2021, DS Kim - The Effect of Microgravity On The Human Venous System and Blood Coagulation - A Systematic Review

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Received: 15 January 2021 Accepted: 1 March 2021

DOI: 10.1113/EP089409


The effect of microgravity on the human venous system and

blood coagulation: a systematic review

David S. Kim1,2 Sergi Vaquer1,3 Lucia Mazzolai4 Lara N. Roberts5

James Pavela6 Manabu Watanabe7 Guillaume Weerts1 David A. Green1,3,8

Space Medicine Team, European Astronaut
Centre, European Space Agency (ESA), Abstract
Cologne, Germany
Recently, an internal jugular venous thrombus was identified during spaceflight,
Department of Emergency Medicine,
but whether microgravity induces venous and/or coagulation pathophysiology, and
University of British ColumbiaBritish
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada thus, an increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) is unclear. Therefore,
KBR, WyleLabs GmbH, Cologne, Germany a systematic (Cochrane compliant) review was performed of venous system or
Angiology division, Heart and Vessel coagulation parameters in actual spaceflight (microgravity) or ground-based analogues
Department, Lausanne University Hospital
(CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland in PubMed, MEDLINE, Ovid EMBASE, Cochrane Library, European Space Agency,
Department of Haematological Medicine, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-
King’s Thrombosis Centre, King’s College und Raumfahrt databases. Seven-hundred and eight articles were retrieved, of which
Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
26 were included for evaluation with 21 evaluating venous, and five coagulation
Department of Preventive Medicine and
Population Health, University of Texas Medical parameters. Nine articles contained spaceflight data, whereas the rest reported
Branch, Galveston, TX, USA
ground-based analogue data. There is substantial variability in study design, objectives
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency,
and outcomes. Yet, data suggested cephalad venous system dilatation, increased
Tsukuba, Japan
Centre of Human and Applied Physiological
venous pressures and decreased/reversed flow in microgravity. Increased fibrinogen
Sciences, King’s College London, London, UK levels, presence of thrombin generation markers and endothelial damage were also
reported. Limited human venous and coagulation system data exist in spaceflight, or its
David Andrew Green, European Astronaut analogues. Nevertheless, data suggest spaceflight may induce an enhanced coagulation
Centre, European Space Agency, Cologne,
state in the cephalad venous system, as a consequence of changes in venous
D-51147, Germany
Email: david.green@esa.int flow, distension, pressures, endothelial damage and possibly hypercoagulability.
Whether such changes precipitate an increased VTE risk in spaceflight remains to be
Edited by: Jeremy Ward

coagulation, microgravity, spaceflight, thromboembolism, venous system

1 INTRODUCTION case was reported following retrospective analysis of the other 10

crew members who participated in the study. The potential for a fatal
A recent research study performing ultrasonic evaluation of jugular venous thromboembolism (VTE) in such a highly selected low-risk
venous flow reported the incidental finding of an obstructive left population (due to intensive medical screening of crew members) led
internal jugular venous thrombus in an astronaut during spaceflight to the re-evaluation of the current risk management protocols, and to
(Marshall-Goebel et al., 2019). Furthermore, an additional suspected an international initiative to better understand the pathophysiology

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. Experimental Physiology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Physiological Society

Experimental Physiology. 2021;106:1149–1158. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/eph 1149

