rebel-
loyal members of a group and later become spies for lion. He discovered Princess Leia’s presence on the
the Alliance. In some instances, these operatives fun- Death Star and remotely shut down the trash com-
nel information and resources away from the Galac- pactorsto savehis allies. On Bespin, he sliced through
tic Empire. In other cases, they gradually work their security systems and uncovered the sabotage to the
way up the hierarchy, so that they can gain access Millennium Falcon’s hyperdrive.
to critical information or assets that can eventually


‘Disguised as a cargo ship and using a secret Imperial
code, a strike team will land on the moon and
deactivate the shield generator.”
—General Crix Madine

he war against the Empire is fought on many This chapter begins with possible backgroundsfor
fronts. The front most visible to citizens is the Spy characters, from former careers as law enforce-
ongoing clash of military forces, especially when it ment agents trained in detective work to ex-per-
takes place on their own planets. The Alliance pro- formers who embrace new identities as additional
paganda effort to gain public supportis another.It is roles to adopt. Players will also discover new Duties
through public endeavors such as these that people for characters looking for espionage themes that
know ofthe ongoing war that is shaking the galaxy. offer new waysto explore the roles Spies play in the
There is another level to this epic war, however, Rebellion. Further, they also have three new species
that almost no one knowsabout. In it, Rebel and to use: the wily Balosars, the stealthy Kubaz, and
Imperial spies clash in the shadows. They might be the insectoid Melittos.
far afield scouting enemy installations, slicing into CypHers AND Masks includes three new special-
encrypted databases,delivering classified datapads, izations for the Spy career as well: Courier, Inter-
or extracting information from captured rivals. rogator, and Sleeper Agent. Using these plus a host
Intelligence and counterintelligence operatives pry of new talents, players can delve into the shadow
olfieS KO) g Tmoet =l@eci(e (MNT SMO LOT MFoM AelKccla war through information transfer, extraction, and
takes to ensure that their own stay secure. Alliance acquisition. The new Motivation of Secrets lets them
spies mayvaryin their specific roles and techniques, explore what drives their characters in the shadow
JoJo onaare kM] ||USa= SOMALI ToogooTeelexe a SSY ac) war, while two new signature abilities—Counteres-
Empire as any frontline soldier or starship gunner. pionage and Unmatched Tradecraft—allow them to
reach the pinnacles of their professions.


Cw ae
ebel Spies rarely begin their resistance career fully Species that are light, quick, and agile typically
trained, and many begin without any experience makethe best freerunners. Their lighter weight means
whatsoever. Some stumble into the role due to hav- they can land and climb on weaker structures and
ing held a position in Imperial operations with access smaller surfaces. However, strong and athletic species
to valuable secrets. Others become Spies as a result can achieve similar results when using their muscles
of their mission assignments or have been forced into to make longer leaps or knock aside obstacles.
the role due to circumstances. The Alliance, starved Couriers risk their lives to transport vital data
for both materiel and personnel, can offer only spo- between various Rebel operations, allies, and bases.
radic espionagetraining, so few new agents begin with Freerunners who are naturally speedy, stealthy, and
formal knowledge of the craft. Most either picked up resourceful make good Couriers, as do talented vehic-
tricks as they went along or were naturally gifted. They ular drivers and ship pilots.
also worked in some practice time between missions
whenever the opportunity presented itself. Freerunners use their skills for more than simple
evasion. Their ability to climb and traverse unusual
One thing training can never adequately cover, routes gains them access to unexpected entry points
though, is the necessity for independent decision and hiding places. This makes them excellent Infiltra-
making. Spies must make snap judgementsin life-or- tors in missions with challenging physical accesses.
death situations, and even experienced agents may
find it difficult to live with the consequences of their Interrogator freerunners clandestinely enter dwell-
actions or their moral choices. ings and other locations, and can secretly question
individuals without hauling them somewhereelse. In
Alliance Spies come from a wide variety of civilian some instances, they may even have to pursue fleeing
and military roles. The backgrounds included in this persons of interest.
section provide a few examples of the storytelling
possibilities for Spy characters. These backgrounds Scouts use freerunner skills similarly to Couriers,
can be adapted to any of the Spy specializations as but they do so in military operations. Freerunners
well as to many other Ace oF REBELLION Careers and excel at reconnaissance-in-force missions, and are
specializations, as it is often the case that a Rebel especially useful in urban areas.
character is tasked with Spy-related duties as part of Sleeper Agent freerunners prioritize stealth over
a mission. Even a frontline Soldier, for example, might speed. The need to maintain their cover means
get orders to inspect a captured Imperial starship secrecy is all-important. These characters rely on
construction facility for valuable blueprints. unusual routes to move undetected within tightly con-
trolled Imperial cities and other locations.
FREERUNNER Slicer freerunners must enter and leave secured
locations to gain access to computing systems. Given
Freerunners turn movement into a highly skilled and the tricky configurations of computer cores and Impe-
specialized art form, using speed, strength, and agil- rial facilities, Slicers may need to personally retrieve
ity to traverse terrain and cityscapes via quick, unex- physically isolated information. Freerunner skills help
pected, and sometimesrisky routes. To keep moving, them get into otherwise inaccessible areas.
they use any reachable surface, whether horizontal,
vertical, or somewhere in between. They rapidly cross
otherwise impassable or difficult terrain, and their fast LAW ENFORCEMENT
and erratic movements make pursuit extremely diffi- AGENT
cult, if not impossible, for untrained pursuers.
Plenty of current and former law enforcement agents
Freerunner-style drivers and pilots use their tech-
dislike Imperial laws and enforcement methods.Per-
niques to achieve similar results in vehicles and star-
sonnel who observeor are forced to participate in the
ships. Some were once stunt pilots or drivers trained
Empire's oppressive operations may become sym-
to use their abilities in live and recorded perfor-
pathizers or join the Rebellion outright. Officers and
mances. Others might have received formal training in
detectives have manyskills suitable for a Spy career.
tactical driving as bodyguards or security personnel.
Detectives, investigators, and profilers use deduc-
With a high degree of training and talent, drivers
tive reasoning and similar skills to analyze new infor-
might spin a vehicle around in a nearly impossibly
mation. These individuals might act as field agents, or
small amount of space. They can make spectacu-
they may review incoming data. Patrol officers might
lar jumps while rotating the vehicle about its axis in
have a combination of investigation and fighting skills.
death-defying and gut-wrenching fashion.


Law officer training depends largely on earlier perfectly acceptable to publicly wear helmets and
experience, ability, and residence. Agents on Core masks in some parts of the galaxy, but that typically
Worlds usually receive high-quality training, and are is too conspicuous when penetrating Imperial targets.
well-versed in Imperial laws, with access to excellent While fake identities and falsified records can provide
resources and supportstaff. Agents from less popu- a degree of protection, sometimes it simply isn’t wise,
lated or remote worlds are likely to haveless training, or possible, for an agent’s true appearance to be seen.
staff, and resources and depend more on their own
Makeup artists and costumers provide the required
skills and experience.
skills and techniques to turn someone into just about
Officers on non-Imperial or more lawless worlds are anyone else. The change could be subtle, with slight
focused more on regional laws and politics. They are alterations to hairstyle, facial hair, and eyes. Radical
often more concerned with keeping the peace than transformations are also possible using high-quality
with following the letter of the law. theatrical masks, prosthetics, and even full bodysuits.
These elements impact how law enforcement agents Master holographic technicians may know exotic
become spies and where best to deploy their skills. techniques for transforming an individual using
Manyhave extensive knowledgeof, and contacts with, advanced holographic imaging. Holomasks and full-
underworld elements and criminal syndicates. High- body holographic disguise matrices can be extremely
ranking agents knowofficials of similar standing, pro- useful (though expensive)in the right conditions.
viding potential channels for unofficial information.
The wide rangeof skills and experience among those
Couriers who served as law enforcement agents employed in professional makeup artistry means that
know protocols and techniques for stopping and Rebel recruits may have any level of aptitude. Some
questioning individuals, as well as how to avoid being may have specialized in broadcast preparations or
caught by such approaches. They likely know smug- amateur theatrical productions. Experienced profes-
gling techniques and other ways to conceal identities sionals have more knowledgeof successful techniques
and objects. and more extensive supply kits than those newer to
Infiltrators who were once undercover law officers the field. In reality, most Rebel groups must make the
have the necessary abilities to continue in a similar most of whatever skills their members possess, along
role. Former detectives excel when a mission con- with any available materials and technology on hand.
tinually reveals new information requiring immediate Courier makeup artists can disguise themselves
assessmentand action. and their allies when making repeated trips to the
Interrogators share much in common with detec- same location. In this way, they can provide training or
tives when questioning suspects. They have similar expertise to Rebel cells carrying out specific missions.
assessment skills for making the best use of informa- Infiltrator makeup artists who are nimble, dexter-
tion gleaned and for seeing through any deceptions. ous, and fast-thinking can create disguises on the fly.
Masters of disguise are particularly useful in quick-
Tough lawofficers used to working with a great deal
of autonomyand leeway, especially in and around the change situations or when complex con games and
Outer Rim, make excellent Scouts. Detectives and deceptive practices are in play.
those who have been involved in suspect pursuits are Interrogator makeup artists can try to imitate or
particularly suited to this specialization. impersonate individuals in a bid to con a target into
Sleeper Agents benefit from a law officer’s work- cooperating. They might also see through the dis-
guises of captured individuals.
ing knowledge of Imperial bureaucracy and attitudes.
They might take deep-cover missions in Imperial facili- Scouts often work in the wilderness, so makeup
ties and operations, serving as officers and working as artists and holographic techs might develop camou-
an inside source for their newallies. flage techniques. They could expand such techniques
Slicers may have backgrounds as law enforcement
to work at Rebel bases or in urban areas.
officers with technical and computer skills. Officers Sleeper Agent makeup artists can establish and
who previously investigated computer fraud and maintain false faces for themselves and their cell
intrusion cases know state-of-the-art cyber-defense members. Makeup artists and holographic techs
systems and techniques, and how to defeat them. might continue to work and train in renowned enter-
tainment venues, gaining useful information from
MAKEUP ARTIST workplace gossip.
Slicer holographic technicians excel at altering
Espionage field agentslive in a world of deception and and enhancing holographic and video transmissions.
misdirection. Their true identities must be kept secret They don’t so much slice a system for information as
through technological, visual, and audial means. It is manioulateit to achieve their desired effects.


PERFORMER Acrobats and stunt people make excellent Couri-
ers. They can use their physical skills to climb, jump,
Not every Spyis a silent killer or martial arts expert. and tumble out of danger. Actors can also use their
Most rely far more on the art of deception and social abilities to deceive othersto talk their way out of tight
engineering than on combat abilities. Still, even Spies situations and keep moving. Performers might use
adept at social manipulation find it useful to be able acrobatic skills or deceptive arts to elude followers or
to dodge and tumble when the situation calls forit. hide until their pursuers have given up.

Performers can be great Spies. Actors may more Infiltrators with a performing background usetheir
easily deceive others thanks to their ability to adopt superior agility during missions. Some take to martial
new roles. They might jump between different perso- arts training, but any with acting and physical skills
nas at will, moving seamlessly from one to another can take on many variations of social encounters.
during a mission. Actors also have excellent memori- Interrogator performers use their acting skills to
zation skills, allowing them to quickly parrot complex deceive and manipulate those they question. They
technical knowledge. Often, they can spot enemy might impersonate someone to gain the subject's
Spies due to an impostor’s poor acting. trust. They are likely to use a wide emotional range
Stage performers may be able to use some of their to convince someone of their sincerity, concern, fear,
act in certain espionage missions. Magicians, illu- or aggressiveness.
sionists, and sleight-of-hand experts can use their Scout performers use their physical skills to cross
mastery of misdirection to deceive others and palm difficult terrain or save themselves from hazards when
objects in plain sight. Singers and dancers can employ things go wrong. Actors’ skills can help them to con-
their skills in social events. Escape artists are naturally vince anyone who questions them that they belong in
good at freeing themselves when captured. a location they are scouting.
Sleeper Agent actors can play a part for
extended periods of time and are skilled at main-
taining deep-cover roles. Other performers might
gain access to different levels of society through
performances,fans, or acquaintances.
Slicer performers might be exceptionally good at
crafting deceptive effects or spectacular distractions
via their slicing abilities. Backstage crew members,
directors, producers, and actors might better under-
stand cameras and sensors, ways to deceive them,
and ways to deceive others throughtheir use.

Spies are frequently after information that isn’t simply
stored in Imperial databases. This can mean prying it
out of individuals who know it or know how to find
it. Psychological methods can provide an advantage
in getting unsuspecting or uncooperative subjects to
reveal what they know.
Psychologists can thus be a great asset to espio-
nage operations. Knowing the likely mental state and
thought processes of an individual provides insight
into what questions should be asked and how to ask
them to gain a truthful and useful response.
Determining how to ask a question and knowing who
should do so are equally important. Insulting phrases,
inappropriate protocol, and rude mannerisms can be
detrimental and even reveal a Spy as a fraud. Crude
and harsh language probably won't get a Spy any-
where when dealing with prominent scientists or loyal
Imperial personnel, but it could be exactly the right
approach with underworld enforcers or smugglers.
Rebel psychologists are normally educated in their A tremendous range of security systems is
area of expertise before joining the Alliance, which is employed in the protection of starships and vehicles.
important as psychologyisn’t a subject easily taught Some vehicles have nothing at all or only require a
in the field. Specific ideas and techniques can be basic key or code to access and start. Others have
imparted and used in isolation, but amateurs will advanced systems with sensors for detecting innu-
often miss vital subtleties. merable methods of attack. While high-end and
Courier psychologists use their talents to talk their
expensive craft can be expected to have many layers
of protection, even relatively mundane or innocuous-
way out of tricky situations. They can also smooth over
rough relations or intense disagreements between
looking ships could be so equipped, if the owner is
factions and groups. A Courier psychologist might rich and paranoid enough. Combinedwith ray shields,
play the role of traveling specialist, helping maintain traps, or weapons, these security systems can be dan-
the morale of far-flung Rebel fighters. gerous and even lethal to repo specialists.

Infiltrator team psychologists can tweak the mis- Of course, none of that mattersif the repo specialist
sion plans and approaches on the fly, especially when cannot find the ship to begin with. While repo spe-
they depend on deceiving specific individuals. They cialists usually get some sort of address or suspected
can offer advice on how an enemy might respond to a location from their employer, vehicle owners behind
specific type of attack. in their payments are unlikely to remain in the area
if they suspect someone is after them. Additionally,
Interrogator psychologists can draw on their pro- hyperspace-capable starships could jump to almost
fessional skills to determine effective questions and anywherein the galaxy, making discovery efforts even
probe for emotional weak spots. They can also spot more difficult.
deceptive answers better than most. This gives them
advantages in effectively conducting their interroga- Courier missions are great for agile repo special-
tions, and advising others how to do the same. ists. A repo specialist's job isn’t necessarily finished
once the ship is in motion, as angry or well-prepared
Scout psychologists operating in the field can ana- owners may have the means for immediate pursuit.
lyze new psychological dataas it arrives and alter the Good piloting skills (particularly when escaping pur-
mission to take advantageof an individual’s or group's suit) make the repo specialist an excellent Courier.
weakness when it is discovered. Psychologists can
also help isolated teams maintain focus and morale Infiltrator missions depend partly on breaking and
during long-term missions. entering. This matches well with the repo specialist's
ability to overcome and destroy locks and security
Sleeper Agent psychologists can maintain or rein- systems. Repo specialists are also used to sneaking
force the mental state of hidden agents under tremen- into secured locations.
dous stress. They can also be effective propagandists,
helping the Rebel Alliance in improving public appeals Interrogator repo specialists are adept at ques-
tioning others about the location of a certain speeder,
for support and designing provocative messages to
induce desired Imperial responses. ship, or individual. They typically aren't skilled at in-
depth investigation, but they can discern much about
Slicer psychologists can analyze massive amounts an individual's attitude and truthfulness with just a
of data. They may design programs to reveal tenden- few questions.
cies within large populations. They can also investigate
Imperial programs in a counterintelligence capacity. Scouts benefit from a repo specialist’s stealth and
tracking skills. Repo specialists are unusually adept
at tracking specific starships and know methods for
REPO SPECIALIST detecting engine emissions and other telltale signs of
their quarry.
Not all Spy recruits come from honorable professions.
Many already operate in the gray regions of galactic Sleeper Agent missions allow repo specialists to
society. One such profession is the starship reposses- continue in their profession and still travel extensively
sion specialist, more commonly known as repo spe- throughout the galaxy. Repo specialists are also used
cialist. Some work for legitimate corporations under to working under false identities due to concealing
Imperial licenses and laws. Most, though, work for their names from their targets.
shady third-partyresellers, used starship lots, or even Slicer repo specialists are highly adept at accessing
criminal syndicates. In any case, repo specialists use ship computer systems to enter and take control of
a combination of bounty hunting, burglary, intimida- the targeted craft. They can parlay this skill into slic-
tion, and stealth to find and repossess their target. ing much more complex systems on military craft and
While they might have the legal authority to do so, in other situations.
their techniques workfor either side of the law.


pies are the lifeblood of the Alliance. Information their belief in their Duty to the Alliance is often what
is the most valuable resource in warfare, especially enables them to undertake morally questionable mis-
when the Empire seems capable of producing count- sions unsuitable to other Rebel agents. When Spies
less soldiers and arming them with limitless weapons. are called upon to commit dark deeds in the name of
It is impossible for the Rebellion to outmatch the sheer the greater good, Duty may be the only justification
power of the Imperial military. Instead, Rebels must available to them. Dutyis the only thing that prevents
outthink it. By remaining at least one step ahead of many Spies from becoming just as monstrous as the
Imperial procedure, exploiting its standardized tactics, Galactic Empire they are fighting to overthrow.
and exposing unprotected secrets, the Alliance holds When selecting or devising a Duty, players should
on to hope. It takes a dedicated network of Spies to consider how their character came to develop the
makethis possible, each performing specific Duties.
Duty and howit relates to the character's background
A unifying aspect of Spies is their focus on gather- and life experience. Duties rarely arise arbitrarily; the
ing and manipulating information in order to under- Rebel Alliance assigns agents where they are most
mine the Empire and aid the Alliance. While this is needed and most likely to succeed. Once a player has
exemplified in the traditional image of a shadowyfig- selected a character's Duty, the player should take
ure eavesdropping on a confidential Imperial discus- time to consider what drives the character to focus on
sion, Spies are anything but traditional. Bytheir very that area. How does the character apply skills, talents,
nature, Spies must be unorthodox. This means that and abilities in furthering this Duty? What makes the
while their Duties share a common thread, individual character well-suited to the Duty? What separates
Spies each learn to apply their talents in a unique this Spy from other characters with the same Duty?
fashion to accomplish the task at hand. Because Spies It’s important to rememberthat a Duty should always
typically operate either independently or in small be more than a number and a word on a character
groups, this training often has a very specific focus. sheet. It’s a key aspect of a character that should be
used to guide actions and facilitate exciting roleplay-
The gathering and manipulation of information
ing opportunities during an adventure.
takes many forms, often unexpected ones. Players
who select the Spy career may select a Duty from
Table 1-1: Spy Duties instead of from the ones
listed in Table 2—3: Duty on page 47 in the AcE oF
REBELLION Core Rulebook. Another option is for them
to work with the Game Master to devise a new Duty
( ae that suits their character concept. A Spy’s respon-
. sibilities can include any of those listed in the table
below. Some of these Duties may overlap with those
from other careers and specializations, but all have
some intersection with the gathering, manipulation,
or obfuscation of information
While the Rebel Alliance is filled with would-be
heroes and galactic idealists, both players and Game
Masters should remember that a character's Duty is
not a reflection of that character's ethics. Spies are
often tasked with doing the Rebellion’s “dirty work”
and given assignments that require morally question-
able or even reprehensible actions in the name of the
greater good. While this doesn’t necessarily mean
Spies are any less idealistic or ethical than other
Rebels, a great many of them set aside those high-
minded luxuries to focus on doing what must be
done. They recognize the hard reality of war
and are willing to take the necessary steps
to ensure the Alliance's survival and vic-
tory. This cold pragmatism means that
many Spies cling to their Duty with
an unwavering dedication. In fact,


cit Ly
Communications: Player Characters with this Duty understand that the Empire maintains its stranglehold on the galaxy
via a strong communications network. Whether working locally or across the galaxy, they specialize in deciphering
01-08 Imperial communications as well as in encrypting and concealing Rebel transmissions. Often these PCs are on the
forefront of innovative communication methods, such as using special patterns on fabrics to alert agents of enemy
activities or inserting code words into Imperial broadcasts to pass secret messages to sleeper agents.

Anti-ISB Efforts: The Empire has a vast information network headed by the Imperial Security Bureau, or ISB.
Characters with this Duty focustheir efforts on undermining this network with actions that specifically target the ISB,
such as feeding false information to its known moles, recovering captured prisoners from ISB detention cells, developing
profiles of ISB agents, and ensuring that the hated agency spendsits resources chasing dead-end leads.

Countermeasures: Characters with this Duty serve as cryptographers, secure communications specialists, and data
manipulators. Whether spreading false transmissions across subspaceor the HoloNet, crafting new electronic protection
to keep Rebel data secure,orslicing into Imperial transmissions and data vaults, they are phantomsin the code, capable
of weaving digital misdirection while ensuring Rebel electronics remain secure.

Double Agent Recruitment: PCsselecting this Duty focus on turning Imperial personnel—especially its spies—into
Rebellion assets. By playing on the sentiments of those who remain idealistic about the bettermentof the galaxy, they
gain valuable insight from individuals in positions of trust within the Empire. Whenthatfails, tactics such as blackmail,
extortion, and other coercive efforts may be necessary in these desperatetimes.

Droid Retasking: While the Empire seemsto have an infinite numberoforganic beingsin its service, droids also play a
critical role in almostall Imperial operations. PCs with this Duty focus their efforts on disabling and reprogramming these
droids to gatherintelligence or even setting them against their Imperial masters. By attacking this vulnerable and often-
overlooked Imperial resource, such PCsprovide vital aid to the Rebel Alliance.

Internal Security: Deceivers know their own kind. PCs with this Duty focus on protecting the Alliance from moles,
double agents, andtraitors. They also help maintain safety by ensuring that strongholds, outposts, and safe houses
41-48 remain undetected by the Empire. This sometimes includesensuring that supply lines for these locations are maintained
and keptsecret.

Interrogation Resistance: Even the mostskilled Rebel agent can be captured and subjected to Imperial interrogation.
PCs with this Duty specialize in ensuring that they and their fellow Rebels have the physical and mental fortitude to
endureinterrogation. They also work to ensurethat informationcritical to the Alliance is compartmentalized and secure,
so that agents who are unable to resist Imperial questioning don’t compromisethe entire Rebellion.

Legend Crafting: PCsselecting this Duty work to createfictitious histories and evidence to backup an infiltrating
Spy’s coveridentity. Knownas legends,thesefalse histories help Spies assume a coveridentity that becomesa fully
57-64 realized person and can beeasily presented to others. These efforts usually also include plantingfalsified information or
doctored holosinto Imperial databases, so that anyone researching the Spy’s coveridentity will find a host of data that
corroborates the legend, enough to pass rigorous examination.

Psychological Warfare: Fear is not only the purview of the Empire. PCs with this Duty attempt to spread fear among
enemyforcesin an effort to weaken morale and destroy the discipline that is the hallmark of the Imperial Army and
Navy. They also regularly combat Imperial propaganda andlook within the ranksof the Empireitself for personnel who
mighteasily be swayed into joining the Rebellion.

Resource Acquisition: Blasters and bacta are important for survival, but Spies with this Duty endeavor to acquire other
resourcesto aid the Alliance. These include enemy uniforms, Imperial credentials, and other tools of deception. Spies
with this Duty are certainly glad to acquire medical supplies, weapons, and other necessities, but their skillset allows
them to obtain equipment moresuited to subtle missions.

Tactical Insight: Wars are sometimes won before a battle is ever fought. These PCs specialize in gathering information
on Imperial military tactics and using these secrets to exploit weaknessesin the Empire's deployment plans and combat
strategies. They also attempt to undermine Imperial tactics by planting false intelligence in Imperial battlefield reports or
allowing fabricated reports on Rebel troop movementsto “fall into enemy hands.”

Wetwork:PCs with this Duty know that sometimes questionable,if not downright immoral, acts must be committed in
the name of the greater good. The quiet death ofa single key individual, after all, can save manylives or keep important
secrets buried for good. They're willing to do the unthinkable for the cause, and eliminate or assassinatecritical Imperial
personnel to prevent or undo a greater evil.

Roll twice on this chart. The PC's Dutyis equally split between twodifferent areas of focus, and successin either is good
for increasing Duty value.



ey . is acommodity that is gathered, hoarded, that dominate their society. Balosars who operated
and traded among almost all sentient species of the as spies and then managedto disentangle themselves
galaxy. The eyes, ears, antennae, and olfactory glands from the industrial espionage on their homeworld find
of all self-aware beings are used to understand their their talents well suited to the Rebel cause.
environment. This is more than a simple desire: at its
The Kubaz are newto galactic society compared to
core,it is a survival instinct. Understanding one’s envi- other species, but their ability to endure harsh envi-
ronment can mean the difference between life and ronments and endless clan wars means they are able
death in a hostile location—and few environments are to quickly adapt to the chaos and tyranny that has
morehostile than a galaxy ruled by the Galactic Empire. consumed many worlds. Slipping between shadows
This means that all species available to Player and gathering forgotten whispers, they sell secrets to
Characters are suitable for the Spy career. The three the highest bidder. A handful recognize that their sur-
species presented in the following pages are natural vival hinges on more than slinking about and trading
Spies, each able to use the career and its specializa- secrets for credits, though. Pragmatism, more than
tions in its own unique way. As non-human species, idealism, often drives a Kubaz to join the Alliance.
they have a naturally adversarial relationship with the Strange and insectoid, the Melittos have unique per-
Galactic Empire, but this does not ensure service to
ceptive abilities and exotic customs that allow them
the Rebel Alliance. These clever and crafty species to approach the art of deception in an unorthodox
are often motivated by self-interest rather than by a fashion. Other species easily underestimate Melittos
sense of altruism or idealistic dreams who venture out into the galaxy due to their lack of
From the skies and seas of their homeworld to the obvious auditory and visual receptors. What few know
very words they speak, Balosars are a polluted spe- is that the hairlike cilia that cover their bodies give
cies. Yet, their silver tongues and devil-may-care atti- them uncanny information-gathering skills. Melitto
tude allow them to thrive amid chaos and danger. The exiles cast out from their homeworld and forced to
Galactic Civil War makes little impact on these people travel the galaxy often find a new hive in the ragtag
as they fight to survive the corporate machinations heterogeneity of the Rebel Alliance.


BALOSARS competing criminal organizations, or whoever is will-
ing to pay their substantial fee. In spite of Balosars’
Across the galaxy, Balosars are regarded as untrust- pride and tenacity, their tendency to quietly betray
worthy grifters and con artists. Callow and opportu- their employers prevents them from finding posi-
nistic, these near-humans are scorned by respect- tions of respect and authority, regardless of how well-
able society. Despite perceptions across the galaxy, informed or skilled they are.
though, Balosars are quite glib and somehow man- Homeworld: Balosar is a Core World in ruins from
age to talk their way into (and out of) situations that unchecked industry. In its most famous industrial oper-
are none oftheir business.It is this talent, combined ation, balo mushrooms, found only on Balosar, are
with their stubborn refusal to surrender when things refined in towering factories to produce ixetal cilona, a
go badly, that allows them to survive and thrive in a powerful narcotic used in everything from death sticks
galaxy torn apart by war and corruption. to interrogation drugs. Though technically subject to
Physiology:Tall and gaunt from generations of expo- Imperial rule, Balosar is in fact controlled by massive
sure to the pollution that plagues their homeworld, corporations, among them BioTech Industries and Fer-
Balosars possess the same features and diversity griss Pharmaceuticals. These corporations continually
found among humans across the galaxy, save for a engage in industrial sabotage and espionage, using
pair of retractable, segmented antennapalps that the native Balosars as pawns in their greedy machina-
push through the thick hair atop their head. Their tions. Substantial kickbacks to corruptofficials ensure
voices are often low and gravelly, though not from the Empire ignores theseillicit operations. Balosars
any genetic feature. Instead, this comes from years of caught in the webs of corporate corruption refuse to
breathing the toxic atmosphereof their native planet. turn to the Empire for aid, fearing draconian repri-
Balosars have the same natural lifespan as humans, sals—even orbital bombardment—that would sound
though manyof those who remain on their homeworld the death knell for their already dying world.
die prematurely from the planet’s poisoned atmo- What little land that is not covered in factories and
sphere—or by more nefarious means when they're on urban sprawl is home to corporate-controlled farms,
the wrong end of a clandestine deal. manyof which extend far underground. Each field is
Society: Balosars are survivors above all else. They under heavy security. Corporations maintain green-
value pragmatism, leaving morality to those who have houses with intrusion countermeasuresthat rival those
the luxury of high-minded ideals. Children receivelittle on Coruscant. These include enforcement droids,patrol
formal education and instead are raised in the shad- craft, and large squads of armed guards. The farms,
ows of the massive factories that cover their home- especially those underground, grow the coveted balo
world. Only the resourceful and clever live to adult- mushrooms,which are harvested and then refined into
hood. Those who do must rely on the use of empty ixetal cilona in the city. It is regular practice for com-
promises and double-dealing to achieve any level of peting corporations to hire teams of deniable assets to
success. Under the subjugation of the corporations rob, sabotage, or even destroy growingfields controlled
that rule Balosar, few rise to anything resembling a by an opposing company. Many Balosars are tempted
position of power or even managetolive comfortably to engage in these quick and dirty operations for the
unless they are able to lie, cheat, or steal their way promise of a few fast credits while throwing a spanner
into employment with these amoral businesses. into the machinations of one corporation or another.

Few even attemptto reach for this impossible status. Language: The Balosars speak their own language,
Instead, many look for the first opportunity to leave also called Balosar. It combines rasping hisses and
their poisoned homeworld and carve out a niche else- odd clicks with subtle gestures from their anten-
wherein the galaxy. Knowing that it is almost impossi- napalps. This makes it impossible for non-Balosars
ble for a near-human to achieve success under Palpa- to communicate fluently; when outsiders speak the
tine’s rule, most seek fortune and glory in the galaxy’s language, it comes off as stilted and crude. Balosars
criminal underbelly, working for a Hutt kajidic, the speak Basic and are as capable as humans of learning
Black Sun syndicate, or a similar organization. Even other languages. They also regularly use their anten-
other criminals tend to distrust Balosars, which makes napalps to pass simple messages to other Balosars
it difficult for them to obtain a respectable position. without other species taking notice.
Instead, many must content themselves with being an Life in the Alliance: Most Balosars join the Rebel
errand runner, informant, or peddler ofillegal goods. Alliance out of a simple desire to survive. Those who
Even in these low-level positions, Balosars are quite can tolerate the idealistic rhetoric of the Alliance find
skilled at gathering information. Some establish them- themselves in the unlikely position of being seen as
selves as invaluable employees by quietly amassing valued assets because of their natural charm. Some
critical information and revealing it at a key moment. Balosars find purpose or even hope among their new
Others secretly sell their information to corporations, allies, discovering a renewedspirit and an unexpected
sense of belonging.


