2008, RM Farahani - Microgravity and The Implications For Wound Healing

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Microgravity and the

implications for wound
Ramin Mostofizadeh Farahani, Luisa A DiPietro

Farahani RM, DiPietro LA. Microgravity and the implications for wound healing. Int Wound J 2008;5:552–561.

Wound healing is a sophisticated response ubiquitous to various traumatic stimuli leading to an anatomical/
functional disruption. The aim of present article was to review the current evidence regarding the effects of
microgravity on wound healing dynamics. Modulation of haemostatic phase because of alteration of platelet
quantity and function seems probable. Furthermore, production of growth factors that are released from activated
platelets and infiltration/function of inflammatory cells seem to be impaired by microgravity. Proliferation of
damaged structures is dependent on orchestrated function of various growth factors, for example transforming
growth factors, platelet-derived growth factor and epidermal growth factor, all of which are affected by
microgravitational status. Moreover, gravity-induced alterations of gap junction, neural inputs, and cell
populations have been reported. It may be concluded that different cellular and extracellular element involved in
the healing response are modified through effect of microgravity which may lead to impairment in healing
Key words: Cytokine • Growth factor • Microgravity • Wound healing

INTRODUCTION The modern era has witnessed a substantial

Key Points
Wounds involve the gross macroscopic or sub- rise in quantity and quality of manned space
• regardless of the specific aeti- liminal microscopic damage to the anatomical and flights and has provided promise for the even-
ology and external manifesta- functional integrity of live tissues.(1,2) The diverse tual long-term inhabitation of space, either on
tion, the similar array of events clinical manifestations of injury range from con- stations or other planets. Within space, the dy-
that follows the injury is
spicuous cutaneous injuries (3) to scenarios namic equilibrium of human body is altered by
directed at restoration of the
original status of wounded involving subtle metabolic microangiopathies (4). exposure to a variety of altered circumstances
tissue Regardless of the specific aetiology and external (9,10). These include changes in gravitational
• considering the probability that manifestation, the similar array of events that status, neuroimmunoendocrine modulations,
traumatic injuries will occur follows the injury is directed at restoration of the modified environmental stimuli (such as radia-
during space travel and the
original status of wounded tissue. The repair tion), etc. (10). Considering the probability that
importance of efficient repair
to the astronaut, it will be process progresses through several overlapping traumatic injuries will occur during space travel
crucial to understand the phases, which include inflammation, proliferation and the importance of efficient repair to the
impact of microgravity on vari- and remodelling (2,3). Alteration of any of the astronaut, it will be crucial to understand the
ous elements and phases of interrelated elements involved in healing can affect impact of microgravity on various elements and
wound healing
the entire process and the final outcome (5–8). phases of wound healing. In the present article,
• in the present article, we review
the current information about we review the current information about the
the modulation of healing by Authors: RM Farahani, DDS, Department of Oral Biology modulation of healing by gravity.
gravity School of Dentistry, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences,
Tabriz, Iran; LA, DiPietro, DDS, PhD, Center for Wound Healing
and Tissue Regeneration, College of Dentistry, University of Haemostasis
Illinois, Chicago, IL, USA Immediately after wounding, two interrelated
Address for correspondence: Ramin Mostofizadeh pathways are activated in order to stop bleed-
Farahani, School of Dentistry, Tabriz University of Medical
Sciences, Golgasht st., Daneshgah st., Tabriz, Iran ing. A fibrin clot forms, filling the anatomical
E-mail: r.mostofi@gmail.com void, while platelets contact the exposed

