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This issue is sponsored by Cois Chlair Shopping Centre and RaItery`s Centra

Claregalway Agricultural
Show Photos
Editorial 3
Head Lice +
Letter to the Editor 5
Claregalway Church
!nformation Page 9
Special News 10
Portraits from Nwandi" 13
CRH Road Race success 1+
Don't Let Anything
Stand in the Way of Your
Debut Album released by
Claregalway Native
Useful Telephone
Oranmore Library 19
Sunday Afternoon Tea
Dancesfor Older People
Never Get Old 20
Carl Gene - Heavenly
Nuacht Chlair JulyfAugust
Crossword Solution
Nuacht Chlair September
Ve|ame 1t, |ssae 1 8eptem|er t001 I|e WeWs|etter fer t|e ||arega|Wa/|aramere rea
SenuLor IdeImu HeuIy Eumes Ius
weIcomed LIe meeLIng oI LIe Ine GueI
purIIumenLury purLy LIInk-In Lo GuIwuy
on SepLember 11LI & 1zLI (RudIsson
HoLeI). 'As u new OIreucILus member
um deIIgILed LIuL LIe purIIumenLury
purLy ure meeLIng In GuIwuy. L Is
mosL especIuIIy weIcome In IIgIL oI
LIe SIunnon crIsIs und ILs ImpucL on
busIness und LourIsm In LIe WesL oI
reIund. Endu Kenny Ius conhrmed Lo
me LIuL we wIII be usIng LIe meeLIng Lo
IormuIuLe u moLIon on LIe SIunnon crIsIs
Lo Luke onLo LIe oor oI LIe DuII und LIe
Seunud. TIIs Is very weIcome news, suId
Sen. HeuIy Eumes.
oIIowIng u serIes oI meeLIngs uLLended
on rIduy IusL wILI busIness InLeresLs,
Aer Ingus workers und LIe Bourd oI
SIunnon AIrporL, IL Is cIeur Lo me LIuL
unIess LIe govermenL ucLs Lo proLecL our nuLIonuI InLeresL In SIunnon we
ure puLLIng worId cIuss jobs, busIness und LourIsm uL rIsk. We ure LuIkIng
mussIve rIsk Iere, IIveIIIoods und IIgI-vuIue jobs LIuL were creuLed Lo sLuy
compeLILIve. Our moLIon wIII be In LIe Iorm oI u prIvuLe members` resoIuLIon
wIIcI wIII cuII LIe members oI LIe governmenL Lo uccounL In LIe DuII und
LIe Seunud. TIere Is IILLIe poInL In LIe z% sIureIoIdIng beIng kepL by LIe
governmenL unIess LIey pIun Lo use IL Lo proLecL our InLeresLs. TIIs Is no
Ionger u wesL oI reIund wIInge, IL Is u nuLIonuI Issue. BeurIng In mInd LIuL
LIe Bourd oI Aer Ingus Ius suId LIuL LIe HeuILIrow sIoLs ure more suILubIe
Ior Iong-IuuI, II LIe governemenL doesn`L ucL now IL Is quILe IIkeIy LIuL LIe
HeuILIrow sIoLs In Cork, DubIIn und BeIIusL wIII uIso be uL rIsk. Down LIe
IIne we muy be IookIng uL un rIsI uIrIIne IoreIgI-bused, suId SenuLor HeuIy
TIIs Is u nuLIonuI crIsIs und LIe -Ied governmenL oI LIe duy musL be cuIIed
Lo uccounL Ior wIuL Is governmenL poIIcy. GovernmenL poIIcy on LIe nuLIonuI
uIrIIne und on regIonuI deveIopmenL. Our moLIon wIII see wIere LIeIr
uIIegIunce IIes: wILI Aer Ingus wIo wunLs Lo Ieuve LIe WesL oI reIund or
wILI LIe peopIe und LIe worId cIuss busIness oI LIe WesL. ocuI governmenL
TDs wIII Iuve Lo sLund up und be counLed, suId SenuLor HeuIy Eumes.
Counoillor lidelma ealy Lames
Feund at Lakevlew
Blcyle, en 1hursday Aug. 16th
Fer detalls 1el. 091 199258
Bonny Baby Martina llaherty with her mother Brenda and 3how ueen Miohelle uinn.
winner of the Connemara 2year old lilly Class Padraig uirke, Corbally,
Cummer piotured reoeiving the Miohael Lenihan Memorial Cup from
Margaret and Mary Lenihan with 1udges Uudley Nee and 1aokie walsh.