Physiology: The most distinctive trait of the Kubaz
SN LaGS is the long snout that dominates their face. Contrary
to common galactic perceptions, their sense of smell
(Tua mecju(ol coon m= oA NVC (eel omcla | is no keener than that of most species. Instead, this
highly illegal narcotic. Distilled and refined snout is a natural evolution of the Kubaz and their
romixetal cilona, they are sold in small, eas- unique insectivore diet. Kubaz are passionate about
ily concealed, red or yellow rods. When con- their food, making little distinction between common
sumed, they produce deceptively mild hal- insects and sentient insectoids. This often leads to
lucinations in the user. Unfortunately, death tension between Kubaz and insectoid species such as
sticks are very addictive after even a single Geonosians, Melittos, and Verpine.
use and rapidly destroy both physical and
Most Kubaz keep their coarse hair cut short, its dark
mental health at an alarming rate.
color accenting their green-black skin. Those traveling
Long-term use can reduce an addict's lifes- offworld typically wear protective lenses or goggles to
pan by nearly half, and it is rumored that shield their sensitive eyes, which are quite keen from
death sticks can diminish a Force sensitive’s generations of living in the twisting hive caverns of
connection to the Force. Characters under their homeworld. Contrary to what one might assume
the influence of death sticks suffer [_] on any due to their strange appearance, Kubaz are mamma-
task they attempt for the remainder of the lian, with body proportions and lifespans similar to
encounter; at the GM’s discretion, they may those of humans.
also find their Force rating reduced by one
Society: Countless densely populated clans of Kubaz
for the same amount of time. The effects of
live in the winding caverns that burrow deep beneath
long-term addiction take years or decades
the surface of Kubindi. These clans engaged in gen-
to manifest and are likely to be beyond the
erations of tribal wars over the harvesting of the hives
scope of a single campaign.
of the great insects that serve as their primary food
source.Finally, through selective breeding and genetic
SPECIES ABILITIES manipulation, each clan was able to distinguish its
insectoid livestock from that of neighboring clans. This
led to a longstanding peace, which holds to this day.
Diplomacy, cooperation, and the exchange of infor-
INTELLECT I CMT Gs mation accompanied this peaceful resolution, giving
rise to general prosperity and scientific advancement.
¢ Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn Before long, the Kubaz began exploring nearby plan-
e Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower ets in spacecraft considered primitive by galactic
standards. Their starships were incapable of hyper-
e Starting Experience: 100 XP
space travel, though particularly adventurous Kubaz
e Special Abilities: Balosars begin the game with began to establish colonies on several moons in the
one free rank in Streetwise. Theystill may not train Ku'Bakai system.
Streetwise above rank 2 during character creation.
Because the Kubaz never formally joined the
e Antennapalps: Balosars add automatic £) £2 to Republic, they remained relatively unscathed during
Vigilance checks they make. the horrors of the Clone Wars. By the time the Empire
rose to power, the Kubaz had only recently developed
KUBAZ ships capable of hyperspace travel. This cemented
their place as a species in galactic society. Unfortu-
Distinguished by their long snout and green-black nately, it would be the last great achievement of the
skin as well as the whirling trill of their native tongue, Kubaz. The Empiresawlittle value in the Ku'Bakai sys-
the Kubaz flit from shadow to shadow.Their sensitive tem or its natives and looked the other way as they
eyes observe what remains unseen byless perceptive were claimed as the property of Hutt Space. Warring
species. Consummate pragmatists, the few Kubaz who Hutt kajidics enticed Kubaz into their services with
travel beyond their homeworld of Kubindi do what is promises of wealth and power. The Kubaz, realizing
necessary to survive the dangersof life in Palpatine’s the need to quickly adapt to the highly advanced
regime. Keen senses and a willingness to set aside galactic society beyond their native star system, read-
moral obligations that burden other species cement ily accepted offers from Nar Shaddaa and other Hutt
their place as some of the most sought-after spies stronghold worlds.
and informants on all sides of the Galactic Civil War. Ever the pragmatists, the Kubaz now make every
effort to ingratiate themselves with the highest bidder,
and they have quickly proven themselves invaluable


information brokers. The morality of working for ruth- an unlikely but logical choice. Their sharp senses
less gangsters and alongside hired killers matterslittle and unwavering commitment to whatever task is set
to them. They have survived the scorching heat of their before them makes Kubaz natural spies, infiltrators,
homeworld and generations of civil war. The Kubaz and assassins. These traits make them particularly
respect survival and the ability to quietly endure suitable for performing many of the necessary but
above all things. As such, they make few judgments morally questionable missions that more idealistic
(even among their own people) about the actions and freedom fighters are loathe to undertake.
choices of other individuals. In fact, ethical questions
and discussions about morality are considered to be SPECIES ABILITIES
a strange luxury reserved for other species. That is
not to say that the Kubaz are malicious or perform
evil acts for their own sake. They simply respect that
each task put before an individual needs to be solved
(1) fae
efficiently in order to advance in a given situation.
Whether one’s employer is a Hutt crime lord, Imperial e¢ Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn
officer, or Rebel spyis of no concern. Each day reveals e Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
newsecrets to a clever Kubaz, and each newsecret is
an opportunity to be exploited. e Starting Experience: 100 XP

Homeworld: Located in the Outer Rim, Kubindi is a e Special Abilities: Kubaz begin the game with
world burnt by its own sun. Great flares leap from its one free rank in Stealth or Survival. They still may
blue star and devastate the planet's surface, making not train Stealth or Survival above rank 2 during
the planet uninhabitable toall but the hardiest of spe- character creation.
cies. Most ofits surface is dominated by blackened e EnhancedVision: When making Ranged combat
mountain ranges and seas of endless, windswept sand. or Perception checks, Kubaz may remove up to
Sandstorms can arise in an instant, choking the life out iM imposed due to concealment or applicable
of any creature caught out in the open. Only swarms environmental factors (but not defense).
of massive carnivorous insects darelive aboveground,
burrowing into the arid wasteland when the storms
appear. Many natives regard these dangerous beasts
as a delicacy. Clan rulers regularly hire hunting par- Melittos are insectile, chitin-plated bipeds who hail
ties to brave the planet’s surface in an effort to recover from the volcanic Inner Rim planet of Li-Toran. Lack-
them alive to be served as gourmetfare. The Kubaz ing eyes, they rely on auditory organs and feathery
dwell in tunnels so deep as to almost reach the plan- cilia to sense their surroundings. The cilia cover their
et’s core. In the pitch black far beneath the surface of bodies, allowing them to detect vibrations, scents,
Kubindi, they raise crops of genetically modified and and even electrical fields. Through powerful scent-
marked insect larvae, which are a staple of the Kubaz memories, Melittos can identify and track specific
diet and a necessity for survival. targets and penetrate clever disguises. They can even
Few offworld traders visit Kubindi, as it has little to sense the chemical compounds that identify diseases,
offer the galactic market and remains under the pro- making them gifted natural physicians. Many Melittos
tection of the Hutts. However, some of the moons of use their abilities to become renowned bounty hunt-
the Ku’Bakai system have established colonies that ers or trackers.
host clans of Kubaz. These outposts are hotbeds of Nearly all Melittos live in densely packed under-
information and illicit secrets. Due to the presence of ground hives, although a few exist outside of hive
the Hutts, however,it is difficult to separate truth from society. Mostof the latter, known as ronin, leave their
rumor, both of which pass freely between whispering homeworld to travel the galaxy. Some of them find
travelers and pragmatic natives. new purposein contributing to the Alliance via their
Language: Though most Kubaz understand Basic, rare abilities.
they are unable to speak it. Their native tongue, Kuba- Physiology: Melittos are cold-blooded, preferring
zian, is subtle and complex, combining shrill squeaks hot climates whenever possible. Newborns lack the
and whistles with the almost imperceptible snout species’ distinctive chitin scales, which grow as they
motions so common among the Kubaz. Very few out- mature, making it possible to judge age by the num-
siders are capable of speaking Kubazian, but those ber, size, and condition of the plates. Melittos’ cilia
who do earn a measure of respectfor their efforts. also grow with age, beginningas brightly hued strands
Life in the Alliance: Kubaz who join the Rebellion and becoming less colorful over the years. Chitin and
are rarely idealists. Instead, they recognize that both cilia coloration indicates a Melitto’s hive of origin,
the Hutts and the Empire offer false promises and though the sightless Melittos rely on individual scent-
oppression to their people. This makes the Alliance memories for this information.


Melittos can only digest sugary liquids. Their diet
consists primarily of the crimson sap from a native De
coral-like organism known as bleeding rock, which
growsin the thick steam within Li-Toran’s underground i umorstell of a hidden organization known
tunnels. The air in the tunnels contains much higher as Hive Ronin operating on Li-Toran, one
densities of toxic compounds than the world’s already that doesn’t have the typical hive structure
dangerous surface atmosphere. As the Melittos evolved and is filled only with ronin. Legends sayits
in this harsh environment, their very survival depends members have formed mercenary groups,
on these toxins. When offworld, they must wear a spe- smuggling rings, and evenguilds of assassins.
cial survival device that lets them breathe the same
The infamous and amoral Melitto bounty
compounds; the device also distills local foodstuffs into
hunter Sarco Plank is thought to have been
sweet-smelling liquids that simulate bleeding-rock sap.
part of this group. Known as the Scavenger,
Society: Melittos live in caste-based hives, each he has spent manyyears tracking down price-
controlled by a single queen, who is supported by less relics for buyers, leaving a trail of death
younger females known as myrmitrices. Queens and and destruction in his wake. Plank operated
myrmitrices emit special pheromones that control the across the Outer Rimfor years, until a fateful
males, who are called myrmites. The myrmites make encounter with a young X-wing pilot at a Jedi
up the majority of the population and perform almost Temple on Devaron. There has been no word
all hive activities, including combat, maintenance, of Plank’s actions since, something that many
and, most importantly, agriculture. inne MAO INeLKom NolaONT =N
Hive society is built around tending bleeding-rock
coral farms and harvesting the highly nutritious red Homeworld: Li-Toran is a harsh world of violent
sap the coral produces. This is a difficult process, and storms. The intense volcanic activity creates dark,
poor harvests can rapidly lead to population pressures. noxious clouds that let almost no light pierce through
Thus, when a hive becomestoo large to operate given to the ground. These factors have made the planet
its food supply, groups of myrmitrices and their myr- extremely hot and unpleasant to outsiders. Rivers of
mite followers soon leave, either voluntarily or forcibly. molten rock carve complex networks of constantly
The exiles create a new hive in another underground shifting tunnels through the crust, where most of the
region, and soon the myrmitrices vie to become its native flora and fauna evolved. Many of the tunnels
new queen in a deadly struggle. The victorious myr- expand into huge caverns, some kilometers in size,
mitrix and her myrmites take control of the newhive. where Melittos make their hives.
Surviving myrmites belonging to defeated myrmitrices On the surface, the Empire has a garrison named
become hiveless ronin, most of whom leave Li-Toran for Dometown to monitor the population. The posting
newlives. Some seek out organizations on other worlds has become somewhat of a punishment detail due to
to act as surrogate hives for them, while others strike the dangerous conditions; stormtroopers here some-
out on their own and become independent agents. times refer to it as Doomtown. Traveling elsewhere
on the planet (or rather, below its surface) demands
heavy environmental suits for even short durations.
Language: Melittos communicate primarily through
pheromones; even their written language is composed
Nee before the fall of the Republic, there
of scents rather than letters. This makes it hard for
was a time in Melitto history knownas the
outsiders to communicate with them. To mitigate this
Unending Conflict. Overdevelopment had
issue, the Melittos’ survival device includes a vocoder
left few viable locations for new hives, caus-
to translate their pheromones into Basic and others’
ing myrmitrices to compete for the same cav-
Basic into their scent-language.
erns. Worse, before any conflict could end,
new myrmitrices with fresh soldier-myrmit Life in the Alliance: The major hives of Li-Toran are
would join the battle and continue the vio- highly isolationist; citizens care little for the barely
lence. For centuries, this escalated until the comprehensible politics of the Empire or Alliance.
level of underground warfare caused whole Li-Toran itself has few valuable resources of interest
tunnel and cavern networks to collapse. To to the Empire. However, the Empire conscripts ronin
prevent all-out catastrophe, the largest hives from across the galaxy into forced labor in harsh envi-
formed a planetary council to end the existing ronments and toxic factories where the conditions
battles and work to ensure such wars were not would be fatal to others. Such practices have led to a
repeated. One partofits solution was to begin growing hatred for the Empire among the ronin.
colonization efforts, sending myrmitrices and
their myrmites to neighboring systems.
Melitto ronin have much to offer the Alliance: their e Starting Experience: 100 XP
combat skills make them excellent Soldiers, and their
e Special Abilities: Melittos begin the game with
unique senses make them particularly well-suited
one rank in Perception. They still may not train
for the Spy career. Their innate medical skills facili-
Perception above rank 2 during character creation.
tate work as field Medics as well. Though many ronin
find themselves confused by the social interactions of e Sightless Vision: Melittos can perceive their sur-
other species, the tactical abilities many develop in roundings without needing light, and they never
hive warfare can also make them skilled Commanders. suffer penalties on combat or Perception checks
due to darkness or other environmental factors
SPECIES ABILITIES that affect vision.
e Reliant on Toxins: Melittos require the toxins
of their native atmospheretolive; offworld, they
gain free special respirators to emulate the con-
ditions of their homeworld. They treat standard
planetary air composition as a corrosive atmo-
e Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn
sphere with rating 6 (see page 228 of the AcE oF
e Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower REBELLION Core Rulebook)

Gene and securing military intelligence is the Each specialization also has its own list of four addi-
province of the Spy. Different situations call for dif- tional career skills, from which players select two for
ferent techniques to effectively complete data acquisi- their character. This may allow players to select a
tion and transfer. This section explores specializations skill twice at creation, thus beginning with two ranks
that involve techniques beyond those included in the in that skill. No character may start the game with
AcE oF REBELLION Core Rulebook. Operatives with more than two ranks in any skill, however, regard=
these specializations risk their lives in using these dis- less of how many opportunities the player may
tinct approaches to ensure the Alliance has the infor- have had to select it (such as by combining
mation it needs to gain the upper hand. a free rank from a species with one from
These three new specializations are available to the career list and one from the spe-
cialization list).
characters who have chosen the Spy career. They
may be selected as a character'sfirst specialization,
or they can be purchased as additional specializations
with experience points earned through gameplay (see
AcE oF REBELLION Core Rulebook, page 103). Simi-
larly, characters pursuing other careers may spend
experience points to acquire these specializations as
non-career specializations. Either approach makes it
straightforward to integrate these specializations into
a campaign.
All Spies, regardless of their specialization, have
eight core career skills: Computers, Cool, Coordina-
tion, Deception, Knowledge (Warfare), Perception,
Skulduggery, and Stealth. These skills represent the
core areas of competency that all Spies are likely to
possess or develop. Spy characters automatically
gain one rank each in any four of these skills of their
choice without spending starting experience, and they
receive a discount when they spend experience f
purchase ranksin any of these skills.
here is more to military intelligence than stealing
the enemy’s secrets. That data must be secured and
delivered to the specialists who can best exploit it. The Couriers acquire Athletics, Deception, Streetwise,
Courier specializes in transporting critical information, and Vigilance as additional career skills. If this is the
often while working incognito far behind enemy lines. character’s starting specialization, the player may
These experts take the necessary risks of repeatedly choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in
crossing through security checkpoints or even active each without spending starting experience. In order
battlefronts. They must be capable of operating under to avoid Imperial entanglements, Couriers must be
foes’ scrutiny without drawing undue attention. Toa cer- capable of operating without drawing attention to
tain extent, these Spies are a very themselves. As they cannot expect to always succeed,
specialized type of smuggler, these characters must also recognize the signs of
dealing primarily in informa- trouble and have the ability to act quickly to escape
tion rather than physical entrapment. Because they often face overwhelming
goods. Not surprisingly, odds, personal speed is typically a higher priority
many Couriers developed than a trusted weapon.
underworld contacts work-
ing as smugglers prior to Some Couriers prefer to work consistent routes as
joining the Rebellion. they shuttle information away from prying Imperial
eyes. These specialists need a reliable cover story
that they can use repeatedly. They might pose as
merchantsor transportdrivers plying consistent trade
routes. In a few instances, a Rebel might even take on
the cover profession as a means of obtaining addi-
tional income, carrying innocuous cargo to market
while smuggling critical information. Such Spies go to
great lengths to ensure that their business interests
are completely legitimate, so that they do not attract
any undue attention. They also make sure that those
interests are at least marginally profitable. A mer-
chant who loses money consistently for years, after
all, is just as likely to draw government attention as
one who manages exorbitant profits. These individu-
als may even establish friendly relationships with the
guards along their routes, and their frequent passage
through Imperial territory becomes just a part of a
station’s routine traffic. In these cases, typically only
a subset of their transits include military intelligence.
Other Couriers deliver critical data to Rebel spe-
cialists in a variety of locations instead of adopting
a mundane occupation that involves travel on regular
routes. Some are enthusiastic adrenaline junkies who
call on wild speed and quick thinking to overcome
Imperial security. More risk-averse Couriers simply
excel at developing good cover stories and staying
true to theirroles during a mission. Adrenaline junkies
or not, these Couriers are unlikely to have any estab-
lished relationship with the local Imperial guards.
Consequently, they must quickly determine how to
bypass security or rely on other intelligence sources
to prepare for it.


Spy: Courier Talent Tree ka
CareerSkills: Computers, Cool, Coordination, Deception, Knowledge (Warfare), Perception, Skulduggery, Stealth
Courier Bonus Career Skills: Athletics, Deception, Streetwise, and Vigilance |_| SS


Upgrade difficulty of During a chase, add HJ per Knowledge (Core Worlds) Piloting (Planetary) and
checks to identify charac- rank in Shortcut to any and Knowledge (Outer Rim) Piloting (Space) become
ter once per rankof Indis- checks made to catch or become careerskills. career skills.
tinguishable. escape an opponent.

| te yeh Sa | Sa cr
Gain hidden storage in ve- Do not suffer usual penal- Once per encounter, may Gain +1 strain threshold.
hicles or equipment that ties for moving through use Second Wind inciden-
holds items with total en- difficult terrain tal to recover strain equal COST 10
cumbrance equal to ranks to ranks in Second Wind.
in Hidden Storage. Lah a}

CE NeSTNSTN] | aT | Bi uiathe
Gain +1 strain threshold Upgrade difficulty of Suffer 1 strain when mak- During a chase, add J per
checks to identify charac- ing a Move maneuver to rank in Shortcut to any
[otahyih) ter once per rank of Indis- moveto any location with- checks made to catch or
tinguishable. in shortrange. escape an opponent.

COST 15 ith) a b= atk

| aan) | eas Yaa SST)

Gain hidden storage in ve- Once per encounter, may
The character may use Hid- hicles or equipment that The character may extend use Second Wind inciden-
den Storage to store an holds items with total en- the effects of Indistinguish- tal to recoverstrain equal
item within his own suitably cumbrance equal to ranks. able to a number ofallies to ranks in Second Wind.
modified body. in HiddenStorage. within short range equal to
ranks in Deception COST 20

| ei | ae | saa |ena
Cain +1 to a single charac- When being followed or Once per session, may re-
While in a crowd, mayper- teristic. This cannot bring a chased, the character may roll any 1 Athletics or Coor-
form the Incite Distraction characteristic above 6 perform the Lose Them dination check.
action to make an Aver- action and make a Hard
age (® @) Deception COST 25 (@@ @)Stealth check.if COST 25
check. If successful, ene- successful, add Il Il to
mies treat the area asdif- checksto followhim forthe
ficult terrain. The character remainder of the encoun-
may spend @ to make the ter and may spend @ to
location impassable ter- indicate his pursuers have
rain to them instead. lost him completely.

ey fess we sa
Permission granted to print and photocopy this page forpersonal use only. LFL FFG Set ‘,
ne Ses
portion of the mostcritical military intelligence is
never officially documented. Some parts might not
even seem like valuable information at first. A Slicer Interrogators acquire Charm, Coercion, Medicine,
may never uncover a minister's esoteric hobbies that and Perception as additional career skills. If this is
could be used for blackmail. An Infiltrator might not the character's starting specialization, the player may
recognize that an old plaque conceals a datachip choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in
loaded with secrets. Skilled Interrogators, however, each without spending starting experience.
can uncover secrets that their subjects might not even
recognize they possess. Often, this requires that the In order to successfully question a target, an Inter-
subject be capturedfirst, but some operatives are so rogator needs to have some background info about
skilled and subtle that they can the subject, possibly including personality traits,
extract secrets from targets loved ones, and interests, in addition to knowing what
Le through casual conversa- type of information to seek. Personal historyis critical
tion without letting the tar- to gaining leverage over a target. Interrogators must
gets realize what has hap- be versed in a range of information extraction tech-
pened. These specialists niques so that they can determine the best method
grant the Rebellion unex- for a particular foe. Physical coercion can work effec-
pected and unorthodox tively against some enemies, but for others, psycho-
advantages that it needs to logical attacks are far more efficient. Recognizing the
succeed against enor- best technique and having the appropriate tools read-
mous odds. ily available makes each interrogation faster and the
results morereliable.
A physically imposing questioner may rely upon
violence, and this technique can sometimesbe effec-
tive. However, it is invariably cruel. Further, Imperial
officers are trained to resist these techniques, reduc-
ing their efficacy. Additionally, some subjects recog-
nize that the consequences for giving in to this type
of torture can be as severe as thosefor resisting it.
For these reasons, the mosteffective of interrogations
eschew physical techniques for social ones.
Many Interrogators instead use a combination of
Charm and Deception to effectively draw informa-
tion from their subjects. They may intimidate through
threats—often to the subject's friends, family, or spe-
cial interests—rather than direct violence. Demonstra-
tions of power over those other parties can provide
additional leverage, though such demonstrations may
be fabricated as necessary.
Either type of Interrogator may educate allies on
the best ways to resist enemy questioning, something
even non-combatants in the Alliance may face at
some point. This may involve working with students
in simulated questioning sessions, but it can also
incorporate observation of the Interrogator at work.
Crucial to either approach is having students watch
people while they are breaking, partly so that stu-
dents can recognize what this lookslike, but also to
help them identify the types of leverage that might be
used against them, so that they can work to mitigate
the effectiveness of those tactics.


Spy:Interrogator Talent Tree
CareerSkills: Computers, Cool, Coordination, Deception, Knowledge (Warfare), Perception, Skulduggery, Stealth
Interrogator BonusCareer Skills: Charm, Coercion, Medicine, Perception

May suffer a number of When making a Medicine Upgrade difficulty of in-
strain to downgradedifficul- check to help a character coming Charm, Coercion,
ty of Coercion checks, or heal wounds, the target and Deception checks once
upgrade difficulty when tar- heals 1 additional wound per rankof Nobody's Fool
geted by Coercion checks, per rank of Surgeon.
by an equal number. Strain
suffered this way cannot
exceed ranksin Intimidating.

eaten at Se
May spend &? £3 from a When making a Medicine May spend £3 {3 from a
Deception or Coercion check to help a character Charm or Negotiation check
check to upgrade ability of Lm ty ea) heal wounds, the target to upgrade ability of a single
a single ally’s subsequent heals 1 additional wound ally's subsequent social
social interaction check per rank of Surgeon. interaction check against
against the target a num- the target a number of times
ber of times equal to ranks Lal) equal to ranks in Good Cop.
in Bad Cop

a assy
May spend } <} from a Upgrade difficulty of in-
When targeted by an Deception or Coercion coming Charm, Coercion, Once per session, may
opposed social skill check, check to upgrade ability of and Deception checks once perform the Know Their
the character may suffer 2 a single ally’s subsequent per rank of Nobody's Fool Weakness action and
strain to preform the Resist social interaction check choose one target within
Questioning out-of-turn against the target a num- Ly ey short range; make a Hard
incidental, adding[to the ber of times equal to ranks (© @) Perception check
check. If the check fails, in Bad Cop to downgrade the difficulty
may spend @ to indicate of social skill checks against
he has provided false infor- [olay Ey target once per rank of
mationtofoe. KnowTheir Weaknessuntil
the endofthe session
Pott =)

| aaa ,Na HE KNow THEIR I improveo Know
May suffer a number of
When one ally within short strain to downgrade difficul- Once per session, may The character may extend
range is targeted by an ty of Coercion checks, or perform the Know Their the effects of Know Their
opposed social skill check, upgrade difficulty when tar- Weakness action and Weakness to a number of
the character may perform geted by Coercion checks, choose one target within enemieswithin short range
Resist Questioning to affect by an equal number. Strain short range; make a Hard equal to his Presence.
this check instead. If the suffered this way cannot (© @@) Perception check
checkfails, may spend Y exceed ranksin Intimidating. to downgrade the difficulty COST 20
to indicate the ally provid- ofsocial skill checks against
edfalse informationtofoe. COST 20 target once per rank of
KnowTheir Weaknessuntil
VV SE the endofthe session


aS | Gis Yalan
When making a Brawl Once per session, may Gain +1 to a single charac-
check against an opponent, Whenevercharacter makes make an opposed social teristic. This cannot bring a
instead of dealing damage, a successful social skill skill check against a cap- characteristic above 6.
may deal equivalent strain check against a captured tured enemy character
plus additional strain equal enemy within short range, within short range and add a
to ranks of Medicine (this may reduce that enemy's [for every2 strain inflicted
1 : rae
ignores soak) strain threshold by 2 for the on the target that encoun- Bia
remainder of the session ter. IF successful, the PCs
COST 25 and can spend {: to inflict gain a bonus based on the
1 strain, enemyNPCtype.


Permission granted to printence

a must be able totell convincing lies. Often, a lie
only needs to hold up for a few seconds—just long
enough for the agent to complete a crime. In some Sleeper Agents acquire Charm, Cool, Discipline, and
cases, the lie must be more convincing and survive Knowledge (Education) as additional career skills. If
4“ much more detailed scrutiny. Sleeper Agents must be this is the character’s starting specialization, the player
‘ able to operate in isolation from their support network may choose twoof these skills and gain one free rank
for months or even years at a time. During such mis- in each without spending starting experience
sions, operatives should blend seamlessly into their
host environments, never arousing even the slightest On a mission, the vast majority of Sleeper Agents’
suspicion. Sustaining believ- time involves working a mundane job that may seem
able lies for this much time unrelated to their objective. In a few cases, the job is a
requires dedication so military one, but those assignments require extensive
that no hint of their real security checks. More often, the Sleeper Agent works
identity ever emerges. a civilian job that may have military connections. The
For some Sleeper Agents, agent may even serve as a member of a criminal orga-
their artificial guises are so nization. Whichever is the case, the Sleeper Agent's
ingrained that it takes duties offer peripheral access to a resource that is of
effort to emerge great interest to the Rebellion. It is vitally important
from them once a that agents remain constantly discreet about their
lengthy mission true intentions.
is finally over. All Sleeper Agents must be proficient in some pro-
fession that is not inherently related to uncovering
military intelligence for the Rebellion. They might not
need to be experts, but they must be able to con-
vincingly assume an unremarkable civilian or military
career. This act must be sustained for an extended
period of time while the operatives wait to have their
missions activated. Some missions focus entirely upon
placing agentsin critical places so that they can be
activated to avert a currently unknown crisis. In these
cases, the agents might pursue their cover career for
years. Other missions have established timeframes
or discrete objectives that the operative must pursue
without raising suspicion.
Critically, Sleeper Agents must remain unflinch-
ingly loyal to their cause. At the same time, they must
be able to maintain the illusion that they are loyal
to the enemy. In the case of extended assignments,
they must build friendships and working relationships
with their foes—relationships that they know they
will eventually betray. Few individuals are capable of
maintaining this level of duplicity without developing
some level of emotional attachment. Such attach-
ment incursterrible risk, as it could lead to hesitation
at a critical juncture.


| Pas a
Spy: Sleeper Agent Talent Tree
CareerSkills: Computers, Cool, Coordination, Deception, Knowledge (Warfare), Perception, Skulduggery, Stealth
Sleeper Agent Bonus CareerSkills: Charm, Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (Education) —=
CODEBREAKER ie TINE aaese) TY | ASME Te) Te) a)
Remove Mf per rank in Gain +1 strain threshold. The character may suffer 2 Choose any 2 skills. They
Codebreaker from checks strain to make a Charm permanently become ca-
to break codes or decrypt check with Cunning instead reerskills.
communications. Decrease of Presence.
difficulty of checks to COSTS
break codes or decrypt
communications by 1.

| letraa) | EaSedalia | Ia |Va as

Gain +2 wound threshold Remove Ml per rank of Reduce the critical rating
Bypass Security from Remove If per rank of of improvised weapons by
COST 10 checks made to disable a Convincing Demeanor 2 (to a minimum of 1)
security device or open a from Deception and Skul-
locked door. duggerychecks. LahA

Lathe) COST 10


Once per session after cap- Remove Mf per rank in Gain +1 strain threshold.
turing enemydata, the char- Codebreaker from checks Remove Mf per rank of
acter may perform the Ana- to break codes or decrypt at eb) Convincing Demeanor
lyze Data action to make an communications. Decrease from Deception and Skul-
Average (@ @) Knowl difficulty of checks to duggery checks.
edge (Warfare) check. break codes or decrypt
Once during the remainder communications by 1. COST 15
of session he may then add
¥€ equal to ranks in Knowl- COST 15
edge (Warfare) to one check
related to that data.


Gain +1 strain threshold. Remove Mf per rank of May reduce any Critical Inju- Once per session, the char-
Bypass Security from ry suffered by 10 perrankof acter may suffer 2 strain in
COST 20 checks madeto disable a Durable to a minimum of1 order to count his Cunning
security device or open a as one higher than normal
locked door. COST 20 for the remainder of the

etal eT I INSIDE PERSON ) TaNTay | sia

Gain +1 to asingle charac- Once per session the char- Once per session, mayre-
teristic. This cannotbring a acter may spend a Destiny roll any 1 Charm or Decep- Once per session while in
characteristic above 6. Point to establish he has tion check. an enemyfacility or vessel,
been undercover in an may perform the Inside
COST 25 identified enemy base or COST 25 Knowledge action; make a
large vehicle. For the Hard @ @ @) Skuldug-
remainder of the session, gery check. Character may
add automatic £2 <3 to then find a single personal
checksheorhis allies make scale item with a rarity no
that are associated with greater than Cunning plus 2
thatlocation previously stashed here, or
gain a narrative benefit.

Permission granted to print and photocopy this page forpersonalus: e only. © LFL © FFG ne
he following pages describe each new talent intro- FREERUNNING
duced in CypHers AND Masks. Every entry includes Activation: Active (Incidental)
the information required for gameplay. See page 139 Ranked: No
of the Ace or REBELLION Core Rulebook for moreinfor- Trees: Courier
mation on talents. Onceper round, before performing a Move maneuver,
the character may suffer 1 strain. If he does so, he may
ASTEP AHEAD use his Move maneuver to move to any location within
Activation: Active (Incidental) short range (even straight up) as long as there is some
Ranked: No sort of object to move across or a path to movealong.
Trees: Sleeper Agent
Once per session, the character may suffer two strain GOOD COP
in order to count his Cunning as one higher than nor- Activation: Passive
mal for the remainder of the encounter. Ranked: Yes
The character may spend £2 {» from a Charm or
Activation: Active (Action) Negotiation check to upgrade the ability of a single
Ranked: No ally’s subsequent social interaction skill check against
Trees: Sleeper Agent the same target in the same encounter. Upgrade the
Once per session, after capturing or stealing data ability a number of times equal to the character's
about an opponent, the character may perform the ranks in Good Cop. A single check may only benefit
Analyze Data action to make an Average (® @) from one use of Good Cop.
Knowledge (Warfare) check to determine its value.
If successful, once before the end of the session the HIDDEN STORAGE (IMPROVED)
character may add automatic 3* equal to his ranksin Activation: Passive
Knowledge (Warfare) to one check related to that cap- Ranked: No
tured data. The GM has the final say on what checks Trees: Courier
are related to the data. The character may use Hidden Storageto store an item
within his own suitably modified body (such as through
BAD COP cybernetics, surgery, or prosthetic replacements).
Activation: Passive
Trees: Interrogator Activation: Active (Action)
The character may spend &} & from a Deception or Ranked: No
Coercion check to upgrade the ability of a single ally’s Trees: Courier
subsequent social interaction skill check against the While in a crowd or populated area, the character
same target in the same encounter. Upgrade the abil- may perform the Incite Distraction action to make an
ity a number of times equal to the character's ranks Average (@ @) Deception check.If successful, ene-
in Bad Cop. A single check may only benefit from one mies treat the area as difficult terrain for the remain-
use of Bad Cop. der of the encounter. The character may spend ® to
makethe location impassable terrain to them instead.
Activation: Active (Incidental) INDISTINGUISHABLE (IMPROVED)
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Trees: Sleeper Agent Ranked: No
The character may suffer two strain to make a Charm Trees: Courier
check using Cunning instead of Presence. The character may extend the effects of Indistinguish-
able to a number ofallies within short range equal to
EXHAUSTIVE QUESTIONING his ranks in Deception.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Trees: Interrogator Activation: Active (Action)
Whenever the character makes a successful social skill Ranked: No
check against a captured enemy within short range, he Trees: Sleeper Agent
may reduce the enemy's strain threshold by 2 for the Once per session, the character may perform the
remainder of the session and spend {? toinflict 1 strain. Inside Knowledge action to make a Hard (@ @ @)
Skulduggery check while within an enemy facility


or vessel. He can then find a single personal scale If the check is successful and the enemy is a minion,
weapon or device he previously stashed here with a the PCs add [1] to their checks to determine Initiative
rarity no greater than his Cunning plus 2. Alterna- when next fighting that enemy's organization. If the
tively, he can gain a narrative benefit such as know- enemyis a rival, then the PCs add [J to all checks
ing the codes to open sealed doors, the location of made targeting that enemy and others from his orga-
the commander's office, personality quirks or weak- nization in their next encounter. If the enemyis a
nesses amongst personnel, which security cameras nemesis, during the next session each PC gains one
have been deactivated or broken, secret or concealed personal Light Side Destiny Point that once spent is
rooms, or some other equivalent type of information. discarded from play (instead of being converted).
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Trees: Sleeper Agent Trees: Courier
Once per session, the character may spend a Destiny Once per game session, the character may reroll any
Point to establish he has previously been undercover one Athletics or Coordination check.
gathering information in an identified enemy base or
large vehicle. For the remainder of the session, add
Activation: Passive
automatic £2 £2 to checks he or his allies make that
Ranked: No
are associated with that location (such as checks to
Trees: Courier
attack it or social skill checks targeting personnel in it).
Piloting (Planetary) and Piloting (Space) become
KNOW THEIR WEAKNESS career skills.
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: Yes
Trees: Interrogator
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Once per session, the character may choose one tar- Ranked: No
Trees: Interrogator
get within short range and perform the Know Their
Weaknessaction to make a Hard (@ @ @) Percep- When making a Brawl check againsta living opponent,
the character may choose to forgo dealing damage
tion check.If successful, the character downgrades
as wounds, instead dealing the equivalent damage as
the difficulty of social skill checks he makes against
strain, plus additional strain equal to his ranks in Medi-
that target once per rank of Know Their Weakness.
cine. These checks cannot be made with any weapons,
KNOW THEIR WEAKNESS(IMPROVED) but this strain damage is not reduced by soak.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Trees: Interrogator
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
The character may extend the effects of Know Their Ranked: No
Weakness to a number of enemy characters within
short range equal to his rating of Presence. When targeted by an opposed social skill check, the
character may suffer 2 strain to preform the Resist
LOSE THEM Questioning out-of-turn incidental, adding If to the
Activation: Active (Action) check. If the check fails, he may spend @ to indicate
Ranked: No he has provided false or misleading information that
Trees: Courier the target believes to be truthful.
When being followed of chased, the character may
take the Lose Them action and make a Hard (@ @ @) RESIST QUESTIONING (IMPROVED)
Activation: Passive
Stealth check.If successful, he adds Ml to checks to
Ranked: No
follow him for the remainderof the encounter and may
Trees: Interrogator
spend ® from his check to lose his pursuers completely.
When one ally within short range is targeted by an
MADE YOU TALK opposed social skill check, the character may perform
Activation: Active (Action) Resist Questioning to affect this check instead. If the
Ranked: No check fails, he may spend W toindicate the ally has
Trees:Interrogator provided false or misleading information that the tar-
Onceper session, the character may make an opposed get believes to be truthful.
social skill check against a captured enemy character
within short range, adding [ for every two strain the
target has suffered this encounter.


Por in the Rebellion fights the Empire in their TABLE 1-2: RANDOM SPY MOTIVATION
own way, and all have different reasons for joining
the struggle. Spies are in many ways the secret heroes nA CaNLat -te fe) g
of this war, fighting battles that few will ever know of. 12 Belief
The secrecy of their missions reflects unique drives
that motivate manySpies in their actions. 3-4 Connection

5-6 Quest
Spies deal with secrets. Secrets are often the reason
10 Roll once on each of any two categories
for their missions, but aspects of secrecy can also be
what drew them to become Spies in the first place.
They might be driven to uncover secrets, believing no During character creation, players can choose the
information should be hidden. Alternatively, they could Motivation that bestfits their Spy character, or they
have a desire to keep secrets secured and believe that can roll randomly for one. To choose randomly, they
sometimessociety is better off not knowing the truth. first roll on Table 1-2: Random Spy Motivation
Motivations related to secrecy can help mold back- instead of using the corresponding Table 2—5: Ran-
grounds for Spy characters and offer guidance in play- dom Motivation on page 104 of the AcE oF REBEL-
ing them, especially when dealing with enemy agents. Lion Core Rulebook. Players who roll Secrets then roll
again on Table 1-3: Specific Secrets to determine
CypHeRs AND Masks includes the new Motivation which Secret to use as the Motivation. Otherwise,
category of Secrets, specially designed for the Spy players should consult the appropriate table in the
career. Players with characters from other careers are AcE oF REBELLION Core Rulebook (pages 105-106) for
also welcome to choose a Secret, of course,if one fits the category rolled.
particularly well.


Falsification: A secretis valuable only so long as people believeit to be true. As such, these Spies enjoy twisting facts and
addingfictitious details, making it a better story but also one that enemyagents can easily (but erroneously) disprove.