552 ª 2008 The Authors. Journal Compilation ª 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and Medicalhelplines.com Inc • International Wound Journal • Vol 5 No 4
Microgravity and wound healing

collagen and undergo aggregation and activation. While control of this bleeding pattern may not
The resulting fibrin/platelet plug contributes to be difficult (33), special training for providing
Key Points
the initial stability of wound and also serves as medical care to wounds may be needed because • studies that examine the effects
a provisional matrix that will be replaced as of altered fine motor skill (34). of microgravity on haemostatic
healing proceeds (11,12). Beyond their haemo- pathways are contradictory, as
reports of both increased
static function, platelets release several growth Inflammation
thrombotic disease and
factors such as transforming growth factor-beta Degranulation of activated platelets is an early increased haemorrhagic status
(TGF-b), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), event in wound healing. Platelets release a multi- can be found in the extant
insulin-like growth factors and epidermal growth tude of potential mediators at the wound site, literature
factor (EGF), all of which may play a role in the including TGF-b, PDGF and EGF, and many of • the relative inconsistency of
data may partially reflect the
initiation of healing response (13,14). these mediators may modulate the subsequent
difference in experimental
Studies that examine the effects of micrograv- healing process. PDGF can initiate the chemotaxis methods and environments
ity on haemostatic pathways are contradictory, of neutrophils, smooth muscle cells and fibro- • independent of whether hae-
as reports of both increased thrombotic disease blasts. This growth factor is mitogenic for mostasis is altered, bleeding
(15) and increased haemorrhagic status (16) can fibroblasts and arterial smooth muscle cells, can from the wound site under
situations of microgravity would
be found in the extant literature. Thrombocyto- facilitate the release of other growth factors and is
permit the formation of large
penia, an increase in activated partial thrombo- also reported to enhance the effects of some fluid dome because of high
plastin time and defective cell–cell adhesion growth factors like TGF-b (35–37). Similarly, TGF- surface tension of blood
have been described to occur in the micro- b isoforms (TGF-b1, TGF-b2 and TGF-b3) can • while control of this bleeding
gravitational condition, increasing the haemor- attract neutrophils to sites of injury (38). The most pattern may not be difficult,
special training for providing
rhagic risk. The sustained elevation of blood important role of TGF-b is probably the regula-
medical care to wounds may be
pressure that has been shown to result because tion of the deposition of extracellular matrix needed because of altered fine
of microgravity exposure may also increase the components, which occurs through its influence motor skill
threat of haemorrhage (17–21). In contrast, in on the proliferation of fibroblasts and their • space flight probably has the
circumstances of altered gravity, thrombotic synthetic activity (39). Moreover, TGF-b and potential to greatly alter the
production of EGF, PDGF and
incidents may increase because of alterations PDGF enhance the effect of each other through
TGF-b in wounds
in blood volume, blood viscosity, elevation of synergistic interactions (36,37,40). A similar syn- • these data suggest that the
superoxide anions, increases in catecholamine ergistic interaction has been reported for EGF and production of growth factors
release and metabolic disorders (22–25). Coag- PDGF (41). While platelets certainly provide an that are released from activated
ulative imbalances have also been reported (26). initial pool of EGF, TGF-b and PDGF, other cell platelets seems to be impaired
by microgravity
Fibrin structure, including the thickness of the types within the wound continue to produce
fibres, the number of branch points, porosity these mediators as healing progresses (42–50).
and permeability, have also been suggested to Space flight probably has the potential to
be important determinants of healing outcomes greatly alter the production of EGF, PDGF and
(12). It has been reported that microgravity- TGF-b in wounds. The microgravitational status
formed fibrin gels are more uniform than those has been shown to influence the expression the
formed at normal gravity, although the fibre EGF receptor, and EGF-induced signal trans-
diameter and matrix porosity are not affected duction is impaired in microgravity (51–53). The
(27) In contrast, later studies showed dimin- production of TGF-b has been found to be
ished matrix porosity in microgravitational downregulated in simulated microgravitational
status (28). The relative inconsistency of data status, and microgravity induces the down-
may partially reflect the difference in experi- regulation of the PDGF receptor by 62% (54).
mental methods and environments. One possi- Furthermore, the response of wounds to PDGF
bility is that the diminished platelet content of during space flight was attenuated compared
the platelet/fibrin plug owing to microgravity with control wounds on the ground (55). To-
may reduce contractile force and promote the gether, these data suggest that the production of
fibrinolysis rate of fibrin clot (29–31). An earlier growth factors that are released from activated
loss of superficial eschar because of hastened platelets seems to be impaired by microgravity.
fibrinolysis would be expected to lead to The inflammatory phase involves the
increased wound contraction (32). Independent regional activation of immune system and the
of whether haemostasis is altered, bleeding from infiltration of wound site by inflammatory cells.
the wound site under situations of microgravity Many of the infiltrating immune cells secrete
would permit the formation of large fluid dome growth factors that stimulate the proliferation of
because of high surface tension of blood (33). cellular components of the tissues. Neutrophils