winner of the Claregalway Parish
Uog Class was 1aok Roohe
Phetes by 1rlsh Ferde
Page t Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001
Page t
TIe vIIIuge oI CIureguIwuy Is sLIII reeIIng Irom LIe LrugIc deuLI oI IocuI womun EIIeen O`HuIIorun oI
SummerheId, CuIergowun. EIIeen wus u keen wuIker und un ouLdoor person. SIe Ioved LIe gurden und
spenL muny un Iour LendIng Lo Ier sIrubs und owers. A IoL oI swuppIng wus done wILI gurden cuLLIngs
umongsL LIe neIgIbors. PudruIg und EIIeen were u very devoLed coupIe und Iud u cIose IumIIy unIL wILI
MurIun, DuvId, EIIeen und SIIrIey. TIey were exempIury grundpurenLs Lo NuLusIu und CuoImIe und oILen
Ieurd EIIeen LuIk ubouL Ier Lwo grundcIIIdren wILI prIde und Iove. TIey purLIcIpuLed In LIeIr educuLIon und
IoIIowed uII LIeIr sporLIng ucIIevemenLs - uIwuys on LIe sIdeIInes IookIng on. EIIeen Ioved Ier dogs und on
LIe duy oI Ier deuLI sIe wus wuIkIng Ier grundduugILer`s IILLIe puppy. SIe wus kIIIed wILIIn u IuII mIIe oI
Ier Iome on LIe Iurd sIouIder wIIcI Iud been nurrowed In recenL LImes. BuL EIIeen wus u conscIous roud
user und muny u LIme we dIscussed LIe sLuLe oI LIe rouds und Iuck oI IooLpuLIs, eLc. WIII unyLIIng Iuppen
now or wIII more IuLuIILIes Iuve Lo occur? TIe need Ior proper InIrusLrucLure In CIureguIwuy Is vILuI buL our
needs ure noL beIng meL. TIe need Ior u bypuss Is more vILuI sLIII buL uguIn our voIces ure noL beIng Ieurd.
How mucI more IobbyIng cun one do? WIuL does IL Luke? TIe Bypuss CommILLee Iuve puL In Lremendous
work In IIgIIIgILIng LIe need Ior u bypuss over LIe pusL Iew yeurs buL LIeIr eIIorLs seem Lo be sIeIved. WIy?
SIncere sympuLIy Is expressed Lo PudruIg, MurIun, DuvId, EIIeen, SIIrIey, NuLusIu und CuoImIe on EIIeen`s
LrugIc deuLI. Ar heis Go Ruibh u h-Anum dilis.
Until next time, Josette.
winner of the Champion loal of the3how Padraig lolan, lnverin reoeiving the Paul
lleming Memorial Cup from Celia and 3tella lleming
Clare MoManus and her Uad Philip, Claregalway.
Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001 Page
Prescriptions - Photography - Roc - Vichy - Bourjois
Veterinary - Perfumes - nstant Passport Photos - Gift Vouchers
Claregalway, Co. Galway
Tel/Fax: {091} 799754 V.A.T. No. E 8286400
nIesLuLIon wILI Ieud IIce Is common und uIIecLs scIooIcIIIdren usuuIIy uL uges Lo 11
yeurs. GIrIs ure more IIkeIy Lo be uIIecLed LIun boys. TrunsmIssIon Is by Ieud Lo Ieud
conLucL, us LIe IIce cunnoL y or jump buL cun cruwI quIckIy. SIurIng oI personuI ILems
sucI us brusIes, combs or IuLs cun possIbIy spreud LIe Ieud Iouse. SIuven Ieuds und IuIr
geIs ucL us u pIysIcuI deLerrenL. LcIIng Is LIe mosL common sympLom, LIe Iouse Ieeds by
suckIng bIood und InjecLIng suIIvu, LIus cuusIng un ILcI. TIe Ieud Iouse Is u puIe reddIsI-
brown InsecL; mosL InIesLuLIons consIsL oI Iess LIun 1o IIce. A hne-LooLIed comb sIouId be
used Lo uId deLecLIon oI IIve IIce. SpecIuI uLLenLIon sIouId be puId Lo LIe ureu neur LIe eurs
und nupe oI LIe neck wIere mosL oI LIe eggs ure IuId.
L Is upproprIuLe Lo sLurL LreuLmenL us soon us possIbIe uILer LIe dIugnosIs Ius been
mude. TIere ure Lwo busIc LreuLmenL opLIons Ior wIIcI LIere Is some scIenLIhc evIdence
oI eIhcucy: (1) LopIcuI InsecLIcIdes, e.g. MuIuLIIon, permeLIrIn und pIenoLIrIn, und (z)
weL combIng. HerbuI producLs conLuInIng Leu Lree oII, buLLery powered combs und oLIer
sIumpoos ure uIso used Lo IeIp LreuL und prevenL InIesLuLIon.
WeL combIng used In uddILIon Lo InsecLIcIdes provIdes LIe besL uLLuck on un InIesLuLIon.
TIe ruLIonuIe beIInd weL combIng Is LIuL IIce do noL move Lo unoLIer IosL wILIIn ; duys oI
IuLcIIng und do noL reproduce wILIIn 1o duys oI IuLcIIng. TIereIore, II uII young IIce ure
combed ouL wILIIn u Iew duys LIe InIesLuLIon cun be erudIcuLed. L Is done wILI weL IuIr und
udded IubrIcunL (e.g. IuIr condILIoner.) und conLInued unLII no IIce ure Iound. CombIng Is
repeuLed every LIree duys und sIouId be conLInued Ior Lwo weeks uILer InILIuI InIesLuLIon Is
John Duffg MPS1. Cloregoluog phormocg. op1-;pp;gq
Open lote Mondog to 1ridog pom to Spm.Sot.pom to o.jopm.
Page 4 Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001
Page 4
WIy Is LIere no movemenL Ior u bypuss oI CIureguIwuy?
A bypuss oI CIureguIwuy wus promIsed by LIe ProgressIve DemocruLs In LIe run up Lo LIe eIecLIon.