Detection:The first step in learning the contents of a secretis to learn there is something secretive that actually exists.
Seeking out areas where secrets exist drives these Spies, while the actual information may be of lesser concern.

Extraction: Sometimes the only way to learn a secretis to persuade those with the information to part with it. Spies
motivatedin this way often develop effective techniques for pulling secrets from Imperials, making themselves quite
invaluable to the Alliance war effort.

Classification: By their very nature, secrets only exist when someone makesthem so. The act of hiding information
31-40 away or markingit as unfit for open disseminationis just as important as seekingit out for these Spies. Buried in multiple
layers of operational security concerns, they decide who should and should not learn these secrets.

Analysis: Information often has no identifiable value, evenif it is directly associated with important projects or people.
41-50 Only when it is properly analyzed and contextualized can secrets be truly understood, and these Spieswill sift through
moundsof information from a variety of sourcesto fully grasp its importance.

Security: Without proper encryption or methodsof physically securing information, secrecy is impossible. These Spies are
51-60 consumed with meansof security and ensuring that secrets stay hidden.

Revelation: Secrets, especially Imperial ones, have rarely been kept for good reasons.Allowing everyone to know the
61-70 truth of the Empire drives these Spies, whostrive to uncover secrets whereverpossible.

Tracking: Nosecret exists on its own. Each one has a lineage and pedigree showing associated locations and persons
71-80 of interest. Learning the true nature of secrets can consume these Spies, driving them to trace secrets back across years
and parsecs, often uncovering other secrets along the way.

Preservation: Often the only way to keep a secret from unwantedrevelation is to eliminate any who come into contact
81-90 with the information. Guarding secrets drives such Spies, who ensure few learn the secret andlive to tell others.

Retrieval: Tradecraft often involves penetrating enemy security systems to gain access to secrets, and somefind this the
91-00 grandest game ofall. Only when battling their opposite numbersand stealing their secrets do these Spies comealive.


|: addition to the specializations available within or switched to a different tree. A character can only
a given career, a character also has access to that acquire a signature ability from his career and can only
career’s signature abilities. These abilities are special, attach that ability to in-career talent trees
elite talents for experienced characters of the specified
To attach a signature ability to a talent
career. They are feats only possible through the skill
tree, the character must own all of the tal-
and ability gained over a long and successful career.
ents along the bottom row of the desti-
nation talent tree that match up with the
SIGNATUREABILITY active nodes on the signatureability. Then,
BREAKDOWN once a signature ability has been attached \
to a talent tree, the character may purchase \
A signature ability is composed of three elements: the the ability’s basic form and its upgrades using
nodes linking it to a talent tree, the ability’s basic form, experience, just as if they weretalents.
and a series of upgrades that augment the ability. The Spy career has access
to two signature abilities:
NODES Counterespionage and
Unmatched Tradecraft.
Each signature ability has four nodes lined up across
its top. These four nodes match up with the four tal-
ents on the bottom row of a talent tree. Each node
can either be active, showing a bracket facing upward,
or inactive, remaining blank. To be able to attach a
signature ability to a tree, the character must own all
of the talents along the bottom row of the destination
talent tree that match up with the active nodes on the
signature ability.


To acquire a signature ability, a character mustfirst
purchase the basic form of the ability. This takes up
the entire first row of the signature ability tree and
is purchased with experience points. The experience
cost for each basic form is listed in its box.

After purchasing the basic form of a signature abil-
ity, a character can further customize the ability by
purchasing upgrades. Upgrades, much like talents, are
purchased with experience points, and each upgrade
may only be purchased if it connectsto the basic form
of the ability or a previously purchased upgrade. The
experience cost of each upgrade is listed in its box.

Before purchasing a signature ability or any of its
upgrades, a character must “attach” that ability to the
bottom of one of his current in-career talent trees.
Once a signature ability has been attached to a tree,
no other signature abilities may be attached to that
tree, and the attached ability cannot be removed


Spy Signature Ability Tree: Counterespionage


Once per gamesession, the character may spend 2 Destiny Points to make an opposed Knowledge (Warfare) vs. Deception check against an identified
enemy agentor espionageleader. If successful, the characterutterly foils one previously identified ploy or tactic associated with that enemy's act of espionage.
The exact nature of how the character accomplishesthis must be approved by the GM, but should be suitably cunning andclever. Note that the enemycharacter
doesnot need to be physically present or near the characterforthis ability to be used, and that the GM hasfinal say on which NPCsarevalidtargets.


|ET ) | Wea } lana ayta |eae

When making the skill check The skill check the cheracter Remove fl from the charac- The skill check the charac-
to activate Counterespio- makes as part of using Coun- ters skill check as part of ter makes as part of Coun-
nage, the character adds 1] terespionage can be made using Counterespionage. terespionage can be made
per Add Boost upgrade. using Charm instead of using Negotiation instead
Knowledge (Warfare). [aaha of Knowledge (Warfare)
atha) foley)

| ss | antecTN |Thy | Rtas \

To activate Counterespio- Remove Ill from the charac- When making the skill check Spend ® on a successful
nage, the character needs to ter's skill check as part of to activate Counterespio- checkto activate Counteres-
spend only one Destiny Point using Counterespionage. nage, the character adds pionage to turn one identi-
instead of the normal two per Add Boost upgrade. fied enemy agent into a dou-
Destiny Points. anheh} ble agentsecretly working for
COST 15 the character.
feltie ty


cou NTERESPIONAGE Add Boost Upgrade: When making the skill check to
F activate Counterespionage, the character adds L] per
Spies knowfoiling the plots of enemy agentsis always Add Boost upgrade.
paramount, and devote much preparation to thwarting
Change Skill Upgrade: The skill check to activate
these schemes. This might be done via hiding weapons : :
in a meeting place, ensuring “innocent bystanders” are Counterespionage can be performed using Charm
infact armed backup, orother cunningand clever ploys. "stead of Knowledge (Warfare).
The more agents are aware of their opposite numbers Change Skill Upgrade: The skill check to activate
and enemy tactics, the better they can achieve their Counterespionage can be performed using Negotia-
goals. Counterespionage ideally leads to the grand tion instead of Knowledge (Warfare).
prize: turning an enemyinto a valuable double agent.
Destiny Upgrade: To activate Counterespionage,
the character needs to spend only one Destiny Point
BASE ABILITY instead of the normal two.
Once per game session, the character may spend Reduce Setback Upgrade: Remove I from the char-
two Destiny Points to make an opposed Knowledge acter’sskill check as part of using Counterespionage.
(Warfare) vs. Deception check against an identified
Turn Agent Upgrade: The character may spend ® on
enemy agent or espionage leader. If successful, the a successful check to activate Counterespionage to turn
character utterly foils one previously identified ploy or
oneidentified enemy espionage agentinto a double agent
tactic associated with that enemy’s act of espionage. secretly working for the character. Note that the identified
The exact nature of how this is accomplished (or was
enemy agent does not need to be physically present or
arranged earlier and revealed in a flashback) must be near the character for this to happen, and that the GM
approved by the GM. Notethatthe identified enemy hasthefinal say on exactly which NPCsarevalid targets.
agent does not need to be physically presentor near the
characterfor this to happen, and that the GM hasthe final
say on exactly which NPCsarevalid targets.



Permission granted to print and photocopy this page for personal use only. © LFL © FFG
Spy Signature Ability Tree: Unmatched Tradecraft

tN antecVayWoe]
Once per session as an incidental, after the player rolls the dice for a Deception check but before resolving the results, he may spend 2 Destiny Points to remove
one of the rolled © from the pool. The results from that @ are ignored, and the checkis then resolved as normal.


| aaa ) | Bataanfa ) easCT )erasTa

Unmatched Tradecraft may The numberof dice removed Unmatched Tradecraft may Unmatched Tradecraft may
also be used on I through Unmatched Trade- be used with the Stealth skill be used with the Skulduggery
craft increases by one per instead of Deception. skill instead of Deception
COST 10 Increase Number upgrade.

| aiaalsaie HB FREQUENCY ) Naa TM ay
Unmatched Tradecraft may To activate Unmatched Tra- Unmatched Tradecraft can The numberofdice removed
also be used on @. decraft, the character needs be used an additional time through Unmatched Trade-
to spend only one Destiny per gamesession. craft increases by one per
COST 15 Point instead of the normal Increase Number upgrade.
two Destiny Points. [acthy
Lot =)


ABILITY: UNMATCHED Change Skill Upgrade: Unmatched Tradecraft may
TRADECRAFT be used with the Stealth skill instead of Deception.
ChangeSkill Upgrade: Unmatched Tradecraft may be
The essence of tradecraft is that of perfect decep- used with the Skulduggery skill instead of Deception.
tion. The greatest of espionage agents turn adopting
false identities, spouting convincing cover stories at a Destiny Upgrade: To activate Unmatched Tradecraft,
moment’s notice, moving across secured areas with- the character needs to spend only one Destiny Point
out detection, picking locks, and other vital skills into instead of the normal two.
art forms. They are not simply skilled at performing Frequency Upgrade: Unmatched Tradecraft can be
deception—to them, deception is an almost reflexive used one additional time per game session.
action, seamlessly brought into play before an enemy
Increase Effect Upgrade: Unmatched Tradecraft
might even think to detect it. When facing such mas-
may also be used on i.
ters of tradecraft, even the most disciplined of secu-
rity guards, high-ranking military officers, or opposing Increase Effect Upgrade: Unmatched Tradecraft
agents might be forgiven for falling for the deceptions may also be used on @.
these master spies utilize in the hidden war. Increase Number Upgrade: The number of dice
removed through Unmatched Tradecraft increases by
BASE ABILITY One per Increase Number upgrade.
Once per session as an incidental, after the player
rolls the dice for a Deception check but before resolv-
ing the results of the check, he may spend two Des-
tiny Points to remove one of the rolled @ from the
pool. The results from that ¢ are ignored, and the
check is then resolved as normal.



Permission granted to print and photocopy this page for personal use only. © LFL FFG
‘As part of this surprise inspection, I'll be reviewing
yoursecurity systems andprisonercells.

—“ISB Agent Kel Dhast”

any spies go on missions lightly armed at best. In this chapter, players can find new items for their
Some of the most effective espionage agents Spy characters to use in espionage and counteres-
rely solely on cleverly fashioned cover stories and pionage efforts. These include weapons that can be
simple disguises, along with their own quick wits, easily concealed, or might not even appear as such
to avoid Imperial entanglements and achieve their at a glance, as well as new armortypes that increase
goals. In this way they can effectively sneak in and stealth capabilities. New gear items include subtle
out of enemy facilities, or even enemy vehicles, with poisons, implanted disguise systems, and cyber-
less chance of suspicion. netic hands designed for defeating security systems.
Players gain new equipment for spiking computers
Most missions, however, require additional tools,
and scrambling enemy signals, along with essen-
such as recording devicesor slicing gear, if spies are
tial devices for sabotage, infiltration, and wetwork.
to achieve their goals. While agents in the Alliance
Because the Empire often overlooks them, this chap-
are rarely classified as combat personnel, their weap-
ter contains new droids to augment Spy characters
onry, gear, and vehicles on such missions can be as
in almost any espionage mission.
potent as those of any Rebel soldier. In the case of
spies, though, such items are usually as deceptive as Spy characters operate in unique manners, and so
their own natures. An unassuming blaster pistol, for there are equally unique weapon and armor attach-
example, might be converted to a long-range assas- ments to customize their equipment. Lastly, there
sin’s rifle. Ordinary clothing could contain a number are two new vehicles with plenty of room for modi-
of concealed blades, lockpicks, or recording devices. fications to fashion truly personalized transport sys-
Even their “civilian” vehicles might contain a wide tems. Theseare ideal for creating iconic speeders or
range of hidden firepower and defensive upgrades. starshipsable to act as civilian transport but secretly
packed with powerful weaponry and upgrades.

Ce ty ee
ecrecy is an intelligence agent's stock in trade. A character can spend a maneuver to convert the
Agents in the field live and die by their ability to CFE from pistol to rifle mode,or rifle to pistol mode.
become someone or something else entirely and to With the rifle accessories attached, the weapon's
obfuscate everything about their real identity. This range becomes long, and it gains the Accurate 1 and
secrecy extends to the weapons carried and armor Pierce 1 item qualities. Characters use the Ranged
worn while on the job. The following list presents a (Heavy) skill when firing the weapon in rifle mode.
selection of armor and weapons appropriate for use in
the course of an agent’s mission. CS14 “GHOST” LIGHT BLASTER PISTOL

RANGED WEAPONS Small, lightweight, and easily concealed, BlasTech’s

CS14 is one of the galaxy’s premier personal defense
Intelligence agents prefer weapons that are small, are blasters. One of the smallest blaster pistols on the
easily concealed, and punch well above their weight. market, the CS14 is marketed primarily to detec-
tives, investigators, and other individuals who need a
Long-range accuracy is typically important only to
assassins. For most Spies, a pistol needs to be accu- powerful yet easy-to-conceal weapon for daily carry.
rate up close, often only enough to deliver a powerful Roughly the size and weight of a standard holdout
blast or stun bolt at arm’s length. blaster, the CS14 is built using lightweight polycarbon-
ates and sensor-proof alloys. This makes the weapon
nearly invisible to most common weapon scanners.
On an individual with the right holster and clothing,
it is very difficult to detect without an extremely thor-
The A280-CFE by BlasTech was designed during the ough search. Since its introduction, state intelligence
Clone Wars for Galactic Republic intelligence agents. agencies throughout the galaxy have adopted the
Based on the venerable A280, the CFEis sold as a CS14 as a standard-issue weapon for field agents.
heavy blaster pistol, albeit one with a few newtricks Finding a CS14 on an individual requires a Daunt-
up its sleeve. A user can attach a number of accesso- ing (@ @ © @) Perception check. A character must
ries—a shoulder stock, longer precision barrel, multi- make a Daunting (@ @ @ @) Computers check to
optic sight, gyrobalancer, etc.—to convert the pistol find the CS14 with a weapon scanner. The difficulty of
into a very serviceable sniper rifle. The pistol and the latter check can be reduced by one or twolevels
accessories are sold as a package along with a sturdy, at the Game Master's discretion, depending on the
lockable reinforced polycarbonate carrying case. type of scanner being used and the attentiveness of
The A280’s modular nature and versatility make the the operator.
weapon easy to transport and conceal, an extremely
attractive feature for agents and infiltrators.


Name SCI] TC ACLsae)114-1)
A280-CFE | |
Convertible Heavy ce 8 3 Medium 3 1 (R)1,700 7 Stun setting
BlasterPistol 8
CS14 “Ghost” Ranged peel
Light BlasterPistol (Light) 5 3 Short 1 0 (R) 550 6 Stunsetting

4 | Accurate 2,
panera! fee 10 2 | Extreme | 7| 41 6500 9 Cumbersome 3,
y | | Pierce 1, Stun setting

Heavy Repeating ee 6 3 Short 2 2) 2,100 5 Auto-fire, Inaccurate1
Blaster Pistol eI

Vac Attack Mk- 5

127 Concealable eae 6 3 Short oO leat 800 ia) see
Disc Launcher e ae

Wrist Blaster aay 6 3 Engaged 1 0 1,200 6 Peesane v


edirection crystals are an invention of the The STM40 is a repeating blaster pistol based
Imperial Security Bureau. Produced in loosely on Merr-Sonn’s best-selling DD6. Somewhere
small numbers by the Imperial Department between a heavy blaster pistol and a blaster carbine,
of Military Research for the ISB and various the ST-M40 is a medium-sized weapon with a short,
Imperial intelligence and wetworks teams, heavily shrouded barrel and a folding shoulder stock.
a redirection crystal is simply a container of In combat, the ST-M40 features a select-fire setting
pressurized Tibanna gas fitted with a focus- that allows it to be fired as a single-shot, semiauto-
ing crystal and a short blaster barrel. When matic weapon or in full auto. Although its short bar-
struck, typically by blaster or slugthrower rel and auto-fire setting have a deleterious effect on
fire, the canister ruptures and produces a the weapon's accuracy, the ST-M40 is wildly popular
blaster bolt through the attached barrel. The among special operations teams and vehicle crewsfor
bolt the redirection crystal fires has a power its size, durability, and ease of use.
output equal to a standard blaster rifle, but During combat, GMs may make this weapon run
its range is significantly reduced. A redirec- out of ammunition by spending %&4 This is in addi-
tion crystal is destroyed onuse, leaving little tion to the standard spending of Y (as per page 218
behind to identify what it was. Redirection of the Ace or REBELLION Core Rulebook).
crystals are very popular among Imperial
Intelligence agents, who often use them to VAC ATTACK MK-127
obfuscate assassination scenes or frame oth- CONCEALABLE DISC LAUNCHER
eu relacela inloce
Setting up a redirection crystal requires a Initially designed by the Vacutech Combine—which
Hard (© © ©) Skulduggery check. Due to ran out of capital and declared bankruptcy during the
its size, hitting a redirection crystal requires development of this weapon thanks to Imperial med-
a Hard (© © ©) Ranged(Light) or Ranged dling—the Vac Attack is a small projectile launcher
(Heavy) check. Redirection crystals have worn around the wrist like a chrono. It fires bursts of
small, extremely sharp discs that can shred armor
the following profile: (Damage 9; Critical 4;
Range [Short]; Limited Ammo 1). They cost and flesh like a flechette. The weapon's spread can be
500 credits (R) and havea rarity of 9. adjusted so that it fires all of its discs in a single line or
in a broad arc that can catch multiple targets. Entirely
silent and easily concealable, the Mk-127 is often used
NIGHTSTINGER BLASTERRIFLE for jobs in which silence and stealth are paramount.
Xerrol Corporation’s Nightstinger is one of the most Changing the weapon's spread from single to arc
unusual blaster rifles in the galaxy. Officially classified requires a maneuver and grants the weapon the Blast
as a sporting weapon, the Nightstinger is a powerful, 6 item quality. If Blast is activated, the weapon's supply
well-balanced rifle ostensibly designed to hunt big, of discs is exhausted in the shot. When worn on both
dangerous creatures at long distances. While this is wrists, Mk-127s can be fired as if they were a single
true, the Nightstinger can also, at the flick of a switch, weapon with a regular combat check, gaining the Linked
fire completely invisible blaster bolts, an ability that 2 quality. Noticing that an individual is wearing one or
makes these weapons illegal to own in mostcivilized a pair of these weapons requires a Hard (@ @ @) Per-
parts of the galaxy. While Xerrol claims that the invis- ception check. At the Game Master's discretion, the
ible bolt setting was designed for night hunting and discs can be coated with various toxins. Reloads for the
stalking light-sensitive beasts, the fact that it allows Mk-127 contain four discs and cost 100 credits.
a shooter to remain completely undetected while fir-
ing has not been overlooked by the galaxy’s assassins
and intelligence agents. The power requirements for
firing the rifle in stealth mode are quite onerous, how-
ever, and its rate of fire becomes significantly reduced
from the depletion of its power cells.




Switching the Nightstinger to stealth mode requires

a maneuver. This makes locating the shooter by trac-
ing the blaster bolt or spotting a muzzle blast effec-
tively impossible. It also grants the weapon the Slow-
Firing 2 quality for the remainder of the encounter. Vac Attack MK-127 Concealable Wrist Launcheranddisc

WRIST BLASTER air and either knocking out or suffocating the target.
Garrotes are easy to conceal and can even be made in
Wrist blasters are custom-made self-defense weapons the field with readily available materials.
worn by diplomats, espionage agents, businesspeo-
ple, and other individuals who need an inconspicu- A character who makes a successful Brawl attack
ous personal defense weapon. Typically built into when using a garotte against a target can cause that
a bracelet or large-framed chrono, these weapons
target to become suffocated (see page 228 of the AcE
fire an extremely powerful blast at little more than
oF REBELLION Core Rulebook). Targets may attempt to
arm’s length. Good for only one shot, the blaster break free of a garrote with an opposed Brawlvs.
mechanism focusesall of its power into a single, high- Brawl check, adding If for each round they have
been caught.
powered blast that can penetrate most armor and
can incapacitate or even kill the toughest opponent in
the blink of an eye. Despite their utility, wrist blasters MMD-18 MOLECULAR DAGGER
have a number of downsides. Theyareillegal on most
The MMD-18 is a larger, more durable version of Xana
worlds, although that doesn’t stop individuals from
Exotic Arms’ MSW-9 molecular stiletto. Roughly the
using them. In addition, their rangeis pitifully short:
size of a combat knife, the MMD-18 has a long and
users must be almost touching their target for the
thin double-edged, crystalline matrix blade set into
weapon to have any effect. Finally, since wrist blasters
a simple polycarbonate handle with a short, straight
are only good for one shot, a user is put in a precari-
quillon. The edges of the blade are honed to mono-
ous situation if the blastfails to incapacitate or kill the
molecular thickness, allowing them to cut through
intended target.
even the thickest armor. While this dagger is sturdier
Noticing that an individual is wearing a wrist blaster than the MSW-9, a wrong move or an awkward blow
requires a Daunting (@ @ @ @) Perception check. can still shatter the blade relatively easily.
At the Game Master’s discretion, <8} « 4or YW can
Due to their inherent fragility, any combat check
be spent on a user's Ranged (Light) check to have the
made while wielding one of these blades that gener-
weapon burn the user and deal 3 wounds.
ates either 48 %4 or YW shatters the blade.


MELEE WEAPONS Sap gloves are produced by a number of companies
Much of an espionage agent’s work is up close and throughout the galaxy. Made in a variety of styles for
personal. What cannot be done with a blaster pis- nearly every imaginable species, they are simply a
tol must instead be done with a blade, a sap, or an pair of gloves with heavy plates, alloy pellets, sand,
agent’s own hands. or some other dense, weighty material sewn into the
fingers and back of the hand. Relatively innocuous
GARROTE when worn, sap gloves amplify a wearer’s punch and
act almost like brass knuckles. Sap gloves are popu-
The garrote has been the go-to weapon for quiet lar among law enforcement and intelligence services
assassinations for millennia. An extremely simple and throughout the galaxy, and their use is extremely
deceptively lethal weapon, a garroteis a length of cord common in the criminal underworld.
or cable with a handle often attached at each end. The Spotting sap gloves on an individual requires a
cable is wrapped around a target's throat and the han- Daunting (@ © @ @) Perception check.
dles are pulled tight at the back of the neck, cutting off


NII] We TT a Rarity Special
Garrote Brawl = — Engaged ] 0 | 50 2 Stun setting

MMD-18 :
Molecular Dagger Melee +2 3 Engaged ] 1 100 4 Pierce 2

Sap Gloves Brawl +2 5 Engaged 1 1 50 4 Concussive 1

ost Spies wear little, if any, physical armor. During
the rare times they do, they tend to favor flexible
suits that are built for a specific purpose, such as climb-
ing or sneaking,or light armor that is easily concealed
beneath normal-looking clothes.


Ayelixe/Krongbing’s Climbsuit is a popular set of

lightweight armor designed specifically for climbing
and rappelling. Built from light, flexible fabrics with
impact-absorbing reinforcements at important points
around the body, the Climbsuit is a full-body suit that
includes gloves, boots, and a helmet with a built-
in polarized visor. To assist the wearer in scaling or
descending surfaces, the armor is equipped with two
climb-assist systems: a built-in climbing harness and
a patented FrictionGrip coating.
The integrated harness includes load-bearing straps
that wrap around the wearer's waist and legs, equip-
ment buckles, and a 300-meter retractable spool of
high-tensile climbing line. The FrictionGrip system is
a special coating on the suit’s gloves, boots, knees,
elbows, and forearms that uses thousands of micro-
scopic filaments to grip surfaces in a manner similar
to that of an insect or arachnid. These systems com-
bine to keep wearersfirmly planted on a surface or to
help them survive in case of a fall.
Wearing a Climbsuit upgrades the ability of the
wearer's checks to climb or rappel down a surface
once. The Climbsuit also reduces damage and strain
suffered from falling by 5 and reduces any related
Critical Injury results from falling by 10.



The Mk | NightStalker is a lightweight, surprisingly

durable suit of armor that Bantin Corp recently pro-
Bantin Corp Mk | NightStalker Infiltrator Suit

duced. Marketed toward law enforcement and intel-
ligence agencies, the NightStalker combines light-
absorbing materials, armorweave, gel-insert plates,
and sound dampening fabric to produce a suit that
When wearing a NightStalker suit, the wearer adds
provides both respectable protection and decent
automatic 3€ to Stealth checks he makes and adds
passive stealth capabilities. The NightStalker is a
automatic 8 to social skill checks he makes.
full-body suit that covers everything but the wearer’s
eyes. It is typically worn with scanner goggles or other
wearable vision-enhancement systems.

Name nTftity YT) a eT Tea Lea LOL
Climbsuit 0 1 1,450 Dalia? 4
Mk| NightStalker Suit 0 2 (R)4,800 2 1 9
Mk IX Personal Mimetic Concealment Suit 1 1 (R) 8,000. 2 1 8

CYRICEPT MK IX PERSONAL an extremely high rate, and a power pack is good

MIMETIC CONCEALMENTSUIT for about an hour of constant use. Like all mimetic
suits, the Mk IXis illegal to own and tosell to civilians.
Cyricept’s Mk IX Personal Mimetic Concealment While they are primarily used by governmental intelli-
Suits use active stealth technologies combined with gence and law enforcement agencies, many suits have
advanced textiles to provide one of the best personal found their way into the hands of dangerous criminals
stealth suits available. When active, a mimetic suit throughout the galaxy.
uses an optical camouflage (OC) system that bends
Wearing a Mk IX Personal Mimetic Concealment
light around the wearer and reflects back images of
Suit upgrades the ability of all Stealth checks made
the surrounding area. This OC system is combined
by the wearer twice. In addition, the Game Master
with electromagnetic and heat shielding, sound baf-
may spend 4} 4} 4or @ on any Stealth check made
flers, and other systems to render a wearer essentially
by the wearer while the suit is active to have the suit’s
invisible to both the naked eye and most common
power pack run dry. The suit cannot be used again
security sensors. To run these systems, mimetic suits
until the power pack is replaced; replacing a power
require a small, high-output energy cell built into a
pack requires a maneuver.
belt or wristband. Mimetic suits consume energy at

oe agents tend to travel light, carrying only
what they needfor their current mission and nothing
that might give them awayto their enemies. That being
said, the quantity and variety of equipment that Spies
can requisition for various missions is staggering. The
following is a small selection of electronics, implants,
chems, and other gadgets that Spies commonly use.


The use of chems and poisons in tradecraft is a time-
honored tradition. These substances help Spies survive
questioning and enhancetheir performance, as well as
aid them in interrogation and assassination efforts.

Affide Crystal(in false tooth)
Affide crystals are commonly used as last-resort
“suicide pill” in the event of capture or torture. Typi-
cally hidden in a false tooth implanted in the agent's A single affide crystal is a poison that requires an
jaw, affide crystals are an extremely powerful neuro- upgraded Daunting (®@ @ @ @) Resilience check
toxin that, upon exposureto moisture, can kill an indi- to overcome when ingested. The poison inflicts 10
vidual in seconds by immediately stopping respira- wounds and a Critical Injury on a failed check. Each ‘>
tory functions. To use them, agents simply bite down generated adds +40 to the roll for the Critical Injury
hard on their false tooth, shattering it and allowing result. GMs may spend 48 44or @ to kill a target
the crystal to dissolve in their mouth. Depending on instantly, leaving no opportunity for resuscitation.
the agent's species and constitution, death can take
from 20 to 40 seconds.

Cyanoxis D-570 was originally developed by Toxico as esti Price §Encum Rarity
an all-purpose rodenticide. An extremely aggressive Affide Crystal (R) 500 0 8
anticoagulant, D-570 works by weakening the walls of
a creature’s small blood vessels. This causes them to Cyanoxis D-570 50 1 4
rupture, leading to internal hemorrhaging and eventu-
Skirtopanol (R) 500 0 8
ally death. Thanks to its particular and well-guarded
chemical makeup, D-570 works on numerous species Vutalamine 125 0 5
throughout the galaxy, a very rare quality in a vermin-
killing poison. Spies and assassins began to capitalize One doseof Skirtopanol requires a Hard (@ @ )
on this shared toxicity not long after the poison first Resilience check to overcome. On a failed check, the
appeared on the market. drug inflicts 5 strain, and the difficulty of all checks
When usedas an assassination tool, D-570 is typi- the target makes to resist Charm or Coercion for the
cally administered through food and drink. Once remainder of the encounter is upgraded once. In addi-
ingested, the poison takes about a week to break tion, each 8 generated on the original check inflicts
down a sentient being’s circulatory system and cause 2 strain on the target. Finally, the GM can spend WY to
internal bleeding. During that time, the target is make the target check against the drug again during
fatigued, bruises easily, and often bleeds slightly from the next round, as it remains in his system.
the nose, mouth, or ears. Death typically results in ten
days or fewer. Since death occurs so long after first VUTALAMINE
exposure, it is often difficult to determine that D-570
Vutalamine is a common anti-anxiety drug that Bio-
was the cause of an individual's death. By the time a
Tech Industries produces and sells throughout the
week has passed, thereis little evidence left, and the
galaxy. Colloquially known as “vue,” it has been a
assassin can be halfway across the galaxy and out of
mainstay of the galactic pharmacopeia for treating
reach of punishment.
psychological maladies, muscle spasms, and seizures
One dose of Cyanoxis D-570 requires a character for at least a century. Vue has a calming effect that
to make a Hard (@ @) Resilience check to over- allows individuals to process information moreclearly
come. On a failed check, the poison inflicts 2 wounds and make better decisions. It also slows down breath-
and 2 strain immediately, plus 1 wound and 1 strain ing and circulation, along with reducing tremors and
per day for ten days or until the target succumbs to steadying limbs. Thanks to these last qualities, many
death. Each ‘generated inflicts 1 additional strain sharpshooters, slicers, and assassins use the drug to
per day as internal blood loss takes its toll on the help steady their hands while shooting or to steady
target’s constitution. Y can be spent to increase the their nerves in extremely stressful situations. Long-
number of days the poison staysin effect by one. term use of vue can be addicting, and side effects can
include acute paranoia, suicidal ideation, and impair-
SKIRTOPANOL ment of memory and judgement.

Originally produced for Corellian Security (CorSec) A single dose of vue lasts for twenty-four hours.
intelligence agents by Chiewab Amalgamated Phar- During that time, the character upgrades the ability
maceuticals, Skirtopanol is a powerful truth serum of any checks made to resist stress or fear once. In
used to coerce confessions out of suspects. Admin- addition, the difficulty of Ranged (Light) and Ranged
istered through injection, Skirtopanol typically takes (Heavy) checks made at long or extreme range is
effect in minutes. It makes the target lethargic, com- reduced by one. At the Game Master's discretion, fre-
pliant, open to suggestion, and free with information. quent use of vue can cause impaired judgement and
While under the influence of Skirtopanol, suspects loss of memory, imposing permanent I on Intellect-
tend to ramble, chase tangents, and trail off in the and Cunning-based checks.
middle of sentences. Agents must work constantly to
keep an interrogation on track when using Skirtopa- CYBERNETICS
nol, but it typically is worth the effort. Interrogators
must also closely monitor the amount of Skirtopanol Cybemetic implants are extremely popular among
injected, as an overdose can cause coma and per- intelligence agents. Implants allow a Spy to carry and
manent cognitive impairment. Courts frown on law store important equipment in the most secure and
enforcement agencies using Skirtopanol due to the closely guarded place imaginable: their own body.
suggestibility of individuals under its influence, and While many sentients consider cybernetics highly
confessions extracted from subjects under its effects invasive and look askance at even necessary medical
are often ruled as inadmissible. use,intelligence agents consider them simply another
part of their tradecraft.

TABLE 2-5: CYBERNETICS to set the disguise. A cyber disguise cannot change a
being’s general shape or size, add or subtract limbs,
Item ita a laag or allow an individual to impersonate a member of
Cortex Bomb (R) 1,200 = 6 another species. At the Game Master’s discretion,
a cyber disguise could be used to impersonate spe-
Cyber Disguise (R) 18,000 - 8
cies that are very similar to the user's; a human could
Lockbreaker Hand (R) 2,200. = 6 impersonate a Chiss or Pantoran, for example.

Multi-Too| Hand 650 = 4 LOCKBREAKER HAND

Pain Damper 1,800 = 6 A lockbreaker hand is a cybernetic hand packed with
Retinal Implant (R) 1,250 = 6 tiny tools that allow an agent to bypass most com-
mon mechanical and electrical locks. Hidden within
Vessel Implant 900 - 4 are retractable lockpicks, electrical probes, keypad
sequencers, and various other lockbreaking devices.
Vocal Emulator Implant 1,300 z 5 |
A lockbreaker hand provides one rank in the Bypass
CORTEX BOMB Security talent (see page 144 of the AcE or REBELLION
Core Rulebook) and adds] to Skulduggery and Com-
Cortex bombs arelast-resort measures to keep an puters checks made to defeat locks.
agent from breaking under interrogation. Essentially
kill switches for sentient beings, cortex bombs com- MULTI-TOOL HAND
prise a series of tiny explosive charges wired to the
brain. Normally inert, they are set to detonate when a Multi-tool hands are basic cybernetic hands equipped
specific trigger signal is heard or seen, instantly killing with a suite of basic tools. Marketed primarily to
the individual with the implant. mechanics, engineers, and hobbyists, these hands
contain a small spotlight and a surprising number
Cortex bombs detonate when the implanted indi-
of tools and accessories that can handle mostlight
vidual speaks, hears, or sees a pre-determined code
repair and maintenancejobs. In a pinch, a multi-tool
word or signal, and kill only the wearer. They deal very
hand can also be used to sabotage a piece of equip-
little discernible damageto the target, though, and no
ment or to help the user escape from confinement.
damage to the surrounding area.
A multi-tool hand providesall the benefits of a tool kit
CYBER DISGUISE (see page 198 of the AcE or REBELLION Core Rulebook).

