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Gate and Keynote Harmonic Gate and Keynote Channel and Keynote

1 The Creative 8 Holding Together 8 - 1 Inspiration

Self expression Contribution A design of a creative role model

2 The Receptive 14 Possession in Great Measure 2 - 14 The Beat

The Direction of the Self Power Skills A design of being keeper of the keys

3 Difficulty at the Beginning 60 Limitation 3 - 60 Mutation A design of energy which

Ordering Acceptance fluctuates and initiates, pulse

4 Youthful Folly 63 After Completion 63 - 4 Logic

Formulization Doubt A design of mental ease mixed with doubt

5 Waiting 15 Modesty 5 - 15 Rhythm

Fixed rhythms Extremes A design of being in the flow

6 Conflict 59 Dispersion 59 - 6 Mating

Friction Sexuality A design focused on reproduction

7 The Army 31 Influence 31 - 7 The Alpha

The role of the self Leading A design of leadership for “good” or “bad”

8 Holding Together 1 The Creative 8 - 1 Inspiration

Contribution Self Expression A design of a creative role model

9 The Taming Power of 52 Keeping Still 9 - 52 Concentration

the Small - Focus Inaction A design of determination, focused

10 Treading 20 Contemplation 20 - 10 Awakening A design of commitment

The behavior of the self The now to higher principles

10 Treading 34 The Power of the Great 10 - 34 Exploration

The behavior of the self Power A design of following one’s convictions
Gate and Keynote Harmonic Gate and Keynote Channel and Keynote

10 Treading 57 The Gentle 10 - 57 Perfected Form

The behavior of the self Intuitive clarity A design for survival

11 Peace 56 The Wanderer 11 - 56 Curiosity

Ideas Stimulation A design of a searcher

12 Standstill 22 Grace 12 - 22 Openness

Caution Openness A design of a social being

13 The Fellowship of Man 33 Retreat 33 -13 The Prodigal

The Listener Privacy A design of a witness

14 Possession in Great Measure 2 The Receptive 2 - 14 Beat

Power Skills The Direction of the self A design of being keeper of the keys

15 Modesty 5 Waiting 15 - 5 Rhythm

Extremes Fixed rhythms A design of being in the flow

16 Enthusiasm 48 The Well 16 - 48 The Wavelength

Skills Depth A design of Talent

17 Following 62 Preponderance of the 17 - 62 Acceptance

Opinions Small - Detail A design of an organizational being

18 Work on what has been 58 The Joyous 18 - 58 Judgement

spoilt - Correction Aliveness A design of insatiability

19 Approach 49 Revolution 49 - 19 Synthesis

Wanting Rejection A design of sensitivity

20 Contemplation 10 Treading 20 -10 Awakening A design of

The now The behaviour of the self commitment to higher principles
Gate and Keynote Harmonic Gate and Keynote Channel and Keynote

20 Contemplation 34 The Power of the Great 20 -34 Charisma A design where thoughts
The now Power must become deeds

20 Contemplation 57 The Gentle 20 -57 The Brain Wave

The now Intuitive clarity A design of penetrating awareness

21 Biting Through 45 Gathering Together 21 - 45 Money

The hunter, huntress The gatherer A design of a materialist

22 Grace 12 Standstill 22 - 12 Openness

Openness Caution A design of a social being

23 Splitting Apart 43 Breakthrough 43 - 23 Structuring

Assimilation Insight A design of individuality

24 Returning 61 Inner truth 61 -24 Awareness

Rationalizing Mystery A design of a thinker

25 Innocence 51 The Arousing 25 - 51 Initiation

The spirit of the self Shock A design of needing to be first

26 The Taming Power of the 44 Coming to meet 26 - 44 Surrender

Great - The egoist Alertness A design of a transmitter

27 Nourishment 50 The Cauldron 27 - 50 Preservation

Caring Values A design of custodianship

28 Preponderance of the 38 Opposition 28 - 38 Struggle

Great - The game player The fighter A design of stubbornness

29 The Abysmal 46 Pushing Upward 46 - 29 Discovery

Saying yes Determination A design of succeeding where others fail
Gate and Keynote Harmonic Gate and Keynote Channel and Keynote

30 Clinging Fire 41 Decrease 30 - 41 Recognition

Feelings Contraction A design of focused energy

31 Influence 7 The Army 31 - 7 The Alpha A design of leadership

Leading The role of the self for “good” or “bad”