TIere ure ,ooo LruIhc movemenLs In CIureguIwuy every duy. Muybe more. TIere Is no wuy LIIs
LruIhc cun be uccommoduLed eIhcIenLIy und suIeIy LIrougI LIe vIIIuge. OLIer proposuIs ure onIy
u smoke screen Ior noL provIdIng u bypuss. New LruIhc IIgILs und u bus corrIdor (QBC) ure now
pIunned Ior CIureguIwuy.
Jonction Lights: TIe IIgILs uL Curnmore cuLer Ior upprox. 8,ooo LruIhc movemenLs duIIy.
MurLIn uveIIe, GuIwuy Co.CouncII, Ius sLuLed LIuL sucI u sysLem couId noL cuLer Ior ,ooo. As IL
Is, deIuys occur uL Curnmore cross wIen LruIhc Is Ieuvy.
IgILs go Irom green Lo orunge Lo red. TIere Is u deIuy boLI wuys on LIe orunge. How couId LIIs be
quIcker LIun LIe presenL voIunLury hILerIng sysLem.
Pedestriun lights: ucLorIng In pedesLrIuns InLo u new IIgILs sysLem wouId sIow LIIngs even
IurLIer. WIuL ure LIe pedesLrIuns supposed Lo do? TIere Isn`L room Ior u IooLbrIdge - wIere
wouId IL go, Irom LIe CIurcI grounds InLo HugIes cur-purk? And wIo wouId use IL?
QBC: Hus u sLudy been done on Iow muny peopIe mIgIL use buses, even II LIey were uvuIIubIe?
Are LIere purk und rIde IucIIILIes, unywIere? WIuL concern Ius been gIven Lo Iouses on LIe Iurd
sIouIders LIuL wIII become busIunes? How wIII IncomIng buses guIn precedence over curs uL LIe
brIdge, more IIgILs?
Iootpuths: WIere wIII LIe proposed IooLpuLIs hL? I LIere ure bus Iunes und IooLpuLIs, wIere
wIII LIe LruIhc hL?
C million now reporLedIy uvuIIubIe Ior IIgILs, IooLpuLIs, QBC eLc. wIII be IosL II noL used
ImmedIuLeIy, we ure beIng LoId! So! WIy wusLe money on wIuL obvIousIy won`L work? L Is
beyond compreIensIon LIuL LIe exIsLIng roud wIdLI und sLrucLure, LIuL cunnoL now cope wILI LIe
LruIhc, cun be mude Lo uccommoduLe bus corrIdors, IooLpuLIs us weII us LIe LruIhc!
The solotion: A bypuss wIII Luke mosL oI LIe LruIhc ouL oI LIe vIIIuge. EveryLIIng eIse wIII
IoIIow. TIere Ius been u consIderubIe umounL oI deveIopmenL wILIIn LIe vIIIuge ureu. evIes on
LIese deveIopmenLs were puId Lo LIe CounLy CouncII und sIouId be more LIun udequuLe Lo provIde
IooLpuLIs, IIgILs, eLc.
L wouId be very InLeresLIng und perIups IIIumInuLIng Lo Ieur:
WIuL Is NoeI GreuIIsI`s posILIon on u bypuss now LIuL LIe sIgns wILI eIecLIon promIses ure gone?
WIy Is LIe CIureguIwuy CommunILy DeveIopmenL AssocIuLIon promoLIng QBC und noL pusIIng Ior
u bypuss hrsL?
WIuL Is LIe CIureguIwuy Bypuss AcLIon Group doIng, II unyLIIng?
TIere Is onIy one unswer Lo LIe LruIhc probIem und LIuL Is Lo remove IL Irom LIe vIIIuge.
MudeIeIne Iunugun, ukevIew EsLuLe, CIureguIwuy.
Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001 Page 5
Page 5
At Claregalway Agrioultural
3how was the winner of
Reserve Champion 3heep
of 3how 0erry and Miohael
Killilea, Cregoarragh. Also
piotured are oommittee
members 1oe Uavin,
1ohn Brennan, Patriok
larraghetr and 1udge
Paddy Broderiok.
Members of the Burke, walsh
and Coyle families from
Claregalway, with Cody the
dog, attending the show
winner of the lrish Uraught
Mare Class 1homas 1oyoe,
Caheerlea reoeiving the
Margaret Cunnibngham
memorial Cup from Mary
linnerty at Claregalway
Agrioultural 3how.
Phetes by 1rlsh Ferde
Page Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001
Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001 Page 1
Page 1
Sonduy Musses: SuLurduy: ;.o p.m.
Sonduy: q u.m. & 11 u.m.
Weekduys: Monduy - SuLurduy: q.o u.m.
Additionul Muss Iriduy: ;.o p.m.
ConIessions: ; - ;.o p.m. on SuLurduys.
Buptisms: 1sL & rd Sunduys oI LIe monLI uL 1z.o p.m.
Cunon Noel Mollin: TeI: ;q81oq
Purish Secretury: Teresu Puyne.
Telephone: oq1-;q8;q1
Imuil: cIureguIwuypurIsIeIrcom.neL
TIe OIhce Is sILuuLed In LIe CuruLe`s House, besIde Cunon`s MuIIIn`s Iouse.
OIce Hoors: 1o.oo u.m. Lo 1.oo p.m. Monduy Lo rIduy.
