Lecture Method

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 Good teaching is the main criterion of an effective teacher.
 Every individual is unique & so different teachers adopt different methods
& strategies of teaching.
 The main objective of teaching is to bring about desired changes in the
attitude & behavior of the learner.
 The selection of the teaching methods depends upon the nature of a tsk,
learning objectives, learner’s abilities & student’s entering behavior.


 A device implies the external mode or form which teaching may take from
time to time.
 It is the stimulation, guidance, direction and encouragement for learning.
- Burton


 The word lecture comes from the Latin word “lectus” which means to
 From the 16th century onwards the word lecture was used to describe
oral instruction given by a teacher in front of an audience of learners.
 It is the most commonly used method of teaching.
 It is a teacher controlled & information centered approach in which the
teacher works as a sole- resource in classroom instruction.

 A lecture is an oral presentation intended to present information or
teach people about a particular subject
 Lecture method is the teaching procedure comprising the presentation
of content, clarification of doubts, & explanation of facts, principles &

Wasley, Edgar B, Wronski, Stanley suggested that the lecture method serves
four basic purposes:-
 To motivate
 To clarify
 To review
 To expand
 Stimulate thinking in students
 Develop concentration in students
 Achieve a very high order of cognitive objectives
 Influence learners to inculcate the habits of listening and learning
 Introduce new content in discussion
 Correlate subjects with other subjects
 Develop problem solving on a factual basis

A. Traditional oral essay: the teacher is an orator and the only speaker
B. Participatory lecture: begins with learners brainstorming ideas on the
lecture topic on what they have read in preparation.
C. Feedback lecture: consists with mini lectures with 1o minute small group
discussion. Opportunity to manipulate the lecture content
D. Mediated lecture: use of media such as films, slides, web based images,


1. Learners factors:
The most obvious factor to be considered is the type of course, the class
is pursuing as this will dictate to a large extent the level of objectives.
2. Subject matter factors: (cognitive- knowledge- comprehension-
application, analysis , synthesis, evaluation)
The domain of the objective will exert profound influence over the
planning of lecture.
3. Environmental factors:
These exert a practical constraint over lecture planning as the
environment may not contain such things as PowerPoint, chalkboard,
OHP, movie projector, computer LCD etc.
4. Psychological factors:
The organization of the content must be logical and meaningful and the
sequence should progress from simple to complex, from concrete to the
abstract and from known to the unknown.

An effective lecture is composed of three components
1. Introduction:
 The introduction usually is the first three to five minutes of the
 The main purpose is to provide a framework for students learning,
providing the structure for the lecture’s content information.
 It is also necessary to gain student’s attention
 It should do the following:
 Establish a relationship with the audience
 Gain attention and foster motivation
 Prompt awareness of relevant pre-existing knowledge
 Announce lecture topic as title.
2. The body:
 The body of the lecture covers the content in an organized way
(definition, purpose etc.)
 Greatest amount of time should be allotted (20-30min)
 Question- answer techniques to make the students attentive.
 Use maxims of teaching to make the student understand like
examples, situations etc.
3. Conclusion:
 Helps to summarize the content
 Get feedback from the students
 Ask questions (teacher- student vice versa)
 Clarify their doubts


Before starting to prepare a lecture, the teacher must be able to answer four
basic questions:-
 Who is your audience?- Who
 What is the purpose of your lecture? – Why
 How much time is available? – How long
 What is the subject matter? - What

 Organize the classroom in a away which is conducive for teaching
learning activity.
 Prepare lesson plan on the topic which need to be discussed showing
objectives, content, teaching learning activity, AV aids & time
 Start the lecture with introduction of self, if not introduced earlier,
introduce the topic and review the previous topic.
 Organize the content matter, which needs to be lectured in the
 Alter the pitch and volume of voice periodically while lecturing.
 Develop a routine pace depending on the respectivity level of students
such as going fast while teaching simple topic and slow down in teaching
difficult topics.
 Maintain eye contact and avoid looking out of windows, at walls and
over students head while teaching.
 Do not repeat words.
 Make use of appropriate AV aids
 Converse freely with the students. Look in between the prepared notes,
but do not read the contents continuously.
 Make use of simple plans and use key points from contents around
which the whole lecture is based.
 Clarify the previous concepts before moving towards next topic.
 Manage the lecture in planned time as teaching in less time will enable
students to understand and more time than expected arise tension and
damage the lecture.


1. It is economical in terms of student time.
 A great deal of information can be communicated in one hour
 More relevant information can be taught to a student.
2. The lecturer can supplement a textbook by enhancing a topic and
making it come to life.
3. The teacher serves as a role model for students
4. Lectures bring enjoyment to the learners.
5. It helps students develop their listening skills.


1. It lends itself to the teaching of the facts while placing little emphasis on
problem solving, decision making, analytical thinking, or transfer of
2. Lecturing is not conducive to meeting students’ individual needs.
3. Lecturing brings with it the problem of limited attention span on the part
of the learners.
4. Time consuming.

 This method is suitable for teaching in higher classes where we aim to
cover the prescribed syllabus quickly, and also this method will help
them to prepare themselves
 This method of teaching can be made more beneficial if the teacher
encourages his students to take notes during the lesson.
 After the lesson, teacher can give his students sometime for asking
questions and answer their queries without any hesitation.
 If a teacher can introduce some humour in his lesson it would keep
students interested in his lesson.
1. BT Basavanthapa; Nursing Education; 1st edition 2003; Jaypee Brothers
Medical Publishers (P) Ltd; Page No: 335-343
2. KP Neeraja;
3. Mrs. G. Ramya; Lecture Method; Slideshare a Scrib Company; October
29,2018; https://www.slideshare.net/RamyaG45/lecture-method-in-
4. Keerthi Gopinath; Lecture Methods; Slideshare a Scrib Company; April
1,2014; https://www.slideshare.net/keerthigopi222/lecture-method-
5. Dr. Maheswari Jaikumar; Lecture; Slideshare a Scrib Company; April 3,
2018; https://www.slideshare.net/maheswarijaikumar/lecture-method-
6. Sarita Acharya; Lecture; Slideshare a Scrib Company; November 4, 2016;
7. Jasleen Kaur Sagoo; Methods of Teaching; Slideshare a Scrib Company;
November 11,2018; https://www.slideshare.net/jasleensaggu/lecture-
8. Ms. Chandani S. Modi; Lecture Method; Slideshare a Scrib Company;
October 17,2020; https://www.slideshare.net/ChandaniModi1/lecture-
9. Firoz Qureshi; Lecture Method; Slideshare a Scrib Company;

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