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Microgravity and wound healing

Table 1 The effect of microgravity on various elements function. Most of the data support the concept
Key Points involved in wound healing that neutrophil adhesiveness is increased by
• beyond cell number, functional microgravity. The levels of adhesion molecules
Target Increase Decrease Unaffected
attributes of leucocytes that are on neutrophils are increased during space flight
critical to cell migration also Platelets þ (16) (64), and a 10-fold increase in chemotactic
appear to be altered by space Superoxide anions þ (22–25) response of neutrophils exposed to micrograv-
Fibrin porosity þ (28) þ (27) ity has been shown. The findings of Boxer et al.
• several studies suggest that
Fibrinolysis þ (29–31) (65), who showed impaired locomotion of
mast cells influence inflamma-
tion and repair at sites of injury EGF function þ (51–53)
monocytes in modelled microgravity, suggest
and a link between increased TGF-b þ (54,85,86) þ (87)
that the effect is cell specific. Mechanistically,
mast cell content and the PDGF function þ (54,55)
flight stress, and the resulting catecholamine
formation of hypertrophic scars Monocytes þ (59)
has been suggested Neutrophils þ (60,61) þ (62) release, may be important to these observed
• comprehensive research aiming T cell þ (72–75) changes in leucocyte function. However, direct
at the elucidation of the func- IL-2 þ (72,74,80) exposure of neutrophils to epinephrine had no
tion and number of these cells IL-1b þ (79) direct effect on neutrophil adhesion (66); al-
in microgravity-exposed wounds
IL-6 þ (80–81) though exposure of endothelial cells to epineph-
seems necessary
TGF-a þ (100–103) rine decreased neutrophil adherence by 40%,
Gap junctions þ (113) þ (114) the oxidative functions and microgravity are
Stem cell activity þ (129) þ (127–129) less well investigated. However, an antiortho-
EGF, epidermal growth factor; TGF, transforming growth factor; static suspension (modelled space flight) did not
IL, interleukin. alter the oxidative burst in neutrophils (67).
Another immune cell that might be influ-
are the first of the circulating inflammatory cells enced by space flight is the mast cell. Mast cells
to arrive at the site of injury (56,57). Thereafter, release vasoactive amines, which enhance the
monocytes gradually arrive, eventually becom- permeability of regional blood vessels, pro-
ing the dominant inflammatory cell population moting the passage of solutes and inflammatory
in wounded region. It has been suggested that cells to wound site. Several studies suggest that
the abundance of monocytes, precursors of mast cells influence inflammation and repair at
macrophages, appears to be a rate-limiting sites of injury and a link between increased mast
parameter in tissue repair (58). In this context, cell content and the formation of hypertrophic
space-induced deficiencies in monocytes may scars has been suggested (68). To date, the effect
be critical. Indeed, Taylor et al. (59) reported a of gravity on mast cell function has not been
decrease in peripheral blood monocytes after evaluated. However, stress seems likely to affect
space flight. Likewise, Ichiki et al. (60) reported mast cell function, as steroid-therapy reduces
microgravity-induced neutrophilia. This finding the number of these cells in hypertrophic scars
may partially reflect the effect of flight-induced (69). Psychological stress in rats resulted in dura
psychological stress on immune function (61). In mast cell activation and rat mast cell protease I
contrast, Meehan et al. (62) reported a post-flight secretion that were corticotropin-releasing hor-
increase in circulating monocytes and no signifi- mone (CRH) dependent (70). Also, it has been
cant changes in plasma cortisol levels. Allebban proposed that CRH activates skin mast cells
et al. (63) reported a significant reduction in the leading to vasodilation and increased vascular
absolute number of lymphocytes and mono- permeability (71). Although speculative, flight-
cytes and a slight increase in the absolute induced psychological stress might be predicted
number of eosinophils and neutrophils after to cause a sustained hyperactivation of these
space flight. Thus a microgravity-induced cells in the wound milieu, with resultant
reduction in monocytes seems a consistent increased hypertrophic scarring. Nonetheless,
finding, while changes in the number of comprehensive research aiming at the elucida-
neutrophils are less consistently reported. tion of the function and number of these cells in
Beyond cell number, functional attributes of microgravity-exposed wounds seems necessary.
leucocytes that are critical to cell migration also Another immune cell type that appears to be
appear to be altered by space flight. While the functionally impaired by exposure to micro-
studies in this area are somewhat conflicting, gravity is T cells (72–75). The expression of both
overall they provide strong evidence that IL-2 and IL-2Ralpha genes is significantly
microgravity does indeed influence leucocyte inhibited in simulated microgravity (73).