A cybernetic disguise implant is composed of a series

of systems embedded beneath an individual's skin.
These systems allow their users to drastically change
their appearance. An extremely invasive, and expen-
sive, full-body implant, a cyber disguise includes a
number of systems that can change a being’s facial
features, skin color, skin texture, hair length and color,
eye color, and other surface physical traits. Perfect for
infiltrators and deep-cover agents, a cyber disguise
can help an agent blend into a crowd, take on differ-
ent identity, and even impersonate specific individu-
als, given enough study and preparation.
A cyber disguise gives a character all the advan-
tages of a standard disguise kit (see page 194 of
the Ace oF REBELLION Core Rulebook). In addition,
it grants users two ranks in the Indistinguishable
talent (see page 149 of the AcE oF REBELLION Core
Rulebook). Changing general features—for example,
changing eye color, altering hair color, or growing a
Multi-Tool Hand
beard—takes one to three rounds. Moreinvolved dis-
guises can take minutes or hours to perfect. To take
on the appearance of a specific individual, a cyber
disguise user must make a thorough study of the sub-
ject, then make a Hard (@ @ @) Deception check


Pain dampers are a series of nerve implants that allow Known also as a voxscrambler, a vocal emulator
an individual to tune out extreme pain and fatigue. implant connects to individuals’ vocal cords and allows
They were designed to help beings in physically tax- them to change the tone and tenor of their voice and
ing positions that require long hours of keen atten- even impersonate specific individuals. With a thought,
tion to stay functional on the job.Initial users included users can change their voice to sound like any age,
asteroid miners, disaster response technicians, and sex, or even species, within reason. Like a cyber dis-
aerospace traffic controllers. Spies have discovered guise, a vocal emulator implant allows a user to mimic
that pain dampersalso allow individuals to withstand specific individuals, given enough study and practice.
incredible amounts of interrogation or torture. As a
Changing or disguising a character’s natural voice
result, their use has spread throughout many of the takes one round. To mimic the voice of a specific indi-
galaxy’s intelligence communities.
vidual, a voxscrambler user must make a thorough
Pain dampers upgrade the ability of all checks study of the subject—listen to recordings, hear the
made to resist pain or physical torture once. individual deliver a long speech, etc.—and then make
a Hard (@ @ @) Deception check to nail down the
RETINAL IMPLANT individual's voice, speech patterns, and intonation.

Retinal implants are designed to fool retinal ID scan-

ners. They can be implanted in a natural or cybernetic ELECTRONICS
eye and can project up to six different retina patterns. Along with their specialized tools, intelligence agents
Programming a retinal implant with a retina pattern on both sides of the Galactic Civil War make use of a
requires a few minutes of studying the pattern and an wide array of communications, surveillance, and com-
Average (@ @) Perception check. Retinal implants puting equipment in the course of their duties.
fool most retina scanners with an Easy @) Cool or
Deception check. More advanced retina scanners DATASPIKE
require an Average (@ @) or Hard (@ @ @) check
for the wearer to defeat them. If the retinal scanner Dataspikes, also known as computer spikes, are a
operator has reason to be suspicious, using the reti- common tool for bypassing computer security. Once
nal implant may also require an opposed Deception installed in a system, they release a barrage of junk
checkvs. the scanner operator's Computersskill. data that overwhelms security, allowing the user
a window in which to access the secured systems.
VESSEL IMPLANT Dataspikes are typically designed to burn out after
use, leaving behind minimal evidence.
Vessel implants are small, subdermal data storage Once per round, a character with a dataspike may
implants that Couriers and Sleeper Agents often use. expend it to attempt to disable a security program as
These consist of a miniaturized, high-capacity mem- a maneuver (rather than as an action). This can include
stik with an integrated power cell and data jack. Data the use of the Disable Security Program action (see
is transmitted to and from the vessel implant by way Slicing Encounters, page 83). Reduce the difficulty
of a fiber-optic cable that can connect to nearly any of the subsequent Computers check to disable the
datapad or computer. Extremely small and unobtru- program by 2, to a minimum of Simple (—). After one
sive, they are typically set into the back of a user’s use, the dataspike burns out and becomes useless.
skull and hidden byhair or a flap of synthetic skin.
They are highly secure, non-networked, and EARBUD COMLINK
equipped with a stout anti-virus package. They can-
not be sliced unless the user is incapacitated or the Earbud comlinks are tiny, unobtrusive communica-
implant is removed. The user cannot access the infor- tions devices that fit snugly into an individual's ear.
mation contained in the implant, so unless that per- Popular among spies, ambassadors, and criminals,
son uploaded the data personally he typically does these miniature devices are activated by touching an
not know what information is within the item. Most ear or quietly clicking one’s teeth. Once a device is
agents who use this device prefer this arrangement activated, users can either talk normally or,if the situ-
as it helps ensure they cannot possibly divulge the ation warrants, subvocally. Due to the earbud’s tiny,
secrets they carry. low-output power cell, it has a significantly reduced
range compared to more common comlink models.
Finding a vessel implant on a character requires a
Daunting (@ © @ @) Perception check. Earbud comlinks have a usable rangeof long. Notic-
ing that an individual is wearing an earbud comlink
requires a Hard (@ @ @) Perception check.

Also known as holoshrouds, holographic image dis- ei Price ay
guisers (HIDs) use a small, self-contained holopro- Dataspike (R) 100 1 S
jector to create a holographic disguise for a single
person or object. They project a high-resolution, pre- Earbud Comlink 715 0 5)
rendered image that completely covers a target. The
holographic images areincredibly lifelike: they move, eee 1,100 2 °
breathe, blink, twitch, etc. They are good enough to
nearly always fool the unaided eye without a thor- Mem-Stik 30 0 2
ough inspection
Surveillance Scanner 750 2 S
HIDs are not perfect, however, and they are often
Toxin Detector 125. | 4
not as useful as a regular or cybernetic disguise kit.
Having an extremely low memory capacity, they can Vid-Vox Scrambler 2,400 2 8
only store one prerendered image, which must be
loaded in advance and cannot be changed on the fly. can detect and locate comms signals, electromagnetic
In addition, while an HID can fool a casual observer fields, power fluctuations, and more, depending on the
with ease, many droids, cameras, and other scanners model. Some advanced scanners have thermal imag-
can see through the disguise, thanks to the veryfaint ing, ultrasonic, ultraviolet, motion, and other highly
flicker inherent in even the best hologram. They also sensitive sensors that can also detect individuals
consume an enormous amount of energy. Due to their attempting to use or plant surveillance devices.
small on-board energy cells, HIDs can only operate
for a few minutes at a time unless they are plugged Surveillance scanners have a range of close on the
into an external power supply. They also do not emu- planetary scale or long on the personal scale. Using
late vocal patterns, like the uniquely personalized a surveillance scanner upgrades the ability of any
holographic disguise matrix that the Snivvian bounty checks made to locate bugs, sweep rooms for hidden
hunter/technician Sinrich designed during the Clone cameras, pick up data streams, or engage in any other
Wars. This means users must apply their own skills in counter-surveillance activities once.
verbal deception to complete a disguise.
A holographic disguise needs to be the same size as
the target or larger. Detecting an HID with the naked Toxin detectors are simple handheld devices that can
eye requires a Daunting (®@ @ @ @) Perception detect traces of toxins and poisons. Typically used to
check. Droids and anyone viewing the target through mitigate the threat of assassination, these devices can
a scanner, electrobinoculars, or other technological detect poisons, toxins, and spoilage in food and drink.
optical device require only an Average (@ @) Per- They can alsosniff out toxins in the environment, such
ception check. as poison gas or a contact poison spread on a data-
pad. Toxin detectors use simple red/green indicators
MEM-STIK or a subtle vibration to alert a user to the presence of
dangerous substances. Manyare built into a bracelet
Produced in a variety of styles and sizes, mem-stiks or other piece of jewelry for maximum subtlety.
are simple, unpowered data storage devices. The typi-
cal mem-stik is the size of an average human’slittle VID-VOX SCRAMBLER
finger and is designed to plug into a datapad or com-
puter system to upload or download data. They can Vid-vox scramblers are small personal signal-jamming
be secured via a number of encryption methods and generators prized by intelligence agents, corporate
are a handy way to transport sensitive data. Espio- officers, military brass, powerful crime bosses, and
nage agents commonly use mem-stiks in dead drops anyone else interested in keeping their private con-
due to their small size and commonplace appearance. versations private. When activated, a vid-vox scram-
Couriers tend to carry a handful of them at all times. bler generates a low-intensity comms-jamming field
that disruptsall audio, video, and holographic record-
SURVEILLANCE SCANNER ing within its area of effect while leaving conversation
unaffected. While they are not perfect—a particularly
Surveillance scanners are handheld devices used to powerful recording device or dedicated eavesdropper
detect active and passive surveillance systems. Typi- may pick up some snippets of a protected conversa-
cally used to check rooms for bugs or search for hidden tion—vid-vox scramblers are still an excellent protec-
observers or electronic surveillance, these scanners tion against spying.

Vid-vox scramblersaffectall electronic audio, video, can conceal things like credit chips, hard currency,
and holographic recording devices within a four-meter throwing knives, micro-scanners, listening bugs, min-
radius. A Daunting (@ © @ @) Perception check iature holorecorders, and other tools an active agent
can be made to attempt to overhear a pertinent part might need in the field. Some bags are shielded
of the conversation from within the jamming bubble. against sensors and scanners, some are equipped
Using a recording device tolisten in requires a Daunt- with powerful stun fields in case the bag is stolen,
ing (@ @ © @) Computers check; even if the check and some are even rigged to explode when opened
is successful, any information recorded is incomplete improperly or without entering a combination.
and spotty at best. Recording devices used outside
The exact specifications of an agent bag vary by
the area of effect cannot detect anything at all.
agency and agent, and are left to the Game Mas-
ter’s discretion. The Gear Attachmentssection, on
TOOLS page 58, has many possible items for inclusion in
a customized agent’s bag, and players and GMs are
Members of the galaxy’s many intelligence commu- encouraged to create new attachments as well.
nities have at their disposal a dizzying array of spe-
cialized tools designed to help them carry out their CONCEALED ESCAPE KIT
clandestine work.
Concealed escape kits have everything an individual
AGENT'S BAG needs to escape most temporary and short-term
internments. Hidden in a false heel of a shoe, boot,
This is a catchall term for the various confidential or other suitably bulky footwear, a concealed escape
packets, courier bags, and attaché cases that intel- kit includes a number of miniature tools designed to
ligence agents have modified for missions in the field. help an agent open locks and escape holding cells.
Agent bags are produced in a vast number of styles A typical kit includes a small pair of wire cutters, a
and types. Some are created for specific tasks, but durasteel file, a length of slicewire, a miniature mem-
most are geared toward general survival and work in stik containing maps of the area in which the agent is
the field. A typical agent’s bag is a workaday, hide- operating and other important information about the
covered attaché case used to carry important docu- region, and a tiny, single-use laser cutter. Most kits
ments. It has reinforced hardware and a light armor- also include a thin, flexible monoknife hidden length-
weave that is good against slugthrower and light wise in the footwear’s sole.
blaster fire. Secret compartments sewn into the liner

Concealed EscapeKit (in shoe)



The gear hidden in a concealed escapekit upgrades GARROTE CHRONO
the ability of all Mechanics and Skulduggery checks
made to escape confinement once. The laser cutter Garrote chronos are one of a number of specialized
worksfor a single round before its energy cell burns concealed weapons designed for use byfield agents.
out, which is usually just enough time to destroy a At first glance, a garrote chrono looks like any com-
mechanical lock or cut a metal bar out of a window mon wrist chrono found throughout the galaxy. Hid-
or cell door. The flexible monoknife included in the kit den inside the chrono is a retractable garrote made
has the following profile: (Melee; Damage 1; Critical of spun durasteel, with a sturdy ring on the end. This
3; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 1). Upgrade the difficulty gives agents constant access to a weapon, even when
of checks to detect a concealed escapekit twice. they have been searched and ostensibly disarmed.
Garrote chronos are very popular among deadly
EXPLOSIVES BELT assassins and deceptive undercover agents.
This item provides the wearer with a retractable gar-
A tool of Saboteurs and Infiltrators, the explosives
rote (see page 40 for details on garrotes) hidden
belt is a small and convenient concealed demolitions
within a standard chrono. Upgrade the difficulty of
kit. Produced in a wide variety of styles by various
checks to detect the concealed garotte twice.
intelligence agencies throughout the galaxy, a typical
explosives belt is a broad hide or synthetic belt with a
sturdy buckle. Hidden within the belt strap is a length
of detonite tape; a remote detonator cap anda length A lockpick set is a collection of probes, picks, ten-
of wire are concealed in the buckle. Once placed, the sion spanners, and other arcane tools used to open
detonator can be triggered by a comlink or a dedi- mechanical locks. While there are some commercially
cated remote device. Explosives belts are typically available lockpick sets sold in the galaxy, typically
used for sabotage, but they can also blast a door or to hobbyists and locksmiths, dedicated Infiltrators
hatch open for a quick escape in a pinch. and lockbreakers put together their own personal-
Setting the explosive charge hidden in the belt ized sets, often with custom tools and devices to help
requires an Average (@ @) Mechanics check. The bypass basic electronic locks like number pads and
charge detonates with the following profile: (Damage keycard readers.
15; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Blast 5, Breach 1, A lockpick set counts as a tool kit for the purposes
Limited Ammo 1). Upgrade the difficulty of checks to of opening mechanical and simple electrical locks.
detect the belt's true nature twice.


Sold in sets tailored to most known galactic species, tin ails) TACs|
fingerprint masquesarethin, liquid-crystal biochemi- Agent's Bag 200 2 i
cal screens that fit on an individual's fingertips. Fin-
gerprint masques create random fingerprint patterns Concealed Escape Kit 450 0 7
and can mimic the prints of a specific individual. Explosives Belt (R) 450 1 7
Advanced models can even be embedded with syn-
thetic DNA information to fool more sophisticated Fingerprint Masque (R) 1,000 0 i
biometric scanners.
Garrote Chrono (R) 100 0 5
Fingerprint masques let the user dupe most basic fin-
gerprint scanners with an Easy @) Cool or Deception Lockpick Set (R) 50. 1 6

check, though this can be increased to Average (® @) Shadowcloak (R) 2,500 i) 6

or Hard (@ @ @) for advanced scanners. A Daunting
(© © @ @) Perception checkis needed to detect the Slicewire 200 1 ci
presence of a fingerprint masque on an individual.

Individuals who view anonymity as paramount, even
As in most other fields, droids are ubiquitous among
in personal meetings, employ shadowcloaks to ensure intelligence agencies across the galaxy. Put to work
their identities remain unknown. Typically built into a
as analysts, data couriers, espionage support, scouts,
chair, desk, or other heavy piece of furniture, shad- and even assassins, droids work side by side with their
owcloaks use holographic and stealth technologies to
organic counterparts in covert operations of all kinds.
create a dense field of inky darkness around the sub-
ject. They completely conceal a single individual; not
even the brightest natural or artificial light can pen-
etrate the heavy shadows. Along with obscuring the
user’s person, shadowcloaks baffle most sensors and Cybot Galactica’s AC1-series surveillance droids are
scanners,distort the user’s voice, and provide various among the most ubiquitous droids in the galaxy. Also
other identity-masking effects. known as “Spy Eyes,” AC1-series droids are spheri-
A shadowcloak field works best when keptstatic, cal droids just under a meter across, equipped with
hence the common integration into furniture or vehi- a low-output repulsorlift generator and packedfull of
cles. A user must stand or sit fairly still while in the sophisticated imaging and observation systems. Stan-
field to achieve the best results. The field generator dard units carry a 360-degree holocam with a power-
uses a great deal of energy; a shadowcloak can only ful holotransceiver designed to stream live footage to a
operate for about an hour before it needs to shut remote operator's holodisplay. They also carry a multi-
downand cool off, which takes four hours. optic imaging package with passive low-light, thermal
imaging, infrared, ultrasonic, digital optical, X-ray, and
Discerning noticeable features of a someone wear- various other sensors. Further, they are equipped with
ing a shadowcloak requires a Daunting (@ @ @ @) a turret-mountedlight blaster pistol for defensive and
Perception check. If the wearer has performed a
security purposes.
Move maneuver in that round (or was moved by some
other means), the check is reduced to Hard (@ @ @). These droids are quite unintelligent and are pro-
grammed with little personality or initiative. A secu-
SLICEWIRE rity officer who is in charge of patrol groups of AC1
droids usually pilots them remotely via a control board
Slicewire is a multipurpose cutting tool and makeshift and voice commands. When left to their own devices,
weapon in common use among the galaxy’s intelli- Spy Eyes patrol their given routes and make regular
gence services. A standard-issue slicewire is a meter- reportsto their controller. If an AC1 detectsintruders,
long monofilament cable contained within a carbonite it alerts its controller and then follows the intruders at
rod. With a twist, the rod splits in half and releases a distance, recording and observing their movements
the monofilament, with the rod halves serving as until a security team can arrive. The Imperial military
handles. Thanks to the unique properties of monofila- makes heavy use of these droids, which can be found
ment, a slicewire can cut through nearly any material, in nearly every base, camp, installation, and space sta-
from flesh and bone to duranium and plasteel. Also tion under Imperial control. Recently, Alliance intelli-
available on spools in lengths of up to one hundred gence agents discovered that, thanks to a previously
meters, slicewire can be used to create deadly traps unknownexploit in their programming, AC1 droids can
and snares and may be strung across corridors or be sliced into and taken control of remarkably easily.

alleys at neck height to catch pursuers unaware. Slice-
wire is typically only issued to the most experienced
agents, as its use poses as much of a threat to the
user as it does to the target.

Slicewire comes in small spools containing ten

meters of wire. When used as a weapon, slicewire has
the following profile: (Brawl; Damage +2; Critical 2; Skills (group only): Perception, Ranged (Light), Stealth.
Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Vicious 3). If a user fails a Talents: None.
Brawl check when using this weapon, the Game Mas- Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or
ter can spend 4} 4 46 or @ toinflict the weapon's drink and can survive in vacuum and underwater;
full damage onto the user. immune to poisons and toxins), Flyer (can fly as per
the Flying sidebar on page 214 of the AcE oF REBEL-
Lion Core Rulebook).
Equipment: Light blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Dam-
age 5; Critical 4; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), high-
intensity spotlight, holotransceiver suite.

The E522 is one of the most feared droids operating LTT SY Val
in the galaxy today. These burly, hard-hitting droids
were originally designed during the buildup to the
ounted to the E522 back, the Arakyd
Clone Wars by Techno Union member corporation
Model 20 is a light, compact, box-style
Baktoid Combat Automata (BCA). Initially part of missile launcher designed to provide the
BCA‘s successful B-series battle droid line, the E522
droid with anti-vehicle and light anti-armor
was envisioned as a light anti-armor and anti-aircraft
capabilities. Loaded with eight tiny guided
unit that would provide heavy support to platoons of missiles, the Model 20 fires its ordnance in
Bl and B2 units. They were seen as too expensive
volleys of four and relies more on numbers
and complex to serve as disposable droid soldiers,
than accuracy to hit its target. The standard
however, and the project was scrappedin favor of the
load for the Model 20 consists of light con-
B2 and B3 battle droid units. cussion missiles, but any mini-missile can
When the Clone Wars finally ended with the be loaded into the launcher, which gives the
destruction of both the Republic and the Separat- E522 great flexibility.
ists, the Techno Union dissolved, and its member
The launcher’s Limited Ammo 2 quality rep-
corporations either struck out on their own or were
resents the two four-missile salvos it can fire
brought under direct Imperial control. BCA was one
ele) Kem aU lVA IN cael AVA
of the companies nationalized by the Empire, and it
was immediately slated for breakup. Through the pro-
cess of BCA’s breakup and the selling off of its vari- There are currently fewer than one hundred E522
ous assets,all data from the E522 projectfell into the droids operating in the galaxy. Most of these are in
hands of Sienar Intelligence Systems. SIS had been active service with Imperial Army Intelligence and the
working on plans for its own line of combat and assas- Imperial Security Bureau as assassins and support
sin droids, and the acquisition of the E522 R&D data units for various Imperial black ops. These droids,
was a huge boon toits project. SIS quickly scrapped with their regular memory wipes and maintenance,
its in-house project and poured an immense amount retain the silent and intimidating personalities that
of time and moneyinto bringing the E522 project their Sienar programmers gave them. A handful have
to fruition. Within a year, the first E522s rolled out fallen into the hands of the Alliance, mostly as bat-
of SIS’s assembly line and straight into the growing tlefield salvage. They are serving the Alliance well in
unrest leading up to the Galactic Civil War. roles similar to those in which they served the Empire.
E522s in the Alliance have developed gruff, demand-
As much a front-line combat droid as an assassin ing, cynical personalities that agents who work with
unit, the E522 is a massive, hulking construct fes- them describe as “like everyone'sleast favorite Mas-
tooned with heavy weapons and covered in thick, ter Sergeant.” Despite this, Alliance E522s are well
military-grade armor. It has a rounded, diamond- liked and respected for their bravery and competence
shaped torso with no discernible head, an extremely in the field.
narrow waist that rotates 360 degrees, and two heavy
tank treads covered in armoredskirts in place of legs.
Two long, multi-jointed arms sprout from armored
shoulders and are equipped with a heavy repeating En AGILITY
blaster, heavy ion blaster, and rapid-fire needler gun
in place of hands. Three smaller arms with highly dex-
terous hands are mounted low on the droid’s torso
to take care of fine work, and a mini-missile launcher Skills: Brawl 3, Coercion 4, Computers 2, Gunnery 3,
is mounted to the droid’s back. Scattered about the Mechanics 2, Melee 3, Ranged (Light) 4, Vigilance 4.
droid’s body is an array of sensors, antennae, and Talents: Adversary 2 (upgrade the difficulty of all
photoreceptors that grant the E522 360-degreefull- combat checks against this target twice), Barrage 2
spectrum vision. The vision system, combined with a (add 2 to the damageof all Gunnery, Ranged [Light],
powerful on-board combat computer and targeting and Ranged [Heavy] attacks made at medium or long
system, makes thesedroids a terror on the battlefield. range), Brace 2 (as a maneuver, remove up to Hi
added due to environmental conditions from next
skill check), Point Blank (add 4 to the damageof all
Ranged [Light] and Ranged [Heavy] attacks made at
engaged or short range).

TABLE 2-8: DROIDS LSx-series droids are humanoid-shaped constructs
just under two meters tall, with spindly limbs and a
et att Rarity long, animal-like head reminiscent of Baktoid’s old B1
AC1-series Surveillance Droid 1,100 ce battle droids. They are equipped with cutting-edge
slicer gear and powerful programming and data anal-
E522 Assassin Droid (R) 61,000 8 ysis firmware easily rivaling that of most intelligence
LSx-series Slicer Droid (R) 19,000 8 agencies and criminal organizations. Packed into their
hands and bulky forearms is an array of fine manipu-
M4-series MessengerDroid 6,500 6 lators, computer probes, scomp links, circuit chasers,
and other electronics and computer repair tools that
Q-Signal Messenger Drone 50,500 6
allow the droids to access anything from a datapad
RA-7 Protocol Droid (R) 12,000 6 to a military-grade mainframe. Mounted between the
knuckles of their right hand, they even carry a scomp-
ce (43000) 7 spiker, a highly illegal piece of industrial espionage
and sabotage equipment that pours a devastating
TS-series Interrogation Droid (R) 58,000 gi high-voltage charge through a computer system to
destroy both hardware and software. Although they
Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or are not programmed for combat, LSx-series droids
drink and can survive in vacuum and underwater; can defend themselves if necessary, and the scomp-
immune to poisons and toxins), Combat Computer spiker makes for an extremely nasty weapon against
(add [JD to all combat checks). both organics and droids.
Equipment: Heavy repeating blaster (Gunnery; Dam- These droids rarely speak, and when they do it is
age 15; Critical 2; Range [Long]; Auto-fire, Cumber- in a nearly indecipherable patois of technical jargon,
some 5, Pierce 2, Vicious 1), ion blaster (Ranged acronyms, and academic pedantry. However, LSx-
{Light]; Damage 10; Critical 5; Range [Short]; Dis- series droids that have gone without regular main-
orient 5, lon), needler gun (Ranged [Light]; Damage tenance and memory wipes often learn to express
5; Critical -; Range [Short]; Pierce 3), mini-missile themselves in waysless likely to bore and drive away
pack—this weapon's profile uses planetary scale, not colleagues. Some develop obsessive and deeply sar-
personal scale (Gunnery; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range castic personalities. The Rebel Alliance currently uses
{Short]; Blast 2, Breach 2, Guided 3, Limited Ammo the majority of LSx-series droids that have been pro-
2, Slow-Firing 1). duced, typically assigning them to base duty where
they work endless hours attempting to crack Imperial
LSX-SERIES SLICER DROID [RIVAL] military network security.
One of the very few dedicated slicer droids on the
market, the LSx-series packs an immense amount of
computing power into a small package. A product of
the notoriously corrupt and rapacious Loronar Corpo-
ration, the LSx was introduced during the early years
of the Galactic Empire as a “programming and com-
puter sciences” droid, marketed toward educational Skills: Computers 4, Cool 3, Deception 3, Discipline 2,
institutions and technology companies. Loronar being Mechanics 2, Perception 4, Skulduggery 3, Stealth 2.
Loronar, however, the droid was in fact a dedicated Talents: Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty of all

slicer unit geared toward industrial espionage and mil- combat checks against this target once), Code-
itary intelligence. Along with the aboveboard market- breaker 2 (remove I Ml from checks made to decrypt
ing, Loronar used all of its corporate might to peddle codes or encrypted comms; reduce the difficulty of
these droids to any law enforcement or government Computers checks made to break codes or decrypt
intelligence agency that would take them, including comms by one), Defensive Slicing 2 (add HIM to any
the Empire and various factions within the Rebel Alli- attempts to slice into a computer or system con-
ance. While the ISB and Imperial military Intelligence trolled by this character).
agencies demurred, having already signed contracts Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or
with Arakyd and MerenData to purchase espionage drink and can survive in vacuum and underwater;
and slicer droids, the Alliance snapped LSx droids up immuneto poisons and toxins).
in bulk to bolster its small intelligence corps. Equipment: Scomp-spiker (Melee; Damage8; Critical
4; Range [Engaged]; Burn 3, Slow-Firing 3, Stun set-
ting), built-in slicer gear.


Another of Cybot Galactica’s popular and well-liked

entries into the droid market, the M4-series is per-
haps the finest messenger droid currently available.
M4-series droids are roughly half a meter tall and
have a thin, blocky, pentagonal body with no exter-
Skills: Coo! 2, Perception 3, Ranged (Light) 1, Resil-
nal limbs and a small, highly secure compartment
built into the right side. A large holoprojector lens ience 3, Skulduggery 3, Stealth 3, Vigilance 2.
Talents: Durable 2 (reduce all Critical Injury results by
dominates the front face of the droid, and a small,
high-output repulsorlift generator provides propulsion 20, to a minimum of 1).
and gives the M4 a surprising burst of speed when Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or
needed. As dedicated messenger droids, M4s are drink and can survive in vacuum and underwater;
immune to poisons and toxins), Flyer (see page 214
equipped with a high-resolution holoprojector and
of the AcE or REBELLION Core Rulebook).
an on-board memorythat can store a single message
up to five minutes long. M4s also carry a long-range Equipment:Light blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Dam-
age 5; Critical 4; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), holo-
comlink and a sophisticated navigation suite that con-
projector, holorecorder, small locking storage com-
nects to the HoloNet for real-time travel and naviga-
tion information nearly anywherein the galaxy. partment (holds items totaling up to 3 encumbrance).

Relatively bright and remarkably clever, M4-series Q-SIGNAL MESSENGERDRONE [RIVAL]

droids were built with one goal in mind: to deliver
their message at any cost. To that end, these droids The Q-Signal Messenger Drone from Incom is unlike
are overbuilt to an almost ridiculous degree. They are anything on the market today. Essentially a stripped-
packed full of redundant operating systems and tri- down starfighter piloted by a savant-level droid brain,
ple-secure encryption for their messages. Their bod- the O-Signal drone is designed to deliver encrypted
ies are heavily reinforced and fitted with solid armor data and physical specimens through hyperspace to
that can turn shots from light-caliber slugthrowers predetermined coordinates.Little more than a space-
and low-powered blasters with ease. Their shape and going dead drop facilitator, the single-minded droid
size allow them to squeeze through tiny spaces, and brain that controls the vehicle knows nothing more
a patented Cybot Galactica stealth subroutine allows than its current whereabouts and whatever hyper-
these little droids toflit about largely unnoticed when space coordinates are programmed intoits limited-
needed. Thanksto their design, sturdy build, and on- memory navicomputer. Both Imperial and Alliance
board systems, M4-series droids have developed a intelligence agencies use Q-Signal drones in large
reputation for successfully delivering their messages numbers. They are commonly found aboard patrol
no matter how hardthe trip, how long it takes, or how and picket ships, but most military starships carry one
much damage they suffer en route. or two aboard.
M4s are rare in Imperial service, as the ISB and To use a Q-Signal drone, an agent simply loads data
other intelligence agencies have their own, bespoke or cargo aboard the vessel and feeds hyperspace
messenger droids in the shape of the familiar MSE- coordinates into the navicomputer. The Q-Signal is
series and AS-M12-series droids. A fair number of then pushed out of a hangar bay or launched from
these sturdy droids have found their way into the Alli- a fighter catapult into space, where it jumps away
ance, where they work with intelligence and courier to makeits delivery. When a O-Signal arrives at its
services to run encrypted messages between various destination, it falls into a low-power mode to wait for
Rebel cells. Many M4 droids in Alliance employ take pickup. While powered down, the droid keepsitself
immense pleasure in breaking through various levels on station with automated thrusters and a simple pas-
of Imperial security to deliver their data. One such sive sensor system. Onceit is retrieved and its data or
droid is even rumored to have broken into an Impe- cargo removed, its memory is wiped and it is either
rial stockade somewhere in the Outer Rim to deliver put in storage aboard the receiving vessel to await
a message—and a holdout blaster—to an imprisoned another run or returned to its sender.
Alliance intelligence agent.

ubiquitous 3PO-series protocol droids. RA-7s are
gawky, awkward-looking droids just under two meters
tall, with spindly limbs, a head reminiscent of a Ver-
pine’s, and huge, bulbous photoreceptors that take
up the majority of their face. Their personalities are,
on the whole, dull and dry with an air of aloofness that
few ownersfind tolerable. RA-7s that have gone with-
Skills: Astrogation 1, Perception 2, Piloting (Space) 2,
out regular maintenance and memory wipes tend to
Stealth 2. be morose, pessimistic, and constantly exasperated
Talents: None. with everyone and everything around them.
Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or
drink and can survive in vacuum and underwater; The RA-7 line’s great failure, which ended Ara-
immune to poisons and toxins). kyd’s plans for further expansion in the protocol
Equipment: Messenger Drone Vehicle. droid market, is the fact that the droids offer noth-
ing unique to their buyers. Their etiquette
Q-SIGNAL MESSENGER and protocol programming is respect-
DRONE VEHICLE PROFILE able, and their ability to analyze and
collate data is actually quite remark-
The Q-Signal’s droid brain and its associated courier able, but there is nothing they do
systems are housed in a small, dagger-shaped vessel that Cybot Galactica’s 3POs can’t
roughly half the size of an average starfighter. Covered do cheaper, better, and more reli-
in sensor-absorbing stealth materials and painted in ably. After years of dwindling sales
dull matte colors, the Q-Signal is nearly impossible to and tens of thousands of unsold
see against a starfield with the naked eye and hard to units, Arakyd canceled the line
find with sensors. The vehicle carries no weapons, sen- and offered its entire back
sors, or comms array, and it has no propulsion system stock to the Imperial armed
save for its hyperdrive and a small set of ion thrusters forcesat fire-sale prices. Only
to slow its reentry into realspace and to keep its sta- the ISB took Arakyd up on
tion while awaiting pickup. its offer, and only. i

through modification
reprogramming,did tl
RA-7s find purpose.
Man D = ‘errm
\ 10

Hull Type/Class: Drone/O-Signal.

Manufacturer: Incom Corporation.
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: None.
Navicomputer: None—implanted O-Signal Drone.
Sensor Range: None.
Ship’s Complement: None.
EncumbranceCapacity: 10.
PassengerCapacity: 0.
Consumables: None.
Price/Rarity: 12,000 credits/5.
Customization Hard Points: |.
Weapons: None.
Stealthy: The difficulty of checks made to detect the
vessel is upgraded twice. If the vessel did not move in
the previous round, also add I Ml to the check


The RA-7 series is the Galactic Empire’s go-to choice

for protocol and espionage droids. Arakyd Industries
designed and producedthis series in the years leading
up to the Clone Wars in an ambitious but ultimately
failed attempt to compete with Cybot Galactica’s

The ISB thoroughly overhauled the thousands of RM-SERIES MILITARY
RA-7s it purchased, installing new programming and INTELLIGENCE DROID [NEMESIS]
upgrading the droids’ sensor package. Each droid
received a sophisticated intelligence-gathering sys- The RM-series is a powerful, highly competent espio-
tem that included active and passivelistening devices nage droid from the powerful security firm Meren-
and multi-optic, high-resolution photoreceptors with Data. Until recently, MerenData was known for its
numerous vision modes and the ability to record line of espionage droids based on Cybot Galactica’s
and transmit audio, video, and holographic data. A 3PO protocol droids. The release of the RM-series
constant-on uplink to the ISB’s secure HoloNet was was MerenData’s first attempt at a droid designed
installed to give RA-7s constant access to the ISB’s in-house, and so far that attempt has been a rous-
expansive databases and to ensure the droids can ing success. Only recently introduced after years of
upload the information they collect as they go about research and development, RMs are small, squat, kite-
their business. All of these systems are cleverly hid- shaped droids about a meter tall, with an armored,
den in plain sight throughout the droid’s chassis, and flat-topped head. Their burly arms are tipped with
the espionage programming lookslike innocent eti- heavy weapons, and numerous dexterous manipula-
quette and protocol subroutines when examined. tors for grasping and fine-motor work hang from their
flat undercarriages. These droids move about via a
Once they were modified, the ISB deployed their
baffled repulsorlift engine that makeslittle noise and
RA-7 droids throughout the Imperial armed forces to
produce almost no energy signature or emissions.
keep tabs on Imperial personnel and root out crimi-
Their personalities are laconic and no-nonsense,
nals and traitors. Nearly all RA-7s currently active are
although those droids that go without their regular
in Imperial service. Very few have defected to or been
maintenance and memory wipes develop strange
stolen by the Alliance; those that have are considered
philosophical or artistic streaks.
to be nearly priceless thanks to their espionage and
intelligence-gathering equipment and their knowledge RM-series droids specialize in military intelligence,
of ISB protocols. Some models found other roles to specifically post-battle analytics and the study of
play in the Rebellion. One RA-7, for example, escaped enemy tactics and strategy. They are commonly
ISB reprogramming and served as an inventory spe- dispatched to war zones to gather battlefield data

cialist in one of the more infamous Rebel cells. and to observe how clashing forces fight in various
galactic conditions. As this is an exceedingly danger-
ous task, these droids are well armored and carry an
array of heavy anti-personnel and anti-droid weap-
onry. They are equipped with a sophisticated suite of

™) Com) Ctr)
intelligence-gathering and data analysis systems and
come packed with optical, audio, chemical, energy,
and other sensors. RMs also possess respectable
Skills: Deception 2, Knowledge (Education) 3, Knowl- engineering and infiltration programming that allows
edge (Xenology) 3, Negotiation 3, Perception 4, Skul- them to act as combat engineers and saboteurs when
duggery 3, Stealth 2, Vigilance 3. needed. Many Imperial camps have been flattened by
Talents: Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty of all an RM-series droid’s homemade explosives and cun-
combat checks against this target once), Plausible ning trickery.
Deniability 2 (remove IM from Coercion and Decep-
tion checks). In Alliance and Imperial espionagecircles, RM-series
Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or drink droids have gained a reputation as highly competent
and can survive in vacuum and underwater; immune to units that can be relied upon in the field. This is more
poisons and toxins), Etiquette and Protocol (protocol so in the Alliance, where these droids are often part of
droids allow allies to add [J to all Negotiation checks infiltration and sabotage teams, in which their knowl-
and other checks made to negotiate or mediate). edge and offensive capabilities can be used to their
Equipment: None. fullest potential.

