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1. How does leprosy bacterium work? What are the symptoms?

a. do people fall ill with leprosy in Poland?

b. where do cases of leprosy sill happen?
2. How do scientists try to use leprosy bug for human benefit? repair liver/reverse damage
a. what did experiments consist in? introducing the bug to the liver of an armadillo
b. does it make sense to test such hypothesis on other species?

1. How many people are there now? 8bln

a. according to you, is it a reason to celebrate?
b. is eugenics bad? Why? How does it work?
2. What is driving the decline in population? economic reasons, humanitarian crisis,
development, diseases
3. Why population decline is an issue? workforce shortage/retirement system crises
a. and how can it be perceived as something positive? relief for the environment,
renaturing the planet
4. What is going on in China in terms of population? peak population

1. What’s the planet killer? asteroid

a. is it likely annihilate us? next to no risk
2. What’s NASA’s solution to an asteroid heading towards earth?
3. Have you seen the movie “Armageddon”?

leprosy – trąd

contagious – zaraźliwy

leprosy bug – wirus/zarazek trądu

armadillo – pancernik

irreversible disability – nieodwracalna niepełnosprawność

rewind the clock – cofnąć czas

eugenics [ju-dże-niks] – eugenika

threat of overpopulation – groźba przeludnienia

fertility rates – współczynnik płodności

comforting – pocieszający

lead [led] – ołów

grim – ponury

next to no risk – ryzyko jest znikome

head towards – zmierzać w jakims kirunku

unmanned - bezzałogowy

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