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Microgravity and wound healing

Moreover, purified human T lymphocytes are (83,84). The majority of the available data
shown to exhibit differential inhibition of tran- indicates that expression of the various isoforms
Key Points
scription factor activation in modelled micro- of TGF-b is reduced by exposure to micrograv- • beyond direct effects on cells
gravity. Activation of Activator Protein 1 (AP-1) ity (85,86), although one study found no such themselves, microgravitational
is blocked with clinorotation, whereas dephos- effect (87). The tissue response to TGF-b is exposure may influence the
production of the cytokines that
phorylation of nuclear factor of activated T cells decreased under microgravity, suggesting
connect the cellular elements of
occurs (75). While the exact role of T cells in impairment in signal transduction pathways wound milieu
regeneration of damaged tissues is not known, (88). As mentioned above, the influence of space • the available studies of the
space-induced functional impairments may on cytokines such as TGF-b may be simply an influence of gravitational stress
need to be considered in the context of wounds. indirect effect that stems from flight-induced on cytokine production suggest
that microgravity may produce
Beyond direct effects on cells themselves, psychological stress. In support of this concept,
multiple perturbations in secre-
microgravitational exposure may influence the glucocorticoids are known to antagonise the tory patterns at sites of inflam-
production of the cytokines that connect the effect of TGF-b at the level of transcription (89). mation, such as the healing
cellular elements of wound milieu. Peana et al. Song et al. (90) found that glucocorticoids wound
(76) assessed the effect of microgravity on repress TGF-b activation of the TGF-b respon- • the tissue response to TGF-b is
decreased under microgravity,
Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)-induced oedema and sive sequence containing Smad3/4-binding
suggesting impairment in signal
hyperalgesia. Both oedema and hyperalgesia sites. Biomechanical properties of tissue may transduction pathways
decreased because of anti-inflammatory and also influence the modulation of TGF-b function • we suggest the use of knock-
anti-hyperalgesic action of simulated micro- in microgravity, as microgravity generates a low outmodels in microgravity stud-
gravity. In contrast, Kumei et al. (77) detected shear strain environment. While shear stress ies of wound healing to
efficiently target the alteration
enhanced levels of PGE2 in flight samples enhances the expression of TGF-b, blocking this
in TGF-b signalling cascade
compared with ground controls in normal rat mechanical stimulus inhibits its expression (90). and associated modulation of
osteoblast cultures. The secretion of interleukin Hence, it may be expected that gravity-induced regenerative outcome
(IL)-1b, a factor that exerts panoply of effects in fluid dynamics may lead to downregulation of
wound milieu (78), is almost completely in- TGF-b. While extrapolation of these results to
hibited in microgravity (79). IL-1 is a potent regenerating tissues may not be direct, it seems
inducer of IL-6. However, despite inhibition of likely that microgravity and the stress of space
IL-1, the level of IL-6 increased during space travel will result in an impairment of both TGF-
flight (80,81). In one report, the expression of IL- b production and the cellular response to this
2 and IL-2 receptor was significantly suppressed cytokine. Given that mice deficient in TGF-b or
at simulated zero gravity (72,80), although its signalling components exhibit significant
another report failed to detect any alteration of deficits in healing (91), space flight-induced
IL-2 level at zero gravity (73). Overall, the alterations in TGF-b or its signalling pathways
available studies of the influence of gravita- would probably have extreme effects on heal-
tional stress on cytokine production suggest ing. It is known that the biological activity of
that microgravity may produce multiple per- TGF-b depends mainly on the type of activated
turbations in secretory patterns at sites of receptor/signal transduction pathway and to
inflammation, such as the healing wound. a lesser extent on the specific isoforms involved.
Therefore, we suggest the use of knockout
Proliferation models in microgravity studies of wound healing
In skin, the proliferative stage of healing to efficiently target the alteration in TGF-b signal-
involves regeneration of epithelial barrier, ling cascade and associated modulation of re-
deposition of extracellular matrix and prolifer- generative outcome.
ation of connective tissue cells. Various growth The EGF family, which includes EGF, trans-
factors secreted during inflammatory stage forming growth factor-a (TGF-a) and heparin-
mediate differentiation and proliferation and binding EGF, also seems to be influenced by
function of cellular elements. One key factor is microgravity (92,93). Several studies suggested
TGF-b, which regulates the deposition of new that EGFR is important for reepithelialisation,
extracellular matrix through transcriptional especially during early stages of healing (94,95).
activation of genes encoding extracellular EGF and TGF-a appear to be critical to the
matrix molecules such as collagen and proteo- development of the normal phenotypic features
glycans (82). TGF-b, can also inhibit tissue of regenerating epithelium (96,97). However,
protease production and stimulate the secretion the deficiency of these growth factors has been
of the inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases reported to be compensated by other growth

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Microgravity and wound healing

