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 What are the strategies that the student must use?

o Do you use any time management strategies at the moment? If yes, please state
some strategies that you often use. (ex. Planner, prioritization)

o Has there ever been a 'go-to' time management strategy for you? If yes, would
you advise others to use it as well?

o Do the strategies you use change depending on the environment (i. e. when you
are at school compared to when at home)? Why?

o Are there any distractions that hinder your ability to manage your time

o Give at least (3) things that distract you, and then devise a plan to lessen that

o How do you handle unexpected interruptions or changes to your schedule?

o Do you consider yourself capable of multitasking?

o How do you prioritize your tasks?

a. According to their difficulty
b. According to their deadline

o Please read carefully and check (/) the corresponding boxes for your answer(s)

Questions Yes Sometime No

1. Do you prioritize your tasks from the
most important into least?
2. Do you accomplish your needed tasks
first before you do anything?
3. Do you make list of things in your head
rather than paper?
4. Do you break your tasks into smaller
chunks and make a schedule out of it so
you can finish it before the time limit?
5. Do you organize your tasks, so you can
visualize it?
6. Do you create a daily planner on what
you want to do for your time?
7. Do you block out any distraction while
doing your tasks?

o Where do you tend to spend most of your time in your schedule?

o How long does each task take you each day?

a. 30 mins
b. 1-2 hours
c. 3-4 hours
d. Others (please specify): ________

o What do you think best describes your attitude towards implementing time
management strategies?

o Do you find your strategy effective? Why?

 How do the students gain in time management strategies?

o Which of the following do you think best describes the main benefit you gain
from using time management strategies?
a. reduced stress.
b. improved productivity
c. better academic performance
d. other (please specify)
e. I do not gain from time management strategies.

o How does implementing time management strategies help you to equally

balance your studies and personal life?
o How do you think these strategie
Group 1 – Questionnaires

 Santos, Judilyn I.
 Aguilar, Jan Alia S.
 Manalansan, Ronalyn Z.
 Tan, Maria Magdalena
 Mallari, Vian Euclid M.
 Sayaman, Jimmuel Nash


1. Personal Information:
a. Name (Optional) (Knowledge):
b. Age (Knowledge):
c. Sex (Knowledge):
d. Average Grade (1st Semester) (Knowledge):

2. What are the strategies that the students must use?

o Do you use any time management strategies at the moment? If yes
some strategies that you often use. (ex. Planner, prioritization)

o Has there ever been a 'go-to' time management strategy for you? If
you advise others to use it as well?

o Do the strategies you use change depending on the environment (i

are at school compared to when at home)? Why?

o Are there any distractions that hinder your ability to manage your ti

o Give at least (3) things that distract you, and then devise a plan to l

o How do you handle unexpected interruptions or changes to your sc

o Do you consider yourself capable of multitasking?

s positively impact your academic and personal lives?

o After having done and experiencing the benefits that the time management
strategies have to offer, would you say that you are more inclined to do/use it

o Do you believe that effective time management is important for academic


o To what extent do you agree that time management strategies have helped you
to improve your academic performance? (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5

o How effective do you find time management strategies in reducing your

procrastination habits on a scale of 1-5?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5

o To what extent do you believe that time management strategies have improved
your ability to meet deadlines? (1 = not at all, 5 = significantly)
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5

o How do you feel when you finish your tasks on time and still have time to do what
you want?

o Do you think that in the following days and upcoming tasks, the time
management strategies would prove to be useful to you?
o Has the practice of using time management strategies made you seem smarter
and wiser in your decision-making?

o Do you believe that you could still improve more? If yes, how?

o In your opinion, do you think it’s significant for a person (whether they are a
student, a full-time mom or a teacher) to implement time management
strategies? Why?

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