1150 KIM ET AL .

of this potentially ‘new’ hazard of spaceflight and its implications for

future exploration of space. New Findings
Terrestrially, the three factors that contribute to VTE development
∙ What is the central question of this study?
are summarized by the Triad of Virchow: hypercoagulability, blood
Recently, an internal jugular venous thrombus
stasis and vessel wall injury (Kumar et al., 2010). Any congenital
or acquired state that induces vessel wall injury or a reduced was identified during spaceflight: does micro-
blood flow state can promote thrombosis. As normal haemostasis is gravity induce venous and/or coagulation
characterized by a balance between pro- and anti-coagulant pathways, pathophysiology, and thus an increased risk of
any haemostatic imbalance towards hypercoagulability may result in venous thromboembolism (VTE)?
thrombotic disease. ∙ What is the main finding and its importance?
However, it is unclear how the space environment affects
Whilst data are limited, this systematic review
the components of Virchow’s Triad, and whether physiological
adaptations that occur in spaceflight (i.e., microgravity) modulate
suggests that microgravity and its analogues may
the pathophysiology of VTE (Arbeille et al., 2015; Foldager et al., induce an enhanced coagulation state due to
1996; Fortrat et al., 2017) since no single study has defined this, or venous changes most prominent in the cephalad
even the relative risk of VTE (Arbeille et al., 2015; Foldager et al., venous system, as a consequence of changes in
1996; Fortrat et al., 2017). Furthermore, given the inability to provide venous flow, distension, pressures, endothelial
rapid gold-standard terrestrial medical care in space, it is imperative
damage and possibly hypercoagulability in micro-
to understand potential pathophysiological changes that may pre-
gravity and its analogues. However, whether such
cipitate elevated VTE risk in spaceflight in order to devise preventive,
diagnostic and/or mitigation strategies (Longo et al., 2019). changes precipitate an increased VTE risk in
Thus, the aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the available spaceflight remains to be determined.
literature investigating venous physiology and coagulation in ground-
based analogues and actual microgravity in order to provide an over-
view of potential pathophysiological processes that may underlie VTE
in spaceflight. molecular/biochemical/cellular or clinical responses with respect to
venous or coagulation physiology) (Schardt et al., 2007). Studies
assessing molecular/biochemical/cellular or clinical responses with
2 METHODS respect to venous system or coagulation on humans or animals, and
in microgravity or microgravity analogues were selected. All studies
We performed a systematic search of available published literature in were then imported into the open-source Rayyan software (Web
accordance with the Cochrane guidelines (Higgins & Thomas, 2019). Rayyan QCRI) and screened using the defined PICO criteria (Ouzzani
Databases used in the search were PubMed, MEDLINE, Ovid EMBASE, et al., 2016). Following exclusion based on title and abstract of any
Cochrane Library and three space agency databases (Internal research non-relevant studies, a full text version of all remaining articles was
archives for European Space Agency (ESA), National Aeronautics and obtained and assessed.
Space Administration (NASA) and Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und For the final included articles, relevant data were extracted using
Raumfahrt (DLR)). Standard methods for searching were employed a modified version of Cochrane’s Effective Practice and Organisation
using keywords with Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT, *, “”), MeSH of Care (EPOC). Articles were categorized into either microgravity or
terms and combination of search terms (e.g., #1 AND #2), the main its ground-based analogue (head down tilt (HDT), head down bedrest
ones being ‘venous system’ or ‘coagulation’ in combination with ‘micro- (HDBR) and dry immersion (DI)) based articles, and then further sub-
gravity’. The search was performed in August 2020 according to the divided into venous system or coagulation outcomes. In addition,
strategy defined in Table 1. A modified search strategy was utilized the bibliographies of the final articles were screened to identify any
using main keywords from each of the categories from ‘Reduced potential studies that may not have been included in the original
gravity’, ‘Venous system’ and ‘Coagulation’ for its query as it was not search.
possible to employ Boolean logic when searching the space agencies’

2.1 Study selection, data extraction and reporting The results of the search yielded 708 articles, of which 20 were
duplicates (Figure 1). The remaining 688 articles were screened using
The standard PICO (population, intervention, control, outcomes) the title and abstract, leading to the exclusion of 595. Following full
eligibility criteria were employed (P: humans; I: microgravity or micro- text retrieval and subsequent screening of the remaining 93 articles,
gravity analogues; C: same population without the intervention; O: 26 were selected for final data evaluation and synthesis. Upon review
KIM ET AL . 1151