Marketed as “medical droids,” TS-series droids
are small, innhuman-looking constructs just over two
meterstall. They have a thin, flat, curving torso similar

to a droideka’s and twolong, spindly arms equipped
with a frightening array of blades, injectors, cutting
lasers, and other vicious-looking medical apparatus.
Their flat, cowled head sports four bright-red pho-
Skills: Computers 3, Cool 2, Deception 3, Knowl-
toreceptors all in a horizontal line. The base of their
edge (Warfare) 4, Mechanics 4, Perception 4, Ranged body is a flattened triangle that acts as a counter-
(Heavy) 4, Skulduggery 3, Stealth 3, Vigilance 2. weight and the hub of a low-profile, solid rubber
Talents: Adversary 2 (upgrade the difficulty of all wheel used for locomotion. While they can talk, and
combat checksagainst this target twice). are often effusive when reporting information or dis-
Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or
cussing interrogation techniques with their handlers
drink and can survive in vacuum and underwater; or other droids, TS-series interrogators are relatively
immune to poisons and toxins), Improvised Explo- quiet when performing actual interrogations. They
sive Device (once per session, can make an Average
tend to ask simple, uncomplicated questions in a
(@ @) Mechanics check to build an explosive device straightforward and often cheerful manner, apply pain
out of available materials that deals 11 damage plus
as needed, and repeat the sequence until they get the
1 for every 3* on the Mechanics check; can spend
information they require.
@® to increase damage by 2; the GM can spend W
to have the explosive device detonate immediately in Very few of these ghastly droids exist currently, and
the user's face). all of them are in service with the Imperial Military
Equipment: Heavy blaster rifle (Ranged [Heavy]; Intelligence services. Word of their introduction has
Damage 10; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Auto-fire, Cum- recently begun circulating throughout the Alliance,
bersome 3), ion blaster (Ranged [Light]; Damage 10; primarily from Rebel moleswithin the ISB. The rumors
Critical 5; Range [Short]; Disorient 5, lon), built-in of the TS-series’ capabilities grow more and more out-
demolitions kit (acts as a tool kit), built-in sensory and rageous with every telling, and there is currently a
recording equipment. large reward for any Rebel cell that can capture one
and returnit intact for study.

OF Oj}Oj Oj OsO:

C= Ge) Gh
The construction and use of interrogation droids is
looked down upon in the morecivilized areas of the
galaxy. That being said, the widespread ethical con-
cerns surrounding these frightening droids has never
Skills: Coercion 4, Knowledge (Education) 3, Knowl-
stopped droid manufacturers from building them,
edge (Xenology) 4, Mechanics 3, Medicine 4, Percep-
nor has it stopped government agencies and criminal
tion 4, Skulduggery 3.
enterprises from purchasing as many as they can. For
Talents: Adversary 1 (upgrade the difficulty of all
the main branches of Imperial Military Intelligence,
combat checks against this target once).
Arakyd Industries has been the provider of choice
Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or
for droids. The notorious and frightening IT-O series
drink and can survive in vacuum and underwater;
started out as an Arakyd design before being retooled
immune to poisons and toxins), Interrogation Subrou-
by the Department of Military Research, and Arakyd’s
tine (once per session, can reroll a Coercion or Medi-
Viper probe droid is also a common Imperial Navy
cine check while interrogating or torturing subjects).
standby. Arakyd’s new TS-series interrogation droids
Equipment: Medical tool hands (Brawl; Damage
are the latest addition to the Empire's roster.
4; Critical 2; Range [Engaged]; Burn 1, Disorient 1,
Pierce 2, Vicious 2), chem injector hypo, two high-
intensity miniature spotlights, on-board medical scan-
ner, built-in medpac (see pages 192-193 of the Ace
oF REBELLION Core Rulebook), 4 stimpacks (see page
193 of the Ace or REBELLION Core Rulebook).

Ee espionage mission is unique, so Spies should COMPONENTIZATION
always ensure their weaponry and armor is cus-
tomized for optimal efficiency. Even when the mission This mod allows a weapon to be broken down into a
might radically change in the midst of an operation, or number of innocuous-looking pieces so that it can be
pursuit of a secret leads them to an unexpected loca- smuggled into and out of places where weapons”are not
tion, good Spies always prepare for such eventualities allowed or are highly regulated. When broken down, a
with suitably clever upgrades. componentized weapon lookslike a collection of basic
tools, comlinks, glow rods, datapad styluses, and other
items any individual might be expected to carry. Each
part also functions as that item as well. It takes two
Membersof the galaxy’s various intelligence commu- maneuvers to assemble or disassemble a weapon with
nities personalize their weapons and equipment as this mod. Loss of or damage to a component ruins
much as their colleagues in other branches of service the weapon, and another will have to be acquired
do. Mods and attachmentsthat Spies favor tend to be and modified. This attachment can be applied to any
subtle; such items are often hidden within an innocu- weapon with an encumbrance of 2 or less.
Ous piece of equipment or disguised in such a way as Models Include: Various models.
to appear completely innocent. The following mods Base Modifiers: Allows a weapon to be broken into
are a sampling of those that agents throughout the pieces and disguised as other items. A character must
galaxy might use in their secretive missions. make a Formidable (@ @ @@@) Mechanics or Skul-
duggery check to deduce the items are weapon parts.
Modification Options: None.
Hard Points Required: 2.
Price: 1,150 credits.


This mod reduces both the weight and

bulk of ranged weapons to make them
=) se@asier to handle and conceal. Along
with a frame made of a lighter alloy,
this modalso includeslightweight
polycarbonate stocks, fore-
grips, and other pieces
designed to lighten up a
blaster pistol or slugth-
rower rifle. This attach-
ment can be applied
to any weapon.
TABLE 2-9: WEAPON ATTACHMENTS Models Include: BlasTech “Nova” Overcharge System.
Base Modifiers: As an incidental, shooters may
Item ata Tet ee overcharge the XCiter on their blaster. This gives the
Componentization 1,150 = 2 5 weapon the Prepare 1 item quality and increases its
damage on the next attack by 4. Once it is fired, the
Lightweight Frame 650 = 5 weapon runs out of ammo and must be recharged
(see the sidebar on page 172 of the AcE oF REBELLION
Hardware ty 1080 ai a . Core Rulebook). GMs may spend 48 48 48} or YW from
any combat check involving an overcharged shot with
XCiter Overcharge | (R) 1,100 - 2 U
this weapon to cause the weapon to explode and deal
full damage to the shooter.
Models Include:BlasTech “Featherlite” blaster frame. Modification Options: None.
Base Modifiers: Reduces a weapon’s encumbrance HardPoints Required: 2.
by 1 toa minimum of 1. Price: (R) 1,100 credits.
Modification Options: 1 Reduce a weapon's encum-
brance by 1 to a minimum of 1 Mod.
HardPoints Required: |. ARMOR ATTACHMENTS
Price: 650 credits.
The following selection of mods and attachmentsis
representative of those that Spies use when seeking
SCANNER-PROOF HARDWARE to upgrade their levels of personal protection.
Scanner-proof hardware is a collection of upgrades
that together make a weapon virtually invisible to scan- ARMOR INSERT
ners. This mod typically replaces a weapon's stock,
Armor inserts are thin, flexible, plasteel and ballis-
foregrip, and any other furniture with lightweight poly-
tic gel plates that can be sewn into clothing to give
carbonates woven with scanner-spoofing fibers. In
the wearer concealed armor protection. They can be
addition, mostif not all metallic parts—frame, trigger
added to any garment that is suitably large and alter-
group, barrel, etc.—are replaced with fiber-reinforced
able, and they can be installed by any skilled tailor
polycarb pieces. This mod is extremely illegal. Being
for a moderate fee. This attachment can be applied
caught with a weapon that can pass through scanners
to any armor with a defense no greater than 0 and a
without being detected is usually a one-way ticket to
soak of | or less.
the nearest Imperial stockade. This attachment can
Models Include: Creshaldyne “Slimline” Armor Plates.
be applied to any weapon.
Base Modifiers: Turns any article of clothing into
Models Include: Various models.
armored clothing (see page 184 of the AcE oF REBEL-
Base Modifiers: The weapon cannot be detected by
Lion Core Rulebook). Characters can notice the inclu-
standard weapon-detecting technologies. Characters
sion of armor inserts in clothing by making an Aver-
using advanced scanners must make a Hard (@@@)
Computers checkto find the weapon. Physical body
age (@ @) Perception check.
Modification Options: 1 Increase Soak by 1 Mod,
searches can still locate the weapon as usual. Game
1 Increase Defense by 1 Mod, 1 Increasedifficulty of
Masters may spend 44or YW on a combat check
to render the weapon inoperable, requiring a major
check to notice inclusion to Hard (@@@) Mod.
HardPoints Required: 0.
repair before it can be used again (see page 172 of
Price: 450 credits.
the Ace or REBELLION Core Rulebook).
Modification Options: 1 Reduce the weapon's
encumbrance by 1 to a minimum of 1 Mod.
Hard Points Required: 2. An excellent way to ensure an agent is always armed
Price: (R) 1,000 credits. no matter the circumstances, boot blades are small,
spring-loaded knives that extend from the toes of an
XCITER OVERCHARGE individual's shoes or boots to provide an extra edge
in hand-to-hand combat. There are various ways to
A common—and dangerous—modification among
deploy the blades, such as pressing a certain point on
espionage agents, an XCiter Overcharge allows an
the tongue of a shoe or stamping hard with a boot’s
individual to empty a blaster’s energy cell in a single,
heel. Retracting them often entails simply (but care-
extremely powerful shot. This increases the output
fully) pushing them back into their compartment until
for an emergency kick, but it runs the risk of destroy-
they catch. This attachment can be applied to any
ing the weapon and harming the user. While typically
armor that includes boots, shoes, or other footwear.
applied to holdout blasters, this attachment can be
applied to any personal blaster weapon.

tii ai Ta ELON Scannerweave is a passive stealth system consisting
ArmorInsert 450 = 0 5 of an advanced sensor-blocking textile. Armor modi-
fied with scannerweave tends to be quieter thanks
Boot Blade 100 a 0 5 to the nature of the soft, flexible fabric. More impor-
tantly, its inherent qualities make the wearer nearly
Jump Boots 1,200 Se 6
invisible to the various scanners and security sensors
found in security vaults and data facilities. This attach-
Rete (R) 3,500 Nee 7
Adaptive Skin ment can be applied to any armor.
i 2 A Models Include: Ayelixe/Krongbing Passive Stealth
Scannerweave (R) 1,800
Cloth, Kamperdine KL-427 “StaticWeave” Sensor
Stealth Field 2 2 7 Spoofing Textiles.
Generator (R) 3,800 Base Modifiers: Upgradesthe ability of all opposed
Stealth checks made against sensor and scanner
Models Include: Various models. operators once.
Base Modifiers: Provides the wearer with a retract- Modification Options: None.
able fighting blade with the following profile: (Melee; HardPoints Required: 2.
Damage +1; Critical 3; Range [Engaged)]). Price: (R) 1,800 credits.
Modification Options: | Reduce the weapon'scriti-
cal rating by 1 to a minimum of 1 Mod, 2 Item Quality STEALTH FIELD GENERATOR
(Pierce + 1) Mods, 1 Item Quality (Vicious + 1) Mod.
Hard Points Required: 0. Produced by a number of stealth technology com-
Price: 100 credits. panies, stealth field generators are the final word in
personal active stealth technology. They use a com-
JUMP BOOTS bination of optical camouflage, low-output cloaking
technology, active electromagnetic dampers, elec-
Jump boots are, essentially, a single-use jetpack built tronic acoustic bafflers, and thermal shielding to
into a thick boots and allows a user to leap over tall make a user virtually invisible to both the naked eye
obstacles and even fly for a very limited time. This and to most scanners. These systems are not per-
attachment can be applied to any armor with an fect, however. Users still need to know how to move
encumbrance of4 or less. It is good for only one use stealthily and how to use cover and shadowstotheir
and cannot be used again until the rockets are refu- advantage. Users also cannot movefaster than a walk,
eled, which costs 100 credits and takes 30 minutes. or the stealth field will break down. This attachment
Models Include:Zim Systems LO-44.a micro-rockets. can be applied to any armor.
Base Modifiers: Reduces the difficulty of all Athlet- Models Include: Fabritech XO-A “Vanish |” Personal
ics checks made to jump up or over obstacles by 1. Stealth Generator, Kerner Corp. “Defel” Cloaking Belt.
Modification Options: | Reduce difficulty of all Ath- Base Modifiers: Upgrades the difficulty of all
letics checks to jump up or over obstacles by 1 Mod, opposed Perception checks to spot the wearer once.
1 Allow wearer to fly (see page 214 of the AcE oF Modification Options: 2 Add ll to opposed Percep-
REBELLION Core Rulebook) for a total of one minute or tion checksto notice the wearer Mod.
3 rounds Mod. Hard Points Required: 2.
Hard Points Required: |. Price: (R) 3,800 credits.
Price: 1,200 credits.

Although they are rare among the general population,
Reflec is an advanced polymer that possesses adaptive
specialized equipment mods are quite common in
light-warping and sensor-damping properties. When
the galaxy’s various intelligence communities. Armor-
applied to armor, reflec acts as an optical camouflage
ers and technicians in labs across the galaxy work
even in fully illuminated areas. This attachment can be
tirelessly in an effort to cram as much hidden equip-
applied to any armor.
ment as possible into normal, workaday devices for
Models Include: CorChemCoReflec Treatment.
their agencies’ agents. Datapads equipped with hid-
Base Modifiers: Upgrade the ability of all Stealth
den dart launchers, blaster-proof diplomatic pouches,
checks once while wearing reflec-coated armor.
wrist chronoswith built-in cutting lasers, comlinks with
Modification Options: 2 Add [] to Stealth checks
tiny listening bugs: these are just a few of the clever
while wearing reflec-coated armor Mods.
piecesof kit issued to espionage agents in both Rebel
Hard Points Required: 2.
and Imperial intelligence services.
Price: (R) 3,500 credits.

Tt eaCL This mod consists of a small retracting spool wrapped
Comlink Bug 150 = 0 4 with twenty-five meters of thin, high tensile strength
climbing line, connected to a small, spring-loaded
Concealed grappling hook. Typically built into a belt, sash, or
Climbing Cord oe 7 0 2
other load-bearing strap, a concealed climbing cord
Dart Gun 200 oa 0 4 can get an agent into and out of a lot of trouble in a
variety of mission settings.
Hidden Models Include: Various models.
Compartment 50 az 9 .
Base Modifiers: Grantsthe user a length of climbing
Holo Converter 600 = 0 6 cord with grappling hook. This counts as having the
Right Tool for the Job for climbing and repelling, as
Subminiature per the sidebar on page 186 of the Age of Rebellion
Holocam sue “ y 2
Core Rulebook.
Retractable Modification Options: None.
Garotte eS = C S HardPoints Required: 0.
Price: 100 credits.
System 550 = 0 5
The modsthat follow are a small selection designed
This is a simple device that uses springs or com-
for players and Game Masters who want to fashion
pressed air to fire a tiny alloy dart. While they do very
their own customized espionage equipment for spies
little damage, these darts can be coated with a num-
to use in the Galactic Civil War. To create such an item
ber of exotic substances, from sedatives to extremely
using a gear mod requires an Average (@ @) Skuldug-
lethal toxins. Dart guns are often concealed in com-
gery checkor Hard (@ @ @) Mechanicscheck, due
links, glow rods, cigarras, and other cylindrical items,
to the fact that the mods not only mustbe installed in
but they can be used anywherefor both offensive and
gear that is not typically or easily modified, but also
defensive purposes.
mustbe well concealed from suspicious eyes.
ModelsInclude: Various models.
Small items like datapads, comlinks, glow rods, Base Modifiers: Enables the item tofire a single dart
chronos, and boots can have only one mod or attach- with the following profile: (Ranged [Light]; Damage 2;
ment. Large items like travel cases, fusion lanterns, Critical 5; Range [Short]; Limited Ammo 1, Pierce 1).
and cloaks may have two or more, depending on the Modification Options: None.
nature of the mod and the discretion of the Game HardPoints Required: 0.
Master, but generally the number cannot exceed the Price: 200 credits.
item’s encumbrance value.
These are typically very small, easily concealed com-
Comlink bugs are tiny listening devices implanted into partments hidden in places such as the hollowed-
an otherwise normal comlink. When active, they allow out handle of a blaster pistol or the heel of a shoe.
an operator to listen in on whatever is being broad- Due to size constraints, they can typically only hold
cast over a specific comlink. These devices detect items with an encumbrance of 0, such as mem-stiks
both incoming and outgoing signals and can record and credit chips. Compartments that can hold items
entire conversations. As they are active listening with an encumbrance of 1 or 2 can be built into larger
devices, comlink bugs can be detected with proper items, such as a false bottom in a document case.
equipment, such as a surveillance scanner. Models Include: Various models.
Models Include: Various models. Base Modifiers: Adds a small hidden compartment
Base Modifiers: Broadcasts all incoming and out- to a personal item. Finding the compartment requires
going signals from a comlink to a remotelistener at a thorough once-over and a Hard (@ @ @) Percep-
medium range. tion check.
Modification Options: None. Modification Options: 1 Upgrade difficulty of Per-
Hard Points Required: 0. ception check required to discover compartment
Price: 150 credits. once Mod.
Hard Points Required: 0.
Price: 50 credits.

HOLO CONVERTER Base Modifiers: Allows a user to takestill images
and record holos unobtrusively.
Holo converters are common holo scrambling devices Modification Options: None.
that allow users to alter a holoprojector’s outgoing Hard Points Required: 0.
signal. Using powerful alteration technologies, holo Price: 300 credits.
converters allow users to change their species, age,
gender, and any other identifying features on camera RETRACTABLE GARROTE
to hide their identity. This can be used with any holo-
graphic recording/projecting device, and the converter This simple mod adds a garrote to any suitable item,
can store four different alter egos in its database. typically a briefcase, comlink, bracelet, or shoe, but
Models Include: Various models. it can even be used on a stimpack or fusion lantern.
Base Modifiers: Allows a user to create disguises ModelsInclude: Various models.
within holographic recording/projecting systems. Base Modifiers: Equips the item with a retractable gar-
Modification Options: 2 Add one additional alter rote. See page 40 for more information on garrotes.
ego to the database Mods. Modification Options: None.
Hard Points Required: 0. Hard Points Required: 0.
Price: 600 credits. Price: 300 credits.


Subminiature holocams are small holorecorders Self-destruct systems are found on many pieces
equipped with a medium-sized fixed focal length lens. of espionage gear, especially bags, attaché cases,
Able to recordstill images and video in numerous for- and diplomatic pouches. They use small, low-yield,
mats, they are often hidden in datapads, eyeglasses, shaped-charge explosives to destroy the item in case
goggles, or jewelry. Due to their size and the nature of of theft, emergency, or improper usage. For exam-
the attached lens, they have relatively limited capa- ple, an attaché case could be equipped with a self-
bilities. The on-board storage can store only a hand- destruct system that activates when an incorrect lock
ful of still images or a few minutes of video, and the combination is entered. The explosions are usually
images are all low-resolution. Unless the suominia- very contained, but can be modified to deal damage
ture holocam is specifically built for the task, it can to others nearby when the device detonates.
only reliably record up to a range of three meters. In Models Include: Various models.
addition, miniature holocams rarely,if ever, have net- Base Modifiers: Equips the item with a single use
working capabilities; images and video footage must explosive self-destruct system thatinflicts 5 damage
be removed manually by connecting the device to a to all characters within engaged range.
datapad or computer. Modification Options: 3 Increase damage by 2
Models Include: Xonim Holotech VEF22 SubMinia- Mods,1 Increase range to short Mod.
ture Holocam. Hard Points Required: 0.
Price: 450 credits.


Ce agencies tend to provide common and
unassuming ships and vehicles to their agents. A ship
that would stand out in a shipyard on Coruscant or Intelligence agents, when they must have a land-
a landspeeder too flashy for a backwater planetlike speeder or airspeeder, usually go with inconspicu-
Lothal would do an agent more harm than good. To that ous, highly customizable vehicles. This allows them to
end, agencies often chooseships and speedersstraight blend in with a local population but gives them the
off second-hand lots that can be easily modified and versatility and utility they need to complete their mis-
retain a more commonplace appearance. Agents need- sions. Others prefer luxury speeders, as few would
ing to blend in with the elite on Core Worlds, though, suppose such vehicles would also be fitted with mis-
will need suitable vehicles that allow them toslip in sile launchers or heavy armor underplating. Some
and out of high-end galas and private estates, and so veteran Spies even adopt signature landspeeders,
might request only the finest of transportation. These openly announcing their arrival and challenging their
can also act to impresstheir targets, allowing for easier Opposite numbers to battles of wits, double-crosses,
social infiltration. and ambushes.

A boutique maker of luxury, high-performance land-
speeders, Arlen-Dempler is based on the rainswept
planet Iceni in the Corporate Sector.Its latest offering,
the C-B7 Interceptor, is sleek, fast, and extremely
well appointed. The Interceptor is a five-seat,
two-door vehicle designed primarily for
touring and long-range planetary trips.
Each of these luxurious speeders
comes standard with a high-end
passenger entertainment system,
high-performance handling pack-
age, environmental protection,
and numerous other safety and
comfort systems designed to pro-
tect and pamper the pilot and pas-
sengers. The C-B7 is highly modifiable,
something rarely mentioned
points but a valued factall i
agencies use to great advan
Despite all the luxury”
formance, these landspee
remarkably simple machines under
their attractive skins. They use
numerous off-the-shelf parts from
various vehicle manufacturers, par-
ticularly SoroSuub and Incom, and both
their design and construction are clean and
intelligently laid out. This makes for easily maintained
and modified vehicles with readily available parts. STARSHIPS
C-B7s are often issued to intelligence agents oper-
Intelligence agents and the agencies that employ
ating in classier parts of the Core Worlds and Mid
them favor starships that, like their preferred land-
Rim, where a certain amount of wealth and style is a
speeders, are easily modified for maximum flexibility.
requirement for a successful cover identity.

Old and largely forgotten save by historians and
enthusiasts, Koensayr's IE-440 starfighter is now a
Vehicle Type/Model: Landspeeder/C-B7 Interceptor. mainstay of Alliance Intelligence. Introduced in the
Manufacturer: Arlen-Dempler Luxury Speeders. waning years of the Clone Wars, the Nighthawk was
Maximum Altitude: Two meters. intended to replace the Y-wing as the Grand Army
Sensor Range:Close. of the Republic's premier fighter/bomber. The final
Crew: One pilot. design resulted in a nimble, well-built ship that fea-
Encumbrance Capacity: 10. tured greater adaptability for wider mission profiles.
PassengerCapacity: 4. However, the Clone Wars came to an abrupt end while
Price/Rarity: 21,500 credits/5. the program was still in its prototype stage.
Customization Hard Points:5. After the fall of the Republic, Koensayr was con-
Weapons: None. fident enoughin its design to produce a handful of
Nighthawks and attemptto sell them to the growing
Imperial Navy. Unfortunately, Sienar Fleet Systems
had already won a massive contract to produce the
cheaper TIE-series of fighters for the Empire, and the
Koensayr sales reps were turned away. Over the next
few years, Koensayr produced the Nighthawk in lim-
ited numbersuntil eventually discontinuing the model

around six years into the reign of the Emperor. Few of Customization Hard Points:4.
these forgotten fighters are in use today. Those ships Weapons: Concealed forward-mounted proton tor-
that are still around soldier on in the hands of back- pedo launcher (Fire Arc Forward; Damage8; Critical
water planetary defense forces and private military 2; Range [Short]; Blast 6, Breach 6, Guided 2, Limited
concerns. A handful were recently discovered moth- Ammo 2, Slow-Firing 1).
balled at an old Koensayr warehouse, and after a Forward-mounted twin light laser cannon (Fire Arc
thoroughrefit, they were offered on the open market. Forward; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1).
Alliance acquisition personnel immediately snapped
them up; the starships disappeared after purchase
and their whereabouts are currently unknown.
PetTt Intelligence services are notorious for modifying the
ships and vehicles that their agents use. The following
mods are a small sampling of those that are employed
to better prepare vehicles for covert operations.
Hull Type/Class: Starfighter/IE-440 Nighthawk.
Manufacturer: Koensayr Corporation. CLOAKING DEVICE
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 12.
Navicomputer: Yes. Cloaking devices are exceedingly rare and typically
Sensor Range: Short. only fitted to starships employed in gathering intelli-
Ship’s Complement: One pilot. gence assignments. Fueled with either hibridium or sty-
Encumbrance Capacity: 5. gium, these power-hungry systems render a ship com-
PassengerCapacity: |. pletely invisible. Cloaking devicesareillegal to own for
Consumables: One week. non-military use, a fact that is largely lost on those few
Price/Rarity: 124,800 credits/7. criminals, smugglers, and espionage freelancers who
are wealthy enough to afford them. This attachment
can be applied to any starship of silhouette 3 or larger.
ModelsInclude: Sienar Fleet Systems Mk Ill Stygium
‘Cloaking Device, Kerner Corp Multi-Phase Hibridium
_ Stealth System.
_ Base Modifiers: Provides a star ship with a cloak-
ing device Which can be activated or deactivated by
ending a maneuver. A character must
; __make a Daunting (@ @
@) Perception or Vigi-
lance check to spot
a cloaked ship. Ships
with an active cloak-
ing device have their
speed reduced by half
(rounded up) and can-
not use active sensors,
comms, or weapons. The
cloaking device
Modification Options:
Hard Points Required: 4.
Price: (R) 29,000 credits.

VEHICLE ATTACHMENTS Mobile listening posts are a common modification to
ti ats CUS| vehicles used by law enforcement and intelligence agen-
cies. They pack everything an agent or small group of
Cloaking Device (R) 29,000. 4 S |
agents needs for a long stakeout. Models commonly
HolographicShell (R)5,500 2 | 7 include comms interceptors, various powerful sensors
and scanners, and of course a small but well stocked caf
HushKit 450 1 6 maker. This attachment can be applied to any enclosed
Mobile Listening Post 5,500 2 5 vehicle of silhouette 3 or larger.
ModelsInclude: Various models.
Retractable Base Modifiers: Increases a vehicle's passive and
Weapon System 1,000 | : active sensor range by one range band. Provides
Sensor Shunt (R) 3,200 | 1 8 extra audio, video, and holographic capabilities.
Modification Options: None.
HOLOGRAPHIC SHELL Hard Points Required: 2.
Price: 5,500 credits.
Holographic shells use a combination of optical cam-
ouflage and high-resolution holography to create RETRACTABLE WEAPON SYSTEM
a disguised exterior for a ship or vehicle. A disguise
must be programmed into the system’s memory in A staple of spies and infiltrators, this simple mechani-
cal apparatus deploys and retracts a weapon from a
advance, and the memory can hold only one dis-
guise. Once active, a disguise cannot be changed on hidden spot aboard a ship or vehicle. The does not
the fly. Holographic disguises are only effective at include the weapon, just the retractable mechanism
distances of several meters or more, however; touch- and the work done to make a concealed space for
ing or closely investigating the disguise ruins the illu- the weapon beneath duralloy or other hull plates. This
sion. This attachment can be applied to any starship attachment can be applied to anystarship orvehicle.
or vehicle. Models Include: Various models.
Models Include: Various models. Base Modifiers: Provides a vehicle with a hidden
Base Modifiers: Provides a ship or vehicle with a compartment and a device for deploying a weapon.
holographic disguise. A Daunting (® @ @ @) Per- Deploying or retracting a weapon requires a maneu-
ver. Discovering a retractable weapon system requires
ception check is required to see through the dis-
guise at a distance. Physical examination immediately a Hard (@ @) Perception check and a thorough
detects the disguise. search of the ship or vehicle in question. The GM has
Modification Options: 2 Add one additional dis- final say if a weapon is suitable for the retraction sys-
guise to the database Mods. tem based on the size of the ship or vehicle.
Hard Points Required: 2. Modification Options: None.
Price: (R) 5,500 credits. Hard Points Required: |.
Price: 1,000 credits.
Hush kits were originally designed to muffle the sound
Sensor shunts are passive stealth systems fitted to
of ion and rocket engines around urban spaceports.
Installed on a starship’s engines, these devices dra- ships or vehicles to hide energy signatures. Unlike a
matically reduces the sound engines produce. Shortly scrambler, which draws attention to itself even as it
after their introduction, though, it became apparent fools sensors, shunts are quiet and unobtrusive. Ships
that hush kits also make it easier to sneak ships and
or vehicles with these upgrades are nearly invisible to
speeders into and out of places they don’t belong. passive sensors and are difficult to detect with even
They have since become common among criminals, active scanners. This attachment can be applied to any
scouts, and intelligence agents. This attachment can starship or vehicle.
be applied to any starship or vehicle. Models Include: Various models.
Models Include: Incom 44L2 “Whisperer” Hush Kit, Base Modifiers: Increase the difficulty of checks to
SoroSuub “Slipstream” StageIII Hush Kit. detect this vessel using passive sensors by two, and
Base Modifiers: Adds Il Ml to all checks made to the difficulty of checks to detect this vessel using
detectthis ship audibly while it is in atmosphere. active sensors by one, while it is travelling at speed
Modification Options: None. 3 or lower.
Hard Points Required: |. Modification Options: None.
Price: 450 credits. Hard Points Required: |.
Price: (R) 3,100 credits.

“Mostof us, we've done terrible things on behalf of the
Rebellion. Were spies, Sabateurs. Assassins,”
—Captain Cassian Andor, Alliance Intelligence

Borcterlir-leroniiaite) Xara OF ces campaigns,plus

guidance on running slicing encounters. As Spies
hi ica ee (o} become elSuede aswexclatoecliNg commonly use skills like Deception and Stealth in
means ee Motestercmtelecon) unpleas- their missions, it features new suggestions for ways
ant, featuring deceit, betrayal, and dirty fighting. to spend narrative dice results from such checks.
Spies might have more in common with their oppo- Players also gain new ways to use theseskills, and
site numbers than with their fellow soldiers; the lat- rules for concealing and disguising the weapons and
q ‘ter may never be able to fully trust anyone who is gear their Spies use while practicing tradecraft.
‘immersed in tradecraft. Still, Spies are a valued part
Espionage adventures are only as good as the
of the Alliance; without them, after all, it would have
antagonists involved, and so this chapter features
never learned ofthe first Death Star or how to defeat
details on Imperial Intelligence agencies, modes of
Tiare ala] tom eS Kee ME-Lae
operation, and techniques.It closes out with three
This chapter offers GM advice for making espio- campaign outlines that put Spy characters at the
nage themes a strong part of adventures. This forefront, plus new rewards that GMs can grant
includes tips on integrating Spy characters ofall them after successful missions in the hidden war.

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Core tay oe
ll Player Characters fulfill a role within a team of character to better suit the campaign. Alternatively,
heroes. Diplomats negotiate, Commanders lead, the Game Master may not have considered how the
and Soldiers fight. During group encounters, each Spy’s player is reacting to each mission. If every mis-
Player Character has momentsto shine while the other sion suggests goals for the Spy to accomplish inde-
heroes work to complement that PC's actions. Spies, pendently, then the player is likely to try to do so. A
however, stereotypically have their greatest successes frank discussion between the GM and the player is
when they work away from the spotlight. These opera- often the best way to resolve this, so that both can
tives succeed by avoiding attention. Further, when adjust their expectations.
Spies are trying to be sneaky, the company of others
complicates matters and increasesthe risk of failing an
assignment. This can easily lead to situations in which
Spies wish to operate alone. Unfortunately, that can THE MILITARY
be boring for the players whose characters are not on
the mission and boring for the Spy’s player when that Spies present a challenge within the hierarchy of the
Rebellion, or any other military organization. Intel-
character is absent from other scenes. The solution to
this problem is to find good ways to integrate the char- ligence operatives have very different skill sets than
frontline soldiers, such as infantry or pilots, who deal
acters’ actions so that they complement one another.
with more direct confrontations. While they need to
Frequent scene cuts are one approach to mitigating recognize logistics reports or read a map, Spy charac-
this conflict. When the heroes are pursuing indepen- ters do not need to manage supply chains or identify
dent objectives, frequently switching focus between tactical weak pointslike support or command officers
the separate teams forces the players to pay atten- must. The military provides Spies with a support net-
tion. It can also give them an opportunity to plan out work and a connection to a cause, but seldom does it
their next moves in between their focus time. This provide them with authority over others. Even accom-
works particularly well if the heroes’ actions comple- plished Spies are unlikely to assume high-ranking
ment one another:for example, if the team’s Diplomat leadership roles, unless they have abandonedtheir
is attempting to fast talk a facility’s security officers workin the field. This can maketheir place as part of
while the Spy sneaks through a back entrance. This a team harder to determine. Their duties are largely
approach depends upon setting scenes where every in the field, but they may be peripheral to the respon-
hero has a role and the players are engaged in the sibilities of Spies’ peers.
idea of supporting one another.
An alternative approach is to run the Spy’s isolated ESPIONAGE FIELD UNITS
scenes at a time when the other players aren't avail-
If the PC group includes more than one Spy—or if the
able—either before a game session starts or after
GM's campaign is built around espionage—one pos-
stopping for the evening. This can create some awk-
sible solution could be to have the heroes all be mem-
ward pacing issues and can leave the Spy’s player to
bers of a dedicated intelligence acquisition/protection
go through scenes without context. It can also mean
team. In this case, more than one of the heroes might
the Spy’s player must celebrate success or withstand
follow the Spy career or have acquired a Spy special-
failure without the companionship or commiseration
ization as a non-career selection. This can give the
of the other players. A related approach is to have
Player Characters more uniform access to the skills
a secondary GM to manageisolated scenes like this,
required in a campaign constructed around infiltrat-
but that is a less common approach and one that
ing hostile environments. While each Player Character
requires strong communication between the primary
continues to have a unique specialty to complement
and assistant Game Masters.
the team’s needs, all of them are expected to be com-
Ultimately, either of these solutions is a temporary petent at acquiring or protecting intelligence.
fix to a symptom of a bigger problem. If the Spy char-
Using this approach, the connection to the Rebel-
acter is constantly attempting significant portions of
lion chain of command becomes clear. The unit is
the missions in isolation, then it may be necessary to
collectively under the authority of an espionage divi-
have a discussion with the player. Most game groups
sion. Within that framework, each of the characters
enjoy play more when their heroes workcollectively.If
has more or less authority based upon rank within the
the Spy player expected to work independently, then
squad. While their ranks might not translate directly
the character as conceived might not be a good fit,
when dealing with frontline units, they are clear within
though it would certainly be possible to modify the
the group of heroes.


