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1. Many people no longer trust their own ______ memories and commit every detail of their
lives to some digital device or other and are completely lost without it.
A. controllable B. susceptible C. vulnerable D. fallible
2. The dispute was eventually resolved by a(n) _______ decision of the arbitrator.
A. interested B. uninterested C. disinterested D. uninteresting
3. Our company has over 100 branches, ______ in a major urban area.
A. each locating B. the location of which
C. and are locate D. each located
4. The delight in treasure finding doesn’t always ______ acquiring tremendous amounts of
A. dwell on B. poke around C. lay about D. hinge upon
5. Being a ______ entrepreneur, you will have to make a special effort for people to take you
A. fruiting B. budding C. blossoming D. flowering
6. A new generation of performers, _______ those who by now had become household name,
honed their skills before following the same path onto television.
A. no less talented than B. together with talented with
C. along with talented with D. having been more talented with
7. Despite the harsh flow of the stream, she _______ her way through the water.
A. powered B. struck C. directed D. scrambled
8. Global warming has progressed _______ glaciers everywhere are shrinking.
A. too much an extent that B. to such an extent that
C. enough an extent that D. so great an extent that
9. When are we going to get rid of all these empty cartons? They've been ______ up the office
for weeks now.
A. buttering B. clutching C. cluttering D. botching
10. Owning and living in a freestanding house is still a goal of young adults, ______ earlier
A. as did B. as it was of C. like that of D. so have
11. Facebook's shares are ______ after the company launched a new Instagram feature that
will compete with TikTok in the US.
A. holding her thumb B. on high skies C. coming up roses D. on a tear
12. He will be sued for _______ of contract if he does not do what he promised.
A. fracture B. crack C. rupture D. breach
13. My sister was a very _______ woman, one day she would be happy, the next miserable.
A. uncontrollable B. uneven C. temperamental D. dispirited
14. We had _______ cold winter this year, so our heating bills were very high.
A. a reluctantly B. an excessively C. an aimlessly D. a cautiously
15. Henry kept trying to ______ his duties, so his manager told him if he didn’t take
responsibility for his work, he would have to leave the company.
A. beaver away B. clam up C. chicken out of D. weasel out of
16. Sam swore that he would ______ after he figured out that I had started the rumor about
A. fight shy of me B. get even with me C. lie heavy on me D. run afoul of me
17. The spokesperson said the information campaign was a ______ to hide the most regressive
tax in history.
A. red tape B. fig leaf C. book cover D. witch cloak
18. It’s urgent ______ of the problem immediately.
A. the personnel manager be informed B. to be informed the personnel manager
C. the personnel manager is being informed D. informing the personnel manager
19. He says he's been investigating my complaint, but I feel he's just ______.
A. going with the flow B. going through the motions
C. going against the grain D. going along with them
20. They are a real ______ organisation; they are only interested in making a profit as soon as
A. devil-may-care B. fly-by-night C. open-and-shut D. down-to-earth


26. He’d better take the doctor’s advice into consideration since he’s in ______ earnest about the epidemic.
A. mortally B. fatally C. deadly D. gravely
27. Terry ______ into a rage when he saw that somebody had scratched the bonnet of his brand new Jaguar.
A. flew B. rose C. ran D. went
28. Hoping to won a prize for the best costume, Tim dressed ______ with bright red suspenders and a purple
A. eminently B. virtuously C. conspicuously D. obscurely
29. Her rapport with everyone in the office ______ the kind of interpersonal skills that all the employees
A. prevailed B. diverged C. varied D. exemplified
30. The case for an increase in spending on education has been proved beyond the ______ of a doubt.
A. shadow B. hesitation C. suspicion D. shade