TA B L E 1 Boolean search terms and search strategy

Main category Specific category Keywords in Boolean search format Search number Search mask
reduced gravity Microgravity ‘microgravity’ OR ‘spaceflight’ OR ‘hypogravity’ OR ‘reduced 1 Abstract/title
gravity’ OR ‘zero gravity’ OR ‘weightlessness’ OR ‘micro-G’
OR ‘space analogue’ OR ‘low gravity’ OR ‘bedrest’ OR
‘zero-G’ OR ‘neutral buoyancy’ OR ‘water immersion’ OR
‘head down tilt’ OR ‘microgravity analogue’
Responses Venous system ‘venous system’ OR ‘venous physiology’ OR ‘venous 2 Abstract/title
pathology’ OR ‘venous function’ OR ‘venous flow’ OR
‘venous pathology’ OR ‘venous pathophysiology’ OR
‘venous disease’ OR ‘venous pressure’ OR ‘venous
circulation’ OR ‘venous hemodynamics’ OR ‘vessel damage’
OR ‘vessel injury’
Coagulation ‘coagulation’ OR ‘clotting’ OR ‘coagulation cascade’ OR 3 Abstract/title
‘hemostasis’ OR ‘haemostasis’ OR ‘thrombosis’ OR
‘thrombus’ OR ‘coagulopathy’ OR ‘thromboembolism’
#2 OR #3 4
Population Inclusion criteria ‘humans’ OR ‘human’ OR ‘animals’ OR ‘animal’ OR ‘mammals’ 5 all fields
OR ‘mammal’ OR ‘mammalian’ OR ‘vertebrate’ OR
‘vertebra’ OR ‘astronauts’ OR ‘subjects’ OR ‘participants’
Excluded ‘plants’ OR ‘plantae’ OR ‘prokaryotes’ OR ‘botany’ 6 All fields
#5 NOT #6 7
#1 AND #4 AND #7 8

FIGURE 1 CONSORT flow diagram

of the bibliography of the selected studies, no additional article was There was a high degree of variability in study design, outcomes
deemed eligible for inclusion. All 26 final articles were based on assessed and presented data across the final articles. In a significant
studies involving astronauts/cosmonauts or research volunteers. Of number of articles, authors presented subjective or qualitative
the final 26 articles, 21 investigated the venous system, and five assessments, dimensionless parameters without quantifiable results
investigated aspects of coagulation. Nine articles contained spaceflight and/or reported heterogeneous data. As a result, no meta-analysis
data, with the remainder reporting data from ground-based analogues. could be performed.
1152 KIM ET AL .

TA B L E 2 Venous system changes in microgravity and ground-based analogues

Study Method Outcome

Microgravity studies
Martin et al. (2016) Parabolic flight (n = 11) Increased JV pressure
Herault et al. (2000) Spaceflight (n = 6) Increased JV CSA
Increased FV CSA
Arbeille et al. (2015) Spaceflight (n = 10) Increased JV CSA
Increased portal vein CSA
Fortrat et al. (2017) Spaceflight (n = 24) Increased venous compliance
Decreased venous emptying
Marshall-Goebel et al. (2019) Spaceflight (n = 11) Increased JV CSA
Increased JV pressure
Stagnant or reverse flow
Ground-based analogue studies
Moreva (2008) Dry immersion ×7 days (n = 8) Decreased linear blood velocity
Navasiolava et al. (2010) Dry immersion ×7 days (n = 8) Decreased basal venous blood velocity
Increased circulating endothelial microparticles
Marshall-Goebel et al. (2016) Head-down tilt at −12o (n = 9) Decreased venous outflow
Increased JV CSA
Arbeille et al. (2001) −6o head-down bed rest ×42 days (n = 8) Increased JV CSA
Decreased FV CSA
Bleeker et al. (2004) −6o head down bed rest ×18 days (n = 11) Increased leg venous flow resistance
Ogoh et al. (2020) −6 head down bed rest ×60 days (n = 10)
Decreased JV blood flow
All results are statistically significant (P < 0.05) unless indicated. Abbreviations: CSA, cross-sectional area; FV, femoral vein; JV, jugular vein.