AII requesLs Ior BupLIsm und ConhrmuLIon CerLIhcuLes, AnnIversury Musses und oLIer Muss
bookIngs sIouId be mude dIrecLIy Lo LIe SecreLury durIng oIhce Iours.
Lems Ior LIe CIurcI NewsIeLLer sIouId uIso be Iunded In or pIoned Lo LIe OIhce. TIe deudIIne Is
mIdduy on Wednesduys.
Laura, 3hane and Aoife Mough from Claregalway with 1oby and 3tephanie Conquest from
London at the Claregalway Agrioultural 3how. 3KRWRE\7ULVK)RUGH
Page Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001
NuucIL CIIuIr Is pubIIsIed us u servIce Lo LIe communILy und Is pubIIsIed compIeLeIy voIunLurIIy
by u commILLee. L Is un open uccess pubIIcuLIon und wIII generuIIy curry uny muLerIuI submILLed
Lo IL subjecL Lo LIe Iuw oI LIe Iund und edILorIuI judgemenL. TIIs judgemenL Is exercIsed by
LIe EdILorIuI Bourd In order Lo preserve LIe buIunce oI LIe newsIeLLer. TIe vIews und opInIons
expressed In LIe urLIcIes ure LIose oI LIe conLrIbuLors und ure noL necessurIIy LIose oI LIe EdILorIuI
Bourd. n cuse oI error oI IucL we wIII pubIIsI correcLIons wIen we become uwure oI LIem. n
cuse oI unIuIrIy conLrudIcLIng LIe repuLuLIon oI uny person, we Iereby oIIer LIuL person or LIeIr
represenLuLIve LIe rIgIL Lo repIy In LIIs newsIeLLer, subjecL onIy Lo reusonubIe IengLI, LIe Iuws oI
IIbeI und our rIgIL Lo respond Lo sucI repIy.
NuucIL CIIuIr Is pubIIsIed every monLI, wILI combIned Issues Ior JunuuryJebruury und JuIyJ
AugusL und Ius u cIrcuIuLIon oI upproxImuLeIy ;o copIes.
ConLrIbuLIons In LIe Iorm oI urLIcIes or IeLLers Lo LIe edILor ure weIcome und muy be senL Lo uny
member oI LIe edILorIuI commILLee.
CopIes ure uvuIIubIe uL LIe IoIIowIng ouLIeLs: Centru Sopermurket, Hoghes Sopermurket,
Spur Sopermurket, Video Purudiso, Curnmore Stores und Glynn's Centru, Curnmore.
or uny ILems or udverLIsemenLs you wIsI Lo Iuve IncIuded In LIe nexL Issue oI NuucIL
CIIuIr, pIeuse conLucL LIe IoIIowIng: Josette Iurrell {oq1 ,qSqo oS6-q1Sg), emuII:
Deodline: Pleose suhmit hefore the jrd of eoch month
or the zoth in the cose of o comhined issue.
ArLIcIes In rIsI mosL weIcome.
Abbey ResLuurunL
ACS CommunIcuLIons & CompuLers
Bunk oI reIund, GuIwuy SIoppIng CenLre
CuIIsLu BeuuLy
CenLruI Tuvern
CIureguIwuy AgrIcuILuruI SIow
CIureguIwuy esLIvuI oI Drumu
CIureguIwuy GAA CIub
CIureguIwuy HoLeI
CIureguIwuy eIsure CenLre
CIureguIwuy MedIcuI CenLre
CIureguIwuy PIurmucy
CompunLus Ir
Cregmore ConsLrucLIon Ld.
DecoruLIng OpLIons
GuIwuy Ine oods
GuIwuy GIuss CenLre
GIynn`s CenLru, Curnmore
HugIes SupermurkeL
JPK Gurden CenLre
MurLyn`s ueI
Mury TIornLon & AssocIuLes
NIco`s Tukeuwuy
RuILery`s CenLru
SummerheId Bur
WuILer KIng ConsLrucLIon
SponsorsIIp oI NuucIL CIIuIr Ior one yeur generuIIy cosLs Czoo.
You wIII be uIIocuLed one Issue In LIuL yeur wIere you wIII be enLILIed Lo Iree udverLIsIng.
PIeuse conLucL u member oI LIe edILorIuI Leum ubove II you ure InLeresLed In sponsorIng LIe NuucIL CIIuIr.
Non-sponsors ure weIcome Lo udverLIse. TIe ruLes ure C1oo Ior u Ioll-puge per Issue, Cgo Ior u hulI-
puge per Issue und Cg Ior u qourter puge per Issue. TIose InLeresLed In udverLIsIng sIouId ensure LIuL
LIeIr druIL udverLIsIng copy Is Iodged wILI us uL LIe deLuIIs ubove beIore LIe deudIIne.
Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001 Page 9
Page 9
WeddIng congruLuIuLIons Lo Isu McGovern, Curnmore und MIcIueI ILzsImmons, Co. Cuvun, on LIe
zqLI AugusL.