When the Spyis the primary focus of a mission assign-
orce abilities can grant a substantial advan-
ment, that mission must center around acquiring infor-
tage to Spies working behind enemylines.
mation from the enemy.The variables are the type of
They can conceal their presence, let them
information and the methods usedfor acquisition. For
manipulate others to aid them, and even help
GMs who design their scenarios around a PC's focus,
them move or fight more effectively when
a mission devoted to an Infiltrator is substantially dif-
necessary. Using Force abilities discreetly, a
ferent from one intended for an Interrogator. The key
Force-sensitive operative may complete mis-
elements are determining the target and presenting
sions that would otherwise be impossible.
a range of different means to acquire it. This lets the
However, the Empire has resources devoted players research their options and create a plan of
to identifying and eliminating Force sensi- action to exploit the enemy’s weak points, while also
tives. If camera footage or witness reports using the skills and talents that they chose to develop.
identify someone as appearing to wield Force
For some missions, researching the target can
powers, then that person can become a tar-
almost be a mission in itself. If the adventure follows
get of interest. Once they identify a target,
a typical heist plot, the heroes may spend a signifi-
Imperial agents are unrelenting in their pur-
cant amount of time investigating and preparing their
suit. Capture may lead to a death sentence or
assets before commencing the infiltration. This may
even more heinous consequences.
include searching archives, engaging in social engi-
neering, and conducting visual inspections. Depending
Ideally, the GM should make this framework clear upon the approaches used, heroes from other careers
to the players prior to character creation. Otherwise, may be better suited to completing these tasks.
some of the characters might not acquire the neces-
After the background research is finished and the
sary skills to work both as Spies and in their primary
plan formulated, the Spy may take the lead in per-
areas of expertise. The GM might also consider giv-
forming the fieldwork. Sometimes this portion can be
ing players bonus starting XP explicitly to acquire an
anticlimactic. If the advanced planning was accurate,
appropriate non-career specialization.
then the infiltration and escape may be accomplished
without raising an alarm. Some game groups mayfind
this satisfying, though others may prefer an outcome
A Spy’s placement in the chain of command is often that involves blaster fire and a bit more action.
peripheral, and it may even come into question. Many
espionage agents do not wear—and may not even DATA CONFIRMATION
own—uniforms or rank insignia. After all, taking such
Often, Spies are given assignments to confirm intel-
things along on an undercover assignment would pose
ligence information that came through other channels.
a serious risk. Further, most espionage agents need to
Preliminary data might have had an unreliable source,
keep their identity a secret to reduce the chance of a
or it might have been based upon analyst specula-
security leak. Consequently, when Spies make contact
tion. In either case, the Spy must operate against the
with another Rebellion unit, confirming their identity
Empire to verify that the initial data is accurate, so
can pose a significant problem, especially when that
that the Rebellion can appropriately commit to further
contact is unplanned. Spies have been ignored when
actions. Because this type of lead is based upon infor-
trying to deliver critical information or even taken
mation gathered from the Empire,it is also the kind
prisoner when trying to assist their peers.
most likely to lead into a trap. While these missions
The solution to this issue is to have additional units are absolutely necessary, they tend to be higher risk.
designated to provide support. They might be sta-
Discretion and speed both play high priorities on
tioned in a safe house or on standby a short hyper-
these missions, as the data tends to be time sensi-
space jump away from the operative. Using pass-
tive. Interrogators might have to carefully question
phrases or similar secure codes, they can respond
a prisoner to verify data while being mindful to not
to calls for assistance and act in accordance with the
reveal any expected answers. Sleeper Agents might
operative’s needs. In some instances, the supporting
need to embark on an assignment without the time
units might not even know the Spy or the nature of
to establish a solid cover identity. Slicers might need
the Spy’s assignment. They simply recognize that they
to extract information from the records of an Imperial
need to be prepared to respond to a crisis situation
contractor to find secondary confirmation of a lead.
on very short notice. This is unlikely to be an enjoy-
Rarely, operatives may not be fully informed about
able role for other Player Characters, but it could be a
the type of data they need to learn, due to compart-
very goodfit for a recurring unit of NPCs.
mentalization as part of the security requirement.


COMPLEMENTARYACTION Different storytelling techniques offer different
ways of overcoming that challenge. Not all of these
A military strike can provide an ideal distractionfor an are good fits for every group. Further, if some play-
espionage mission. Security forces normally devoted ers are hesitant about sharing the spotlight, it may
to guarding an installation can be drawn to guard be necessary to offer every player a game session
against the obvious incursion, presenting opportuni- explicitly devoted to their character after running one
ties for more discreet agents to act. While automated for the Spy. The GM should consider the feasibility of
systems are certain to remain on heightened alert, doing so before offering an independent mission for
the living operators who oversee those systems could the Spy.
be distracted or away from their duty stations.
Precise timing is essential for these missions to suc- SUPPORT AND FLASHBACKS
ceed. Typically, before the military strike happens,
Sometimes ignoring the normal chronological order
the agents needto be in place, waiting to act. Ideally,
of events can better justify an independent mission
they must also know where the targets of the mili-
Using this approach, flashback scenes can give the dif-
tary assault are, so that the agents can avoid friendly
ferent Player Characters a means for interacting with
fire. This introduces a huge potential for complication,
the Spy’s ongoing mission, even though they aren't
as engagements can rapidly proceed in unexpected
with the Spy as the mission occurs. For example,
directions. An operative may discover that the target
when the Spy needs to answer an esoteric question
Or escape routes must be changed as the military
about the mission at hand, a flashback scene could
action evolves.
have another Player Character research that very
question and give the Spy the necessary information.
When the Spy needs a vital tool, a flashback scene
could focus on the Engineer designing and delivering
In order to complete some missions, the Spy must the necessary device to the Spy. This same approach
Operate in relative isolation. These are typically cases
could retroactively show how each of the heroes has
in which any support would compromise the assign-
contributed to the mission’s success.
ment. Infiltrators and Sleeper Agents are the most
prone to independent action, but any Spy special- Alternatively, the other heroes could lie in wait off-
ization can encounter these types of missions. The screen to help the Spy. As the operative proceeds
biggest challenge for independent missions within along the mission, the support team might track it
the contextof a tabletop RPC is giving the other using a camera on a droid, a pair of macrobinoculars,
Player Characters workto do. Unlessthe ses- or a sliced holographic feed. The challenges for the
sion involves a single player, these types of Game Master are to provide the other heroes with
missions initially appear to be a tough interesting obstacles to overcome during this time
fit. After all, the stories are intended and to devise a means of discreet communication
to be told collaboratively. If the between the Spy and the support team. Ultimately,
mission explicitly excludes some this option can be tedious for the players whose char-
of the heroes, then it clearly acters wait on the sidelines.
eliminates that aspect of
the game. TROUPE PLAY
An alternative approach to a mission that focuses on
the Spy character could be to have the other play-
ers use characters other than their normal ones. If
the independent mission involves the Spy infiltrating
a factory within the Empire, perhaps the other play-
ers could portray the security guards or management
team for the factory. During the game sessions, they
would be under the impression that the Spy is actu-
ally an ally. They could then have the opportunity to
roleplay through the betrayal that ultimately resolves
the adventure.
If putting the players
at odds with one another
seems like a poor choice, then
having them use lower-profile
or differently focused characters
might be another solution. Perhaps
a team of Ugnaught workers or astro-
mechs could accompany the Spy on a mis-
sion in which a team of visibly armed infan-
try would stand out. The GM could assemble
an unlikely team of heroes and randomly assign
them to the players. Some players might really en
this opportunity to portray a different character—
ticularly if the experience points they earn still trans=
fer back to their regular Player Character.

In rare cases, a Spy might need to assume responsibil- significantrisk
ity for a mission. This happens most commonly if that to a mission
character is the only one who has the full information that is already in
about a particular assignment and is unable to share progress. However,
it due to security compartmentalization. Alternatively, in some cases that —
intelligence operatives can accrue non-traditional change of focus is justifi-
debts in the course of their missions. A Spy who owes able or even necessary. Ide-
a source a favor may need to discreetly assemble ally, the Spy would confer with
the team to pay the contact back—without making a commanding officer before
full use of Rebellion assets. As another possibility, a adapting a plan to incorporate the
discovery of sensitive information could prompt the changes, but that is not always px
Spy to assemble the team for a mission that a com- sible. When a player decides to
manding officer has explicitly forbidden—a mission this way, the GM must be prepa
that must now be executed behind the officer's back. respond in an appropriate fashion. This often
In this case, part of the mission might involve secretly means adjusting the enemy response to match ~
assembling the assets necessary to completeit. the unexpected PCactions. At other times,it may
necessitate adding new scenes to an adventure. ~
A key element in the challenge of these scenarios
is the fact that the Spy is not ideally suited to the When a Spy changes approach, the other team
responsibilities of leadership. The Spy probably lacks members must be prepared to react as well. Changes
the necessary knowledge and skills to properly plan to part of a mission can have effects on all the other
out the mission. In order to be successful, the other elements.If the mission is tightly timed or if resources
heroes may need to contribute substantially at the are carefully allocated, a subtle change can throw
planning stage, particularly with regard to tactics and things off. Communications become critical, and the
logistics. Spies are far less likely to have experience trail of responsibility flows back to the Spy. If the team
with acceptable losses or with delegating responsi- manages to achieve its primary objective while still
bility. This can cause issues when the operative tries securing additional unexpected assets, then the intel-
to do too much or inadvertently interferes with the ligence operative is likely to earn accolades.If this
efforts of another member of the team. peripheral task causes the primary mission to fail,
however, the Spy could face serious consequences
IMPROVISING IN THE FIELD after the mission is completed. Ultimately, the suc-
cess of abruptly altered plans could depend as much
When a Spy discovers unexpected information or vul- upon the actions and skills of the supporting team
nerabilities, the operative may decide that it is nec- membersas it does upon the Spy’s decisions.
essary to act quickly to exploit them. This can add


RB ebel Spiesin the field must be ready for any circum- e Improve Usability: The character creates an
stance. More often than not, events occur that were overlay or writes easy-to-follow instructions so
entirely unforeseen at the time of the mission briefing. that others who are not computer literate can use
Spies are trained to improvise—to apply their knowl- a program. This allows another character without
edge to emergent situations as they develop. This often ranks in Computers to perform a relevant check
involves application of their skills in unexpected ways. later in that session as if that character had one
This section details new ways for Spy characters rank in Computers.
. to apply their skills in the field, as well as additional e Set Spyware: The character inserts a hidden
options for spending narrative dice results on relevant recording program. When the character checks
checks they might makein their missions. back later, the program can disclose who used
that system and which files were accessed in the
NEW COMPUTERS previous twenty-four hours. Each 3 on the check
reveals the activity of one user, and another Aver-
SKILL USES age (@ @) Computers checkis needed to gather
the results of the spyware program.
Characters with the Computersskill have more options
at their fingertips than just slicing. Computer systems e Study the Programmer: The character spends
are prevalent all over the galaxy, and they can be used extra time examining the underlying code (and
in a correspondingly wide array of manners. Page 119 any personal comments included) within a
in the Ace or REBELLION Core Rulebook outlines some defeated computer system to better learn of
of the waysthis skill is commonly employed; following the personality of the programmer who wrote
are alternative uses that players can adopt as well. it. When the character next makes a social skill
As a baselevel, these skill checks should be of Aver- check against that programmer later in this ses-
age (@ @)difficulty, but the GM should adjust this as sion (this might be via electronic means as a
needed based on the specific circumstances. note), add L] to the check.
e Create Passkey:After defeating electronic secu- e Implant Malicious Code: The character inserts
rity that requires a passkey or other electronic into a system a program designed to infect other
means of entry, the character can then create electronic devices connected to that system, such
false but working passkeys for others to use. A as datapads or holoprojectors. Each # 3 or ®
separate Computers check (and 50 credits of on the check means that one item becomes dam-
material) is needed for each passkey the charac- aged one repair level (see Table 5—4: Repairing
ter wishesto create. Gear on page 172 of the AcE or REBELLION Core
Rulebook) when connected to the system, or
e Design a Training Game: The character pro-
when data from the system is sent to that device.
duces an electronic game that teaches tactics,
such as a variant of dejarik or triga, and keeps the
Rebel squad occupied during non-combat down- SPENDING ¢°), @,
times. Those who play for at least an hour may }, AND Y ON
spend a maneuver to add [J to a single check
later in this session. The GM can spend @ on the COMPUTERSCHECKS
Computers check to indicate that the game isn’t
very instructional, and the character suffers two When checks using the Computers skill result in 2,
strain as the unit’s commanding officer berates @®, &, or GY, these may, as usual, be spent narra-
him for wasting time. tively or on the suggested results described in the AcE
oF REBELLION Core Rulebook. Table 3-1: Spending
e Encrypt Data: The character develops a new £2, &, &, and Y on Computers Checks, on page
encryption scheme to secure information on a 71, offers further suggestions for spending these
datapad or even within a droid. Each 3* on the results. Players and GMs can usethe effects from the
check adds Il to enemy checksin this session to table as presented, or they may adaptthem into new,
decrypt the encrypted data. unique effects tied specifically to the ongoing session
or campaign. While they can be used as part of Slic-
ing Encounters, players are encouraged to instead use
Table 3-6: Spending ¢*}, @, 4}, and @ in Slicing
Encounters on page 85 for results more directly
linked toslicing activities.


ymbols Effect
Elegant Coding: The character's programming makesfuture efforts on a system easier. Add L] to the next
Computers orrelevant Knowledgeskill check the character makes during this encounter.
Gor® Lucky Find: The character discovers a snippetofinformation on the computer system, unrelated to her current
task, that may be of benefit. The nature of the data is up to the GM. Additional <3 or @ onthis result may be spent
to indicate a particularly critical find.

Exceptional Performance: The character gets peak performancefrom the system currently being worked upon,
adding Eto or removing fl from a single subsequentrelated check of the player's choicelater this session.
OVor® Quick Access: The character creates a fast access point on the system currently being worked upon. Add
automatic € to Computers checksthe character makeson this same system during the current session.

Covering MyTracks: The character managesto disguise her currenteffort as a normal system function. Add ao
to any check made to detect the character's actions.
Familiar Code: The character is able to draw on familiarity with similar computer systems to plan a course of
action. Take any numberof additional 3 on the current check, remove them from theresults, and add that number
of ¥€ to the results of a single Computers or relevant Knowledgeskill check later in the same encounter.
1 Don’t Recall Ever Owning a Droid: A droid reprogramming attempt succeeds beyondthe character's
expectations. The droid rebootsentirely, wiping its previous memory, and now views the characterasits master.
The character adds automatic # to his Leadership checks to give orders to that droid.

1 Own This System: The character's mastery of the computeris elegant enough to downgrade thedifficulty of the
next check the character makesin this session involving this system once per spent this way.
Pre-Wipe Memories: Whenaccessing or upgrading a droid’s circuitry, the PC managestoalso pull data from the
droid’s earlier memories that were supposed to be wiped. The droid still does not recall these events, but the CM
providesone fact or otherinformation relevantto the character's current mission per @® spent this way.
High-Speed Connection: The characteris able to retrieve and download data from the system or droid more
quickly than usual. Reduce any associated time by 50%

Incomplete Data: Whenretrieving information, the character unknowingly missesa vital component,leading to a
false conclusion. The GM maychoosea single check the character makes when acting upon the informationlater in
8 or B this session and add ff to that pool.
That’s NotRight: An attempt to reprogram a droid has causeda glitch in its brain. For the remainder of the
encounter, the droid is only capable of moving in a small circle or spinningin place.

Critical Error: The character accidentally causes a deeperrorin a droid's or computer's system. For the remainder
of the encounter, add automatic %to all checks to operate that computerordirect that droid.
& 8 or W Overload: The computer or droid experiences a powersurge, and the characteris hit by the electrical feedback.
The character suffers 2 strain as a result; if applicable, the droid also suffers 1 strain. This result can be used on PC
droids as well as NPC droids.

Cascade Failure: The computer crashes and ceasesto function entirely for the duration of the encounter or
narrative scene,starting after the end of the character's current turn(orafter the results of the current checkif
this takes place in narrative time). With additional 48} or Y, the failure is far more serious, spreading beyond that
computer, which is certain to raise an alarm.
LostSkill: The effort to repair or upgrade a droid goesvery badly, and the droid loses someofits earlier
4 40% (97 capabilities. The GM selects oneskill that the droid possessesa rank in, and removesone rank in thatskill. This
oY result can be used on PC droids as well as NPC droids, but % YW mustbe spentthis way perskill rank removed.
Total Wipe: While attempting to detectresidual signsof previous users’efforts, the character accidentally wipes
a significant portion of the computer's data. This destroys notonly any trace ofclues, but also random blocks of
information. Add automatic 48 to future attempts to gain information from this computer system until it is repaired
with a Computers check(this is a moderate repair effort, as per page 172 of the AcE or REBELLION Core Rulebook).

GotIt! (I Think...): The character's effort succeeds, but it causes problemswithin the system that are not apparent
until further attemptsat use. For the rest of the encounter, any failed checks that involve the use of this computer
orelectronic system inflict 1 strain on the character. Additionally, the next time the GM spends ¢&toinflict strain
(successful on that character during this session, she suffers twice that amount.
check) Tripped Security: The character succeeded but has unknowingly tripped hidden security measuresin thefacility
and has left a very noticeable electronic trail. Add JH to any checks made to detect the intruders for the rest of
the session, and Ml to Stealth checks the PCs make to stay hidden in the facility.

Angry Droid: An attempt to reprogram a droid has failed spectacularly, and the droid goes quietly malicious. Soon
after the attempt, it comestolife and attacks the characterin the most destructive mannerpossible.
Y (failed
check) Hard Crash: The character's actions have caused a computer belonging to heror anallied character to crash and
componentsto burn and smoke. The device is now unusable, requiring a majorrepair to fix (see page 172 in the
AcE oF REBELLION Core Rulebook) with the difficulty of the repair check upgraded once per Y spent.


¢ Practice a Charming Persona: The PC works on
accents, facial expressions, hand gestures, and
other means of enthralling other individuals. This
check requires at least an hour of practice.If it is
Spy characters rely upon the Deception skill per-
successful, the character adds [] to one Charm or
haps more than any other. The success or failure of
Negotiation check during this session.
a mission depends upon the ability to keep secrets
and deceive others. Page 121 in the AcE oF REBELLION e Ready a Distraction: The character prepares
Core Rulebook outlines some of the ways this skill is a way to deflect attention in order to better lift
commonly employed, and the following are additional a passkey, drug a drink, or perform some other
methods that may also be used. As a baselevel, these small action. This could be anything from surrep-
skill checks should be of Average (@ @)difficulty, but titiously tipping over a breakable item to arrang-
the GM should adjust this as necessary. ing for the lights to go out to planting an explosive
elsewherethat noisily detonates at a prearranged
¢ Craft a Legend: A Spy’s mission can entirely
time. When used as part of a successful social skill
depend on the character’s legend: a cover iden-
check to distract an opponent, it adds [Jf to the
tity that holds up to scrutiny. A successful check
NPCs’ Discipline or Perception checks to notice
creates all the necessary support for a legend:
the Spy’s furtive action.
identity papers, a false history, a computertrail,
etc. This adds J to any checks made to notice the
Spy has a fakeidentity. This can be done multiple
times if desired, so a Spy could have multiple lay-
ers of legends in case one or moreis blown.
e Create Forged Documentation: The character When checks using the Deception skill result in £3,
carefully crafts a falsified order, security clear- @, &, or GY, these may, as usual, be spent narra-
ance, cargo manifest, warrant, scandoc, or other tively or on the suggested results described in the AcE
item of official documentation to aid in a mission. OF REBELLION Core Rulebook. Table 3—2: Spending
This removes MM from any Skulduggery checks 2, ®, &, and Y on Deception Checks, on page
involving the use of this piece of information. 73, offers further suggestions for spending these
results. Players and GMs can use the effects from the
e Make a False Code Cylinder: The character
table as presented, or they may adapt them into new,
either creates a new Imperial code cylinder or
unique effects tied specifically to the ongoing session
modifies an existing one, in order to falsify an
or campaign.
identity and gain entry to classified locations.
This grants L] to checks that call on the cylinder
as part of the attempt.
SyTU ii-tag
Well Prepared: The character has planned well for any eventuality. The next time she suffers strain during this
session as part ofa skill check, reduce the amount of strain suffered by 1, to a minimum of 0.
Gor® Confidence: The character's efforts are going smoothly. Add 1 to the nextrelated skill check the character makes
during this encounter.

Deep Cover: The character's cover identity is extraordinarily well crafted. Add automatic £3 to social skill checks
the character makes while using this cover during this encounter.
GEor® The Grain of Truth: The character lies so convincingly that the target reveals additional, unexpectedinsight into
the situation at hand. This insight can be incorporatedinto the lie, decreasing the difficulty of future Deception
checks while using it by one, to a minimum of Simple (—).

Airtight Alibi: The character's false trail is flawless, appearing to place the character in anotherlocation entirely.
Take any numberof 3 on the current check, and add that number of automatic ¥¥ to a single Deception check the
character makeslater in the same session. Note that at least one 3 must remainin its dice pool.
Legendary Legend:The false background and otheritems introducedto reinforce her legend are so seamless that
others make them partof new historical records. Once before the end of the session as a maneuver, the PC may
introduce a newfact into the narrative without needing to spend a Destiny Point.
Played Them Like a Kloo Horn: Through deception, the character hascultivated a local contact whooffers
unexpectedaid in some form of the GM's choosing, such as information or supplies.

WordontheStreet: The character's contacts in the local area supply helpful information. For the remainder of the
session, upgrade the ability of any Streetwise checks the character makes while in this area once.
Person of Respect: The PC's false persona becomesperfectly ingrained into the local setting. Such is the respect
her character commandswithin the community, be it one oflow-life criminals or high-society wastrels, that she
beginsto influence rather than observe. The PC removes Ill from opposedsocial skill checks made against NPCs
also belonging to her false social strata
False-Flag Operation: The character's deception is so complete that the subject is entirely fooled and
unquestioningly believes the character's false identity. Deception checks she makes against the subject for the
remainder of the session do not require an opposed check; they are simply made at a baseline difficulty depending
on the natureofthelie.

Paranoia: The stress of the operation has the PC on edge. The character recovers 1 less strain when recovering
strain at the end of the encounter (to a minimum of 0)
& or Y A Crackin the Facade: The character makes an almost-unnoticeable error, such as misusing a local idiom orfailing
to observea little-knownbit of social etiquette. Increase the difficulty of the next social skill check she makes with
anyone whowitnessed the faux pas by one.

Other Players in the Game: The character's actions have attracted the attention of other interested parties. For
example,if the operation is against the Empire then she's roused the local criminal network, or vice versa.
& @ or G Crucial Flaw: The character's forgery contains a subtle error that cannot be removed without destroying the
document or code cylinder. For the remainder of the encounter, add automatic + to checks characters make that
involve using that fake item

Cover Blown:The character's efforts have been noticed by somebody whois aware that sheis using a false
identity. The NPC doesnot confront the character but quietly notifies the proper authorities.
Call the Bluff: The deceptive negotiation done as part of establishing a cover story or obtaining a crucial item goes
49} OF {0% badly. The targetrealizes the character lacks sufficient purchase funds or actual ownership of the item in question,
ow or even begins to question her real identity. Word spreads, meaning the character has to work harder to keep her
cover. For the remainderof the session, she mustsuffer 1 strain in order to makea social skill check.
High Alert: The local area has beenalerted to the possible presenceof criminals or hostile agents. The character
suffers automatic {8% on opposed socialskill checks against NPCsin this location.

Unexpected Complications: The character's Deception check is successful, but the subject has brought backup
( ful (bodyguards, for example, or security droids), who may cause difficulties.
check) Too Good to BeTrue: The PC's forged document or cover identity is far too perfect, which raises suspicion. For the
rest of the session, add automatic £2? £2 to social skill checks made toresist this character's deceptive manner.

Blackmail: The character's failure has revealed lies made to the subject or the nature ofillegal actions the
H character has madeearlier. Rather than notifying the proper authorities, the subject has decided instead to use the
wen knowledge asleverage to geta desired item orinformation from the character.
Shaken andStirred: The character's efforts end in disaster, the rusefailing in spectacular fashion. The utter loss of
confidence meansthatsimilar checks are upgraded in difficulty once until the end of the encounter.


e Fashion Improvised Lockpicks: The character
Te at 5s creates lockpicking tools from surrounding items,
ENE Babe such as the inner workings of a comlink or loose
wires from lighting fixture. For the remainder of
Along with Deception, Skulduggery is the Spy’s stock- the session, these tools remove I from Skuldug-
in-trade. Covert actions require a Spy to be familiar gery checks to defeat mechanical locks.
with a wide array of subterfuge and trickery and to
constantly run the risk of discovery and capture. The e Improvise Security: The character creates a
more common uses of this skill are discussed on page fast way to furtively detect breaches of personal
128 in the AcE oF REBELLION Core Rulebook. The fol- security. This might be a thread placed across a
lowing are further applications of the skill that might doorway or a pattern in the clothing placed atop
be put to use by a Spy character. As a base level, a stack of datapads.If the Skulduggery check is
these skill checks should be of Average (@ @) dif- successful, the Spy adds automatic €% on checks
ficulty, but the GM should adjust this as necessary. to notice whether such a breach has occurred
¢ Create a Local Intelligence Network: The Spy e Ready a Disguise: The character creates a trav-
recruits a number of locals into a network that eling kit that contains items necessary to quickly
can provide the character with information. This adopt a disguise. This might include colored con-
check to gather members can only be done once tact lenses, a wig, false teeth, and the like. Once a
per day of narrative time and requires at least kit is ready, the Spy can spend an action to adopt
four hours to complete. For each #, the character the disguise and add Il to checks to see through
gains one person for the network. Each person in it. BW on a failed check to apply the disguise
the network adds automatic ¢ to the character's means some of the components were damaged
Streetwise or mission-related Knowledge checks in the application and the kit must be remade.
that connect with this local network. The GM can Check Every Detail: The character carefully
spend WY on such checksto indicate that one per- examines the (probably complicated) plan for
son is lost from the network. an upcoming espionage mission, analyzing and
Disguise a Vehicle: Through cosmetic altera- memorizing how everyone will interact during
tions and falsifying a vehicle's ID or transponder, every stage of the operation. If the check is suc-
a Spy can disguise the vehicle in a fashion simi- cessful, once during the mission the Spy can use
lar to that of disguising a person. This allows the the Skulduggeryskill instead of Leadership when
character to add automatic 43 to Perception issuing ordersto allies.
checks made to identify or locate the vehi- : beac \
cle for the remainder of the session. ) Q yp ®

When checks using the Skulduggery skill

result in £3, ®, %%, or GY, these may, as
usual, be spent narratively or on the sug-
gested results described in the AcE
OF REBELLION Core Rulebook. Table
3-3: Spending ¢}, ®, 4, and
on Skulduggery Checks, on page
75, offers further suggestions
for spending these results. Play-
ers and GMs can usethe effects
from the table as presented,
or they may adapt them into
new, unique effects tied
specifically to the ongoing
session or campaign.
Symbols Effect
A Trusted Face: The character's disguise works so well that an NPC confidesin her, providing information relevant
to the current task.
@ or 2 s eae
® Fly Casual: The PC's alterations to a vehicle disguise its true nature. Add [] to the next check the character makes
during this encounter related to keeping the vehicle's real identity or for it to avoid notice.

Dead Drop:Thecharacter's intelligence network has provided information crucial to the mission. Add automatic
{3} to the next check the character or her allies make based on this information.
© @ or ®@ That Hunk of Junk?: The vehicle has been so well-disguised that few could discern its original styling; even its
original manufacturer or model might be uncertain. This adds IJ to the next Perception check made to follow or
track it.

Safe House:The character's operational planning included establishing a place for refuge during the mission. The
PC and her allies add [JL on anychecksto recover strain while in this location.
VEY Shift the Blame:As part of the successful escape, the character managesto plant evidence that she hadinside
help. This triggers reprisals and punishmentsfor the local security forces, decreasing morale and effectiveness. The
PC andherallies add automatic 3 on their next social skill check they make against these enemies.
Skeleton Key: While picking a lock, the character discovers a vulnerability that can be exploited onall similar locks.
Locks in the same location can be automatically opened for the remainderof the session.

A Reliable Asset: One of the most trusted membersof the Spy’sintelligence network knowsthis area well. For
the remainderofthe session, downgrade the difficulty ofall Streetwise and mission-related Knowledge checks the
character makes while in this area once.
® Nice Surprise: The stolen property contained something the target could notlegally possess, such as a Jedi relic
or criminal bookkeepingfiles. The PC adds automatic 3* on Coercion checksto force the target to do her bidding,
butif she fails such a check against the target this benefit is lost.
AsPlain As the Nose on Your Face: The character's operations planning has revealed a security vulnerability in
the target. Add [] to Deception and Stealth checks to exploit this vulnerability during this session.

Local Trouble: The character's operation has drawnthe attention oflocal law enforcement, who may complicate
the situation. The GM can decideif this results in heightened security screening, additional forces being deployed,
Bore or someother response appropriate for the setting.
ua Unforeseen Circumstances: The operation planning neglected to anticipate some factor, and the character’s effort
requires more meticulous work, taking longer than expected. The time required to complete the task increases by
25%. If the character does nottake the additional time, the character suffers 2 strain

It’s All in the Details: The character's disguise is imperfect in some respect, and it requires constant vigilance for
the PC to avoid detection (for example, an unfamiliar accent must be flawlessly maintained at all times). Unless the
ak charactersuffers 2 strain first, add automatic 48} to all disguise-dependent checks the character makesfor as long
BG or as the disguiseis in use.
Broken Lockpick: The character's attemptto pick a lock fails spectacularly, resulting in the pick breaking in such a
waythat the lock is jammedshut and the pick is destroyed.

I’ve Been Looking for You!: The character's disguise happens to unfortunately fit the description of an Imperial
intelligence agent's quarry (see page 419 of the AcE or REBELLION Core Rulebook). The ISB wantsthis personalive
for questioning, but the Imperial agent won't mind if there is some damageinvolvedin the capture, as there are
personal feelings involved.
i S or Not So Nice Surprise: The stolen item contains a hidden tracking device, alerting the target of the theft and the
current whereabouts of the item. The GM can set a guilded bounty hunter (see page 424 of the AcE oF REBELLION
Core Rulebook) after the PCs.
Muscling In: A major criminal organization mistakes the character's intelligence network for a rival gang trying to
movein onits territory. The criminals begin to take retaliatory (andlikely violent) measures.

Mistaken Identity: The character's personal or vehicle disguise is very successful, and now it has attracted
unwanted attention from someone whothinks the disguise is the genuine article. For example, a group of
stormtroopers think the PC is the officer they must report to, or a merchanttries to hire the character's freighter for
ec shippingillegal cargo.
On the Edge: The PC'sefforts are working, but the stress has put the character on edge. Until the end of the
encounter, each time the GM spends48to inflict strain on the character, the characteralso addsI to her next check.

It’s a Trap!: Not only has the character's attemptfailed, but the failure has utterly blown the operation. The targets
9 (failed are now setting an elaborate trap to capture the PC and anyallies.
check) Double Agent: A memberof the character's intelligence network has been turned andis secretly working for the
enemy. This could result in false information being passed on; sabotage of the PC's weapons,gear, or vehicles; or
even an assassination attempt.


e Create Portable Camouflage: The Spy fashions
a small, collapsible structure that duplicates the
Stealth is a survival skill for Spies, as a Spy who has nearby terrain. It can be used when out in the
been noticed, detected, and exposed is a dead Spy. field, such as in city streets or forested regions,
The successful use of Stealth is essential to the com- to hide characters or items with combined silhou-
pletion of every task undertaken by these agents of ettes totaling 2 or less. The structure provides
the Rebellion—it underpins the use of every other no actual cover, but it upgrades the difficulty of
skill in the character's repertoire. Stealth is covered detecting anyone hiding behind it once. The Spy
on page 128 in the Ace oF REBELLION Core Rulebook, may perform a maneuver to deploy or stow the
providing examples of some commonuses of the skill. structure. If the structure is successfuly attacked
Whatfollows are additional uses of Stealth that may in any way, it is destroyed.
be useful to Spy characters. As a base level, these skill e Hand Off a Tail: The character spends time
checks should be of Average (@ @)difficulty, but the training an ally in how to shadow specific tar-
GM should adjust this as necessary get. Once per session when tailing that foe, the
e Avoid Surveillance: Familiarity with security sys- Spy may pass off ae
the tail to theZ ally for up
: to ten
tems, standard placement of cameras, methods minutes ofi narrative time.pee
During that time, the
of recording arrivals and departures at space- ally benefits from the Spy’s assistance on Stealth
ports, and more allows the Spy to avoid such checks made to shadow the target.
measures, leaving no evidence of passage. Using +Improve Camouflaged Clothing: The character
a Stealth check in this fashion allows the Spy to spends time working on stealth wear, perhaps
pass not unseen, but rather undetected by sur- weaving inlight-absorbing fabrics or native green-
veillance. This adds I to any checks made to ery. Add automatic + to checks to notice the char-
spot the Spy in surveillance media this session. acter while wearing this improved camouflage.
Distracting Clothing: The character fashions a Targeted Sleight of Hand: The character prac-
highly visible item of clothing, such as a tall hat tices legerdemain for at least an hour on one spe-
or vibrantly colored coat, to be used for throw- cific object, such as a passkey, comlink, or other
ing off a tail once it is discarded. Enemies add small item. When he attempts to palm and hide
automatic %&} to checks made to detect the Spy such an item on his person (or plant it on some-
after the Spy has stopped using it, and YW one else), add Ml to checks to detect the act and
can be spent on failed check toindicate the hidden item.
the Spy has eluded them for good.
¢ Study Local Terrain: The Spy conducts hours of
personal drills in avoiding detection in a local set-
ting. While moving in this terrain, the Spy adds
automatic £3 to Stealth checks.

When checksusing the Stealth skill result in £2, ®,

48}, or Y, these may,as usual, be spent narratively
or on the suggested results described in the AcE
oF REBELLION Core Rulebook. Table 3—4: Spend-
ing £2, ©, &, and Y on Stealth Checks,
on page 77, offers further suggestions for
spending these results. Players and GMs
can use the effects from the table as pre-
sented, or they may adapt them
into new, unique effects tied
specifically to the ongoing
session or campaign.
NobodySpecial: The character melts easily into the crowd. Add If to any Perception checks made to identify or
notice the character in a crowd for the remainder of the encounter.
Gor® In the Shadows:The character has avoided notice well enoughto safely take extra time on the task at hand, and
may add] to her next skill check as a result.