3.1 Ground-based analogue effects on the venous found that 42 day −6o HDBR increased jugular vein cross-sectional
system area by 40%, and decreased femoral vein cross-sectional area by
35%. Similarly, Bleeker et al. (2004) observed increased leg venous
Across the six articles from ground-based analogues, changes in flow resistance via venous plethysmography after 18 days of −6o
parameters related to venous flow and distension were observed HDBR in 11 subjects (from mean ± SD 1.73 ± 1.08 to 3.10 ±
indicative of increased venous stasis and wall stress (Table 2). 1.00 mmHg/ml⋅100 ml min). They also reported reduced leg venous
A decrease in blood velocity was observed in two DI articles, with compliance, whereas arm venous compliance was unchanged post-
increased levels of endothelial microparticles reported in one (Moreva, HDBR. More recently, Ogoh et al. (2020) reported reduced jugular
2008; Navasiolava et al., 2010). Moreva (2008) showed that 7-day vein blood flow (via ultrasonography) on day 30 of −6o HDBR in
DI in eight participants induced decreased venous basal flow rates 10 heathy volunteers. The same article also reported both arterial
in both the head and the lower extremity. Blood velocity decreased and venous cerebral blood flow parameters and found differential
in all vessel types, but a greater decrease was observed in the veins. flow states between the anterior and posterior vasculature systems.
Similarly, Navasiolava et al. (2010) reported decreased basal flow rates Specifically, posterior cerebral arterial and venous circulations were
in calf veins using laser Doppler (that has limited tissue penetration), maintained, whereas significantly reduced flow was reported in the
and increased circulating endothelial microparticles and endothelial anterior cerebral circulatory system.
dysfunction (as measured by plasma levels of microparticles and
soluble endothelial factors) that was significant from day 3 onwards
within 7 days of DI study. Microparticles from other cell types were, 3.2 Microgravity effects on the venous system
however, unchanged, suggestive of isolated microvascular impairment
and disturbance of endothelial function as a result of reduced venous Five articles reported data from microgravity, with one from parabolic
flow. flight, and four from actual spaceflight (Table 2). Overall, increases
Marshall-Goebel et al. (2016) reported an increased cross-sectional in jugular venous pressure, cross-sectional area and evidence of
area of the internal jugular vein and decreased cerebral outflow in decreased/reversed flow states in the upper body venous systems
nine participants during −12o HDT, suggesting a degree of venous were reported.
distension and decreased venous flow rates. Similarly, three long-term Martin et al. (2016) observed in parabolic flight (vs. 1 g) an increase
HDBR articles reported decreased venous flow, increased resistance in internal jugular venous pressures when measured via compression
and increased jugular vein cross-sectional area. Arbeille et al. (2001) sonography (from 9.9 ± 5.1 to 23.9 ± 5.6 mmHg), consistent with
KIM ET AL . 1153

venous distension and increased wall stress. In addition, jugular venous TA B L E 3 Coagulation system changes in microgravity and
pressure increases were observed in simulated lunar (1/6 g), and ground-based analogues
Martian gravity (1/3 g) parabolas (vs. 1 g). Outcome on re-entry or
In all four spaceflight articles, increased jugular vein cross-sectional Study Method re-ambulation
area, increased venous pressure and decreased venous emptying/flow Microgravity studies
were reported. Herault et al. (2000) reported increased jugular Stein & Schluter Spaceflight Increased fibrinogen
(23−30%) and femoral (33−70%) vein cross-sectional areas at 1– (2006) (n = 5) synthesis rate
5 months during six long-duration MIR space station cosmonauts. In a Kuzichkin et al. Spaceflight Increased fibrinogen
study of 10 International Space Station (ISS) astronauts, Arbeille et al. (2010) (n = 5) INR b
(2015) observed increased jugular vein cross-sectional area at flight D-Dimer b

day 15 (+178%) that was even greater at 5 months (+225%) compared Larina et al. Spaceflight Increased fibrinogen
(2017) (n = 18) αchains
to prefight. Portal vein cross-sectional areas were also increased by
+36% at flight day 15, and +45% at 5 months. The same study also Ground-based analogue studies