WeddIng congruLs uIso Lo EsLIer ong, KInIsku und JoIn NuugILon, MenIougI wIo wed on 1sL
Recent Births
JumIe SIune born Lo SIune & AIsIIng KIng on 11LI June zoo;
Cuden PuLrIck born Lo Gerry & Muureen GreuIIsI on 16LI Muy zoo;
CongruLuIuLIons Lo Bredu und Jumes Concunnon, MonLIugI on LIe bIrLI oI LIeIr buby son Murk Jumes,
born on LIe ;LI AugusL - u IILLIe broLIer Ior RucIeI und uuren.
CongruLuIuLIons uIso Lo uuru und Gury HIggIns, CIoon, on LIe bIrLI oI LIeIr buby duugILer EIIen, u
sIsLer Ior Juck, MIkey und Gury.
PuuIu Evuns, ukevIew
EIIeen O`HuIIorun, SummerheId
Page 10 Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001
Page 10
G1 lN 5RAP & 1UN UP 1R FUN WA l
New set of classes for September 2007
9.30AM - 12AM
Monday 10
Sept ALLT SWIM LISSONS 11-11.qum C
Monday 10
Sept YOGA @ 10-11am C;o
Monday 10
Sept BOXERCISE @ 8-9 pm C;o
Tuesday 11
Sept YOGA ;-8 pm C;o
Tuesday 11
Sept PILATIS 8.o-q.opm C;o
Tuesday 11
Sept TIIN SWIM CLLB 6-6.qpm Cq
Tuesday 11
Sept WATIR SATITY SKILLS @ 5.15-6pm Cq
Tuesday 11
Sept AQLA AIROBICS ;.1-8pm Cq
Wed 12
Wed 12
Sept AQLA AIROBICS ;-;.qpm Cq
Thursday 13
Sept PARINT & TOLI SWIM 1o.1-1o.qum C
Thursday 13
Thursday 13
Sept Children swim Lessons Cq
Saturday 15
-q yrs 1o-1o.qum Co
1o YRS pIus 1o.q-11.oum Co
TIIN IIT z-pm Cq
AII cIasses run for six weeks and must be booked in advance.
Limited pIaces avaiIabIe and payment secures pIace.
Escope Leisure, Cloregoluog Hotel, Co. Coluog
op1 ;jSzzo
E-moil inIoescapeleisure.com
Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001 Page 11
Page 11
Page 1t Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001
Page 1t
ocuI urLIsL und pIoLogrupIer MuIreud
MorIey wIII be IoIdIng un exIIbILIon In
GuIwuy CILy Ibrury, IeuLurIng Ier recenL
pIoLogrupIIc projecL enLILIed 'PorLruILs
Irom MwundI`. TIe IuuncI oI LIIs
exIIbILIon wIII Luke pIuce on Tuesduy,
11 SepLember, uL 6p.m, und wIII run Ior
LIree weeks LIereuILer.
MuIreud Ius recenLIy reLurned Irom ruruI
ZumbIu, wIere LIe rudImenLury vIIIuge oI
MwundI Is sILuuLed, wILI u subsLunLIuI body oI
work. Her work noL onIy cupLures LIe essence
oI LIe nuLIves` everyduy joys und LrIbuIuLIons,
buL uIso LIeIr InLrIguIng reucLIon Lo LIe cumeru.
TIe urLIsL Ius compIIed upproxImuLeIy LwenLy-
hve sepIu-Loned sIIver-geIuLIne prInLs Ior
exIIbILIon Lo ruIse uwureness oI LIe IursI IIIe oI
LIe MwundIuns, buL uIso, In spILe oI LIuL, LIeIr
joyous und InspIrIng ouLIook on IIIe. DurIng Ier
sLuy In MwundI, MuIreud uIso pIoLogrupIed LIe
IocuI vIIIugers usIng u PoIuroId cumeru, wIIcI
enubIed LIem Lo reLuIn LIe Imuge LIuL wus
Luken. or LIe vusL mujorILy oI LIem, LIIs wus
LIe hrsL pIoLogrupI LIey Iud ever owned.
TIeIr reucLIon Lo LIe cumeru umuzed me, sIe
suId, becuuse LIey IuugIed und smIIed uII oI
LIe LIme, buL wIen In IronL oI LIe cumeru LIey wouId become so serIous uII oI u sudden. AccordIng
Lo MuIreud, IL seemed LIuL LIey wIsIed Lo sIow LIeIr prIde und sLrengLI oI resoIve, wIIcI Is LIe
compIeLe opposILe oI our 'snup-sIoL` cuILure. Muny oI LIe porLruILs ure oI HV-posILIve puLIenLs,
resIdenLs oI Kundeunus (LIe mIssIon IospILuI`s 'OId oIks` communILy), or oI LIe cIIIdren Irom
LIe 'OrpIuns und VuInerubIe CIIIdren` projecL. TIe urLIsL suId LIuL despILe everyLIIng LIey were
umongsL LIe IuppIesL peopIe |sIe| Ius ever meL.