31. That old house hasn't been lived in for nearly thirty years, hence it looks so ______ .
A. decrepit B. trashed C. rotten D. derelict
32. I have been back to the doctor three times and he still hasn't ______ the reason for all the pain I
have been suffering from recently.
A. pinpointed B. indicated C. highlighted D. looked up
33. We were all in ______ of the fact that the new manager was our old friend Duncan.
A. surprise B. shock C. awe D. amazement
34. To get his proposal accepted, the Finance Manager had to ______ heavy pressure from colleagues.
A. laugh about B. fend off C. send away D. rose up
35. When several companies showed interest in buying the film rights to his novel, he knew he had ______.
A. upped the ante B. scooped the bag C. caught the fat one D. hit the jackpot
36. His opponent called him a traitor, which really ______ his patriotism.
A. cast aspersions on B. dumped asperity on C. hurled insults D. drew integrity from
37. There is a great deal of pressure in the newspaper industry; editor might work a 12-hour day with no
A. come-down B. letdown C. crackdown D. let-up
38. While backpacking in a quiet, traditional region, I came across the seemingly ______ fast food ads typical
of my hometown.
A. capricious B. elevating C. irritating D. ubiquitous
39. Little did I imagine The Amazing Race would entail long-winded journey and ups and downs ______.
A. aplenty B. inexhaustibly C. profusely D. superabundant
40. The rumor that his job was in jeopardy caused Pete to ______ with concern.
A. frown B. beam C. grimace D. howl


31. David looked ______ clumsy in his attempt to attract attention.

A. fancifully B. oddly C. absurdly D. reasonably
32. That little man goes unnoticed in the street, but he ______ immense power.
A. swings B. handles C. wields D. practices
33. It was so hot and ______ that day that we couldn't possibly have gone for an outing.
A. moist B. sultry C. frozen D. soggy
34. Over there are the twelfth-century dungeons, ______ hundreds of well-known people were
A. when B. where C. which D. from whose
35. The Queen appeared reluctant to ______her long established privileges.
A. surrender B. relinquish C. discard D. quit
36. Such relaxed days were few and far ______ in her hectic life.
A. between B. beyond C. past D. over
37. Not only is little Johnny's grammar incoherent and his spelling atrocious but also
his punctuation ______.
A. slothful B. sluggish C. heard D. haphazard
38. ______ we extricate ourselves from this with any dignity is anybody’s guess.
A. However B. That C. Whenever D. How
39. He lied under oath in court and was subsequently charged with ______.
A. poaching B. forgery C. perjury D. usury
40. The theory he put forward concerning the origin of species was highly ______.
A. disgraced B. discredited C. debased D. dishonored
41. Could you possibly ______ me at the next committee meeting?
A. stand in for B. make up for C. go back on D. keep in with
42. Her condition seems to be ______. We'll have to take her to intensive care.
A. ameliorating B. deteriorating C. amputating D. imitating
43. The Secretary of State handled the matter ______ and prevented a war.
A. adroitly B. intensely C. abjectly D. slightly
44. He's very whimsical; he does things on the ______ of the moment.
A. brim B. spur C. clap D. push
45. The Conservatives declared their intention of ______ the whole Act once they came into power.
A. repulsing B. repelling C. impelling D. repealing


26. After a month, I will _________ the ropes and won't keep bothering you for help.
A. show B. learn C. get D. finish
27. Among our guests tonight, we are fortunate enough to have the _________ environmentalist Kathy
A. eminent B. notorious C. prestigious D. monumental
28. She remained very cool, calm and _________ throughout the entire crisis.
A. concerned B. co-operative C. collected D. constant
29. As it was getting late, the chairman suggested that any decision be held _________ until the next day.
A. up B. on C. out D. over
30. The bridge suddenly _________ and they fell into the yawning chasm beneath.
A. gave way B. gave out C. gave down D. gave in
31. The charge of murder brought against Mr. Good was _________.
A. dispelled B. dispensed C. disapproved D. dismissed
32. Anna’s friend knew the casting director, so she pulled a few _________ to arrange an audition.
A. ropes B. wires C. strings D. threads
33. _________ to interfere in your affairs but I would like to give you just one piece of advice.
A. It is far from clear B. Far from it for me
C. Far and wide for me D. Far be it from me
34. The power plant can’t be built here, as diggers uncovered priceless _________ on the premises.
A. artistry B. artwork C. artefacts D. arts
35. Politicians often promise to solve all a country’s problems _________.
A. thick and fast B. at a stroke C. on the whole D. of set purpose

1. Jack has been unable to find a job _______ with his ability as an accountant.

A. commensurate B. suitable C. requisite D. appropriate

2. The new teacher has had her share of difficulties with the _______ young students.
A. literate B. boisterous C. diligent D. obedient
3. His friends and family left him in the ______ when he went bankrupt.