reported decreased calf vein cross-sectional area during spaceflight, Cvirn et al. Bedrest x21 Increased TEM CT
consistent with that observed during HDBR (Arbeille et al., 2015). (2015) days (n = 11) Decreased TEM alpha
Fortrat et al. (2017) observed lower limb venous compliance that
Haider et al. Bedrest x60 Increased D-Dimer/TAT/PT
increased significantly inflight from 0.09 ± 0.005 to 0.12 ± 0.007
(2013) days (n = 9) F1+F2
(arbitrary units), which returned to baseline 8 days after landing in Decreased EXTEM CFT
24 ISS cosmonauts. In addition, there was a significant decrease in Increased EXTEM alpha
lower limb venous emptying from −0.004 ± 0.022 to −0.212 ± 0.033 angle
Increased FIBTEM MCF
(arbitrary units) during spaceflight, suggesting decreased venous flow
and increased compliance (Fortrat et al., 2017). a
All results are statistically significant (P < 0.05) unless indicated. b Non-
In the most recent spaceflight study evaluating 11 ISS significant results. Abbreviations: CFT, clot formation time; CT, clotting
time; EXTEM, extrinsic pathway thromboelastometry; FIBTEM, fibrinogen
crew members during ISS long-duration missions, jugular vein
thromboelastometry; INR, international normalized ratio; MCF, maximal
measurements using ultrasound were acquired before launch, in flight clot firmness; PT F1+F2, prothrombin fragment F1+2; TAT, thrombin–
and following landing (Marshall-Goebel et al., 2019). Data showed an antithrombin III complex; TEM, thromboelastometry.
increase in jugular vein cross-sectional area during spaceflight of 70.3
mm2 at flight day 150, compared to 9.8 mm2 pre-flight. Additionally, velocity index, upon re-ambulation when compared to baseline.
jugular venous pressure increased from 5.1 to 21.1 mmHg during Thrombin–antithrombin complexes and prothrombin fragments were
spaceflight. Critically, this study showed for the first time both also significantly increased on re-ambulation, suggesting enhanced in
stagnant and reversed jugular venous flow in more than half (55%) vivo thrombin generation, in addition to in vitro thrombin generating
of crew members. Furthermore, in one crew member, an occlusive capacity.
thrombus in the internal jugular vein was observed, with retrospective Haider et al. (2013) studied 24 participants who underwent 60-
review of all ultrasonographic data suggesting a potential partial day HDBR with, or without performance of exercise. No significant
occlusive thrombus in another crew member. changes to any of the TEM values of coagulation were reported
between groups. In the control group that underwent HDBR
without exercise (n = 9), however, there was significant extrinsic
3.3 Ground-based analogue effects on the pathway thromboelastometry tissue-factor activated shortening
coagulation system of the clot time, increased alpha angle and increased fibrinogen
thromboelastometry fibrinogen based maximum clot firmness during
Only two HDBR articles were identified that investigated coagulation HDBR, which was even more pronounced post- (i.e., during re-
via thromboelastometry (TEM), thrombin generation or standard ambulation) compared to pre-HDBR values. In addition, D-dimer
laboratory markers with varying durations of bedrest and cohorts. increased during HDBR along with progressive incremental increases
Furthermore, all the participants in these studies were male and of thrombin–antithrombin III complex and prothrombin fragment
screened for any genetic or medical conditions prior to study F1+2.
enrolment (Table 3).
Cvirn et al. (2015) reported increased clotting times and decreased
alpha angles during 21-day HDBR versus baseline in 11 participants 3.4 Microgravity effects on the coagulation
(Table 3). Thrombin generation was also evaluated, identifying system
reduced peak thrombin and velocity index at day 2, with subsequent
normalisation for the remaining 19 days. There was evidence of Three articles reported the effect of microgravity upon aspects of
shortened lag time, time-to-peak and increased peak thrombin and coagulation; however, no study reported on flight data (Table 3).
1154 KIM ET AL .