TIe z-duy SouLIern AIrIcu OverIund Tour, In wIIcI MuIreud Look purL, wus orgunIsed by
meunIngIuI LruveI orgunIsuLIon, I-Lo-I (www.I-Lo-I.com). TIIs unIque IumunILurIun Lour provIdes
un unpuruIIeIed opporLunILy Lo IeIp some oI LIeIr mosL dIsudvunLuged peopIe In LIe worId und
Lo work und IIve In one oI AIrIcu`s mosL unspoIIed vIIIuges. DurIng Ier LrIp, MuIreud vIsILed boLI
BoLswunu und NumIbIu beIore reLurnIng Lo MwundI Lo work wILI HV und ADS suIIerers und
cIIIdren wIo Iuve been orpIuned by LIe endemIc vIrus. AL LIe MwundI MIssIon projecL, MuIreud`s
voIunLeer work cenLred specIhcuIIy on workIng In LIe IospILuI`s ouL-puLIenL depurLmenL und LIe
IocuI pIurmucy. MuIreud uIso Iud LIe opporLunILy Lo work wILI cIIIdren In LIe Lwo pre-scIooIs
supporLed by LIe projecL, und puInLed Lwo Iurge muruIs In LIe IospILuI.
MuIreud wIsIes Lo LIunk LIe unreserved kIndness LIuL muny peopIe Irom CIureguIwuy und LIe
surroundIng ureus dIspIuyed. TIunks Lo LIem und IeIIow voIunLeers over C6,ooo wus ruIsed Lo uId
LIe MwundI MIssIon IospILuI. TIe money Is currenLIy beIng used Lo consLrucL u new LubercuIosIs
wurd In LIe IospILuI, uIongsIde muny smuIIer projecLs. MuIreud wouId IIke Lo oIIer LIIs exIIbILIon Lo
LIese peopIe, us un opporLunILy Lo see LIe peopIe Lo wIom LIey guve LIeIr cIurILy.
Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001 Page 1
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Gerry Ryun conLInued IIs wInnIng Iorm wIen Ie won LIe CIure RIver HurrIers A.C. 1o
KIIomeLers (6.z mIIes) roud ruce In CIureguIwuy on SuLurduy. Over 1o runners Look purL In
LIe 1oK ruce LIuL wus sponsored by RoyuI Rock Ld. Ive euro Irom eucI enLry wus donuLed
Lo GuIwuy HospIce wIIcI ruIsed uImosL 8oo euro Ior GuIwuy HospIce. TIe prIze wInners
were: ndIvIduuI men: 1sL Gerry Ryun (GCH); znd RoberL Murseed (CIonIIIIe HurrIers); rd
JoIn Byrne (Muyo AC); Men Over qo: 1sL MurLIn Corcorcun (CruugIweII AC); znd JoIn
MunnIon (CruugIweII AC). Men Over q: 1sL HugI DuIIy (Muyo AC); znd TJ WIyLe (Tuum
AC); Men Over o: 1sL BIIIy GuIIugIer (Muyo AC); znd MurLIn O`DonneII (CRH); Men Over
: 1sL Andrew TuIboL (CRH); znd JoIn O`DonneII (SIemens AC).
Individoul Ludies: 1sL Ann CurLer (ALIenry AC); znd Noreen McMuIon (Muyo AC); rd
MIcIeIIe yncI (GCH); udIes Over : 1sL Ann Murruy (Muyo AC); znd AngeIu O`Connor
(Muyo AC).
CruugIweII AC won LIe men`s Leum evenL (MurLIn Corcorcun, Murk DuvIs, JoIn MunnIon
und JoInny une) und were presenLed wILI LIe Brendun GuvIn MemorIuI LropIy by
Brendun`s wIIe BrIdIe.
Muyo AC were second (JoIn Byrne, BIIIy GuIIugIer, AnLIony Devuney und HugI DuIIy)
und ALIenry AC were LIIrd (BrIun O`Connor, AIun Burke, Seumus GIIIooIey und MIck
Muyo AC won LIe IudIes Leum evenL (Noreen McMuIon, Ann Murruy und AngeIu O`Connor)
GuIwuy CILy HurrIers were second (MIcIeIIe yncI, RegInu Cusey, Jeun O`Connor und
BernIe KeIIy) wILI ALIenry AC LIIrd (Ann CurLer, MurIe HeIIr und GruInne Breen).
Gerry Ryun uIso won LIe zoo; CounLy GuIwuy 1oK roud uLIIeLIcs cIumpIonsIIps wIIcI
were IncIuded In LIe CIureguIwuy 1ok roud ruce. TIe IuII resuILs oI LIe zoo; CounLy
GuIwuy 1oK roud uLIIeLIcs cIumpIonsIIps were: Men: 1sL Gerry Ryun (GCH); znd MurLIn
Corcorcun (CruugIweII AC); rd Murk DuvIs (CruugIweII AC).
Ludies: 1sL Ann CurLer (ALIenry AC); znd MIcIeIIe yncI (GCH); rd RegInu Cusey
CruugIweII AC won LIe CounLy GuIwuy Leum goId meduIs, wILI ALIenry AC wInnIng sIIver
und Tuum AC wInnIng bronze. GuIwuy CILy HurrIers won LIe women`s Leum goId, wILI
ALIenry IudIes wInnIng sIIver.
1ronk Keorneg
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Page 14
vlllage 5rlng Clean u en 5aturday, 22nd 5etember
Bags and Gleves avallable frem the Church Car Park at 10:00am.
Galway Ceunty Ceuncll and CCbA are remetlng thls event.