A. church B. lurch C. end D. street

4. Tara was really laying it on ______ about her accident at work.

A. fine B. broad C. thick D. thin

5. Were you on the ______ when you said you had resigned from work?

A. wagon B. level C. flat D. town

6. Manchester had several opportunities to score but _______ their chances.

A. spent B. squandered C. scattered D. abused

7. There was absolute _______ when the spectators invaded the pitch.

A. rioting B. rebellion C. turbulence D. turmoil

8. All workers are required to wear protective gear; those who refuse to toe the ________ will have to be

A. line B. lane C. string D. queue

9. Of the ten used cars we’ve seen, ______is worth the asking price.

A. and none of them B. not one of them C. none of which D. which none of them
10. It’s natural for students to worry about whether they will ________ or not at a new school.
A. measure up B. sprout up C. show up D. stand up
11. Politicians are trying to ______ the tension developing among the city’s residents.

A. tease B. release C. seize D. ease

12. You’re looking at the problem from the wrong ________.

A. angle B. aspect C. corner D. point

13. The documents ________ that Fiona was the rightful owner of the estate.

A. authorized B. notified C. testified D. certified

14. Before his act, the magician had to ________ an assistant in the audience.

A. use B. conceal C. plant D. locate

15. In order to give up smoking, you need to exercise great _______ .

A. abstinence B. endeavour C. courage D. will-power

16. The architect was ________ by the challenge of the project, despite warnings from his colleagues.

A. unperturbed B. unflawed C. uninterested D. undaunted

17. He has too _______ to go up to a woman at a party and ask her to dance.

A. much arrogance B. many inhibitions C. many vices D. much intelligence

18. Sue avoids carbohydrates because they make her feel ________ after eating.

A. sluggish B. flawless C. deficient D. withered

19. They waited until the storm had _________ before going out.

A. receded B. descended C. sunk D. subsided

20. Closure of schools took place _________ the wide spread of Covid-19 pandemic.

A. in the context of B. with regard to C. with a concern for D. in consideration of


21. The doctor was_________ about when I could drive again after I had worn a plaster for two
A. sinister B. non-committal C. invincible D. unctuous
22. On the threshold of adulthood, it’s normal for a teenager to go through a period of__________
with uncertainty and many worries dominating their minds.
A. epitome B. acquittals C. attenuation D. perturbation
23. It is important for world leaders to_________ and honor their commitments on global warming.
A. batten down the hatches B. step up to the plate
C. jump on the bandwagon D. go down to the wire
24. As you have matured into a man, stop _________ your parents and go out to find a job.
A. drilling in B. blotting out C. harping on D. battening on
25. Coming home with a broken heart, he sank back on his pillow and fell into a_________, not
noticing my talking to him.
A. rabbit warren B. bottomless pit C. brown study D. heavy going
26. There is no point in challenging Tom in tennis, he is the reigning champion and he will
______with you.
A. mop the floor B. pits his wits C. keep his shirt on D. push up daisies
32. The candidate _________ nervously up and down waiting to be called for the interview.
A. marched B. paced C. strutted D. plodded
27.Those openly _________their wealth show nothing but a shallow mind and a contemptible dignity
of themselves.
A. eliciting B. flaunting C. reviling D. exerting
28. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I accidentally heard of this odd __________ of conversation on
the bus.
A. buzz B. hum C. snippet D. snatch
29. Although the king has abdicated the throne in his son’s favor, he still rules the country_________
A. de facto B. de jure C. de-pronto D. jamais vu