Ghosting: While piloting a vehicle, the characters manageto keep it near another ship orto follow a path on the
fringe of enemy sensors. Add IM to the next Perception check made to detecttheir vessel.

GoVor® Following from the Front: While tracking a target, the character usesreflections in windows, knowledge of
traffic patterns, and the layout of the local area to determine the subject's course. She doesthis while occupying
a position ahead of the subject, rather than behind. This clever shadowing adds I to the subject's Perception
checks to notice the tracking.

Going Grey: The character manages to be so unremarkable that the player may take any numberof additional 3
on the current check if it is successful, remove them from the results, and add that numberof #€ to the results of
the next Stealth, Skulduggery, or Deception skill check she makesin the same encounter. Note that at least one 3¢
must remain in the dice pool.
Useful Gossip: The PC successfully joins a small group ofworkers, tourists, or even dignitaries as part of her
attemptto avoid notice, and picks up someuseful information from the chatter. She downgradesthe difficulty of
Charm, Negotiation, and Deception checks made in this area once for the remainder of the encounter.
BrushPass:Aspartof the stealthy action, the PC is able to also surreptitiously hand an object with an encumbrance
value of 2 orless to an ally at engaged range. Add automatic ¥ to Perception checks madeto notice the pass.

Wretched Hives: Knowledgeof security systems allows the character to determine the best location for some
shady dealings. The PCs may downgrade the difficulty of Streetwise checks madein this area once for the
remainderof the session.
LearnTells: While shadowing an enemy target, the PC spots several particular habits and mannerisms. Should the
PC face that target in combat later in the session, the PC adds [J to her roll to determine Initiative.
Disappearing Target: The character becomesso unnoticeable that enemies cannot geta solid target bearing on
the character or her vehicle. The character or the character's vehicle (player's choice) gains +1 ranged defense for
the remainder of the encounter.

Quiet or Good, Pick One:The area through which the character is shadowing a target makesitdifficult to avoid
notice whilestill following. The player has a choice: increase the difficulty of the next Stealth checkto tail the
& or @ subject by one, or add [_] to the subject's Perception check to noticethe tail.
Stop, Thief!: The character's attempt at sleight of hand to hide an objectis spotted, and she is mistaken for a
pickpocket. Local law enforcement is summonedand is on the way.

Who’s Following Who?: The subjectbeing tailed is aware of the character's presence and is actually leading her
into an ambush.
The Madding Crowd: While attempting to follow a target, the characteris distracted by a loud and jostling throng.
For the remainderof the encounter, when making Cunning-orIntellect-based checks, upgrade the difficulty of the
character's check once.

Flag That: An attemptto avoid surveillance is so obvious and suspicious that the characteris singled out for
additional attention by the authorities, who start closely following the character's every move.For the rest of the
session, add automatic ‘8 {8 to the character's Stealth checks.
25s 25s 25S Alarm Activation: The PC accidentally activates a very loud alarm, emptying the area of everyone but the PC, her
NOP 3Or 827
allies, and anyone after the group such as security guards or enemyintelligence agents. All PCs immediately suffer
2 strain, and when each makestheir next check they add Il to the dice pool.
Pll Never Forget That Face: An attempt to avoid notice tanks spectacularly. The characternotonly fails to blend
in, but also leaves quite an impression amongwitnesses. For the remainderof the session, add automatic 3 to
enemy Perception checks made toidentify or notice the character.

Spotted: The character successfully tracks the quarry but fails to notice that the target has been using counter-
surveillance tactics to spot any tails. Add automatic VW to the character's next Cool or Vigilance check to determine
Initiative order when this foe is part of the encounter.
(successful False Positive: The character's improvised security measures were successfully placed, but they lead to erroneous
check) conclusions. The measureswere trippedfor entirely benign reasons, but this gives the impression that the
character's security has been breached in some way. From nowuntil the end of the session, the character suffers
from stress and suffers 1 strain whenever she fails a check.

Evidence: In attempting to avoid notice, the character accidentally leaves behind evidence of passage that can be
(failed used by others to uncover details about her identity or mission.
check) Worst-Case Scenario:A failed attempt at avoiding surveillance has placed the character onthelocal authorities’
Most Wantedlist, and the character's face is appearing on holovids throughoutthe area.


he Galactic Empire recognizes the threat of the agent decides to acquire specialized gear in order to
Rebellion and takes extreme measures to try to implement the security. Depending upon the sever-
eliminate it at every opportunity. While the massive ity of the security measures and their effectiveness,
starships of the Imperial Navy are among its best- NPCs’ comments about them could become an ongo-
knowntools, they are only one weapon in the Imperial ing campaign backdrop. If the security seems draco-
arsenal. Espionage agencies, including Imperial Intel- nian, perhaps visiting pilots might complain about it.
ligence and the Imperial Security Bureau, constantly Alternatively, if the procedures lead to the capture of
seek to identify Rebel agents and facilities so that they an intruder, other Rebels at the base might later con-
can be targeted for elimination. gratulate the Spy who implemented them.
When attempting to identify and infiltrate sus- The same approach is even more common for a
pected Rebel groups, Imperial espionage agents Slicer. Rebel data systems must be kept secure, par-
use techniquessimilar to the ones a Rebel Spy uses. ticularly any that track agents in the field. A skilled
Consequently, Rebel intelligence operatives are more Slicer knows a computer system’s vulnerabilities—
likely to recognize those practices and stop such including ones subject to social engineering. The
agents before they can succeed. The GM is encour- Slicer should be capable of implementing defensive
aged to consider this factor when developing enemy measures to make it much harder for Imperial agents
NPCs. If the PC group lacks a Spy,then it may be more to infiltrate those systems and steal vital information.
reasonable to insert a mole into the group. Alterna-
A standard component of any security system is
tively, identifying and eliminating an Imperial opera-
properly training the workers who mustuse it. Among
tive could provide an opportunity for a Spy PC to other responsibilities, a Spy may be expected to
demonstrate value to the team. Situational bonuses assist in training everyone at a base, ship, or other
to recognize a foe using the same techniques the Spy
Rebel location to recognize enemy agents. This begins
has previously demonstrated are certainly justifiable.
with recognizing warning signs of espionage—such as
Between missions, an accomplished Spy may be people talking openly about secrets, venturing into
tasked with establishing standard procedures at a secure areas, or asking unnecessary questions—and
Rebel facility to avoid or detect Imperial intelligence can also include reminders about the importance of
intrusions. The rigor of these measures is depen- adhering to standard security protocols. A hero who
dent upon the base's isolation and risk—a base on is not sufficiently zealous about this training runs an
an asteroid in the Outer Rim is certainly less likely additional risk. After all, everyone in the base whom
to encounter an infiltrator than one in a major city the character has trained knowsthat the character is
Within the Core Worlds. Establishing those measures a security expert—and possibly an Infiltrator. If even
could constitute a mission on its own, especially if the one trainee turns out to be an Imperial agent the
character failed to recognize, it could lead to betrayal
and capture on an upcoming mission.

: The Galactic Empire has carefully divided
its intelligence and counterintelligence
efforts beneath two different umbrel-
las. Information that deals primarily
with military matters falls under the
authority of Imperial Intelligence,
a branch of the Imperial Military.
Information that deals with
potential insurrection and trea-
son falls under the purview of
the Imperial Security Bureau,
a part of COMPNOR.
In many cases, Alliance activities blur the lines
between military and civilian actions. When Rebels
deliver food to starving citizens on an Imperial world,
this sounds like a civilian action. However,if the vessel f a GM is considering an espionage-themed
breaks through a blockade maintained by the Impe- campaign, creating a highly skilled enemy
rial Navy, then it could be considered a military mat- agent can makefor a strong threat who binds
ter. Such issues with jurisdiction are common, which what might look like separated events into
has led to a strong rivalry between the two organi- a wide conspiracy of assassinations,slicing,
zations. In some cases, agents from both institutions and other Spy-related activities. As the PCs
attempt to keep their investigations secret or to with- unravel such efforts and discover one indi-
hold information from their counterparts in order to vidual is behind themall (possibly even one
prevent their current missions from being transferred of their own gone bad, like agent Eneb Ray
to the other organization. This internal competition who executed imprisoned Imperial officers),
provides a weak point for Rebel operatives to exploit. they will need to formulate their own counter-
espionage attacks. Even when defeated, such
IMPERIAL INTELLIGENCE enemy spies can later appear and be ready
for revenge. They might even now be acting on
Intelligence operatives serving in the Imperial Mili- the Rebel side, leading the PCs to wonder how
tary are members of Imperial Intelligence. This orga- muchto trust such enemies-turned-allies.
nization focuses specifically on information that has
direct relevance to military actions and strategic plan- ISB agents have law enforcement authority. While
ning. This includes traitors within the military as well most have had some military training, they do not
as attacks on Imperial facilities or contractors that always operate within the chain of command for the
have housed or supplied the military with necessary Imperial Military. They operate outside of it instead,
resources. Imperial Intelligence is also permitted to and many have discretionary authority. This gives
investigate leads on suspected military organizations them the ability to override both civilian and military
working in opposition to the Galactic Empire. This orders in extreme circumstances.
includes planetary garrisons or mercenary units that
have access to military-grade equipment. These operatives have broad-ranging powers to
identify and eliminate any perceivedthreats. This gives
Imperial Intelligence’s authority is constrained them the right to take subjects in for questioning and
regarding opposition groups that work without a mili- to hold them indefinitely with little need for strong evi-
tary framework. If leads reveal an organization that is dence. The slightest suggestion of treasonous thought
essentially a ragtag militia armed with hunting rifles, or action is sometimes enoughfor an ISB agent to take
then that investigation must be transferred to the prisoners. The fact that they can operate undercover
Imperial Security Bureau. Groups that concentrate for extended periods makes these agents particularly
on civilian targets—food depots, factories, or even effective at identifying and capturing Rebel agents.
government buildings—are treated similarly, as are
individuals who promote rebellious beliefs, even in a
public forum. Any such complications prevent Impe- PROBE DROIDS
rial Intelligence from acting upon its leads. Delays in
The Imperial Navy has access to a vast arsenal of
transferring investigations to the Imperial Security
probe droids, ranging in size from less than a half-
Bureau often give suspects opportunities to elude
meter in height to several meters tall. These units can
capture, much to the frustration of Imperial agents.
be dispersed across the galaxy to investigate targets
and report back. Almost all models have repulsorlift
technology that lets them quickly travel on a planet's
The Commission for the Preservation of the New surface; some even have hyperdrive capability to
Order (COMPNOR)is primarily a political organiza- travel between systems. Probe droids can operate
tion focused on propaganda and perpetuating Impe- independently, but have the ability to respond quickly
rial ideology. The Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) is a to directions when additional information is required.
subsidiary of COMPNOR devoted to identifying and They record all of their observations and can trans-
eliminating individuals who pose a clear and pres- mit that data back to their monitoring facility for fur-
ent threat to the Galactic Empire's core goals. Their ther analysis. Individually, these units do not pose a
targets include anyone who might take hostile action significant threat, but their sheer numbers have let
against the Empire’s non-military assets, as well as the Empire significantly broaden its sweep for Rebel
outspoken individuals who might promotereligious or installations. Further, when a probe droid goes miss-
philosophical ideas that are at odds with the Emper- ing, the Empire can follow up with additional droids or
or’s public stance. agents as appropriate.


waggering smugglers and ruthless bounty hunters item; ® can be spent to makethis IM instead. Items
may prowl the edges of the galaxy with their weap- with an encumbrance of 3 or higher are moredifficult
ons openly displayed for all to see, but agents of the to modify, however, and so the difficulty to perform
Rebellion operating on planets under heavy Imperial a concealment alteration increases by one for each
control don’t have this luxury. Common weapons like point of encumbrance over 2. This means that mak-
blaster pistols areillegal for the averagecitizen to carry ing a concealment alteration to a typical ion blaster
on many Imperial planets, especially as one draws (encumbrance 3) would require a Hard (@ @ @) Skul-
closer to the Core Worlds. duggery check, while doing so to a standard disrup-
tor rifle (encumbrance 5) would require a Formidable
However, an unarmed Rebel can easily become a
prisoner, a casualty,or a liability. In spite of the risks,
(© @ @ @ @) Skulduggery check. Items with an
encumbrance of 6 or higher cannot receive a conceal-
most Rebel agents remain armed under even the
ment alteration.
harshest scrutiny, but this is no easy task. They must
be clever and unorthodoxif they hope to avoid dis- A character can only attempt a concealment altera-
covery at Imperial checkpoints or when dealing with tion once on a given item, and doing so permanently
scanning devices. While Rebels are known for taking reducesthe item's available hard points by 1. Items that
old, outdated items and modifying them to achieve have no hard points maystill be altered in this fashion.
better performance, they must be equally skilled at
keeping these arms unseen.
Page 166 of the Ace or REBELLION Core Rulebook
provides basic rules for concealing gear, but GMs and A more drastic, but more effective, option is to alter
players looking for other options can use the rules that a weapon or other device so that it can be broken
follow to allow characters to personally alter their gear down into several smaller parts that can be reassem-
to better conceal items. These options include alter- bled later. This method is typically used when a Rebel
ing items to make them easier to conceal by removing needs to get a larger item into a secure location or to
unnecessary components,altering items so that they avoid scanning devices that are likely to detect stan-
can be broken downinto smaller pieces and reassem- dard weapons regardless of any concealment altera-
bled when needed, masking a device from scanners tions. This is called a component alteration.
and sensors, and even weakening a piece of armor’s Characters wishing to break a weapon or other item
protective capacity to hide critical pieces of equipment. downinto several parts in this fashion need to spend
time dismantling the device into smaller components.
CONCEALMENT This requires a Hard (@ @ @) Mechanics check and
takes a number of hours equal to the item's encum-
ALTERATION brance, or a minimum of one hour.If the check is suc-
cessful, the device is broken down into a number of
Holdout blasters and vibroknives are easy enough to
components equal to its encumbrance plus 1. So, a
hide, but when characters wish to pack a bit more of a
blaster pistol is broken down into two components,
punch, they need a more powerful (and usually larger)
while a blaster rifle is broken down intofive.
weapon. The simplest way to make a more obvious
weapon or other item easier to conceal is to remove Notethat this differs from the more advanced com-
unnecessary parts or minimize its size. This is called ponentization weapon attachment on page 56,
a concealment alteration. Concealment alterations can which requires no check for use once it is installed
include cutting weapon barrels, removing panels, and and is designed to allow the user to openly carry a
any other small physical changes that do not prohibit weapon, rather than consisting of a simple mechani-
the item's primary function. cal disassembly. Characters can try, though, to use
component alteration to physically disguise these
PCs wishing to make a concealment alteration need
individual parts to look like code cylinders, comlinks,
to make an Average (@ @) Skulduggery check and
fusion lanterns, and other mundane objects. While
spend one hour per point of the item’s encumorance
this allows a part to take on the rough appearance of
(with a minimum duration of one hour) in applying
the desired object, it does not gain the functionality of
the changes. A successful check reduces the item's
that object. This is generally a taxing and tricky pro-
encumbrance by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and adds
cess, and so upgradesthe difficulty of the Mechanics
to any Perception checks to notice or search for the
check once or more as per the GM's discretion.


Each 3€ or @ on the initial Mechanics check lets a be modified in this fashion. In addition, items that
character carrying the components from a component require extensive power (such as repeating blasters)
alteration add [] to opposedStealth vs. Perception cannot havetheir energy signature reduced. Note that
checks when an observer attempts to notice the true this differs from the scanner-proof hardware weapon
nature of the disassembled device. If the component attachment on page 57, which requires no check
alteration was designed to make the items appear for use onceit is installed and is more a customization
mundane,he gains JD instead. of the weapon than a mechanical alteration.
Assembling a weapon or other item with a com-
ponent alteration requires two maneuvers or two HIDDEN COMPARTMENTS
minutes of narrative time per component, and the
character must make an Average (@ @) Mechanics
check. All components must be present to make the Usually formed from rigid plates or packed with pro-
check. Failure means the components are damaged tective padding, most typesof armor rarely facilitate
and the device requires a major repair (see page 172 the stowing of small objects. However, with some
of the AcE oF REBELLION Core Rulebook) to be prop- careful work, a character can add hidden pouches,
erly reassembled again and returned to function. concealed holsters, and unseen sheaths.
Component alterations have a strong impact on a A character typically shaves down or hollows out a
item's reliability, as most weapons or other complex section of armor plating, or thins out protective mesh
devices simply aren’t meant to be broken down into and padding, to make space for the hidden compart-
smaller pieces and reassembled. The GM may spend ment. To make this change, he must spend a number
48 < 4} as YW when a character makes skill check of hours equal to the armor’s encumbrance, pay a
while using an item with this alteration. number of credits equal to 5% of the armor’s price,
A character can only attempt a component altera- and make a Hard (@ @ @) Mechanics check. Each
tion once on a given item, and doing so permanently ¥ or ® provides one encumbrance point’s worth of
reducesthe item's available hard points by 1. Items that hidden space in the armor. The armor cannot gain
have no hard points maystill be altered in this fashion. more encumbrance pointsfor hiding objects than the
suit’s own encumbrance value, and items concealed
in this way do not count towards the user’s encum-
SPOOFING SCANNERS brance threshold. Add I Ml to all Perception checks
made to notice items hidden in this manner.
Some physical alterations, no matter how extensive,
can't fool the piercing eyes of scanners and electronic No matter how many 3 are rolled, though, a suit
detection devices. However, clever Rebels aren’t with- of armor cannot conceal any single item with an
out hope. By reducing the energy output of a weapon encumbrance value greater than 2. This means that
or by installing jury-rigged scramblers to shield a if a character rolls 3* ¥ 3€ and thus has space for
device from sensory devices, a character can poten- items totaling 3 encumbrance, the character could
tially allow the item to evade detection. conceal a heavy blaster pistol (encumbrance 2) and a
vibroknife (encumbrance 1), but not a blaster carbine
Characters attempting such an alteration must
(encumbrance 3). This is because while it is possible
make a Hard (@ @ @) Mechanicscheck. This adds
to hollow out a compartment in a chest plate and per-
Il to Perception checks that operators using a scan-
haps a second in a boot, there is no single location
ning device maketo detect the item. They may spend
on a suit of armor large enough to accommodate a
@® from the Mechanics check to have the difficulty of
particularly large or unwieldy item.
such detection checks upgraded once.
Each point of encumbrance value for concealed
Unfortunately, the reduction of a weapon's energy
space gained in this fashion reduces the armor’s hard
output does diminish its effectiveness. Each net 3¥
points by one, to a minimum of 0. Any armor with no
from the check for reducing a weapon's energy output
hard points, such as padded armor or heavy cloth-
also reduces its damage by one, to a minimum of 1.
ing, can still have enough concealed space for an item
Characters may spend ® from the Mechanics check
with an encumbrance value of 1.
to halve this reduction in damage, rounding up.
For every two encumbrance points’ worth of con-
Only weapons that use energy-based attacks or
cealed space created, an armor’s soak is reduced by
other advanced devices can have their energy out-
one. However, each net £% on the initial Mechanics
put reduced or signature concealed. This means that
check to modify the armor cancels out one point of
slugthrowers and traditional explosive devices cannot
soak reduction.


m ost of the time, when a Player Character attempts
atask, it can be resolved though a skill check. This
helps ensure the game moves along at a good pace. Preparing NPCs to opposeslicing encounters worksin
For slicing efforts, a single Computers check is thus largely the same manner as preparing NPCs for other
usually sufficient to indicate if the PC was successful in purposes. Security patrols should be assigned profiles
breaching or defending a system. As the AcE oF REBEL- like any other combatant. However, when preparing an
LION game is all about warfare and the clash between opposing slicer, a full NPC profile is often not needed.
Imperial and Rebel forces, though, slicing efforts can If the slicer is likely not to be encountered in person,
become real encounters just as tense and thrilling as then the GM only needs to know information such as
actual combat encounters. Intellect characteristic and Computers skill. Giving the
This especially holds when there are well-guarded, NPCtalents like Defensive Slicing and Master Slicer can
narratively significant systems involved or individuals help an especially talented enemy stand out as well.
on either side of the attacks are highly skilled, infa-
mous slicers. In these cases, everyone should want
more than just a single roll to resolve such clashes,
and so the GM should look to make them into full Generally, characters need direct access to a com-
slicing encounters. puter system to slice it. In some cases, certain sys-
tems might be accessible via regional HoloNet hubs
or other local networks with multiple access points.
Whetheras intruders or defenders, character —
A full slicing encounter should be conductedin struc- musthave access to a system in orderto per-
tured time (see page 209 of the Ace or REBELLION form any other Slicing Actions and
Core Rulebook), with participants taking actions in take part in a slicing encoutSe i
turn to try to establish control over the system using ter. Characters can
Slicing Actions. As with a combat encounter, the GM
can use the rules for Initiative (see page 210 of the
Ace oF REBELLION Core Rulebook) to determine the
order in which the characters act.
During slicing encounter, any character attempt
ing to break into or subvert the system is con- ©
sidered an “intruder.” Any character actively
working to protect the system from
unintended influence is considered
a “defender.” Some actions and
uses of symbols are only avail-
able to an intruder or defender.
The most common configura- —
tion for the encounterincludes”
one intruder and one defender.
At the GM's discretion, hoy
ever, an encounter might
ture multiple intruders,
defender, or other configura:
tions of intruders and defend-
ers aS appropriate. There can
also be active patrols, security
alarms, and other defensive
considerations the GIV
employ based on the
TABLE 3-5: SYSTEM SECURITY As an action, if the system has no verification system,
or the character possesseslegitimate means of access
Example Systems iittala (such as a code cylinder or passcode), the character
Unsecured/passcode known Simple (—) may make a Simple (—) Computers Check to gain
accessto it. If the system’s security is more advanced,
Cantina terminal, datapad Easy (@) see Table 3—5: System Security for suggestions on the
Civilian shipboard computer Average (@ @) difficulty of breaking its verification protocols.

Local HoloNet hub, military ACTIVATE SECURITY PROGRAM

base/starship network, most Hard (© @)
government/criminal networks
Difficulty: Average (@ @) Computers Check
Imperial datavault, regional Available To: Defender, Intruder
HoloNethub,crime lord’s Daunting (© @) Description: Security programs are the main impedi-
private network ment to interlopers in a computer system. As such,
Ancient archive, military Formidable 404
anyone trying to subvert a system's intended purpose
flagship/command HO network wants to disable such programs, while anyone protect-
ing the system endeavors to keep them operational.
System Administrator has Add fl equal to ranksin
DefensiveSlicing talent DefensiveSlicing. Asan action, aslicer may activate a security program
with an Average (@@) Computers check. While one
Upgradedifficulty a or more security programs are active on a computer,
System Administrator has
number of times equal to
Improved DefensiveSlicing talent
ranks in Defensive Slicing. intruders cannottake certain Slicing Actions.

gain access by using the Access System action, and DISABLE SECURITY PROGRAM
can lose accessin various ways, including being on the
Difficulty: Computers Check (Difficulty Varies)
receiving end of the Expel User action. Characters who
lose access must take the Access System action to par- Available To: Defender, Intruder
ticipate in the encounter again. Description: Typically, bringing down the security pro-
grams protecting a system is an intruding slicer’s first
job. If there is an administrator aware of the slicer and
SECURITY PROGRAMS actively managing the system, however, keepingthe sys-
tem security suppressedis likely to be an ongoing task.
Security programs are static defenses that keep users
from running amok on a computer system. The GM can As an action, a slicer may attempt to shut down a
configure a computer with any number of security pro- security program with a Computers check. The difficulty
grams, but only the most secure systems would have of this check is based on the quality of the security pro-
more than a few active at any given time. gram, for which the GM can consult the guidelines in
Table 3—5: System Security.
Note that while one or more security programs are
active on a system, an intruder cannot perform sev-
eral of the most useful Slicing Actions. The intruder
can use the Disable Security Program Slicing Action to Difficulty: Computers Check (Difficulty Varies)
remedy this problem, as per the Slicing Actions sec- Available To: Defender, Intruder (if no security pro-
tion that follows. grams are active)
Description: The slicer issues a single command to the
SLICING ACTIONS system he has sliced. Commands are single-purpose
requeststhatfall within the scope of the system. “Loop
Charactersin a slicing encounter can use the following the past ten seconds of footage on the cameras in this
special actions (in addition to normal actions, at the facility that are facing the alley to the north,” or “Access
GM's discretion). all information in this system on AgentTarret’s investi-
gations,” would be valid commands, assuming the sys-
ACCESS SYSTEM tem included control of those routines.

Difficulty: Simple (—) Computers Check The difficulty of the checks is up to the GM, and
Available To: Defender, Intruder depends how similar the slicers command is to the
Description: For a character to interact with a com- intended use of the system. Unlocking a computer-
puter system, that individual must be able to get it controlled door might require an Easy (?) Comput-
to recognize basic commands. For most computers, ers check, while getting a door’s locking mechanism
some sort of identity verification is required—a code, to physically jam might require a Daunting (9 @@@)
a key, or some other, more esoteric access token. Computers checkinstead, as the system is designed
to open and closethe door, not to break it.


EXPEL USER biometrics to pick out a suspect. Slicers rarely leave
more than fragments of their signatures behind, but
Difficulty: Opposed Computers vs. Computers Check even these small chunks can assist in tracking their
Available To: Defender, Intruder (if no security pro- movements and actions. A character who has one or
grams are active) more fragments of another slicer’s signature adds [] to
Description: Once a slicer is aware of another user opposed Computers checks againstthatslicer for each
on the system, the slicer can cause that user to lose fragment, up to JTL for a completesignature.
access and even impede future access.
In addition to providing these benefits,slicing signa-
As an action, a slicer may make an Opposed Com- tures can be tracked or logged byindividuals with the
puters vs. Computers check to cause anothe’ user right resources.If a PC’s signature makesits way into
to lose access to the system. If the slicer has identi- the wider network of an enemy’s counterespionage
fied that user’s signature, increase the difficulty of the forces, such organizations might be able to detect the
user’s Computers checks for the Access System action PC's intrusions anywhere within their networks, lead-
by twofor this computer until the end of the encounter. ing to possible ambushesor counterattacks.
Fortunately for slicers who have had their signature
discovered, it is possible to change the signature asso-
Difficulty: Hard (@ @@) Computers Check ciated with one’s work. A slicing signature is heavily
Available To: Defender, Intruder (if no security pro- tied to the gear that creates it, so a slicer who replaces
grams are active) these tools (perhaps through requesting new equip-
Description: A user with control of a system can usu- ment) replaces the signature. Each piece of slicing
ally shut it downwithrelative ease. For a slicer attacking equipment that the slicer replaces in this way causes
a system, this is often the goal, leaving enemy operators anyone who has the slicer’s signature to lose twofrag-
unable to actuntil they are able to reset the system. For mentsof it (and the associated [JH from thosefrag-
a slicer on the defensive,it is an option of last resort. ments). If none of the fragments of a captured signa-
ture (or none of the slicer’s old gear) remain after such
As an action, a slicer may make a Hard (@ @ @) a replacement, the slicer is no longer associated with
Computers check to shut down the system, blocking the old signature. However, this might not completely
accessto all users. Any character with physical access to eliminate other narrative ramifications related to the
the system canrestart it with an Average (@ @) Com- old signature.
puters check that takes one hour to complete.
If a slicer acquires the signature of another charac-
TRACE USER ter, that slicer gains the benefits on opposed Comput-
ers checks as noted above. At the GM's discretion,
Difficulty: Opposed Computers vs. Computers Check the signature might also bring other rewards, such
Available To: Defender, Intruder (if no security pro- as revealing personality quirks, tactical approaches,
grams are active) and other personal information that a clever Spy can
Description: A slicer in a system can attempt to find exploit to the group's benefit.
more information about another user, such as that
person’s slicing signature or location. SPENDING ¢°?, ‘,
As an action, a slicer may make an Opposed Com-
puters vs. Computers check against another user in
the system. If he succeeds, he learns the other user’s ENCOUNTERS
physical location, a portion of the user's signature,
When aslicer’s check results in £2, ®, 4, or GY, these
the user's actual identity (such as military rank or
symbols may be spent narratively as usual, or players
assigned unit), or a full list of the actions the other
may use the suggested results described in the AcE
user has taken on the system this encounter.
oF REBELLION Core Rulebook. Additionally, Table 3-6:
Spending {}, &, 4}, and & in Slicing Encounters
SLICING SIGNATURES on page 85 offers further suggestions for using
these results to create new story ideas and thematic
Everyslicer leaves a unique trail, thanks to the charac- eventsin these situations.
ter’s signature assemblageof slicing tools and gear, as
well as personal habits and tricks. Even military slicers Options labeled “Intruder Only” are available only
using issued gear inevitably need to tweak their equip- to an intruder in the system, while “Defender Only”
ment in subtle ways, and these modifications lead to options can only be used by a defender.If both slicers
the creation of slicing signatures.If a slicer’s signature are intruders in the system, the GM should decide if
is detected in a system, other slicers can useit simi- one or both are the attacking or defending slicer ona
larly to the way detectives use fingerprints or other case-by-case basis, as dictated by logic and the flow
of the story.


ASU ATT am ate
Opportunity Identified: The slicer finds gaps in the structure of the system that can assist in the execution of
anothertask. Add] to theslicer's next Computers checkin this system.
Gor® Unexpected Find (Intruder Only): While searching for vulnerabilities in the system, the slicer encounters unrelated
data that could prove useful or valuable. The nature of the data is up to the GM, and additional £% may be spent on
this result to indicate a particularly interesting find.

Temporary Bypass(Intruder Only): The slicer creates a temporary bypass into the system that helps avoid a
specific element of the system's security. The slicer may add [][] toa single future check to slice this system. This
bonus may be savedfor any future check.
Coverthe Tracks(Intruder Only): A weakness in the system's defensesallowsthe slicer to leave minimal evidence,
adding ll to any checks by defensiveslicers to uncover his slicing signature in this system.
Signature Spotted (Defender Only): A portion of the intruder’sslicing signature is discovered in the system,
bestowing the advantages described on page 84.

Spread Decoys:Theslicer usesfalse data to misdirect foes. Add IM to the next check to use the Expel UserorTrace
Useraction againsttheslicer. If the slicer attempting the checkfails with 4or Y, it can be spentto causethatslicer to
acquire a piece offalse data (such as an erroneous location or a fake nameforthe targetedslicer).
Permanent Backdoor(Intruder Only): Theslicer sets up a permanent meansof accessing the system without
needing to deal withits verification protocols. The PC may perform the Access System action on this system as a
maneuver and without performing a check, so long as the character has accessto a hardline or a connected network.
Telltale Sign (Defender Only): The defender looks for a known user hidden amidstthe junk data. Downgrade
the difficulty of the character's next check to use the Expel User or Trace Useraction once for each portion ofthe
target's slicing signature the defender possesses.

Scripted Command(Intruder Only): The next time that the intruder successfully performs the Enact Command
action this encounter, the character may resolve two commands insteadofone.
e® Custom Encryption (Defender Only): The defender choosesan action that the intruder has already attempted.
Increase the difficulty of the intruder's Computers checksfor that action by twountil the end of the encounter.

Evidence of Presence: Careless accessresults in a trace of the slicer's signature being left in the system. Add [] to
checksto acquire the slicer’s signature
Authorized Access Only (Intruder Only): The slicer stumbles into a particularly secure subsystem and must take
4 or @ care to avoid triggering alarms. Add ff to the intruder’s next Computers check in this system.
DummySignatures (Defender Only): A false trail or leftover signature confuses efforts to identify the attacker. Add
Hl to the next Computers check made against the intruder.

Limited Access (Intruder Only): The defender choosesoneSlicing Action; the intruder cannotperform that action
2s 25S during the next round this encounter.
3) xr
or @ Accidental Backdoor (Defender Only): Moving quickly through the system to respond to a threat causes the
defenderto unknowingly leave important accessroutesinto the system. The intruder may add L]D to a single future
checkto slice this system. This bonus may be saved for any future check.

MajorAlert (Intruder Only): All users with full access to the system become awareofthe presence ofan intruder,
potentially alerting defensiveslicers or dispatching security teams to deal with the intruder.
48) 15) 5
18) 8
or @ Encryption (Defender Only): A muddle of encryption ruins any elements ofthe attacker's signature that have been
gathered. The defendingslicer losesall fragmentsof the intruder’sslicing signature (see page 84), along with all]
from possessing them.

Automatic Lockdown(Intruder Only): Emergency security measures are triggered across the whole system. The
entire system shuts down as if a slicer successfully performed the Lockdown action.
vy Key Vulnerability (Defender Only): Efforts to defend one area ofthe system leave another critically vulnerable. As
an out of turn incidental, the intruder may immediately resolve a command asif he had successfully performed the
Enact Command action (even if the system has active security programs).

Literal Footprints (Intruder Only): Theslicer concentrates too much onelectronic security and leaves behind
physical clues, such as personalized notes or bootprints with distinctive soil. Add [lJ to checks the PCs make to
conceal the base the slicer uses,or to hide their presenceif they are operating in enemyterritory.
check) Fried Gear: The actionis entirely too successful, and a large powersurge follows the data into theslicer’s gear. One
item (player's choice) used in the slicing effort becomes damagedone level(see page 172 of the Ace or REBELLION
Core Rulebook).