Chess Lessens re-cemmence ln Claregalway Cemmunlty
Centre en Wednesday 11th Ucteber 2001 wlth Renan buke
Beglnners 5-6m
lmrevers 6-1m
Fer lnfermatlen centact Mary at 091-192122
Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001 Page 15
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Phone: 091-798202 Fax: 091-798989
Email: centraltaverneircom.net
Bar - Lounge - Restaurant - Take Away & Off Licence
View all your sports on our super large screen with surround sound
Ample Car Parking - Ideal for Coach Tours
Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001 Page 11
Page 11
GuIwuy nuLIve JucqueIIne Morun oI CIoon,
CIureguIwuy, recenLIy reIeused Ier debuL
sIngIe, Open Oceuns boLI Iere und In
LIe SLuLes wIere sIe now resIdes. TIe
WesL SLur wInner Ius cIosen Lo donuLe
uII proceeds Irom LIe suIe oI LIe CD Lo LIe
VInce HenegIun benehL Iund.
TIe Iund Is seL up Lo IeIp LIe IumIIy oI
Muyo nuLIve VIncenL HenegIun wIo, IoIIowIng u IuII In LIe SLuLes, requIres consIderubIe
cosLIy reIubIIILuLIon.
TIe song Open Oceuns LeIIs LIe sLory oI LIe NuomI Burburu; LIe GuIwuy Hooker, buIIL
In CIIcugo by rIsI mmIgrunLs und suIIed by hve GuIwegIuns Irom MonLrose Iurbour Lo
GuIwuy Buy, In wIuL wus u grueIIIng sIx-week voyuge. TIe voyuge und reLurn Ieg cun be
Lruced on www.suIIIngsuInLburburu.com und LIose wIsIIng Lo donuLe Lo LIe V.H.B. Iund cun
do so uL www.IenegIunbenehL.com.
TIe CD Is uvuIIubIe now Ior C1o uL ZIIvugo Records und ouLIeLs nuLIonwIde.
ougI George Gurdu SLuLIon ............................................................. oq1-;q81zz
PurIsI PrIesL - Cunon NoeI MuIIIn ................................................... oq1-;q81oq
CIureguIwuy MedIcuI CenLre .............................................................. oq1-;q8o1
TurIougImore MedIcuI CenLre ............................................. oq1-;q;18;J;q;1o6
CIureguIwuy DenLuI Surgery ... oq1-;q8 (www.cIureguIwuydenLuIsurgery.Ie)
CIureguIwuy NuLIonuI ScIooI ............................................................oq1-;q8;zo
EducuLe TogeLIer NuLIonuI ScIooI .................................................... oq1-;q86
CIureguIwuy SLudy CenLre ...............................................................o86-q18z
Plants - llower Beds
Bulb 3owing - weeding
edge 1rimming - Pruning
elps you to oare for your garden
Centact Ullvla en 085-1216011
Page 1 Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001
Page 1
Phone: oq1 ;qz11;
Imuil: orunmoreIIbruryeIrcom.neL
Opening Hoors
Tuesduy .................................. 11.oo-1.oo & z.oo-.oo
Wednesduy ................................. 11.oo-1.oo & z.oo-8.oo
TIursduy ..................................11.oo-1.oo & z.oo-8.oo
rIduy ................................... 11.oo-1.oo & z.oo-.oo
SuLurduy .................................. 11.oo-1.oo & z.oo-.oo
Corrent Sobscription Rutes
AduILsJRenewuIs .................................................................................................................. C.oop.u.
RegIsLered UnempIoyed ...................................................................................................... Cz.oop.u.
uII-TIme SLudenLs .............................................................................................................. Cz.oop.u.
VIsILors ........................................................................................................................... C1.oo weekIy
OId Age PensIoners ....................................................................................................................... ree
CIIIdren ....... ree
Muny oIder peopIe ure expecLed Lo purLIcIpuLe In 'Sunduy AILernoon Teu Dunces` Ior Iun und
enjoymenL LIIs wInLer. TIese dunces ure sLurLIng In LIe CIurguIwuy HoLeI, CIureguIwuy Irom SepL.
16LI und every Sunduy Lo mId MurcI Irom pm-6pm.
TIe muIn uIm oI LIe Leu dunces orgunIsed by HeuILI PromoLIon ServIces, HSE und IocuI communILy
groups Is Lo provIde oIder peopIe wILI u Iun wuy oI becomIng ucLIve wIIIsL uIso meeLIng new
IrIends In u socIubIe, IrIendIy und reIuxed envIronmenL suys PuuI GIIIen, HeuILI PromoLIon OIhcer
VurIous bunds wIII pIuy some oId LIme IuvourILes wIIIe unyone over o yeurs dunces LIe uILernoon
uwuy. ComIng uLLrucLIons wIII IncIude SIIIIeIugI, HeurLs DeIIgIL, CounLry Rouds, CuIIr Sound und
oLIers. Teu JcoIIee und scones wIII be served mId uILernoon. AdmIssIon on LIe door Is C; und uII
proceeds Luken uL LIe door wIII go Lowurds LIe runnIng cosLs.
Teu Dunces ure very popuIur In muny purLs oI LIe counLry und LIey ure very benehcIuI Lo uII
LIe purLIcIpunLs InvoIved. TIe orgunIsers wouId IIke Lo muke LIIs u reuI success us we IeeI IL Is
ImporLunL Ior peopIe Lo socIuIIse, meeL eucI oLIer und Iuve u IuugI In u reIuxed uLmospIere wIIIsL
enjoyIng LIemseIves uL LIe sume LIme.