30. Her life at last returned to __________ of normality after such a long period of complete
A. semblance B. vestige C. inkling D. portent
31.James Conrad was described as a(n) _________ explorer who would always be willing to venture
into the most dangerous corners for new discoveries despite all the risks.
A. obnoxious B. staunch C. stalwart D. audacious
32. By the time the traffic jam cleared up, we were pretty _________ off.
A. palmed B. browned C. nodded D. fobbed
33. During the earthquake, the land dropped ________ down to the rocky shore.
A. precipitously B. immaculately C. categorically D.
34. It looks like she’s really _________ with her successful new business.
A. closing a deal B. moving on up C. breaking it even D. raking it in
26. The team defended ______, but the opposition was too strong.
A. ferociously B. fervently C. frantically D. frenetically
27. Without discipline, students may think that they have the ______ to do whatever they want.
A. licence B. autocracy C. prerogative D. dispensation
28. After the fraud scandal, the famous singer had to make great efforts to ______ his reputation.
A. reinforce B. leverage C. retrieve D. salvage
29. After wasting almost a month, we ______ by working from dusk till dawn to meet the deadline.
A. ran ourselves into the ground B. played hard ball
C. rubbed shoulders with each other D. kept our body and soul together
30. The proposed shopping centre has ______ an angry response from local residents.
A. dished up B. given off C. churned out D. called forth
31. Much as I like Literature, I cannot stand my teacher’s voice-slow, emotionless and without ______.
A. inflation B. reflection C. inflection D. infliction
32. I never tell my sister anything because I know she will definitely ______ it out.
A. split B. blurt C. slip D. gush
33. Negotiations went ______, but we did manage to reach an agreement on the contract by the deadline.
A. down to the short strokes B. down for the count
C. down to the ground D. down to the wire
34. The coastguard duties included patrolling paths at the top of high and sheer cliffs - not a job for the
A. faint-hearted B. weak-willed C. light-headed D. bloody-minded
35. There is always a ______ of journalists waiting for the actors and actresses when they arrive at the event.
A. clique B. gaggle C. guard D. legion
36. All the other people at the meeting, without exception, were wearing suits and ties. In my jeans and tee-
shirt I stuck out like a ______ thumb.
A. swollen B. sore C. throbbing D. wounded
37. Dinner was ______, and the after-dinner entertainment was equally exceptional.
A. delectable B. despicable C. voluptuous D. ravishing
38. I bumped into John in Athens and he ______ me before I had time to speak first.
A. accosted B. jarred C. brawled D. jolted
39. No, Mum! I didn’t eat the rest of the chocolate cake - ______!
A. feel it in my bones B. cross my heart
C. keep a straight face D. have a strong stomach
40. My aunt has always loved solitude. So, she would ______ live alone as share an apartment with other
A. as much B. so much C. as soon D. sooner
41. I’m sorry to ______ from your computer, but I need your help.
A. rip you off B. cut you out C. tear you away D. pack you off
42. He said he was going to do the parachute jump, but just at the last moment he ______.
A. chickened out B. rabbited on C. sparrowed back D. lambed off
43. When Mark comes back from sick leave, you’ll have to ______ on what’s been happening in his absence.
A. bring him up B. carry him on C. catch him up D. fill him in
44. Before your children start spending most of their free time in front of the television or computer, ______.
Encourage them to read!
A. clip it in the bloom B. curb it in the shoot C. check it in the sprout D. nip it in the bud
45. They have terrible management. But if they could ever ______ together, they would be an unbeatable
A. set their show B. get their act C. put their play D. do their number