32 Duration 54 The Marrying Maiden 32 - 54 Transformation

Continuity Ambition A design of being driven

33 Retreat 13 The Fellowship of Man 33 - 13 The Prodigal

Privacy The Listener A design of a witness

34 The Power of the Great 10 Treading 10 - 34 Exploration

Power The behaviour of the self A design of following one’s convictions

34 The Power of the Great 20 Contemplation 20 - 34 Charisma A design where thoughts

Power The now must become deeds

34 The Power of the Great 57 The Gentle 34 - 57 Power

Power Intuitive clarity A design of an archetype

35 Progress 36 The Darkening of the Light 35 - 36 Transitoriness A design of being

Change Crisis a Jack of all Trades

36 The Darkening of the Light 35 Progress 35 - 36 Transitoriness A design of being

Crisis Change a Jack of all Trades

37 The Family 40 Deliverance 40 - 37 Community A design of being

Friendship Aloneness a part seeking a whole

38 Opposition 28 Preponderance of the 28 - 38 Struggle

The fighter Great - The game player A design of stubbornness
Gate and Keynote Harmonic Gate and Keynote Channel and Keynote

39 Obstruction 55 Abundance 55 - 39 Emoting

The provocateur Spirit A design of moodiness

40 Deliverance 37 The Family 40 - 37 Community A design of being

Aloneness Friendship a part seeking a whole

41 Decrease 30 Clinging fire 30 - 41 Recognition

Contraction Feelings A design of focused energy

42 Increase 53 Development 42 - 53 Maturation

Growth Beginnings A design of balanced development, cyclic

43 Breakthrough 23 Splitting Apart 43 - 23 Structuring

Insight Assimilation A design of individuality

44 Coming to Meet 26 The Taming Power of the 26 - 44 Surrender

Alertness Great - The egoist A design of a transmitter

45 Gathering Together 21 Biting Through 21 - 45 Money

The gatherer The hunter, huntress A design of the materialist

46 Pushing Upward 29 The Abysmal 46 - 29 Discovery A design of succeeding

Determination Saying yes where others fail

47 Oppression 64 Before Completion 64 - 47 Abstraction

Realizing Confusion A design of mental activity and clarity

48 The Well 16 Enthusiasm 16 - 48 The Wavelength

Depth Skill A design of talent

49 Revolution 19 Approach 49 - 19 Synthesis

Rejection Wanting A design of sensitivity
Gate and Keynote Harmonic Gate and Keynote Channel and Keynote

50 The Cauldron 27 Nourishment 27 - 50 Preservation

Values Caring A design of custodianship

51 The Arousing 25 Innocence 25 - 51 Initiation

Shock The spirit of the self A design of needing to be first

52 Keeping Still 9 The Taming Power of the 9 - 52 Concentration

Inaction Small - Focus A design of determination, focused

53 Development 42 Increase 42 - 53 Maturation

Beginnings Growth A design of balanced development, cyclic

54 The Marrying Maiden 32 Duration 32 - 54 Transformation

Ambition Continuity A design of being driven

55 Abundance 39 Obstruction 55 - 39 Emoting

Spirit The provocateur A design of moodiness

56 The Wanderer 11 Peace 11 - 56 Curiosity

Stimulation Ideas A design of a searcher

57 The Gentle 10 Treading 10 - 57 Perfected Form

Intuitive clarity The behaviour of the self A design for survival

57 The Gentle 20 Contemplation 20 - 57 The Brain Wave

Intuitive clarity The now A design of penetrating awareness

57 The Gentle 34 The Power of the Great 34 - 57 Power

Intuitive clarity Power A design of an archetype

58 The Joyous 18 Work on what has been 18 - 58 Judgement

Aliveness spoilt - Correction A design of insatiability
Gate and Keynote Harmonic Gate and Keynote Channel and Keynote

59 Dispersion 6 Conflict 59 - 6 Mating

Sexuality Friction A design focused on reproduction

60 Limitation 3 Difficulty at the Beginning 3 - 60 Mutation

Acceptance Ordering Energy which fluctuates and initiates, pulse

61 Inner Truth 24 Returning 61 - 24 Awareness

Mystery Rationalizing A design of a thinker

62 Preponderance of the 17 Following 17 - 62 Acceptance

Small - Detail Opinions A design of an organizational being

63 After Completion 4 Youthful Folly 63 - 4 Logic A design of mental ease

Doubt Formulization mixed with doubt

64 Before Completion 47 Oppression 64 - 47 Abstraction

Confusion Realizing A design of mental activity and clarity

Knowing circuit Keynote: Empowerment

Centering circuit Keynote: Empowerment

Sensing circuit Keynote: Sharing

Understanding circuit Keynote: Sharing

Ego circuit Keynote: Support

Defence circuit Keynote: Support

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