Closing the Door(Intruder Only): If the slicer was using a backdoorto gain entry,its presenceis detected and the
W (failed enemyslicer disablesit. That access is lost and the intruder mustfind anotherin order to use that approach.
check) Got the Full First Name: Theslicer used code that wasn’t fully scrubbed, and the opposing slicer gains two
fragments of the character'sslicing signature.


ampaigns are exceptionally good vehicles for in- YT-2400 light freighter outfitted with hidden retract-
depth espionagestories. Agents may get the oppor- able communications arrays and dishes. Initially, the
tunity to focus on a particular organization, find a way ship's Sullustan captain, Nel Frel, leads the missions,
in, and work their way up to the person or information providing some on-the-job training for the PCs. Cap-
that comprises their goal. They might become skilled tain Frel prefers that the ship transmit and receive
at striking a particular target and then use that expe- encrypted data without having to land and meet the
rience to infiltrate similar locations or organizations. local Rebels. Often, this is impossible or at the very
The agents could work from a Rebel starship or base least causes complications to arise. Each visit requires
from which they embark upon increasingly important different protocols for contacting the Rebel agents
and dangerous missions around the galaxy. The party and offers new situations for the PCs to overcome.
might consist of members with several different Spy
The Game Master should select four to six planets
specializations among them and a few characters with
for the PCsto visit, a few of which are suggested here.
compatible careers. Alternatively, the party could field
These can also make for interesting adventure loca-
a small number of Spies, with PCs of other careers tions should the PCsreturn. The last system holds the
providing any combination of support, heavily armed
Sienar facility.
backup, strike teams, and means of escape.
Trivar II Transmission: Trivar Il, in the Outer Rim,
This section features three espionage-focused cam-
is one of the Stellar Crawler’s regular stops. The PCs’
paigns. Each has a different focus but can be used with
ship must position itself over the planet’s north pole,
a combination of Spies and PCs with other careers.
where it can communicate with the leader of the
¢ Operation Night Fire targets the theft of a world’s growing network of Rebel cells. It’s an easy
sophisticated Imperial spy craft or, failing that, assignment, and Captain Frel has become a little
attemptsits destruction. complacent on recent trips. An Imperial sentry droid
noticed the activity during the last trip, and this time
e Duro Disruption has the dual goals of interfering
sends a patrol craft to intercept the ship. The PCs
with food shipments slated for the Imperial Fleet
must talk their way out; as it turns out, Captain Frel
and recruiting Duros, or possibly even the planet
Duroitself, into the Rebellion may be a decent captain but has always had other
crew membersdo the talking, mostof the flying, and
e Deep-Cover Depot places Rebel agents inside an the rest of the workin general.
Imperial supply station with contentious internal
Sullust Slalom: The Stellar Crawler visits anti-
politics. The PCs abusetheir positions to secretly
SoroSuub antagonists on Frel’s homeworld of Sullust.
transfer cargo to Rebel ships, while avoiding ever-
The PCs must navigate the corporate bureaucracy to
present ISB and security threats. If they last long
be allowed to land. Once they are near the surface,
enough, they get the opportunity to abscond with
the pilot diverts the ship, and the PCs mustfind their
a major target.
way through a labyrinth-like tunnel system to reach
the meeting point. During the pickup, the PCsor Sul-
OPERATION NIGHTFIRE lustans discover a traitor in their midst. They must
keep the individual from escaping to the surface with
In this campaign, the Rebels attemptto steal a state- incriminating evidence. Frel is seriously injured or
of-the-art Imperial espionage ship from one of Sienar
killed in the attempt, leaving the PCs to complete the
Fleet Systems’ orbital shipyards. This ship is filled courier missions. The PCslikely have to elude Soro-
with advanced sensory systems, and the main objec- Suub fighters upon their departure.
tive is to steal the vessel for Rebel use. Failing that,
the group's secondary mission is the destruction of Sienar Setup: This mission provides the PCs with
the vessel and possibly of the space dock whereit their first look at the Sienar shipyard. Sienar has
is under construction. Any of the Spy specializations orbital facilities in various systems across the galaxy,
maybe involved in this operation, but characters of so the GM mayreasonably pick a known system with
other careers also have plenty to do. lots of activity or a remote system on the basis of
secrecy. The stations are often designated “CC” fol-
EPISODE I: COMM LOOP lowed by a number (“CC-24,” for example). None of
the PCs havelikely been there before. Securityis tight.
The Rebel PCs are assigned to the Stellar Crawler, The PCs pose as a regular transport crew to achieve
an Alliance courier ship making semiregular trips to a standard parking orbit that allows them to commu-
Imperial star systems to retrieve and send local Rebel nicate with a deep-cover agent codenamed Magnet.
reports and assignments. The courier is a modified The agent operates from an administration station.


During the transmission, an Imperial counterintelli- EPISODE Ill: DESTINATION PREP
gence ship takes notice and pursues the PCs. Assum-
ing they escape, the PCs deliver the data from all of The Rebels won't likely be able to grab the ship and
the trips to the main Rebel base they normally use. jump to hyperspace without being followed unless
they are still carrying Imperial crew and droids aboard.
EPISODE II: SHIPYARD RECON They must prepare a destination ahead of time where
they can get immediate aid and spring a trap on any
At the Alliance base, intelligence analysis indicates pursuing ships. The PCs must prepare the site, deter-
that the Rebels have an opportunity to attempt to mine which other Rebels can help, and then acquire
steal or destroy the Darskflare, a state-of-the-art Impe- ships and convince Rebel commandersto provide fire-
rial spy ship under construction at the Sienar facility. power for an ambush. This requires the PCsto travel
The PCs are assigned to infiltrate the shipyard and to different Rebel groups to make deals and possibly
figure out a way to either steal the ship or destroy it. carry out short side missions to get the groupsthe sup-
The deep-cover agent Magnet has a little authority to plies or information they need in order to participate.
help the team get into the shipyard and their identities
The PCs also discover that a well-known ISB agent,
inserted into the personnel database ata low level. Commander Trey Trellen, is destined to command the
The PCsinfiltrate the facility and assess ways to ship, prompting them to find out whatever they can
gain access to the Darkflare. They must study physi- about him. It turns out he is a fairly recognizable ISB
cal routes into the dock and ship. They must discover leader, but known for his political appointments more
Imperial defenses and investigate security, construc- than his impressive investigations skills. He’s not just
tion, and maintenance procedures to circumvent or by the book, though—he actually wrote several ISB
exploit. They have a few risky opportunities to turn manuals. The PCs might turn this to their advantage.
staff members to the Rebel cause or to steal creden-
tials from and impersonate them. The PCs discover EPISODE IV: ACQUISITION
that the ship is bigger than they expected: it is the size
Of a medium transport and has dozens of crew and Using information from EpisodeII, the PCs plan their
foids aboard. It is due for trial runs in the com- infiltration mission into the shipyard and attempt to
g weeks, but critical sensors and transmission escape with the ship. They likely gain access to the
squipment aren't fully aboard just yet. The ship facility by sneaking in, impersonating staff, or both.
cking devices enabled Then they may use a shuttle or cargo ship to get to
provide telemetr the correct space dock. Next, they discover any

ce information they failed to find out ahead of

time, plus a couple of surprises. The ship
still isn’t quite ready, and Commander
Trellen has been living aboard the ship
for weeks, trying to push for comple-
tion on time.
The construction overseers hid the
fact that the advanced sensor suites
are still not quite fully tested and
ready for launch, so the PCs must
play along or somehow advance
the schedule without tipping off the
Imperials. There are too many peo-
ple and droids aboard the ship to
make a completely clean getaway.
The sophisticated analysis droids
aboard are valuable assets if
reprogramed. The PCs might
make a run for it with the ship
and have to deal with any Impe-
rials still aboard afterward. They
might instead get the Imperi-
als off the ship but alert the
shipyard in the process.
The PCs jump to the destination point, carry out relatively light hand. However, Duro plays an impor-
their contingency plans to deal with Imperial pursu- tant role in supplying food to Imperial forces, particu-
ers or crew, and complete the mission. If the PCs suc- larly the Navy.
ceed, the ship can become their base of operations. If
Local resistance forces hope to usethe lighter-than-
things go badly, the PCs might have to scuttle the ship
usual Imperial presence to expand Rebel influence
to prevent it from falling back into Imperial hands. If
and disrupt Imperial supply lines. They might even
the PCsfail to get the ship out of the shipyard, they
succeed in bringing Duro secretly into the Alliance
can try to sabotageit to self-destruct and destroy the
someday. The Rebels dispatch agents to help the
dock whereit is moored.
resistance members establish and expand a sleeper-
cell network. They plan to activate it once it is large
enough to produce a subtle but significant impact on
This S-46] series ship is approximately T-shaped. It Imperial logistics, especially foodstuff distribution.
has sensors, transmitters, and receivers built into the This campaign features the establishment of a
underside of the crossbar in the form of three large Rebel sleeper cell in one of Duro’s manyorbital cities.
concave, dish-like sections depressed into the hull. It begins with Rebel recruitment efforts and eventu-
The top side of the hull has a transmitter shaped into ally leads to the cell’s activation to interfere with food
one larger concave section at the intersection of the shipments from the planet's surface to Imperial con-
T. The Darkflare’s hull is matte black with dark-gray voys. Spies of any specialization are suitable for the
depressions. Beyond the typical rooms required by campaign. Characters of other careers and special-
any starship, the Darkflare has three dedicated sen- izations are also useful, especially Pilots, Saboteurs,
sor suites and a sophisticated communications and recruiters, and expertsin guerrilla tactics.
analysis control room. The crew includes communica-
tions specialists, sensor savants,field analysts, and a EPISODE I: CITY RECON
variety of maintenance, protocol, and analysis droids.
Duro’s roughly two-dozen orbital cities house the
majority of the world’s population. Other settlements
exist on the surface, typically to run the world’s diffi-
cult yet effective agricultural production and distribu-
tion operations.It is up to the PCs to scout several cit-
ies and surface locales to find ones that best suit the
Hull Type/Class: Medium Scout Ship/S-461.
party's abilities. While some already have well-estab
Manufacturer:Sienar Fleet Systems.
lished lore associated with them, there are plenty of
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 1, Backup: Class 14.
others the GM and players can flesh out or adapt to
the needs of the story and the PCs.
Sensor Range: Long.
Ship’s Complement: One pilot, one co-pilot/engi- The PCs visit several of Duro’s orbiting cities to
neer, two turret gunners, 30 crew and droids, 10 determine which is best suited to their goals and per-
probe droids. sonal abilities. Each presents its own challenges, so
Encumbrance Capacity: 300. the PCs must decide which ones they feel best able
PassengerCapacity: 10. to address. One city houses the center of Imperial
Consumables: Six months. operations related to food acquisition and distribu-
Price/Rarity: 524,000 credits (R)/8. tion, but it has correspondingly more protection
Customization Hard Points: 4. and active Imperial agents. It’s a riskier starting loca-
Weapons: Two turret-mounted twin light laser can- tion but has the potential for faster results. Another
nons (Fire Arc All; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close]; city has a lower-profile Imperial presence but much
Linked 1). less access to useful data. Building a cell here likely
Forward-mounted twin medium laser cannon (Fire takes a moderate amount of time, and it depends on
Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; expanding into more sensitive areas in the future to
Linked 1). reach its full potential. It also has a major underworld
and criminal element that makes access and supplies
DURO DISRUPTION easy to find, but draws more law enforcement atten-
tion. A third city has much better recruiting potential
Before the rise of the Empire, the planet Duro was thanks to periodic Imperial crackdowns. This is the
a politically and economically influential world. The easiest location in which to recruit cell members and
Imperials isolated and minimized it through several sympathizers, but the ever-present disdain for the
means, including restricting its political power. Per- Empire's New Order draws ISB attention. Highly pub-
haps as a way to keep its status low in the eyes of licized sweeps for dissidents and troublemakers take
the galaxy’s power brokers, the Empirerules it with a place periodically.


Throughout this effort, the PCs must look into Impe- The PCs should be allowed to slip up, make poor
rial resourcesand locations, as well as quietly inquiring choices, and learn from their errors in judgement.
about existing dissidents and possible resistance fight- Even if the PCs are careful, their recruits make big
ers. They must be careful. There may be fewer Imperi- mistakes. The PCs must divert law enforcement inves-
als around compared to other worlds, but therearestill tigations and nosy neighbors. They mustalso prevent
plenty of secret agents and potential informants. Local more radical or enthusiastic elements from taking
law enforcement also keeps an eye out for Rebels. If immediate action in order to maintain their sleeper-
the PCs make a major mistake,it attracts at least some cell status until the operation is ready to make a sig-
attention. Local resistance members or other sympa- nificant impact.
thizers may warn the PCs to keep a lower profile.
Just as the network is coming together and the Allli-
Once the PCs select a city, they must establish their ance is considering activation, the PCs or someone in
first safe houses and command center. The Alliance their organization runs afoul of powerful players in the
provides some of the basics, such as security sensors, Duro underworld. PC efforts to recruit pilots, sabo-
very limited funds, and incomplete intelligence, but teurs, and shipping experts make the regional Ivrevi
the PCs must carry out the search and construction syndicate mistake the Rebels for a new criminal orga-
efforts themselves. The lack of funds is the biggest nization trying to quietly muscle in on their territory.
limiting factor, and the PCs should always be look-
Duros smuggling and black-market crime lord
ing for ways to acquire more credits, supplies, and
OmzoIvrevi initially fights back by trying to intimidate
locations to work from. These realities should weigh
some of the recruited pilots. Omzo’s lieutenantstry to
heavily on their recruitment efforts. The Rebels need
work up the presumed interlopers’ chain of command
enthusiastic Spies and fighters, but also wealthier
to get a leader’s attention—in this case, the PCs. If the
individuals able to fill in these gaps.
PCs don’t handle the situation appropriately, there
A wide variety of potential recruits live in Duro’'s is a very real chance it will expose and destroy the
orbital cities and on the surface. The PCs should network through underworld disruptions or attracting
find it easier to recruit people with a familiar back- Imperial attention.
ground or profession. The further afield from their
The PCs must decide howto best handle the issue.
personal experience the characters look, the greater
They may try to intimidate Ivrevi, but that could lead
the potential to slip up and reveal their fraud. They
to a crime war. Buying off Ivrevi is very expensive, but
should discover oppressed dissidents, disgruntled
it works for as long as they can afford it. They might
supply-chain employees, shuttle pilots, frightened
even recruit lvrevi into the Alliance. This is fraught with
Imperial escapees, and even a few disenchanted gov-
risk of exposure and bad public relations if it comes to
ernment employees or law enforcement agents.
light. Not every member of his syndicate goes along
The Alliance has the PCs organize their recruits into with the idea, and they won't hesitate to sell off the
three- or four-person cells. Once they reach about information to Imperial personnel or bounty hunters
fifty people, the recruitment effort becomes self- pursuing Rebel agents. Eliminating lvrevi destroys
perpetuating as the cell members reach out to their his organization, but competitors flood in to
own potential allies. Each PC may sit atop a different fill the vacuum. The Rebels are constantly
section of the cell structure, or they may act as a com- targeted by survivors but may be ~
mand staff over other handlers. At least one or two feared by the newcomers.
should oversee an expansion into one of the surface
distribution and production settlements.
EPISODE V: ACTIVATION The depot needs several hundred inhabitants at a
minimum, so not everyone working on the station is
The networkis officially activated, either because it known to everyone else. Essentially, the Rebels need
is ready or because the Alliance decides it must get room to hide and work without getting too comfort-
results before the network is exposed and destroyed able with their surroundings. The system should have
by the problems with lvrevi and the underworld. The an average amount of starship traffic, if not more. This
network must disrupt foodstuff production and distri- allows Rebel ships to avoid drawing undue attention if
bution to Imperial Navy convoys. The PCs must plan they make multiple trips to the area. While the depot
the effort, help carry out the most critical elements, is under Imperial administration, only a section of it
and must strike a balance between subtlety and effec- functions as a military garrison. It includes public, pri-
tiveness while doing so. The bigger the disruption, the vate, and restricted landing bays and areas.
more attention it attracts. They may focus on causing
The station’s or complex’s diverse elements allow the
production delays or distribution problems, but ulti-
Rebels to operate in different ways and find opportu-
mately they need to do both. Production problems
nities to gather information or hinder Imperial activi-
include sabotage, slowing growth, and hindering pro-
ties. Among the missions are clandestine refueling and:
curement of supplies. Distribution problems include
resupply of Rebel starships, espionage activities to ~
reprogramming the distribution system to send
keep an eye on the garrison and other military efforts ~
shipments astray, sabotaging cargo ships, arranging
in the system, and possible sabotage. The location has
a pilot shortage, recruiting or reprogramming astro-
many things to creatively break or repurpose, includ=
mech droids to send ships to the wrong systems, and
ing a wide range of security, engineering, and proto
arranging for Rebel ambushes to steal supplies.
col droids all ripe for reprogramming. If they last
Eventually, the Imperials realize the source of their enough, theyultimately discover a golden oppor
difficulties and send ISB and military investigators to
put a stop to it. The PCs musttry to alter their opera-
tions, or oversee an evacuation if things go poorly.
They maytry one final major blow before the network
is dismantled.


If the PCs are exceptionally good and divert

attention or lie low to avoid Imperial investi
tions, they may operate for an extended time:
The better the results, the moreinfluential indi=
viduals they can recruit. Given enough time,
they can establish powerful allies within the
Duro business and government sectors.

In this campaign, the Rebel Player Char-

actersinfiltrate an Imperial depot and use
it to aid many different Alliance efforts.
Spies of almost every type can find a
role in the operation, though it may be
largely tangential in the case of Sleeper
Agents. The depot can be located ii
any Imperial system the GM prefers, a:
long as it contains important Imperial
facilities. The campaign may use
an orbital station or a surface-
based complex. In either case,
the GM should include some
built-in limitations on travel
and communications to put
pressure on the Rebels,
especially when things are
going wrong.
EPISODE I: INSERTION POINTS Once the PCsfeel they understand the station and
what they are likely to be able to successfully manipu-
The PCsstart with a reconnaissance mission to assess late, the first Rebel ship arrives. The PCsreceive list
the depot and where they might fit in. They may of legitimate goods to transfer from the warehouse
choose to use the same false backgrounds they plan to the ship, and a second list of other materials they
to assume later on or create completely different must acquire for it clandestinely. They must find
onesfor this stage of the operation. The assessment ways to explain away or cover up the disappearance
may be its own mission, or it may comprise the first of items on the second list. Unexpected Imperial or
stage of their infiltration effort. administration activity disrupts the plans, forcing the
Gaining access to the depot and berthing their ship PCs to scramble for whatever they haven't procured
or vehicle does not take any special effort. The PCs or covered for yet.
may freely access public zones such as merchant
areas, transit warehouses, temporary lodging, and EPISODE Ill: RUSH ORDER
repair bays. The administration levels (at the top of
The PCs learn that there are ways into the adminis-
the station or in a tower) are restricted to Imperial
tration and garrison areas. Trusted housekeeping and
personnel. The garrison levels (at the bottom of the
maintenance staff are allowed in the administration
station or at the other end of the depot from the
areas to perform routine or emergency maintenance.
tower), including the TIE fighter and supply landing
However, they are only allowed into the garrison if
bays, are restricted to Imperial military personnel.
there is an emergency with the depot’s systems. The
It doesn’t take long for characters to notice a bitter
PCs can certainly manufacture such events, though
interservice rivalry between the military personnel
at great risk if they are discovered. In the adminis-
and the administration.
tration area, they can accessall nonmilitary starship
The depot has openings for many jobs the PCs may traffic routes and schedules. They can also tap into
claim simply by applying. None are higher than a nonmilitary Imperial government databases and sys-
low-level administrative or managerial position, and tems. In the garrison, they can discover TIE patrol,
most are mundane staff positions. Possibilities include supply shipment, and training operations schedules
warehouse operations, landing bay administration, as well as limited information on sector fleet move-
public sector security, maintenance, and droid over- ments. Between the administrative and military data,
sight. The PCs may notfind the exact types of posi- the Rebels learn that a major Imperial supply convoy
tions they prefer. As another option, they may wish is due to assemble in the system in the coming weeks.
to rent a landing bay and set up a mechanic shop,
Once the PCs make progress (or suffer some nerve-
establishing a somewhat private base of operations.
wracking failures), several Rebel freighters arrive
unexpectedly. The PCs aren't ready for so manyships
simultaneously and must come up with ways to fix
Once in position, the PCs begin to investigate the and supply the craft. As they work out a solution, sev-
depot and its personnel in detail. The characters get eral Imperial military vessels arrive with similar needs.
the opportunity to befriend workers and other staff, The Rebels must cover their tracks and find ways to
but they also inadvertently draw out competitors or make up for the missing cargo or distract and divert
minor enemies. The PCs should take the opportunity the Imperials elsewhere.
to poke their noses into anything interesting. They
learn that the depot’s internal Imperial politics have EPISODEIV: THE INVESTIGATION
divided the low-level and civilian staff members, but
After the chaos of the previous episode,it is likely that
that most support the administration. Evidently, the
the Imperials realize they have some kind of issue in
sector Moff forced the garrison on the depot due to
the depot. How great those suspicions are depends
distrust of the local Imperial administrators. The Moff
on the PCs’ exact actions and successes. The Imperi-
suspects the administration is too friendly with ele-
als may suspect anything from embezzlement opera-
ments of COMPNOR who aren’t as supportive of his
tions, to organized crime activities, to a full-blown
own efforts (and career). The PCs can invent ways to
Rebel infiltration. In any case, the situation intensifies
usethe rivalry to their advantage.
the Imperial rivalry as each side blames the other for
any breaches of security.



The administration successfully petitions its superi- Using their resources, the PCs may ascertain whatis
ors for a CompForce military unit to bolster security in in some or all of the cargo ships. Each has goods and
the near term, as well as for an ISB special investigation materials useful to the Rebellion. The bulk freighters
team. The garrison commander is personally insulted have only a few crew members and droids aboard. They
by CompForce’s presence and taps Imperial Intelli- carry enough food, medical gear, and other itemsto sup-
gence to provide agents to secretly investigate Rebel ply a major Rebel starship or base for several months.
activities, CompForce’s actions, and the administration. The medium freighters are much smaller and have even
The PCs must cover their previous thefts and other fewer crew members. They carry electronic equipment,
activities as best they can. They might make scape- sensors, speeders, and similar small but expensive gear.
goats of others or find crafty ways to explain away The PCs must plan a mission to acquire some of the
the problems. It is easy to agitate the administrators supplies, if not an entire starship or two. If the latter,
and garrison by stoking the fires of distrust. If they the completion of the mission likely ends their opera-
are revealed, the PCs must escape. If they remain tions at the depot. The PCs can requestfairly sub-
undiscovered, they may continue their efforts under stantial Rebel help to pull off their plan. This includes
much greater scrutiny. However, the impending con- attacks by starfighters or even a small capital ship, if
voy assembly gives them reason to stay and prepare the PCs can convince Rebel leadership. The PCs can
to take advantageof it. also call in Infiltrator reinforcements to even the odds
against a larger crew. Losing Imperial munitions and
EPISODE V: THE MOTHER LODE supplies, let alone entire starships, is a major embar-
rassment for the depot. If the PCs are clever, they can
Despite the chaos in the depot, Convoy 8766 completely undermine the sector Moff’s confidence in
EI71NI (Trill) assembles a week after the primary both the administration and the garrison.
investigations end. Four bulk and six medium freight-
ers arrive over three days. An Imperial Victory-class However, when their operations or plans are
detected, the PCs must contend with Imperial might
Star Destroyer arrives on the second day to provide
protective escort for the convoy to a rumored secret The garrison, administration, Imperial Intelligence,
Imperial installation. and CompForce won't hesitate to swoop in and try
to stop the PCs by any means necessary. Of course,
each group wants the credit for defeating the PCs, so
once again, the PCs may have an opportunity to play
the groups against each other.


Se accept tremendous personal risk in their ser- this happens, those earlier game sessions might not
vice to the Rebellion, as doall who fight the Empire all have the same level of tension as the assignment’s
in the Galactic Civil War. Certainly, their ultimate reward dramatic finale. Further, it may be unreasonable for the
would be a galaxy free from the tyranny of the Galactic characters to undergo advancement prior to their mis-
Empire. However, until that goal can be achieved, the sion’s completion. For both of those reasons,it might
war’s heroes must receive some sort of compensation make sense for the GM to reserve awarding adventure
for their efforts. Diplomats and Soldiers might receive XP and bonus XP for the scenario’s completion.
a formal commendation and see their image and story
Alternatively, the GM might give a standard adven-
shared amongtheir fellow fighters. For masters of espi-
ture awardat each session, with the caveat thatit can-
onage, however, such public recognition is hardly desir-
not be spent until later. This allows the players to plan
able or appropriate. Consequently, different avenues
out their characters’ development. In either case, if
must be found to reward theseheroes for their service
XP is withheld, it is vital that the GM makes certain to
and sacrifices.
issue an awardthat is proportionate to the number of
GMs should consider this issue for Player Character sessions involved. This is also vital for any bonus XP
Spies. In some cases, a Spy’s greatest accomplish- awarded for milestones or Motivation.
ment can be a scene whereno conflict occurs—physi-
Adventures that focus upon a Spy can use many of
cal or even verbal. Stealth and careful manipulation
the tropes of heist films—those whoseplots revolve
can enable the hero to strike a crucial blow against
around stealing a valuable item from a secure loca-
the Galactic Empire without the foe even recognizing
tion. The delayed reveal can be a particularly relevant
the severity of the assault. These triumphs need to
trope when it comes to spending XP. For instance,
be recognized and rewarded, though the form of the
when a hero who has banked XP needs a newability
reward may need to be discreet.
or piece of equipment during a mission, then, at the
GM's discretion, the character might be permitted to
EXPERIENCE IN spend it on a skill, talent, or item at that moment.
THE SHADOWS A flashback scene would then briefly focus on the
character's training or acquisition of the item, often
Typical XP awards are completely reasonable to let a accompanied by roleplaying a brief training montage.
Spy develop at the same pace as other characters in After the flashback, the PCs would continue the
the party. GMs must remember, however, that a sce- interrupted challenge. In extreme cases, the GM might
nario’s high points are specific to the career being even permit the player to spend XP that would nor-
played. If an Infiltrator eliminated the security guards mally be awarded only at the adventure’s conclusion.
during a raucous firefight, the encounter is probably This unorthodox approach can alter the feel of the
not worthy of bonus XP if the mission was intended adventure in a waythat is in keeping with the overall
to leave no evidence behind. Conversely, if a Sleeper espionage theme. However,it should be reserved for
Agent maintained the appearanceof just going about times when such an approach is particularly relevant.
normal daily routines while covertly inserting a listen- Repeatedly exploiting it removes some strategy from
ing device into an Imperial facility, the process of calmly character development and also devalues those rare
following the plan without raising a fuss could deserve occasions when it is more appropriate.
a bonus. Players are likely to be more appreciative of
their XP awards if they are focused around their heroes’
core competencies than if they are rewarded for a SHADY DEALINGS
lucky happenstance. Keeping this in mind and reward-
During some missions, extensive financial resources
ing players for remaining true to their character and
are essential. Infiltrating a palace that belongs to roy-
their concept—especially whenit is inconvenient—can
alty, trying to blend in with the glitterati, or even simply
help players to better embrace their characters’ roles.
attempting to pose as a member ofthe aristocracy is
The Ace oF REBELLION Core Rulebook recommends incredibly expensive. For some missions, the necessary
that XP be awardedwith every session. However, many clothing and accessories—including expensive star-
missions can take multiple game sessions to complete. ships—can be borrowed from an affluent sympathizer.
When considering a complex espionage assignment, the In other cases, the goods can be stolen or obtained
heroes may perform extensive research and planning. through less savory channels. Black-market sources
‘Two or more sessions could be spent performing field tend to be motivated more by personal greed than by
research, building a network of contacts, and acquiring any sympathy for the Rebellion. A Spy who requires
the assets necessary to undertake the mission. When such unusual tools must obtain the necessary funds.


agent might be able to broker information in exchange
(tT LazITAT.ies
for commodities or favors. In extreme cases, the Rebel-
lion might even give agents permission to leak specific
epeated success creates its own problems information to a criminal organization in exchange for
for a Spy. Characters who havejustifiably goods. Smuggling syndicates, especially, could exploit
earned a reputation for defeating Imperial information about planned Rebel activities by recog-
forces are almostcertain to find their image nizing which goods would be mostvaluable in particu-
circulating across the HoloNet. Suchnotoriety lar locations at particular times—information for which
creates a substantial risk for a PC whosefield they would be willing to pay with the commodities a
of expertise focuses upon remaining unrecog- Spy might need.
nized. Trying to blend into a crowd whenone’s
visage is well knownis nearly impossible. It is important to keep in mind that dealings with
criminals always have a disproportionate cost. Sup-
Some Spies may respond by incorporating plies that come from normal Rebellion coffers are lim-
disguises into their arsenal. A few might even ited, but they are distributed fairly. Those garnered
go so far as to undergo cosmetic surgery. from less savory sources are likely to have a higher
These, however, are just stopgaps. New dis- price tag, although the payment might be delayed.
guises or modifications may be seen through, The criminals might even stoop to blackmailing the
and biometric scanners canstill detect a heroes, threatening to reveal to Rebellion officers
knowncriminal in extreme cases, especiallyif what the heroes have done, or to reveal a Spy’s iden-
one is captured. tity to the ISB. Alternatively, the GM can introduce
The most viable alternative is for such Spies conflicts of loyalty between Rebellion allies and crimi-
to reduce time spent in the field. The char- nals with whom a Spy has dealt. Heroes might have
acters could be promoted to other duties or to make sacrifices when newinformation is uncovered
branches, for instance. If a player vastly pre- that could put one or both organizations at risk.
fers that the PC continue to work as a covert Ultimately, the challenges must be proportionate
agent, then it may be wisest to ignore the with how the hero earned the compensation. Keep in
consequences of recognition. However,if the mind that, generally, these resources are a reward for
player is open to it, exploring how the hero work well done. If the reward is generous, then the
acts as a mentor, an analyst, or even a com- associated risks should be more substantial. How-
mand officer could give the Rebel hero a rea- ever, if the reward is proportionate to ones given to
son to grow in newdirections. the other Player Characters, then the risks should be
largely downplayed.
The Rebellion is unlikely to supply less experienced
Spies with the funds to make expensive purchases,
or even to loan them valuable equipment. However,
as a hero's string of successes grows—and the hero’s RESPONSIBILITIES
Duty increases—it becomes reasonable for the Rebel-
Skilled labor is one of the most precious commodi-
lion to provide the Spy with more valuable assets. A
ties within the Rebellion. The poo! of people with the
critical factor for the GM to keep in mind, regardless
knowledge and skills necessary to help defeat the
of the PC’s experience, is that every resource is pre-
Empire is sharply limited. Further, recruiting people
cious for the Rebellion. While the Rebels may have
with certain skill sets, including espionage, is a risky
highly placed sympathizers, they have a limited sup-
proposition. The largest pool of potential intelligence
ply of them. Every time the hero requisitions a pre-
operatives, for example, consists of the Imperial loy-
cious commodityas a tool for a mission, it means that
alists already under government employ. A failed
another unit must go without a vital piece of gear. Con-
attempt to recruit one of these agents, however,
sequently, not every request should be granted, even
almost always results in the recruiter's capture and
for the most experienced and proven of operatives.
interrogation. The best alternative, then, is to train
Dealing with underworld contacts can provide an new Spies so that they can acquire the skills needed
alternative means of gathering the resources necessary without the dangerous security risk of recruiting an
for espionage assignments. To some extent, working Imperial employee.
with these criminals on a recurring basis could create a
The job of training these new recruits falls to the
significant security breach for the Rebellion. However,
only people capable of doing so: the small number of
it may be a necessary risk when attempting to acquire
competent Spies already working for the Rebellion.
critical and expensive gear. Just as some heroes might
Just as proven Soldiers are expected to command
develop a solid reputation within the Rebellion military,
squads, a proven Spy receives assignments to train
they might also build relationships with different smug-
new recruits in the trade. At times, these individuals
glers, crime lords, or black marketeers. An established


might need to accompany the heroes on field mis- Styling can be a major element in designing equip-
sions so that they will have some actual experience ment for the Spy. Rocket shoes that fit in with the
before undertaking independent assignments. Train- latest fashions would be far more appropriate than
ing new NPC recruits could be a convenient way for a bulky pair of boots. A holdout blaster that can be
PCsto fulfill their Duty, while giving the GM the chance disassembled into a fashionable necklace and match-
to integrate new recurring background characters into ing bracelets creates a combination that is stunning
the campaign. Eventually, these new agents might in every sense. Such rewards can become trademark
become valuable sources of information, after they devices for the well-heeled Spy.
undertake missions of their own.
Specialized gear can fall into two key categories.
At even higher Duty values, a Spy could be charged Items provided as a reward should generally be pieces
with increasingly critical missions and responsibilities of equipment that can be used repeatedly. This gear
that push the boundaries of the character's expertise. is intended specifically as a reward for service and
Some missions might also havestrict timing require- should complement the hero's abilities. Nothing that
ments,forcing the hero to act without having the time falls into this category should be foolproof, but it 3
to fully prepare. Others could require the agent to should be reusable, as this gear is likely to become a .
assume a command role, coordinating the actions of recurring part of the Spy’s arsenal. As such, the GM Be.
multiple Spies in the field—possibly including ones should consider howit could affect future game ses-
with whom the hero has not established a good work- sions prior to delivering it to the hero.
ing relationship. If the Spy has had a tendency to
At other times, the GM might need to supply equip-
depart from a commander'splans, the irony of having
ment that is specific to a particular scenario. This
to coordinate a team of agents who proceed to ignore
equipment should be disposable, and may have just
the Spy’s own carefully laid schemes could prove tre-
enoughusesfor the hero to complete the assignment.
mendously entertaining.
Becauseit is necessaryfor the job at hand, the device
should have a much lower chance of failure than
most, but the mission should exhaust the tool’s
effectiveness. Otherwise, it could be used
Espionage-centered media has a tradition of including to change the outcome and chal-
specialized equipment for spies. A science-fiction set- lenge of later assignments. As
ting makes some of that material trivial—when every- long as that rule is followed,
one carries a communicator, a micro radio seems less care can usually be
unnecessary—but it can also make specific pieces taken in designing
of equipment more valuable. Goggles that can see such devices.
through walls, a tube of gel that turns into a perfect
disguise, or a digital key that hacks any lock are
all possible options. GMs are encouraged
to consider such complementary
tools as discreet rewards for the
hero. Reviewing the equipment
included in Chapter Il: Tools
of Tradecraft in this volume is
a great place to start, but GMs
should not let that limit them.
GMs are encouraged to design
new gear that complements
each player's particular interests.
Equipment should not be cre-
ated that completely transforms Ny
the setting, but it is perfectly
reasonable to have items that
would push the limits if they
were more broadly available.



The actions of a handful of men and women shape the
course of the Galactic Civil War in Star Wars™: Rebellion,
a board gameofepic conflict between the Galactic Empire
and Rebel Alliance for two to four players.

©& ™Lucasfilm Ltd. The FFGlogois ® of Fantasy Flight Games.

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A long time agoin a galaxy far, far away....
The Galactic Civil War loudly rages on countless worlds. However, few know of
the quieter war between Rebel and Imperialintelligence agencies. It is a war
of duplicity and stealth, of stolen plans and false identities. The spies whofight
this warwill never get the glory, but without them the Alliance cannot win.
Join the hidden war of deception and espionage in CypHers AND Masks. This
sourcebook expands upon the AcE oF REBELLION ROLEPLAYING GAME, presenting
new options for Spy characters as well as any other characters interested
in covert operations. Disguise weapons, slice computers, infiltrate enemy
bases, and more in CypHERs AND Masks!
This supplemental rulebook includes:
e Expanded Player Character options including new Motivations, Duties,
species, and specializations.
e New signature abilities that allow Spies to conduct counterespionage
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© Newweapons, armor,gear, and vehicles designed for black ops missions.
e GM guidance for running Spy-themed campaignsand crafting Spy rewards, -
plus new rules for concealing weapons and vehicles from enemy detection.

Cyphers and Masks SWAS3

ISBN? 978-1-b3344-318-1
C] AppStore| p> Goostepiay

4 9"781633" 443181! ||
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