Stein & Schluter (2006) investigated various plasma protein synthesis Reduced flow states in the venous system on Earth can trigger
rates in five astronauts, pre and post a 16-day Space Shuttle mission. various signalling cascades and endothelial activation that promotes
They observed a significant increase in the fractional protein synthesis thrombosis formation (Previtali et al., 2011). Furthermore, prolonged
rate of fibrinogen post- (29.6 ± 4.7%) compared to pre-flight (19.6 ± immobility and venous insufficiency, both causing venous stasis,
3.5%). Similarly, Kuzichkin et al. (2010) reported a significant increase distension and elevated venous pressures, are major VTE risk factors
in fibrinogen following short duration (10–11 day) spaceflight in five (Byrnes & Wolberg, 2017; Nicolaides, 2000; Tenna et al., 2012). Thus,
cosmonauts. There was a (non-significant) trend toward shortening a shift towards cephalad venous stasis, combined with associated
of thrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time and reduced distension and increased venous pressure, and in some cases even
antithrombin, suggestive of hypercoagulablity. However, no difference reversed flow, has the potential to increase VTE risk in space.
in D-dimer, international normalized ratio or plasminogen activity
was observed (Kuzichkin et al., 2010). Larina et al. (2017) performed
proteomic blood analysis 30 days prior to launch, on the day of return, 4.2 Hypercoagulability: altered coagulation
and 7 days following long duration ISS missions in 18 cosmonauts. They system in microgravity
observed a significant increase in fibrinogen alpha-chain levels on the
day of return (7651 ± 1350 fmol/μl) and 7 days after return (7727 Based on the limited available data, the effect of spaceflight upon
± 1492 fmol/μl) compared to prefight levels (6782 ± 2899 fmol/μl). the human coagulation system is unclear. Studies included in this
However, no significant differences in factors VII, IX, X, XI, XII, other review were limited, both in number and in study design, which
fibrinogen chains, prothrombin and plasminogen were observed. contributed to substantial data heterogeneity rendering interpretation
and synthesis challenging. It should also be noted that there were
no studies evaluating coagulation during actual spaceflight, as all
4 DISCUSSION three spaceflight studies evaluated pre- and post-flight data only
(Kuzichkin et al., 2010; Larina et al., 2017; Stein & Schluter, 2006).
4.1 Stasis: altered venous flow in spaceflight The only relevant common finding was increased levels of fibrinogen
(microgravity) following spaceflight observed in two of the three studies, which
could be a marker of an acute phase reactant or hypercoagulability,
In microgravity, humans experience a headward fluid shift as a product but this warrants further study (Kuzichkin et al., 2010; Larina
of the loss of gravity-driven hydrostatic gradient in the +Gz direction. et al., 2017).
The absence of significant musculo-venous pump activity and a limited Interestingly, two HDBR studies separately reported increased
number of venous valves in the upper body impede adequate cephalad markers of in vivo thrombin generation (increased D-dimer, thrombin-
blood drainage (Thiranagama et al., 1989). Studies including ones in this antithrombin complexes and prothrombin F1+F2) and increased
systematic review report increased cross-sectional areas of cephalad coagulation factors (factor VII and VIII) upon re-ambulation (Cvirn
veins in microgravity and its ground-based analogues. Distension has et al., 2015). Similarly, thrombin generation showed a trend towards
been further attributed to increased venous pressures in microgravity, hypercoagulability upon re-ambulation, including increased velocity
with a parabolic flight (Martin et al., 2016) study and spaceflight index, increased peak thrombin (Cvirn et al., 2015; Haider et al.,
studies showing increased jugular venous pressures during micro- 2013) and decreased time to peak (calibrated automated thrombogram
gravity (Fortrat et al., 2017; Marshall-Goebel et al., 2019). These time to peak and start tail values) (Cvirn et al., 2015). Unfortunately,
changes may help explain the upper extremity, facial and neck oedema no study has evaluated these coagulation parameters during, or in
observed in astronauts upon exposure to microgravity (Norsk et al., response to, spaceflight. Such knowledge is critical to understand
2015; Videbaek & Norsk, 1997). the mechanisms that may underlie the development of a hyper-
Furthermore, ground-based analogues have also been shown coagulability state upon re-exposure to a gravitational environment
to induce decreased venous flow, including DI (Moreva, 2008; following spaceflight.
Navasiolava et al., 2010), HDT (Marshall-Goebel et al., 2016) and In contrast, results obtained using TEM during the actual bedrest
HDBR (Arbeille et al., 2001; Bleeker et al., 2004; Ogoh et al., 2020). period in HDBR studies are equivocal, with one study suggesting
Such findings are consistent with recent observations in spaceflight. hypocoagulability and the other hypercoagulability. Cvirn et al. (2015)
In the study by Marshall-Goebel et al. (2019) performed during long found some evidence of a hypocoagulability during HDBR, with
duration spaceflight, all 11 crew members exhibited some form of increased TEM clotting times and decreased alpha angles. In contrast,
altered venous flow at the level of the internal jugular vein, with more Haider et al. (2013) reported increased alpha angles and maximal clot
than half (55%) demonstrating signs of stagnant flow or retrograde firmness along with shortened clot formation times. Thus, research is
flow. Interestingly, to date, stagnant or reversed venous flow has never urgently needed to better understand human coagulation dynamics
been demonstrated in ground-based analogues (including supine and during microgravity, and in particular the influence of factors such
head-down tilt up to −18o ), suggesting that such changes may be as disturbed flow, vessel distention and endothelial impairment. It
limited to actual spaceflight (Marshall-Goebel et al., 2016, 2019). should also be noted that other factors that may potentially affect
KIM ET AL . 1155