26. The job wasn’t giving the ______ of the experience he wanted.

A. width B. depth C. length D. breadth

27. I suppose I could ______ advertising.

A. catch on B. get out of C. go in for D. work out

28. The storm ripped our tent to ______.

A. slices B. shreds C. strips D. specks

29. The ______ of two houses prove such a financial burden that they were forced to sell one.

A. upshot B. upkeep C. uproar D. upsurge

30. In his student days, he was as poor as a church ______.

A. beggar B. miser C. mouse D. pauper

31. Harry doesn’t ______ to great fame and fortune, he just wants to make a decent living.

A. crave B. hanker C. yearn D. aspire

32. I wrote to them a fortnight ago but ______ I haven’t had a reply.

A. as yet B. these days C. so long D. just now

33. I couldn’t stop myself from ______ with boredom during the lecture.
A. sighing B. gasping C. panting D. blowing

34. She didn’t show even a ______ of emotion when the court found her guilty.

A. gleam B. wink C. flicker D. flash

35. It’s not surprising that he became a writer because he always longed to see his name______.

A. in type B. in print C. in letters D. in edition

36. The police are looking into new ways of ______ major crime.

A. contending B. wrestling C. combating D. striving

37. The technological and economic changes of the 19 th century had a marked ______ on workers.

A. cause B. effect C. impact D. consequence

38. The first sign of vitamin A disorder is night ______.

A. loss of sight B. lack of vision C. invisibility D. blindness

39. The ______ are against her winning a fourth consecutive gold medal.

A. chances B. bets C. prospects D. odds

40. References can have a considerable ______ on employment prospects.

A. cause B. decision C. weight D. bearing


26. The boy who was caught _____ candy or little toys many times but was never punished by his
mother grew up to be a thief.
A. snitching B. burgling C. ransacking D. pilfering
27. Some students attempted to _____ the teacher while the others prepared the surprise birthday
party for her.
A. stall B. haul C. swathe D. wane
28. Getting into the third round of 2022 World Cup is a real _____ for the Vietnam national team.
A. coup B. deed C. epic D. crusade
29. The luxurious office accentuated the manager's position _______. It enhanced his power and his
sense of his own worth. Also, it made other people feel small.
A. on the pecking pole B. in the nibbling line
C. at the nipping post D. in the pecking order
30. Of course we all love a better-quality fridge, but for a low-income family like us, it’s better to cut
your _____ according to your cloth.
A. cloak B. coat C. clothes D. gloves
31. The number of people traveling by air has been growing _______.
A. by leaps and bounds B. from time to time
C. slow but sure D. by hook and crook
32. My boyfriend refused to climb up the treetop with me because he doesn’t have a _____ for
A. heart B. head C. soul D. foot
33. I have received many warnings about my studies recently and was threatened to be grounded by
my parents, another low grade this time will be _____ to me.
A. the last straw B. the final nail in the coffin
C. the parting shot D the drop in the bucket
34. I thought willpower was enough to take me to the finish line, but when my muscles got sore and
my body was exhausted, I knew I had _____.
A. hit the deck B. hit the sack C. hit the wall D. hit the roof
35. He was brought up in an educated family but hanging out with the street children has turned him
into a(n) _____ young man with bad manners.
A. uncouth B. profane C. impious D. stoic
36. Demand for the product is expected to peak five years from now and then to ____.
A. taper off B. fall down C. set back D. drift away
37. During the evening football match the stadium was illuminated by ____.
A. spotlights B. flashlights C. highlights D. floodlights
38. The noise from the unruly fans celebrating their team’s victory didn’t _____ until early in the
A. shut off B. give away C. let up D. fall over
39. The modification has been the ____ on the cake for both of us, for a lot of hard work has gone in to
the design and development of the course.
A. chilling B. cooling C. freezing D. icing
40. She expects the political experience gained in this election will stand her in good ____ in her
future career, which, she suggests, could include another campaign.
A. footing B. grounding C. precedent D. stead
41. Don’t be taken in by his lying, ______ words
A. slack B. scrupulous C. treacherous D. feeble
42. Following years of intense training, the accomplished athlete ______ the medal triumphantly.
A. took off B. went off C. ran off D. carried off
43. Getting up at 8 o’clock was early by her ______
A. reasons B. standards C. limits D. levels
44. There’s nothing to ______ as it’s a general knowledge quiz.
A. come round to B. face up to C. swot up on D. come up with
45. I had an ambition of getting the First prize in the National Contest, but I knew it was just _____ in
the sky.
A. pig B. star C. buffalo D. pie

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