factors such as keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) optimal wound healing. Keratinocytes express
Key Points (98,99). As mentioned previously, the expres- b2-adrenergic receptor. It has been shown that
• the expression of EGF and TGF- sion of EGF and TGF-a is substantially down- b-adrenergic receptor activation delays wound
a is substantially down regu- regulated and the signal transduction pathways healing by preventing the organisation of the
lated and the signal transduc- are impaired in microgravity (51–53,100–103). actin cytoskeleton and localisation of phos-
tion pathways are impaired in
Interestingly, simulated microgravity enhances phoextracellular receptor kinase to the lamelli-
• space flight-induced psycholog- the activity of KGF (49). Therefore, any impair- podial edge and its colocalisation with vinculin
ical stress may lead to down ment of EGF expression that is caused by and thus leading to a considerable delay in
regulation of PDGF and its microgravity might be partially masked reepithelialisation (115,116). Moreover, it has
receptor in wound milieu through a parallel upregulation of KGF. been suggested that b-adrenergic receptor an-
• following trauma, rapid imme-
PDGF is another factor that must be consid- tagonists promote wound reepithelialisation
diate closure of gap junctions
takes places,uncoupling dam- ered, as PDGF appears to be essential for normal in chronic human skin wound (117). However,
aged cells from uninjured wound healing (104,105). PDGF has two distinct b-adrenergic receptor activation enhanced fi-
ones-directional centripetal roles in healing procedure: an early function to broblast proliferation and contraction and
migration of keratinocytes into stimulate fibroblast proliferation and a later meanwhile decreased fibroblast-mediated col-
the wound bed is necessary for
function to induce the myofibroblast phenotype lagen gel contraction, both of which are detri-
optimal wound healing
• while sympathetic nervous (106). Akiyama et al. (54) found that the mental to wound healing (118,119). However,
activity was decreased during expression of PDGF in microgravity is 62% b1- and b2-adrenoceptor blockade impairs
head-down bed rest, a similar lower than the control ground samples. Fur- cutaneous wound healing, delineating the com-
finding was not observed dur- thermore, the early function of PDGF – the plicated role of sympathetic system in regula-
ing microgravity and thus head-
stimulation of fibroblast proliferation – is sub- tion of healing response (120). Simulation of
down bedrest cannot be
applied to simulate changes in stantially diminished in this condition (55). microgravity through head-down bed rest
sympathoadrenal activity during Meanwhile, space flight-induced psychological induced increased responsiveness of sympa-
microgravity stress may lead to downregulation of PDGF and thetic nervous system through b-adrenergic
• considering the existing con- its receptor in wound milieu (107). receptor sensitisation (121). Nonetheless, while
troversy, investigation of
Gap junctional intercellular communications sympathetic nervous activity was decreased