TA B L E 4 Endothelial stress via decreased/disturbed flow and 2002). Terrestrially, venous insufficiency associated with venous
increased distension of vessels hypertension is a known contributor to various pathologies including
High cyclical stretch VTE (Bergan et al., 2006). In both animal and human terrestrial
Low and disturbed shear stress(increased studies, chronically high venous cyclical stretching causes venous
stress(decreased flow) distension/pressure) wall remodelling, activates pro-inflammatory pathways and instigates
∙ Increased pro-inflammatory ∙ Venous wall remodelling changes to the extracellular matrix (Nicolaides, 2000). This endothelial
changes (via MCP-1, ICAM-1, ∙ Increased pro-inflammatory
dysfunction promotes coagulation via increased local expression of
VCAM-1, TGF, TNF, Nox-4 and changes
pro-coagulant factors such as von Willebrand factor and tissue factor
TF) ∙ Increased extracellular matrix
∙ Increased extracellular matrix changes as well as enhanced thrombin generation, promotion of platelet
remodelling ∙ Increased procoagulant aggregation/adhesion and fibrin deposition (Chiu & Chien, 2011a;
∙ LDL uptake and lipid synthesis molecule expression (vWF, TF, Cunningham & Gotlieb, 2005) (Table 4). Interestingly, one DI study
∙ Increased atherogenesis thrombin, platelets)
reported increased endothelial microparticles associated with vascular
∙ Increased thrombotic markers
(END1 and PDGFB) distension (Navasiolava et al., 2010), which might be indicative of
enhanced endothelial damage.
Abbreviations: END1, endothelin 1; ICAM-1, intercellular adhesion All studies in the present systematic review reported increased
molecule-1; LDL, low-density lipoproteins; MCP-1, monocyte chemo-
venous distension (venous cross-sectional area), increased venous
attractant protein-1; NOX-4, NADPH oxidase 4; PDGFB, platelet-derived
growth factor β; TF, tissue factor; TGF, transforming growth factor; TNF, pressure and decreased or even retrograde venous flow states, in
tumour necrosis factor; VCAM-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1; vWF, cephalad regions of the body, both in microgravity (Arbeille et al.,
von Willebrand factor. 2015; Fortrat et al., 2017; Herault et al., 2000; Marshall-Goebel et al.,
2019; Martin et al., 2016) and in ground-based analogues (Arbeille
coagulability such as blood volume reductions and increases to et al., 2001; Bleeker et al., 2004; Marshall-Goebel et al., 2016; Moreva,
haematocrit (Kunz et al., 2017), which has been observed in spaceflight, 2008; Navasiolava et al., 2010; Ogoh et al., 2020). These findings
warrant further investigation. may be associated with increased cyclical stretch forces and reduced
shear forces, which may lead to a pro-thrombotic state, and thus
increased VTE risk in spaceflight. However, this hypothesis remains to
4.3 Vessel injury: altered endothelial function in be demonstrated in spaceflight.

