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One of my most favourite family members is my aunt Kylie. She’s my (1) ___. She’s 26. She isn’t married and she

(2) ___ any children. As a person, she’s cheerful and (3) ___ – she always keeps her promises! I admire her because she loves
adventure and she often does dangerous and crazy things, like bungee jumping or parachuting. (4) ___ lots of photos on the
walls in her flat showing her during some of her adventures. My favourite is the one in which she is swimming with dolphins!

1 A sister’s dad B dad’s sister C dads’ sister

2 A isn’t B haven’t got C hasn’t got
3 A reliable B confident C patient
4 A It is B There are C They are

Hi Chrissy,

Just to let you know I’m not at home this week. At the moment my brother and I (1) ___ with my aunt and uncle in Edinburgh.
It’s a beautiful city! My aunt and uncle live in a flat on the third (2) ___ in the city centre. My uncle is retired – he is 68 and he
(3) ___ any more so he’s got a lot of free time to show us some interesting places. When we’re not sightseeing, we help our
aunt and uncle in the flat. At the moment Tommy is (4) ___ the table before dinner.

See you next week when I’m back home!


1 A stay B stays C are staying

2 A wall B floor C ground
3 A isn’t working B don’t work C doesn’t work
4 A setting B making C loading

Hi Chrissy,

Just to let you know I’m in Edinburgh this week. Every summer me and my brother (1) ___ our aunt and uncle here for a week.
It’s a beautiful city! My aunt and uncle live in a nice house on the (2) ___ of the city. My uncle (3) ___ this week so he’s got the
time to show us some interesting places. When we’re not sightseeing, we help our aunt and uncle in the house. At the moment
Tommy is helping to (4) ___ the dishes after dinner.

See you next week when I’m back home!


1 A visit B visits C are visiting

2 A ground B centre C edge
3 A isn’t working B don’t work C doesn’t work
4 A set B wash C tidy
My dad is an accountant. He (1) ___ for an accountancy firm for a few years but it closed down last year and he lost his job. He
looked for a new one (2) ___: he looked at newspaper adverts and searched on the internet. Then he decided to start his own
office. It’s only a 10-minute walk from our house, so he doesn’t need to (3) ___. He’s really pleased with his decision to become
self-employed and since he started his own business, he (4) ___ much happier, but also much busier!

1 A has worked B is working C worked

2 A somewhere B everywhere C nowhere
3 A commute B apply C promote
4 A is B has been C was



Here are the results of the survey on free time activities which I have carried out among my classmates. Most of them complain
that they’ve got very (1) ___ free time because of homework and extra activities. Besides, apart from one cinema and some
cafés, (2) ___ a lot of places to go to in our small town. Still, plenty of students like to go out with their friends (3) ___ Friday
afternoons. Also, a few of my classmates think that they spend too (4) ___ time in front of their computers – over 20 hours a

1 A few B small C little

2 A it isn’t B there aren’t C they aren’t
3 A on B at C in
4 A lot B much C many


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing about the hi-fi system which I bought from your online store last Monday. It (1) ___ yesterday, which is almost a
week late. Your website says that in this situation customers (2) ___ a 20% discount. Another problem is that one of the speakers
is (3) ___ – it doesn’t work. I am going to return it to your shop and I expect that you will (4) ___ it for a good one.

With kind regards,

Peter Whetstone

1 A delivered B was delivering C was delivered

2 A are given B give C are giving
3 A overpriced B faulty C refund
4 A afford B order C exchange

Hi Kim,

I’ve got some news I’d like to share with you. I’ve recently joined a drama club in our school.
We’re going to (1) ___ on a play next month. It’s a science-fiction play which is (2) ___ in the
distant future. The main character is an intelligent robot. Unfortunately, our lead actor is
ill at the moment but we’ll start practising (3) ___ he feels well. I’m really excited about it.
If everything (4) ___ well, it’ll be a great success!



1 A make B get C put

2 A called B set C written
3 A until B before C as soon as
4 A goes B will go C went

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