microgravity-induced alteration
of sympathetic activity and its have implicated to play an important role in during head-down bed rest, a similar finding
effect on healing dermal wound healing (108). Following trauma, rapid was not observed during microgravity and thus
wounds seems necessary immediate closure of gap junctions takes places, head-down bed rest cannot be applied to simulate
• the contribution of epidermal uncoupling damaged cells from uninjured ones changes in sympathoadrenal activity during
stem cells to repair of wounded
(109). During reepithelialisation, gap junctions microgravity (122). Considering the existing con-
epidermis is now evident
• newly emerging data contradict are temporarily lost on the surface of keratino- troversy, investigation of microgravity-induced
the proposed negative impacts cytes located in the leading edge of centripetal alteration of sympathetic activity and its effect on
of microgravity and underline moving rim of epidermis (110). Also, fibroblasts healing dermal wounds seems necessary.
its enhancement of proliferative derived from nodules that were excised from Stem cells from various proximal and distal
activity of mesenchymal stem
Dupuytren’s contracture lesions show reduced niches are involved in wound healing. It has
levels of intracellular gap junctions compared been suggested that human mesenchymal stem
with normal dermal fibroblasts (111). In con- cells (hMSCs) together with b-fibroblast growth
trast, promotion of intracellular gap junctions factor accelerate cutaneous wound healing as
through daily injections of LiCl into polyvinyl the hMSCs transdifferentiate into the epithe-
alcohol sponge implanted into the wound lium (123). The contribution of epidermal stem
milieu, enhanced the penetration of granulation cells to repair of wounded epidermis is now evi-
tissue into the interstices of the sponge, increased dent (124,125). Moreover, adult bone-marrow-
the amount of connective tissue deposited in the derived mesenchymal stem cells home the sites
surrounding capsule and promoted more orga- of tissue injury and enhance the healing dynam-
nised collagen fibres (112). Liu et al. (113) re- ics through differentiating into various cellular
ported that connexin 43 decreased significantly elements (126). It has been suggested that micro-
and distributed irregularly after simulated micro- gravity reduces proliferative as well as dif-
gravity. On the contrary, Claassen and Spooner ferentiation capabilities of human mesenchymal
could not detect any alteration in channelling stem cells (127,128). However, newly emerging
activity of cardiac gap junctions following short data contradict the proposed negative impacts
period microgravitational status (114). of microgravity and underline its enhancement
Directional centripetal migration of keratino- of proliferative activity of mesenchymal stem
cytes into the wound bed is necessary for cells (129).

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Microgravity and wound healing

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