In normal physiological states, laminar flow and high wall shear stress 4.4 Limitations
(normal venous flow velocities) induce vessel protective signalling that
promotes endothelial health (Chiu & Chien, 2011a). However, in stasis Several limitations should be considered when interpreting the
or reduced flow (and thus low shear stress), there is an increased results of this systematic review. First, the articles included were
risk of vessel inflammation, oxidative stress, thrombosis and stenosis heterogeneous in terms of study design and outcomes assessed.
(López & Dong, 2005). These occur mostly as flow disturbances cause For instance, four types of ground-based analogues were analysed,
activation of various modulators (mechanotransducers, mitogen- each with different study protocols, outcome variables and exposure
activated protein kinases and effector molecules) that lead to a pro- durations. This prevents meta-analysis and thus interpretation.
thrombotic state via expression of both inflammatory (via tumour Second, there were limited spaceflight studies, which were generally
necrosis factor and endothelial cells) and thrombotic (via endothelin underpowered. Additionally, ground-based analogues are imperfect
1 and platelet-derived growth factor β) markers (Berk et al., 2008; simulations of microgravity and the space environment – rendering
Passerini et al., 2003; Traub & Berk, 1998). Low shear stress associated extrapolation of data to actual spaceflight suspect (Hargens &
with physical inactivity or disturbed flow correlates with increased Vico, 2016). Third, a significant selection bias existed in the
endothelial dysfunction and endothelial–leukocytic interactions that populations included in this systematic review. In both spaceflight
can promote thrombotic pathways (Chiu & Chien, 2011b). Such end- and ground-based analogue studies, there is active selection of healthy
othelial dysfunction can also lead to increases in growth promoting participants, leading to the severe under-representation of individuals
agents, wall damage, inflammation via monocyte chemoattractant with elevated VTE risk profiles. Fourth, it should be noted that in all
protein-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 signalling, and an even but one analogue study, all participants were male, thereby excluding
more pronounced pro-thrombotic state (Paszkowiak & Dardik, 2003) identification or evaluation of female-specific risk factors (such as
(Table 4). the use of oral contraceptives for menstrual suppression during
It is also proposed that increased venous pressures causes vascular spaceflight) that may affect coagulation and orthostasis (Goswami
wall remodelling via disruption of smooth muscle cells and elastin et al., 2013; Jain et al., 2020) in addition to failing to reflect the
fibres (Porto et al., 1998; Travers et al., 1996), increasing inflammatory composition of the international astronaut corps (Jain & Wotring,
stresses and local tissue injury (Bergan et al., 2006; Takase et al., 2016).
1156 KIM ET AL .

FIGURE 2 Changes in Virchow’s Triad in microgravity

5 CONCLUSION authors qualify for authorship, and all those who qualify for authorship
are listed.
This systematic review highlights a paucity of data regarding the
risk of, and changes to, the human venous and coagulation systems DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
in spaceflight (microgravity) or its analogues that may underlie Supplementary data presenting the Boolean search terms and search
VTE. Nevertheless, the data suggest astronauts may be exposed strategy is provided, but no other supporting data were generated as
to an enhanced coagulation state in the cephalad venous systems part of this systematic review as no meta-analysis was possible.
in spaceflight, due to altered venous flow, venous distension,
venous pressure, endothelial damage and possibly hypercoagulability ORCID
(Figure 2). However, whether such changes explain the recent finding of David A. Green https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8634-8769
an internal jugular VTE in spaceflight and thereby reflect an increased
risk of VTE in microgravity remains to be determined. This is critical REFERENCES
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1158 KIM ET AL .

How to cite this article: Kim, DS, Vaquer, S, Mazzolai, L, et al.
The effect of microgravity on the human venous system and
David Kim received his Medical Degree
blood coagulation: a systematic review. Experimental
from the University of British Columbia
Physiology. 2021;106: 1149–1158.
and specialization training in Emergency
Medicine at the Vancouver General
Hospital. He also has subspecialty training
in Aerospace Medicine from the Royal
Air Force, King’s College London, and
the European Space Agency. He also holds an MSc in Aerospace
Medicine from King’s College London and a Diploma in Aviation
Medicine from the UK Faculty of Occupational Medicine. He is also
the co-founder and director of the Canadian Society of Aerospace
Medicine and is interested in advancing Aerospace Medicine
capabilities and research.

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