Everyone over o yeurs Is weIcome und doors ure open uL z.opm eucI Sunduy. We Iope Lo see you
LIere wIenever you cun.
Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001 Page 19
Page 19
Never geL oId, never geL oId
TIuL`s wIuL Ie suId Lo me
WeII `m LryIng Lo uvoId IL-
SureIy you cun see?
BuL LIe sIgns ure LIere Ior cerLuIn
And Ieur IL musL be suId
TIere ure worse LIIngs LIun geLLIng oId
AILer uII- we couId be deud!
YeuI, we`re boLI us deuI us posLs now
BuL LIuL mIgIL noL be so bud
We cun`L Ieur eucI oLIers mounIng
or LIuL we sIouId be gIud.
Our joInLs ure seIzIng up some
Our IuIr Is goIng grey
We`re so LIred und durned decrepIL
We IuII usIeep durIng LIe duy
We boLI weur grunny gIusses
Our eyesIgIL`s gone LIuL bud
We cun IurdIy see eucI oLIer
And we`re probubIy boLI IuII mud!
My Iuce Is IIke u crumpIed bug
Your knees Iuve gone Lo IeII
WIen peopIe cuII Lo vIsIL
We cun`L even Ieur LIe beII!!
We Iuve sLIII necks und Iumps und bumps
TeeLI ruLLIe In LIe Ieud
And someLImes In LIe mornIngs
We cun IurdIy Ieuve LIe bed
Some purLs ure sudIy droopIng
OLIer bILs ure IuIIIng oII
We Iuve Lo cuII LIe quuck ouL
or u sIIIy IILLIe cougI!
TIIs new pIusLIc IIp oI mIne
s IuLeIy pIuyIng up
And LIuL pIuLe In your good urm
Hus benL InLo u cup
You Iuve LIuL Iuncy IeurIng uId
TIuL doesn`L work Loo good
Iuve LIIs IIgI-LecI wuIkIng uId
Becuuse one Ieg`s mude oI wood
My sLomucI Is u Iump oI ub
You`ve IosL your sense oI smeII
L`s noL jusL our oId bodIes
BuL our mInds ure gone us weII
WeII now you musL be sIck oI LIIs -
TIIs IILuny oI our IIIs
`ve goL Lo sLop now unywuy -
L`s LIme Lo Luke our pIIIs!
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Page t0
BeuuLIIuI nosLuIgIc musIc oI eusy
IIsLenIng IncIudIng LIree oI IIs own
composILIons Is IeuLured In LIIs CD.
Gene Is orIgInuIIy Irom CusIeI Cross
In GIenumuddy. He now IIves In
Cregmore, CIureguIwuy wILI IIs wIIe
und cIIIdren. TIIs cd Is u coIIecLIon oI
reIuxIng und LIougIL provokIng songs
und uIso IncIudes oId LIme IuvourILes
IncIudIng JoIn Denver`s Buck Home
AguIn und LIe LrudILIonuI Lune WIId
Rover. HIs own IyrIcs LuckIe LIe
proIound Issues oI IIIe und deuLI In u
very beuuLIIuI wuy. DehnILeIy worLI
IIsLenIng Lo und us uIoremenLIoned
u nosLuIgIc LrIp down memory Iune
- buck Lo LIe oId LIme wuILzIng. CD`s
uvuIIubIe IocuIIy. Don`L mIss IL, buy IL
- one Lo Iuve In LIe gIove box unyLIme.
Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001 Page t1
Page t1
We need more Goys
und girls !
Will YOL join with os?
I you cun eILIer sIng In LIe cIorus or good enougI Ior one oI LIe Ieud purLs.
Why not give it u try!
ConLucL: Trucey o861;;z1
or AnneLLe ;q;z8
I YOL wunL Lo joIn your IocuI musIcuI socIeLy
Phone Now !
TIe SIow wIII Luke pIuce
rom Wed 1q
- SuL 1;
n LIe Town HuII TIeuLre, GuIwuy.
An extremely impressive
response, all of which appear
to be absolutely correct!
The winner is Agnes Fox of
A simple enough one for
September. Have a try!
Page tt Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001
Page tt
$&5266 '2:1
1 Plaoe of worship 2 Careworn, gaunt
5 unmarried 3 3wampy grass
10 0intment 4 igher temperature
11 Pain, misery 5 Refrained from punishing
12 1o entrap 6 orses
13 Chamfer 7 1ime off
15 Naked 8 3tated a prioe
17 3lim oylinder 9 Urinking toast
19 Avoids 14 lluent
21 0reek oapital 16 Beastly, teroe
22 Ask 18 ills around 21. aoross
23 0rammar 20 0ender
25 oung oat 21 Request
28 Anoient 23 1hin length of oord
30 Mature 24 Conoerning weddings
31 Uoes as told 26 1hree pronged fork
32 3ort 27 worshipper of nakedness
35 vile 28 1hing
36 Responses 29 0enerator
37 lnsult 33 Aria
38 llattened sphere 34 Uonkey (as 0aeilge)
Brian Plaoe,
Crossword Lditor
First correct crossword
opened wins


Please send completed crosswords to: B.D. Place, Woodleigh, Cregboy, Claregalway.
Waac|t ||||r, 8eptem|er t001 Page t
Page t
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